Alex In Wonderland in his defense (I hate him and don't watch him, but I'm just presenting the more intelligent answer that the "Jake Paulers" would think), Disney mainly advertises towards children under the age of 13, and as he is somebody who tries to go viral for more mature things (not like 21/18+, but like, explicit content as far as profanity goes, discussing sexually explicit content for somebody of that age, etc.), and he very well could've just wanted to be done with the childishness of Disney channel. He didn't, but it's an argument they could make.
Keeping Jake Paul in Disney would have been such a disgrace to this place full of innocent and happy kids - glad Disney has done the right thing this time.
Andrew Joya Jake, my friend who I refer to as “my boy” going to have his friend group called Team 10 beat your butt. Whoaaaaaafsdfseffes (no idea what he meant by that. But here is the English you asked for 👍)
I also think that because he's grown so incredibly fast, that he'll probably fall just as quickly. (and hopefully not be talked about anymore afterwards....)
Jake is 20 years old!! he's older than me, and I know not to do anything of this! he's old enough to be responsible for his actions, his age is not an excuse.
I just really want Jake Paul to get a reality check. The way he's been acting perfectly encapsulates what people love to point and laugh at about my generation, and reflects badly on not just the Youth of today" but the internet as a legitimate platform. He needs to face the music or I can easily seem him becoming the next young star to fall from grace.
G B I like Jake Paul but I agree with you. I do not agree with all of his choices. I think sometimes people forget that you can be a fan of someone and not agree with them.
The Charlie story really bugs me. The treatment they wanted has never been used, not an a human, not even on an animal. To transport him would cost a ridiculous amount of money and he would likely have died on the way. Don't just believe the spin.
I know this is an old comment but i really agree, Phil mistook the last comment he adressed saying "Britan doesnt do science like America", the way they meant was America has very different regulations around experimental research, I agree with the hospital, some of the smartest minds realized how futile, and unnecessarily cruel it would be, it was for the peace of the child and the benefit of the parents, they have to move on no matter how heartbreaking. I really understand the parents though, they will fight till the end, thats why the government has to step in, I am so sorry for them.
I'll say the same thing I did on the h3h3 video when it came out. I'm glad that Post Malone didn't give Jake Paul his phone number just to be nice, as Jake probably would have included that in the video, too.
Charlie's condition was quite progressed by the time that NBT trial was proposed and the previous evidence for the treatment was on rats, and not humans, this is why I whole heartedly agree with the GOSHs decisions so the next time you see an opinion articles on how the hospital has screwed over the parents keep in mind there was no evidence that the treatment would have any impact.
Just remember, Great Ormand Street Hospital is one of the leading paediatric hospitals in the world. They also offer nucleoside treatment, however came to the conclusion that it would make no difference. Also GOSH gave the doctor an opportunity to visit in January. The high court judge also said, referring to people who say Charlie was a prisoner to politicians and the hospital that this is the "antithesis of truth" and is an "absurd notion". It was also revealed while Dr. Shirano was testifying that he had a financial interest in offering the treatment (Which is offered at GOSH if deemed applicable) and that Dr. Shirano had not actually read the original high court ruling - which explained why doctors at GOSH did not offer the treatment and why it would be futile. 99% of the time your journalism is wonderful DeFranco but here i think as a parent you (fairly) may have focused more on the sensationalist "We could have saved him"
Fuck that, he's a manipulative (somewhat) genius who used his young fame and douchebaggery to make millions before he turned 20. I hate the guy but he's not too young to be famous lol he knows exactly what he's doing.
15 millions people each year die of poverty that could be easily fixed for little cost (less than 1$ for treatment) and yet everyone does nothing to fix it, who are you to judge those kids for not helping 1 man ? Society as a whole already judge that life is not worth saving if it require a little bit of effort, these kids are no different.
God, when Charlie's father made his statement for their family, it brought me to tears. To have to go through something like that must be devastating. Only positivity and prays are going out to their family from me- they deserve the world in this hard time
Seriously, even their parents aren't checking their ego. So glad Disney dropped Jake Paul. He may not realize that he's acting that way, but hopefully kids realize that this isn't a way to behave yourself.
DC and Marvel push each other to make their companies better. The whole reason Marvel made the MCU is to get out of DC's shadow and the only reason there is a DCU is because of how successful the MCU is. I love Batman and I love Iron Man. The fans are the winners here.
DC has been in Marvel's shadow for a long time, well before the MCU. This can be seen by DC trying to copy what Marvel was doing with their comics, but not being able to understand why it was working for Marvel, why the things were done the way they were, or what the changes were suppose to accomplish. Look at DC trying to copy Marvel again by making Suicide Squad 'humorous' because it worked so well with the MCU and because their DC movies are a bad joke.
Egeslean Well you mention the comics and then you cite Suicde Squad as an example. Marvel was bankrupt in the '90s whereas DC was experiencing a boom in sales after the successful Tim Burton Batman films, along with iconic comics such as The Death of Superman, Batman Knightfall and racially diverse comics like Static Shock. From the late '90s onwards to the early 2000s, DC dominated with the exceptional animated films and TV cartoons, which eventually culminated in Nolan's Batman Begins. It's hard for people to wrap their heads around DC being successful but there definitely was a time that DC was king and Marvel was struggling to get proper footing.
True, and I can't, and won't, argue against that, but the fact still remains that DC has been trying to copy Marvel and doing what they do unsuccessfully. The difference is that when Marvel copied DC they understood why DC did what they did, what made that successful, and understood the purpose behind it, and then did it better. DC doesn't understand how to do that. Marvel wouldn't be what it is today without DC, but, and this is my opinion, Marvel is the better company overall, especially considering its ability to adapt compared to DC.
Jake Paul reminds me of this story. I had just worked a double shift and was taking the late bus home. Now this bus always has construction workers and nurses on it due to the time of day and location, and there is this unwritten rule that we all sit down and be quiet because for most people it is the first time in the day that we can all finally sit down and rest. This one day about 5 teenage boys come on the bus and take up the seats in the front, filling the empty seats beside them with their backpacks, and start swearing and laughing loudly. People are visibly annoyed but ignore them. Then this old lady with a walker comes on, and none of the kids move to let her have a seat in the front. The transit system has a policy posted on every bus that people must give up their seats to pregnant, disabled, and elderly people that enter the bus, and the bus driver tells them that someone needs to give up their seat. They straight up ignore him, and then this man gets up and gives the old woman his seat which is farther back. He tells the kids that they should know better and that one day they`ll regret their disrespectful behavior. The kids proceed to mock and make fun of him, saying things like he smelled and was dirty from working in the sun all day, and they continue to make fun of him for the rest of the ride. Jake Paul reminds me of those kids SO much, and I`m seriously starting to worry that my generation has an empathy problem, and literally don`t know how to have basic human decency. Nothing they did was straight up illegal, but the lack of care for people outside their immediate group reminds me a lot of Jake Paul. Fuck him.
Can we address the fact that during everything with Charlie Gard NHS workers at Great Ormond Street were receiving death threats purely for where they work. People who have dedicated their lives to caring for sick children were told to die.
Considering a death threat a day is posted by a dipshit over the internet, the fact they're adults and can handle it and that Phil probably wouldn't want to linger on the topic any longer cause he himself is a parent, it can probably wait till next episode or just leave it alone cause they're fake till somebody dies.
Spank, so your argument is that all adults should be able to "handle it" when sent direct threats against their life and no one should be held accountable? Go back to 4chan.
As a child treated at GOSH, I can say they do WHATEVER they can to make a child's life worth living. People should not threaten those who keep their children safe
What was the sad part is that if he had been allowed to go to the US earlier he might have stood a chance, a small chance but a chance nonetheless which is better than no chance. Thats why people were furious the bureaucracy in the NHS was what people were mad about.
that norwegianguy that's only partly true actually, the dr in America was invited over to the UK to give official testimony on the case back in Dec/Jan. He didn't come until July, and that was via court summons and therefore too late? If he had come earlier, then the case would have been reviewed earlier before it even got to this stage. However, I doubt American treatment would have helped poor Charlie, so I think it's a case of medical ethics, rather than bureaucracy.
My nephew said to me, and I quote, "It's not that bad though, right?" referring to It's Everyday Bro while I was making fun of it. I called CPS immediately.
i'm sorry but I hate the hate great ormond street hospital is getting it's an amazing hospital, when my little sister was going through a lung failure they did everything they could to help her and bring her back to health, they made the choice with the child's safety and happiness in mind, the child, this is a terribly sad thing but would have prolonging this sickly child's life to do an experimental treatment that could case the child more pain have been any better? I think it's best to leave the decision is left to the doctors who cared for him not parents who overly emotional and in pain.
The Charlie Hard story is absolutely heart breaking. The worst possible situation. I don't think that procedure would have helped. From what I read it would only really have reversed enough damage to put Charlie in more pain, but not meaningfully restore his sight, hearing, movement, etc. That said, I don't blame the parents for being desperate to try anything to save their child.
Barna Bop This may sound really heartless, but if there was even the smallest chance of saving a life, why wouldn't you take it? I don't really understand the reasoning behind just leaving them to die. Even if the experimental treatment didn't work, wouldn't we have more information on how to save children with the same condition? no hate to the other side, i just don't really understand the mindset
Jaded Potato It's one thing to save a life, it's another thing to prolong suffering with the knowledge that it likely won't prolong the quantity of life by much, and almost certainly will not improve the quality of life. As for gaining more information on the condition, is it fair to use Charlie as a guinea pig, especially if it will cause him great pain?
Barna Bop has a good point, its just i don't understand why the government and the hospital (thats what it states in the video) got barred from taking it. It's the parents decisions man
Think about it this way, if I gave you two options what one would you choose? 1. Death 2. Take away your hearing, sight and ability to move, leave you with some brain damage and pain and keep you alive for an unknown number of months/years. Think about it, is there anything in your life that would make you happy without being able to see, hear or interact with in any meaningful way?
i like showers But the parents aren't medical professionals. As much as they love Charlie and want the best for him, they do not have the same understanding of his condition as his doctors. And to knowingly let them make a choice that will cause Charlie needless pain isn't fair to the child.
He is not a child, he is an adult and should be held accountable for what he does. Yes we all do dumb things at his age, but that doesn't mean we get a free pass. Own up to the mistakes you make (genuinely) and take some responsibility for your actions.
Yes to this, taking responsibility is how we move from being a child to being an adult. It is the difference between an adult and a child. It is time for this id to start growing up before someone really gets hurt.
Regarding the man drowning story: I don't buy the weed excuse. If the teens were capable of operating their phone cameras, then they were fully capable of calling 911.
I think you're missing the point; it's not that they were too high to operate a phone, they were just afraid that if the cops showed up they would be arrested for having smoked weed.
ok then imagine drowning and watching people laugh at you and insult you? Even if they couldnt help him they could at least act concerned. Some people are heartless
I'd agree with you, but the fact that they were too far away to physically help and high complicates things because it might mean that they wouldn't have been heartless if thinking straight, and would've helped if they could
My problem with the Charlie Gard situation is that the hospital did look at the treatment and had an independent team review the treatment and that independent team decided that it wouldn't work for the child. Also at the time of the treatment being found charlie was unfortunately already severely brain damaged and wouldn't be able to live a proper life anyway. The treatment that was found was also completely experimental and not meant to be curative and so Charlie would still be brain damaged even if it had worked. The treatment had also not even been tested on mice yet for mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome and there was very little evidence backing up whether it would work or not, only that it works on other mitochondrial problems.
sohora That could be it, I don't know a huge amount about the actual professor offering the treatment. Just that the treatment hadn't been used on this illness before even in mice and so seemed to be a wild shot in the dark
Jake Paul really reminds me of that "affluenza" kid from a few years back. I wouldn't be surprised if and when he gets into legal trouble for all his stupidity, and his lawyers will seek some sort of bullshit way to get him out of trouble.
Superficial Blackberry you also aren't a millionaire having so much success so young fucks up your head look at pretty much every child star ever. Not defending him he's a douche but you can't compare yourself to him
He (Jake Paul) refers to himself as a "twenty year old child". I am over here thinking "honey, you were a child three years ago. Once you turn 18, you need to take responsibility for your actions. If you don't, then that will be your downfall into the group of could-have-beens"
They say it's understandable that Jake has done this stuff as he is only in his early 20, but the thing is no matter what your age is you're still responsible for you actions. You can't really say :" Oh he's messed up, but he's only 20. " because a 20 y/o should know what is acceptable and what is not. Looking at this I feel like me as a fourteen year old am more mature than Jake.
I do too, but I don't equate morality with legality. In fact I consider them polar opposites. If there has to be a law that punishes you in order for you not to murder someone, then you are less moral than a person who wouldn't murder even if there was no law against it or no punishment. These teenagers obviously do not have a high value on life or at least the life of a stranger. Even the excuse of smoking weed does not explain their apathy, but they are teenagers. Right now they are garbage people, but maybe some of them will become better. I am not a fan of passing laws that force a person to behave a certain way given a specific context. Whenever I see a funeral procession on the road, I will pull over and take some time to reflect on a stranger's death. Forcing everyone to do the same doesn't create a just society.
Seeing that man basically announce the upcoming death of his baby boy fucking broke me. I can't even imagine what that must feel like. My best wishes go to the family and may Charlie rest easy.
This is scary. Imagine being in a life or death situation and your are lucky enough to have people see that you are in danger, only for them to laugh and not help you until you die. It is beyond sad.
"Yeah, My brother messed up but he still got that Disney contract" *FAKE NEWS* Lmfao😂😂😂 Shameless Plug: Go check out ShadowHunterAnimations. He just dropped a new vid🔥
I wish people would stop talking about Jake's age. I'm 19, so a little younger than him, and I would NEVER act like this. Shit, I wouldn't have acted like this when I was 10. Jake Paul is an adult. He's full grown. I don't give a fuck about him being 20, that's an adult. It's no excuse for being a jackass.
Yeah the thing isn't about just his age but rather how he's rich and young enough to have people kiss his ass which inflates his ego. The younger you are the easier it is to have a big ego especially when you're a millionaire by not giving a fuck.
Im 15 and I wouldnt act like this! It is patronising to hear people say he behaves in the way he does becasue of his age- he needs to take some responsibility for his actions
I will bring up Charlie Gard every single time someone says they want the government to be in charge of healthcare in the United States. What happened to Charlie is inexcusable, unforgivable, and heartbreaking beyond words. I'm disgusted.
My god the comment on "what-ifs". I hope the directors of that hospital know they very well might have murdered that poor child in having forced the child to stay. What a sad story
I trained as a lifeguard, ignoring the fact that the teenagers were cold and heartless, unless you are trained in water rescue, the best recourse is to send the person who is drowning something to hold on to, or something that floats. Any attempt to rescue a panicked person may result in your own death. This means, at best, these teens should have called 911. It may have been too late, but at least they would have done something, while remaining alive. The way my instructor drove the point home was simple, it is better to have the drowning victim die, temporarily, than have the victim accidentally kill the lifeguard or rescuer guaranteeing death in the end for both. Their acts are heartless, but unless you know what you doing, it just wasn't safe for them to do anything, themselves.
Steve Smith you shouldn't be required by law to put yourself in a deadly situation. Not everyone is cold and heartless so if those people feel pushed by the law to save someone they will and end up killing themselves. Which I believe isn't right.
yea although i understand where Good Samaritan laws are coming from and the thing they are trying to put into place have a good place the implications that they can lead to are in some cases people feeling pressured to put themselves into deadly situations and honestly these children are assholes and that is a problem but its not something that should be a legal issue for not actively seeking help for someone else
A lot of countries have a law like this. You have to help except you are possibly in danger. Then you just have to call for help. Even with a crashed car on the side of the road you don't have to get out and help since there is a possibility that it is a setup.
The Good Samaritan law does not require a by-stander to provide aide to a persons in critical condition, drastic situations, or life-threatening scenarios, but instead it protects those of the general public who DO attempt to provide assistance, who may unknowingly during such situations, break other laws. Example: Bill see's Ted choke, pass-out, and start to turn blue from an onion ring at the local Shenanigans. Bill, being a Boy-Scout chaperone who never misses a meeting, (like... since before Boy-Scouts,) recently learned CPR and has been practicing exponentially when ever he can get a few pumps in, rushes to Ted's side and systematically preforms the proper steps to help his fellow Shanai-fan. However, he does not notice that Ted is wearing a "Do not resuscitate" band. (Something that is provided to some who have a terminal disease or other, usually natural, cause of death) Successfully reviving a now-sadly-frustrated-looking Ted, Bill is omit from having any legal action being taken against him (By Bill- Party of 1) since the "Socially Correct" thing to do was to immediately help out, rather then stand back and tarnish that sweet sweet Shenanigans Tile with a soon to be Perma-Planking Ted. Boy, i felt so many... THINGS writing that. A tip of the hat to Sir. Philly De. for bringing the "things" to us all! No worries Pappa P, i gotchyoo back! :>
Rescuing a drowning man is very dangerous for untrained people. When you dive in to rescue that person, their instincts are telling them to do everything possible to not drown. This includes trying to drown the person trying to rescue them for another breath of air. Those kids are heartless douchebags. I think they should be held responsible for recording and laughing while this guy drowned. While they couldn't have rescued him themselves, they should have at least dialed 911.
Nater I can't believe that there are people who would laugh at a drowning man. It doesn't even sound real, more like a movie villian. It breaks my heart.
Yeah i agree. Even if rescue may not have arrived in time, simply laughing at a guy drowning and afterwards feeling no remorse for it is beyond disgusting...
Hell in most places for the western world you are required by law to provide whatever assistance you can even if the only thing you can do is alert the emergency services, now of course this may not be the case for parts of the united states.
+Trash Can - 100% agree with you but I think I know what he meant (other stars have said the same thing as they got older). That's just code for less Squeaky-Clean-Disney-Family-Friendly content.
Good Samaritan laws are a joke, look if I need help go get the right person for the job don't go getting yourself in the same mess I'm in, though yes failing to report it should be punishable by law.
Thomas Patrick The dude was 150 yards off the shore in a disgusting Florida retention pond. Hes just swimming around on some type of drugs then drowned. He won the Darwin award in my opinion.
Hey Phil, love your show. Might be a bit late to mention this, but it should be noted that the American neurologist had a financial stake in that experimental treatment due to his pioneering of it, and announced the treatment could help WITHOUT EVER HAVING EXAMINED CHARLIE OR ANY OF HIS SCANS. It may not be the case that Charlie ever could have been saved with this, and the NHS shouldn't be getting so much hate for trying to do the best they can.
Everyone is talking about jake Paul like he's a 12 year old - he's 20. He's a fucking ADULT. He should be capable of controlling himself. He should be prosecuted for his crimes.
Forreal!!! I'm also 20 and I'm not even that irresponsible as Jake Paul. He's so inconsiderate of his neighbours and him and his "wife" think it's a joke. THEY ARE LITERALLY BOTH ADULTSSSS!!!! HOW FUCKIN INSANE
The drowning man story, is literally a very old philosophically debated question. Because the root of this question is; morality vs legality. Where do you draw the line between the moral act of choosing to OFFER help, vs how you should be LEGALLY REQUIRED to act. The answer is important because of where the question leads: how much power over our freedom of choice, should any government have?
btw my answer is that there should be no LEGAL requirement to help someone. As horrible as it sounds, think of the implications that would give the government to dictate your freedom of choice.
Nonya Biz so if a person is literally being raped in front of someone, they're just gonna Decide whether or not to call 911 because of freedom, that's some creepy shit right there.
How did you even get to that conclusion? Its about seperating what type of laws should be passed to require you to offer aid/assistance. If someone is being raped and I don't call 911 should I have to go to jail? Pay a fine? Should you be legally required to give a homeless person money? Some creepy shit right there is where you draw the line of legal requirements to act "moral"
I agree you cant make that legal becuase say for instance there is the a drunk that fell in the subway tracks and idk if the train comes in soon do i have to legally risk my life or risk going to jail because to be honest i would try and help but idk if i would go down there and the idea of being forced too is disturbing
I think if there ever is a law legally requiring you to help someone in danger it wouldn't include putting your life at risk. Calling the police is enough. Maybe there should be a law legally requiring people to call the police if they suspect or see someone in danger. Too many times people have died and it could've been prevented if people just picked up the phone. Even if you don't think they'll make it call them anyway.
I'm paralyzed from the waist down and I wouldn't hesitate to try to help that guy. For gods sake try. I absolutely could not live with myself if I didn't try. It would ruin me.
wartone Holland I'll be honest, I'm not a decent swimmer I can keep myself afloat, but couldn't save anyone. But you can be damn sure I'd attempt to help another way. Whatever it may be.
Didn't necessarily mean diving in but I could maybe yell to others nearby or maybe try guilting those laughing assholes into doing something. Diving into the water is my last ditch effort.
Or check this. I could open the tap on my catheter bag and blow it up and use it as a flotation device. Though I'd need to tie a knot on the tube otherwise I would just inflate my bladder........hell that might even add to my buoyancy.
It's terrifying that someone may not be obligated to help, but there should never be a law requiring you risk your life to save another. What these young men did was immoral, but shouldn't be illegal.
Someone needs to seriously put Jake Paul in his place he needs to get fined or arrested for the stuff he does. What happened when he set his pool on fire was NOT ok his next door neighbors house was exposed with deadly smoke SOMEONE PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!
Leah Williams every time I hear about the shit he pulls I just feel so bad for the parents living on his street. I would never want my kids playing in a neighbourhood he lives in.
Charlie Gard never had a chance. The hospital kept him alive for a long time, and grief kept the family from accepting their son's fate, and nothing but emotive commentary ever came of it. The experimental treatment wasn't going to give Charlie a normal life, it would give him 10% chance of getting a little bit better. He's got irreversible brain damage, and the doctors at GOSH never did anything but try to do the best thing for the baby. I don't know what kind of news you're getting in the US about it, but there was never any hope
I don't know what it's like where you live, but right wing outlets seized on this story in order to attack liberals. They used the pro-life rhetoric to try and make it sound like anyone who accepted the reality as leftist baby killers, and as a method of railing against government sponsored health care. They used poor Charlie as a political set piece with no shame.
The doctor said that had he been allowed to treat Charlie sooner that Charlie WOULD have had a chance. The irreversible brain damage came from the fact that the parents tried to fight the hospital for so long that Charlie developed into the point of no return
Christopher Angell I'm sorry but you're wrong. The American doctor, who hadn't even read Charlie's notes on the case and just wanted to use him for some kind of publicity or experimentation or whatever, may have said that. But Charlie is one of 16 people with this condition and his is particularly bad. Even if he had survived after the treatment it wouldn't have given him any quality of life, and as medicine advances to the point where we can keep everyone alive, we need to start asking ourselves not 'can we', but 'should we' be keeping them alive for their own sakes. Anything other than letting Charlie die peacefully would have been hard on Charlie
Yeah, as much as it sucks it seems that this is pretty much the case. I've never been a parent but to be honest, was I in their situation I would probably be reacting the same way they are now; you'd never want to accept that there's nothing to be done.
George Rolls Unfortunately you are correct. I had not realized this until I delved deeper into the comments. It's a terrible and saddening circumstance. But I wonder if the hospital would have at least let the parents stay with Charlie. Also I think we can agree that the reporters and paparazzi who swarmed the parents throughout the whole ordeal are complete and utter assholes, and refused to let the parents have some privacy.
About the situation of Charlie Gard, I think the reason why the hospital argued and was successful in court was because their ideologies of care and treatment is different from the parents. A doctor's job is to care for the patient, not the parent. If what they saw was questionable treatment that would not cure their patient and only cause more distress for the patient, then obviously they would not support the change. It's not about giving a fighting chance. It's about what care they can provide to the patient that is not harm them even further. Sometimes medical care and medical advancements don't see eye to eye and that's not wrong. It's just that people have different goals of how someone should be cared for vs how someone can be used to help someone else.
Lelouch12160 exactly, the parents even said that had Charlie gotten the treatment he could have lived a normal and happy life, clearly they still aren't listening to what the doctors were saying. The poor kid was severely brain damaged and on life support. Charlie wasn't a warrior because he couldn't even fight for himself. I know that may sound cold, but it's my opinion that a child with cancer going through treatment is a warrior and a baby on life support is just an unfortunate situation.
Yes, Charlie's parents did say that if he got treatment earlier it would have helped. However, their statement is not factually accurate. The hospital has issued a detailed and compassionate response and I urge everyone to read it and get a better understanding of the facts of the case. Charlie's parents are in pain and grief and they are insisting that there was hope when in fact every expert that actually examined Charlie disagreed with them. Similarly they have publicly insisted he is not in pain - yet the actual medical experts disagree. It is simply that his poor body cannot react to his pain in a way the parents understand due to his muscle wastage... so they can't see it. Please read GOSH's response... it contains a lot of extremely important details left out of Phil's coverage.
To think that we live in a world where you could be in trouble, and instead of helping people laugh, videotape, or do nothing at all is awful. My wtf is happening to this world!
If you're being a douchebag, I'm going to call you a douchebag, douchebag. Just sayin'
Philip DeFranco nuce
I'm a third nigga
Philip DeFranco love you Phil
Philip DeFranco Seems fair.
I'm not a douchebag, so please don't call me that Phil.
I proper giggled when you put up the "cause my brother messed up but he still got his disney contract" "you are fake news"
I started dying 😂
It all makes sense now, I didn't know he was a Disney star
Boy I don't think Jake Paul outgrew Disney, I think Disney outgrew Jake Paul 😂
Alex In Wonderland in his defense (I hate him and don't watch him, but I'm just presenting the more intelligent answer that the "Jake Paulers" would think), Disney mainly advertises towards children under the age of 13, and as he is somebody who tries to go viral for more mature things (not like 21/18+, but like, explicit content as far as profanity goes, discussing sexually explicit content for somebody of that age, etc.), and he very well could've just wanted to be done with the childishness of Disney channel. He didn't, but it's an argument they could make.
Alex In Wonderland hes off to porn
Alex In Wonderland Disney thinking "Uh yeah, Jake Paul... um dabbing and 'what are those' are not funny anymore."
Keeping Jake Paul in Disney would have been such a disgrace to this place full of innocent and happy kids - glad Disney has done the right thing this time.
He's outgrown Disney but he hasn't outgrown an ass whooping.
BOB English please?
Andrew Joya Jake, my friend who I refer to as “my boy” going to have his friend group called Team 10 beat your butt. Whoaaaaaafsdfseffes (no idea what he meant by that. But here is the English you asked for 👍)
BOB I wouldn't be surprised if this comment was serious.
haha true, jk
Is it weird that I've only heard he was this famous like 2 weeks ago? I didn't know he was a thing lmao
Andrea Carvajal Same I didn't even believe he was that famous until like last week
forget those 2 weeks, he doesn’t need more attention that he doesn’t even deserve in the first place.
Andrea Carvajal i feel bad for you i wish you never heard of him
Didn't even know who he was until just today. 😂
I didn't know until ricegum
I hadn't heard of Jake Paul before Phil talked about him a while back. Kinda wish I still hadn't.
Brynley Louise I kinda remembered him from vine but other than that Phil was how I found out about him being some RUclips famous jerk lol
I also think that because he's grown so incredibly fast, that he'll probably fall just as quickly. (and hopefully not be talked about anymore afterwards....)
pssh, you know you want his D
Eddie Stinson It's so sad, but so true.
ryan seitz EW. If that dude bro laid a hand on me I'd cut his D off.
Why do you need a law to be a decent human being?
You don't. You need a law to punish sociopaths who watch a stranger drowned and are excited about it.
Kyle McAuley Goood question.
jake paul could curb stomp an old lady and his fans would still find a way to defend him
Legendary Ben "savage!!" Dab dab dab
Legendary Ben Jake Paulers: Jake Paul just fucking murdered that bitch! dab on those haters
Charlie's father's speech honestly was so heart breaking, thoughts and prayers going out to the family.
Jake Paul: *Kills a bunch of 5 year olds*
Jake Paulers: "Wooow, savage!" *dab*
Dark Lord Satan _Original_
420 likes lmao
I would like this, but then it wouldn't have 420 likes anymore.
Kids are fuckin' dumb nowadays, bad role models everywhere
If it weren't for DeFranco I wouldn't know what day of the week it was.
i know right. i'm so lost on saturday and sunday
Same oml same
Kevin Zelaya Do you know how lost I feel on the weekends?
Jake is 20 years old!! he's older than me, and I know not to do anything of this! he's old enough to be responsible for his actions, his age is not an excuse.
Naomi Wright he is a 12 yealold in 20 yeaeold man body
I just really want Jake Paul to get a reality check. The way he's been acting perfectly encapsulates what people love to point and laugh at about my generation, and reflects badly on not just the Youth of today" but the internet as a legitimate platform. He needs to face the music or I can easily seem him becoming the next young star to fall from grace.
Nicky D Bring back Eminem!
G B I like Jake Paul but I agree with you. I do not agree with all of his choices. I think sometimes people forget that you can be a fan of someone and not agree with them.
The Charlie story really bugs me. The treatment they wanted has never been used, not an a human, not even on an animal. To transport him would cost a ridiculous amount of money and he would likely have died on the way. Don't just believe the spin.
I know this is an old comment but i really agree, Phil mistook the last comment he adressed saying "Britan doesnt do science like America", the way they meant was America has very different regulations around experimental research, I agree with the hospital, some of the smartest minds realized how futile, and unnecessarily cruel it would be, it was for the peace of the child and the benefit of the parents, they have to move on no matter how heartbreaking.
I really understand the parents though, they will fight till the end, thats why the government has to step in, I am so sorry for them.
I'll say the same thing I did on the h3h3 video when it came out. I'm glad that Post Malone didn't give Jake Paul his phone number just to be nice, as Jake probably would have included that in the video, too.
Charlie's condition was quite progressed by the time that NBT trial was proposed and the previous evidence for the treatment was on rats, and not humans, this is why I whole heartedly agree with the GOSHs decisions so the next time you see an opinion articles on how the hospital has screwed over the parents keep in mind there was no evidence that the treatment would have any impact.
Just remember, Great Ormand Street Hospital is one of the leading paediatric hospitals in the world. They also offer nucleoside treatment, however came to the conclusion that it would make no difference. Also GOSH gave the doctor an opportunity to visit in January. The high court judge also said, referring to people who say Charlie was a prisoner to politicians and the hospital that this is the "antithesis of truth" and is an "absurd notion". It was also revealed while Dr. Shirano was testifying that he had a financial interest in offering the treatment (Which is offered at GOSH if deemed applicable) and that Dr. Shirano had not actually read the original high court ruling - which explained why doctors at GOSH did not offer the treatment and why it would be futile. 99% of the time your journalism is wonderful DeFranco but here i think as a parent you (fairly) may have focused more on the sensationalist "We could have saved him"
Jake Paul is a sad child who needs to be stopped.
SarahA314 True he's like a that annoying spoiled kid who's goons follow him around and copy him just cause he's rich
The sad thing is that he isn't even a child, he is 20
Tom Cappado I know. I called him a child because he has the maturity of one.
What we do here is go back.
David Stratton We need it
Outgrown disney? He hasnt even outgrown his 12 year old personality.
I was hoping someone would say it.
Who the fuck is Jake Paul?
You're better off not knowing.
Tori D DON'T dive into that pool. Leave it alone
I feel worse for it knowing who he is. I literally just searched it up. It's not pretty.
I feel worse for it knowing who he is. I literally just searched it up. It's not pretty.
Tori D maybe he’s the guy who was so rude to the security guy.
Jake and Logan are both the kings of cringe.
TheHermit I HATE JAKE PAUL I made a video on him that's considered "Offensive" to some but I'm glad jake is finally facing some consequences.
OMG I only just realised there's more than one, I thought he'd had a haircut.. I'm taking my old ass out of here
The Cringe Twins
Fufu Lou me too!!!!!!
Logan is still slightly better tbh
I am sick of hearing about Jake Paul
Why can't Jake Paul walk into a lake?
WiserInTime too soon
Then stop clicking on videos with his name in the title.
WiserInTime Lol
I guess he gets covered because he is part of the RUclips creator community, but it's content that should be below PDF. Leave that shit to TMZ.
Jake Paul is a classic example of someone who was too young to be famous
BozOnTour_ immature*
BozOnTour_ Nah, too stupid.
BozOnTour_ Some can handle it, some cannot. Some can't handle someone young being famous, some can. He is indeed an example.
Fuck that, he's a manipulative (somewhat) genius who used his young fame and douchebaggery to make millions before he turned 20. I hate the guy but he's not too young to be famous lol he knows exactly what he's doing.
Naruto31132 maybe he was just a douche to begin with but certainly on camera he seems like a dick
You should not be forced to put yourself into danger for anyone else. ALTHOUGH they should be required to call the authorities.
Damn those boys are awful. WTH??? Why would they just let him die and laugh about it. Ughh another day, another disgusting display of human behavior.
Destined FG welcome to florida
I think we need to just blow Florida off of the united states, just nuke the border
I think it's worse that the police are letting them go, and worse when their friends see them, they aren't going to lose themselves.
Must be new to Earth. Welcome, we have disgusting cretinous insects under the guise of humans.
15 millions people each year die of poverty that could be easily fixed for little cost (less than 1$ for treatment) and yet everyone does nothing to fix it, who are you to judge those kids for not helping 1 man ? Society as a whole already judge that life is not worth saving if it require a little bit of effort, these kids are no different.
God, when Charlie's father made his statement for their family, it brought me to tears. To have to go through something like that must be devastating. Only positivity and prays are going out to their family from me- they deserve the world in this hard time
Yes the whole story was very sad.
Seriously, even their parents aren't checking their ego. So glad Disney dropped Jake Paul. He may not realize that he's acting that way, but hopefully kids realize that this isn't a way to behave yourself.
You literally have no idea of the correspondance between jake & his parents. This is all infurred.
tina posts stuff 100 percent agreed.
Those kids laughing and filming make me sincerely hope that there is a Hell.
DC and Marvel push each other to make their companies better. The whole reason Marvel made the MCU is to get out of DC's shadow and the only reason there is a DCU is because of how successful the MCU is. I love Batman and I love Iron Man. The fans are the winners here.
DC has been in Marvel's shadow for a long time, well before the MCU. This can be seen by DC trying to copy what Marvel was doing with their comics, but not being able to understand why it was working for Marvel, why the things were done the way they were, or what the changes were suppose to accomplish. Look at DC trying to copy Marvel again by making Suicide Squad 'humorous' because it worked so well with the MCU and because their DC movies are a bad joke.
Egeslean eh Marvel has copied DC far too many times to count
But both are awesome
Egeslean Well you mention the comics and then you cite Suicde Squad as an example. Marvel was bankrupt in the '90s whereas DC was experiencing a boom in sales after the successful Tim Burton Batman films, along with iconic comics such as The Death of Superman, Batman Knightfall and racially diverse comics like Static Shock.
From the late '90s onwards to the early 2000s, DC dominated with the exceptional animated films and TV cartoons, which eventually culminated in Nolan's Batman Begins. It's hard for people to wrap their heads around DC being successful but there definitely was a time that DC was king and Marvel was struggling to get proper footing.
True, and I can't, and won't, argue against that, but the fact still remains that DC has been trying to copy Marvel and doing what they do unsuccessfully. The difference is that when Marvel copied DC they understood why DC did what they did, what made that successful, and understood the purpose behind it, and then did it better. DC doesn't understand how to do that. Marvel wouldn't be what it is today without DC, but, and this is my opinion, Marvel is the better company overall, especially considering its ability to adapt compared to DC.
jake paul is the jarjarbinks of youtube
Jar jar or darth jar jar
superextremelaser this comment makes me feel bad for JarJar for the comparison.
Wow, now what did Jarjar Binks ever do to you?
Don't be so rude! (To Jar Jar)
Too true, too true
Jake Paul reminds me of this story. I had just worked a double shift and was taking the late bus home. Now this bus always has construction workers and nurses on it due to the time of day and location, and there is this unwritten rule that we all sit down and be quiet because for most people it is the first time in the day that we can all finally sit down and rest.
This one day about 5 teenage boys come on the bus and take up the seats in the front, filling the empty seats beside them with their backpacks, and start swearing and laughing loudly. People are visibly annoyed but ignore them. Then this old lady with a walker comes on, and none of the kids move to let her have a seat in the front.
The transit system has a policy posted on every bus that people must give up their seats to pregnant, disabled, and elderly people that enter the bus, and the bus driver tells them that someone needs to give up their seat. They straight up ignore him, and then this man gets up and gives the old woman his seat which is farther back. He tells the kids that they should know better and that one day they`ll regret their disrespectful behavior. The kids proceed to mock and make fun of him, saying things like he smelled and was dirty from working in the sun all day, and they continue to make fun of him for the rest of the ride.
Jake Paul reminds me of those kids SO much, and I`m seriously starting to worry that my generation has an empathy problem, and literally don`t know how to have basic human decency. Nothing they did was straight up illegal, but the lack of care for people outside their immediate group reminds me a lot of Jake Paul. Fuck him.
Can we get a "Money Doesn't Change Facts!" shirt soon?
Can we address the fact that during everything with Charlie Gard NHS workers at Great Ormond Street were receiving death threats purely for where they work. People who have dedicated their lives to caring for sick children were told to die.
Considering a death threat a day is posted by a dipshit over the internet, the fact they're adults and can handle it and that Phil probably wouldn't want to linger on the topic any longer cause he himself is a parent, it can probably wait till next episode or just leave it alone cause they're fake till somebody dies.
Spank, so your argument is that all adults should be able to "handle it" when sent direct threats against their life and no one should be held accountable? Go back to 4chan.
As a child treated at GOSH, I can say they do WHATEVER they can to make a child's life worth living. People should not threaten those who keep their children safe
What was the sad part is that if he had been allowed to go to the US earlier he might have stood a chance, a small chance but a chance nonetheless which is better than no chance.
Thats why people were furious the bureaucracy in the NHS was what people were mad about.
that norwegianguy that's only partly true actually, the dr in America was invited over to the UK to give official testimony on the case back in Dec/Jan. He didn't come until July, and that was via court summons and therefore too late? If he had come earlier, then the case would have been reviewed earlier before it even got to this stage. However, I doubt American treatment would have helped poor Charlie, so I think it's a case of medical ethics, rather than bureaucracy.
"Mutual agreement",fired?
Trash Can nah...... *SHIT CANNED*
Disney is his city--oh wait...he got fired. Nevermind!
Our boy Mickey Mouse kicked his ass out. Walt Disney can finally quit rolling in his grave lol.
Mickey fucked his ass up!
Beat him over the head with a god church.
Disney knew what they did, just like Miley Cyrus, Orlando Brown....
EspioMetroidNano sadly, there will always be something new to make Walt Disney roll in his grave once more
lol "I got fired like a God Church" should be the new line if he ever does a remix of "It's Everyday Bro."
Oh man, the two men behind (/between) Charlie Gards parents who look like they're fighting tears.... 😢
I like how Phillip does this because most news channels will tell us all of this In 6 different videos but he just does it in under a minute
Phil:Let's just jump into it
Me: *jumps into phone blues clues style*
leon fray I skidoo you can too
My brother got Jake Paul merch.....
*i* *have* *no* *brother* *now*
The Dead Meme at first I thought that pic was morphed. now I know it's your brother.
Ive recently disowned my sister for the same reason..
he bought it like a god church!
Wrong. You get a new and better brother
My nephew said to me, and I quote, "It's not that bad though, right?" referring to It's Everyday Bro while I was making fun of it. I called CPS immediately.
i'm sorry but I hate the hate great ormond street hospital is getting it's an amazing hospital, when my little sister was going through a lung failure they did everything they could to help her and bring her back to health, they made the choice with the child's safety and happiness in mind, the child, this is a terribly sad thing but would have prolonging this sickly child's life to do an experimental treatment that could case the child more pain have been any better? I think it's best to leave the decision is left to the doctors who cared for him not parents who overly emotional and in pain.
The Charlie Hard story is absolutely heart breaking. The worst possible situation. I don't think that procedure would have helped. From what I read it would only really have reversed enough damage to put Charlie in more pain, but not meaningfully restore his sight, hearing, movement, etc. That said, I don't blame the parents for being desperate to try anything to save their child.
Barna Bop This may sound really heartless, but if there was even the smallest chance of saving a life, why wouldn't you take it? I don't really understand the reasoning behind just leaving them to die. Even if the experimental treatment didn't work, wouldn't we have more information on how to save children with the same condition?
no hate to the other side, i just don't really understand the mindset
Jaded Potato It's one thing to save a life, it's another thing to prolong suffering with the knowledge that it likely won't prolong the quantity of life by much, and almost certainly will not improve the quality of life. As for gaining more information on the condition, is it fair to use Charlie as a guinea pig, especially if it will cause him great pain?
Barna Bop has a good point, its just i don't understand why the government and the hospital (thats what it states in the video) got barred from taking it. It's the parents decisions man
Think about it this way, if I gave you two options what one would you choose?
1. Death
2. Take away your hearing, sight and ability to move, leave you with some brain damage and pain and keep you alive for an unknown number of months/years.
Think about it, is there anything in your life that would make you happy without being able to see, hear or interact with in any meaningful way?
i like showers But the parents aren't medical professionals. As much as they love Charlie and want the best for him, they do not have the same understanding of his condition as his doctors. And to knowingly let them make a choice that will cause Charlie needless pain isn't fair to the child.
I can't give a damn about scandals anymore.. I am physically unable to.
He is not a child, he is an adult and should be held accountable for what he does. Yes we all do dumb things at his age, but that doesn't mean we get a free pass. Own up to the mistakes you make (genuinely) and take some responsibility for your actions.
and what accountability would that be? last time i checked, there aren't laws against being a douche
samy weiserg did you not watch the vid? He's been recording people without their permission. And the guy didn't blur out the house of post Malone.
Yousef Alozaibi agreed
samy weiserg dude, didn't you just heard about the recordings, the allegations, etc??
Yes to this, taking responsibility is how we move from being a child to being an adult. It is the difference between an adult and a child. It is time for this id to start growing up before someone really gets hurt.
Do the Paul brothers not have parents? Like wtf...
Regarding the man drowning story: I don't buy the weed excuse. If the teens were capable of operating their phone cameras, then they were fully capable of calling 911.
i think what he meant was they were afraid they would get in trouble by police for being high.
I think you're missing the point; it's not that they were too high to operate a phone, they were just afraid that if the cops showed up they would be arrested for having smoked weed.
Yeah in certain parts of Florida they throw the book at u
BakedSnickers they could've just call the cops and left, boom! Problem solved.
Justin Seagull then all of a sudden you might be a murder suspect lol
Jake everyday becomes worse. he's kinda becoming a GTA character in a way.
Mazder_ then i hope he ends up in hospital a million times
Mazder_ hope he gets WASTED
Mazder_ Wait, but don't they turn out good in the end?
At least GTA characters are entertaining 😶
Goddamn. Imagine drowning and seeing two people laughing at you as you die, even though they could easily help you.
xSportacus i dont think they could easily help them
ok then imagine drowning and watching people laugh at you and insult you? Even if they couldnt help him they could at least act concerned. Some people are heartless
Deshawn Davis still
They were *LAUGHING*
I'd agree with you, but the fact that they were too far away to physically help and high complicates things because it might mean that they wouldn't have been heartless if thinking straight, and would've helped if they could
Nope, Phil even said there was no way for them to help - even if they called someone, it is unlikely that they would apprear instantly and save him.
If only money was happiness, we would still have Chester.
My problem with the Charlie Gard situation is that the hospital did look at the treatment and had an independent team review the treatment and that independent team decided that it wouldn't work for the child. Also at the time of the treatment being found charlie was unfortunately already severely brain damaged and wouldn't be able to live a proper life anyway.
The treatment that was found was also completely experimental and not meant to be curative and so Charlie would still be brain damaged even if it had worked. The treatment had also not even been tested on mice yet for mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome and there was very little evidence backing up whether it would work or not, only that it works on other mitochondrial problems.
Fergus Alexander Stormer the doctor also had a financial stake in the treatment I believe?
sohora That could be it, I don't know a huge amount about the actual professor offering the treatment. Just that the treatment hadn't been used on this illness before even in mice and so seemed to be a wild shot in the dark
Jake Paul really reminds me of that "affluenza" kid from a few years back. I wouldn't be surprised if and when he gets into legal trouble for all his stupidity, and his lawyers will seek some sort of bullshit way to get him out of trouble.
Chrysanths Yep! Might even use needing rehab as an excuse.
I fucking love how you didn't leave fanjoy out of the blame, fucken love you Phil.
They are also at fault for leaking that information to jake.
The treatment of the GOSH staff and the protests outside are disgusting
Also the security guard at the back looked like he was tearing up
I hate the excuse that he is young and learning I'm 19 and I'm not as stupid as him I actually have common sense
Superficial Blackberry you are two very different persons.
Superficial Blackberry you also aren't a millionaire having so much success so young fucks up your head look at pretty much every child star ever. Not defending him he's a douche but you can't compare yourself to him
Taylor Levin sure you can. Having money doesn't excuse you of being a shitty person just because it may or may not "mess with your head".
Not everyone has the gifts that some people contain. Like self-control.
Taylor Levin if I had to choose between money and common sense I'm choosing common sense
He (Jake Paul) refers to himself as a "twenty year old child". I am over here thinking "honey, you were a child three years ago. Once you turn 18, you need to take responsibility for your actions. If you don't, then that will be your downfall into the group of could-have-beens"
He's a good example of what's wrong with this world ^^; When will he learn responsibility and accountability?
FireDaemon that made my skin crawl for sure.
RUclips has the most serious case of cancer I've ever seen it have
I love this channel. Usually, drama channels only tell one side of the story, however you always try to be as unbiased as possible
This Video looks extra crispy and fluid for some reason
I said the same thing, too.
New camera, probably.
60 FPS
Sly Maverick
Thought that too lol
definitely not 60fps
They say it's understandable that Jake has done this stuff as he is only in his early 20, but the thing is no matter what your age is you're still responsible for you actions. You can't really say :" Oh he's messed up, but he's only 20. " because a 20 y/o should know what is acceptable and what is not. Looking at this I feel like me as a fourteen year old am more mature than Jake.
AgKwii I completely agree
You probably are to be honest.
AgKwii I'm 23 with a full time job. I work like an adult and act like an adult... my neighbors don't hate me... because I am a 23 year old ADULT...
AgKwii how could you make fun of jake paul jk totally agree
I'm just tired of hearing about this dude everyday bro...
HappiestSadGuy lol
n0 st0p
HappiestSadGuy nO
Prison is my city
Horse shit, gross negligence is a crime in every state.
I f***ing find it disgusting that there even needs to be some kind of repercussions for humans that refuse to aid another human being in distress.
Gerrit Van Looy yeah you'd think at the least people would have enough sense to call the authorities
I do too, but I don't equate morality with legality. In fact I consider them polar opposites. If there has to be a law that punishes you in order for you not to murder someone, then you are less moral than a person who wouldn't murder even if there was no law against it or no punishment. These teenagers obviously do not have a high value on life or at least the life of a stranger. Even the excuse of smoking weed does not explain their apathy, but they are teenagers. Right now they are garbage people, but maybe some of them will become better. I am not a fan of passing laws that force a person to behave a certain way given a specific context. Whenever I see a funeral procession on the road, I will pull over and take some time to reflect on a stranger's death. Forcing everyone to do the same doesn't create a just society.
Talk about the girl who live streamed herself drunk driving on instagram. Then wrecked and killed her little sister.
Austin Krier Maybe you can post that on the Reddit page or tweet it to him?
Austin Krier can I get a link
>reddit page lul, every time i post a story there it dies with 1 upvote, so your have better chances of tweeting it to him
That video was very traumatizing
Austin Krier That was really shocking and sad.
Seeing that man basically announce the upcoming death of his baby boy fucking broke me. I can't even imagine what that must feel like. My best wishes go to the family and may Charlie rest easy.
The neighbors should file for a restraining order. Not between Jake Paul and themselves, but between Jake Paul and a camera.
Someone please make a petition to kick Jake Paul off youtube
Whoa thatll help
Actually, someone already did:
Are you literally to lazy to make a petition? Lmao
It won't do nothing
AcornFox are you too lazy to figure out how to use proper grammar?
Adult acting roles? HAH
MoonWalker he needs to hit puberty first
MoonWalker he joins Johnny Sins on his new set
thats what i first thought too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What we do here is go back.....
imodifyurphone i would love to see a content cop...
the track next to that phrase played in my head immediately lol.
This is scary. Imagine being in a life or death situation and your are lucky enough to have people see that you are in danger, only for them to laugh and not help you until you die. It is beyond sad.
"Yeah, My brother messed up but he still got that Disney contract"
Shameless Plug: Go check out ShadowHunterAnimations. He just dropped a new vid🔥
Charlie Murr lmao I laughed way to fucking hard
Yep at 2:15 I cracked up
Charlie Murr fuck jake paul and jake paulers. It's fall of jake paul
Charlie Murr GOLD 😂😂😂😂
Lemme fix that for Jake: "Disney has outgrown me."
I wish people would stop talking about Jake's age. I'm 19, so a little younger than him, and I would NEVER act like this. Shit, I wouldn't have acted like this when I was 10. Jake Paul is an adult. He's full grown. I don't give a fuck about him being 20, that's an adult. It's no excuse for being a jackass.
Amy Megan s'why we aren't millionaires.
Yeah the thing isn't about just his age but rather how he's rich and young enough to have people kiss his ass which inflates his ego. The younger you are the easier it is to have a big ego especially when you're a millionaire by not giving a fuck.
Amy Megan YES..
Im 15 and I wouldnt act like this! It is patronising to hear people say he behaves in the way he does becasue of his age- he needs to take some responsibility for his actions
I will bring up Charlie Gard every single time someone says they want the government to be in charge of healthcare in the United States. What happened to Charlie is inexcusable, unforgivable, and heartbreaking beyond words. I'm disgusted.
I started crying at what the dad said about their baby boy Charlie
Sarah Donnelly me too! :(
Sarah Donnelly the security guard behind him looked like he was about to break out.
My god the comment on "what-ifs". I hope the directors of that hospital know they very well might have murdered that poor child in having forced the child to stay. What a sad story
Geo_Star I thought about that too
I understand it's easy to think that ... But sadly our world doesn't work like that.
I trained as a lifeguard, ignoring the fact that the teenagers were cold and heartless, unless you are trained in water rescue, the best recourse is to send the person who is drowning something to hold on to, or something that floats. Any attempt to rescue a panicked person may result in your own death. This means, at best, these teens should have called 911. It may have been too late, but at least they would have done something, while remaining alive. The way my instructor drove the point home was simple, it is better to have the drowning victim die, temporarily, than have the victim accidentally kill the lifeguard or rescuer guaranteeing death in the end for both. Their acts are heartless, but unless you know what you doing, it just wasn't safe for them to do anything, themselves.
Steve Smith this is a very logical and sound reasoning. Thanks.
Steve Smith I second this, as a lifeguard myself.
Steve Smith you shouldn't be required by law to put yourself in a deadly situation. Not everyone is cold and heartless so if those people feel pushed by the law to save someone they will and end up killing themselves. Which I believe isn't right.
yea although i understand where Good Samaritan laws are coming from and the thing they are trying to put into place have a good place the implications that they can lead to are in some cases people feeling pressured to put themselves into deadly situations and honestly these children are assholes and that is a problem but its not something that should be a legal issue for not actively seeking help for someone else
A lot of countries have a law like this. You have to help except you are possibly in danger. Then you just have to call for help.
Even with a crashed car on the side of the road you don't have to get out and help since there is a possibility that it is a setup.
Micro Data yes
Micro Data yeah well eedubs is smart and won't give him more publicity.
The baby didn't have a chance, he was very ill, the Dr from the States gave the parents a false hope.
R. I. P. Jake Paul's disney channel flow
Even the stone cold guard behind Charlie's parents was tearing up. So tragic. God Bless that family do that they can heal someway somehow
jarisfury OMG I love your profile pic... it.. it's majestic.
jarisfury that part got me, there was so much emotion in that video
Joey Batts ew weeb
hell i started crying his voice breaking just made me break
Where's the content police when you need them?!
Calling 911 for someone in distress counts as doing something. You don't have to physically intervene.
Spiderman taught me that if you're able to help, you should.
The Good Samaritan law does not require a by-stander to provide aide to a persons in critical condition, drastic situations, or life-threatening scenarios, but instead it protects those of the general public who DO attempt to provide assistance, who may unknowingly during such situations, break other laws. Example: Bill see's Ted choke, pass-out, and start to turn blue from an onion ring at the local Shenanigans. Bill, being a Boy-Scout chaperone who never misses a meeting, (like... since before Boy-Scouts,) recently learned CPR and has been practicing exponentially when ever he can get a few pumps in, rushes to Ted's side and systematically preforms the proper steps to help his fellow Shanai-fan. However, he does not notice that Ted is wearing a "Do not resuscitate" band. (Something that is provided to some who have a terminal disease or other, usually natural, cause of death) Successfully reviving a now-sadly-frustrated-looking Ted, Bill is omit from having any legal action being taken against him (By Bill- Party of 1) since the "Socially Correct" thing to do was to immediately help out, rather then stand back and tarnish that sweet sweet Shenanigans Tile with a soon to be Perma-Planking Ted.
Boy, i felt so many... THINGS writing that. A tip of the hat to Sir. Philly De. for bringing the "things" to us all! No worries Pappa P, i gotchyoo back! :>
Sixxy DAD thought that was being used wrong.
Haha, either way, its got me covered in this spot!
Rescuing a drowning man is very dangerous for untrained people. When you dive in to rescue that person, their instincts are telling them to do everything possible to not drown. This includes trying to drown the person trying to rescue them for another breath of air. Those kids are heartless douchebags. I think they should be held responsible for recording and laughing while this guy drowned. While they couldn't have rescued him themselves, they should have at least dialed 911.
I agree completely
Nater I can't believe that there are people who would laugh at a drowning man. It doesn't even sound real, more like a movie villian. It breaks my heart.
Yeah i agree. Even if rescue may not have arrived in time, simply laughing at a guy drowning and afterwards feeling no remorse for it is beyond disgusting...
Hell in most places for the western world you are required by law to provide whatever assistance you can even if the only thing you can do is alert the emergency services, now of course this may not be the case for parts of the united states.
Nater. Yeah it's disgusting the way they just stood there laughing. Just shows how heartless they are.
The story about the child was just so horrible to me I bursted out crying when the Father spoke, no parent should have to do that.
You can't ask for more adult roles if you don't act like an adult.
Well said. i wish i could like this comment a million more times.
*clap clap*
+Trash Can - 100% agree with you but I think I know what he meant (other stars have said the same thing as they got older). That's just code for less Squeaky-Clean-Disney-Family-Friendly content.
Trash Can I hope his acting career fails miserably
I think the fact that we actually need "Good Samaritan laws", speaks volumes on the depletion of societal values and morality.
sexism, racism and wife-beating? sounds like africa and the middle east to me!
Well people have a tendency to have the mentality of "someone else will call for help, I don't have to"
Good Samaritan laws are a joke, look if I need help go get the right person for the job don't go getting yourself in the same mess I'm in, though yes failing to report it should be punishable by law.
Ka Robot
Part of the law includes calling for help, so just calling 911 is expected.
Thomas Patrick The dude was 150 yards off the shore in a disgusting Florida retention pond. Hes just swimming around on some type of drugs then drowned. He won the Darwin award in my opinion.
No more Disney channel flow.
Hey Phil, love your show. Might be a bit late to mention this, but it should be noted that the American neurologist had a financial stake in that experimental treatment due to his pioneering of it, and announced the treatment could help WITHOUT EVER HAVING EXAMINED CHARLIE OR ANY OF HIS SCANS. It may not be the case that Charlie ever could have been saved with this, and the NHS shouldn't be getting so much hate for trying to do the best they can.
Everyone is talking about jake Paul like he's a 12 year old - he's 20. He's a fucking ADULT. He should be capable of controlling himself. He should be prosecuted for his crimes.
I'm still waiting on news on that Class Action lawsuit. I hope they go hard on him.
Charlie Hutchinson agreed. Who raised him? Even at 15 I knew to be humble because my mum was a good one.
Charlie Hutchinson dab on the haters xd
But he's white.
His age is 20 just like Don trump jr.'s age is 39. Neither of these people are children. They are both legal adults, and they should act like it -_-
It doesn't help that he called himself a kid though cause his exact words were if I'm correct "I'm a 20 yr old kid".
Forreal!!! I'm also 20 and I'm not even that irresponsible as Jake Paul. He's so inconsiderate of his neighbours and him and his "wife" think it's a joke. THEY ARE LITERALLY BOTH ADULTSSSS!!!! HOW FUCKIN INSANE
I'm 12 years old, and I'm way more mature than him.
The drowning man story, is literally a very old philosophically debated question. Because the root of this question is; morality vs legality. Where do you draw the line between the moral act of choosing to OFFER help, vs how you should be LEGALLY REQUIRED to act. The answer is important because of where the question leads: how much power over our freedom of choice, should any government have?
btw my answer is that there should be no LEGAL requirement to help someone. As horrible as it sounds, think of the implications that would give the government to dictate your freedom of choice.
Nonya Biz so if a person is literally being raped in front of someone, they're just gonna Decide whether or not to call 911 because of freedom, that's some creepy shit right there.
How did you even get to that conclusion? Its about seperating what type of laws should be passed to require you to offer aid/assistance. If someone is being raped and I don't call 911 should I have to go to jail? Pay a fine? Should you be legally required to give a homeless person money? Some creepy shit right there is where you draw the line of legal requirements to act "moral"
I agree you cant make that legal becuase say for instance there is the a drunk that fell in the subway tracks and idk if the train comes in soon do i have to legally risk my life or risk going to jail because to be honest i would try and help but idk if i would go down there and the idea of being forced too is disturbing
I think if there ever is a law legally requiring you to help someone in danger it wouldn't include putting your life at risk. Calling the police is enough. Maybe there should be a law legally requiring people to call the police if they suspect or see someone in danger. Too many times people have died and it could've been prevented if people just picked up the phone. Even if you don't think they'll make it call them anyway.
I appreciate that you put everything in the information under the video. The links have always been very useful.
He gets no pass because of his age. None. There are plenty of young successful people who aren't his level of horrible
One of the largest youtuber on the platform.... never heard of the guy before this whole drama bullcrap oO
ShinKillKenny Every other RUclipsr is a 6 million viewer channel at this point. not surprising
ShinKillKenny i 1 heard abort form it is ALL day bro
ShinKillKenny Me too.
Same for me
probably because you are not a 12 year old girl
I'm paralyzed from the waist down and I wouldn't hesitate to try to help that guy. For gods sake try. I absolutely could not live with myself if I didn't try. It would ruin me.
wartone Holland I'll be honest, I'm not a decent swimmer I can keep myself afloat, but couldn't save anyone. But you can be damn sure I'd attempt to help another way. Whatever it may be.
Didn't necessarily mean diving in but I could maybe yell to others nearby or maybe try guilting those laughing assholes into doing something. Diving into the water is my last ditch effort.
Dank senzu weed 420 If? Who lies about that?
Or check this. I could open the tap on my catheter bag and blow it up and use it as a flotation device. Though I'd need to tie a knot on the tube otherwise I would just inflate my bladder........hell that might even add to my buoyancy.
It's terrifying that someone may not be obligated to help, but there should never be a law requiring you risk your life to save another. What these young men did was immoral, but shouldn't be illegal.
Someone needs to seriously put Jake Paul in his place he needs to get fined or arrested for the stuff he does. What happened when he set his pool on fire was NOT ok his next door neighbors house was exposed with deadly smoke SOMEONE PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!
Leah Williams every time I hear about the shit he pulls I just feel so bad for the parents living on his street. I would never want my kids playing in a neighbourhood he lives in.
Charlie Gard never had a chance. The hospital kept him alive for a long time, and grief kept the family from accepting their son's fate, and nothing but emotive commentary ever came of it.
The experimental treatment wasn't going to give Charlie a normal life, it would give him 10% chance of getting a little bit better. He's got irreversible brain damage, and the doctors at GOSH never did anything but try to do the best thing for the baby.
I don't know what kind of news you're getting in the US about it, but there was never any hope
I don't know what it's like where you live, but right wing outlets seized on this story in order to attack liberals. They used the pro-life rhetoric to try and make it sound like anyone who accepted the reality as leftist baby killers, and as a method of railing against government sponsored health care. They used poor Charlie as a political set piece with no shame.
The doctor said that had he been allowed to treat Charlie sooner that Charlie WOULD have had a chance. The irreversible brain damage came from the fact that the parents tried to fight the hospital for so long that Charlie developed into the point of no return
Christopher Angell I'm sorry but you're wrong. The American doctor, who hadn't even read Charlie's notes on the case and just wanted to use him for some kind of publicity or experimentation or whatever, may have said that. But Charlie is one of 16 people with this condition and his is particularly bad. Even if he had survived after the treatment it wouldn't have given him any quality of life, and as medicine advances to the point where we can keep everyone alive, we need to start asking ourselves not 'can we', but 'should we' be keeping them alive for their own sakes.
Anything other than letting Charlie die peacefully would have been hard on Charlie
Yeah, as much as it sucks it seems that this is pretty much the case. I've never been a parent but to be honest, was I in their situation I would probably be reacting the same way they are now; you'd never want to accept that there's nothing to be done.
George Rolls Unfortunately you are correct. I had not realized this until I delved deeper into the comments. It's a terrible and saddening circumstance. But I wonder if the hospital would have at least let the parents stay with Charlie. Also I think we can agree that the reporters and paparazzi who swarmed the parents throughout the whole ordeal are complete and utter assholes, and refused to let the parents have some privacy.
About the situation of Charlie Gard, I think the reason why the hospital argued and was successful in court was because their ideologies of care and treatment is different from the parents.
A doctor's job is to care for the patient, not the parent. If what they saw was questionable treatment that would not cure their patient and only cause more distress for the patient, then obviously they would not support the change. It's not about giving a fighting chance. It's about what care they can provide to the patient that is not harm them even further.
Sometimes medical care and medical advancements don't see eye to eye and that's not wrong. It's just that people have different goals of how someone should be cared for vs how someone can be used to help someone else.
Lelouch12160 exactly, the parents even said that had Charlie gotten the treatment he could have lived a normal and happy life, clearly they still aren't listening to what the doctors were saying. The poor kid was severely brain damaged and on life support. Charlie wasn't a warrior because he couldn't even fight for himself. I know that may sound cold, but it's my opinion that a child with cancer going through treatment is a warrior and a baby on life support is just an unfortunate situation.
Lelouch12160 I agree it's horrible to find out that that people have sent death threats to the doctors who work there it's disgusting tbh
Yes, Charlie's parents did say that if he got treatment earlier it would have helped. However, their statement is not factually accurate. The hospital has issued a detailed and compassionate response and I urge everyone to read it and get a better understanding of the facts of the case.
Charlie's parents are in pain and grief and they are insisting that there was hope when in fact every expert that actually examined Charlie disagreed with them.
Similarly they have publicly insisted he is not in pain - yet the actual medical experts disagree. It is simply that his poor body cannot react to his pain in a way the parents understand due to his muscle wastage... so they can't see it.
Please read GOSH's response... it contains a lot of extremely important details left out of Phil's coverage.
To think that we live in a world where you could be in trouble, and instead of helping people laugh, videotape, or do nothing at all is awful. My wtf is happening to this world!