I remember singing this piece with my choir, and i absolutely loved it. The dissonance in the Kyrie at 4:16 hits so hard, and I remember our choir teacher reminding us to pronounce the 'K' real hard time and time again. During a few concerts we even had to stop between Kyrie and Gloria because the audience had started clapping for us. Haha, but i can understand them, i couldn't imagine sitting still after listening to that ending of the Kyrie. As a soprano I didn't find it too difficult at that time, although we just came out of the St. Matthew Passion, so anything would have been easier.
I had the great honor to play this music on the majestic Willibrordus Organ in the Roman Catholic Cathedral St. Bavo in Haarlem, the Netherlands, with the Cathedral Choir conducted by rector cantus Jan Valkestijn and Bernard Bartelink playing the transept organ. I 'll never forget this!
The end of the Kyrie is so intense and breathtaking ! One of the finest musical piece ever written, in my opinion. At 5:21 something like an extatic climax. Wonderful ..........
Chills. A breathtaking reminder of what Notre Dame used to be, before the Fire. I pray that the efforts to rebuild are a success, but I mourn the loss of all that history. One day, that great organ will be heard again!
This certainly IS the organ at Notre Dame in Paris. Those en-chamades can't be anyone else's but Cochereau's. They were iconic of his playing style and received plenty of use by him, at an enormous wind pressure. I would know his chamades anywhere. The titulaires who followed him had the pressure adjusted on those ranks to be lower... certainly less incendiary than Cochereau's.
I never knew that. What an amazing sound those Cavaille-Colls have. I love the flue pipes too - unmistakeable - but wonderful with the graunchy reeds pushing though.
Kyrie really gives me shivers every time. This music really shows something greater than humanity. Also: somehow this is the only recording of this piece in the Notre Dame that has the microphones perfectly placed. On other recordings, it almost sounds like the microphone was place inside of the secondary organ, and there's also a recording that sounds like the microphone was placed on the console of the great organ. Truly perfect is this one, and wouldn't expect any different when it is played by the grand-maître Cochereau!
Bonjour, il serait tout de même convenable, pour une messe avec Chœur et deux orgues, de faire mention, non seulement de l'organiste du Grand Orgue (aussi grand et génial fût-il!) , mais aussi du Choeur, de l'organiste de l'Orgue de chœur, et bien entendu de celui qui dirige l'ensemble! Choeur: Maîtrise et chœurs de Notre Dame de Paris, Maîtrise de la résurrection Orgue de choeur: Jacques Marichal Grand Orgue : Pierre Cochereau Direction: M. le chanoine Jehan REVERT, maître de chapelle de Notre-Dame de Paris Merci!
I was raised Pentecostal. There is nothing close to the grandeur of this piece. I've been to choir specials in those churches, noting comes close to this. I particularly love this piece for 2 reasons. It starts on full organ yet ends on an organ's softest of timbres. This my go to piece in the organ repertoire. This piece gives a solace I have not heard in other music for choir and organ. God rest Vierne and Cochereau's souls.
Just cannot stop singing this piece! Just sang it several times last month with about 130 of my German and American friends at Heiliggeistkirchet in Frankfurt and Heidelberg- Voices Unite Concerts - a masterpiece for sure! The organ part gives me chills!
Very moving music. It reminds me a little of Maurice Durufle's Requiem which isn't surprising. Vierne was Durufle's teacher & friend. I am looking forward to learning this lovely Mass with my choir (The London Chorus) on October 10 2018 (concert venue to be announced - probably in a church in central London)
I have not come across either the composer or his music before tonight. I hope your performance goes well for everyone concerned. Blessings and peace to all
Wonderful! Such a great work by Vierne, its depth and beauty are clouded in a modern metropolis of people who's ears are open only to their own needs and closed to more ethereal and discerning thought through this powerful work ..
12 лет назад+33
I'm glad you like it. Vierne has an own fascinating style. He's one of my favorite composer.
This is an absolute stonker of a piece and one of my favourite recordings of it. I was lucky enough to hear (and record) this live a few years ago but it was nothing like as superb as this.
“Stonker” LOL - Yup-this piece absolutely slaps; it rocks harder than your drunk mom. Humour aside, it’s one of the best masses. It’s in my top ten along with Josquin ‘Missa Pange Lingua’, Byrd 3, and Bach in B-minor.
Au début des années 80, j'ai assisté à une messe dominicale depuis la tribune de N-D avec P. Cochereau aux claviers. Un grand moment inoubliable. On suivait l'office depuis un petit écran tv situé sur la console.Il donnait de brefs coups de téléphone à l'organiste de choeur....pendant toute la messe, pas de partition, tout de mémoire...et le clou du spectacle, le bouquet final, c'était l'improvisation pour la sortie...grandiose ! Adossé au buffet sous la batterie d'anches
je ne perdais pas une miette du spectacle qui se déroulait sous mes yeux...il nous avait montré les fuites d'air qui s'echappaient des panneaux du buffet sous les anches, quand il ouvrait le panneau, ça soufflait là-dedans !! Il en était attristé et espérait des travaux. Curieusement, depuis la tribune on perçoit moins la puissance de l'orgue sur le tutti que depuis la nef, mais bon ça déménage quand même ! Merci M. Cochereau.
@@michelclaude6833 Moi, j'étais à la maîtrise pendant ce temps là, et parfois il m'arrivait de répondre au téléphone si Jacques Marichal à l'orgue de choeur était occupé ;-)... Le Grand Orgue était effectivement dans un état pitoyable à ce moment la, un jour il a même failli prendre feu................. La restauration enfin décidée, (et surtout comment on allait le restaurer), Pierre Cochereau nous a quitté une nuit de mars 84 ...
Listeria I just came across this impeccable performance and recording! It is so moving, it took my breath away! And I agree with Daniel Avedikien, the Kyrie is Intense. Vierne is such an incredible composer. With a French choir and organ ( with Pierre Cochereau at the organ) and the acoustic's of Notre Dame, fabulous. Incidentally, the recording was far enough from the choir and organ, to really take advantage of the acoustic's. Thank you so much. Greetings from Denver Colorado USA. John Lofthouse.
La fin du Kyrie (à partir de 4:30) est d'une intensité à couper le souffle !! Un des plus beaux moments de l'histoire de la musique pour moi. A 5:21, c'est l'extase .............
Complètement d'accord. C'est déjà un chef d'œuvre à la base, mais alors là, avec les choeurs de NTD et l'immense Cochereau à la console, ça devient carrément... divin. ;-)
I love singing this piece. That last iteration of the Agnus Dei is so scrumptious, it’s like biting into an éclair full of whipped cream. Simply gorgeous!
Espero que algún día sea posible escuchar y visualizar en la catedral de México interesante y expresiva obra sacra. Felicito a Pierre Cochereau e intérprete de segundo órgano así como al coro por su apasionada entrega vocal ! Felicidades ! AMDG
Eventualement vamos eschuchar probablemente. El organa fue restorado en 2008 y probablemente hay muchas piezas "en fila". Este organo en la catedral de México (el mas viejo en el mundo) es el mejor en todo el mundo en mi opinion.
It's like fucking Led Zeppelin (the coda of "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You", "In My Time Of Doing") at times. Except they never sounded as devastating. That chromatic ascent and descent in the Kyrie, and the chromatic descent until the reprise, with syncopated synth stabs à la Prince.
Nice first picture of Notre Dame of Montreal in the video, for this recording of this magnificent piece recorded in Notre Dame de Paris! ❤ I was in Montreal this weekend and when I happened across this video and thought… Pierre Couchereau… was in… Canada… ? I thought he was in Paris! 😂
Love the snarl of a Cavaile-Coll organ. Makes the flabby, ploddy sound of many English cathedral organs sound rather sad. [Ducks oncoming hurled missiles]
I couldn't agree more. I played the little Cavaille-Coll in Farnborough Abbey (UK) and even that small instrument had that wonderful sound from the reeds.
@@MarkHarmer, I think English organs are round and warm and deserve their praise, but they are not fit for "solenelle" purposes and don't have the snarl that French organs in general have, especially the chorus reeds and full-blown chamades.
magnifique messe. Le choeur éclairé en bleu est celui de la basilique Notre Dame de Montréal tout de suite reconnaissable et qu'on n'oublie jamais quand on a eu le bonheur de le voir (là c'est Pierre Grandmaison qui est titulaire des orgues).
Oui, c'est bien le gd orgue de ND de Paris... et je jeu de Pierre Cochereau est très reconnaissable de même que la registration. Choeurs au dessus de tout éloge au service d'une oeuvre remarquable. Il faut l'avoir chantée avec les petits chanteurs (pueri cantores) mors de congrès à Paris, Meaux, Bourges... Du très grand art!
Le grand-orgue a une pèche et j'allais dire un "engagement" absolument incroyables (on sait qui joue ! ), la prise de son est vraiment épatante, le tout est musicalement exaltant, mais le choeur n'est pas "au-dessus de tout éloge", chantant souvent pas juste (trop bas), surtout les ténors. Je préfère néanmoins cette version à toute autre, à cause d'une énergie que je n'ai retrouvée nulle part ailleurs. Il y a eu une version historique pour la bénédiction du grand-orgue en décembre 1992, avec la Maîtrise de Notre-Dame de Paris, les Maîtrises des cathédrales St Paul et de Westminster de Londres, avec une fin de Kyrie à clouer littéralement au sol, mais il n'y a pas de trace sonore, hélas.
hey Zach, i went back to 4:16, and yes fun stuff. I only got as far as being in the Dona Nobis from Ralph at Symphony Hall in Boston, lol, aw. was fun.
Thanks for the upload. BTW, that picture you have at the beginning is of Notre Dame in Montreal, Canada, not the one in Paris. I wouldn't have known except that I was in Montreal last weekend and visited the basilica. Again, thanks for uploading this beautiful music!
I first heard this piece on a CD sampler "Nouveaute's Automne, Fall new releases, 1990. It featured the Kyrie Eleison of Vierne's Messe Solennelle Op.16. Michel Corboz, conducted the Ensemble Vocal De Lausanne, with Marie-Claire Alain and Andre Luy on the two organs. At that time it was available on ERATO records in Germany.
Bonjour à tous, pour avoir participé à cet enregistrement de nuit, je puis certifier qu'il s'agit en effet pour l'essentiel du travail du sublime tandem père Revert/ Pierre Cochereau, + la Maîtrise (50 chanteurs pour cette prestation) + plusieurs chanteurs hommes professionnels appointés en voix de ténor et basse + Jacques Maréchal en soutien (titulaire alors de l'orgue de Chœur) ; en revanche les clichés représentent parfois ND de Paris, mais souvent un autre lieu (ou plusieurs) sans rapport. Bonne écoute, AA.
Merci pour ces précisions ! Il me semblait bien reconnaître la patte Revert/Cochereau, mais je ne reconnais pas la prise de son. Vous souvenez-vous de qui l'a faite ?
Magnifico! É uma comunhão profunda com Deus pela MÙSICA e de como o homem consegue se aproximar ainda mais com Ele. Pena que este esforço deveria ser aprofundado pelo comportamento do homem com seus irmãos aqui na Terra. Afinal Deus está presente no coração de todos os homens e é somente quando estamos todos irmanados e que o Espirito de Deus aterrissa neste Mundo e mostre realmente para que e porque ELE VEIO. Enfim! Ele quer VER o AMOR ENTRE OS HOMENS acontecer para que tenhamos A PAZ QUE ELE SEPRE ALMEJOU.
Hans Zimmer can smooch Louis' Ass. Just the Kyrie, and one goes like "OK, I'm done". All of today's scores owe a debt to this terrifying atmosphere, cut by spots of lights, and catching of breath.
Gloria ti bi Domine! Laudate Dominum! Gloria in Excelsis Deo et in Terra Pace! Christus Vincit! Christus regnat! Chrstus imperat! Amen! Holy Mass is the most precious gift given to all humanity to discover true Love & Peace. If people knew truly the true value of the Holy Mass, they would leave everything behind them, and follow Jesus Christ Saviour of all humanity. May Joy & Peace of Jesus of Nazareth reign in the heart of all humanity in its diversity now and forever! Amen! Jeannette of Nazareth La Sainte Messe est le plus beau et précieux cadeau descendu du ciel pour la rédemption de toute l'humanité de la misère. Si le monde entier savait la vraie valeur de la Messe et le grand sacrifice de Jésus de Nazareth et sa vraie signification, tout le monde aurait laissé derrière eux toutes les séductions du matérialisme et aurait suivi Jésus-Christ, le Sauveur du monde entier. Que la Joie et la Paix de Jésus de Nazareth règne dans le cœur de toute l'humanité dans sa diversité maintenant et pour toujours! Amen! Jeannette de Nazareth
This was first performed at Saint-Sulpice in Paris in 1901, not at Notre Dame Cathedral. Vierne's teacher, Charles-Marie Widor, was the organist at Saint-Sulpice. As others note, this does not look like Notre Dame either.
I'm an Atheist too, but our views on the world don't preclude us to appreciate this music and the stunning beautiful christian choral music of our history!
Pourquoi aussi peu de commentaires en français sur RUclips ?La nom exact de cette œuvre est : messe solennelle en ut # mineur opus 16, Chant et orgue ( voir la partition sur internet)"Missa solemnis" est réservé aux messes de Beethoven et Bruckner.
Parce que c'est représentatif de la proportion de français sur RUclips ! Et il y a même des Français qui écrivent - comme moi - parfois en anglais s'ils veulent être sûrs d'être lu s'ils commentent des vidéos où il n'y a que des commentaires en anglais. Cela ne me dérange absolument pas !
He was giving a concert, and was about to play an improvisation when he suddenly fell forward and his foot hit the low E on the pedal, which rang throughout the church as he lost conciousness. It was a chilling way of letting the world know that it lost a legend. Despite this, his musical legacy lives on in performances such as this one.
@@JoshuaSobel That is the most chilling way of letting the world know someone just passed away. It better not was the registration "Grand Jeux" or Tutti.
As someone who actually sang this masterpiece with my choir regularly at my church, I can only describe the feeling of singing the kyrie as ethereal.
I remember singing this piece with my choir, and i absolutely loved it. The dissonance in the Kyrie at 4:16 hits so hard, and I remember our choir teacher reminding us to pronounce the 'K' real hard time and time again. During a few concerts we even had to stop between Kyrie and Gloria because the audience had started clapping for us. Haha, but i can understand them, i couldn't imagine sitting still after listening to that ending of the Kyrie.
As a soprano I didn't find it too difficult at that time, although we just came out of the St. Matthew Passion, so anything would have been easier.
I had the great honor to play this music on the majestic Willibrordus Organ in the Roman Catholic Cathedral St. Bavo in Haarlem, the Netherlands, with the Cathedral Choir conducted by rector cantus Jan Valkestijn and Bernard Bartelink playing the transept organ. I 'll never forget this!
... & les anges dans le ciel écoutent aussi cette magnifique musique !!! .........
One of the most impressive and spiritually stirring piece of organ and chorus.
Go to my church, you can hear the choir and organ live, every week, with one of the choir ( bass ), my son.
So incredibly beautiful and so deeply moving. The Agnus dei is just the epitome of peace
The end of the Kyrie is so intense and breathtaking ! One of the finest musical piece ever written, in my opinion. At 5:21 something like an extatic climax. Wonderful ..........
Bonjour monsieur, avez-vous un rapport patronymique avec Serge ?... Bien cordialement, AA
Pour vous répondre, pas à ma connaissance bien que nos ancêtres respectifs aient, semble-t-il, vécu sur un même territoire ...
Delius requiem .
I sang this once, it was one of the most touching experience of my life.
Markéta Krucká I have sung it for the first time this morning and I almost cried
Wow, I can imagine! It´s so intense
i am currently learning this and it gives so many people a run for their money
This will make many cry today. Bring it to Him.
A wonderful memory of Notre Dame before the tragic fire!
And even, when this organ was still a Cavaillé-Coll.
This most certainly is not the instrument that Cavaille-Coll knew; at the time of this recording it had been extensively modified.
It’s still there, just needs to be repaired
@@kevindonnelly6384 Anyway Cavaille-Coll will not know Notre Dame organ now, few big changes were done by the time.
Luckily the organ was saved, a true blessing
Chills. A breathtaking reminder of what Notre Dame used to be, before the Fire. I pray that the efforts to rebuild are a success, but I mourn the loss of all that history. One day, that great organ will be heard again!
Joshua Sobel The organs have been confirmed to have survived this treacherous event. I am so ever greatful that they have been spared.
@@anonymousherron9722 indeed
@@anonymousherron9722 Both survived? I have heard that only the great organ had.
@@jokubasvelzys3374 that's right. I left this comment only a few hours after the fire, so information was unclear at the time.
Une très belle messe de Louis Vierne
The King of Instruments!
This certainly IS the organ at Notre Dame in Paris. Those en-chamades can't be anyone else's but Cochereau's. They were iconic of his playing style and received plenty of use by him, at an enormous wind pressure. I would know his chamades anywhere. The titulaires who followed him had the pressure adjusted on those ranks to be lower... certainly less incendiary than Cochereau's.
I never knew that. What an amazing sound those Cavaille-Colls have. I love the flue pipes too - unmistakeable - but wonderful with the graunchy reeds pushing though.
Legendary Cochereau chamades!!!! He sure knew how to use them! I think they're Boisseau circa 69
Kyrie really gives me shivers every time. This music really shows something greater than humanity.
Also: somehow this is the only recording of this piece in the Notre Dame that has the microphones perfectly placed. On other recordings, it almost sounds like the microphone was place inside of the secondary organ, and there's also a recording that sounds like the microphone was placed on the console of the great organ. Truly perfect is this one, and wouldn't expect any different when it is played by the grand-maître Cochereau!
Bonjour, il serait tout de même convenable, pour une messe avec Chœur et deux orgues, de faire mention, non seulement de l'organiste du Grand Orgue (aussi grand et génial fût-il!) , mais aussi du Choeur, de l'organiste de l'Orgue de chœur, et bien entendu de celui qui dirige l'ensemble!
Choeur: Maîtrise et chœurs de Notre Dame de Paris, Maîtrise de la résurrection
Orgue de choeur: Jacques Marichal
Grand Orgue : Pierre Cochereau
Direction: M. le chanoine Jehan REVERT, maître de chapelle de Notre-Dame de Paris
Such a thrilling sound with Cochereau and the chamades, just glorious. Thank you for posting this powerful music.
I was raised Pentecostal. There is nothing close to the grandeur of this piece. I've been to choir specials in those churches, noting comes close to this. I particularly love this piece for 2 reasons. It starts on full organ yet ends on an organ's softest of timbres. This my go to piece in the organ repertoire. This piece gives a solace I have not heard in other music for choir and organ. God rest Vierne and Cochereau's souls.
Vierne understood the organ
Just cannot stop singing this piece! Just sang it several times last month with about 130 of my German and American friends at Heiliggeistkirchet in Frankfurt and Heidelberg- Voices Unite Concerts - a masterpiece for sure! The organ part gives me chills!
Very moving music. It reminds me a little of Maurice Durufle's Requiem which isn't surprising. Vierne was Durufle's teacher & friend. I am looking forward to learning this lovely Mass with my choir (The London Chorus) on October 10 2018 (concert venue to be announced - probably in a church in central London)
I have not come across either the composer or his music before tonight. I hope your performance goes well for everyone concerned. Blessings and peace to all
Maurice Durufle's Requiem is very different, more intimist, and it is a masterpice that I love too.
And what a magnificent organ ..........
C'est magnifique! Très belle!
What a fantastic piece. I used to sing it many times. Not easy though, but rewarding.
so easy for me age 10
Good for you
dprezzz Or, good on his/her back rows for giving so much support. 😛
da pelle d'oca... se tutti i brani fossero così che capolavoro!!!!!!!!!!!
Un capolavoro assoluto ed una esecuzione unica ed irripetibile!!!
A definate masterpiece, very powerful and moving.
Absolutely breath taking
Wonderful Masterpiece! Great Luis and Pierre
Wonderful! Such a great work by Vierne, its depth and beauty are clouded in a modern metropolis of people who's ears are open only to their own needs and closed to more ethereal and discerning thought through this powerful work ..
I'm glad you like it. Vierne has an own fascinating style. He's one of my favorite composer.
Péterfia Gábor We performed this yesterday with the magnificent Furtwängler & Hammer organ in St. Nicolai, Lüneburg, Germany. Quite the experience.
@@mont3verdi What? I would've loved to be there to listen to it live!
Gloria : remarquable équilibre des pupitres : d'où grande homogénéité des voix. Rythmes intériorisés à la perfection.
This is an absolute stonker of a piece and one of my favourite recordings of it. I was lucky enough to hear (and record) this live a few years ago but it was nothing like as superb as this.
You’ve just used one of my favorite British words. Thank you 🙏🏻
@@DCLayclerk haha! My work here is done!
“Stonker” LOL - Yup-this piece absolutely slaps; it rocks harder than your drunk mom. Humour aside, it’s one of the best masses. It’s in my top ten along with Josquin ‘Missa Pange Lingua’, Byrd 3, and Bach in B-minor.
such a spiritual piece of art...i love it.
Au début des années 80, j'ai assisté à une messe dominicale depuis la tribune de N-D avec P. Cochereau aux claviers. Un grand moment inoubliable. On suivait l'office depuis un petit écran tv situé sur la console.Il donnait de brefs coups de téléphone à l'organiste de choeur....pendant toute la messe, pas de partition, tout de mémoire...et le clou du spectacle, le bouquet final, c'était l'improvisation pour la sortie...grandiose ! Adossé au buffet sous la batterie d'anches
je ne perdais pas une miette du spectacle qui se déroulait sous mes yeux...il nous avait montré les fuites d'air qui s'echappaient des panneaux du buffet sous les anches, quand il ouvrait le panneau, ça soufflait là-dedans !! Il en était attristé et espérait des travaux.
Curieusement, depuis la tribune on perçoit moins la puissance de l'orgue sur le tutti que depuis la nef, mais bon ça déménage quand même ! Merci M. Cochereau.
@@michelclaude6833 Moi, j'étais à la maîtrise pendant ce temps là, et parfois il m'arrivait de répondre au téléphone si Jacques Marichal à l'orgue de choeur était occupé ;-)... Le Grand Orgue était effectivement dans un état pitoyable à ce moment la, un jour il a même failli prendre feu................. La restauration enfin décidée, (et surtout comment on allait le restaurer), Pierre Cochereau nous a quitté une nuit de mars 84 ...
This overhelming powerful performance and solemnity promote spiritual uplift and awakening. and activates the soul
Truly glorious!!! What a great organist Pierre Cochereau was. Rest in Peace.
Thank you for introducing me to this moving music and it's composer
Awesome...I am fascinated...
The Best Performance !
Listeria I just came across this impeccable performance and recording! It is so moving, it took my breath away! And I agree with Daniel Avedikien, the Kyrie is Intense. Vierne is such an incredible composer. With a French choir and organ ( with Pierre Cochereau at the organ) and the acoustic's of Notre Dame, fabulous. Incidentally, the recording was far enough from the choir and organ, to really take advantage of the acoustic's. Thank you so much. Greetings from Denver Colorado USA. John Lofthouse.
Cochereau, Cochereau, Cochereau... hier, aujourd'hui, demain et pour toujours !!!
La fin du Kyrie (à partir de 4:30) est d'une intensité à couper le souffle !! Un des plus beaux moments de l'histoire de la musique pour moi. A 5:21, c'est l'extase .............
Complètement d'accord. C'est déjà un chef d'œuvre à la base, mais alors là, avec les choeurs de NTD et l'immense Cochereau à la console, ça devient carrément... divin. ;-)
Je partage avec vous cette œuvre magnifique à double orgues....et voix humaines ! Vierne à son apogée 🎼🎵🎵🎵
c'est magnifique, merci
Egyik kedvenc misém. Csodálatos.
Ein über das Leben hinausgehendes Agnus Dei ! Es gibt keine Worte dazu !
Vierne started composing this symphonic mass on a summer holiday on the seaside in 1899.
I love singing this piece. That last iteration of the Agnus Dei is so scrumptious, it’s like biting into an éclair full of whipped cream. Simply gorgeous!
Très beau !
Nice photos of Notre Dame de Paris and de Montreal!
Best mass setting ever written.
If the four horsemen of the apocalypse had a ring-tone...
You win the apostolic internet.
This is a solemn Mass. Don’t mock or blaspheme.
@@markfortuin7111 The modern man is sick with Apeirokalia. He sees beauty and thinks it's a sign of his annihilation. Well, he is not wholly wrong...
@@VyCanisMajorisCSA yes, perhaps….
Espero que algún día sea posible escuchar y visualizar en la catedral de México interesante y expresiva obra sacra. Felicito a Pierre Cochereau e intérprete de segundo órgano así como al coro por su apasionada entrega vocal ! Felicidades ! AMDG
Eventualement vamos eschuchar probablemente. El organa fue restorado en 2008 y probablemente hay muchas piezas "en fila". Este organo en la catedral de México (el mas viejo en el mundo) es el mejor en todo el mundo en mi opinion.
Impressive. Quite overwhelmed by last chords in "Sanctus" and "Benedictus"
The music and the performance are superb, like everybody says. It would be worth reading about Vierne’s life. So interesting and moving!
One of the most powerful sounding organs on the planet and it will probably never sound the same again
It's like fucking Led Zeppelin (the coda of "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You", "In My Time Of Doing") at times. Except they never sounded as devastating. That chromatic ascent and descent in the Kyrie, and the chromatic descent until the reprise, with syncopated synth stabs à la Prince.
Nice first picture of Notre Dame of Montreal in the video, for this recording of this magnificent piece recorded in Notre Dame de Paris! ❤ I was in Montreal this weekend and when I happened across this video and thought… Pierre Couchereau… was in… Canada… ? I thought he was in Paris! 😂
Love the snarl of a Cavaile-Coll organ. Makes the flabby, ploddy sound of many English cathedral organs sound rather sad. [Ducks oncoming hurled missiles]
I couldn't agree more. I played the little Cavaille-Coll in Farnborough Abbey (UK) and even that small instrument had that wonderful sound from the reeds.
@@MarkHarmer, I think English organs are round and warm and deserve their praise, but they are not fit for "solenelle" purposes and don't have the snarl that French organs in general have, especially the chorus reeds and full-blown chamades.
magnifique messe. Le choeur éclairé en bleu est celui de la basilique Notre Dame de Montréal tout de suite reconnaissable et qu'on n'oublie jamais quand on a eu le bonheur de le voir (là c'est Pierre Grandmaison qui est titulaire des orgues).
You know this was in Notre Dame in Paris, not Notre Dame in Montreal.
Le must des must, de feu Louis Vierne !
Even without a liturgical context Vierne's ordinarium-composition is overwhelmingly GREAT. #OMG
Oui, c'est bien le gd orgue de ND de Paris... et je jeu de Pierre Cochereau est très reconnaissable de même que la registration. Choeurs au dessus de tout éloge au service d'une oeuvre remarquable. Il faut l'avoir chantée avec les petits chanteurs (pueri cantores) mors de congrès à Paris, Meaux, Bourges... Du très grand art!
Le grand-orgue a une pèche et j'allais dire un "engagement" absolument incroyables (on sait qui joue ! ), la prise de son est vraiment épatante, le tout est musicalement exaltant, mais le choeur n'est pas "au-dessus de tout éloge", chantant souvent pas juste (trop bas), surtout les ténors. Je préfère néanmoins cette version à toute autre, à cause d'une énergie que je n'ai retrouvée nulle part ailleurs.
Il y a eu une version historique pour la bénédiction du grand-orgue en décembre 1992, avec la Maîtrise de Notre-Dame de Paris, les Maîtrises des cathédrales St Paul et de Westminster de Londres, avec une fin de Kyrie à clouer littéralement au sol, mais il n'y a pas de trace sonore, hélas.
Фантастический хор и органная музыка супер ! ! ! 😎😋😀🙂
La música de órgano es mi favorita, me encanta visitar la casa Dios cuando están ensayando con el órgano monumental 🤗🤗🤗
Thank you for uploading this. I sang it in college and it was one of the best experiences of my life.
Sad that the choir were so very flat at times especially the sopranos!
angellike sound
WOW!!!! VERY NICE!!!!!! :D
Cochereau... LE Maitre absolu.
So beautiful, so unique
hey Zach, i went back to 4:16, and yes fun stuff. I only got as far as being in the Dona Nobis from Ralph at Symphony Hall in Boston, lol, aw. was fun.
Such wonderful song.
Gratulálok ! Grandiózus ! Glória ! Medveczky Mária Manakél.
Such sad news today about Notre Dame de Paris.
Beautiful sanctuary
Thanks for the upload. BTW, that picture you have at the beginning is of Notre Dame in Montreal, Canada, not the one in Paris. I wouldn't have known except that I was in Montreal last weekend and visited the basilica. Again, thanks for uploading this beautiful music!
I first heard this piece on a CD sampler "Nouveaute's Automne, Fall new releases, 1990. It featured the Kyrie Eleison of Vierne's Messe Solennelle Op.16. Michel Corboz, conducted the Ensemble Vocal De Lausanne, with Marie-Claire Alain and Andre Luy on the two organs. At that time it was available on ERATO records in Germany.
amazing amazing Amen ❤
We hope to be singing this Mass this year. It was postponed because of Covid.
The most beautiful liturgical music
Einfach majestätisch und erhebend
My Anglican Parish uses this Mass setting ever so often.
Божественная музыка органная супер музыка небес ! ! ! 😎😀🙂
Bonjour à tous, pour avoir participé à cet enregistrement de nuit, je puis certifier qu'il s'agit en effet pour l'essentiel du travail du sublime tandem père Revert/ Pierre Cochereau, + la Maîtrise (50 chanteurs pour cette prestation) + plusieurs chanteurs hommes professionnels appointés en voix de ténor et basse + Jacques Maréchal en soutien (titulaire alors de l'orgue de Chœur) ; en revanche les clichés représentent parfois ND de Paris, mais souvent un autre lieu (ou plusieurs) sans rapport. Bonne écoute, AA.
Merci pour ces précisions ! Il me semblait bien reconnaître la patte Revert/Cochereau, mais je ne reconnais pas la prise de son. Vous souvenez-vous de qui l'a faite ?
François Carbou disques FY du Solstice.
Jacques Marichal, avec un i... Arco Amirad: Ancien de la Maîtrise? Qui es -tu?
Magnifico! É uma comunhão profunda com Deus pela MÙSICA e de como o homem consegue se aproximar ainda mais com Ele. Pena que este esforço deveria ser aprofundado pelo comportamento do homem com seus irmãos aqui na Terra. Afinal Deus está presente no coração de todos os homens e é somente quando estamos todos irmanados e que o Espirito de Deus aterrissa neste Mundo e mostre realmente para que e porque ELE VEIO. Enfim! Ele quer VER o AMOR ENTRE OS HOMENS acontecer para que tenhamos A PAZ QUE ELE SEPRE ALMEJOU.
These are photos of Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal Quebec Canada
Thanks, i'll visit the mentioned site.
Hans Zimmer can smooch Louis' Ass.
Just the Kyrie, and one goes like "OK, I'm done".
All of today's scores owe a debt to this terrifying atmosphere, cut by spots of lights, and catching of breath.
Gloria ti bi Domine! Laudate Dominum! Gloria in Excelsis Deo et in Terra Pace! Christus Vincit! Christus regnat! Chrstus imperat! Amen! Holy Mass is the most precious gift given to all humanity to discover true Love & Peace. If people knew truly the true value of the Holy Mass, they would leave everything behind them, and follow Jesus Christ Saviour of all humanity. May Joy & Peace of Jesus of Nazareth reign in the heart of all humanity in its diversity now and forever! Amen! Jeannette of Nazareth
La Sainte Messe est le plus beau et précieux cadeau descendu du ciel pour la rédemption de toute l'humanité de la misère. Si le monde entier savait la vraie valeur de la Messe et le grand sacrifice de Jésus de Nazareth et sa vraie signification, tout le monde aurait laissé derrière eux toutes les séductions du matérialisme et aurait suivi Jésus-Christ, le Sauveur du monde entier. Que la Joie et la Paix de Jésus de Nazareth règne dans le cœur de toute l'humanité dans sa diversité maintenant et pour toujours! Amen! Jeannette de Nazareth
I like your French better. THIS captures it all: "séductions du matérialisme ". So true! Beautiful post of yours!
This was first performed at Saint-Sulpice in Paris in 1901, not at Notre Dame Cathedral. Vierne's teacher, Charles-Marie Widor, was the organist at Saint-Sulpice. As others note, this does not look like Notre Dame either.
Deus intendit vocem nostras. Aotrou Doue a c’hlev hor mouezioù.
I'm an atheist and I love listening to stuff like this lol
I'm an Atheist too, but our views on the world don't preclude us to appreciate this music and the stunning beautiful christian choral music of our history!
Thanks to God you have a great musical sensitivity and artistic appreciation.
Im atheist and im Catholic organist, coz i Love this Music too, and its fascinated to be the king of Music in church.
L'organiste titulaire de Notre-Dame-de-Montréal est Pierre Grandmaison, qui est aussi un superbe improvisateur.
Au Ciel et sur la terre !
Pourquoi aussi peu de commentaires en français sur RUclips ?La nom exact de cette œuvre est : messe solennelle en ut # mineur opus 16, Chant et orgue ( voir la partition sur internet)"Missa solemnis" est réservé aux messes de Beethoven et Bruckner.
Parce qu'aujourd'hui, dans ce petit pays, l'on s’emploie à systématiquement massacrer Revert, Cochereau, et même l'orgue !
Parce que c'est représentatif de la proportion de français sur RUclips ! Et il y a même des Français qui écrivent - comme moi - parfois en anglais s'ils veulent être sûrs d'être lu s'ils commentent des vidéos où il n'y a que des commentaires en anglais. Cela ne me dérange absolument pas !
Mais je déteste qu'un étranger s'adresse à moi en anglais en France !
@@GuillaumeDeslandres Pareil en ce qui me concerne, les vidéos devenues internationales seront comprises par beaucoup de monde en anglais.
The first picture is of Notre Dame in Quebec and the organ is of Notre Dame in Paris France.
Beautiful!! Though, most of the pictures are of Notre Dame in Montreal.
You must be right. They don't have benches in the Paris Notre Dame. Last I checked, they have individual chairs.
Looks nothing like the altar at Notre Dame de Paris I think! Wonderful "performance" :-)
the composer, vierne, died at that organ.
He was giving a concert, and was about to play an improvisation when he suddenly fell forward and his foot hit the low E on the pedal, which rang throughout the church as he lost conciousness. It was a chilling way of letting the world know that it lost a legend. Despite this, his musical legacy lives on in performances such as this one.
AND it was his 1750th public performance. Bach died in 1750.
@@JoshuaSobel That is the most chilling way of letting the world know someone just passed away. It better not was the registration "Grand Jeux" or Tutti.
And it was his lifelong dream.
Man: Gloria in excelsis Deo😊