@sautautree Thats what annoys me with the scrappies....they dont consider stripping out good parts, especially when its a common car for rebuilders/modifiers etc - no wonder some wreckers never have what we need cos the scrappies destroy every little bit (and not much of the car is recycled only the metals - so they'd save alot of pollution).
way better than the other video about some other company's shredder that couldn't handle one car. This goes all OMNOMONOMNOMNOM!
@energyflare Bugger off dude, was midnight after a full day at work...
@xionz83 vid?
Thanks for the nightmares tonight!
You mean Maaco?
er det for sent at købe den golf 2?:P
thats awesome
"Pretty please with sugar on it, clean the f ing car"!
what would happen if a put a person in there?
@sautautree Thats what annoys me with the scrappies....they dont consider stripping out good parts, especially when its a common car for rebuilders/modifiers etc - no wonder some wreckers never have what we need cos the scrappies destroy every little bit (and not much of the car is recycled only the metals - so they'd save alot of pollution).
Machine says: MMMMMMMMMMMMH CARS....moments later.........OM NOM NOM NOM NOM!
not me im a belieber and im proud of it!
I left my Ernest: Scared Stupid in that Golf!
reminds me a cow shredder
its like robot wars
Das beste wäre wenn ich einen Shredder hätte der Shredder Shreddert:)
@bumblebee6595 Why don't you spend some of that money on renting a track.
0:45 I see spark plug wires!
its fighting for its life
1:33 A brand new shredder should shred a brand new car.
it's hungry, going to feed it my wife
mě je těch golfíků když to vidim líto....to je jak když vám někdo bije kamaráda..
@Yulaw9460 Chuck Norris? More like Chuck Connors!
*Calls Progressive* Ummmm, yeah will you guys cover a shreded car? Because mine got shreded...So yeah
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas please
Well it still aplies, they havven't improved all that much . . . =P
This reminded me of a cheese grinder
Hey i see a cookie down that crushing device im gonna get it! sssshhshshshhhhchchhshchshshchshhchshcshchs ouch.
Tossed around like NOTHING!!
I can't watch this...
put jedward in there
Im just not that fond of german cars, im just trashing them a bit, dont put to much into it . . . ;)
Notice how quickly the vw gets eaten compaired to other brands, german poor quality garbage . . . =P