George Zimmerman Trial for Trayvon Martin Death: Tracy Martin Says World Turned Upside Down

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • George Zimmerman's defense called Tracy Martin to the stand, suggesting he changed his story.
    For more on this story, click here:

Комментарии • 149

  • @azcardsphxsuns4433
    @azcardsphxsuns4433 11 лет назад +1

    so if trayvon wasn't breaking any laws and he is approached by stranger, doesn't trayvon have the right also to defend himself if he feels threatened?

  • @sonjafreshman3334
    @sonjafreshman3334 7 лет назад +2

    I don't known what the world is coming to with so must evil in it.

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    i agree about the knocked out thing - and that it's natural for a person to do whatever it takes to survive if they feel in fear for their life... but i absolutely don't consider it an act of self-defense if you kill somebody because you suddenly find yourself losing a confrontation that you instigated.

  • @foorankoo9274
    @foorankoo9274 11 лет назад

    Whether he's acquitted or not... Zimmerman was entirely in the wrong. If he's not found guilty, it does not mean he's innocent of murder. This case does not require critical thinking.... you can feel the wrongness perpetuated by Zimmerman and a poor black kid had to die because of Zimmerman's twisted paranoia

  • @CalLady79
    @CalLady79 11 лет назад

    Exactly right.

  • @PensFan30
    @PensFan30 11 лет назад

    How do you know Martin didn't attack Zimmerman? The more I hear about this kid, the more I'm convinced he's the type of person who isn't afraid of resorting to violence.

  • @domonk7450
    @domonk7450 11 лет назад

    He doesn't HAVE to obey the operator, the operator can only ADVISE one of the defenses witnesses testified this being law, i think it was the self defense expert/ex cop

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    ETA: He didn't. He called the police - like he had some 40+ times before - then he got out of his vehicle and followed because he was an overzealous....
    *I have no problem w/him calling the police on somebody he thought seemed suspicious. I have a problem w/following, then approaching somebody who's not actually committing any crime.

  • @ventura433
    @ventura433 11 лет назад

    No The police officer Told him not to follow TM, but he ignored the officer.
    You do not confront anyone without any logical reason and walking through the neighborhood is not reason enough specially if you are not a police officer.

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    the police handle it, like the 911 operator - adults who are trained to stay calm and provide potentially panicked callers w/rational advice - advised GZ to.
    He didn't. He called the police - like he had some 40+ times before - because he was an overzealous, irrational, wannabe cop, and he ended up instigating a situation that should never have arisen.
    There's nothing right about TM attacking GZ - if that's how it went down, but if GZ had stayed in his car, none of it would have happened.

  • @curtisjones400
    @curtisjones400 11 лет назад

    goggle:"Shooting of Trayvon Martin"-it will tell you about this murder case

  • @lester5192
    @lester5192 11 лет назад

    walking on the street instead of the sidewalk at night isn't harassing people who are trying to drive blocking traffic? some people are coy about being dicks, you never seen that? and people don't generally walk around with their weapon exposed, especially people who act suspicious.
    TM should have called 911 himself if he was being followed instead of calling his girl, he had the opportunity. unless he was hiding something perhaps. GZ called 991, why didn't TM?

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    If you're being followed by some creep - first in a car, then on foot as you try to get away - when you're doing nothing but going home, that is not a normal situation. *That* is harassment.
    And for a teen - for an adult, even - that can be a scary situation.
    I don't expect kids and teens to react to situations with clear-headed logic like an adult would (or should). They haven't reached that point in maturity just yet.
    But GZ, being an adult - should have acted w/a clearer head and let...

  • @mzdial40
    @mzdial40 11 лет назад +2

    Tracy & Family keep ur Faith in God... I Pray 4 u guys. .. Im ur sister in Christ. .. My Family Will Always Remember Trey

  • @ventura433
    @ventura433 11 лет назад

    He was not supposed to confront TM at all!! the police officer told him clearly!! GZ took it upon himself to make that move and he should rot in prison at the least.

  • @nismofury
    @nismofury 11 лет назад

    Had GZs neighborhood not had all those break ins he probably wouldnt be so pretentious. You are saying to the world you cant watch out for your neighbors even when there are break ins with ppl at home...did you not see the newest video of the black guy breaking in during the day then beating the shit out of her in front of her toddler. I would want someone to have an eye out. The ones that dont are probably criminals who want us to drop our guard so they can get away with it.

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    OK, so if GZ was following TM because he saw him walking in the street and considered that to be 'harassing' people - the second TM stepped off of the street onto the sidewalk, that should have ended GZ's involvement, yes? Even by your logic?
    TM should have called 911 - that's what any adult would have done. But since he was already on the phone w/his GF and she (another dumb teen) told him to run, he ran.
    Run does not equal criminal - especially not when you're being pursued by a stranger...

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    how would you feel if some random stranger approached you - while you were minding your own business, in a place you had every right to be at - and demanded to know what you were doing?
    as an adult, would you answer them respectfully - provide that random stranger with your name, address and offer to show your id? or would you be peeved and annoyed that some random non-cop thinks they have the right to police you in your own neighborhood?
    but you expect more from a teen?

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    It was at ~7pm right? That's not so incredibly late that I'd assume he was up to no good - especially knowing that there's a convenience store within walking distance.
    TM had a right to go get a snack and walk home without being followed - first in a car, then on foot - by a strange, suspicious-looking man. As a teen, don't you think that probably scared him? Which is why he tried to get away - and why he thought he needed to defend himself from the creepy stranger that followed and approached?

  • @pennysmurf
    @pennysmurf 11 лет назад

    The thing about it, if it was Zimmerman screaming, you would have heard him still wigging out after the gun was fired. ..a few omg"s and expletives would have followed due to the gravity of the near death experience. But as the gun fired, the screaming cut instantly...

  • @nismofury
    @nismofury 11 лет назад

    Contradiction. Its natural for someone to do whatever to survive when in fear for their life... bcuz someone starts something they cant feel that way even when they are losing?

  • @curtisjones400
    @curtisjones400 11 лет назад

    i don't think Zimmerman should have called the police-we once caught a guy that had broke into someone's home-we called the police and they caught the guy as he was trying to leaving the apartment-i think he should have just kept a safe distance-and sit back and see if Martin was really trying to do a break-in-then call 911-then Martin would still be alive and Zimmerman would done what neighborhood watch expected him to do-i am quite sure the cops would respond promptly in a Gated Community

  • @lookingforachange
    @lookingforachange 11 лет назад

    But Zimmerman wasn't wearing any type of clothing to identify himself as a neighborhood watchman. Why would Trayvon have to prove to Zimmerman that he was not a thug, or trying to break into someone's home if Zimmerman didn't have to prove to Trayvon that he was part of the community neighborhood watch. For all we know Zimmerman could have been casing the neighborhood looking for an opportune moment to break into someone's house. I believe this was a very unfortunate circumstance

  • @jdzer1
    @jdzer1 11 лет назад

    I wonder if the city is going to riot again after he is found guilty of committed perjury on the stand,

  • @nataliachavez9650
    @nataliachavez9650 11 лет назад


  • @daviddavis4154
    @daviddavis4154 11 лет назад

    I believe fight started because no one would talk

  • @Runconna
    @Runconna 11 лет назад

    He said he had never heard of the Stand Your Ground law before this happen, then it's turned out he had received an "A" in his criminal justice class, which included discussions about self-defense and that particular law. He also said Travon grabbed his gun but it has now come out that there was zero of his DNA on that gun, and the whole money thing in the beginning.. You should educate yourself a little more about the case before posting stupid shit.

  • @Runconna
    @Runconna 11 лет назад +1

    So being Black = Shady?

  • @NewsSpeakRadio
    @NewsSpeakRadio 11 лет назад

    For what exactly? You don't know what happened. If in-fact it was Trayvon who attacked Zimmerman then should't Zimmerman get justice also? Or do you not believe in self defense?

  • @nismofury
    @nismofury 11 лет назад

    Following someone is not against the law. If you are scared you would run not confront. GZ lost sight of TM. TM had a lead a clear path home. Its pitch black in that area. Would have been easy to lose someone. Ppl who are scared dont confront they run. Ever try to talk to a black teen. They are not the most cordial.

  • @curtisjones400
    @curtisjones400 11 лет назад

    yea-i believe that if Zimmerman was wearing a jacket that said neighborhood watch-they might have just exchanged words and had some of a better communcation and Martin would still be alive

  • @ventura433
    @ventura433 11 лет назад

    Paranoia? Some stranger approaches you with a gun in the dark and you should be cool? Don't be a hypocrite.

  • @sonjafreshman3334
    @sonjafreshman3334 7 лет назад

    I don't known what the world is coming to with so must evil people or person in it smt.

  • @CalLady79
    @CalLady79 11 лет назад

    You see a reality (and your own standard) you created as far as this trial is concerned, anyway. That is not reality.

  • @CalLady79
    @CalLady79 11 лет назад +1

    EXACTLY. Defending yourself....having a reaction (whether it be fight or flight) is NATURAL. And I have been saying the same thing: if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white, Zimmerman's trial would have been done with a quickness and he'd be sentenced in heartbeat. That was Trayvon screaming. The voice was young, it was of someone desperate and pleading (even sounded tearful); that's the voice of someone w/ a gun pointed at them, NOT the voice of someone who only got band-aids on his head.

  • @OccupyMars2035
    @OccupyMars2035 11 лет назад

    I love the fact that not one news agency has mentioned that zimmermins jewish dad is financing everything!!

    • @chadscott8733
      @chadscott8733 4 года назад

      Oh you mean the ex judge father?

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    I can honestly say that I would not offer so much as my name to a strange person who was following me as I headed home. If you're doing nothing wrong, nobody - particularly a non-authority - has the right to approach you and demand any sort of information from you. Not your name, not your reason for being where you have a right to be.
    However, I can also admit that I wouldn't approach/confront them either. I would call the police.
    But I'm an adult, not a teenager.

  • @mackay10
    @mackay10 11 лет назад

    I hope not...Trayvon and his family deserve justice.

  • @Runconna
    @Runconna 11 лет назад

    If Zimmerman is innocent why does keep getting caught lying? Im sure he's not going to Prison but he will never be free

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    "from trouble" being the operative phrase. trouble isn't walking, at a decent hour, without harassing anybody, with no signs of a weapon.
    defending "from trouble" would apply to a situation where you were being followed by a stranger in a car, wouldn't it? particularly if that stranger gets out of their car and comes after you? and continues to pursue you as you're trying to literally run away from them?
    take away color. take away age. just label them as male1/male2 and review the situation.

  • @curtisjones400
    @curtisjones400 11 лет назад

    i always felt that the defense would see how the case was going and the last hand that they would play would be to ask for a lessor charge if it appeared that they were losing the case-either way they covered both bases

  • @JMARTIN1947
    @JMARTIN1947 11 лет назад

    He imagined a lazy, teen thug who was failing in school, also with a propensity for fighting and a taste for reefer who acted furtively, possibly displaying consciousness of guilt, pursuing the wannabe and throwing the first punch, then ground-and-pound because he outweighed the wannabe by 40 pounds. The poor young child felt a bullet fired at point-blank range tear into him and, during the last ten seconds of his wasted life, understood that it was his own lack of character that killed him.

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    No contradiction. I'm saying that I understand GZ doing what it took to defend his life - but that it's wrong to claim self-defense if you instigated the situation.
    I understand him pulling a gun. He followed and approached TM thinking that he could handle whatever happened - when he couldn't, he pulled out a gun and used lethal force b/c he was in fear of his life. Understandable - self-preservation is instinctive. But since he instigated, it can't be claimed as self-defense. Get what I mean?

  • @CalLady79
    @CalLady79 11 лет назад


  • @CalLady79
    @CalLady79 11 лет назад

    Remember the dumb comment Zimmerman made? Something like, "I wasn't following him, I was just going in the same direction." WTF??
    The guy is a liar. He claims he was trying to find a street. There are only THREE streets in that area. How do you get lost looking for 3 familiar streets in an area you live in for years? The guy is chronic profiler & wannabe cop. In the months before the shooting (I think a span of 6 months), Zimmerman called dispatch FIVE times reporting "suspicious" characters.

  • @AZDESERT2024
    @AZDESERT2024 11 лет назад

    LMAO, Do you even know what a Forensic Pathologist is or does.
    This FP is one of the best in the world. His examination scientifically confirmed GZ account of events related to the shooting and GZ injuries. Confirmed GZ injuries could have resulted in death and would be considered serious.
    Ompletly destroyed the Posecutions case and justified GZ use or deadly force.
    Self Defense - justified shooting

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    If you see somebody breaking in to your neighbor's house or assaulting them - heck yeah, riddle their body with holes until they resemble Swiss cheese! But TM wasn't doing any of those things. He was walking. Just walking.
    That's not watching out for your neighbors. That's...Well, I don't want to call it murder, b/c I recognize that GZ was in fear for his life - but it also wasn't self-defense b/c he instigated. Do you think we can agree on voluntary manslaughter?

  • @imagrandpa
    @imagrandpa 11 лет назад

    Trayvon could not have gotten away from Zimmerman???? Comeon!
    If the "little kid" had went on home and eaten his skittles, he'd still be alive
    right this minute!

  • @lester5192
    @lester5192 11 лет назад

    if he does get killed the authorities will be looking at YOU. you won't be forgot either. many people are keeping tract of you now. do you live in the u.s.?

  • @johnshaw7328
    @johnshaw7328 11 лет назад

    If you had a partial brain you would know what nobama did and said. TM flew off the handle and it cost him his life. Not good but absolutely his fault

  • @anakkhas
    @anakkhas 11 лет назад

    Pless you news cut of the forancic avidence?? That is no avedence thar g.zimmerman gulty.. This is media that turn the story.. Zimmerman do the good thing to pritec the neborhood

  • @turnergirl94
    @turnergirl94 11 лет назад

    The is CRAZY everyone know GZ shot down and killed a 17 yrs old child WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @smarterthanthou1953
    @smarterthanthou1953 11 лет назад

    How is that lying?

  • @nismofury
    @nismofury 11 лет назад

    I know exactly what happened. Name fine 1st name. Not a cop thats it. Who would offer id to a non authority thats a stretch.

  • @SteMit_83
    @SteMit_83 11 лет назад

    Sorry for the long reply!
    And thank you for being so respectful in your responses! It's kind of a rarity of YT, isn't it?

  • @lewistaylor9091
    @lewistaylor9091 11 лет назад

    'ABC's Scat Matt Gutman has that story'

  • @NewsSpeakRadio
    @NewsSpeakRadio 11 лет назад

    What if Zimmerman did get attacked? What if the screams where his? If that's the case you are defending a man who violently attacked another man.

  • @johnshaw7328
    @johnshaw7328 11 лет назад

    I agree!! Zimmy is innocent. This is so blown out of proportion by Sharpton and Obama.
    Let the guy go on with his life!

  • @laurenkc96
    @laurenkc96 11 лет назад

    can someone break it down for me please.. im from australia and i didnt hear about this incident

  • @lookingforachange
    @lookingforachange 11 лет назад

    I agree with you 100%

    @DEFACTO9 11 лет назад +1

    Phwahahahahaaa yeah sure.. your told NOT to follow by the police, you utter racist reference, you hve previous in this regard? Thats not self defence that seeking confrontation. No way hes getting off. Murder and life in prison. watch.

  • @thetruth9900
    @thetruth9900 11 лет назад

    Zimmy? What is this Zimmy Crap? And what the hell does The President have to do with it?

  • @Runconna
    @Runconna 11 лет назад

    I've been following since day one, but you said Trayvon was shady, how so was my question..

  • @gionnithomas2356
    @gionnithomas2356 11 лет назад

    Lets stop playing stupid those are not the cries of a grown man,no man screams like that that sound like a child screaming for help and moaning.Granted TM may have been kicking his ass for a moment but something happen to change the tide and make TM start screaming,the experts say it's not GZ voice.GZ is a bully he fought a little kid and when he couldn't handle the drama,since when do people die from a ass kicking,he didn't need a gun just take your lumps since you wanted to start shit.

  • @foorankoo9274
    @foorankoo9274 11 лет назад

    What the hell are you talking about? Why so paranoid? Guilty conscience, perhaps?

  • @landerthomas1480
    @landerthomas1480 11 лет назад

    Vigilante neighborhood watch cop.gz will get aggrevated assault.

  • @williampatrick5329
    @williampatrick5329 11 лет назад

    I'm dying at the trainers comments lmao

  • @Pbalix
    @Pbalix 11 лет назад

    Zimmerman was mexican not white

  • @hoodwinkedbyanangelmichaelfazi
    @hoodwinkedbyanangelmichaelfazi 11 лет назад

    I agree and further more I BELIEVE THE GREAT GEORGE ZIMMERMAN
    & subbed

  • @neals7970
    @neals7970 11 лет назад

    Alive........For now

  • @orphanmonkey1
    @orphanmonkey1 11 лет назад

    I hope, that when Zimmerman walks, They play the theme song from the Jeffersons.."weeell WE MOVIN ON UP!"

  • @lester5192
    @lester5192 11 лет назад

    you're welcome.

  • @komoriaimi
    @komoriaimi 11 лет назад

    Where are those "voice spectrum" analyzers you see in the movies and TV all the time XD

  • @darkwolfa1
    @darkwolfa1 11 лет назад

    this trial is a waste of time

  • @reyisawesome
    @reyisawesome 11 лет назад

    Sadly, the further this trial goes on the more I get the feeling Zimmerman will walk free

  • @CalLady79
    @CalLady79 11 лет назад

    Apparently, you were right there when it happened. I daresay you have made yourself out to be more of a witness than the two in the situation. Give me a break. Zimmerman already had a problem with calling dispatch TOO often, so that is evidence enough to show Zimmerman was seeking trouble and he shot to KILL, not to maim. You are blind and a supporter of murder. Stop replying to me. Or are you going to be like Zimmerman and continue to harass? Go away, dude. Bye.

  • @orphanmonkey1
    @orphanmonkey1 11 лет назад

    and also, didnt a former president come off as a cream puff?? answer: Teddy Rosevelt; "Walk softly and carry a big stick" Nuff Said.

  • @johnshaw7328
    @johnshaw7328 11 лет назад

    I guess "what does the bible say" is open for interpretation. At the end of the day, after all I have heard, and the prosecution tried hard, let GZ go. Let him go on with his life!

  • @marinebigman
    @marinebigman 11 лет назад

    Zimmerman Is Innocent!

    @KiDFRANKKK 11 лет назад

    Too bad, you lose.

  • @ventura433
    @ventura433 11 лет назад

    And I hope he get the same thing he gave to TM, more than likely he will if he Walks.

  • @NewsSpeakRadio
    @NewsSpeakRadio 11 лет назад

    CalLady79... Go watch some Tommy Sotomayor.

  • @ForgeableTwo497
    @ForgeableTwo497 11 лет назад

    free george zimmerman

  • @germandrummer13
    @germandrummer13 11 лет назад

    George Zimmerman is going to be innocent. Lol.

  • @domonk7450
    @domonk7450 11 лет назад

    that grown man is alive tho ^.^

  • @codmohgwbf
    @codmohgwbf 11 лет назад

    LoL no we wont

  • @scott32661
    @scott32661 11 лет назад +1

    Your an albino one...o0 ! hehehehehe!!!!

  • @fuckinwiseguy
    @fuckinwiseguy 11 лет назад


  • @sonjafreshman3334
    @sonjafreshman3334 7 лет назад

    I don't known what the world is coming to with so must evil in it.

  • @sonjafreshman3334
    @sonjafreshman3334 7 лет назад

    I don't known what the world is coming to with so must evil people or person in it smt.

  • @lewistaylor9091
    @lewistaylor9091 11 лет назад

    'ABC's Scat Matt Gutman has that story'