I know right, I couldn't fucking believe the age of some of these kids. Granted the work isn't hard but the hazards are such that no children should be anywhere near that place. Never mind, I just noticed the abundance of safely equipment, lol.
Forget all you stuck up ungrateful people. This is one of the best comments hands down . I would like to know the link so I could do the same this is a great reminder to be grateful for everything u have and prolly a good tool
My grandson was fussing about doing his homework today. I played this video for him. He has a new understanding on life now. I feel sorry for those kids, yet i am sure they are great help to their families. Sometimes we don’t know how lucky we are.
Exactly. A decent amount of both (school/work) are what kids need during their upbringing. Otherwise they have no respect for what their forefathers have reeped for them.
@@technikwolle oh no. We got you beaten. I have a ladder with 7 large stickers warning you of bodily harm . Its a ladder. You are supposed to climb it !
@@TFCflooring :)))) if the producers do not fix these labels, they are responible if you crash your head or fall from the ladder! its so sick, i dont want this kind of eu, lucky englishmen, i am unfortunately from germany
I'm from Mexico I work since l was a kid this video remain me when I was helping my father , my father didn't go to school but he was smart enough to give us time for everything for school for work and time to play too sometimes when I was a kid I get mad at him cuz I didn't want to do some chores right now I'm 40 I'm now happy for the life I have you learn you too use your hands and fix almost anything at home and give value at what you have and revive GOD BLESS THIS KIDS
I thought child labour had ended in Pakistan I'm obviously wrong but here we have a boys between 10-14 yrs dealing with dangerous chemicals in a nickel plating process. A job who's minimum age must, I believe, be 18 yrs in the UK. From what I could see those tools were not tempered at all so the metal will be far to soft and weak
“Too soft and weak…” That’s a typical Harbor Freight quality tool. They look like real tools but don’t last at all. Very cheap though. This is a sad video. These young boys working around dangerous equipment and nasty chemicals just to bring a little money to their families. Probably pennies a day. And in the 21st century. We should all, everyone all over the world, think about this. It disgusts me.
The way for those kids to get out of poverty is to get an education not working in a factory. They’re doomed to poverty for the rest of they’re short lives. So sad.
Man sollte NICHT die Westlichen Sicherheitsstandards mit diese Länder vergleichen. In diesen Ländern gibt es keine BGN das sollte man nicht vergessen. Dazu kommt noch das sie auch nicht über das Geld verfügen die dafür nötigen sicherheits Mittel zu kaufen. Ich bewundere immer diese Menschen was sie aus dem wenigen machen .... Respekt ‼👍
Ага, голыми руками в щёлочь или кислоту лазят. Перчатки для показухи выдали, он даже не соображает, что они как раз для того и нужны, чтобы руки не мочить, набрал, вытрусил воду, и погнал дальше :) . А так мне нравится этих индусов смотреть. Или пакистанцев.
@@НиколайБесфамильный-д1ь мне еще понравилось что на особо вредном производстве (там где кислота, электролиты и проч.) работают дети, а взрослые на станках.
@@Andrey5945 они ж не понимают ни хрена ещё. Я в масквэ сварщиком работал в 14-м году (у нас как раз тут войнушка началась), так тоже блатовали в гальванике подрабатывать, типа за доплату. Ответил рабовладельцу в том смысле, что запасные лёгкие не продаются. Он тогда с соседнего производства молодых пацанов завлекал. Просветил их, что даже аккумуляторщики раньше молоко за вредность получали и на пенсию раньше шли. Так у них условия намного комфортней (а не как тут, что заходишь, даже глаза выедает). Думайте сами - говорю - стоит за копейки здоровье гробить? Не знаю, послушались, или нет.
Ну может у них текучка большая, пару месяцев поработали и свалили, за пару месяцев молодому организму ничего не будет. Ключи норм делают, но без термообработки они пластилиновые.
@ The drawing process does make it harder but it also makes it brittle. Quality tools that are made using the drawing process are always tempered/heat treated. This is to relieve stress caused during drawing and fabrication.
No, not quality. Just cheap fast innovative production with the little they have. Yes the drawing work hardens it a bit, but does make it brittle. They did not temper but I believe at the end during the "chem clean" they also case hardened.. but these are where the harbour freight tools you break with 15 lbs/ft of torque.
El proceso es interesante, sobre todo, lo que se puede lograr a veces casi con nada, y en eso, en estos lugares del mundo, lo tienen muy en claro, y los admiro por ello. Sin embargo, es duro ver como esos chicos aprenden de la manera mas dura, a ganarse su sustento, y no creo que tengan muchas mas alternativas, es triste ver esas cosas. Saludos
@@juanmamolina3477 Yo creo que estos chicos aprenden la cultura del trabajo seguro no salen delincuentes lo único deberían tener mejores condiciones de trabajo mas seguridad están en un ambiente con ácidos producto de cromar las piezas ninguno tiene mascara y cuando usan las amoladoras de banco deberían proveerles de antiparras. Acá en argentina contratas un chico para laburar para que se gane un mango y te hacen flor de quilombo.
@@juanmamolina3477 eso es mejor a que sean sicarios juveniles. no cabe duda que sus padres o familiares le inculcaron el valor de trabajo, y no estar robando como sucede en muchas partes del mundo.
@carlos kinderknecht Y QUIEN T asegura a vos q NO sean delincuentes mañana estos niños explotados, NO ALCANZA con solo ponerle un martillito en la mano al niño para q sea una persona d bien y d buenos valores ,,O ACASO NO HAY DELINCUENTEs resentidos q surgen por la denigracion y despresio del jefe en estos trabajos precarios ,,,denigracion en el salario,salud,educación..El adulto o niño explotado si no se revela sera sumiso toda su vida , asi de simple.Y eso d que “”aprende la cultura del trabajo” es relativo por lo q exprese anteriormente y esa FRASE depende mucho d q QUE SEA ASI si la persona o empresario tiene buenas intensiones y valores hacia sus empleados,, “”aprende la cultura del trabajo” lo invento el patrón d estancia((y lo utilizan todos los “”empresarios””explotadores)) q ponía a toda una familia a trabajar x 2 pesos y un kilo d yerba y mantenía ASI SU MANO de obra barata,,se morían los padres y quedaban los hijos .El patron los necesitaba asi ignorantes y hacinados en taperas ¡¡Y OJO CON HABLAR d derechos!!.Los niños tienen por ley derechos y deberes q se deben cumplir en su niñez,,ya les tocara ((teniendo educación formal y buenos valores)) el momento d tener un trabajo digno y d valorar el mismo…. Vos decis ””””Acá en argentina contratas un chico para laburar para que se gane un mango y te hacen flor de quilombo””” “”se gane un mango”” q significa ,,,¿¿ganar menos d lo q gana un adulto por el mismo trabajo o por ser menor ganar menos d lo q corresponde…
@@juanmamolina3477 no todos explotan a los trabajadores habría que preguntarles a esos pibes si realmente les gusta lo que hacen en ese país no hay mucha elección lo ideal sería que también vallan a la escuela y con respecto a la cultura del trabajo eso se aprende desde chico no es necesario que sean explotados laboralmente que hagan trabajos pesados que su cuerpo no tolere por ser menores vivo en el campo y antes de los planes sociales la gente pedía trabajo y venían con sus hijo y yo no los explotaba hoy con los planes nadie trabaja esos chicos hoy ya son mayores de edad y trabaja y algunos terminaron la escuela .
Дети работают с опасными химикатами без защиты. Качество инструмента я бы проверил, концы конечно получились достаточно прочны благодаря холодной ковке, но вот весь остальной вороток не закален, будет гнутся походу, не очень уверен что формование протяжкой сильно укрепило сталь.
Это одноразовые вещи. Говно, проще говоря. Кому то, кому три гайки раз в три года открутить - хватит. Про детей и электролит....слава однополярному миру, чо. Зато их сверстники ноют на уроках гендерного воспитания. ...ай, нахер, не охота....
It's remarkable how it feels like this whole operation was thought up by a couol guys with a welder and someone who had some scrap steel lying around. I feel bad for the kids, but they must be doing it for their families. I hope the conditions improve for them. They deserve that for how hard they work.
@@ericschreiber1847 Not all L-bars are made in the same fashion, Snap-On for example would be a superior product... I was referring to the nifty concept 👍
Вот тот самый капитализм про который мне рассказывали в школе: антисанитарные условия работы,детский труд,кустарное производство. Мы туда плавно скатываются.
Very true, I agree. These children should be preparing their minds for good jobs in the future instead of placing their hands in Cancer causing chemicals and working around open wiring and dangerous equipment.
Echt schön zu sehen wie Kinder arbeiten verrichten die sie nicht mal ansatzweise verrichten sollten wie zum z.b.s Säuren bei der Galvanik......und allen denen das gefällt sollten diese Arbeit unter diesen Bedingungen selbst aus führen.......!!!!!
After they get thrown on the dirty floor who knows how many times they end up in a plastic bag. Nice. I especially like the process towards the end where the tools are kneaded in a pile of sand. Just so those tools never forget where they came from.
Amazing, I remember when the U.S. had a ton of these manufacturers with craftsmen making things with their hands. Then the environmentalists saved us. Awesome.
чую в их коммуне марочная диференциация металла считаеца дурным тоном. термичка это не их конёк. ну а смысл калить дворовую сталь? по сути инструмент и в правду одноразовый. зато стоит капейки
and a few rolling carts instead of throwing parts on the floor. That draw table is pretty powerful that they pull the rods through at the start. I set one of these up to draw silver rods for the silver bullets We made
I guess I just kept thinking, what would it be like if our own kids had to work like this every day, in these conditions. I think we should send our juvenile offenders here for a year. When they got home, they'd be right model citizens.
I thought i had missed that step, it seems it's not necessary for them. Maybe it's a strategic business move, the more the L wrenches fail, the more people buy.
@@rdspeedfab Well, yeah, there's the part about dipping bare hands in plating chemicals, and then wondering what they do with the spent chemicals (though I don't really wonder.)
@@realmetallurgist8493 yeah they’ll all have cancer in 20 years. But my main concern was the young boys. I was playing with transformers when I was that young boys age. Crazy
у нас на мололетке так всё поставлено давай давай быстрей быстрей и тут прям один в один показано такой труд. Это очень хорошо что они с малых лет уже начинают что то делать плохо то что многим сегодня (западло) вообще руки морать спасибо было интересно.
I was thinking about how they are handling them without proper protection. The chroming process uses some dangerous chemicals. The only kid with gloves on put his hands in too deep and filled it up. Young kids are too small to understand the true dangers of this kind of work. In a real chrome shop, everyone has on full gear plus a respirator. Unless you make stuff yourself it's almost impossible to avoid buying items that are made using bad practices. It's sad that greed pushes people to make a choices that will ruin the lives of millions.
@@brucefrencham2628 Child labor is a problem no matter the country. Children need to learn and grow. They don't need to be working long shifts just to keep themselves fed. Children being forced into working like these kids is due to mankind's greed. Our consumer society that says we need the newest version of crap we never needed in the first place is part of the reason for their having to work. It's a complex problem that involves every country and every level of society. At 15 years old my father was disabled in an accident. I had to take on three part-time jobs to put food on the table and keep the electricity on. So I find your comment to be cold, ignorant, and disgusting.
yeah besides the exploitation, obvious health and safety issues, deprivation of normal physical and mental development and lack of fundamental rights to schooling... it's character building.
The one plating tub the kid was dipping tools into is Hexavalent Chromium, a known carcinogen. It's dangerous in any amount to breathe or get on skin or clothing. It's easily absorbed. Everyone in that room was being exposed to it.
И где правозащитные организации - организации труда,гринпис,защиты детей,защиты животных - что дети - смертники на гальванике с солями хрома -никеля работают,или кошечки важнее?
@@kander3634 А мне всех детей жалко -они еще не пожили......И детей сирийских и украинских и африканских .......а в рф -то так.....за них пусть русссские отвечают...
You confuse "good work ethic" with "trying not to starve" or "avoiding being beaten to death" (depends if their form of employment is sl*very or just regular child exploitation).
@@zombielikemunchies8009 Waste of time? Their making wrenches for people, that's a useful thing. Also why did you put honest work in quotes? it's very honest respectable work. Not for a member of a developed nation, it should be automated but they are doing work which has some value to the world.
@@kkknotcool Quotes probably because "honest work" is a popular euphemism for "child exploitation and lack of even the cheapest PPE". Of course I'm not going to deny them respect for their hard work. But at the same time term "honest work" in this context is an opening to discussion about virtues of child labor - that's probably why @Bryan Medina put it in quotes.
@@wojciechdebowski5014 Child labor is not a bad thing. Most children labored throughout human history, the only evil here is the menial level of work being done here. Both children and adults should be making more money with better/faster equipment. (and with some PPE) But if they can't afford to do any better then this right now, then I'm not gonna judge anybody in this situation aside from maybe the nation's minimum wage standard.
In this factory the workers are trying to take care of their health but the owner of the factory is failing them... some people have head phones in ears to mask the noise and this one guy has leather jacket, cap and gloves. I hope that the workers get adequate protection for themselves. Edit: I saw one guy using rubber gloves. good for him :) Unfortunately the children picks up handles bare handledly from acid bath rinsing bowl. I'm pretty sure these things are also sold in western countries...
Faudrait en envoyer certains ados de chez nous la bas. Une semaine à bosser dans une usine comme celle ci, et peut être qu'ils comprendraient la valeur du travail et surtout de l'argent
I also inherited one of those from my Finnish grandfather, and he was born in 1901. While they work, I dont use it. I also have an very old ratchet made from stamped steel and has a large visible cog, The handle swivels and has a lock that stops the cog. To reverse it, you flip the ratchet over. Extension bars are double ended straight like they are making here. They are not chrome plated. Also some sockets too. They were half inch drive.
One came with my Chinese benchtop milling machine. I replaced it with a ratchet and an extension. I wonder where that L wrench got off to now? I haven't seen it in years.
@@bphillipscnc The metal was soft as butter even after they pulled it through the die. How else would they have been able to stamp the square ends on it, knurl it, and put the L bend in it so easily. They finished it by plating but they didn't bother to harden it by heat treating.
I feel it's over complicated. Throw the parts on the floor, Pick the parts back up again... No processe flow, the plating processes is to slow, they need movable hanging racks and bigger tubs so that they can just move a whole rack from tank to tank instead of hanging, removing and hanging the parts again and again.
Apparently they aren't heat treated. So they are butter soft, and will twist the first time anyone uses them with an extender on a really stubborn nut or bolt. This is why buying tools made in foreign countries are usually shitty quality.
These video's are amazing to watch on how they are made. it's sad to see these kids working at such a young age and most likely getting paid penny's a day to do it.
I was like that in the English factories in my grandfather's day when the legal age of starting full time work was 12 years old. At some ancient British Steel plants the working conditions in the 70s were similar, except the workers were much older and they worn leather aprons when dipping metal into hot metal.
Excellent video on the production of L wrenches, not Ratchets. Children working will teach them the need to work as an adult, and they are doing their jobs well. I worked at farm labor at this very age and it was good for Me.
Major respect to these guys - I wish all things were still made this way. I also know they are paid poorly - I hope God will bless them with better wages in the future.
Very interesting, only question is "these Giant tool making machine's? Where do they originate from, or did these HARD-WORKING people also made them,,,. Have a good day,,,.
When factories shut down around the world the machines get shipped to places like we're seeing here. That's how economic warfare works. One country loses to another one depressed wage worker at a time. I watched a video where China came in and bought a whole German steel mill. They took it all apart and shipped it to China.
Wonderful work.But one thing is that before electroplating the handle must go through heat treatment for hardening.Also the polishing done in a rotary vessel of wood powder.people must take all safety measures that handling chemicals.
This is a typical work environment in India/Pakistan. There are little to no labor laws protecting the worker from environmental hazards, let alone to keep children out of this madness. The thing they don't want you to see is the maimed and disfigured workers/children. The ones with digits missing from a hand or a whole hand, head injuries, missing eye.......
I have personally seen video where a child is grinding a tool with their "feet" while sitting on a dirt floor, because their fingers had been chopped off from a pneumatic press.
Perhaps phosphated instead of “chrome”? Gives this gray-black non-reflective color. When oiled, it stands up well to corrosion. Finally, it can be done at home.
I have watched other "repairing" videos and they use the L wrench for everything, very seldom saw a ratchet wrench used, probably because they get put down in the dirt/sand all the time (no work benches or concrete floors) and the grit would kill a ratchet wrench in no time.
Impressed by the scale of the machinery, bicycle-style chains that look to be 20mm across, solid copper tank that looks like it's made from 8mm thick copper, etc. Also impressed with the children working here, some of whom look like they are 10 yrs old or younger.
As someone who has worked for Rolls-Royce here in the U.K. I am also at a loss why they don’t use some simple stillages or transport trolleys to move parts around the work area. The job looks repetitive enough as it is without having to bend over all the time to pick up components from the floor.
Amazing mix of modern machines and ancient hand processing. Incredible, no eye or hand protections, or safety from grease, solvent, and chemicals. Remarkably poor QC.
I have an old L handle socket wrench, i think it's 40 years old.
Because of this video, i know the guy who made it is between 47 and 49 years old now.
No, they died at 26 of industrial contamination.
I know right, I couldn't fucking believe the age of some of these kids. Granted the work isn't hard but the hazards are such that no children should be anywhere near that place. Never mind, I just noticed the abundance of safely equipment, lol.
Possibly, but the 7 year old boy contributes 4 loaves of bread to his family every week. This is an enormous help to his mother.
And now we teach our boys to be women
I found these for sale on eBay. I am going to buy one to remind myself that my middle class childhood was actually one of extreme privilege.
Stop buying this cheap sh*t and places like this won’t exist
@@joe2005ca Food on their tables also won't exist, you would rather buy Chinese trash made by kids?
He said he was going to buy one and y'all are trashing him
Forget all you stuck up ungrateful people. This is one of the best comments hands down . I would like to know the link so I could do the same this is a great reminder to be grateful for everything u have and prolly a good tool
My grandson was fussing about doing his homework today. I played this video for him. He has a new understanding on life now. I feel sorry for those kids, yet i am sure they are great help to their families. Sometimes we don’t know how lucky we are.
Exactly. A decent amount of both (school/work) are what kids need during their upbringing. Otherwise they have no respect for what their forefathers have reeped for them.
the other extreme is the eu, in which we are not far from having to label hammers with the warning "do not hit your skull, it can cause injuries".
@@technikwolle oh no. We got you beaten. I have a ladder with 7 large stickers warning you of bodily harm . Its a ladder. You are supposed to climb it !
@@TFCflooring :)))) if the producers do not fix these labels, they are responible if you crash your head or fall from the ladder! its so sick, i dont want this kind of eu, lucky englishmen, i am unfortunately from germany
well never get rid of those leyens again
I'm from Mexico I work since l was a kid this video remain me when I was helping my father , my father didn't go to school but he was smart enough to give us time for everything for school for work and time to play too sometimes when I was a kid I get mad at him cuz I didn't want to do some chores right now I'm 40 I'm now happy for the life I have you learn you too use your hands and fix almost anything at home and give value at what you have and revive GOD BLESS THIS KIDS
Looks like they have skipped the process of branding the tools, I guess Snap on didn't allowe it to be filmed😉
Say it ain’t so, Bjorne!
Say it ain’t so.
snap on wouldn’t do that.. would they?
@Chomp Chomp Katze You make it sound so dirty
Stamped in Mexico......
@Chomp Chomp Katze $25 is a hell of a steal for anything with the name Snap On on it. It would be More like $125.
I thought child labour had ended in Pakistan I'm obviously wrong but here we have a boys between 10-14 yrs dealing with dangerous chemicals in a nickel plating process. A job who's minimum age must, I believe, be 18 yrs in the UK. From what I could see those tools were not tempered at all so the metal will be far to soft and weak
Probably chromium
“Too soft and weak…” That’s a typical Harbor Freight quality tool. They look like real tools but don’t last at all. Very cheap though.
This is a sad video. These young boys working around dangerous equipment and nasty chemicals just to bring a little money to their families. Probably pennies a day. And in the 21st century. We should all, everyone all over the world, think about this. It disgusts me.
The way for those kids to get out of poverty is to get an education not working in a factory. They’re doomed to poverty for the rest of they’re short lives. So sad.
Yep, bare hands in the chromate finish!!!!
@@Joopsmann Under age maybe but they were thoroughly happy doing a useful job that they were obviously enjoying. What was 'nasty' about the chemicals?
No ratchets were manufactured in the making of this film.
The mechanics need REAL ratchet handles!
more like 4 sided allen keys
The truck mechanics have sockets, I'm guessing 3/8 inch
Enjoy the process and don't shit on the video maker, can't excuse a little mistake considering that they are not native speakers? (nor am i)
@@killingmercy pfft.
I'll think of these fellows every time I go to Princess Auto or Harbor Freight!
Lmao none of that junk is at either. This is junk parts in India or Pakistan
They dont sell this crap. No heat treatment. That thing would bend on the first use.
Прикольные воротки из пластилина! 💪
Make no wonder they love it here.God love the little children.
An awesome display of safety disregards 😁
But they are able to keep prices...
Just a through back to 1920-40 manufacture processes.
Their safety standard is different from your.
Man sollte NICHT die Westlichen Sicherheitsstandards mit diese Länder vergleichen.
In diesen Ländern gibt es keine BGN das sollte man nicht vergessen. Dazu kommt noch das sie auch nicht über das Geld verfügen die dafür nötigen sicherheits Mittel zu kaufen.
Ich bewundere immer diese Menschen was sie aus dem wenigen machen .... Respekt ‼👍
@@PakPikPuk 👍The best safety tool? Your head ...
Техника безопасности на грани фантастики....
Ага, голыми руками в щёлочь или кислоту лазят. Перчатки для показухи выдали, он даже не соображает, что они как раз для того и нужны, чтобы руки не мочить, набрал, вытрусил воду, и погнал дальше :) . А так мне нравится этих индусов смотреть. Или пакистанцев.
@@НиколайБесфамильный-д1ь мне еще понравилось что на особо вредном производстве (там где кислота, электролиты и проч.) работают дети, а взрослые на станках.
@@Andrey5945 у них запасные есть :) а вообще дикость. Но Пакистан крайне бедная страна, даром что ЯО есть
@@Andrey5945 они ж не понимают ни хрена ещё. Я в масквэ сварщиком работал в 14-м году (у нас как раз тут войнушка началась), так тоже блатовали в гальванике подрабатывать, типа за доплату. Ответил рабовладельцу в том смысле, что запасные лёгкие не продаются. Он тогда с соседнего производства молодых пацанов завлекал. Просветил их, что даже аккумуляторщики раньше молоко за вредность получали и на пенсию раньше шли. Так у них условия намного комфортней (а не как тут, что заходишь, даже глаза выедает). Думайте сами - говорю - стоит за копейки здоровье гробить? Не знаю, послушались, или нет.
Ну может у них текучка большая, пару месяцев поработали и свалили, за пару месяцев молодому организму ничего не будет. Ключи норм делают, но без термообработки они пластилиновые.
I would love to see the factory that makes the huge drive chains.
That stood in Germany... 1917 that was
@@d.kramlich3708 About right. Russian copy of a removed equipent from Germany after lost WW2. Modern machines would use hydraulic piston.
I'd love to see the bike that chain was made for.
@@tjp353 "That's the second largest bicycle I've ever seen."
A lot of heavy machinery from shut down UK factories made its way to that region of the world.
Вот мы смеемся , развлекаемся просмотром , а сами к этому идем семи мильными шагами благодаря вовчику и его команде
Ошибаешься, это ещё не плохой вариант.
Я смотрю эти ролики и очень сочуствую этим людям
@@ЛюдмилаПасечная-ю9э ты глянь как канализацию в Индии чистят. Ты вообще афигеешь. Когда чувак в люк с говном ныряет.
@@AlexWhiteUA есть ссылка? я видел, как китайцы ныряли)))
что да, то да - это не вовочкин 95 квартал, совершенно не смешно!
The L Handle Socket Wrench market is more booming than I thought.
That's what I was wondering. It's the most useless of the tools in one of those cheap tool kits. No to mention the fact that they didn't harden them.
Probably because they will break at first use without getting hardening treatments
@@Jonathan.D It hardens when it is pulled through the hole. It will be smaller in diameter and longer in thread.
@ The drawing process does make it harder but it also makes it brittle. Quality tools that are made using the drawing process are always tempered/heat treated. This is to relieve stress caused during drawing and fabrication.
No, not quality. Just cheap fast innovative production with the little they have. Yes the drawing work hardens it a bit, but does make it brittle. They did not temper but I believe at the end during the "chem clean" they also case hardened.. but these are where the harbour freight tools you break with 15 lbs/ft of torque.
Though I’ve agreed with several negative comments, I do appreciate witnessing this..
Классный канал. Сиди и угадывай, что же они там сделают. Вау, да это же угловой удлинитель)
Вот поэтому они скручиваются эти удлинители без закалки.Сыромятина
@@AZABRAT-ns9jv марки стали, термичка? Не не слышали! 😑
@@AZABRAT-ns9jv Так нехер в Леруа инструмент покупать за копейки!!! 😊😊😊
Мир непонятен и загадочен если не знаешь пару сотен английских слов🤣
Your videos have the best PPE and modern equipment should be a OSHA training video.
Таких видосов мы насмотрелись.. Теперь давай снимай производство оружия!)
Про оружие уже давноообыло
Ха-ха-ха. Было бы интереснее. Если поискать, то найдешь ...
Оружие ютуб не одобряет , на таких каналах другие условия . Влада Борисыча вообще забанили , хороший канал был .
Хочешь верь, а хочешь нет, но оружие они тоже на коленке😂
@@TheYopt При чём любое!!! 👍😊😊😊
This makes me appreciate my CNC machining job.
yes me to☺
El proceso es interesante, sobre todo, lo que se puede lograr a veces casi con nada, y en eso, en estos lugares del mundo, lo tienen muy en claro, y los admiro por ello.
Sin embargo, es duro ver como esos chicos aprenden de la manera mas dura, a ganarse su sustento, y no creo que tengan muchas mas alternativas, es triste ver esas cosas.
que hipócrita q sos
@@juanmamolina3477 Yo creo que estos chicos aprenden la cultura del trabajo seguro no salen delincuentes lo único deberían tener mejores condiciones de trabajo mas seguridad están en un ambiente con ácidos producto de cromar las piezas ninguno tiene mascara y cuando usan las amoladoras de banco deberían proveerles de antiparras. Acá en argentina contratas un chico para laburar para que se gane un mango y te hacen flor de quilombo.
@@juanmamolina3477 eso es mejor a que sean sicarios juveniles. no cabe duda que sus padres o familiares le inculcaron el valor de trabajo, y no estar robando como sucede en muchas partes del mundo.
@carlos kinderknecht Y QUIEN T asegura a vos q NO sean delincuentes mañana estos niños explotados, NO ALCANZA con solo ponerle un martillito en la mano al niño para q sea una persona d bien y d buenos valores ,,O ACASO NO HAY DELINCUENTEs resentidos q surgen por la denigracion y despresio del jefe en estos trabajos precarios ,,,denigracion en el salario,salud,educación..El adulto o niño explotado si no se revela sera sumiso toda su vida , asi de simple.Y eso d que “”aprende la cultura del trabajo” es relativo por lo q exprese anteriormente y esa FRASE depende mucho d q QUE SEA ASI si la persona o empresario tiene buenas intensiones y valores hacia sus empleados,, “”aprende la cultura del trabajo” lo invento el patrón d estancia((y lo utilizan todos los “”empresarios””explotadores)) q ponía a toda una familia a trabajar x 2 pesos y un kilo d yerba y mantenía ASI SU MANO de obra barata,,se morían los padres y quedaban los hijos .El patron los necesitaba asi ignorantes y hacinados en taperas ¡¡Y OJO CON HABLAR d derechos!!.Los niños tienen por ley derechos y deberes q se deben cumplir en su niñez,,ya les tocara ((teniendo educación formal y buenos valores)) el momento d tener un trabajo digno y d valorar el mismo…. Vos decis ””””Acá en argentina contratas un chico para laburar para que se gane un mango y te hacen flor de quilombo””” “”se gane un mango”” q significa ,,,¿¿ganar menos d lo q gana un adulto por el mismo trabajo o por ser menor ganar menos d lo q corresponde…
@@juanmamolina3477 no todos explotan a los trabajadores habría que preguntarles a esos pibes si realmente les gusta lo que hacen en ese país no hay mucha elección lo ideal sería que también vallan a la escuela y con respecto a la cultura del trabajo eso se aprende desde chico no es necesario que sean explotados laboralmente que hagan trabajos pesados que su cuerpo no tolere por ser menores vivo en el campo y antes de los planes sociales la gente pedía trabajo y venían con sus hijo y yo no los explotaba hoy con los planes nadie trabaja esos chicos hoy ya son mayores de edad y trabaja y algunos terminaron la escuela .
Дети работают с опасными химикатами без защиты.
Качество инструмента я бы проверил, концы конечно получились достаточно прочны благодаря холодной ковке, но вот весь остальной вороток не закален, будет гнутся походу, не очень уверен что формование протяжкой сильно укрепило сталь.
Это одноразовые вещи. Говно, проще говоря. Кому то, кому три гайки раз в три года открутить - хватит.
Про детей и электролит....слава однополярному миру, чо. Зато их сверстники ноют на уроках гендерного воспитания. ...ай, нахер, не охота....
А слово завод и с храповым механизмом просто убивает на повал.
А слово завод и с храповым механизмом в названии ролика просто убивает на повал.
Нихромовая сталь и ванадий тут не применяются.
@@ggru1981 kianid a deti
I missed the part where they tempered the steel?
No quality control. They will bend the first time is used.
It's remarkable how it feels like this whole operation was thought up by a couol guys with a welder and someone who had some scrap steel lying around.
I feel bad for the kids, but they must be doing it for their families. I hope the conditions improve for them. They deserve that for how hard they work.
At least we aren't going to have a world shortage of L wrenches.
I had ever seen this type of breaker-bar tool before (just found some on eBay) could be quite handy, less pivoting parts would make it very robust 👍
@@SpectreOZ They aren't forged or heat treated, they'll bend or just break. Not worth the money!
@@ericschreiber1847 Not all L-bars are made in the same fashion, Snap-On for example would be a superior product... I was referring to the nifty concept 👍
we need to show this to every hi school person so they can see what work is !!
The work of making a garbage tool?
Hard workers at hard conditions doing their best !!!
Cơ khí Đức Tùng Mecchinery, xin chúc bạn một năm mới an thịnh vượng
Вот тот самый капитализм про который мне рассказывали в школе: антисанитарные условия работы,детский труд,кустарное производство.
Мы туда плавно скатываются.
расслабься у нас никогда так не будет, мы работать не любим
От не пизди! Хлибни боярки и уЗБаГойся!
@@goodblacksmith970 Боярка элитный и дорогой алкоголь. Его могут себе позволить только бояре, дворяне и прочие аристократы.
@@АлексейВиноградов-х6е и потому покупают этот эЛЛитный алкоголь в аптеки ))) Для тех кто сладше морковки ничего не ел, конечно же он элитный.
Чего свистеть то? У нас давно бы всех разогнали, станки продали на металлолом и открыли торговый центр на этих площадях. У нас чай цивилизация.
Seeing this boys working instead of learning and loughing is breaking my heart.
I am sorry that play and school age children are working under these negative conditions . Unfortunately, we live in a very unfair world.
Very true, I agree. These children should be preparing their minds for good jobs in the future instead of placing their hands in Cancer causing chemicals and working around open wiring and dangerous equipment.
they are poor and hard working that you were rich and happy
@@charlesirby9222 "the poor shall always be with you" that's the world we live in ... but yes most unfortunate.
No different in America early 1900's
Cheap labor for sure but it helps the family survive.
Good bloss all Pakistani people wish a great future for hard working people 🌹🌹🌹💕💕💕👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
Echt schön zu sehen wie Kinder arbeiten verrichten die sie nicht mal ansatzweise verrichten sollten wie zum z.b.s Säuren bei der Galvanik......und allen denen das gefällt sollten diese Arbeit unter diesen Bedingungen selbst aus führen.......!!!!!
Far better working conditions than those experienced by slave labourers in Germany during wwII.
After they get thrown on the dirty floor who knows how many times they end up in a plastic bag. Nice. I especially like the process towards the end where the tools are kneaded in a pile of sand. Just so those tools never forget where they came from.
I wonder if the use of protective gloves is needed when you have to pour out the poison every minute
Amazing, I remember when the U.S. had a ton of these manufacturers with craftsmen making things with their hands. Then the environmentalists saved us. Awesome.
Pretty sure that's corporations you wanna blame there bud. Sending jobs overseas where they can pay people less.
Assembly lines or not, these guys are still masters of their craft. Thanks.
One day I wish to have the same level of bravery the Knurling Machine Operator has.
They didn't show it up close....but I bet his fingers have been knurled a time or three
And extra fingers.
Maybe I missed it but shouldn't the wrenches have been heat treated
I think the same.
It takes fuel to make heat, fuel is expensive, they probably save a lot of money not heat treating.
Hacen el laminado en frío, Menos eficiente pero válido.
Я думал перед гальваникой закалку сделают, ну так тоже пойдет, на велосипеде колеса затягивать.
Роботизированный процесс!
Детский труд
Только роботов почаще менять надо.
Gotta love the rubber gloves that are so short they get filled with liquid they should be protecting from....
love the child labour and brand new marigolds just for the camera, great work guys
These kids are lucky to have such a head start on their careers!
Tell me you are joking.
Термообработку пропустили, а так все норм
чую в их коммуне марочная диференциация металла считаеца дурным тоном. термичка это не их конёк. ну а смысл калить дворовую сталь? по сути инструмент и в правду одноразовый. зато стоит капейки
Do not cold draw make it hard... And usually why heat treatment is done for..
Muito top esse trabalho de vcs parabéns a todos 👍👍👍
What's amazing about it? Seeing children working without proper protection without gloves working with hazardous materials without a mask. Very sad.
Yes that is what you get in a poor country with no welfare system these young lads might be the only breadwinner in the family.
adopt them all and take care of them with all of your riches
Such good working people, may Allah bless you guys.
golly! that is a super chain!,
the guys are drawing steel like it was done 100 years ago in the west.
And what they do in the west now , French fríes 🍟 and hamburgers 🍔
That is the hand-me-down technology left after the departure of the British Empire.
great video excellent professional a big hug 🇧🇷
I love to see this videos and thinking of ways to improve the proces, with just 2 pneumatic cylinders they could save a lot of work
and a few rolling carts instead of throwing parts on the floor. That draw table is pretty powerful that they pull the rods through at the start. I set one of these up to draw silver rods for the silver bullets We made
like the guy spinning the handle to close and open the rod vise. damn that must get old quick.
@@a-fl-man640 even just making that vice leadscrew has a 2 start thread instead of the single start thread would make it quicker.
@@flatsurfaces1913 but less holding power. I think
They are happy to have electricity.
I guess I just kept thinking, what would it be like if our own kids had to work like this every day, in these conditions. I think we should send our juvenile offenders here for a year. When they got home, they'd be right model citizens.
Did anybody see these being heat treated? Nope, neither did I. That tells you everything you need to know about the quality of these.
I thought i had missed that step, it seems it's not necessary for them. Maybe it's a strategic business move, the more the L wrenches fail, the more people buy.
That’s not my biggest concern in what I’ve seen while watching this video.
@@rdspeedfab Well, yeah, there's the part about dipping bare hands in plating chemicals, and then wondering what they do with the spent chemicals (though I don't really wonder.)
@@realmetallurgist8493 yeah they’ll all have cancer in 20 years. But my main concern was the young boys. I was playing with transformers when I was that young boys age. Crazy
у нас на мололетке так всё поставлено давай давай быстрей быстрей и тут прям один в один показано такой труд. Это очень хорошо что они с малых лет уже начинают что то делать плохо то что многим сегодня (западло) вообще руки морать спасибо было интересно.
особенно детям дышать парами кислоты на гальванике
Готов поработать в гальванических цехах за 2 копейки?
@@economistei9912 рассмешил спасибо
The fumes in there must be pretty intense.
I was thinking about how they are handling them without proper protection. The chroming process uses some dangerous chemicals. The only kid with gloves on put his hands in too deep and filled it up. Young kids are too small to understand the true dangers of this kind of work. In a real chrome shop, everyone has on full gear plus a respirator. Unless you make stuff yourself it's almost impossible to avoid buying items that are made using bad practices. It's sad that greed pushes people to make a
choices that will ruin the lives of millions.
Don't you worry about that. The children don't wear masks. They will get used to it very soon.
Only in the first world is this a problem. Plenty of kids to fill the vacancies. Third world problem-work or starve.
@@brucefrencham2628 Child labor is a problem no matter the country. Children need to learn and grow. They don't need to be working long shifts just to keep themselves fed. Children being forced into working like these kids is due to mankind's greed. Our consumer society that says we need the newest version of crap we never needed in the first place is part of the reason for their having to work. It's a complex problem that involves every country and every level of society. At 15 years old my father was disabled in an accident. I had to take on three part-time jobs to put food on the table and keep the electricity on. So I find your comment to be cold, ignorant, and disgusting.
And I'm not talking about the chemicals!! whew! Ha ha no.. ok I'll show myself out...
Great to see children being taught valuable job skills.
Child Labour
yeah besides the exploitation, obvious health and safety issues, deprivation of normal physical and mental development and lack of fundamental rights to schooling... it's character building.
@@YTDmeyez Ahh Yes, isn't globalization great?
The one plating tub the kid was dipping tools into is Hexavalent Chromium, a known carcinogen. It's dangerous in any amount to breathe or get on skin or clothing. It's easily absorbed. Everyone in that room was being exposed to it.
И где правозащитные организации - организации труда,гринпис,защиты детей,защиты животных - что дети - смертники на гальванике с солями хрома -никеля работают,или кошечки важнее?
так это же не в РФ . вот тогда бы вой подняли.
@@kander3634 А мне всех детей жалко -они еще не пожили......И детей сирийских и украинских и африканских .......а в рф -то так.....за них пусть русссские отвечают...
Western kids work at fast food joints and these kids build tools. Good on them for having a good work ethic.
You confuse "good work ethic" with "trying not to starve" or "avoiding being beaten to death" (depends if their form of employment is sl*very or just regular child exploitation).
I can't even imagine working in those conditions.
@@zombielikemunchies8009 Waste of time?
Their making wrenches for people, that's a useful thing.
Also why did you put honest work in quotes? it's very honest respectable work.
Not for a member of a developed nation, it should be automated but they are doing work which has some value to the world.
@@kkknotcool Quotes probably because "honest work" is a popular euphemism for "child exploitation and lack of even the cheapest PPE".
Of course I'm not going to deny them respect for their hard work. But at the same time term "honest work" in this context is an opening to discussion about virtues of child labor - that's probably why @Bryan Medina put it in quotes.
@@wojciechdebowski5014 Child labor is not a bad thing. Most children labored throughout human history, the only evil here is the menial level of work being done here.
Both children and adults should be making more money with better/faster equipment. (and with some PPE)
But if they can't afford to do any better then this right now, then I'm not gonna judge anybody in this situation aside from maybe the nation's minimum wage standard.
Hello. Your channel is so professional. I love discovering your videos. Good luck. very happy to hang out with you.
In this factory the workers are trying to take care of their health but the owner of the factory is failing them... some people have head phones in ears to mask the noise and this one guy has leather jacket, cap and gloves. I hope that the workers get adequate protection for themselves. Edit: I saw one guy using rubber gloves. good for him :) Unfortunately the children picks up handles bare handledly from acid bath rinsing bowl.
I'm pretty sure these things are also sold in western countries...
Faudrait en envoyer certains ados de chez nous la bas.
Une semaine à bosser dans une usine comme celle ci, et peut être qu'ils comprendraient la valeur du travail et surtout de l'argent
I also inherited one of those from my Finnish grandfather, and he was born in 1901. While they work, I dont use it. I also have an very old ratchet made from stamped steel and has a large visible cog, The handle swivels and has a lock that stops the cog. To reverse it, you flip the ratchet over. Extension bars are double ended straight like they are making here. They are not chrome plated. Also some sockets too. They were half inch drive.
One came with my Chinese benchtop milling machine. I replaced it with a ratchet and an extension. I wonder where that L wrench got off to now? I haven't seen it in years.
Reminds me of my first job out of high school a real sweatshop, and peacework.
And in the U.S. we have 30yr olds that don't know what gender they are. I think they use some of these chemicals to dye their hair.
we learn from those great people thank you for your tube ,الله معكم
Had they forged that steel or heat treated it, this would be a very good quality tool. Even as it is, would suffice for many jobs.
The heat treat was done when they pulled the steel rod thur the die.
In the same way they make some nails.
Not the greatest way to make a tool.
@@bphillipscnc The metal was soft as butter even after they pulled it through the die. How else would they have been able to stamp the square ends on it, knurl it, and put the L bend in it so easily. They finished it by plating but they didn't bother to harden it by heat treating.
E muito bom assistir esses vídeos são locais precário mais a qualidade e de tirar o chapéu lindas peças que são fabricada por vocês.
Love the simplicity.
yeah Tom, this simply uncovered electrical wires around the childs and the open chemical "things" are realy "simply and amayzing", like your mindset
I feel it's over complicated. Throw the parts on the floor, Pick the parts back up again... No processe flow, the plating processes is to slow, they need movable hanging racks and bigger tubs so that they can just move a whole rack from tank to tank instead of hanging, removing and hanging the parts again and again.
@@Baron_Muenchhausen_Original not every comment in the world needs to account for social justices.
@@jamisojo I got my eyes to look and not to look away ....
The little guy with pink top head cover are sooo cute.!
Apparently they aren't heat treated. So they are butter soft, and will twist the first time anyone uses them with an extender on a really stubborn nut or bolt. This is why buying tools made in foreign countries are usually shitty quality.
Job security.
Agreed. And the steel itself doesn't have that high-pitched ring of tool steel.
Wow, what a massive chain.
These video's are amazing to watch on how they are made. it's sad to see these kids working at such a young age and most likely getting paid penny's a day to do it.
I was like that in the English factories in my grandfather's day when the legal age of starting full time work was 12 years old. At some ancient British Steel plants the working conditions in the 70s were similar, except the workers were much older and they worn leather aprons when dipping metal into hot metal.
So amazing video 😍😍😍😍
Imagine the training involved. "OK...do this. Got it? Do it 100,000 more times...get paid a dollar...go home. Come back tomorrow."
These kids look very young to be working!
Excellent video on the production of L wrenches, not Ratchets. Children working will teach them the need to work as an adult, and they are doing their jobs well. I worked at farm labor at this very age and it was good for Me.
Working with DEADLY chemicals while using ZERO safety equipment? A lot of them won't live to be adults.
Major respect to these guys - I wish all things were still made this way. I also know they are paid poorly - I hope God will bless them with better wages in the future.
Excelente trabalho 👏👏👏 top10 parabéns!
Very interesting, only question is "these Giant tool making machine's? Where do they originate from, or did these HARD-WORKING
people also made them,,,. Have a good day,,,.
When factories shut down around the world the machines get shipped to places like we're seeing here. That's how economic warfare works. One country loses to another one depressed wage worker at a time. I watched a video where China came in and bought a whole German steel mill. They took it all apart and shipped it to China.
The squad needs to explain the "Global Warming" calamity these poor people are facing if they don't put an end to their industrial pollution.
C'mon, the Harbor Tools truck is waiting!
I made them back in the 70,s thousands of them!
What difference you found in their and your method?
Wonderful work.But one thing is that before electroplating the handle must go through heat treatment for hardening.Also the polishing done in a rotary vessel of wood powder.people must take all safety measures that handling chemicals.
Now I know how snap off and hurt you spanners are made
Those kids are proud to be putting food on the table. Still, this breaks my heart. I can't explain.
This is a typical work environment in India/Pakistan. There are little to no labor laws protecting the worker from environmental hazards, let alone to keep children out of this madness. The thing they don't want you to see is the maimed and disfigured workers/children. The ones with digits missing from a hand or a whole hand, head injuries, missing eye.......
I have personally seen video where a child is grinding a tool with their "feet" while sitting on a dirt floor, because their fingers had been chopped off from a pneumatic press.
Not in India
This doesn't happen in India..only in Pakistan
Mí admiración, mi respeto profundo, felicitaciones futuros hombres de bien, futuro país poderoso!!!!
I want one of these, first time i ever saw this style of tool was on this channel.
A variation on the concept of a breaker bar 👍
Perhaps phosphated instead of “chrome”?
Gives this gray-black non-reflective color. When oiled, it stands up well to corrosion. Finally, it can be done at home.
I think the NA/EU is L type wrench socket, or something like that. A T-handle is more advanced yet as simple.
Great skills, and these people just take it for granted.
Interesting process. I'm guessing this "L" wrench is part of the spare tire kit. This is NOT a ratchet wrench.
I have watched other "repairing" videos and they use the L wrench for everything, very seldom saw a ratchet wrench used, probably because they get put down in the dirt/sand all the time (no work benches or concrete floors) and the grit would kill a ratchet wrench in no time.
Hard working men 👏👏💪🤙
Impressed by the scale of the machinery, bicycle-style chains that look to be 20mm across, solid copper tank that looks like it's made from 8mm thick copper, etc. Also impressed with the children working here, some of whom look like they are 10 yrs old or younger.
Those kids should be at work by 5 y/o. Not wasting their time at school!!
@@ldnwholesale8552 Where the men are men and the children are, too.
20m is 2cm. Not even close. 20cm is what you wanted to say.
خداوند قوت دهد به شما کارگران زحمتکش که نان حلال را با رنج و زحت به خانه میبرید
One really wonders why they toss everything in a heap on the floor. Why have they not discovered boxes and casters? Truly bizarre.
One really wonders why there's a child working there.......
As someone who has worked for Rolls-Royce here in the U.K. I am also at a loss why they don’t use some simple stillages or transport trolleys to move parts around the work area. The job looks repetitive enough as it is without having to bend over all the time to pick up components from the floor.
That would cause traffic jam and dismantle the motivation. Little by little seems more. manageable I guess and it is.
At least a table? More efficiency means less employees though. These young guys must need the job, and I'm glad they have it.
@@adammontgomery7980, same about kids working with chemicals?
Admiro muito o Trabalho que eles Fazem ......Excelentes Profissionais ..
Amazing mix of modern machines and ancient hand processing. Incredible, no eye or hand protections, or safety from grease, solvent, and chemicals. Remarkably poor QC.
Chota baccha jo tools ko liquid me drop kara tha vo🌺 bahut accha hai cute boy 🌺
faltou um tratamento término para dar dureza ao aço. Ficaria completo.
Sem dúvida!.. a ductilidade do material é bem patente nos vários processos de modelação!
This people are braves doing this hard work. Congratulations.