Ah, we were so innocent thinking the worst thing Trump would do is deport millions of citizens of Mexican heritage. Which was very bad, of course. But Trump being Trump, he upped his game.
+Scott Wilson; It never were "the good ol days", GW Bush was another republican disaster. His cabinet made 935 lies to start a war in Iraq, a war that we are still fighting.
Irony and satire. for anyone else not up to speed, of course they weren't the good old days - it was a joke at the expense of both presidents contrasting one disaster and ...oh never mind..
When Trump supporters get triggered so easily like this, it's fun to just antagonize and piss them off even more just to see how dumb their responses can get.
***** No. Not that. Do you want to try to have an adult conversation about the highest elected office in the United States? Lets give it a try. Donald Trump built his campaign on racism, borrowed a slogan from ww2 era American Nazis, was endorsed by the American Nazi Party and the KKK, is already in violation of the emoluments clause of the constitution, is a known con man with a history of grift and bribery, is willfully ignorant of American political processes, and is so incompetent that at the moment of swearing in he had filled 20 of 660 executive positions, and had to ask 50 Obama appointees to stay on the job, including the special advisor on ISIS (so much for Trumps critisism that Obama is failing at dealing with ISIS, he kept the dude whos job was to advise Obama on ISIS!) Just like the joke that 'drain the swamp' turned out to be because Trump immediatly began filling cabinet positions with billionaire lobbyists and megadonners. Feel free to try to engage me in adult conversation. It may end up being prodictive.
***** You asked me to show you evidence on Trump building his campaign on racism: His previous forays into politics revolved around questioning the legitimacy of Americas first black president, even though McCain was born in Panama and Romney's Grandparents immigrtaed from Mexico, their legitimacy was never questioned. He only questioned the black guy. His announcement speach called Mexican immigrants murderers and rapists (some are good people Im sure) I dont think you need sources for those two. His love of 'law and order,' and stop and frisk evoke a racist campaign from the 70s of the same name and supports a clearly racist tactic (since minorities are disproportionately stoped and frisked) Good read on that one: www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/09/27/opinions/presidential-debate-race-joseph/index.html And do I really need to explain why 'build that wall' and calling on a religous test to ban muslims from entering into the US is bigoted? So yeah, he built his campaign on racism. ... I was refering to 'America First,' not 'Make America Great Again.' It was in the oroginal post that started this thread. *Pay attention.* ... Grift and bribery, and approving wars are two different things. Yes, Clinton is a hawk, and I didnt like that. I wanted Bernie. But lets not forget that Trump supported the Iraq invasion, action in Lybia, and the Afganistan war, and has promised to commit war crimes (like torture) in going after ISIS as president. And you didnt even attempt to address his long history of corruption, which includes the time he used charity funds to bribe the Florida AG. You just did a sad and pathetic pivot to Clinton. Ppffft. ... If Obama failed on ISIS why is Trump keeping Obama's advisor on ISIS? Hhhmmm? ISIS has been losing ground, including the all important town of Dabiq, and will soon be out of Mosul. It is unfortunate how this situation has gone down, but the congress refused to give him any more authority to do anything, because they wouldnt declare war or even expand the authorisation for the use of force. Fun fact: did you know that only the congress can declare war? The president cannot just unilaterally take military action except in national emergencies. I recomend the book 'Drift' by Rachel Maddow. ... Hillary Clinton, like democrats tend to do when they are presdient, was going to fill her cabinet with competent people who are qualified for their jobs. Example: Obama had a nuclear physicist (Moniz) in charge of the Department of Energy. Trump is putting a guy (Rick 'oops' Perry) in charge that didnt even know the Department of Energy deals with Nuclear energy and weapons! Wow! If your sole defense is to try to deflect to Clinton critisisms every time, I will let you know now that excuse will not work in the coming months as the election becomes a thing of the past. Your bit about me recently becoming politically aware... Actually republicans have a recent history of patronage and democrats a history of competence. Compare the FEMA responses to Hurrican Andrew, the great Mississippi flood, and Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, and Hurrican Sandy under Bush, Clinton, W Bush, and Obama respectivly. The republicans failed, the democrats responded well. Yeah, turns out I know quite a bit. (also, note that the fact that I said Katrina and Rita amd not just Katrina means I lived in Louisiana, there were actually 2 hurricanes at one time that W Bush failed to respond to) ... And the biggest point here: *You just called Jon Stewart 'Jew Boy' and in the same post claim Trumps campaign isnt racist and doesnt borrow from Nazis.* Really? really? Do I need to explain this one to you? That alone means I won this debate. You proved us correct, anti semite.
If liberalism is a mental disorder than the other end of the spectrum, or what you have, is a disease. And at least you're born with mental illness; what you got is contracted by being a filthy animal.
Amon Ra If you think that just because Clinton was shady we should excuse Trump, I think that politics are a joke at this point. It shouldn't be an argument of "Who's less criminal", it should be "Who is going to make a positive change?" And so far, Trump's campaign and the months leading up to now have only been negative (Not even just his fault, so many people have been contributing to it) and divided the United States.
Martin Stu The irony in that, considering "the working class" constantly blames Obama for unemployment and ignore facts, whichever is the worse of the two
SYF_Gaming the biased media fucks say it's at 37%. these are the same people that said clinton was up 10% in the polls and would win in a landslide. the people who said the election was over in October. the people who said clinton had a 98% chance of winning the morning of election day.
Glorious Mustache She actually has made several comments about him, so yes she can. Yoo're also looking at the difference bewteew daytime and nightime television.
It's true Glorious and every President has his turn and that's OK. What aggravates many is the fact that many Democrats won't let their loss go and get down to business.
jack Putin would be a 100x better president than any other American 90 % approval rating in Russia you try and get elected for over 18 years as a country's leader without Putin Russia will fall
+Michael Scofield; Putin stays in power because opposition candidates are jailed or even killed. Boris Nemtsov was killed Feb. 2015 walking in a street of Moscow center.
seriously? the comments here are ridiculous 1. stop swearing, thats just pathetic 2. no one wants a communist country, russia used to be a communist country and guess who trump looks up to 3. the u.s. is becoming less progressive than some muslim countries right now thanks to trump, which is pretty embarrassing
To guys from outside the US. Lets sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. Cuz it's gonna be an hilarious 4 years 😂 guys chill. we know trump's evil. issa joke
dude, don't get your hopes that buttery. Ukraine's previous pres was also shoved onto us by moscow, and he also was an idiot who promised all sorts of greatness. 3 years into it, we're in the midst of a war, impoverished, with territories lost. This is gonna be a UGE lesson to NEVER, EVER allow imbeciles and idiots to elect your highest office. Never allow a president with low approval rating (cuz it will split your country). And the price is going to be very tough.
I just woke up from having this nightmare where an orangutan with fake hair became president of the most powerful country in the world Good thing it was just a nightmare........right? RIGHT?????
The Donald is elected president.... On the first night he spends in the White House, he is visited by the ghost of George Washington. He asks him, "George, what can I do to best serve the United States?" The ghost of George Washington responds, "Never tell a lie." He says, "Oh, I don't think I can do that." The next night, he is visited by the ghost of Thomas Jefferson. He asks him, "Tom, what can I do to best serve the United States?" The ghost of Thomas Jefferson responds, "Do not bully the people." He says, "Oh, I don't think I can do that." On the third night, he is visited by the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. He asks him, "Abe, what can I do to best serve the United States?" The ghost of Abraham Lincoln responds, "Go see a play."
👆 this is a fuckin BRILLIANT monologue... this video will be include in the documentary abt World War-III dont know about America but the comedy is great again.
yup this was really hilarious. comedy maybe the only silver lining of trump administration. To quote J.Kimmel _“You know the old saying, 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade'? Well, guess what? Life just gave us an orange as president.”_
The US is not exactly like the EU, but Trump was a disaster from the start. (And I am bot saying this for partisan views, but he is just BAD news.) Oh, look up Lada Edmonds, as that was where I "stole" the phrase.
@@shmuli9 Yeah nice try. You're clearly saying that for partisan views. Not to mention, you make him out worse than he ever was. It was covid that y'all use the "bad" term for because you're gonna listen to Mommy CNN and Daddy NBC and say all the stuff they say to you.
Namida Don't forget- these are the same people screaming about Obama's birth certificate and saying shit like "Hang Obama" and "Deport him". So by all means, never stop giving Donald hell.
Shamic Entertainment They not only said it they paraded around with props of him in a fucking noose! Namida It's hilarious Trumpists love to tell people to stop whining and being snowflakes, yet they get so hilariously butthurt if you point out Trumps incompetence or call them on their own stupidity. Guess those safe spaces ain't looking so bad to them now. Lol
PIM's a Whovian, a shockingly huge number of Americans get their "news" from Colbert, and what Colbert is spewing each and every night is a delusional, hyper-partisan, fake news misrepresentation of what actually happened.
I came back to this after watching his interview with Charlamagne, Jena Friedman, and Maz Jobrani from this week. It's always good to get a refresher on what happened. Well all those roads being built and jobs for Americans never panned out and our American carnage has only gotten worse. Yet, more than 70million Americans voted for him again in 2020. We've been divided for many years and it's only gotten worse. Unless there's a nationwide mass hallucinogenic experience where everyone's doors of perception are opened, I don't see these 70million people thinking any differently in the future.
@@RedDotInABlueState91 it's pretty unsettling to know that 71 million people voted for a racist, white nationalist who hates America. And tryed to overthrow the American government
I can see where Trump supporters are coming from in terms of Stephans show though, his show use to be fun for everybody but now its just a Trump punching bag show, He literally wont shut up about Trump. It would make the show unwatchable for anyone but us liberals because he just tries make republicans look stupid. I get he's got funding from the Clinton foundation but his rants are excessive.
Funding from the Clinton foundation? The money comes from viewership. And since >50% of people didn't vote for Trump, it's a good way to get a lot of viewers.
@@thatleftyjames2893 300,000 people have died of covid under Trump. Biden would have actually attempted to solve the problem instead of sitting around with his thumb up his ass.
JoeDurobot You have to be retired from the military for at least 7 years before becoming the Sec. of defense. Mattie was only retired for 3 years. They basically did a waiter.
The whole idea of having a civilian as secretary of defence is that you have another point of view, a regular person who isn't used to sacrificing soldiers like pawns on a chessboard. The entire design is to reign in the military and make sure the leader has more humanity than your average general.
I am fortunate enough to live in Canada, but I think it is a shame and insult to Obama, who as far as I am concerned did a terrific job and was probably one of the best Presidents that america has ever seen, only to be followed by a shyster like trump. trump is like that sleazy guy who tries to sell you a car that will breakdown as soon as it leaves the lot, or that uncle that you are not allowed to be alone with.
jacky oday Absolutely!!! How is it not as plain as day to everyone else. A total used car salesman and not a very good one. "Perhaps if she wasn't my daughter, I would be dating her" Who the fuck says that?!?!
You're joking right? Obviously you canucks have no clue what it even means to have freedom. Obama has been one of the worst presidents of all time, not the worst but definitely up there. Only expanded nearly everything bush did, try to push globalist corporate trade deals like TPP, expanded the patriot act, signed a bill that allows indefinite detention, Bombed more country's in one administration then any other, had more terrorist attacks, and divided the country. What was so great? He was black? Is that it?
BTW, public interest announcement from another Canadian --- *GOD has left USA* ... he now lives in downtown Toronto ( I met him a few days back at Tim Hortons)
For his sheer militarism and decisions againsy freedom. (Spying, Patriot Act extension, etc.) He is definitely a mixed bag of a president. I would say he did a mediocre job. Trump is worse, but Obama wasn't that great.
The world was like, "You can't possible elect someone dumber than Bush." and America was like, "Hold my beer." goddamn it America, What in the world have you done??!
Funny, but completely wrong. We voted for Obama twice to prove we were not racist. Then we voted for Trump to prove we were not buying their global eugenicist garbage anymore.
What did we do you ask? We voted against ILLEGAL immigration and for an orderly immigration system which deports the people who cut in line and rewards the one who filled out the paper work and are waiting for the process to go through. We voted against importing tens of thousands of Islamists who practice oppressive idealogies. We voted against more debt, higuer taxes, more regulation and more freedoms taken away. We moved for law and order and against people who riot , loot and destroy things when they dont get their way. Do you still have any questions?
You would be a joke if you didn't have the most powerful army in the world and a massive stock pile of nuclear arms. You aren't a joke, you are terrifying.
lets see...so Obama gets a Nobel Peace prize right from the start before he even does anything, but President Trump sucks before he does anything? Now there's some unbiased observations...NOT!!!!
Michael Dietch III He's silences the EPA, defunded women's healthcare, claims illegals are why he lost the popular vote, plus went along with the Dakotoa Access pipeline. He sucks
Oh look, another hippie trying to be relevant in the society. Thankfully he decided to stop this abortion atrocity. Taxpayers don't have to finance the choices of a certain group of individuals!
@sbmphr wrong and there's no evidence of nuclear fallout. He wasn't an interventionist unlike bush. Bush led us to Iraq ans trump never showed any signs of being that destructive.
Lugmillord But God is not religion and most of "Christian" Mericans are just hypocrites. That's the reality and that's the problem. God is just taken as an excuse.
curiousela1 What does have anything to do with what I'm saying? My point is if you're under the impression that America is or ever was a purely "secular" country than you are sorely mistaken.
This was what I was thinking as well too. Lemme tell you a story my Potato, Back in the cold war them dirty communists were atheists. So America so atheism as evil and communist. They changed the pledge of allegiance and went all nutty religious mode.
I am from the future Biden is 10000x worse then trump and there is war now and super high prices on gas and food. We are fucked now 2020 don't vote Biden you will only be screwing yourself and the whole world its horrible
@@shawnball4352 not remotely. Biden sucks...but Trump is a wannabe dictator and anyone who cant see that clearly doesnt value democracy or intelligence or human decency
Ferrik George Hey look a middle aged fat white guy trashing a talk show host on RUclips as he has nothing better to do with his time because he knows he'll never be as successful as the guy he's supposedly trashing. p.s.- This video got 3 mil views in 2 days. He's already relevant.
Siver A group of people get together to target a video and give each other thumbs up, to appear more numerous than they are. Give the video views and get Colbert more money. The likes up top show a more realistic opinion of the crowd.
rouslw rouslw thanks for letting us know.. now back to TRUMP 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁.. He's made the internet great again 😁😁😂😂😂😂.. A place where I can come and have a right good laugh.. 😂🍿🍿🍿
+Raging Heretic - No he is not. Only the Senate has the power to vote on impeachment. Why on Earth would they vote to impeach him even though the Senate is majority Republican, therefore supporting their agenda. Plus, it is not smart to say he is "already impeachable" when he has not done ANYTHING that abuses power or goes against the Constitution. It's been two days. I'm not necessarily a fan of President Trump. However, I am an American and desire to see this country prosper. I hope we can see eye-to-eye on that. So, I am going to give him a chance.
+Memorible werd I can't tell if that's supposed to be said in a sad tone, or meant as a threat towards other countries. If it's the latter, you're fucking sick.
I remember watching the inauguration in math class. All the lights were out and all the teachers looked very somber. I wasn’t really into politics then so I had no idea what the fuss was all about. Now, older and into politics, I completely understand.
Who is watching this in Feb 2024 or later? Looking down the barrel of another Trump presidency is terrifying and Colbert has aged hard these last 7 years...
Why is every Colbert video that is on RUclips exclusively about Trump? Is that what the rest of his show will be for the next four years? Should it just be called the Nightly Trump Comedy Hour Extravaganza?
Trump is the news like it or not. Of course that's the only talking point the day of his inauguration!! Is he supposed to talk about cats while a new president is sworn in? That would be stupid. Other nights, Colbert mentions the big story which is, I'm sorry, Trump. Then he might go into lighter fare. But yes four years of this. Stop watching if you don't like it. There is obviously a demand for Trump talk since Colbert's show is trending each night.
Craig McLaren Butt hurt Trump ass lickers. Trump is comedy gold. Not even accidentally tuning in on TV so you've come here deliberately. Stop watching or get used to it.
No, because he doesn't get paid to. They own his show. I respect shows like Ellen, Jimmy Fallon, Kimmel, etc. because some have expressed their liberalism without using their entire platform as anti-Trump anti-conservative agenda. Colbert is shit.
Yeah he has taken a few jabs at them, and around the time of debates, especially the final debates, he barely said anything about either Clinton or trump from my memory, so it's hard to pinpoint his position on things
It must be the ganja, it's the marijuana That's creeping up on me why I'm so high Maybe it's the Henny that has gotten in me Whatever's got into me I don't mind I said it's the ganja it's the marijuana That's creeping up on me why I'm so high Maybe it's the Henny that has gotten in me Whatever's got into me I don't mind
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this is whats happening.
@@Ok-gu1ny aren't you embarassed to type out stupid comments like that bro? "HAHAHA WAR BROKE OUT IN EUROPE IN BIDENS TERM HAHAHA XD" what were you trying to signal here exactly? are you 14? by the way it was Trump who approved major arms sales to Ukraine, so?
bernard....he saying it bc of how the libards said the world would end bc of the "Racist trump supporters and ww3" yet we are still here and the only "Racists" are the libs
It's a beautiful day!! Over 3 million people in peaceful protest around the world!! Every state in the US. All 7 continents including Antarctica! Protests in London, Berlin, Paris, Syndey, South Africa, Brussels, Belfast, Kenya, Ghana, Beunos Aires, 637 protests world wide. Not including small protests like the one in my home town. So you just keep telling yourself this is just about being sore losers. Wake up!! We are witnessing history today!
Watching this after trump lost re-election, denied the results, failed miserably, encouraged supporters to storm the Capitol, and today is his last day as Joe Biden is inaugurated
"well putting Hillary in prison... now they're best pals." I'm sure you're smart enough to realize that if Trump were to make sure Hillary Clinton pays for all of her crimes, the President couldn't be seen to be "persecuting his political enemies". There's such a thing as playing possum. Conversations Trump has had with the likes of Roger Stone, Alex Jones, etc paint a very different picture of what's going on behind the scenes than his public rhetoric does. "Repealing Obamacare, now he's thinking of keeping most of it." No, his position on keeping certain very specific parts of it was on his website from day 1 of his campaign. Another blatant lie from the controlled media. "The wall will no longer be "huge" now he's thinking of a fence." Obviously certain parts of the border would require different types of barrier to others, due to natural obstacles, etc. That's then spun into "hhurrr durrr Trump is flip flopping". Nothing of substance here. Just fake news stories and empty claims that you buy into.
This video popped up in my RUclips feed. I nearly had a stroke after reading that sentence. I sure am glad this video is seven YEARS old and not seven HOURS like I thought when I first clicked on it lmfao
Shout out to the little goldfish brain Trumpers that are commenting and giving this video more exposure, which in turn puts more advertisement money in Colbert's pocket. Genius.
Yeah I don't think people are mad to the point that they don't want him making money. I think they just want the Trump jokes to stop for just one week. I don't like Trump but jesus how many times can you hear the same reskinned jokes and still enjoy them? Like damn, a joke here and there is fine but the jokes have been nearly nonstop since the election started.
maybe you should do what we do in Australia, and that is compulsory voting, no excuses to not turn up and vote, then can it be said that a leader is a legitimate electee.
isamuddin I guess I agree with you. I'm from US. I voted for Hillary even though I don't like her. What gets me are all the idiots who didn't vote because they "didn't like Hillary but assumed Trump would lose" now sitting around complaining about the shit he's pulling.
"We're just as confused as you are, and we've been awake the entire time." So true, and that's the problem. Maybe we shouldn't assume we understand people from other walks of life and actually examine how the election ended as it did.
Wainwright Clarke I think he's gonna stop now. Now trump is president. He did say he's not a BITCH and he's gonna speak his mind cuz he don't like Trump. I respect him for being a real dude. At least he doesn't have to curl his tail between his like like other talk show. He's strong and awesome as fuck. I admire him. A great activist. So stfu.
Lord knows everything surrounding Trump provides enough material for every late night show every night for the entirety of his presidency. All 12 days.
Watching this in 2020: *hears live studio audience*
Me: what the fuck-?!
Me: oh...right....that used to be a thing
Actually, Stephen just had 500 Amazon Alexas with crowd sound in the audience
I know eh. Lol makes me uncomfortable seeing people that close and no masks.
It will be again. You banned a sitting president and are ruling up his voters with the bastardization of the border. It's how he got elected
@@cooldudecs I banned a sitting president?? That’s so weird I don’t remember doing that
"i actually got more votes than he did." "yeah, like Gore."
i cracked up.
deerofdawn I know 😄😄😄
TRUMP2017----This Gay America stops right here and right now---TRUMP2017
HAHAH same man
You sir need help.
Mike Hunt Whoa
This is actually kind of fun to watch on January 19, 2021.
Haha, yep! Here I am...
Alexander Leikin yahoo 29th January 👏🏻
The 30th here...
Yep is it only January
Feb 1st here...
The before, BEFORE times. Lord if i had only known what was in store.
like what? is the sky falling?
Matt Majcan Your country is leading in both cases and deaths of the pandemic. And the person leading your country is a big old doofus.
Ah, we were so innocent thinking the worst thing Trump would do is deport millions of citizens of Mexican heritage. Which was very bad, of course. But Trump being Trump, he upped his game.
I'm rewatching this and I'm like...oh Stephen, you sweet summer child...2017 wasn't even the worst !
andrew chambers sweetie with the way trump has handled corona he is doing this to himself he doesn’t need help from libs.
"People of the world" Lol don't bring me into it!
I love u
I love u
When GW Bush is the good ol days. Hoo boy.
Scott Wilson sadly the truth. 😔
+Scott Wilson Yep. Just remember that Housing Crash, Oh and that War waged on false pretenses. Yep, Good times.
Scott Wilson Going to war with Iraq over bullshit WMDS and nearly destroying the economy, Yep good times.
+Scott Wilson; It never were "the good ol days", GW Bush was another republican disaster. His cabinet made 935 lies to start a war in Iraq, a war that we are still fighting.
Irony and satire. for anyone else not up to speed, of course they weren't the good old days - it was a joke at the expense of both presidents contrasting one disaster and ...oh never mind..
I hope president Obama's feeling alright.
OminousCunt Great example of Trump's America.
O-B-A-M-A. It's a pretty simple name. Are you an idiot?
OminousCunt Trump supporters sure are childish, only way to bring their opponents down are to make fun of their names... pathetic
When Trump supporters get triggered so easily like this, it's fun to just antagonize and piss them off even more just to see how dumb their responses can get.
He's probably going through a lot right now
It is so surreal watching this in 2019.
Phoenixesper1 Trump 2020
Phoenixesper1 Even more now impeachment hearings are taking place.
Mary Lynne yep shows how bad Dems are being sore losers Trump 2020
@@chillingguy8386 Your trolling attempt just failed...like your "dear leader".
WeedWhacker2010 how is your dear Leader Hillary doing ? O that is right she is not a leader just a loser like you
"Now we are looking only to the future."
**brings back the "America First" position from the 1930's*
... who was it that had that slogan... oh yeah the pro nazis
dear god...
No. Not that.
Do you want to try to have an adult conversation about the highest elected office in the United States?
Lets give it a try.
Donald Trump built his campaign on racism, borrowed a slogan from ww2 era American Nazis, was endorsed by the American Nazi Party and the KKK, is already in violation of the emoluments clause of the constitution, is a known con man with a history of grift and bribery, is willfully ignorant of American political processes,
and is so incompetent that at the moment of swearing in he had filled 20 of 660 executive positions, and had to ask 50 Obama appointees to stay on the job, including the special advisor on ISIS (so much for Trumps critisism that Obama is failing at dealing with ISIS, he kept the dude whos job was to advise Obama on ISIS!)
Just like the joke that 'drain the swamp' turned out to be because Trump immediatly began filling cabinet positions with billionaire lobbyists and megadonners.
Feel free to try to engage me in adult conversation.
It may end up being prodictive.
You asked me to show you evidence on Trump building his campaign on racism:
His previous forays into politics revolved around questioning the legitimacy of Americas first black president, even though McCain was born in Panama and Romney's Grandparents immigrtaed from Mexico, their legitimacy was never questioned.
He only questioned the black guy.
His announcement speach called Mexican immigrants murderers and rapists (some are good people Im sure)
I dont think you need sources for those two.
His love of 'law and order,' and stop and frisk evoke a racist campaign from the 70s of the same name and supports a clearly racist tactic (since minorities are disproportionately stoped and frisked)
Good read on that one:
And do I really need to explain why 'build that wall' and calling on a religous test to ban muslims from entering into the US is bigoted?
So yeah, he built his campaign on racism.
I was refering to 'America First,' not 'Make America Great Again.'
It was in the oroginal post that started this thread.
*Pay attention.*
Grift and bribery, and approving wars are two different things.
Yes, Clinton is a hawk, and I didnt like that. I wanted Bernie.
But lets not forget that Trump supported the Iraq invasion, action in Lybia, and the Afganistan war, and has promised to commit war crimes (like torture) in going after ISIS as president.
And you didnt even attempt to address his long history of corruption, which includes the time he used charity funds to bribe the Florida AG.
You just did a sad and pathetic pivot to Clinton.
If Obama failed on ISIS why is Trump keeping Obama's advisor on ISIS?
ISIS has been losing ground, including the all important town of Dabiq, and will soon be out of Mosul.
It is unfortunate how this situation has gone down, but the congress refused to give him any more authority to do anything, because they wouldnt declare war or even expand the authorisation for the use of force.
Fun fact: did you know that only the congress can declare war? The president cannot just unilaterally take military action except in national emergencies.
I recomend the book 'Drift' by Rachel Maddow.
Hillary Clinton, like democrats tend to do when they are presdient, was going to fill her cabinet with competent people who are qualified for their jobs.
Example: Obama had a nuclear physicist (Moniz) in charge of the Department of Energy.
Trump is putting a guy (Rick 'oops' Perry) in charge that didnt even know the Department of Energy deals with Nuclear energy and weapons!
If your sole defense is to try to deflect to Clinton critisisms every time, I will let you know now that excuse will not work in the coming months as the election becomes a thing of the past.
Your bit about me recently becoming politically aware... Actually republicans have a recent history of patronage and democrats a history of competence.
Compare the FEMA responses to Hurrican Andrew, the great Mississippi flood, and Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, and Hurrican Sandy under Bush, Clinton, W Bush, and Obama respectivly.
The republicans failed, the democrats responded well.
Yeah, turns out I know quite a bit.
(also, note that the fact that I said Katrina and Rita amd not just Katrina means I lived in Louisiana, there were actually 2 hurricanes at one time that W Bush failed to respond to)
And the biggest point here:
*You just called Jon Stewart 'Jew Boy' and in the same post claim Trumps campaign isnt racist and doesnt borrow from Nazis.*
Really? really?
Do I need to explain this one to you?
That alone means I won this debate. You proved us correct, anti semite.
If liberalism is a mental disorder than the other end of the spectrum, or what you have, is a disease. And at least you're born with mental illness; what you got is contracted by being a filthy animal.
Amon Ra If you think that just because Clinton was shady we should excuse Trump, I think that politics are a joke at this point. It shouldn't be an argument of "Who's less criminal", it should be "Who is going to make a positive change?" And so far, Trump's campaign and the months leading up to now have only been negative (Not even just his fault, so many people have been contributing to it) and divided the United States.
with the amount of salt in the comments, I could make a new ocean
Inhum3nPit xx I could as well with the salt in the video.
Inhum3nPit xx there's no water though...
Griffin Conaway yeah really. he's resorted to making jokes about the man's tie..how petty
Inhum3nPit xx making an ocean also requires water, which can be supplied by your tears
Austin Earle tears are naturally salty so all the salt in the comments + his tears = wet salt and not salt water
His approval rating is 37%, I don't understand how it's so high. Who are you people?
Martin Stu The irony in that, considering "the working class" constantly blames Obama for unemployment and ignore facts, whichever is the worse of the two
SYF_Gaming His approval rating is much higher
SYF_Gaming the biased media fucks say it's at 37%. these are the same people that said clinton was up 10% in the polls and would win in a landslide. the people who said the election was over in October. the people who said clinton had a 98% chance of winning the morning of election day.
They were talking about popular vote and Clinton won...no doubt. Biased? Fake? Keep that bullshit to yourself
The same polls had Clinton winning the Presidency easily. You sure you want to go down that route, lol?
We were all so innocent back then lol weren't we?!
yes, and here we are. the eve of 2020...Lord help us.
I feel tired just thinking about it.
lol you didn't die or anything
TWSTF 8 And The Realization Of What We Know Now!!!!! 😶
Age 3... Ya...you? 😴
Come on, let's be honest. The comedians are thrilled that Trump won. They'll have endless comedic sources for 4 years.
I'm sure Dump will give them enough material to keep it going.
Glorious Mustache She actually has made several comments about him, so yes she can. Yoo're also looking at the difference bewteew daytime and nightime television.
It's true Glorious and every President has his turn and that's OK. What aggravates many is the fact that many Democrats won't let their loss go and get down to business.
Glorious Mustache we had a comedic source since 2015. But the real laughs are yet to come.
Glorious. 8 Years Hopefully. Really Sick And Tired of Seeing America's Children Go To Bed Hungry.
cant believe how fast relationships change,USA was fighting the cold war just 25 years ago and now we have a russian president!
Savage!! lol
Poutine approves!
jack lol
jack Putin would be a 100x better president than any other American
90 % approval rating in Russia
you try and get elected for over 18 years as a country's leader
without Putin Russia will fall
+Michael Scofield; Putin stays in power because opposition candidates are jailed or even killed. Boris Nemtsov was killed Feb. 2015 walking in a street of Moscow center.
Go, Michelle. We're with you.
Ellen Spear she said she will not be running
4 more years of communist muslim rule by people who hate their country? No thanks.
No, we aren't
seriously? the comments here are ridiculous
1. stop swearing, thats just pathetic
2. no one wants a communist country, russia used to be a communist country and guess who trump looks up to
3. the u.s. is becoming less progressive than some muslim countries right now thanks to trump, which is pretty embarrassing
Speak for yourself? I'm not with her.
Who's watching this after the 2020 debate
Suhang liu I am watching it now.I am not A Dem by the way.:)
@@menkedejong9968 k
That rain line hits a lot harder now
Me. Praying that Trump pulls off a win again
Who's excited for House of Cards Season 5?
+Al Barleta I hope Stephen makes another cameo appearance. That "fantasy novel" bit was gold.
+Al Barleta
Not me, real life is way more insane
Mohammed Ali yo mama so bad of a parent her son uses outdated jokes
What are you talking about? The first episode was yesterday.
I have yet to actually see HoC, is it to die for or does it have some plot problems. People told me that about iZombie
To guys from outside the US. Lets sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. Cuz it's gonna be an hilarious 4 years 😂
guys chill. we know trump's evil. issa joke
Funny no more. AlphaPresident is in power.
dude, don't get your hopes that buttery. Ukraine's previous pres was also shoved onto us by moscow, and he also was an idiot who promised all sorts of greatness. 3 years into it, we're in the midst of a war, impoverished, with territories lost.
This is gonna be a UGE lesson to NEVER, EVER allow imbeciles and idiots to elect your highest office. Never allow a president with low approval rating (cuz it will split your country). And the price is going to be very tough.
Viwe Mbava it's gonna be amazing
Alex Babansky do not compare a banana republic and the U.S.
+Russian Homecat You are right.....it wouldn't be fair to the banana republic.
I just woke up from having this nightmare where an orangutan with fake hair became president of the most powerful country in the world
Good thing it was just a nightmare........right?
Oh Potato, for as naive as you are, I suggest I make wedges outta u and eat them. 😜
Sweet dreams, potato
Leave my Potato alone, he's mine and he's in a shock. 😢
your mind is blocking the memory to protect you. Let it do it, reality is not good right now.
Yes it was, don't worry, everything is gonna be fine now.
Wow, watching this in 2020 it’s so unnatural to hear an audience, and to think how we’re still so screwed
Ikr trump has done alot of good for this country, can't wait to vote for him again, Trump2020
@@xlmrami2729 get well soon xxx
Not only that, I miss the days when the worst thing we had to complain about was the size of Trumps inauguration.
Rami Lameche God save ur horrid soul ✨😔
Bro I was watching the HIMYM series finale and they have a part that takes place in 2020 and it's fuckin trippy
Anybody remember when this guy said Trump was gonna lose?
I 'member ...
Trump won, his cabinet full of billionaires, Goldman Sachs CEO's and special interests groups won as well.
...everyone else lost.
David Stachon not me
yes, he and everyone else severely overestimated the intelligence of the average american and their ability to spot a bullshitter when they see one.
you lost. you just worked to make it happen and haven't caught on yet.
The Donald is elected president....
On the first night he spends in the White House, he is visited by the ghost of George Washington.
He asks him, "George, what can I do to best serve the United States?"
The ghost of George Washington responds, "Never tell a lie."
He says, "Oh, I don't think I can do that."
The next night, he is visited by the ghost of Thomas Jefferson.
He asks him, "Tom, what can I do to best serve the United States?"
The ghost of Thomas Jefferson responds, "Do not bully the people."
He says, "Oh, I don't think I can do that."
On the third night, he is visited by the ghost of Abraham Lincoln.
He asks him, "Abe, what can I do to best serve the United States?"
The ghost of Abraham Lincoln responds, "Go see a play."
Pence would be arguably worse in a lot of ways. But at least he wouldn't be a walking loony toon who humiliates us all on twitter on a daily basis.
shiva1008 this is good stuff.
shiva1008 I love this
LoL way too funny😁
You sir, just won the internet.
👆 this is a fuckin BRILLIANT monologue... this video will be include in the documentary abt World War-III
dont know about America but the comedy is great again.
yup this was really hilarious. comedy maybe the only silver lining of trump administration. To quote J.Kimmel
_“You know the old saying, 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade'? Well, guess what? Life just gave us an orange as president.”_
Sidd Joshi I'm still holding out on those combustible lemons Cave Johnson promised.
Half of the fucking monologue was about fashion... Are you fucking serious? Brilliant?
How the f is it brilliant I can't laugh for 1 second, to be honest Colbert was super funny before the election
Tony ThePres ...Satire doesn't have to be funny.
I want Stephen to make a remake of this video now.
As a European I'm just fascinated about all this. Everything looks so unreal. This President, this hole bible invoking and god-talk. It's so bizarre.
Johannes K. Don't talk too much. We've still got Geert Wilders, Marine LePen, Nigel Farage, Beppe Grillo and AfD in Europe.
Krombopulos Michael Sadly :/
The US is not exactly like the EU, but Trump was a disaster from the start. (And I am bot saying this for partisan views, but he is just BAD news.) Oh, look up Lada Edmonds, as that was where I "stole" the phrase.
@@shmuli9 Yeah nice try. You're clearly saying that for partisan views. Not to mention, you make him out worse than he ever was. It was covid that y'all use the "bad" term for because you're gonna listen to Mommy CNN and Daddy NBC and say all the stuff they say to you.
@@krombopulos_michael Grillo? He's tame compared to fear mongering Meloni. And she got elected!
'pls leave Trump alone!'
~~~Trumpist for the next 4 years
Don't forget- these are the same people screaming about Obama's birth certificate and saying shit like "Hang Obama" and "Deport him". So by all means, never stop giving Donald hell.
Here's hoping we make it to see 4 years.
They seriously said hang obama?
Shamic Entertainment They not only said it they paraded around with props of him in a fucking noose!
Namida It's hilarious Trumpists love to tell people to stop whining and being snowflakes, yet they get so hilariously butthurt if you point out Trumps incompetence or call them on their own stupidity. Guess those safe spaces ain't looking so bad to them now. Lol
Obama is a war criminal.
The best thing about this election has been all the Trump supporters getting triggered by various comedians.
PIM's a Whovian No, the best thing is comedians getting "triggered" by Trump.
PIM's a Whovian. screen shot. thank you!
The best part about the election was seeing Hillary Clinton lose, actually.
PIM's a Whovian, a shockingly huge number of Americans get their "news" from Colbert, and what Colbert is spewing each and every night is a delusional, hyper-partisan, fake news misrepresentation of what actually happened.
PIM's a Whovian I support trump but I do laugh at the comedians, they do make really good jokes 😂😂😂
Who's watching this waiting on Nevada to count all the votes left.
I came back to this after watching his interview with Charlamagne, Jena Friedman, and Maz Jobrani from this week. It's always good to get a refresher on what happened. Well all those roads being built and jobs for Americans never panned out and our American carnage has only gotten worse. Yet, more than 70million Americans voted for him again in 2020. We've been divided for many years and it's only gotten worse. Unless there's a nationwide mass hallucinogenic experience where everyone's doors of perception are opened, I don't see these 70million people thinking any differently in the future.
Its pretty unsettling to know that 80 million people voted for Joe Biden, a corrupt, senile creepy old man.
@@RedDotInABlueState91 it's pretty unsettling to know that 71 million people voted for a racist, white nationalist who hates America. And tryed to overthrow the American government
@@MMikemezta its pretty unsettling to know that there are people like you assert baseless and ridiculous claims as if they are absolute fact.
@@MMikemezta especially when Joe Biden was the most racist person in the 2020 election.
Trump inauguration was very low energy. Dark and gloomy...Sad 😢
Be kind, he did a great job making deals to get all those amazing acts...
His voters are mostly old'ish and fat.
I don't know what you're talking about, I was awakened this morning by a thunderstorm, marking the ascension of the thunder-god.
says rachel maddow
Yeah, those rioters were pretty low-energy, sucker punching people and breaking windows and overturning trash cans. They are pretty sad.
Daaaaamn. Stephen went hard on this monologue ! I was listening while in class (i know, it's bad, I know), and I couldn't stop laughing. That shade...
"Liberals are such crybabies!"
say the conservatives who whine in the comments section of everything that opposes Trump.
I can see where Trump supporters are coming from in terms of Stephans show though, his show use to be fun for everybody but now its just a Trump punching bag show, He literally wont shut up about Trump. It would make the show unwatchable for anyone but us liberals because he just tries make republicans look stupid. I get he's got funding from the Clinton foundation but his rants are excessive.
Bryan Wheelock
Conservatives need a Safe Space.
Funding from the Clinton foundation? The money comes from viewership. And since >50% of people didn't vote for Trump, it's a good way to get a lot of viewers.
Bryan Wheelock at least we have a heart
So unreal watching this in 2020 during covid. I kept thinking to myself “as long as we don’t have a major crisis under him we should be ok”. 👀😳
We would’ve done much worse under Biden
@@thatleftyjames2893 😂😂😂 you mean hillary and unlikely 😂
@@thatleftyjames2893 hard to believe that’s possible
@@thatleftyjames2893 300,000 people have died of covid under Trump. Biden would have actually attempted to solve the problem instead of sitting around with his thumb up his ass.
@@ChatPoke Research showed that if the Swine Flu (under Obama's watch) was as deadly as COVID 2 million Americans would've died, there's your proof.
A dull reality tv show host as president and a gold digger as first lady, that's the most american thing ever
Oh really? Everyone seemed to love him before he decided to run? Also, I'd say Melania has more of an education than you'll ever have. #MAGA
jcnba28 You're literally questioning yourself.
jcnba28, I didn't love him. I thought he was a self centered ego maniacal con artist, and this campaign made it even more clear that is true.
jcnba28 Being a gold digger has nothing to do with education, why'd you bring that up?
can't beleive his shitty first law is to let a military General into a civilian office. they have these laws for a reason...
*Yeah because leading soldiers in not the job of a general ...*
*And he's now a FORMER general, therefore a civilian.*
JoeDurobot You have to be retired from the military for at least 7 years before becoming the Sec. of defense. Mattie was only retired for 3 years. They basically did a waiter.
The whole idea of having a civilian as secretary of defence is that you have another point of view, a regular person who isn't used to sacrificing soldiers like pawns on a chessboard. The entire design is to reign in the military and make sure the leader has more humanity than your average general.
Animated Tigress I can't believe how fucking dumb you are. That general got approved 98 to 1 by congress you fucking moron
+Mark Tonight So?
I am fortunate enough to live in Canada, but I think it is a shame and insult to Obama, who as far as I am concerned did a terrific job and was probably one of the best Presidents that america has ever seen, only to be followed by a shyster like trump. trump is like that sleazy guy who tries to sell you a car that will breakdown as soon as it leaves the lot, or that uncle that you are not allowed to be alone with.
jacky oday Absolutely!!! How is it not as plain as day to everyone else. A total used car salesman and not a very good one. "Perhaps if she wasn't my daughter, I would be dating her"
Who the fuck says that?!?!
You're joking right? Obviously you canucks have no clue what it even means to have freedom. Obama has been one of the worst presidents of all time, not the worst but definitely up there. Only expanded nearly everything bush did, try to push globalist corporate trade deals like TPP, expanded the patriot act, signed a bill that allows indefinite detention, Bombed more country's in one administration then any other, had more terrorist attacks, and divided the country. What was so great? He was black? Is that it?
jacky oday You are so wrong, the universe is screaming out at you.
BTW, public interest announcement from another Canadian ---
*GOD has left USA* ... he now lives in downtown Toronto ( I met him a few days back at Tim Hortons)
For his sheer militarism and decisions againsy freedom. (Spying, Patriot Act extension, etc.) He is definitely a mixed bag of a president. I would say he did a mediocre job. Trump is worse, but Obama wasn't that great.
Coming back to watch this after three years really shows me just how good Stephen's Trump voice became.
The trump family reminds me of the Lannisters.
Thomas H Not likable enough to be Lannisters. More like the Freys.
and not handsome enough, plus they don't pay their debts .
Thomas H and Hillary supporters are like Shark fans, no cups.
No, they do not look like that Lannisters.
Randy Hensley you do realize tywin was arguably the most politically savvy lannister along with tyrian. he made the lannisters what they are
"Donald Trump knows the launch codes. And he hasn't tweeted them yet. So, so far... so good." Great line.
I'm from the future. Thankfully they gave him the wrong ones.
The world was like, "You can't possible elect someone dumber than Bush."
and America was like, "Hold my beer."
goddamn it America, What in the world have you done??!
Renzo Vallejos Elected someone that's against the media brainwashing and dividing the country. There's a reason 60 million people voted.
Shut up, you´re not even a US citizen
Funny, but completely wrong. We voted for Obama twice to prove we were not racist. Then we voted for Trump to prove we were not buying their global eugenicist garbage anymore.
Don't be a jerk.
What did we do you ask?
We voted against ILLEGAL immigration and for an orderly immigration system which deports the people who cut in line and rewards the one who filled out the paper work and are waiting for the process to go through.
We voted against importing tens of thousands of Islamists who practice oppressive idealogies.
We voted against more debt, higuer taxes, more regulation and more freedoms taken away.
We moved for law and order and against people who riot , loot and destroy things when they dont get their way.
Do you still have any questions?
This showed up on the top of my recommended feed in 2024. Look how young Stephen is here.
It started raining when he went up stage! Even the planet itself thinks this is terrible idea
Yeah, the planet cried.
JP Fragoso God was blessing him
JP Fragoso acid rain
it was pee
I think he was turned on by it.
America has become a JOKE !!
You would be a joke if you didn't have the most powerful army in the world and a massive stock pile of nuclear arms. You aren't a joke, you are terrifying.
you may have guns (not something to be proud of as demonstrated by your school shootings) but the man holding the trigger is a clown lol.
+bhau rai
Yeah no not an army of cowards. My concern is leadership of thin skinned morons.
You're a few years late there buddy.
Been jokes for a while now.
I give Trump 3 months tops until he is impeached.
We can only hope but I think its extremely unlikely/wont happen since most our government is controlled by republicans right now.
But do you REALLY want a Pence presidency?
microspect 4 days until Russia annexes the U.S.
DragonTurtle9999 the truth hurt I know. Drain those liberal tears 😭.
Don't want Shadenfraude did you hear that over at CNN? Good luck with that. 😊
This is super fun to watch on November 8th. 2024🎉🎉🎉😅
Steven Colbert made me laugh thank you! Very Funny stuff.
So does Trump as seen from Europe! :D
lets see...so Obama gets a Nobel Peace prize right from the start before he even does anything, but President Trump sucks before he does anything? Now there's some unbiased observations...NOT!!!!
Michael Dietch III He's silences the EPA, defunded women's healthcare, claims illegals are why he lost the popular vote, plus went along with the Dakotoa Access pipeline. He sucks
Oh look, another hippie trying to be relevant in the society. Thankfully he decided to stop this abortion atrocity. Taxpayers don't have to finance the choices of a certain group of individuals!
The Boss Taxpayers never paid for abortions, and men get sexual healthcare as well.
They said:
"Lock her up!"
"Built that wall!"
"Drain the swamp!"
I'll say:
"You got played!"
I feel like Stephen know the piano guy isn't funny but feels too bad to tell him lol
I’m from the future. Donald Trump loses re-election in 2020. Hang in there, 2016, it will be alright.
Let's be honest he was always better cjoice than corrupt Hillary at least
@sbmphr If you think he was worse than Bush Jr then you are hilariously misinformed. Bush was way worse and killed 1 million Iraqis.
@sbmphr wrong and there's no evidence of nuclear fallout. He wasn't an interventionist unlike bush. Bush led us to Iraq ans trump never showed any signs of being that destructive.
@sbmphr that's fine but doesn't mean he was worse than bush.
@sbmphr ...franklin pierce?
Why does a supposedly secular country have such a religious transfer of power?
Because it's far from secular. The majority is christian. Religion is a big part of America nowadays, sadly.
OpticPotatOS Who told you that America was secular country? Our money literally says "in God we trust".
Lugmillord But God is not religion and most of "Christian" Mericans are just hypocrites. That's the reality and that's the problem. God is just taken as an excuse.
curiousela1 What does have anything to do with what I'm saying? My point is if you're under the impression that America is or ever was a purely "secular" country than you are sorely mistaken.
This was what I was thinking as well too.
Lemme tell you a story my Potato, Back in the cold war them dirty communists were atheists. So America so atheism as evil and communist. They changed the pledge of allegiance and went all nutty religious mode.
7:00 "People of the world, thank you" funny that this made sense just months later with the Russia scandal.
What Russian scandal? Hillary paying for fake Russian dossier and FBI using to get FISA warrants to spy on trump team!
last 4 years really feels like a fever dream. We really lived through this mess, huh? damn
Feels like we trudged through hell on earth.
But I can’t believe we barely survived all that.
Feels like u saw a lot of msm last 4 years
I am from the future Biden is 10000x worse then trump and there is war now and super high prices on gas and food. We are fucked now 2020 don't vote Biden you will only be screwing yourself and the whole world its horrible
Did anyone expect it to get THIS bad? I knew we were in for some crazy times, but I thought he'd be kept in check at least a little.
He's doing quite fine though 🤔
@@kam9343 How about now lol
@@a-trains5368 How’s Biden’s approval rating?
Better than Biden..
@@shawnball4352 not remotely. Biden sucks...but Trump is a wannabe dictator and anyone who cant see that clearly doesnt value democracy or intelligence or human decency
Time to sit back, relax, grab some popcorn and watch the Season Finale of America.
StplyZ more like watching trump grabbing the pussy of America
StplyZ Series finale*
Oh look, Stephen Colbert trying to stay relevant by talking about politics.
Ferrik George Hey look a middle aged fat white guy trashing a talk show host on RUclips as he has nothing better to do with his time because he knows he'll never be as successful as the guy he's supposedly trashing.
p.s.- This video got 3 mil views in 2 days. He's already relevant.
Oh look someone who gets easily offended getting offended.
+Suresh Gaur that middle aged fat guy is a legend and his name is Hugh Mungus. Disrespectful.
Yeh, and nothing the fkin fascist Trump administration can do about it.
Lol. Who even watches that old fuck.
Trump supporters get triggered easily. They can not handle comedy lol.
No, most people really do hate Trump. Why is that hard to believe? He's an asshole.
Siver A group of people get together to target a video and give each other thumbs up, to appear more numerous than they are. Give the video views and get Colbert more money. The likes up top show a more realistic opinion of the crowd.
winter32842 well the triggering goes both ways, both trump and Hilary supporters got triggered over the smallest things
I don't see Trump supporters burning down towns.... Why do liberals always project their insecurities?
rouslw rouslw thanks for letting us know.. now back to TRUMP 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁.. He's made the internet great again 😁😁😂😂😂😂.. A place where I can come and have a right good laugh.. 😂🍿🍿🍿
That tweet of Trump's from 2012 didnt age well after inciting an insurrection.
What’s even worse is that 2012 and 2021 both have one 1s, one 0s, and two 2s.
Who's the glass half empty kind of person then 'eh.
It ages brilliantly. Inciting an insurrection was always something he was capable of.
He's been inciting insurrections since 2012
Aging? He was building up to it. Even after winning he said the election was rigged.
Day 2 of the greatest 8 years in American history
Trump will be escorted out of the White House by January 2019. Want a bet?
+Raging Heretic - not gonna lie I would love to bet against that
Raybanator Against it? Why? Do you want to lose money? He's already impeachable.
+Raging Heretic - No he is not. Only the Senate has the power to vote on impeachment. Why on Earth would they vote to impeach him even though the Senate is majority Republican, therefore supporting their agenda. Plus, it is not smart to say he is "already impeachable" when he has not done ANYTHING that abuses power or goes against the Constitution. It's been two days. I'm not necessarily a fan of President Trump. However, I am an American and desire to see this country prosper. I hope we can see eye-to-eye on that. So, I am going to give him a chance.
It should have been Cory in the house not trump
Big Smoke with extra dip
Raymond Mgmt
and a large Soda
Big Smoke all we had to do was follow the damn train cj
Big Smoke for president
Bush would be better than him
and we laugh as we ready our nukes....
+Memorible werd I can't tell if that's supposed to be said in a sad tone, or meant as a threat towards other countries. If it's the latter, you're fucking sick.
Because despite what Trump would have you believe, for an economy to function it must be part of the larger global economy.
Infamous Films You're a Racist.
I remember watching the inauguration in math class. All the lights were out and all the teachers looked very somber. I wasn’t really into politics then so I had no idea what the fuss was all about.
Now, older and into politics, I completely understand.
Who is watching this in Feb 2024 or later?
Looking down the barrel of another Trump presidency is terrifying and Colbert has aged hard these last 7 years...
1:20 - huh! so Marching on Washington had been on his playbook for years!
Why is every Colbert video that is on RUclips exclusively about Trump? Is that what the rest of his show will be for the next four years? Should it just be called the Nightly Trump Comedy Hour Extravaganza?
Colby Wolfe hyperbole brah
Because it's his show, and not yours. Simple.
Trump is the news like it or not. Of course that's the only talking point the day of his inauguration!! Is he supposed to talk about cats while a new president is sworn in? That would be stupid.
Other nights, Colbert mentions the big story which is, I'm sorry, Trump. Then he might go into lighter fare. But yes four years of this. Stop watching if you don't like it. There is obviously a demand for Trump talk since Colbert's show is trending each night.
Craig McLaren Butt hurt Trump ass lickers. Trump is comedy gold. Not even accidentally tuning in on TV so you've come here deliberately. Stop watching or get used to it.
I come from the future to let you all know, that this won’t last forever :)
Don't jinx it till he leaves white House
But a lot of people died before that happened.
@@ARQuinn that's a sad reality we didn't need but he let it happen
@@drewski1535 600k people damn
I come from the future to let you all know it DOES in fact last forever
So here we are again.. but this time, it's different.
"I sure miss George W. Bush". Never thought that could be true.
I still don't, yet.
oh really???
Uh huh.
Fuck you.
Has he ever said anything bad about Obama or Hillary Clinton?
Idk..just remember he said obama was not born here but than again trump is good when it comes to getting free coverage
Fr33man1988 back on the Colbert report
No, because he doesn't get paid to. They own his show. I respect shows like Ellen, Jimmy Fallon, Kimmel, etc. because some have expressed their liberalism without using their entire platform as anti-Trump anti-conservative agenda. Colbert is shit.
Fr33man1988 no because he's an ugly democrat
Yeah he has taken a few jabs at them, and around the time of debates, especially the final debates, he barely said anything about either Clinton or trump from my memory, so it's hard to pinpoint his position on things
Honestly, the weirdest part of this video now is the crowd noises. Live studio audiences aren't exactly commonplace these days.
I just smoked a bowl and i swear i can hear my hair growing
go look in the mirror to see if u an see it growing
It must be the ganja, it's the marijuana
That's creeping up on me why I'm so high
Maybe it's the Henny that has gotten in me
Whatever's got into me I don't mind
I said it's the ganja it's the marijuana
That's creeping up on me why I'm so high
Maybe it's the Henny that has gotten in me
Whatever's got into me I don't mind
Noahtheastronaut That's how Trump will get re-elected. By legalizing pot, people will vote for a walking Cheeto!
Mattie Danielson Hey where did he go? I'm tired of waiting for him to get back.
We get it, you smoke weed.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this is whats happening.
Campbell Cutler that's interesting. What's the name of this theory?
Rudy Vonack
Google it. It will make sense then you understand where so long and thanks for all the fish comes from.
Don't forget your towel 👍🏼
This guy seriously isn't funny
i agree also
What about the joke about Joe Biden turning into a Jeff Dunham puppet?
Probably the first time Jeff Dunham has been funny too, so bonus!
I agree too lol
He use to be
Eram Ahmed we won the presidency, house and senate. Not much to be butthurt about? You can keep your talk show hosts.
Hillary: I actually Got more Votes than he did...
Bush: Yeah...Like Gore! LOL!
Unless I'm mistaken, the music at the end was "We're not gonna take it". If so, well played.
The beginning of a 4 year nightmare... what's amazing is that, as bad as we thought it would be, it was even worse...
How’s Biden doing ?
Yeah,how Biden doing with all the War 🤣🤣🤣 that broke out in his term 🤣🤣
@@Ok-gu1ny aren't you embarassed to type out stupid comments like that bro? "HAHAHA WAR BROKE OUT IN EUROPE IN BIDENS TERM HAHAHA XD" what were you trying to signal here exactly? are you 14? by the way it was Trump who approved major arms sales to Ukraine, so?
@@tamasvarga9862 what yall tryna say,kid? Go back to schooling...this is not for a kindergarten boy to comment...shoo
How Biden? Trump was a great president
Who is here after Joe Biden won?
Who is here hen he got inaugurated
NOW we know y 45 skipped out after talkin that crap about the out going administration at HIS swearing in!
just chiming in, who's going to rewatch this on january 20th, 2021
I think I will🙂
Kellyanne, ......gurl, you shed your snake's skin for that?
Sebastian Stormborn I know, awful selection of dress, she looked like a flight attendant from the 60's.
There's so much of Robert Downey in him!!
Bomb La Tour - Actually, there is nothing to prove that Stephen even knew Epstein personally, so where are you getting this information?
well its Saturday and the world is still here! Suck it up whiners!
That's a pretty low standard for success.
bernard....he saying it bc of how the libards said the world would end bc of the "Racist trump supporters and ww3" yet we are still here and the only "Racists" are the libs
Is the alt-right liberal? how about the KKK? Nope. STFU son you have no clue.
It's a beautiful day!! Over 3 million people in peaceful protest around the world!! Every state in the US. All 7 continents including Antarctica! Protests in London, Berlin, Paris, Syndey, South Africa, Brussels, Belfast, Kenya, Ghana, Beunos Aires, 637 protests world wide. Not including small protests like the one in my home town. So you just keep telling yourself this is just about being sore losers. Wake up!! We are witnessing history today!
Beth G. What's the purpose of these protests?
Watching this after trump lost re-election, denied the results, failed miserably, encouraged supporters to storm the Capitol, and today is his last day as Joe Biden is inaugurated
Watching this first day of second impeachment
The election was stolen from him and you sheep dont give a damb
@@cvbncvbnvbncvbn4864 damn*
Ill be honest he never encouraged them to storm the capital
I've been practicing my goose step for our new Dear Leader, Kim Jong Drumpf.
Is it a fake audience ?
Or are they deliberately chosen
a lot of TV studio audiences are paid for, canned laughter can't really cut it.
Yeah It sounds like it, they boo instantly when Trump is mentioned like on command
or they just don't like him. to each their own
it might be a small audience with some speakers connected to a PC to so they can make the audience louder
Whenever the show takes a break i go back and watch these. Crazy how this was almost 4yrs ago
It was less than 3 years ago
tomorrow the Public Impeachment inquiry Hearings begin..
lets watch what happens
@XxXDaRKNeSS_LeGeNDXxX0 Insurrection failed.
Wow... It's just lie after lie...
Unbelievable propaganda.
So Trump supporters are weak cowards? Noted.
Little Jebbie in 2008 people had to worry about racist white people rioting and assaulting them, yet somehow his was bigger
what lies in particular? I'm pretty amazing but I'm not up on current events.
These are jokes dude. Stop taking them so seriously
"well putting Hillary in prison... now they're best pals."
I'm sure you're smart enough to realize that if Trump were to make sure Hillary Clinton pays for all of her crimes, the President couldn't be seen to be "persecuting his political enemies". There's such a thing as playing possum. Conversations Trump has had with the likes of Roger Stone, Alex Jones, etc paint a very different picture of what's going on behind the scenes than his public rhetoric does.
"Repealing Obamacare, now he's thinking of keeping most of it."
No, his position on keeping certain very specific parts of it was on his website from day 1 of his campaign. Another blatant lie from the controlled media.
"The wall will no longer be "huge" now he's thinking of a fence."
Obviously certain parts of the border would require different types of barrier to others, due to natural obstacles, etc. That's then spun into "hhurrr durrr Trump is flip flopping".
Nothing of substance here. Just fake news stories and empty claims that you buy into.
Wow. And you KNOW there is someone somewhere in this country waking up from a coma to this shit.. ........ ...................... MAN.
Danaya Khartchenko Poor people
Daaaammmmnn Colbert's roasts are better than ever!!
Let’s hope in 70 days this will become a distant memory.
not gonna happen lol
In your dreams honey.
Keep dreaming lmao
lets hope he remains president so he can pick up where he left off. the media just doesn't report the good that he has done. so sad
Ki-Sean Excell
It will become a memory. In about 1200 days or so
Pure savage by stephen. Love this guy. haha!
In Soviet Russia, You elect the president. In America, the president elects you.
In Soviet Russia pussy grabs you.
A. Ahmou In Russia you don't elect anyone xD It's not your choice cause Putin is a joke
Trump's going to improve the infrastructure huh? Well at least the trains will run on time... =P
bustedsim and just like for Il Duce before him, they won't actually, it will just be a propaganda campaign.
@@krombopulos_michael You were right give yourself a pat on the back.
This video popped up in my RUclips feed. I nearly had a stroke after reading that sentence. I sure am glad this video is seven YEARS old and not seven HOURS like I thought when I first clicked on it lmfao
You must have Joe Biden's cognitive ability. 😂
Shout out to the little goldfish brain Trumpers that are commenting and giving this video more exposure, which in turn puts more advertisement money in Colbert's pocket. Genius.
raul Rolon exactly
raul Rolon those idiots
Yeah I don't think people are mad to the point that they don't want him making money. I think they just want the Trump jokes to stop for just one week. I don't like Trump but jesus how many times can you hear the same reskinned jokes and still enjoy them? Like damn, a joke here and there is fine but the jokes have been nearly nonstop since the election started.
+nachoman4ever It's almost as if comedy is a way humans cope with tragedy...
Lieutenant Thalia hell no...
Earliest date will be 24
We already tried the "Former First lady" thing. It failed horribly.
12:08 for the record: when Biden came to the platform on 01/20/21 the sun came out...
Finally this era is ending!!! As of 07 November, 2020.
And still things got even worse and he's still running the GOP.
He's not gone yet flabbermouth won't got away but at least he's not in the office anymore
maybe you should do what we do in Australia, and that is compulsory voting, no excuses to not turn up and vote, then can it be said that a leader is a legitimate electee.
Darryl Mckenzie what happens if you don't vote?
Brooklynn H people who has right to vote but don't do it has no right to live in that nation
+Brooklynn H Minimum $20 fine or worse if your excuse sucks.
isamuddin I guess I agree with you. I'm from US. I voted for Hillary even though I don't like her. What gets me are all the idiots who didn't vote because they "didn't like Hillary but assumed Trump would lose" now sitting around complaining about the shit he's pulling.
bernie should have won. so many people only voted for hillary out of spite of trump. Bernie never should have conceded
"We're just as confused as you are, and we've been awake the entire time." So true, and that's the problem. Maybe we shouldn't assume we understand people from other walks of life and actually examine how the election ended as it did.
Wainwright Clarke I appreciate you trying to be reasonable, but it's the Internet. Good luck.
I actually DO understand Trump supporters. They must be stopped.
Wainwright Clarke I think he's gonna stop now. Now trump is president. He did say he's not a BITCH and he's gonna speak his mind cuz he don't like Trump. I respect him for being a real dude. At least he doesn't have to curl his tail between his like like other talk show. He's strong and awesome as fuck. I admire him. A great activist. So stfu.
Lord knows everything surrounding Trump provides enough material for every late night show every night for the entirety of his presidency. All 12 days.
Imagine people breaking into the capitol back then. His presidency was so much worse than we thought it would be.
Remember the assassination of the Iranian, Soleimani? At least that didn't turn into a full-blown war!
"We should march on Washington and stop this travesty" ~Trump, 2012