That Enterprise G registry took me forever to make LOL! I did the textures for that model, as well as the base hardpoint! Hexagonal did the sounds for it, and Denacity modified it into the version you are using here! Expect a few more ships as well for the future, such as the Texas class
@GreydaDergSTBC question I just had a really good conversation about how the Enterprise D should be re-commissioned to 1701-G for saving starfleet when all the other ships were helpless besides Titan. CBS WON'T do it, but maybe you could create a upgraded 1701-D so the Titan can remain Titan and the D would get back it's deserved Hero status ship, plus it goes along with legacy lol. @engineer9941 suggested it
You did a really good job. I do a bit of 3D modeling as a hobby, and starships are my favorite thing to design. I'm working on a colony ship with a full interior that I'm hoping to eventually use as the setting for a video game.
I know there is a lot of hate in the E-G, but it's so much like my 2nd favorite class, The Constituting refit, that I really have come to love the neo- constitution.
Yeah, I'm not thrilled about an Enterprise being a rechristened refit of an existing ship. It looks great, but it would've been nice if they had the scene set two years later and made it a purpose built Enterprise, just for dignity's sake
I'd have preferred they just recommissioned the Enterprise d, it would've made sense if they were that short of ships they were doing rechristenings, wasting a galaxy class in a museum like that is kinda silly
These ships need to be able to fire torpedos like the Galaxy could. That really makes the Galaxy punch above its already significant weight. If it could fire 10 at once quantums it could probably wreke most ships.
That's why I love the old Star Trek games like "A Final Unity" and "Generations" so much since most titles won't allow you to fire the canon 10 torpedoes.
@@enterprise-h312 some Galaxy Class mods (I want to say both DJ and WC's Galaxy ships apply here) have the ability to use Full Spread, which fires close to, if not 10 (one Galaxy mod in particular shoots a spread via Quad, which if fired in succession can have 12 projectiles going at the target)
The BC Remastered v1.2 (Unnoficial Expansion) Alpha 16 build sees a few minor tweaks, though the Ent-G, Titan A and Cali upgrades are huge improvements😅
My thoughts: 1) It seems almost likely the Titan-A/E-G was modified extensively in the year it spent in Space Dock (though it probably didn't spend a year there since Space Dock needed to be repaired). Captain 7 is the type if person who would absolutely demand some major tactical improvements that would turn the G from a run of the mill medium cruiser to perhaps a heavy cruiser like the original Connie was. Given she helped save the Federation, could they refuse her? No. Janeway would give her anything she wanted. 2) Many different takes, but the outcome is that Quantums can't be replicated and are expensive and difficult to make. That represents the bottleneck for both the Federation and the Cardassians. The other bottleneck is the launchers which are different. To field them across the fleet, 95% of ships would require refit. It makes sense only the capital ships would carry them and certain attack ship classes. Again, 7 probably wants a small number. 3) Enterprises are not automatic flag-ships. And when they are they are not for the entirety of their life. Enterprise D and E were flagships because they were the 2nd and 3rd ships of the newest, heaviest class. Enterprise C was not flagship and no one knows canonically if B was. NCC-1701 was flagship until the end of the 2270s when it was demoted steeply to training ship. Enterprise A was never flagship. Doubtful G is flagship.
Do we have confirmation of how long the NCC-1701 was the flagship? In the material that I could find the NCC-1700, USS Constitution, was the flagship of the era. In TOS they certainly never mentioned flagships. The "TNG Technical Manual" has got a section of all the NCC-1701s and only mentions that the D was the flagship of the Federation.
Not wrong, LOL 😅 Given BC dates back to the early 2000s, there are a *LOT* of concept Ent-F designs alone, never mind other ships/refits in the line.😎😅😂
1:15 The NCC-1701-G supposedly had metaphasic shielding? So is it safe to fly near a star in the mod? That's fine if they erased the destruction of Romulus but if not then they should consider the transmetaphasic shielding which allowed the Jellyfish to enter a star in the comics.
I loved the season this came from, but this ship really feels like a tough light cruiser - not really flagship material. Even after the refit, it still feels extraordinarily under-gunned compared to other ships of its era.
😲Wow Admiral.. Grey and Hex.. They really did an amazing job with the ship , nice look to it and yes. gosh power and shields.. too bad wasn't this one in Picard. gosh. I will say the Ent G that should have been will always be but, just saying.. seeing this , very nice and amazed at the details.. Yes.. lol that room just open.. eeh. well saw them bouncing around when the Shrike was attacking.. eeh.. and awwh no cloak.. Still love this version and battle Admiral..!!! 😊🖖*I just re-watched ''Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan'' movie, lol Bones asked Kirk, ''Do you need a tranquilizer '', lol.. when Saavik ''Kirstie Alley'' took the ship out.. lol and when the Ent Refit , leaving space dock, those doors were tight.. so when in Picard , the Ent F. huh how did it fit through that door.. just saying.. lol.. ! Also just saw comment from Grey, gosh yes.. They should have refit Ent D, just like Riker's future X class.. and call that the Ent G, since helped save well the galaxy again... just saying.!!! lol every time I see the Titan A, too bad no asteroid in the game to throw at the enemy lol.. 🤔
You make flagships big because then they have a raw power advantage or your make flagships medium sized for speed, agility and the "punchiness" of burst damage. What you don't do is make your flagship "meh" in pretty much all categories. I love the upgraded mod detailing but even with the upgrades I'm still left nonplussed over this being the actual flagship of the Federation. Was it assigned by committee? Does this highlight a period of time where the Federation was more vulnerable to internal strife and that's how we got this?
Tbh I think it’s really interesting that the titan A doesn’t use quantum’s, considering the Luna class ships all had them, though maybe it’s because post borg they didn’t really have a need, who knows
Tbh the titan A / ENT G neo constitution has actually grown on me as it harks back to the ENT A and other ships. I was unsure of it as a ship in Picard but when she showed her power I was convinced.
Nice upgrades indeed. I’d still like to see the Eclipse Class vs a Grand Nagus since that should be really, really close. Naturally this Enterprise G should go against the Eclipse but it’d probably take 2 to make it fair.
I personally don't hate the ships, it's just that they made Titan A into Enterprise G after all it went through with the borg. They should of either made another connie 3 and crescent it to the G or make a absolutely different ship to be Enterprise G. I'm sure i speak for a lot when saying it was basically poor taste and disrespectful. I could be wrong.
@ANONYMOUS_PEASANT plus it was the big lady that took out the borg cube when the rest of the fleet was helpless, can't think of anything more deserving of a recommission than that
The Titan A is basically the starship version of the PT Cruiser. The designers tried to be retro with modern components. Ended up making something way worse than anything that inspired it and one of the worst cars of it's day.
Not if you use off-brand parts. Bad jokes aside, not sure if money or the energy/power source is the cause of scarcity (which is a *very* recent issue with Trek, as almost every game/mod for Trek had Quantums as the upper scale of peojectiles (excluding Invasion and those insane tracking torps))
Fans were already really happy with how season 3 went and we put alot of emotion into it. The ending was perfect and then for no reason they made it the Enterprise. We were already perfectly happy with how things went. It ruined it for most of us and if it goes forwardx i hope whatever the show is about we skip the G snd they give us a huge hulking Enterprise H!! Something thats screams Enterprise! The temporal sound like they could be something really interesting to see. Hopefully before the J arrives lol Give us more REAL Trek!!
It takes a long time to model a ship and all the coding etc. However there are a number of modders who read the comments on this channel. If somebody wants to do it I'm sure they will. There are a number of new exciting ships coming out in the near future 🖖
It really would have been so much cooler if they had introduced a Galaxy refit of the E-D in same vein as the Constitution refit and given Seven the chair of that ship. So then the D would also be the G, lol.
Still not 100% sold on the neo-con being the new G, I think the E and F are far superior designs, but it's grown on me a bit, and the new model is nice
I agree with other commentors. The model itself is highly detailed, but the origin of the ship and its design... Its the PT cruiser/HHR of starfleet. A bad, modernized copy of an amazing and historical design.
@@RetroBadgerGaming you will come to love them if you use the QBPlus Extreme difficulty... ...and to hate them when you try to run and Disruptor fire stalls out your escape, lol
Having not played this game, but being a huge trekkie having watched many of your videos, I have never understood why it is assumed that just because a ship was not seen firing quantum torpedoes it would not be equipped with them. How is it the Titan was not equipped with quantums, but a mere name change and suddenly they are? And if it is merely based on what the ship is seen firing, then the Enterprise G should not have any phasers or torpedoes as it was never seen firing anything once it was renamed. I am very curious who determines the balancing of weapons and such in this game. Do players get to create their own with whatever? Or does the game provide them. Or a bit of both?
It may not be exactly official canon but from what I understand quantums were both more difficult to make/use than regular photons but also they were originally designed as an anti-Borg weapon which means that not all ships that could have quantums were equipped with them due to the possibility of either the technology or the crew being assimilated. They only really gained significant deployment during the Dominion war due to Starfleet facing an entirely different threat and needing a force multiplier for older ships. Thus, even if the ship can fire them it isn't a guarantee that they would currently have them.
@@davidprinzing8059 An interesting theory. However, surely the Borg would have assimilated the technology long ago. Especially as they assimilated basically everyone under 25 for that final battle. So not sure why it is only for Borg given all the other threats the Federation face. I can see it developed initially for Borg, but it would make sense to produce more. It still doesn't explain why the Titan didn't have them and Enterprise G (same ship) got them.
@@jrcash7546 Right, not every instance of a ship getting them vs not getting them makes a lot of sense so we aren't really trying to fill all of the gaps of lore there, however a few things seem to be true regardless of how you tie them together. 1) There is a higher difficulty in the production of quantum torpedoes, thus creating some unknown level of scarcity. 2) They were originally commissioned as Starfleet's primary anti-Borg weapon but later were deployed in retrofits for the Dominion war as well. 3) They come in a variety of sizes and types, allowing the conversion of any photon system to accommodate them with some unknown level of modification. 4) Starfleet made several obvious strategic moves to not use or expose certain tech to the Borg while that tech was currently considered "non-adapted" tech. In beta canon it becomes one of Starfleet's primary strategies to starve the Borg from tech in order to preserve its use. 5) At various points in history, Starfleet doesn't attempt to equip their ships with the most powerful weapons possible in that time period, mostly due to a naive utopian philosophy and political reasons. Tie those together as you will. They may (or may not) fill enough gaps in the lore to make sense.
I still think the Titan-A would have quantum torpedoes as she was built from the original Titan. I know we didn't see them fire in the show but again I don't understand why they wouldn't. However I agree I think the E-G would have upgrades to fire quantum torpedoes if it actually didn't before. I still don't like that the copout for the E-G they just took the Titan-A and rechristened it to the E-G. Don't get me wrong, I love the Neo Constitution Class but still... I wish they had made the Eclipse class the official E-G. Starfleet could have built that in a years time. Anyways I think the upgrades are pretty cool. I just wish it could have kept as the Titan-A and just made the Eclipse class cannon and made as the G. Starfleet could have built it in a year's time.
Hi - Richard here from the UK - love your videos and have been modding since 2003. I also work in social media / online. Would you fancy a 1v1 if we limit the setup? Games on. (i tried to email you but it bounced back)
Beautiful render to be sure, but i cant get away with this ship it looks like it was designed by 6 different people it is a retro grade step in Star Ship design in my opinion. I soo want to see the Enterprise D kick its Ass!!
Connie 3, Sovereign, and Connie refit are all my favorites and space battles like this are my kinda thing. I don't like the E-G though, it's just a disgrace to the Titan-A.
Too bad we can't snipe incoming torpedos directly. From what I can tell in most videos it appears one can only avoid torpedos that are either too slow, or one's ship is overly maneuverable.
Ugh, we're up to G already? The ADD must really be kickin' in, huh? The Enterprise is quickly becoming the new TikTok. Everyone gets bored with the new one in just a couple months, so here's another!
I don’t get why there would be a place in Star fleet in the 25th century for a ship that looks like a constitution class vessel. It’s silly fan service but makes little since in universe.
This is a paradox, can the Enterprise G go back in time and kill its young self the Titan A. personally I hate this the Enterprise G should have been a new ship not one hijacking the legacy of another ship. That apparently was worthy of the same honor the Enterprise earned by keeping the registry number. What did Riker do that was so noteworthy on the first Titan?
like the neo con, hate it sto cause it is behind a box. do not like how dirty they did F and wont accept titan a as G. you do not rename ships. look at what happened to the uss yorktown when it became 1701 -a edit: though canonically I have to ask if you think Star Fleet would have let the titan-a keep hms bounty's cloaking device and 2 and its really important here why would have star fleet left the cloaking device on the bird of prey when they recovered it from the bottom of SF bay??? edit: it was also a 100 year old cloaking device too ....
That’s a very good point about the cloaking device. A multi physic scan would have rendered it useless. You’re telling me none of the fleet could have done this! It’s doesn’t really make sense. Unless they modified it somehow to be more effective. Couldn’t they have just taken the defiant instead 🤣
@@RetroBadgerGaming well there was the ones say on the early models of the refit excelsiors like the enterprise b that allegedly had a cloaking device. The Defiant's cloak was romulan and I doubt Star Fleet would have left it on the Defiant too. Anything that could have been considered a security risk, such as Cloaking devices would have been removed.. with the exception of the stuff that SF could not have engineered out of the USS Voyager, which would have made her restricted to tours
The Enterprise G looks just horrible. There is no need for her to be. The F is the cherry on top of all federation ships. The G looks putted together in a hurry from people who are not really into ST, the movies or all the shows. This ship represents everything that is wrong today with modern Star Trek.
The least deserving ship class to become a bearer of the name Enterprise... in history. Poor fan service attempt by ST: Picard, too. Like the show that created it... underwhelming and illogical (lore-wise).
That Enterprise G registry took me forever to make LOL!
I did the textures for that model, as well as the base hardpoint! Hexagonal did the sounds for it, and Denacity modified it into the version you are using here!
Expect a few more ships as well for the future, such as the Texas class
Really good job on the textures Grey, you did great!
@GreydaDergSTBC question I just had a really good conversation about how the Enterprise D should be re-commissioned to 1701-G for saving starfleet when all the other ships were helpless besides Titan. CBS WON'T do it, but maybe you could create a upgraded 1701-D so the Titan can remain Titan and the D would get back it's deserved Hero status ship, plus it goes along with legacy lol. @engineer9941 suggested it
You did a really good job. I do a bit of 3D modeling as a hobby, and starships are my favorite thing to design. I'm working on a colony ship with a full interior that I'm hoping to eventually use as the setting for a video game.
I'd love to see a Pathfinder Class
@@Wi-Fi-El ooo! I wish you luck, though I haven't really experimented with modelling as of yet, I'm more the sound design and texture guy
I know there is a lot of hate in the E-G, but it's so much like my 2nd favorite class, The Constituting refit, that I really have come to love the neo- constitution.
The ship looks fine I'm just not a fan of how the G came into being, lore-wise.
Also not a fan of how the Titan A came into being either, lore-wise. 😆
Yeah, I'm not thrilled about an Enterprise being a rechristened refit of an existing ship. It looks great, but it would've been nice if they had the scene set two years later and made it a purpose built Enterprise, just for dignity's sake
Yeah, I love the Shangri-La Class, but the notion she was refitted from the Luna is a wee bit of a stretch...
Well with 90% of new Trek being garbage I'm not surprised lol
I'd have preferred they just recommissioned the Enterprise d, it would've made sense if they were that short of ships they were doing rechristenings, wasting a galaxy class in a museum like that is kinda silly
@@engineer9941 the whole museum with *fully operational starships* and minimal security struck me as a plot device that was not thought out well
These ships need to be able to fire torpedos like the Galaxy could.
That really makes the Galaxy punch above its already significant weight. If it could fire 10 at once quantums it could probably wreke most ships.
That's why I love the old Star Trek games like "A Final Unity" and "Generations" so much since most titles won't allow you to fire the canon 10 torpedoes.
@@enterprise-h312 some Galaxy Class mods (I want to say both DJ and WC's Galaxy ships apply here) have the ability to use Full Spread, which fires close to, if not 10 (one Galaxy mod in particular shoots a spread via Quad, which if fired in succession can have 12 projectiles going at the target)
You'd think they'd only increase the volley sizes over time, plus the Galaxy only had single tubes, later ships had multiples
I'm guessing you meant to type wreak??
I also like the Shangri-La class it has a very integrated look about it.
The BC Remastered v1.2 (Unnoficial Expansion) Alpha 16 build sees a few minor tweaks, though the Ent-G, Titan A and Cali upgrades are huge improvements😅
My thoughts: 1) It seems almost likely the Titan-A/E-G was modified extensively in the year it spent in Space Dock (though it probably didn't spend a year there since Space Dock needed to be repaired). Captain 7 is the type if person who would absolutely demand some major tactical improvements that would turn the G from a run of the mill medium cruiser to perhaps a heavy cruiser like the original Connie was. Given she helped save the Federation, could they refuse her? No. Janeway would give her anything she wanted. 2) Many different takes, but the outcome is that Quantums can't be replicated and are expensive and difficult to make. That represents the bottleneck for both the Federation and the Cardassians. The other bottleneck is the launchers which are different. To field them across the fleet, 95% of ships would require refit. It makes sense only the capital ships would carry them and certain attack ship classes. Again, 7 probably wants a small number. 3) Enterprises are not automatic flag-ships. And when they are they are not for the entirety of their life. Enterprise D and E were flagships because they were the 2nd and 3rd ships of the newest, heaviest class. Enterprise C was not flagship and no one knows canonically if B was. NCC-1701 was flagship until the end of the 2270s when it was demoted steeply to training ship. Enterprise A was never flagship. Doubtful G is flagship.
Do we have confirmation of how long the NCC-1701 was the flagship?
In the material that I could find the NCC-1700, USS Constitution, was the flagship of the era. In TOS they certainly never mentioned flagships. The "TNG Technical Manual" has got a section of all the NCC-1701s and only mentions that the D was the flagship of the Federation.
aha the phaser sound I made is standard on that expansion
2:28 if we put all the USS Enterprises from Star Trek Bridge Commander, the sector would be filled with Enterprises within 2 days!
Not wrong, LOL 😅
Given BC dates back to the early 2000s, there are a *LOT* of concept Ent-F designs alone, never mind other ships/refits in the line.😎😅😂
1:15 The NCC-1701-G supposedly had metaphasic shielding? So is it safe to fly near a star in the mod?
That's fine if they erased the destruction of Romulus but if not then they should consider the transmetaphasic shielding which allowed the Jellyfish to enter a star in the comics.
I loved the season this came from, but this ship really feels like a tough light cruiser - not really flagship material. Even after the refit, it still feels extraordinarily under-gunned compared to other ships of its era.
😲Wow Admiral.. Grey and Hex.. They really did an amazing job with the ship , nice look to it and yes. gosh power and shields.. too bad wasn't this one in Picard. gosh. I will say the Ent G that should have been will always be but, just saying.. seeing this , very nice and amazed at the details.. Yes.. lol that room just open.. eeh. well saw them bouncing around when the Shrike was attacking.. eeh.. and awwh no cloak.. Still love this version and battle Admiral..!!! 😊🖖*I just re-watched ''Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan'' movie, lol Bones asked Kirk, ''Do you need a tranquilizer '', lol.. when Saavik ''Kirstie Alley'' took the ship out.. lol and when the Ent Refit , leaving space dock, those doors were tight.. so when in Picard , the Ent F. huh how did it fit through that door.. just saying.. lol.. ! Also just saw comment from Grey, gosh yes.. They should have refit Ent D, just like Riker's future X class.. and call that the Ent G, since helped save well the galaxy again... just saying.!!! lol every time I see the Titan A, too bad no asteroid in the game to throw at the enemy lol.. 🤔
Akira, Nebula, this ship and Prometheus are my fav!
You make flagships big because then they have a raw power advantage or your make flagships medium sized for speed, agility and the "punchiness" of burst damage. What you don't do is make your flagship "meh" in pretty much all categories. I love the upgraded mod detailing but even with the upgrades I'm still left nonplussed over this being the actual flagship of the Federation. Was it assigned by committee? Does this highlight a period of time where the Federation was more vulnerable to internal strife and that's how we got this?
A huge swath of the fleet was just wiped out, so there is that.
I love it!!!! My favorite ship!! Thanks Grey!!
Tbh I think it’s really interesting that the titan A doesn’t use quantum’s, considering the Luna class ships all had them, though maybe it’s because post borg they didn’t really have a need, who knows
It makes sense that the variants would be different, too, simply because the ship would've received upgrades while in dock.
Tbh the titan A / ENT G neo constitution has actually grown on me as it harks back to the ENT A and other ships. I was unsure of it as a ship in Picard but when she showed her power I was convinced.
Hears one for you, where the hell are the front torpedo launchers located?
we need Howard Day's Shangri-la class .. i love the TMP era aesthetic on this ship
Good upgrades took 1year vs Tuesday was it? Ty for the video and LLAP!
Nice upgrades indeed. I’d still like to see the Eclipse Class vs a Grand Nagus since that should be really, really close. Naturally this Enterprise G should go against the Eclipse but it’d probably take 2 to make it fair.
DS9 and the Defiant vs Voyager and Enterprise-E
Type 14 phasers?? Didn’t even know there was anything above type 12
I personally don't hate the ships, it's just that they made Titan A into Enterprise G after all it went through with the borg. They should of either made another connie 3 and crescent it to the G or make a absolutely different ship to be Enterprise G. I'm sure i speak for a lot when saying it was basically poor taste and disrespectful. I could be wrong.
100% this
Or just upgraded the D and put it back into service being as it seemingly survived being Hot dropped into a planet and was already an enterprise
@engineer9941 I actually love that even more and it would fit the concept (Legacy)
@ANONYMOUS_PEASANT plus it was the big lady that took out the borg cube when the rest of the fleet was helpless, can't think of anything more deserving of a recommission than that
@engineer9941 honestly need to get a petition going to force CBS to do the right thing, I bet you if they thought of this they would of used it
prefer the F. bit fo a downgrade
The Titan A is basically the starship version of the PT Cruiser. The designers tried to be retro with modern components. Ended up making something way worse than anything that inspired it and one of the worst cars of it's day.
Where do you get Remastered UE from?
It still annoys me that they changed the name from the Titan.
Do quantum torpedoes require a great deal of latinim in their manufacture?
Not if you use off-brand parts.
Bad jokes aside, not sure if money or the energy/power source is the cause of scarcity (which is a *very* recent issue with Trek, as almost every game/mod for Trek had Quantums as the upper scale of peojectiles (excluding Invasion and those insane tracking torps))
Fans were already really happy with how season 3 went and we put alot of emotion into it. The ending was perfect and then for no reason they made it the Enterprise. We were already perfectly happy with how things went. It ruined it for most of us and if it goes forwardx i hope whatever the show is about we skip the G snd they give us a huge hulking Enterprise H!! Something thats screams Enterprise! The temporal sound like they could be something really interesting to see. Hopefully before the J arrives lol Give us more REAL Trek!!
Have you managed to talk to somebody about the Borg starfish?
I'm dying to see it
It takes a long time to model a ship and all the coding etc. However there are a number of modders who read the comments on this channel. If somebody wants to do it I'm sure they will. There are a number of new exciting ships coming out in the near future 🖖
The G does look great with the update.
I really like this G. It is how I imagined it would be in my head canon when I watched Picard.
I've been watching Star Trek prodigy and was wondering if theres a mod for the USS Proto star?
I have seen one in development. Hopefully it will be released someday 🖖
The G has nice colors, but looks far less advanced than it's predecessors.
Think they did not update too much. It's kind of equally matched
It really would have been so much cooler if they had introduced a Galaxy refit of the E-D in same vein as the Constitution refit and given Seven the chair of that ship. So then the D would also be the G, lol.
Still not 100% sold on the neo-con being the new G, I think the E and F are far superior designs, but it's grown on me a bit, and the new model is nice
I agree with other commentors. The model itself is highly detailed, but the origin of the ship and its design... Its the PT cruiser/HHR of starfleet. A bad, modernized copy of an amazing and historical design.
(The Titan-A should use the NavPoints for tactical advantage over the Ent-G)😅
😂😂That’s a great idea! I always forget about those nav points 🖖
@@RetroBadgerGaming you will come to love them if you use the QBPlus Extreme difficulty...
...and to hate them when you try to run and Disruptor fire stalls out your escape, lol
Having not played this game, but being a huge trekkie having watched many of your videos, I have never understood why it is assumed that just because a ship was not seen firing quantum torpedoes it would not be equipped with them. How is it the Titan was not equipped with quantums, but a mere name change and suddenly they are? And if it is merely based on what the ship is seen firing, then the Enterprise G should not have any phasers or torpedoes as it was never seen firing anything once it was renamed.
I am very curious who determines the balancing of weapons and such in this game. Do players get to create their own with whatever? Or does the game provide them. Or a bit of both?
It may not be exactly official canon but from what I understand quantums were both more difficult to make/use than regular photons but also they were originally designed as an anti-Borg weapon which means that not all ships that could have quantums were equipped with them due to the possibility of either the technology or the crew being assimilated. They only really gained significant deployment during the Dominion war due to Starfleet facing an entirely different threat and needing a force multiplier for older ships. Thus, even if the ship can fire them it isn't a guarantee that they would currently have them.
@@davidprinzing8059 An interesting theory. However, surely the Borg would have assimilated the technology long ago. Especially as they assimilated basically everyone under 25 for that final battle. So not sure why it is only for Borg given all the other threats the Federation face. I can see it developed initially for Borg, but it would make sense to produce more. It still doesn't explain why the Titan didn't have them and Enterprise G (same ship) got them.
@@jrcash7546 Right, not every instance of a ship getting them vs not getting them makes a lot of sense so we aren't really trying to fill all of the gaps of lore there, however a few things seem to be true regardless of how you tie them together.
1) There is a higher difficulty in the production of quantum torpedoes, thus creating some unknown level of scarcity.
2) They were originally commissioned as Starfleet's primary anti-Borg weapon but later were deployed in retrofits for the Dominion war as well.
3) They come in a variety of sizes and types, allowing the conversion of any photon system to accommodate them with some unknown level of modification.
4) Starfleet made several obvious strategic moves to not use or expose certain tech to the Borg while that tech was currently considered "non-adapted" tech. In beta canon it becomes one of Starfleet's primary strategies to starve the Borg from tech in order to preserve its use.
5) At various points in history, Starfleet doesn't attempt to equip their ships with the most powerful weapons possible in that time period, mostly due to a naive utopian philosophy and political reasons.
Tie those together as you will. They may (or may not) fill enough gaps in the lore to make sense.
Makes me wonder how it holds up against a Sovereign.
I still think the Titan-A would have quantum torpedoes as she was built from the original Titan. I know we didn't see them fire in the show but again I don't understand why they wouldn't.
However I agree I think the E-G would have upgrades to fire quantum torpedoes if it actually didn't before.
I still don't like that the copout for the E-G they just took the Titan-A and rechristened it to the E-G. Don't get me wrong, I love the Neo Constitution Class but still... I wish they had made the Eclipse class the official E-G. Starfleet could have built that in a years time.
Anyways I think the upgrades are pretty cool. I just wish it could have kept as the Titan-A and just made the Eclipse class cannon and made as the G. Starfleet could have built it in a year's time.
Hi - Richard here from the UK - love your videos and have been modding since 2003. I also work in social media / online. Would you fancy a 1v1 if we limit the setup? Games on. (i tried to email you but it bounced back)
Go Titan A! It's good to see a weaker ship beating a more powerful version 🖖
New Enterprise G vs Sovereign, please.
The Computer did a terrible job piloting the ships. It's as if they were set on "I give up" mode.
USS Enterprise G is a step backwards - an almost embarrassment.....
i wonder when we are going to have the enemy ship from picard 3 in the game. i think it should be called the honey bunny in honor of the actress.
Im still of the opinoin that quantum torpedos are war shots and as the Federation wasnt at war during the Picard seasons they wouldnt be available.
Can the "real" Enterprise-G take three of these using MVAM?
Will find out how DJ's Exclipse Class does against this version once Grey polishes the KM build
@@MSR-1701 Thanks for your work keeping this game entertaining even after all these years
@@SlabBulkhead166 you are welcome!
They should of refit the Enterprise -D update all it's systems and put it back into service..
Beautiful render to be sure, but i cant get away with this ship it looks like it was designed by 6 different people it is a retro grade step in Star Ship design in my opinion.
I soo want to see the Enterprise D kick its Ass!!
4:14 "Keep firing..."
Yeeesss? Keep firing... who? 😉
Fire at which target?
Ok... *fires torps at self*
@@MSR-1701 I knew it. I'm surrounded by...
@@MisterMarin at least they shot across their nose, not up it. 😅
@@MSR-1701 Laddie, are you giving me the raspberry? 😉
@@MisterMarin there is man...who would *DARE* give me the Raspberry....
Connie 3, Sovereign, and Connie refit are all my favorites and space battles like this are my kinda thing. I don't like the E-G though, it's just a disgrace to the Titan-A.
that's the Titan A, not the actual Ent-G...bridge commander already has a G xD
Too bad we can't snipe incoming torpedos directly.
From what I can tell in most videos it appears one can only avoid torpedos that are either too slow, or one's ship is overly maneuverable.
Ugh, we're up to G already? The ADD must really be kickin' in, huh? The Enterprise is quickly becoming the new TikTok. Everyone gets bored with the new one in just a couple months, so here's another!
these bloody bussard collectors should be at least red
I don’t get why there would be a place in Star fleet in the 25th century for a ship that looks like a constitution class vessel. It’s silly fan service but makes little since in universe.
Part constitution class III
they should have called it the neo Shangri la not constitution its very simular to the original Titan NCC 1777 which was a shangri la class
btw it was greystar that rigged the model
It does not look like an improved design. It looks retro like it should be between A and C Versions of the enterprise.!
I can't take the G seriously.
This is a paradox, can the Enterprise G go back in time and kill its young self the Titan A.
personally I hate this the Enterprise G should have been a new ship not one hijacking the legacy of another ship. That apparently was worthy of the same honor the Enterprise earned by keeping the registry number.
What did Riker do that was so noteworthy on the first Titan?
Optimised for 4k nope
like the neo con, hate it sto cause it is behind a box. do not like how dirty they did F and wont accept titan a as G. you do not rename ships. look at what happened to the uss yorktown when it became 1701 -a
edit: though canonically I have to ask if you think Star Fleet would have let the titan-a keep hms bounty's cloaking device and 2 and its really important here why would have star fleet left the cloaking device on the bird of prey when they recovered it from the bottom of SF bay???
edit: it was also a 100 year old cloaking device too ....
That’s a very good point about the cloaking device. A multi physic scan would have rendered it useless. You’re telling me none of the fleet could have done this! It’s doesn’t really make sense. Unless they modified it somehow to be more effective. Couldn’t they have just taken the defiant instead 🤣
@@RetroBadgerGaming well there was the ones say on the early models of the refit excelsiors like the enterprise b that allegedly had a cloaking device. The Defiant's cloak was romulan and I doubt Star Fleet would have left it on the Defiant too. Anything that could have been considered a security risk, such as Cloaking devices would have been removed.. with the exception of the stuff that SF could not have engineered out of the USS Voyager, which would have made her restricted to tours
Star Wreck Picurd will never be canon, it is an alternate universe since Jar Jar Abrams fucked everything over.
Mmm... Alphabet Soup.
Kool looking but not very modern looking.
Hideous ship.
Not Canon as far as I'm concerned. Ridiculous and looks like a step backwards from the F.
The fact that this is called Enterprise isn't just a step back, it is falling completely off the ladder!? Ugly and weak!!
Enterprise G is ugly 🤢 🤮
The Enterprise G looks just horrible. There is no need for her to be. The F is the cherry on top of all federation ships. The G looks putted together in a hurry from people who are not really into ST, the movies or all the shows. This ship represents everything that is wrong today with modern Star Trek.
The least deserving ship class to become a bearer of the name Enterprise... in history. Poor fan service attempt by ST: Picard, too.
Like the show that created it... underwhelming and illogical (lore-wise).