I have worked on some faulty machines that have involved similar dangers as seen here. The biggest difference is I was only at risk for short times, I didn't have to do it and definitely not under pressure. I was always aware of every nip point and what could go wrong. Taking these risks every day and being under production pressure is a sure recipe for a lost finger eventually. Or worse. Let's be honest, it's not "if it happens", it's "when it happens"
find it hard to watch when the kids fingers are that close to the extruder inlet no second chance with machines like that he could use a wooden poker and keep all his fingers
But they weren't raised to be p**sies, so they do what ever it takes to get the job done. As I'm sure you're aware, jobs like this separate the men from the boys.
OMG I used to work on a bigger version of the rolling mill it was called a 60" mill and also worked on its bigger brother an 80" rolling mill, nearly doing what this chap is doing except for that I had safety bars and ppe, I blended rubber on both these mills for the printing industry and the carpet jute industry, only ever saw a very small rolling mill in a lab but never seen a 30" working mill, great stuff, masks should be worn when handeling the sulpher and acceletators to cure the rubber. Even the extruders is a smaller version of the version I had used too. Great stuff......
@@rustyshackleford7082 We had over reach safety bars so if you went too far the machine stopped immediatly and reversed back in case your hand did get stuck, and the machines were a lot lot bigger withover 80kgs of rolling rubber on top and had to blend it by hand through the "Nip" just like this guy, lol how dangerous was that.
I somehow don't think they are worried about the sulphurs & accelerators. They are so primitive, & such filthy environment. Their clothing is extremely unsafe, working around the machines.
This is hard hard work. Something very few people know in western world especially America. This country lives on credit now not the sweat of hard work and large industries.
Who are you kidding when I was young, I worked my fanny off and did it until age 60 when my health caught up to me! Don't think there are that many lazy people in America other than those out causing damage and riots!
Americans would love to have these jobs because they would be well paying and keep them out of poverty. The problem is the boomer generations fucked us because they wanted their free shit from social policies and cheap consumer goods. So they voted for the policies and voted to send our jobs away. Now they sit back with their luxurious pensions and retirements while screaming at the youth of to day need to slave away working for poverty wages for the boomers social security and medicare.
Those kids in third world countries learn more working than ours do spending 21+ years in expensive education just to be taught they have no gender and everything and everyone is racist and their country owes them a living.
My like # 110 Сохранил, чтобы показать внучке. Пусть она знает, как нелегко зарабатывают на жизнь некоторые дети. Мои вам наилучшие пожелания, а первым делом - высоких заработков!
Every radiator hose I have seen had strengthening fibres embedded into the rubber, whereas these had none! The strength and longevity of hoses without the reinforcement fibres can only be guessed at, but I have no doubt that they will not match the Western manufactured hoses which were fibre reinforced. That apart, this was a very interesting insight into how these items are manufactured, with the absolute disregard for the health and safety of the workforce, especially the underage children.
No freezing problem, no anti-freeze, so they use plain water. With just water as a coolant, it can be replenished where and when ever needed. So there is no need to build up pressure. Just let it boil, have a break and fill it up.
My heart stopped when the kid was pressing the rubber into the auger with his whole hand. On top of it all, he was looking around and at the camera with his hand inside the hopper.
Great job guys! They can do a lot with not so much machinery! All that hard work and it seems that they enjoy the work! Happy workers, great production!
@@sammyd7857 India has a long policy that refuses technology to come in to replace labor. It’s across the board in many industries. Because they don’t allow new technology these people are stuck with antiquated processes
Em 1967 eu com 15 anos de idade foi o meu primeiro emprego em uma fabrica de produtos de borracha, foi nessa trefila de extrusão de borracha que comecei na empresa Levorin, Guarulhos BRASIL, sei muito bem o que esses meninos passam depois de um dia de trabalho suado o corpo fica encardido do pó preto que penetra na pele, somente um banho bem quente pra limpar, merecem um elogio pelo trabalho que fazem PARABÉNS a todos.
@@joaopaulojp56 How Radiator Hose Pipe are Manufacture in Local Factory ..... Comment les tuyaux de radiateur sont fabriqués dans une usine locale Come vengono fabbricati i tubi flessibili del radiatore nella fabbrica locale Carane Pipa Selang Radiator Pabrik ing Pabrik Lokal Как шланги радиатора производятся на местном заводе Com es fabriquen les canonades de la mànega del radiador a la fàbrica local Como os tubos da mangueira do radiador são fabricados na fábrica local. para a gente aprender a fazer alguma coisa de util, ao invés de comprar tudo industrializado.
اولا..الله يعطيكم الصحة والعافية..مجهود كبير ورائع تشكرون عليه. ثانيا.. لاحظت ان المعلقين من الغرب يركزون على النقد على عمالة الاطفال والسلامة والخطورة وطريقة التصنيع قديمةولا تصل لدرجة المعايير الصناعية الحديثة. ثالثا..لاحظت المعلقين بشكل ايجابي من روسيا .حيث يثنون على جهود هؤلاء الرجال والاطفال وعلى منتجهم. رابعا..نتمنى ان بكون لدينا نحن الدول العربية مصانع حديثة تنتج مثل هذه المواد كون الامكانات المادية متوفرة...لكن الايدي المدربة شحيحة. شكرا
حتى المواد الخام صعب تلاقيها ف بلداننا العربية عشان تبدا بتكاليف معقولة بينما اكثر المصانع ف الدول الصناعية المتقدمة تشيل بعضها، بمعنى اصح حلقات متصله ببعضها يعني مصنع ينتج خامات المطاط وبجوارة مصنع يضعها في قالب حديد ومصنع ثالث يصقلها على منتج مطلوب لشركة اخرى وهكذا ، لو بدولة عربية تحتاج تدفع تكاليف كل هالمصانع عشان تسوي منتج واحد 🤪
Gotta just LOVE the totally dangerous machinery, open gears, open rollers that probably have absolutely no form of emergency stop. If someone gets totally maimed I wonder if they'll have a video of it?
Ive seen some of the videos out of china, even with modern equipment with emergency stops, everyone just stands around and watches because they were never taught what to do if something like that happens. They just shovel the dead into a wheel barrel and hire a new slave.
That's what United States is all about. We don't still have conditions like 100 years ago. I remember working jobs in 1970s with punch presses with hardly any guards and all kinds of dangerous things.
People do not realize that everything in the world is made from this one rubber mixing machine. It all starts here with this old guy mixing random items he finds in the garbage. One time he was very proud when he made a Big Mac Meal from a christmas tree.
@@quantumleap359 Probably a blend of old oil and lamp black, to make the rubber more plastic, though it also likely contains a lot of BPA as well to keep it plastic.
I have a lot of respect for these kids. They TRULY know the meaning of HARD WORK. They learn at an early age that you have to earn your living and I bet it pays off later in life and they are more prepared knowing a useful trade right from childhood that they can take into adulthood and make a living easily enough from the knowledge they got growing up.
This is the kind of immigrant I want in my country. Not those drug and human running southerners... Good for this guy. These are the kinds of guys that keep the world turning. Doesn't matter where in the world you are, hard work and dedication are universal language.
@@Inkognito0777 Я первый раз, на завод попал, в 14 лет, вакурат сразу после седьмого класса. Кореша батя, начальник, по блату устроил. Ясень квасень, мужики ничего не давали делать, чтоб руки не всунул. Но стоял смотрел. горы стружки . Токарные, фрезерные. Но главное. Это афициальная работа. Пропуск. Проходная на 8 часов. раздевалка, спецовка. И мы такие, перед пацанами. Нам некогда, завтра на смену))) Ну месяц проработали, дело в детской комнате прикрыли. Получили какие то баснословные деньги. Тут уж не помню, то ли 30, то ли 40 рэ. Один хрен мамка забрала. Шо делали, особо не помню. Корефана к сварным притыкнули, мня на механику. Зато курили по взрослому, не бычки, а Приму, с дядьками в курилке.
Да ладно, обрати внимание - пацан прошаренный, пальцы жмет против вращения, чтобы не затянуло. Но так-то да с ТБ у индусов жесткач полный, тут еще можно сказать передовое производство!:)
These people like everywhere include children that for sure they have learned early on how to get food on their table, skilled as they are they would probably never go hungry as compared with other people I have seen, this good and free to me video have made me remember my my own childhood between school and work learning how to understand life the way I do, knowing that even a bicycle, a scooter, any toy and any vehicle as well as the razor on my face is as dangerous as any tool that deserve my fear and respect every day.
@@arifabdul778 the government is a group of plenty of corrupt individuals same with many other organizations, all depends on good adults, not all under age are made to work or to study or to play or to do nothing, many underage love to volunteer for plenty of good that benefit their family and our society .... I always fought those that thought I was made to do this or that and yes sometimes I didn't want to play, study or help and I regretfully did it as I do today when I don't want to work or do what is needed or what my loved ones wants me to do but a man has to do what a man has to do regardless of age, when there is a task to be done all must be part of it..... abuse? Yes, I am against any form as well.
where is the safety, no protection for chemicals, hand a boy dangerously inserting the material into the machine. safety is thrown to gutter. child labour act is not in the country.
Dont worry, the exposed gears and belts maintain a comfortable working condition. Edit: Sarcasm aside... that kid sticking his fingers in the meat grinder... that was hard to watch...
Yeah, I was waiting for the reinforcement to be applied, but it wasn't. Just a textile wrap to fake the look of a mandrel made hose, but this was just extruded tube. I hope that it is at least EPDM rubber! It might hold 2 bar cold, hot is another story! I was in the industrial hose business for 20 years so this was amusing to watch! I hope that guy never gets a hand trapped in that Banbury mixer, because it will take him right through it if he does! They really need to use gloves and face masks or they'll be suffering very unpleasant respritory disease when they are older, usually fatal.
I never realized that the Gates factory was so high tech. And so many safety precautions too. Also, I think I missed the part where they added the reinforcement cords, that would have been interesting to see.
they are overwrapped but no thanks, reminds me of people using space ships for under water diving and being asked how many atmospheric pressures is it good for? well it is a space ship so I would say 0 and 1
Clearly a family business, great recycling ♻️, not alot of health and safety measures on that equipment like covers over the those gear wheels on the rubber mill though, still great video.
There is zero OHS&E happening over there. I was almost moved to tears to see that your boy feeding that extrusion press,, just how close his fingers got to that feedscrew is terrifying!! The open gears on that Bambry mill and the way that guy was feeding the raw rubber in there was beyond belief!! This sort of thing would give our (Australian) "Workcover" inspectors a heart attack!!
Imagine if they were moved to tears over how safe an over precautious we are over everything ........except when it come's to religion,morals ,over indulging ,etc.... Guess it is all perspective ..
@@leor2830 Yeah whilst the Mills rollers won't necessarily drag you in as they have a gap between them, the gears can if they grab a loose cuff. As for the feeder screw it isn't moving quickly and is unlikely to grab a cuff etc. But I agree a H&S Officer would be giving a heart attack watching these.
@@sickproduct Please allow me to address your points as raised 1) Religion - this is one subject that really ought not to be discussed as it has caused more blood to be spilled than anything else throughout history,, and,, everywhere in the world as well ( including India) 2) Morals - Demented and perverted is universal,, it happens everywhere. The only difference is that in the "West" it sometimes comes out into the open,, that sort of stuff happens a lot,, just ask Epstein ( I know that he is dead,, but,, that proves my point) 3) Over Indulgence - I am fortunate in that both my wife and I are working,, but,, if we stop working and there is no income,, the bank will take our house and we will loose most of what we have. Those that are not working over here don't have it as bad as in India, but I can assure you that life is not all "beer and skittles" for them What has really gone and f*cked things up of course is Covid. Were I live, we are lucky to have a first world medical system with the vaccines freely available to all (I am not going to get into a discussion about the persons that choose not to get the vaccine - for the record, I am double vaccinated) . The people in "poor" 3rd world countries ( in Asia, Africa, South and Central America) that do not have access to the vaccine are the ones that I feel for.
People have already commented earlier that this was how America's industrial conditions were 50 to 100 years ago. It was the same in England, Australia, Canada and so on. None of those societies descended into the socialist dictatorship quagmire you are predicting.
@@GOTboost-tl3qi Yes it is, but that are the working conditions an the need for a job, in that part of the video the process is called xtrusion, and the power of the screw could mice even a metal bar.
Technology today and OSHA standards are way above par as seen in the video! I missed t-shirt wording have to watch for third time not good a speed reading!!! Lol
Caught it weird person I bet his wife gave it to him on his birthday and he was so happy, I’m kinda jealous no!!! Is kinda cool watching the best they can do and teaching the you the tricks of the trade who needs fingers or arms I bet they sprout new ones! Really cool process I know could never done a better job!!! Wonder if a newly processed one ever leaks no matters we can make another one
Nice hands on project. If people only knew how tedious it is to produce a product this way. Also, nice to see young people learning the trade. I like the World Peace" on his shirt... We can only work together and strive for world peace. Nice U. S. A. flag on the sleeve. N. E. U. S. A.
Yup, nice video on junk after market auto parts made in a 3rd world factory by child labor. Wait until that kid gets his fingers caught in that screw extractor, I'm sure the workers' comp will set him up for life.
I cringed when I seen that 10 year old kid putting his fingers in so close to that machines auger, I can see that leading to no fingers in the future for him.
I always wonder if it's lack of education, no respect for one's own life or what. I've lived in Asia for a while and and people just don't think of the consequences of their actions. I was waiting for the fathers T-shirt to catch on those rollers.
OSHA would have a field day here. Especially looking at those exposed gears. I was a sheetmetal worker for ten years. That roller took plenty of fingers off. This one runs with a switch. It needs a pedal switch just to be safe.
Very interesting good work practice I just signed up for your videos I am now a subscriber keep up the good work love watching good people do good work and provide a quality product stay safe my friends stay safe 👍👍🇺🇲🇺🇲✌️
*I used to work at a rubber mixing plant and did this exact job, except on LARGE scale and in a factory called Trelleborg lol. We made rubber for most of the tires and car parts we all use today. The chemicals are extremely toxic and funny enough, alot of it looks like hard candies and shit lol, yum yum*
Un saludo y uno mas fuerte a estas personas trabajadoras y al que lo hizo viral .. saludos Amigos soy de Mexico pero vivo en U.S.A saludos desde por a qui.. :D
Работа слаженная,каждый знает что делать!Но дети на таком производстве не должны работать,но может это единственный способ заработка этих ребят!Не могу себе представить моих внуков на такой тяжёлой работе! Удачи всем и здоровья!
Just thank God it's not your kids having to do this work, how would they manage without their Mobile phones and fancy clothes. Total respect to these People making a living and working in hard dangerous conditions. As the old saying goes"there but for the Grace of God go I".
@@wiktorpassatcc976 Не отрицаю, что в рашке остались цеха с оборудованием и технологиями 60-ых годов. Это не говорит о том, что это правильно. В ролике технологии примерно того же времени. Ну с некоторыми дополнительными косяками, естественно
@@TheAmd481 по мне лучше колбасу со сроком годности в 72 часа по технологии 60 годов чем та которая сейчас на прилавках с новыми прорывами и пальмовое маслом
@@wiktorpassatcc976 смотри на состав и не покупай то, что с пальмовым маслом. Да и готовые продукты, в принципе, лучше не покупать. Колбаса появилась, как еда бедняков - обрезки основного мяса, которое доставалась богачам. А в совке из неё сделали культ. Не можешь купить нормальный кусок мяса? Зачем тебе колбаса за оверпрайс?
@@TheAmd481 в том то и дело, не все производители указывают в составе продукции пальмовое масло, а если и указывают, то хер поймешь, что это, для примера - растительные жиры, вот и думай, что это такое. Колбаса появилась для того чтобы разнообразить продукцию из мяса и для того чтобы хранить продукт дольше, раньше домашняя колбаса заливалась жиром и хранилась в погребе несколько месяцев, сейчас в холодильнике хранится не более недели.
Lube the threads on the autoclave, check them for wear, eventually they wear out and under pressure first one fails then the rest door blows of like a bomb exploding hi temp steam and door in your face is not a good day probably your last! Exposed gears, fingers through the rubber mill and the extruder with fingers going close to screw ah. Got to be on your game all the time.
you don't have to go back that far to see the same kind of things in the fifties and forties,I ran a pug mill in 1958 and there was no safety shutoff and all open auger, had to fill by hand all day long,$1.00 an hour and no time and a half for overtime, feeding asbestos fiber and liquid rubber and no respirator or any safety equipment
Ola pessoal. Admirei ver com faz essas borrachas ou seja mangueiras ne? Gracinha dos garotos ja trabalham em fabricação. Muito legal.tem futuro...valeu o video muito instrutivo eu nunca tinha visto antes como fazer. Achei interssante e dificil. Um grande abraço do Brazil. Amo vocês trabalhadores ....
@@marcoaurelioribeiro3235 Pois é, é verdade. Porém lá no Paquistão (acredito que sejam de lá mesmo), as pessoas não tem uma expectativa de futuro. lá é como se tivesse quase um século de atraso
Acima de tudo são jovens que trabalham por necessidade e sem segurança. Como um empresário brasileiro entra no mercado para buscar preço com uma empresa deste porte.....
What amazes me more than anything is that everybody there appeared to still have all their fingers!
I have been thinking the same thing! Also why most of the workers are younger people... guessing they die or get disabled :/
На 13 минуте мальчик с протезом кисти
You guys need to get out of your houses if this surprised you
@@Takster i agree this is disturbing on so many levels i dont know where to begin and I’m a certified Chrysler and GM mechanic
I have worked on some faulty machines that have involved similar dangers as seen here. The biggest difference is I was only at risk for short times, I didn't have to do it and definitely not under pressure. I was always aware of every nip point and what could go wrong. Taking these risks every day and being under production pressure is a sure recipe for a lost finger eventually. Or worse. Let's be honest, it's not "if it happens", it's "when it happens"
find it hard to watch when the kids fingers are that close to the extruder inlet no second chance with machines like that he could use a wooden poker and keep all his fingers
Fingers? Those machines would take entire being. Agree with what you are saying though.
Usually the older brother runs that machine, but all his fingers are in my radiator hose., hopefully they have more kids 🤔?
But they weren't raised to be p**sies, so they do what ever it takes to get the job done. As I'm sure you're aware, jobs like this separate the men from the boys.
It's why manufacturing is done in poorer countries, so big corp can have their fingers in more pies.
@@awestruck9075 no big corp is behind what you see in this video, way too slow and inefficient.
Those kids look so happy knowing they will live a long 20 years of life.
OMG I used to work on a bigger version of the rolling mill it was called a 60" mill and also worked on its bigger brother an 80" rolling mill, nearly doing what this chap is doing except for that I had safety bars and ppe, I blended rubber on both these mills for the printing industry and the carpet jute industry, only ever saw a very small rolling mill in a lab but never seen a 30" working mill, great stuff, masks should be worn when handeling the sulpher and acceletators to cure the rubber.
Even the extruders is a smaller version of the version I had used too.
Great stuff......
His hand is waaay to close to the center of the two rolls for my taste..worked with a guy who had angled hand from doing just that...
@@rustyshackleford7082 We had over reach safety bars so if you went too far the machine stopped immediatly and reversed back in case your hand did get stuck, and the machines were a lot lot bigger withover 80kgs of rolling rubber on top and had to blend it by hand through the "Nip" just like this guy, lol how dangerous was that.
Great story!
I somehow don't think they are worried about the sulphurs & accelerators. They are so primitive, & such filthy environment. Their clothing is extremely unsafe, working around the machines.
The skills of these people are absolutely amazing and they can do most anything with very simple means. Total respect!
Children should receive a proper education... and I believe that work experience is definitely part of a proper education... love to see it!
The most amazing thing is that he still has all his fingers..... 😱
Toxic, very unsafe, and I bet very poor wages bordering on slave labour🤔
This is hard hard work. Something very few people know in western world especially America. This country lives on credit now not the sweat of hard work and large industries.
Who are you kidding when I was young, I worked my fanny off and did it until age 60 when my health caught up to me! Don't think there are that many lazy people in America other than those out causing damage and riots!
Americans would love to have these jobs because they would be well paying and keep them out of poverty. The problem is the boomer generations fucked us because they wanted their free shit from social policies and cheap consumer goods. So they voted for the policies and voted to send our jobs away. Now they sit back with their luxurious pensions and retirements while screaming at the youth of to day need to slave away working for poverty wages for the boomers social security and medicare.
Those kids in third world countries learn more working than ours do spending 21+ years in expensive education just to be taught they have no gender and everything and everyone is racist and their country owes them a living.
My like # 110
Сохранил, чтобы показать внучке.
Пусть она знает, как нелегко зарабатывают на жизнь некоторые дети.
Мои вам наилучшие пожелания, а первым делом - высоких заработков!
При том, что там практически полная безграмотность.
Аналогично, положил в закладки, покажу своему сыну-когда начнёт ныть что вшколе тяжело учиться!
@@uncenzored360 👍
Раньше детей пугали Бабой Ягой
@@fainderskurs-koi8767 мальчики всё же учатся. Ну и богатые, если они не совсем религиозные, учат и дочерей.
Адский труд. Нашу молодёжь бы так к работе приучить, глядишь и дурь бы у них выветрилась.👍👍👍
Please God, bless and protect the children and men working in such unhealthy conditions and with such dangerous machines.
Theres no God protecting any of them but hey if that makes you feel better.
Since you are sure there isn't, did you check?
@@AtaruMor0boshi 😂you,just don't know that ?
God is the one who put them there.
Every radiator hose I have seen had strengthening fibres embedded into the rubber, whereas these had none!
The strength and longevity of hoses without the reinforcement fibres can only be guessed at, but I have no doubt that they will not match the Western manufactured hoses which were fibre reinforced.
That apart, this was a very interesting insight into how these items are manufactured, with the absolute disregard for the health and safety of the workforce, especially the underage children.
No freezing problem, no anti-freeze, so they use plain water. With just water as a coolant, it can be replenished where and when ever needed. So there is no need to build up pressure. Just let it boil, have a break and fill it up.
No Need because nodbody uses radiator cap in trucks here, every 2 hours fill some water and go.
@@TheWasim1977 Thanks for the local input to us westerners. This is exactly how it was made here 50-60 years ago.
The reinforcement layer is wrapped around the hose after it’s inserted on the mandrel. That layer is probably a fabric calendered in rubber.
@@yotarip Tell me that you didn't watch the whole video, without telling me you didn't watch the entire video.
My heart stopped when the kid was pressing the rubber into the auger with his whole hand. On top of it all, he was looking around and at the camera with his hand inside the hopper.
Yes me too... That machine is very dangerous, i would swallow that kids arm in seconds !
Eso si es explotación infantil, al igual q ocurre en nuestra latinoamerica
I guess the kids little fingers don't get caught as easily as an adult. Lol
La sicurezza prima di tutto! :)
It's for the local market and this industry provides jobs. Well done! From little things big things grow.
For the local market,yes, because no one else would want them. Cheep price for cheep product. From cheep little things big engines blow.
Great job guys! They can do a lot with not so much machinery! All that hard work and it seems that they enjoy the work! Happy workers, great production!
Great example of how rubber parts were made 100 years ago. Still works well enough in their economy.
Exactly... sad their government will not allow technology to lift them out of poverty.
@@ryanburbridge what you mean technology that will take his job
@@ryanburbridge who said they won't allow it
At least they don't reply on other countries for their parts
@@sammyd7857 India has a long policy that refuses technology to come in to replace labor. It’s across the board in many industries. Because they don’t allow new technology these people are stuck with antiquated processes
Удивительно. Все пальцы и руки на месте. Чудеса
Каждый день новые))) Те что без пальцев сразу увольняют
Они ещё и в камеру успевают смотреть
@@carbastan1461 у них еще и сотовые телефоны есть.
Это не на долго)
Мужик создаёт стойкое впечатление, что он умеет регенерировать новые руки 🤣🤣🤣
Да,блт! Но не руки,а полнейшая регенерация! Если руку затянет,будет фарш котлетный! 😎
А мальчик пальцы
У них вероятно большая текучка 😁
Один бедолага уже с протезом ходит...
Господа ,а Вас не заинтересовал тот факт ,что Дети работают ?
@TheMechanic Great patient hard work!!!!! Your buisness of teamwork is a huge inspiration & blessing to watch, learn & see!!!
Здоровья вам ребят огромного.
Em 1967 eu com 15 anos de idade foi o meu primeiro emprego em uma fabrica de produtos de borracha, foi nessa trefila de extrusão de borracha que comecei na empresa Levorin, Guarulhos BRASIL, sei muito bem o que esses meninos passam depois de um dia de trabalho suado o corpo fica encardido do pó preto que penetra na pele, somente um banho bem quente pra limpar, merecem um elogio pelo trabalho que fazem PARABÉNS a todos.
Fiz a mesma coisa na empresa de borracha da hyundai kkkk interessante
Para que serve essas merdas?
@@joaopaulojp56 pra deixar de ser babaca e ofensivo como vc, nada melhor que o trabalho para ensinar a se comportar como gente.
@@thiagolieutaud9315 para que serve?
@@joaopaulojp56 How Radiator Hose Pipe are Manufacture in Local Factory .....
Comment les tuyaux de radiateur sont fabriqués dans une usine locale
Come vengono fabbricati i tubi flessibili del radiatore nella fabbrica locale
Carane Pipa Selang Radiator Pabrik ing Pabrik Lokal
Как шланги радиатора производятся на местном заводе
Com es fabriquen les canonades de la mànega del radiador a la fàbrica local
Como os tubos da mangueira do radiador são fabricados na fábrica local.
para a gente aprender a fazer alguma coisa de util, ao invés de comprar tudo industrializado.
I like it when they smile. Brings me happiness
hard-working people. I salute you
I wish my job was so easy. Every day just get a little workout making hoses. Perfect life.
اولا..الله يعطيكم الصحة والعافية..مجهود كبير ورائع تشكرون عليه.
ثانيا.. لاحظت ان المعلقين من الغرب يركزون على النقد على عمالة الاطفال والسلامة والخطورة وطريقة التصنيع قديمةولا تصل لدرجة المعايير الصناعية الحديثة.
ثالثا..لاحظت المعلقين بشكل ايجابي من روسيا .حيث يثنون على جهود هؤلاء الرجال والاطفال وعلى منتجهم.
رابعا..نتمنى ان بكون لدينا نحن الدول العربية مصانع حديثة تنتج مثل هذه المواد كون الامكانات المادية متوفرة...لكن الايدي المدربة شحيحة.
حتى المواد الخام صعب تلاقيها ف بلداننا العربية عشان تبدا بتكاليف معقولة
بينما اكثر المصانع ف الدول الصناعية المتقدمة تشيل بعضها، بمعنى اصح حلقات متصله ببعضها
يعني مصنع ينتج خامات المطاط وبجوارة مصنع يضعها في قالب حديد ومصنع ثالث يصقلها على منتج مطلوب لشركة اخرى وهكذا ، لو بدولة عربية تحتاج تدفع تكاليف كل هالمصانع عشان تسوي منتج واحد 🤪
Gotta just LOVE the totally dangerous machinery, open gears, open rollers that probably have absolutely no form of emergency stop.
If someone gets totally maimed I wonder if they'll have a video of it?
Ive seen some of the videos out of china, even with modern equipment with emergency stops, everyone just stands around and watches because they were never taught what to do if something like that happens. They just shovel the dead into a wheel barrel and hire a new slave.
@@SerangelROM probably get fired if they try to help
And what do you think it was like in the USA 100 years ago? Same exact setups.
@@perfumedmanatee6235 It is probably a start/stop switch, which is NOT an emergency stop.
That's what United States is all about. We don't still have conditions like 100 years ago.
I remember working jobs in 1970s with punch presses with hardly any guards and all kinds of dangerous things.
Great job to all of you, quality part 👍🏻🇺🇸
People do not realize that everything in the world is made from this one rubber mixing machine. It all starts here with this old guy mixing random items he finds in the garbage. One time he was very proud when he made a Big Mac Meal from a christmas tree.
Some people are so full of negative energy
@@nainitalism two negatives make a positive.
i think i ate that big mac. was wondering about the odd flavor.
Young boys working delightfully. Taking pride in their father's handiwork.
I keep waiting for them to get sucked into the machine. Love these kinds of bids. Good job
Interesting and amazing how the raw material is processed from the powder and juice.
Quite a long mixing operation too.
Good work guys!
The powder is talc \ wonder what the hell the juice is?????
@@quantumleap359 Probably a blend of old oil and lamp black, to make the rubber more plastic, though it also likely contains a lot of BPA as well to keep it plastic.
Lets not forget the yellow sulphur.
Техника безопасности на высшем уровне.
Цепной,ременный привод без элементарных ограждений
у бородатого пальці лізуть в вальця у дітей в екструдер
@@ВладимирЮрченко-м9ь афган
I have a lot of respect for these kids. They TRULY know the meaning of HARD WORK. They learn at an early age that you have to earn your living and I bet it pays off later in life and they are more prepared knowing a useful trade right from childhood that they can take into adulthood and make a living easily enough from the knowledge they got growing up.
I Enjoyed watching those Kids Doing A Hard Job.
Yah Allah Itni zyada mehnat pyare bacchon se
Nice work my dudes. Please don't get your fingers stuck in there. Love the shirt. Let's pray for world peace!
Don't be too proud; I'm sure he's wearing this sweatshirt more by necessity than for supporting that flag! ;)
Супер.Настоящие герои Здоровья вам .👍
Да уж...
عمل ممتاز وابداع بالرغم من بساطة الآليات تحياتي لجميع العاملين// من العراق
نعم ، هؤلاء الناس هم عمال مجتهدون ، قلبي يخاطبهم
I really praise all the PPE ( sarcasm) they utilize ......face shield, respirator, gloves ect...
Yes, I love sweatshop footage on RUclips. So informative.
This is the kind of immigrant I want in my country. Not those drug and human running southerners... Good for this guy. These are the kinds of guys that keep the world turning. Doesn't matter where in the world you are, hard work and dedication are universal language.
It's made In Pakistan
maybe others can emulate you and your children working long and hard at such an early age. well done..
Пацаны - расходный материал. Пальцами заталкивают резину прямо в зазор червяка. Воронку специально сняли, чтоб червяк прям видно было
наши пальцем только в телефон тыкают.
@@fainderskurs-koi8767 и в нос тоже))
@@Inkognito0777 Я первый раз, на завод попал, в 14 лет, вакурат сразу после седьмого класса. Кореша батя, начальник, по блату устроил. Ясень квасень, мужики ничего не давали делать, чтоб руки не всунул. Но стоял смотрел. горы стружки . Токарные, фрезерные. Но главное. Это афициальная работа. Пропуск. Проходная на 8 часов. раздевалка, спецовка. И мы такие, перед пацанами. Нам некогда, завтра на смену))) Ну месяц проработали, дело в детской комнате прикрыли. Получили какие то баснословные деньги. Тут уж не помню, то ли 30, то ли 40 рэ. Один хрен мамка забрала. Шо делали, особо не помню. Корефана к сварным притыкнули, мня на механику. Зато курили по взрослому, не бычки, а Приму, с дядьками в курилке.
@@Inkognito0777 и в попу и не всегда свою
Да ладно, обрати внимание - пацан прошаренный, пальцы жмет против вращения, чтобы не затянуло. Но так-то да с ТБ у индусов жесткач полный, тут еще можно сказать передовое производство!:)
These people like everywhere include children that for sure they have learned early on how to get food on their table, skilled as they are they would probably never go hungry as compared with other people I have seen, this good and free to me video have made me remember my my own childhood between school and work learning how to understand life the way I do, knowing that even a bicycle, a scooter, any toy and any vehicle as well as the razor on my face is as dangerous as any tool that deserve my fear and respect every day.
Small children are being made to work. Child labor organization or not? what is the government doing
@@arifabdul778 the government is a group of plenty of corrupt individuals same with many other organizations, all depends on good adults, not all under age are made to work or to study or to play or to do nothing, many underage love to volunteer for plenty of good that benefit their family and our society .... I always fought those that thought I was made to do this or that and yes sometimes I didn't want to play, study or help and I regretfully did it as I do today when I don't want to work or do what is needed or what my loved ones wants me to do but a man has to do what a man has to do regardless of age, when there is a task to be done all must be part of it..... abuse? Yes, I am against any form as well.
the Pakistanis are really creative and great, they can make many big factories with famous brands close because they can't compete👍👍👍
I am amazed by the high safety standards of this process.
where is the safety, no protection for chemicals, hand a boy dangerously inserting the material into the machine. safety is thrown to gutter. child labour act is not in the country.
@@muralimohangr8396 whoosh
@@muralimohangr8396 irony
Haha, best comment!
Wow, that all looks SO safe, chemical and fume free. Most excellent temperature and quality control!
Dont worry, the exposed gears and belts maintain a comfortable working condition. Edit: Sarcasm aside... that kid sticking his fingers in the meat grinder... that was hard to watch...
Yeah low pressure hose, no braid in it. Great video
Holds 2 bars easily being made properly of course. Just check it yesterday myself. Not sure about this exact production 'though:)
Yeah, I was waiting for the reinforcement to be applied, but it wasn't. Just a textile wrap to fake the look of a mandrel made hose, but this was just extruded tube. I hope that it is at least EPDM rubber! It might hold 2 bar cold, hot is another story! I was in the industrial hose business for 20 years so this was amusing to watch! I hope that guy never gets a hand trapped in that Banbury mixer, because it will take him right through it if he does! They really need to use gloves and face masks or they'll be suffering very unpleasant respritory disease when they are older, usually fatal.
You should see their Nuclear weapons'
I thinking it's like hoses from the 40s, they last 20-30k. Old tech but works, today's hoses last up to 200k mi.
It's down to the rubber compound, quality and process control, none of which are evident here!!
Состав на глаз, армировки нет! А потом мы удивляемся почему патрубки каждые пол года надо менять!!!!
Выглядят качественно. Но вот то что не армированы, это да.
@@ИванИванов-б7ю3э Главное белой сажи побольше набухать.
Если до сих пор работают, значит люди покупают и имеет достаточный ресурс. У меня патрубкам 25 лет. Работают до сих пор.
@@economistei9912 это не сажа, а этиленпропилен
Как же нет армировки!? 14:41 вот же ,армировщик четвёртого разряда!!! 😂🤣🤣😂
I love it how in 20:48 dude takes the cutting jig off the table to do the job in more comfy way :)
Не знаю почему у меня появилось это видео в рекомендациях, но я залип на этом видео😄. Малой, побереги свои пальци на руке пожалуйста))
Good crew making hard work look effortless, nice job guys... 👍
I never realized that the Gates factory was so high tech. And so many safety precautions too.
Also, I think I missed the part where they added the reinforcement cords, that would have been interesting to see.
I was waiting to see that too 😀
The reinforcement was the wrap right before they cured it. No internal reinforcement threads in these
14:35 my friend
This is old school, with the reinforcement provided by the tape wrap. This was common at least into the 1950’s in the USA.
Gill Bates
God bless them, they're working and putting food on the table.
Yeah, not stealing )
@@p1ai162 U r right, they leave this activity to Western multinational companies
Цыгане за работой - очень залипательное зрелище👍
Respect all you, bro.. 👍🙌
.. Greetings from Finland 🇫🇮
.. Somedays we used this kind of tubes.. 👍🙌
Very cool !
I wonder what the pressure rating is for those hoses ?
My guess is atmospheric pressure only.
they are overwrapped but no thanks, reminds me of people using space ships for under water diving and being asked how many atmospheric pressures is it good for? well it is a space ship so I would say 0 and 1
Depending on the radiator cap it could run between 4 and 30 psi before going into the overflow tank
@@Qusin111 what planet are you from ?
Are you curently owning a space ship ?
@@marcelsinky1652 it’s a joke from Futurama.
@@thandle he's still learning. He'll soon realize modern TV shows are crap. All the good stuff ended almost 20 years ago
Really a hard work. Appreciate their efforts
I appreciate their efforts but it is totally not right
Clearly a family business, great recycling ♻️, not alot of health and safety measures on that equipment like covers over the those gear wheels on the rubber mill though, still great video.
There is zero OHS&E happening over there. I was almost moved to tears to see that your boy feeding that extrusion press,, just how close his fingers got to that feedscrew is terrifying!!
The open gears on that Bambry mill and the way that guy was feeding the raw rubber in there was beyond belief!!
This sort of thing would give our (Australian) "Workcover" inspectors a heart attack!!
Imagine if they were moved to tears over how safe an over precautious we are over everything ........except when it come's to religion,morals ,over indulging ,etc....
Guess it is all perspective ..
@@leor2830 Yeah whilst the Mills rollers won't necessarily drag you in as they have a gap between them, the gears can if they grab a loose cuff. As for the feeder screw it isn't moving quickly and is unlikely to grab a cuff etc. But I agree a H&S Officer would be giving a heart attack watching these.
@@sickproduct Please allow me to address your points as raised
1) Religion - this is one subject that really ought not to be discussed as it has caused more blood to be spilled than anything else throughout history,, and,, everywhere in the world as well ( including India)
2) Morals - Demented and perverted is universal,, it happens everywhere. The only difference is that in the "West" it sometimes comes out into the open,, that sort of stuff happens a lot,, just ask Epstein ( I know that he is dead,, but,, that proves my point)
3) Over Indulgence - I am fortunate in that both my wife and I are working,, but,, if we stop working and there is no income,, the bank will take our house and we will loose most of what we have. Those that are not working over here don't have it as bad as in India, but I can assure you that life is not all "beer and skittles" for them
What has really gone and f*cked things up of course is Covid. Were I live, we are lucky to have a first world medical system with the vaccines freely available to all (I am not going to get into a discussion about the persons that choose not to get the vaccine - for the record, I am double vaccinated) .
The people in "poor" 3rd world countries ( in Asia, Africa, South and Central America) that do not have access to the vaccine are the ones that I feel for.
That is not recycling rubber, that is raw rubber. Once the rubber is vulknized it can't be used to make new hose again.
Kudos to the young men instead of worrying about getting the next iPhone or iPad like American children they are working to help their family
Wow really good production and child labor
Деткам работягам дай Бог здоровья!!!
Після такоі роботи,здоровя там точно не буде,гарантія!
Двадцать минут иллюстрации того, почему социалистическая революция - неизбежна.
People have already commented earlier that this was how America's industrial conditions were 50 to 100 years ago. It was the same in England, Australia, Canada and so on. None of those societies descended into the socialist dictatorship quagmire you are predicting.
his t-shirt is the most fascinating part of this.
its not the child putting his hands in dangerous equipment?
@@GOTboost-tl3qi for modern kids it is dangerous even to stand next to the meat-mincing machine.
@@GOTboost-tl3qi Yes it is, but that are the working conditions an the need for a job, in that part of the video the process is called xtrusion, and the power of the screw could mice even a metal bar.
Technology today and OSHA standards are way above par as seen in the video! I missed t-shirt wording have to watch for third time not good a speed reading!!! Lol
Caught it weird person I bet his wife gave it to him on his birthday and he was so happy, I’m kinda jealous no!!! Is kinda cool watching the best they can do and teaching the you the tricks of the trade who needs fingers or arms I bet they sprout new ones! Really cool process I know could never done a better job!!! Wonder if a newly processed one ever leaks no matters we can make another one
I'm very glad to your hard work in your bady fitness of improve our Indian nation forward to future of the example of the world
God loves if one of you does a job that he masters it... Indeed, it is an excellent work with distinction.
Nice hands on project. If people only knew how tedious it is to produce a product this way. Also, nice to see young people learning the trade. I like the World Peace" on his shirt... We can only work together and strive for world peace. Nice U. S. A. flag on the sleeve.
N. E. U. S. A.
Pretty sure the dude could give two shits about what his shirt says...
Pretty sure the dude could give two shits about what his shirt says...
Yup, nice video on junk after market auto parts made in a 3rd world factory by child labor. Wait until that kid gets his fingers caught in that screw extractor, I'm sure the workers' comp will set him up for life.
Bob Saks thanks you for the complent.
Esse menino colocando as mãos na prensa de parafuso, Deus o guarde!
Justamente...sem qualidade e trabalho escravo. Triste
Вау!Новое видео,всегда стараюсь смотреть в числе первых!!!
My kids are playing Pokémon Go with their mother right now. We are so blessed.
And arms too. Incredible dedication to work! 👍
I cringed when I seen that 10 year old kid putting his fingers in so close to that machines auger, I can see that leading to no fingers in the future for him.
Dont worry he has been doing it for 5 years..
When I saw his fingers there I was expecting his arm to follow.
I always wonder if it's lack of education, no respect for one's own life or what. I've lived in Asia for a while and and people just don't think of the consequences of their actions. I was waiting for the fathers T-shirt to catch on those rollers.
and there will be 45 more kids just like him to take his job. If truth were told, he may be the sole income for the family.
He's not 10.. he's 11... Its all ok
I'm surprised Dorman lets them record in their main factory
wins the internet .....
I was thinking they must do the quality oem hose for VW, hand made child labor makes best product.
OSHA would have a field day here. Especially looking at those exposed gears. I was a sheetmetal worker for ten years. That roller took plenty of fingers off. This one runs with a switch. It needs a pedal switch just to be safe.
Lol, I was just looking at the shit quality of these hoses and thinking the same thing. They must be Dorman.
@@travisk5589 I can't imagine these things taking a lot of pressure for long,.
And not a single hand or arm was amputated in this process. I'm impressed.
I'm sure thay had all the kids with the missing fingers and hands in a different department while filming.
Very interesting good work practice I just signed up for your videos I am now a subscriber keep up the good work love watching good people do good work and provide a quality product stay safe my friends stay safe 👍👍🇺🇲🇺🇲✌️
*very interesting video* 🔥🔥🔥
*I used to work at a rubber mixing plant and did this exact job, except on LARGE scale and in a factory called Trelleborg lol. We made rubber for most of the tires and car parts we all use today. The chemicals are extremely toxic and funny enough, alot of it looks like hard candies and shit lol, yum yum*
Trelleborg has very high safety standards
Extremely toxic ?
How could it be that this man is still alive ?
Ingestion.. please be smarter
@@scarr3ll When its extremely toxic it will affect you without ingestion.
Which are the chemicals ?
Trelleblrg warehouse is near my workshop but no people find it,they always rings for asking where tf is trelleborg
Un saludo y uno mas fuerte a estas personas trabajadoras y al que lo hizo viral .. saludos Amigos soy de Mexico pero vivo en U.S.A saludos desde por a qui.. :D
Иногда в изоляции попадаются пальцы. Но это нормальная часть производственного процесса, товарищи.
Respect 🙏 🤲 total respect 🙏
First class product , Ford Motor Company placed an order for a Million hoses, wow!
Адский труд. Особенно страшно видеть перемешивание на валах вручную..
зато - 207 000 000 населения!
так и сейчас это делается вручную, уверяю как бывший работник шинного завода, только вместо лабораторных вальцев используются промышленные.
@@ostapbender6511 все верно на кабельном заводе также ,вальцы тока побольше
@@SegaMexana У нас все еще делают кабель в резиновой оболочке?
@@ostapbender6511 Делают, чего же не делать.
Its nice to see the kids are involved...but aren't they supposed to be in school instead?
Precisely what I was going to say.
They decided they wanted to eat this week.
Having seen what 'school' has degenerated into in the west, they are learning more doing this.
@@randacnam7321 Sad but true.
The Taliban will just shoot them if they try to go to school. Remember all they need to know about the world is what's in the Quran...
Работа слаженная,каждый знает что делать!Но дети на таком производстве не должны работать,но может это единственный способ заработка этих ребят!Не могу себе представить моих внуков на такой тяжёлой работе! Удачи всем и здоровья!
the best Radiator Hose Pipes are always made in a Local Factory. Too bad I'm not a local boy, I would definitely buy one
Надо к этому видео приделать музончик мне сразу вспоминается песня "Куда уходит наше детство" было бы как раз в тему!!!
Вот так делаются патрубки системы охлаждения и когда они рвутся даже не удивительно почему
Это в Балаково похоже
В продукте возможно содержания детских пальчиков
Так вот как и где делаются говенные односезонные патрубки радиатора на ГАЗ-53)))
Их делают дети. Наши дети кроме интернета больше ничего не умеют
@@evgengarage7831 Нечего детям делать на резиновом производстве. Особенно таком. Вредно и очень ⚠️
Они меня конкретно зае..Ли.
@@economistei9912 А у них видимо и выбора то нет.
Да взрослые тоже нехрена не
Just thank God it's not your kids having to do this work, how would they manage without their Mobile phones and fancy clothes. Total respect to these People making a living and working in hard dangerous conditions. As the old saying goes"there but for the Grace of God go I".
its very satisfying to watch at 3 am
Смотришь так... Ну прям каменный век. Открытое смешение резины на лабораторных вальцах. Где такое ещё увидишь в 2021-ом году?
На тих вальцах по сей день делают грелки и клизмы в России приезжайте на любой завод
@@wiktorpassatcc976 Не отрицаю, что в рашке остались цеха с оборудованием и технологиями 60-ых годов. Это не говорит о том, что это правильно. В ролике технологии примерно того же времени. Ну с некоторыми дополнительными косяками, естественно
@@TheAmd481 по мне лучше колбасу со сроком годности в 72 часа по технологии 60 годов чем та которая сейчас на прилавках с новыми прорывами и пальмовое маслом
@@wiktorpassatcc976 смотри на состав и не покупай то, что с пальмовым маслом. Да и готовые продукты, в принципе, лучше не покупать. Колбаса появилась, как еда бедняков - обрезки основного мяса, которое доставалась богачам. А в совке из неё сделали культ. Не можешь купить нормальный кусок мяса? Зачем тебе колбаса за оверпрайс?
@@TheAmd481 в том то и дело, не все производители указывают в составе продукции пальмовое масло, а если и указывают, то хер поймешь, что это, для примера - растительные жиры, вот и думай, что это такое. Колбаса появилась для того чтобы разнообразить продукцию из мяса и для того чтобы хранить продукт дольше, раньше домашняя колбаса заливалась жиром и хранилась в погребе несколько месяцев, сейчас в холодильнике хранится не более недели.
Love the pressure gauge on the boiler.. starts at zero and stays there after 90 mins. Gauge on autoclave is slightly more accurate - starts at 20psi..
It must have broken down and they are calculating by the time each batch takes to heat.
Lube the threads on the autoclave, check them for wear, eventually they wear out and under pressure first one fails then the rest door blows of like a bomb exploding hi temp steam and door in your face is not a good day probably your last! Exposed gears, fingers through the rubber mill and the extruder with fingers going close to screw ah. Got to be on your game all the time.
@@anthonywilson4873 Accepted industrial working standards in that part of the world as are the safety flipflop footware.
The pressure on the autoclave after 90 minutes shows 90psi ~ 6kgf/cm^2 , not sure if you missed it.
Yes I noticed that too. With that fire raging under the boiler it must be close to bursting much of the time.
This is what manufacturing looks like without automation. Dangerous yes, but everyone has a job :).
Oh yes, even kids! :/
Uh in
Mad respect for the people of Pakistan!
Nice job!!! God bless you end your family !!!
My greatest respect! This is labor intensive work to produce a product.
Next vid , shows rebuilding engines, that overheated, from cheap radiator hoses breaking .
Reminds me of conditions during the industrial revolution. The process was interesting, the people hard workers, but so many dangers lurking.
you don't have to go back that far to see the same kind of things in the fifties and forties,I ran a pug mill in 1958 and there was no safety shutoff and all open auger, had to fill by hand all day long,$1.00 an hour and no time and a half for overtime, feeding asbestos fiber and liquid rubber and no respirator or any safety equipment
Again we are shown that great things come from all places, the improvisation is amazing!
Kids, hard a work, ya love to see it..
Ola pessoal. Admirei ver com faz essas borrachas ou seja mangueiras ne? Gracinha dos garotos ja trabalham em fabricação. Muito legal.tem futuro...valeu o video muito instrutivo eu nunca tinha visto antes como fazer. Achei interssante e dificil. Um grande abraço do Brazil. Amo vocês trabalhadores ....
Тебе привет с Украины...Бразилия у меня сочитаеться с красивыми девушками...футболом ..и статуей Иисуса на горе..очень красиво
Isto é exploração infantil. Um absurdo. Naquela poeira, quando adultos, certamente terão problemas respiratórios.
@@marcoaurelioribeiro3235 Pois é, é verdade. Porém lá no Paquistão (acredito que sejam de lá mesmo), as pessoas não tem uma expectativa de futuro. lá é como se tivesse quase um século de atraso
Acima de tudo são jovens que trabalham por necessidade e sem segurança.
Como um empresário brasileiro entra no mercado para buscar preço com uma empresa deste porte.....