The "CAVE" in the Hill CUMORAH (corrected) | Travelogue 2

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • The "cave" inside the Hill Cumorah is actually an ancient man-made room with walls made out of stone (This is my 2nd upload of this video, because I had to make 3 big corrections, which I explained in a previous video of why I deleted the 1st video). This video explains how the room was accidentally discovered in recent years! The first set of ancient metal plates that The Book of Mormon was engraved on did not come from the room, but were buried near the surface of the hill around 421 A.D. and taken out of the hill in 1827 A.D.. The room in the hill had many other ancient metal plates and artifacts inside of it, but according to David Whitmer, it was emptied out and they were hidden somewhere else sometime before the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints left New York and moved to Ohio.
    Here are the links to see the actual photos of the hole that goes down into the room:
    - Article: bookofmormonev...
    - DVD: bookofmormonev...
    And here is the link to the video playlist about the Hopewell Mound-builders and how they match up with the people of the Book of Mormon (Part 6 is the video that I mention in this video, which has a lot of non-LDS sources for Native American stories of the pale-faced Hopewell Mound-builders and their destruction in war).
    PLAYLIST: • Book of Mormon Evidenc...
    Many Native American tribes still have Hebrew/Middle-Eastern linguistics/customs still preserved in their cultures to this day. Some of them are descendants from the people in the Book of Mormon. The ancient North American Mound-builder civilizations correlate with the people in The Book of Mormon. They built fortified cities the way those people did. They had metal armor and swords like those people did. They made mounds filled with human bones like those people did. They had ancient Hebrew/Middle-Eastern writings like those people did. They had some X2a DNA that traces back to the Mediterranean/Middle Eastern area where those people came from.
    The Book of Mormon is a true record about a group of believers in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, who left Jerusalem in 600 BC and ended up somewhere in ancient America. It covers the years 600 BC - 421 AD, and also includes a brief record of a much earlier group of believers in God and Jesus, who left the Tower of Babel (approximately 2200 BC) and ended up somewhere in ancient America as well.
    There is plenty of evidence in North America supporting the Book of Mormon. Read the Book of Mormon and research the Mound-builder civilizations (especially the Hopewell and the Adena). You will find that there were once great ancient civilizations right here in the United States and Canada that you most likely had never been taught about in school.
    You can get a free BIBLE and BOOK OF MORMON at: www.churchofje...
    Other great sites:
    - www.BookofMormo...
    - www.AncientAmer...
    - www.LDSArchaeol...
    Watch Wayne May and Rod Meldrum on RUclips
    Also, watch "Nephite Explorer" and "Hidden In the Heartland" on www.truenorthtv...

Комментарии • 406

  • @MichaelP_IsMe
    @MichaelP_IsMe  2 года назад +4

    Here are QUOTES from early Church history about WHERE The Book of Mormon happened:видео.html

    • @purebloodforever3057
      @purebloodforever3057 2 года назад +1

      Shin. Heart. Like Wayne Herschel's Spin River site, which is directly across from your Menorah shin river site. Draw line across Atlantic the from both points to the earth current heart charka location of the nazca sun star temple site and vola! as above so below. the new age will begin when the condor of the south fly's with the eagle of the north. HOPI speak of this! Inca etc

    • @purebloodforever3057
      @purebloodforever3057 2 года назад

      any shin looking landmarks that are natural i'd be looking for and i will be.

    • @YoshiKarasumi
      @YoshiKarasumi Год назад

      I’m a Mormon.
      We should believe the Scriptures, not man.
      And the Scriptures testify the Mormon Church is the only true Church of Jesus Christ on Earth.
      But if something is taught that can't be verified by Scripture, think twice about believing it.
      I understand why so many people are leaving the church.
      Many false doctrines exist causing countless RUclips videos mocking Mormonism.
      False doctrines like grandpa gods, (God the Father has a father)

      Mormons becoming gods of their own planets,
      Adam helped create the earth,
      Christ and Satan are brothers,
      God the Father has rarely spoken in Scripture,
      The African Americans were bad in the pre-existence; all of which no Scripture verifies.
      And each Sunday the Sacrament is tainted because only Elders and Priests can administer but the Deacons
      prepare/administer, and the Teachers pass/administer the Sacrament. (D&C 20:57)
      And the Lord says, He’s bound when we do what He says but if not there is no promise. (D&C 82:10)
      …that the scriptures might be fulfilled; for ye shall do according to that which is written. (D&C 24:14)
      And we wonder why there’s depression, mental illness and other unspeakable events among us?
      And many are leaving the church because if you don't fit the mold the church leaders sculpture you're not
      a part of their click.
      Mormons believe the church leaders over Scripture.
      The zealous believers have the church leaders in mind with everything thing they think say and feel
      testifying to impress others how much they believe the current church leaders are God-inspired.
      I’ve talked with church members who think they have some kind of spiritual connection to these men (church leaders)
      even claiming these men verify in their talks personal revelations.
      But the Scriptures reveal the church leaders are the problem with the entire Planet.
      For example,
      In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 we are informed of a person revealed as the son of perdition.
      This son of perdition sits in the temple of God making himself God or above all that is called God.
      Therefore, if the Mormon Church is the only true church then the only person 2 Thessalonians chapter 2
      could be talking about is the current Mormon prophet.
      For what other church is the one and only true Church with temples?
      And Joseph Smith taught a son of perdition can only be a church member holding all the rights of God's
      priesthood and using the priesthood against God, as did Judas.
      Therefore, who else other than the current Mormon prophet could the apostle Paul be speaking of?
      It's as plain as the nose on a face.
      And God in the Doctrine and Covenants tells us about the current church leaders and how displeased
      He is saying the end of this world will begin among them. (D&C 112:23-26) and the 12 blaspheme His
      name in the mist of His house.
      God Himself tells us these men are heinous.
      Joseph Smith taught the false doctrine of grandpa gods (God the Father has a father) not over the pulpit as
      a prophet but as a sermon at a funeral, which should not be taken as Scripture fulfilling God’s sayings to
      Paul, And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (2 Thessalonians 2:11)
      That they might be damned who believed not the truth….(2Thessalonians 2:12)
      And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (Revelation 13:7) (D&C 112:23-26)
      And the current Mormon prophet is the son of perdition because he has all the saints believing God our
      Heavenly Father was created by a being greater than Himself but Scripture says there is no greater than
      our God. (Hebrews 6:13)
      Therefore, the son of perdition has all the saints breaking the first commandment God gave Moses,
      Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
      Does it make sense to reasonable thinking that God would command we have no other gods before Him
      but really there are?
      Does He not want us to know this?
      Why is it a secret?
      There’s a reason He commanded to have no other gods before Him.
      Because by believing in false grandpa gods the saints believe our God is an infinitely lesser God putting
      Lucifer before God.
      And the moment we put a god before our God, our God becomes an infinitely lesser God.
      Not only that, our God also becomes a liar.
      He and the Scriptures says He is the greatest of all.
      He and the Scriptures says He is the Most High God.
      He and the Scriptures say He created all things.
      And in the Scriptures He says over and over there are no gods beside Him. (Isaiah 44:6) (Isaiah 44:8) (Isaiah 45:22) (Hebrews 6:13)
      Therefore, the saints believing there are gods before Him is the saints believing the son of perdition or the
      current Mormon prophet over the Scriptures and calling God and the Scriptures a lie.
      And Isaiah warns,
      Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)
      The saints call the son of perdition (President Nelson) good and good (Jesus Christ) evil.
      Because President Nelson says Christ and His Father are liars and fosters the false doctrines.

      Peter, John, Paul, Alma, Nephi, Lehi, Jacob and all the canonized prophets would not allow false
      doctrines from the Adversary but President Nelson does.

      President Nelson says Christ did not create all things. (John 1:1-3)
      Matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed the scientists say therefore the son of perdition or President
      Nelson says the grandpa gods created these calling Christ and the Scriptures a lie.
      Well did Abinadi warn the wicked king Noah and his priests,
      Have ye taught this people that they should observe to do all these things for to keep these
      commandments? (Mosiah 13:25)
      I say unto you, Nay; for if ye had, the Lord would not have caused me to come forth and to prophesy evil
      concerning this people. (Mosiah 13:26)
      And what is the commandment Abinadi taught that the people do not obey?
      Thou shalt have no other God before me. (Mosiah 12:35)
      Know ye not that I speak the truth? Yea, ye know that I speak the truth; and you ought to tremble before
      God. (Mosiah 12:30)
      And it is a false doctrine to say God our Heavenly Father has rarely spoke to us in Scripture.
      (3 Nephi 27:26), (3 Nephi 24:1). (2 Nephi 31:20), (2 Nephi 31:11) (D&C 49:20)
      Beware of the doctrine of the scribes and Pharisees, which are today’ Church leaders. (Matthew 16:6-12)
      Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. (Mathew 23:15)

  • @karlperry3460
    @karlperry3460 4 года назад +9

    Thanks for the updated video Michael. I enjoyed your account.

  • @tomjones9490
    @tomjones9490 4 года назад +10

    Great video. Well done.

  • @ChildePC
    @ChildePC 3 года назад +2

    Note: there is no video of a special mormon cave in this video.

  • @tomaswmitchellphotography
    @tomaswmitchellphotography 2 года назад +7

    I’ve talked to Johnathon Nevil and Wayne May about this previous to finding your channel. I am intrigued with the story. I’m curious as to why you did not include the pictures in the video?

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  2 года назад +7

      I put the pictures in my original video without asking the photographer, because I see those photos all the time from other people and didn't think it would be a problem. He saw that video and wasn't happy about me using the photos (which is understandable), and he informed me about some incorrect information in the video (which I'm thankful he did), so I made this corrected video, but I never heard back from him about using the photos in this corrected video, so I just went ahead and included links to the photos instead.

    • @YoshiKarasumi
      @YoshiKarasumi Год назад

      @@MichaelP_IsMe I’m a Mormon.
      We should believe the Scriptures, not man.
      And the Scriptures testify the Mormon Church is the only true Church of Jesus Christ on Earth.
      But if something is taught that can't be verified by Scripture, think twice about believing it.
      I understand why so many people are leaving the church.
      Many false doctrines exist causing countless RUclips videos mocking Mormonism.
      False doctrines like grandpa gods, (God the Father has a father)

      Mormons becoming gods of their own planets,
      Adam helped create the earth,
      Christ and Satan are brothers,
      God the Father has rarely spoken in Scripture,
      The African Americans were bad in the pre-existence; all of which no Scripture verifies.
      And each Sunday the Sacrament is tainted because only Elders and Priests can administer but the Deacons
      prepare/administer, and the Teachers pass/administer the Sacrament. (D&C 20:57)
      And the Lord says, He’s bound when we do what He says but if not there is no promise. (D&C 82:10)
      …that the scriptures might be fulfilled; for ye shall do according to that which is written. (D&C 24:14)
      And we wonder why there’s depression, mental illness and other unspeakable events among us?
      And many are leaving the church because if you don't fit the mold the church leaders sculpture you're not
      a part of their click.
      Mormons believe the church leaders over Scripture.
      The zealous believers have the church leaders in mind with everything thing they think say and feel
      testifying to impress others how much they believe the current church leaders are God-inspired.
      I’ve talked with church members who think they have some kind of spiritual connection to these men (church leaders)
      even claiming these men verify in their talks personal revelations.
      But the Scriptures reveal the church leaders are the problem with the entire Planet.
      For example,
      In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 we are informed of a person revealed as the son of perdition.
      This son of perdition sits in the temple of God making himself God or above all that is called God.
      Therefore, if the Mormon Church is the only true church then the only person 2 Thessalonians chapter 2
      could be talking about is the current Mormon prophet.
      For what other church is the one and only true Church with temples?
      And Joseph Smith taught a son of perdition can only be a church member holding all the rights of God's
      priesthood and using the priesthood against God, as did Judas.
      Therefore, who else other than the current Mormon prophet could the apostle Paul be speaking of?
      It's as plain as the nose on a face.
      And God in the Doctrine and Covenants tells us about the current church leaders and how displeased
      He is saying the end of this world will begin among them. (D&C 112:23-26) and the 12 blaspheme His
      name in the mist of His house.
      God Himself tells us these men are heinous.
      Joseph Smith taught the false doctrine of grandpa gods (God the Father has a father) not over the pulpit as
      a prophet but as a sermon at a funeral, which should not be taken as Scripture fulfilling God’s sayings to
      Paul, And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (2 Thessalonians 2:11)
      That they might be damned who believed not the truth….(2Thessalonians 2:12)
      And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (Revelation 13:7) (D&C 112:23-26)
      And the current Mormon prophet is the son of perdition because he has all the saints believing God our
      Heavenly Father was created by a being greater than Himself but Scripture says there is no greater than
      our God. (Hebrews 6:13)
      Therefore, the son of perdition has all the saints breaking the first commandment God gave Moses,
      Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
      Does it make sense to reasonable thinking that God would command we have no other gods before Him
      but really there are?
      Does He not want us to know this?
      Why is it a secret?
      There’s a reason He commanded to have no other gods before Him.
      Because by believing in false grandpa gods the saints believe our God is an infinitely lesser God putting
      Lucifer before God.
      And the moment we put a god before our God, our God becomes an infinitely lesser God.
      Not only that, our God also becomes a liar.
      He and the Scriptures says He is the greatest of all.
      He and the Scriptures says He is the Most High God.
      He and the Scriptures say He created all things.
      And in the Scriptures He says over and over there are no gods beside Him. (Isaiah 44:6) (Isaiah 44:8) (Isaiah 45:22) (Hebrews 6:13)
      Therefore, the saints believing there are gods before Him is the saints believing the son of perdition or the
      current Mormon prophet over the Scriptures and calling God and the Scriptures a lie.
      And Isaiah warns,
      Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)
      The saints call the son of perdition (President Nelson) good and good (Jesus Christ) evil.
      Because President Nelson says Christ and His Father are liars and fosters the false doctrines.

      Peter, John, Paul, Alma, Nephi, Lehi, Jacob and all the canonized prophets would not allow false
      doctrines from the Adversary but President Nelson does.

      President Nelson says Christ did not create all things. (John 1:1-3)
      Matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed the scientists say therefore the son of perdition or President
      Nelson says the grandpa gods created these calling Christ and the Scriptures a lie.
      Well did Abinadi warn the wicked king Noah and his priests,
      Have ye taught this people that they should observe to do all these things for to keep these
      commandments? (Mosiah 13:25)
      I say unto you, Nay; for if ye had, the Lord would not have caused me to come forth and to prophesy evil
      concerning this people. (Mosiah 13:26)
      And what is the commandment Abinadi taught that the people do not obey?
      Thou shalt have no other God before me. (Mosiah 12:35)
      Know ye not that I speak the truth? Yea, ye know that I speak the truth; and you ought to tremble before
      God. (Mosiah 12:30)
      And it is a false doctrine to say God our Heavenly Father has rarely spoke to us in Scripture.
      (3 Nephi 27:26), (3 Nephi 24:1). (2 Nephi 31:20), (2 Nephi 31:11) (D&C 49:20)
      Beware of the doctrine of the scribes and Pharisees, which are today’ Church leaders. (Matthew 16:6-12)
      Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. (Mathew 23:15)

  • @nsbd90now
    @nsbd90now 2 месяца назад

    It's amazing people actually believe this.

  • @thunderandrain09
    @thunderandrain09 2 года назад

    Well done 👍

  • @djkiddrocks1241
    @djkiddrocks1241 3 года назад +2

    So the great last war.
    Where are all the swords and breastplate, and hundreds of thousands of bones?
    Not 1???
    Kinda hard to believe.

    • @MakelleBell
      @MakelleBell 3 года назад +3

      It is rare for us to even find artifacts dating back to the time of the Mayflower, which was 1200 years later than the great war in the Book of Mormon. Unless, they were carefully stored somewhere in an element controlled place, they would have all corroded by now. Look around and see how many original buildings in the US we have from the 1700's and you'll start to realize how it's possible that very little has been left. The Smithsonian has discovered some artifacts in relation to the ancient Indians, but you'll never hear about it. They're as sketchy as the Vatican.

    • @adamholloway7963
      @adamholloway7963 3 года назад

      @@MakelleBell If "it is rare for us to even find artifacts dating back to the time of the Mayflower, which was 1200 years later than the great war in the Book of Mormon", how come archaeologist have not had a problem finding evidence of other, non-Jaredite and non-Nephite civilizations and cultures from the same time period as the BoM? (Caral Supe, 3000-2500 BC, Olmec, 1200-400 BC, Maya, 500 BC-900 AD, Zapotec, 500 BC-750 AD, Nasca, 1-700 AD, Tiwanaku, 550-950 AD, Wari, 750-1000 AD, Inca, 1250-1532 AD, Mississippian, 1000-1500 AD, Aztec, 1430-1521 AD, etc). Shouldn't there also be a lack of evidence for those civilizations? Why is there only a lack of evidence for the Jaredites and Nephites?
      For more information, see:

    • @ronniehenwood8580
      @ronniehenwood8580 2 года назад

      Not 1 because it's not true. The religion has no artifacts and fake history.

    • @ronniehenwood8580
      @ronniehenwood8580 2 года назад

      No, but if their we're great nations or Ephutes and Lamanites battling, their would be evidence. There is in Jerusalem and the Middle East where real wars took place and real Biblical history took place. The Mormons can't have one from the time later than the time Lehi supposed to have left Jerusalem.

  • @BGCflyer
    @BGCflyer 2 года назад +4

    Well Michael P, you have put a lot of effort into this I can see. I think the LDS church should look for artifacts, manuscripts or other types of evidence. We do it for the Bible. In the Bible, there are cities and towns spoken of like Bethlehem or Babylon. We recently found a coin with the name Isiah on it exactly where he lived. Every civilization leaves traces of their existence. This is how we know about Mayan Temples and the language they spoke and the food they ate. We don’t have to pray to know if the Mayan people were real or did what they claimed to have done. Whether or not Jesus of Nazareth is the literal Son of God, whether or not he resurrected from the dead or whether or not there is life after this life is a matter of faith. We don’t put faith into artifacts. Interesting how no one prays to know if the Bible is true. The thousands of manuscripts and artifacts show it’s real. We can pray for God’s heavenly wisdom and the Bible or scriptures can help you on that journey but no one else ever prays for the true fullness of artifacts. Anyway, those are some of my thoughts on this. It would have been amazing if some artifacts of some sort were in the cave at the Hill Cumorah.

    • @tonycurtis5437
      @tonycurtis5437 8 месяцев назад

      Truth does not need to be defended.
      The BoM does, right?
      I see your point.

  • @ronhamblin400
    @ronhamblin400 10 месяцев назад

    Good video but sorry Wayne May, the original presenter, did a much more thorough job explaining what he seen and went through.

  • @Palmer_Life
    @Palmer_Life 5 месяцев назад

    Interesting video. However, this may not be the actual "Hill Comorah" of the Book of Mormon. Re-read Mormon 6:6 to the VERY end to understand which plates were hidden in the real hill Comorah (final battle site of the Nephites and Laminates) vs the "hill" where Joseph Smith went to retrieve the abridged plates of Moroni. I think Saints Unscripted (on RUclips) does a good job highlighting the key info on this.видео.html

  • @MrEdutrujillo7
    @MrEdutrujillo7 3 года назад +1

    Guatemala is a nahuatl name from the Aztec!

  • @Loagun
    @Loagun Год назад +1

    The Mound builders of Northern Minnesota/Northwestern Ontario/Manitoba however as far as Ive ever heard do not author the mounds to any lighter skinned builders. Concerning the mounds in this area it was the light skinned European British colonizers that came and rippes apart the mounds hunting for whatever they were hunting.

  • @delsaweekes1538
    @delsaweekes1538 8 месяцев назад


  • @tacticplanner7188
    @tacticplanner7188 2 года назад

    Thank you for standing for truth I wish I new sooner that the Y was lieing to me.

  • @RecoveringUGrad
    @RecoveringUGrad 3 года назад +10

    Joseph didn’t name this hill the Hill Cumorah. Members of the church began calling this hill by that name and Joseph just continued on with the tradition. It was never identified as the Hill Cumorah in the Book of Mormon

    • @kylethedalek
      @kylethedalek Год назад

      Where is the hill with thousands of dead bodies on it?
      Can’t be that hard to find ?

    • @libbyhobbs4637
      @libbyhobbs4637 Год назад

      Our government destroyed several (anti--history or anti--semitic?) Ask them. Good Luck . Those remains from them are in a vault-- or lost in The Smithsonian.

    • @Gasp7000
      @Gasp7000 Год назад

      @@kylethedalek They aren’t “inside” it, they were never buried.

    • @kylethedalek
      @kylethedalek Год назад +2

      @@Gasp7000 So we’re did they all go?

    • @Gasp7000
      @Gasp7000 Год назад +3

      @@kylethedalek When bodies are left to the open air in sun and oxygen and rain, they decompose faster and more complete than buried bodies, that’s just forensics. However, it is interesting that that particular valley between the hills and along the great lake north of the valley, there happens to be especially ideal soil for blueberry and grape-growing. A lot of vineyards are up along there if you ever roadtrip the area. It turns out that unlike the far eastern areas of NY and surrounding areas, the calcium level in the soils there are much higher. Make of that what you will. As far as Moroni, it is unknown where he fled. But one tribe up that way has lore of a possibility, not that we need to know where he is. While they were in conversation with someone about the story of “one named Moroni”, the tribal members were told, “No one knows where he ended up”, and the members of the tribe essentially responded with, “Moroni? We know where he is-he is under the ‘_______’ River.” Sorry I can’t recollect the name of the river, but at the time I knew it, and looked on the upstate NY map, and the river is still there. Seemed like it started with a ‘C’, but I might be wrong. Sometimes historical tribal lore is all we’ve got physically. I am guessing that they meant he was killed and thrown into the river once they found him. If so, it’s sounds like he expected such as far as his last written words concerning the enemy’s inclinations-they were searching for their enemies relentlessly. The other mounds that are burial types do have bones that have survived, but knly around 1,000 of the earthworks have been preserved. One mysterious one is 1-mile down the road from me. That neighbor, I stopped and talked to and asked if it was true that that is a Native American mound on her property. This is a Maryland property. She had archeologists come and investigate. She lives on a large piece of mostly undisturbed land. She said they told her that they found nothing, and then proceeded to give her the order that she was not allowed to dig deeper than 12” deep anywhere on her acreage or she would be fined a large fine. So there you go. It’s true that it is native American preserved land for sacred reasons-they just can’t live on it or own it (yet). Since this is the border area between the Hopewell and the Adena, it could be something from either one. There is also a very old native American burial hill in Indian Springs, MD. I drove past it for years and never noticed the graves under long rock-piled cover for each body. One day, my sone told me about them and now I can’t not notice them. I counted dozens and dozens, yet all are unmarked. Things are right under our nose, but purposely understated or even hidden.

  • @mori8424
    @mori8424 3 года назад

    It would be more accurate to say that a small group from the tribe of Manasseh (See Alma 10:3) sailed across the ocean. When the Book of Mormon calls these people Jews it’s done from the point of view of what nation they came from not what bloodline they were. Also, Zoram’s bloodline is unknown. He was Laban’s servant and came across the ocean with them. He could have even been from Asia for all we know or anywhere else. His descendants would have made up about 20% of the Nephites population.

    • @rckburris
      @rckburris 2 года назад

      Great point about Zoram! I have never considered that. And I also wonder about Ishmael's bloodline as Lehi's sons took the daughters of Ishmael as wives.

    • @ГришаФэша
      @ГришаФэша 2 года назад

      1 Nephi 7:2. Ishmael Is of Ephraim
      The Book of Mormon is sometimes referred to as the “stick of Joseph” (Ezekiel 37:19) or the “stick of Ephraim” (D&C 27:5). Lehi was a descendant of Manasseh (see Alma 10:3) and Ishmael was a descendant of Ephraim. The prophecies of Jacob (see Genesis 48:16; 49:22) were fulfilled as Ishmael’s family (Ephraim) came to the American continent with Lehi (Manasseh).
      Elder Erastus Snow (1818-88) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles discussed the importance of Ishmael’s lineage: “Whoever has read the Book of Mormon carefully will have learned that the remnants of the house of Joseph dwelt upon the American continent; and that Lehi learned by searching the records of his fathers that were written upon the plates of brass, that he was of the lineage of Manasseh. The Prophet Joseph informed us that the record of Lehi was contained on the 116 pages that were first translated and subsequently stolen, and of which an abridgment is given us in the first Book of Nephi, which is the record of Nephi individually, he himself being of the lineage of Manasseh; but that Ishmael was of the lineage of Ephraim, and that his sons married into Lehi’s family, and Lehi’s sons married Ishmael’s daughters, thus fulfilling the words of Jacob upon Ephraim and Manasseh in the 48th chapter of Genesis, which says: ‘And let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the land.’ Thus these descendants of Manasseh and Ephraim grew together upon this American continent” (in Daniel H. Ludlow, A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon [1976], 199).

    • @launareese9196
      @launareese9196 Год назад

      @@ГришаФэша You are forgetting about the people of Zarahemla who were originally Mulekites. Mulekite was a Jew, the son of Zedekiah, King of the Jews. Mulek was a child when he was brought to the Americas. From what tribes were the group of people who brought Mulek over?

  • @GMMXX80
    @GMMXX80 Год назад +1

    Saints Unscripted, I think, will disagree with you. The concern has always been that if the great battle took place there, then where are all the bodies and skeletons? I'm more inclined to agree with the theory that Moroni worked his way up that direction and burrows them after years and escaping the Lamanites and was probably really old by then. Odds are there's mass graves around Mexico and the Amazon we don't know about with armies of bodies buried. It's also known that when the Spaniards invaded, they took a lot of gold theyd plundered and melted them all down so those records could be rings on anyone's fingers these days.
    Nobody is saying you're wrong because only some know for sure, but it's more likely everything down to those final battles room place in central America and all the mass graves are there, but who knows. Not saying youre right, but not saying you're wrong either. Who knows.
    These days you gotta be careful with what's being written and speculated and people talking about revelations. My dad used to always tell me: "God doesn't reveal things to blabbermouths". Or in other words, how God communicates to you is sacred. The Apostles don't tell us: Guess what revelation I had today!?!? We just heard something from Lorenzo Snow so it's all kept quiet and sacred.
    With everything going on with "Doomsday Couple" Chad Daybell wanted to write books, give teachings on revelations, and claim himself as having more power, authority, and keys than were rightfully given him. Like many others claiming to be prophets, God's, the Holy Ghost or a brother to Jesus and Heavenly Father, there's people just like him trying to stand in a spotlight attempted to exalt their throne above God's, and it leads down a dark and dangerous path the world's hearing about.
    There's danger in entering territory like this, and I'm not saying this guy is Chad Daybell or on his way, not at all, I'm just saying we can't focus so much on all this. Keep things simple and keep your eye on the prophet. Have your own personal studies and hold sacred the things you learn, but having faith with the basic principles and ordinances can be tough enough as is, without worrying about all the details to complicate it and then seeing a mass of books written for personal gain, and cheaping what's sacred and then cults starting out of all of that, it's not good so, just be careful

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  Год назад +1

      Hi Neo, after the battle at the Hill Cumorah, all the bodies were left on the surface of the ground to rot (same with the Jaredites 1000 years earlier). There was nobody left to bury tens of thousands of bodies, because the Lamanites went south to hunt down the last few surviving Nephites. The bones at the Hill Cumorah would have completely disintegrated within a year or two and there would definitely be nothing left of their bones 1400 years later (2400 years later for the Jaredites) when the U.S. began moving into the area. So expecting to find bones at the Hill Cumorah is illogical. And if the Lamanites did come back up to Cumorah after finishing off the Nephites down south, they wouldn't take the time and effort to bury tens of thousands of their enemies. They would just pile the bodies up and burn them.
      As for other areas on the way to the Hill Cumorah, the Nephites would have had some time to bury their dead from previous battles before the Cumorah battle of 385 AD. The 1850 book, "Antiquities of the State of New York", by Ephraim G. Squier, pg. 99 (not to be confused with his 1849 book, "Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York"), speaks of the many "bone pits" found throughout western New York, Canada and Michigan, sometimes containing thousands of skeletons. This account by O. Turner is also in an earlier book called "The Holland Purchase", pg. 27.
      And finally, Oliver Cowdery wrote a series of 8 letters at the request of Joseph Smith and under Joseph's personal guidance (originally published in "The Messenger and Advocate", periodically from Oct. 1834 - Oct. 1835). Letter 7 says that the Hill Cumorah in New York is the Hill Cumorah where the Nephites (and the Jaredites) died. Again, this is by Oliver Cowdery at Joseph's guidance and under his direction. Letter 7 was published at least 6 more times during Joseph Smith's lifetime.
      As for sticking to what the prophets say concerning Book of Mormon lands and people, I agree, and I say that at the beginning and end of my video "Quotes On Where The Book of Mormon Happened".видео.html

  • @alananat6628
    @alananat6628 3 года назад

    If this whole thing were true, church leaders would be waving the proof around. And dont give me the "If you have faith" speech. You are claiming things which can be proven. Prove it.

    • @RecoveringUGrad
      @RecoveringUGrad 3 года назад

      You are presuming the leaders would do that, but you don’t know that. God doesn’t work off of physical proof. That won’t work for his purposes. Those with a blindness of mind and hardness of heart would look for an alternative explanation.

    • @RecoveringUGrad
      @RecoveringUGrad 3 года назад

      You didn’t watch the video. He addresses this.

  • @bluzone7
    @bluzone7 3 года назад +4

    Elder Maxwell had said one time that this was the hill spoken of the book of mormon

  • @Knutekritt
    @Knutekritt 3 года назад +25

    I have lived in Palmyra area since I was a small child. I have never desired to find or visit the sacred depositories of plates as this is under Heavenly Father's direction and still overseen by Moroni himself. Im content to wait upon the Lord, for the time when these places are revealed. It seems so simple minded, shallow really to go treasure hunting a place this sacred, which more than likely is held in a translated state until time to see more. Why do people have such a hard time with delay of gratification? Why would any thinking person believe that seeing and finding these things is a pathway to believing the Book of Mormon is true???

    • @spence1501
      @spence1501 11 месяцев назад +5

      How do you know how God is going to reveal these things... maybe he's going to reveal it through an angel to a chosen vessel of the lord.... maybe someone is going to find it just like this..
      Who knows how the lord is going to reveal these things to us..

    • @deanpate3406
      @deanpate3406 4 месяца назад +2

      The earth will reveal these truths in time...but someone will need to do the finding.

    • @kingimatthews4481
      @kingimatthews4481 3 месяца назад

      House foundations, fence post holes dug up, even roads laid, would that be treasure hunting ? I think not. just simple every day life, yet not artifacts found. Why was there such a clean up of a battle site done, even the soil bears no evidence of being spoilt . Held in a translated state? delay of gratification? what is that? oh well Moroni did have a good clean up crew.

  • @sdfotodude
    @sdfotodude Год назад +1

    Wouldn't the hill be full of artifacts that the church could use to prove this fictional tale true? Just a preponderance of bones with Jewish DNA?

    • @kevinmorgan8534
      @kevinmorgan8534 2 месяца назад +1

      Or even one piece of bone.

    • @sdfotodude
      @sdfotodude 2 месяца назад

      @@kevinmorgan8534 I can't believe people are this intentionally ignorant

  • @OsamaBinDarrel
    @OsamaBinDarrel 2 года назад +2

    If it were there someone would've found it with GPR . Since we're so gullible I've got rocks in my hat and they showed you're supposed to give me your life savings .

    • @ronniehenwood8580
      @ronniehenwood8580 2 года назад

      Good point. I'm glad your intelligence and not following this fake history Joseph started

  • @RandyCook-m1l
    @RandyCook-m1l Год назад +1

    Not Jews! Lehi is a descendent of Manassah, who was a son of Joseph, who was sold into Egypt. I Nephi 5:14.

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  Год назад

      Yes, Lehi is a descendant of Manasseh, but the Lord also calls them Jews in D&C 57, so it is a correct title (though not the only title) and the blood of Judah is within them. We don't know the bloodlines of Ishmael or his wife, the bloodlines of Ishmael's children's spouses who were already married before leaving Jerusalem, the bloodline of Zoram, or the various bloodlines of however many people were in Mulek's group.

    • @bradleyhowell4155
      @bradleyhowell4155 День назад

      They were jewish in that they were meisers for Gold

  • @shanedraney7667
    @shanedraney7667 Год назад +1

    Spearheads, bones, tools?

  • @theephraimite
    @theephraimite 4 года назад +3

    Wednesday - October 7, 2020.

  • @skylerreddy5436
    @skylerreddy5436 6 месяцев назад

    Wrong! In the manual of the Book of Mormon clearly said: Moroni might have named the Cumorah, after the old place, where he came from. One point you are missing: The Lamanites were freezing their butts the whole time! Also, why you are speaking like you have authority? You shouldn’t speak for the church or even pretending to be an authority in the matter. Another point you are missing: Moroni, dedicated the spot for the Manti and Saint George temples, on the way up to the NY area.

  • @kingimatthews4481
    @kingimatthews4481 3 месяца назад

    A corrected Hill Cumorah well, well hows that to fit the correction of the BOM, with 5,000 word corrections

  • @davidrawlings1176
    @davidrawlings1176 5 месяцев назад

    Lehi Abe his family as well as Ishmael and his family were not Jews but descended fro Joseph thru ephraim and Manasseh.

  • @wellsjdan
    @wellsjdan 8 месяцев назад +1

    What about artifacts of war there?

  • @phillipolsen1262
    @phillipolsen1262 9 месяцев назад

    Don't want to be that guy, but Lehi and his family were from the tribe of Manassah, not Judah (Jew-dah) and therefore were not Jews.

  • @karlgharst5420
    @karlgharst5420 Год назад

    If there were any real archeological evidence for the Book of Mormon you would be talking about that - instead of taking your viewers down this rabbit hole!

  • @josephinadelamartiniquemin5448

    More p r by the church to neutralize the tithing diversion scandal?

  • @hijetoffroad4757
    @hijetoffroad4757 5 месяцев назад

    The Nephites were not Jews! They were of the tribe of Joseph. Lehi taught that to his posterity in First Nephi.

  • @jmhatutube
    @jmhatutube 3 года назад +2

    Not even a nice try. Not a single church leader has stated that upstate New York was the location of the final battle of the Nephites and Lamenites. The “Two Cumorah ” theory came up in a Sunday School meeting of our LDS ward. One of our ward members’ father was a general authority of the church and stated that “most General Authorities” believed that there was one Cumorah in New York where Moroni journeyed to and deposited the plates, and the Cumorah in Mesoamerica where the final battle of the Nephite/Lamenite people took place. While this is anecdotal, so is much, if not most of the claims in this video. Time frames are off archeologically, The Book of Mormon never describes cold, snow, or winter in the record, both they do describe very warm climate conditions. It’s also described that they go from one coast to another in a much shorter time frame than going coast to coast could ever happen under the scenario of this video.
    Also, if you look at Joseph Smith’s own words you realize that he wasn’t sure where the Book of Mormon took place; which is contradicts to this video by itself. Before his martyrdom, Joseph Smith had received a book written and illustrated by a couple of explorers who had spent a a lot of time in mesoamerica documenting its culture and artifacts. When Joseph Smith saw this, he spoke convincingly about the location of the Book of Mormon taking place in mesoamerica. If Joseph was so sure of the location of The Book of Mormon activities being in the north east or even in North America, wouldn’t he have stated it more assuredly? He didn’t because he didn’t know. Another outright contradiction to this video.

    • @adamholloway7963
      @adamholloway7963 3 года назад

      You said, “Also, if you look at Joseph Smith’s own words you realize that he wasn’t sure where the Book of Mormon took place; which is contradicts to this video by itself. Before his martyrdom, Joseph Smith had received a book written and illustrated by a couple of explorers who had spent a a lot of time in mesoamerica documenting its culture and artifacts. When Joseph Smith saw this, he spoke convincingly about the location of the Book of Mormon taking place in mesoamerica. If Joseph was so sure of the location of The Book of Mormon activities being in the north east or even in North America, wouldn’t he have stated it more assuredly? He didn’t because he didn’t know. Another outright contradiction to this video.”
      Joseph Smith specifically identified locations in BOTH North America and Central America as part of the Nephite civilization. For example:
      1) In North America, he discussed the saints “wandering over the plains of the Nephites” (Joseph Smith, Letter to Emma Smith, 4 June 1834) as the LDS men marched across Illinois during Zion's Camp in 1834
      2) Again in North America and specifically Missouri, “The camp passed through Huntsville, in Randolph County, which has been appointed as one of the stakes of Zion, and is the ancient site of the City of Manti, and pitched tents at Dark Creek, Salt Licks, seventeen miles. It was reported to the camp that one hundred and ten men had volunteered from Randolph and gone to Far West to settle difficulties.” (Millennial Star, vol. 16, p. 296)
      3) Regarding Central America, Joseph Smith said, “Let us turn our subject, however, to the Book of Mormon, where these wonderful ruins of Palenque [located in southern Mexico] are among the mighty works of the Nephites:-- and the mystery is solved.” (Times And Seasons, vol 3, no 22, p 914, Joseph Smith, 15 September, 1842)
      For more information about this and more, see:

    • @jmhatutube
      @jmhatutube 3 года назад

      @@adamholloway7963 If you look at the chronology of all the places Joseph Smith mentioned as locations for the Book of Mormon peoples, you will see that was all over at least North, Central, and maybe even South America. No place was ever stated absolutely as a location for the Book of Mormon! There was no revelation that we know of specifying exactly where cities like Zarahemla, Bountiful, and others were located.
      He recognized what he saw in the book given him late in his life based on images he saw in his revelations during his translation of the Book of Mormon. He still wasn't specific.
      Book of Mormon lands could not have been in both North and Central America. It's and either or thing. Moroni seems to have walked through Manti on his way to the Hill Cumorah in New York to bury the plates. But that is not the same hill where the final battle took place in the Book of Mormon.
      Regardless of what Joseph Said, he was guessing, he didn't know exactly where the activities of the book took place. The Church officially recognizes North, Central, and South America as the Promised Land. The most likely location for the Book of Mormon is the limited geography of Mesoamerica. It makes the most sense, it works the best with the text, and it was what made sense to Joseph Smith right before he was martyred. - J

    • @JChristianToronto
      @JChristianToronto Год назад

      Alma 22:30-34 is a good place to begin. Panama Canal Zone using Google Maps looks like a very logical location for this scripture.

  • @robertleinbach6016
    @robertleinbach6016 2 месяца назад

    The last battle in the BofM was not fought in NY!

  • @jamesmuir8747
    @jamesmuir8747 Год назад +1

    Nice try! How is it that throughout the entire Book of Mormon there was never a fantastic snow storm like what is most likely in the North Eastern land of America!

    • @gustavoabalos3783
      @gustavoabalos3783 5 месяцев назад

      If you know the south and North Pole long time ago there was not ice so what you said about that

    • @Eluzian86
      @Eluzian86 16 дней назад

      The Nephite timeline was during the Middle Woodland Period of North America. The climate was much more mild than it is now. There was more rain, and it snowed only occasionally in the Northern parts of the land. Parakeets, that require a warmer climate than today flourished. They're typically described as tropical birds, yet their range was north as far as Michigan and Maine. Because it was so much more mild in temperature, it wouldn't be a big deal for the Lamanites to wear only loinclothes for at least most of, if not, the whole year.

    • @jamesmuir8747
      @jamesmuir8747 8 дней назад

      @@Eluzian86 Tell that to the 'rabbits; George' LOL ever heard of the Glaciers and the Ice Age of North America....warmer smarmer dude!

    • @Eluzian86
      @Eluzian86 8 дней назад

      @@jamesmuir8747 I said milder, not warmer. The average temperature was cooler, but the higher precipitation with deeper lakes and rivers more evenly distributed the temperature and would guard against wild swings and extremes in temperature. Therefore, you end up with cooler summers and warmer winters than we're used to.
      If you did a simple Google search of 'What was the climate like during the Middle Woodland Period?', one of the first descriptions is "warm and wet", it also says, "slightly cooler average temperatures" and that the seasons do experience extreme temperature fluctuations. The A.I. provides references to support its statements. I suggest you at least do a simple internet search rather than assuming you know the answer and make yourself look like an idiot.

  • @heartfacingupward
    @heartfacingupward 2 года назад +10

    In a recent Wayne May presentation, he stated that the camera crew did hang a camera into the cave. They could see another door inside, on the back wall of the cave that led to another room deeper into the interior of the hill. The Steel plating was photographed. He said that it was later removed and the room filled in with dirt according to the presentation. Very cool discovery.

    • @zachsimpson2008
      @zachsimpson2008 2 года назад

      Wayne May says so many false things that are verifiable lies.

    • @heartfacingupward
      @heartfacingupward 2 года назад +2

      @@zachsimpson2008 I would like to see your examples. I want to see your exact sources and documentation. It cannot be second or third hand. The evidence must be such that it can stand up in a court of law. Not stories of stories and more stories of old wine put into new bottles. Please be sure that it is full scripts and not patched together opinions. I do not want a list of items that only have one thing verified, expecting me to take in all of it as lies because one may be demonstrated as so. Also remember that proof of an item as verified for one person does not mean it is verified as a certainty for another.

    • @SickAcousticCovers
      @SickAcousticCovers 2 года назад +5

      @@heartfacingupward He isn't claiming that this account is from a proven factual source. He merely said that Wayne May said these things in a recent presentation. I listened to (probably) the same presentation and even Wayne May isn't claiming he has proof and facts. Wayne said he knew the videographer and he said that he wished that he had been there when all this went down so that he could have gotten evidence before they covered the hole and filled it in. There's nothing wrong with discussing accounts from unproven, indirect sources as long as you're being up front about it.

    • @kylethedalek
      @kylethedalek Год назад +3

      @@SickAcousticCovers So why don’t they go and uncover it all?
      Seems an important thing.

    • @Gasp7000
      @Gasp7000 Год назад +3

      @@heartfacingupward This isn’t debate class in a school. Proof is not that easily gotten on a silver platter to the cynic. Bearing testimony in court is not the same as bearing testimony of your own experience-no one can eat for another or exercise for another, and honesty, sufficient doubt slams the windows if heaven clean shut for some. You must do your own footwork and connect your dots by way of the protocol given to us by heaven, and we must do it ourselves, on our own. What we all get are hints and pieces snd we are blessed to have that. If we have gained a personal testimony by way if fasting, prayer, study snd the witness of the Holy Ghost, yes, we are called to bear testimony if it, and a silver platter of proofs is not required because proofs must be received by each individual through following heaven’s given protocol. You may not want to piece patches together, but we are all doing that and no one gets evidence on an alternative easy road. I cannot exercise for you. I cannot taste for you. I cannot learn for you. The references are there for you to find, too, but a narrator’s job is presentation of possibilities, it is not the burden of proof. If this person were to bring you firsthand “evidence”, you still won’t know that is such without that heaven-sent protocol for gaining evidence and witness-in other words, the Holy Ghost gives each a FIRST-hand witness. Coming from Michael P, that already makes it a 2nd person witness and you weren’t personally there for the “first” on he may present. You approached your demand with such a letter-of-the-law approach that you’re left with a leak in the boat of your own expectations. I tell people all the time, the Spirit is not an “extra” source, alternative, less-meaty “source” of proof, it is the true proof. I don’t know His Name, but as one who bears the calling of the Holy Ghost in order to bear witness, among other things, he has the power to upload the truth, instill it, imprint it, install it in the worthy, and if you’ve ever truly experienced it, you’ll know that He acts through the spiritual laws of physics to do it, and that is why what is given is no longer deniable unless through lying to one’s self in order to accommodate a counterproductive addiction to that which is life-diminishing, not life-perpetuating. I wouldn’t go on so except for I find quite a few people making such preposterous demands. Rather, just kindly and politely ask if their might be reference you can use, or better yet, sincerely pray your way to it. Prayer is no less powerful than a wifi connection to sources, and is fact, a better connection and to better sources. Additionally, it is far older than wifi. Micael has made a great effort already to share the parts he knows. The rest of the burden is certainly nOt on him, but on US. If we want to know, we want to know sincerely enough, all of heaven is there to open the windows. l know this much, that We The People may have a Constitution here, but without LAND, We are not free. If We don’t defend This Promised Land, We will not have the help of heaven in preserving it. If We get distracted from where it is, how will we know what to defend. Personal testimony from the Spirit is the inly true way to know where We are defending boundaries.

  • @rawister
    @rawister Год назад


  • @Irvingdector
    @Irvingdector Год назад +1

    Wow awesome video

  • @wpalmer9867
    @wpalmer9867 3 года назад +2

    There are a few "academics" that think the entire Book of Mormon history takes place around the Hill Camorah, siting the Hopewell Mounds as evidence. I disagree, but don't have the room or time to explain. Just remember that this is the author's opinion. There are other opinions with just as much, of not more "proof" to back their claims. Research and decide for yourself.

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  3 года назад +2

      I don't think The Book of Mormon took place only around the Hill Cumorah. I believe it covered at least the entire eastern half of the U.S., which used to be mostly separated from the western half due to Lakes Michigan and Erie stretching down into Indiana during the Hopewell time period (and the remaining swamps were uninhabitable and not drained till the 1800s) and also by a sea that stretched from the Gulf of Mexico up to St. Louis (according to the Kaw tribe) and shrunk over time, becoming the lower Mississippi River, from periodic New Madrid earthquakes and silt from the Missouri River, upper Mississippi River, and Ohio River.

    • @adamholloway7963
      @adamholloway7963 3 года назад +1

      ​@@MichaelP_IsMe If the BoM only took place in eastern North America, why did LDS leaders, including Joseph Smith, also identify locations in Central and South America?

    • @skyflight99
      @skyflight99 2 года назад +1

      Much respect for your patence in these comments; and this comment is a brilliant summary. I'm not an academic - I'm a geophysicist working most recently in remote sensing and analysis. I find this evidence compelling.

  • @brianlee445
    @brianlee445 Год назад

    Hear say

  • @johnroberts6695
    @johnroberts6695 10 месяцев назад

    Cumorah doesn't need to be discussed by general authorities because they don't know where the Book of Mormon events took place. Even Joseph Smith didn't know. He had visions of the peoples in the Book of Mormon, but he _never_ indicated he knew where.
    Heartlanders like to make generalized statements and accuse those who disagree with them as disdaining the prophets, but: 1. The church says it's never been revealed; 2. There's no mention of snow or ice storms, 3. The NY hill Cumorah is not north of _any_ narrow neck of land, 4. The narrow neck was cut of off by poisonous serpents for several years, impossible in thick snow or ice, 5. There is no close candidate for the hill Shim, 6. no cement homes or buildings have been discovered in the heartlands, 6. No writing systems or gold plates have _ever_ been shown to belong to the heartlanders, 7. No, repeat no, quarries where gold or silver mines have been found used in antiquity have ever been found, 8. There have _never_ been ancient populations that would sustain the loss of hundreds of thousands of people in a single battle, especially at the NY drumlin; if so, we would find much more than the piddling number of arrow heads that have been found (when Rome lost three legions in the days of Augustus Caesar, sheesh, they're still finding stuff), 9. No active volcanoes have been found in the heartlands, and geologists who have read the Book of Mormon agree that the description by Nephi of the events preceding the appearance of Christ _clearly_ is volcanic, not indicative of an earthquake, and, 10. We know the Jaredites sailed to the Western Hemisphere across the Pacific because of the time it took them to get to get there. They didn't have sails like Nephi's ship, but they were barges carried by wind and currents. Yet they and Lehi’s party would have had to arrive at about the same place as the NY hill Cumorah, and heartlanders have to have Lehi arrive on the eastern coast so the Nephites could settle in the Great Lakes area and fight around the drumlin.
    And I'll give you one final reason. After defeating the Nephites, or even before, actually, the Lamanites would have swarmed over that small drumlin and killed Mormon, his guard and every other Nephite on top, which they could have done easily, and the old prophet could not have escaped, nor could Moroni have wandered around for decades, dedicating temple sites in Utah and elsewhere, then _returning_ and burying up the records. Do they really think the Lamanites just went back home after the fighting was over? Nope. The Lamanites coveted the Nephite lands and occupied them. How could Moroni have gone back to Lamanite lands and buried the plates in the very site of the great battle?
    The heartlanders can believe what they want just as the Jehovah's Witnesses choose to believe what they will, even when bested in debates on key issues of doctrine. Why? Because they have a horse in the race. I've yet to see a debate between a heartlander and a Mesoamericanist in which the latter is bested by the former. (There's never been a formal debate between the two, but when you compare the points, point-by-point, in honest research, it's virtually impossible to come away with an honest conclusion in favor of the Mesoamericanist view. Me, I have no horse. For most of my life I believed in the New York hill. I didn't understand why, if it was the actual hill, there were so few traces of two great battles involving so many men.

    • @BaBumz
      @BaBumz 9 месяцев назад

      You say you have no opinion on the matter... I'd beg to differ😂

    • @johnroberts6695
      @johnroberts6695 9 месяцев назад

      @@BaBumz > I didn't say I had no opinion. I said that I wasn't so wed to any to any opinion that I couldn't change it with evidence. The heartlanders are so wed to the heartlander theory that they are unwilling to change their views, regardless of the evidence. I listed eleven reasons that, for now, indicate that the Book of Mormon events took place in Mesoamerica. Each of those eleven points is strong evidence that those events did not happen in New York and the heartlands. If you or anyone else can show me where I err, I'm ready to change my views.
      The heartlanders seem to think (erroneously, in my view) that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery _knew_ where they took place; however, there's no evidence that this is the case. He may have seen visions of what life was like for the Nephites, but he wasn't shown a map.
      Give me some reasons other than Joseph Smith said this or Oliver Cowdery said that. Show me reasons. And if they hold water, I'm willing to change my views. After all, who wants to be wrong? As for the here and now, I see no archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists, seismologists or historians pushing the heartlander view. Where are they? They're writing articles and papers advocating the Mesoamerica model.

  • @jimward7029
    @jimward7029 Год назад +1

    Were the plates gold or metal? I'm confused

    • @Fred-mp1vf
      @Fred-mp1vf Год назад +1

      Gold is a metal.

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  Год назад +2

      Based on descriptions we have, they were some type of alloy metal that looked like gold, but were not pure gold.

  • @veritas9243
    @veritas9243 3 года назад +1

    Your dreaming mate

  • @kdeltatube
    @kdeltatube 2 года назад +1

    Awesome videos! Thanks for posting.

  • @KathyStrickland-nh9vx
    @KathyStrickland-nh9vx 7 месяцев назад

    Why isn't there actual evidence that can be produced from the battle on the hill that all archeologists will agree?

    • @anniesavidge2468
      @anniesavidge2468 5 месяцев назад

      Because once that happens belief will be replaced by knowledge. Faith will no longer be required. Our faith is more important thannarcheology.

    • @KathyStrickland-nh9vx
      @KathyStrickland-nh9vx 5 месяцев назад

      @@anniesavidge2468 Real archeology validates much of our faith.

  • @FirstHolyGrandsonofHeaven926
    @FirstHolyGrandsonofHeaven926 2 года назад +1

    Could Shim Hill be the namesake of the holygrail bloodline? Gematria says so.

  • @thelion1944
    @thelion1944 3 года назад +1

    This is good!

  • @jacobjensen8592
    @jacobjensen8592 4 года назад +7

    What side of Hill Cumorah is this cave/room at? JSH states that Joseph went to the west side of the hill to get the plates
    Looking at Maps, if Joseph walked from his house to Hill Comurah, it's about 4 miles. His family farm is northwest of the hill. Naturally, Joseph would have entered the hill on the west side

    • @dasonmouser1542
      @dasonmouser1542 4 года назад +1

      Western side.

    • @dasonmouser1542
      @dasonmouser1542 4 года назад +2

      There have been some people who have done a metal readings on the hill using LiDAR and stuff like that and they’ve actually found some strange metal readings of brass and some gold like substance is a large amounts on the western end in what seems to be a large spacious room but there’s no way To access it

    • @jacobjensen8592
      @jacobjensen8592 4 года назад

      @@dasonmouser1542That's what I'm hoping. Can you link a reference? This stuff fascinates me

    • @survivortechharold6575
      @survivortechharold6575 3 года назад +1

      west side of the hill is the west side regardless of where you start from

    • @andrewwood6285
      @andrewwood6285 Год назад

      @@dasonmouser1542 I’m sure it’s accessible with a Caterpillar 395

  • @michaeljlangford
    @michaeljlangford 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for your input, which helps us gather information to revise our personal models of how things are that form the foundation of our testimony.

    • @skylerreddy5436
      @skylerreddy5436 6 месяцев назад

      Read my comment.

    • @michaeljlangford
      @michaeljlangford 6 месяцев назад

      @@skylerreddy5436 Yeah, there are two hill members and one hill members of the Church. I'm a one hill believer. The one-hill hypothesis explains the North American archeology that exists.

  • @2851941
    @2851941 2 года назад

    MORE TO THE POINT IS THE REMAINING SECTION OF THE BOM TO BE REVEALED - their is no gold to be found in that hill - so why the interest

  • @EMonzon
    @EMonzon 4 года назад +7

    I came faster than the Lamanites running after the stripping warriors.

    • @ahh-2-ahh
      @ahh-2-ahh 4 года назад +1

      E M too

  • @snakeeater0224
    @snakeeater0224 2 года назад

    I dont appreciate you think that words/and other artifacts are from other worlds….your clearly ignorant about Native American history and lore.
    India is old but not that old…china is a Iron Age civilization…barley a Bronze Age civilization. I dont agree with the idea that natives came from the Middle East.....the reality is natives have always been here or are native to North America.
    That is why Israelite are always migrating to Eurasia/Orkney island/Middle East. Tribes would come from the east, what Chinese historians wold say.....further than china or Siberia. The tribe displace other tribes, the Hyksos, the horse culture is native to North America. the original Phoenicians, just like the sea people were NOT from the europe, North Africa, Anatolia, nor Middle East. But gave rise to early european, North African, Jordan, Anatolia, and Mediterranean cultural. After the flood the Indio or en dios were the progenitors of the so call old world.

  • @BrianLevine-q7e
    @BrianLevine-q7e 5 месяцев назад

    I went to the Pageant several times in the early '70's. Walked all over the area.

  • @danielhughes8516
    @danielhughes8516 4 года назад +7

    Absolutely fascinating and incredible. Well done! I think we have a lot of exciting things awaiting us from that sacred place.

    • @YoshiKarasumi
      @YoshiKarasumi Год назад

      I’m a Mormon.
      We should believe the Scriptures, not man.
      And the Scriptures testify the Mormon Church is the only true Church of Jesus Christ on Earth.
      But if something is taught that can't be verified by Scripture, think twice about believing it.
      I understand why so many people are leaving the church.
      Many false doctrines exist causing countless RUclips videos mocking Mormonism.
      False doctrines like grandpa gods, (God the Father has a father)

      Mormons becoming gods of their own planets,
      Adam helped create the earth,
      Christ and Satan are brothers,
      God the Father has rarely spoken in Scripture,
      The African Americans were bad in the pre-existence; all of which no Scripture verifies.
      And each Sunday the Sacrament is tainted because only Elders and Priests can administer but the Deacons
      prepare/administer, and the Teachers pass/administer the Sacrament. (D&C 20:57)
      And the Lord says, He’s bound when we do what He says but if not there is no promise. (D&C 82:10)
      …that the scriptures might be fulfilled; for ye shall do according to that which is written. (D&C 24:14)
      And we wonder why there’s depression, mental illness and other unspeakable events among us?
      And many are leaving the church because if you don't fit the mold the church leaders sculpture you're not
      a part of their click.
      Mormons believe the church leaders over Scripture.
      The zealous believers have the church leaders in mind with everything thing they think say and feel
      testifying to impress others how much they believe the current church leaders are God-inspired.
      I’ve talked with church members who think they have some kind of spiritual connection to these men (church leaders)
      even claiming these men verify in their talks personal revelations.
      But the Scriptures reveal the church leaders are the problem with the entire Planet.
      For example,
      In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 we are informed of a person revealed as the son of perdition.
      This son of perdition sits in the temple of God making himself God or above all that is called God.
      Therefore, if the Mormon Church is the only true church then the only person 2 Thessalonians chapter 2
      could be talking about is the current Mormon prophet.
      For what other church is the one and only true Church with temples?
      And Joseph Smith taught a son of perdition can only be a church member holding all the rights of God's
      priesthood and using the priesthood against God, as did Judas.
      Therefore, who else other than the current Mormon prophet could the apostle Paul be speaking of?
      It's as plain as the nose on a face.
      And God in the Doctrine and Covenants tells us about the current church leaders and how displeased
      He is saying the end of this world will begin among them. (D&C 112:23-26) and the 12 blaspheme His
      name in the mist of His house.
      God Himself tells us these men are heinous.
      Joseph Smith taught the false doctrine of grandpa gods (God the Father has a father) not over the pulpit as
      a prophet but as a sermon at a funeral, which should not be taken as Scripture fulfilling God’s sayings to
      Paul, And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (2 Thessalonians 2:11)
      That they might be damned who believed not the truth….(2Thessalonians 2:12)
      And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (Revelation 13:7) (D&C 112:23-26)
      And the current Mormon prophet is the son of perdition because he has all the saints believing God our
      Heavenly Father was created by a being greater than Himself but Scripture says there is no greater than
      our God. (Hebrews 6:13)
      Therefore, the son of perdition has all the saints breaking the first commandment God gave Moses,
      Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
      Does it make sense to reasonable thinking that God would command we have no other gods before Him
      but really there are?
      Does He not want us to know this?
      Why is it a secret?
      There’s a reason He commanded to have no other gods before Him.
      Because by believing in false grandpa gods the saints believe our God is an infinitely lesser God putting
      Lucifer before God.
      And the moment we put a god before our God, our God becomes an infinitely lesser God.
      Not only that, our God also becomes a liar.
      He and the Scriptures says He is the greatest of all.
      He and the Scriptures says He is the Most High God.
      He and the Scriptures say He created all things.
      And in the Scriptures He says over and over there are no gods beside Him. (Isaiah 44:6) (Isaiah 44:8) (Isaiah 45:22) (Hebrews 6:13)
      Therefore, the saints believing there are gods before Him is the saints believing the son of perdition or the
      current Mormon prophet over the Scriptures and calling God and the Scriptures a lie.
      And Isaiah warns,
      Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)
      The saints call the son of perdition (President Nelson) good and good (Jesus Christ) evil.
      Because President Nelson says Christ and His Father are liars and fosters the false doctrines.

      Peter, John, Paul, Alma, Nephi, Lehi, Jacob and all the canonized prophets would not allow false
      doctrines from the Adversary but President Nelson does.

      President Nelson says Christ did not create all things. (John 1:1-3)
      Matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed the scientists say therefore the son of perdition or President
      Nelson says the grandpa gods created these calling Christ and the Scriptures a lie.
      Well did Abinadi warn the wicked king Noah and his priests,
      Have ye taught this people that they should observe to do all these things for to keep these
      commandments? (Mosiah 13:25)
      I say unto you, Nay; for if ye had, the Lord would not have caused me to come forth and to prophesy evil
      concerning this people. (Mosiah 13:26)
      And what is the commandment Abinadi taught that the people do not obey?
      Thou shalt have no other God before me. (Mosiah 12:35)
      Know ye not that I speak the truth? Yea, ye know that I speak the truth; and you ought to tremble before
      God. (Mosiah 12:30)
      And it is a false doctrine to say God our Heavenly Father has rarely spoke to us in Scripture.
      (3 Nephi 27:26), (3 Nephi 24:1). (2 Nephi 31:20), (2 Nephi 31:11) (D&C 49:20)
      Beware of the doctrine of the scribes and Pharisees, which are today’ Church leaders. (Matthew 16:6-12)
      Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. (Mathew 23:15)

  • @jebzerker
    @jebzerker 2 года назад

    Speculating beyond what the Prophets and Apostles have identified as the areas of the Nephites and Lamanites original landing and then forcing geography to fit your beliefs is irresponsible and academic fraud. You lost all credibility at 2:36 into your presentation. You ignore and overlook ALL of the evidence of the authorities declarations as to the original site. Shame on you. C

  • @maxjenkins7139
    @maxjenkins7139 3 года назад +1

    If this is true why doesn't the church show the members to help them convince others of the truth?

    • @siouxification
      @siouxification 3 года назад +1

      It is not the purpose of the Church to convince people of its validity but that job goes to the Holy Ghost.

    • @donnavaughn9409
      @donnavaughn9409 2 года назад

      It's just one more thing to take and point at saying this is nonsense from those who are in spiritual darkness, now matter how much you give them, until they see an angel, would they believe and even then, the mind can tell us we imagined even that, but the testimony that comes from the Holy Spirit that something is true and real, that can't be taken away, it bonds with your spirit. Even the brothers of Nephi saw an angel, but they were angry at their father for taking them out of their comfy life and the would not accept that the hardships they went through were for a good enough reason.

    • @ronniehenwood8580
      @ronniehenwood8580 2 года назад

      @@donnavaughn9409 Exactly because it's not true. This guy based everything off of assuming. The plates are fake and so is the history. Sorry

  • @MrArtist7777
    @MrArtist7777 5 месяцев назад

    I’ve walked around the Hill Cumorah and it’s much larger than I thought it would be, and have seen the pics of the carved out room with stone walls.

  • @nocturnalrecluse1216
    @nocturnalrecluse1216 3 года назад

    I drive past this hill everytime I go to see my gf in canandaigua.

  • @rethamoore4282
    @rethamoore4282 6 месяцев назад

    I could listen to you all day and night. This is so interesting to me. Thank you for posting and I hope you will continue teaching us lost souls that don't understand all the scriptures and what they are telling us.😊❤ Oh, I'm not " lost" per say as I am a member of the church but I don't fully understand all I hear.❤😊

  • @bagnasbayabas
    @bagnasbayabas Год назад

    If you try to dig down there, there will be no swords, shield, spears and arrows to be found.
    I wonder if there is still active mormon archeologists trying to find artifacts from nephites.

  • @christianburris3474
    @christianburris3474 Год назад

    I’m not convinced the last battle happened here.

  • @davidrawlings1176
    @davidrawlings1176 5 месяцев назад

    Your video was very intetesting

  • @terryortiz7280
    @terryortiz7280 2 года назад

    Can the identity of that young boy be found? Would he not be able to testify to this account?

  • @user-ql2id3ml3i
    @user-ql2id3ml3i 3 года назад +5

    the children is a great grand child of Willard Bean, the one who went back to Palmyra to take over the Joseph Smith farm for the church.

  • @curtisleeacuff6910
    @curtisleeacuff6910 4 года назад +13

    Keep up the good work brother... 😊

  • @BaBumz
    @BaBumz 9 месяцев назад

    This was a great video

  • @phillipfilius8251
    @phillipfilius8251 2 года назад

    Amazing! Thank you.

  • @Gasp7000
    @Gasp7000 Год назад

    Michael, About a mound west of Fort Meyers on Sanibel; are there not “shell” mounds further south in Florida as well as those you had marked on this map? I visited one on Sanibel Island. I’m hoping that Hurricane Ian (Sept 28, ‘22 last summer/fall) didn’t blow the top of it right off. There was horrendous destruction there. The native Americans used shells to cover their dead and who knows but for what other purpose their mounds were built.

  • @shanedraney7667
    @shanedraney7667 Год назад

    Why have there never been any artifacts discovered that point to the battle?

    • @JChristianToronto
      @JChristianToronto Год назад +1

      There are two hill Cumorahs - one in the Central Americas (See Alma 22:30-34), The battle spoken of by Mormon took place somewhere at a Hill Cumorah so named in the Central Americas. If one pays attention to a Book of Mormon film produced by the Corporation of President or by the Church many years ago, you will see Moroni walking across beaches, standing on high cliffs overlooking deep canyons and walking probably 1000s of miles with a sled of somekind as he journeyed to the 2nd Hill Cumorah in New York and placed the plates and other sacred items in this hill where Joseph Smith would be directed by Moroni to find them and after four years bring them forth for translation.

  • @kz6fittycent
    @kz6fittycent 4 года назад +4

    Who's up for some spelunking in NY?? Anyone??

  • @bluewillow4985
    @bluewillow4985 2 года назад

    What evidence of human remains have archeologists discovered from such a massive war?

    • @tomaswmitchellphotography
      @tomaswmitchellphotography 2 года назад +1

      Archeologists? None because they are not looking. But it is well documented that the whole area was covered with arrow and spear heads. There are also early settler accounts of finding large quantities of decaying iron in the area and selling it to local blacksmiths. There have also been a couple studies done of the soil showing it higher in calcium and other bio nutrients that would have come from a mass battlefield. If you search you can find this information in published books.

    • @nephite467
      @nephite467 Год назад

      @@tomaswmitchellphotographywhat is best book?

  • @davidshields454
    @davidshields454 4 года назад


  • @heberfrank8664
    @heberfrank8664 3 года назад

    This video does not convince me. But I do agree that the Meso-American model is also wrong.
    The Three Witnesses in 1830 proclaimed to the world that the Lehites landed on the coast of Chile. They could have been wrong, but please consider that they also could have been correct.

    Since evidences of the Nephites and Lamanites are found in South and Meso and North America, this only makes sense if the Nephite "land of promise" was in the Andes and Nephites and Lamanites went North in Hagoth's ships to Meso and then later North America.

    • @heberfrank8664
      @heberfrank8664 3 года назад +1

      If the Heartland model is correct, please resolve these issues with it's claims:
      1. It claims that the hill Cumorah was SOUTH of the narrow neck of land. But every other model (which includes text only models) show the Hill Cumorah far NORTH of the narrow neck of land.
      2. It claims that the Sidon river ran south. But every other model claimed that it ran north from its head in the wilderness between the lands of Nephi and Zarahemla.
      3. It claims that the narrow neck of land had seas to the North and South of it but the BoM text says the narrow neck of land had Seas to the East and West of it.
      4. It claims that there were other ways to get overland to the land northward besides the narrow neck of land. But does not that contradict the BoM text that they could protect the land Northward by just guarding the narrow neck of land?
      5. It claims that the Sea West was 300 miles away over land from the narrow neck of land. But Hagoth launched ships from the narrow neck of land into the Sea West.
      6. It claims that the narrow strip of wilderness was a stretch along a river, with no seashores of the sea East and sea West at then ends it. But the BoM clearly says there were seashores at each end of the narrow strip of wilderness.
      7. It does not give any evidence that there was a great ABUNDANCE of ores in the model that was mined and refined anciently as the BoM claims. This must include gold, silver, copper, and iron.
      8. It does not given any evidence that the prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite came to pass in that model: that mountains arose at the death of Christ whose HEIGHT is great.
      9. It does not give any evidence that somehow one of Hagoth's ships left there and sailed to Polynesia-- or that this claim is false.
      10. It does not give any evidence (using lidar or some means) to show that MANY ancient roads existed in that model going from all the major places and many other places.
      11. It does not given any evidence that a “whole earth” earthquake ever occurred there, or even could occur there, as described in 3 Nephi 8:12
      12. It does not give any evidence that anciently metal weapons were used in warfare there from the very beginning as described in 2 Nephi 5:14.
      Again, look at the Book of Mormon verses I am basing these issues on:

    • @adamholloway7963
      @adamholloway7963 3 года назад

      @@heberfrank8664 The easiest way to resolve all of the issues with BoM claims is to conclude that it is not really a historical record of ancient people in the Americas. (

    • @skyflight99
      @skyflight99 2 года назад

      Hi Heber. I am relatively new to the heartland theory , still learning and no expert but I do know one point: copper ore has been mined in this area for thousands of years. I do expect we all have much to learn. Most of our history is yet to be discovered.

  • @GarySaint-xm6tr
    @GarySaint-xm6tr Год назад +4

    This is something I have heard of recently, and have not yet resurched it, that the hill Comorah you just did the video on was not called Comorah by Joseph Smith, or the angel Maroni. Mormon hid the vast record of the Nephites in a hill he called Comorah, and gave the gold plates to his son to take somewhere else. Members gave the hill you did the video on Comorah, but it may not be Comorah. Comorah might be several miles from there, but still in North America

    • @Palmer_Life
      @Palmer_Life 5 месяцев назад +1

      Agreed. This may not be the actual "Hill Comorah" but rather is the cultural name given to the hill where the golden plates were found. Re-read Mormon 6:6 to the VERY end to understand which plates were hidden in the real hill Comorah vs the "hill" where Joseph Smith went to retrieve the abridged plates of Moroni. I think Saints Unscripted (on RUclips) does a good job highlighting the key info on this.видео.html

  • @richardhegyes8702
    @richardhegyes8702 3 года назад +2

    Incredible that an entire religion was based on science fiction and lies. What a man will come up with for power and all the sex he could get. You need JESUS, creator of all things.

  • @yasaf934
    @yasaf934 3 года назад +12

    Constructive criticism: It wasnt the hill cumorah in which Moroni hid the plates, that was where Mormon hid his plates (Mormon 6:6) We actually don't know where the REAL hill cumorah is. ... What's interesting is that if the Book of Mormon only came from the plates given to and written by Moroni, that means there are more plates with more info about the Nephites and Lamanites than what we currently have. 🤷‍♂️😄

    • @ineedoff1
      @ineedoff1 3 года назад +2

      Good comment.
      Factual too

    • @adamholloway7963
      @adamholloway7963 3 года назад +1

      According to the LDS Church, the Hill Cumorah in NY is the very same Hill Cumorah where the Jaredites were destroyed, the Nephites were destroyed, Moroni deposited the plates, and Joseph retrieved the plates. (

    • @yasaf934
      @yasaf934 3 года назад

      @Adam Holloway The verses that you quoted in your article do not explicitly state that the Hill Cumorah is where Moroni hid his plates. They also do not plainly state that Cumorah is where Joseph found the plates. However, it is easy for one to think that it was, especially with the footnote for "Cumorah" in D&C 128:20 and past church leaders stating that it was without any revelation given on the matter. Notice that this link between Cumorah and NY has been built by fallible church leaders who think the hill is the REAL Cumorah? I would recommend visiting this link where this topic of sustaining fallible church leaders is discussed more:видео.html

    • @adamholloway7963
      @adamholloway7963 3 года назад +2

      @@yasaf934 You said, “The verses that you quoted in your article do not explicitly state that the Hill Cumorah is where Moroni hid his plates. They also do not plainly state that Cumorah is where Joseph found the plates.”
      Actually, they do. Please go read them again. Here is what just one of the links says:
      “Cumorah, Hill
      See also Book of Mormon; Moroni, Son of Mormon; Smith, Joseph, Jr.
      A small hill located in western New York, United States of America. Here an ancient prophet named Moroni hid the gold plates containing some of the records of the Nephite and Jaredite nations. Joseph Smith was directed to this hill in 1827 by the resurrected Moroni to get these plates and translate a portion of them. This translation is the Book of Mormon.
      Nephites gathered at Cumorah, Morm. 6:2-4.
      Cumorah was in a land of many waters, Morm. 6:4.
      Mormon hid the records in the Hill Cumorah, Morm. 6:6.
      All but twenty and four Nephites were slain at Cumorah, Morm. 6:11.
      We hear glad tidings from Cumorah, D&C 128:20.
      Joseph Smith took plates from the Hill Cumorah, JS-H 1:42, 50-54, 59.”
      Here are the links again so that you can look them up for yourself: &
      If you still want to maintain your position that the LDS Church does not teach that the Hill Cumorah in NY is the same Hill Cumorah in the BoM, then please show me where the Church teaches that they are not the same hill. If you can’t, then in light of the many sources I provided you that do show that the church teaches they are the same hill, I must conclude that the church teaches that they are the same hill.
      You said, “However, it is easy for one to think that it was, especially with the footnote for "Cumorah" in D&C 128:20 and past church leaders stating that it was without any revelation given on the matter. Notice that this link between Cumorah and NY has been built by fallible church leaders who think the hill is the REAL Cumorah?”
      BoM footnotes from 1879-1920 directly identified the location of the Hill Cumorah in in Mormon 6:1-2 by stating, “The hill Cumorah is in Manchester, Ontario Co., N. York”.
      As of May 2021, the footnote for Cumorah in Mormon 6:1-2 points to D&C 128:20 then footnote for Cumorah in D&C 128:20 points to Joseph Smith - History 1:51-52 which says the Hill Cumorah is in Manchester, NY. So, even current footnotes ultimately associate the Hill Cumorah referenced in the BoM with the Hill Cumorah in NY.
      Also, the Hill Cumorah is just one example of the credibility issue with LDS apostles and prophets. If the LDS Leaders from Joseph Smith up to Russel M. Nelson, who all claim that they speak for God through continuing revelation, have all gotten this wrong, what else have they gotten wrong? If we can’t trust them when they tell us that Moroni buried the gold plates in the Hill Cumorah and Joseph Smith retrieved them from the Hill Cumorah, then what else can’t we trust that they are teaching us? If they made a mistake about the Hills being the same and they really aren’t the same, then where is the public correction for that error?
      You said, “I would recommend visiting this link where this topic of sustaining fallible church leaders is discussed more:видео.html”
      Thanks for the recommendation. I watched the video. You know what the video didn’t address? That the LDS church’s teachings regarding prophets as spokesman for God is circular logic and in the end, the church emphasizes the need to follow the prophet over anything else, even if the prophets are wrong. For more details, see:

    • @fearlessbryan
      @fearlessbryan 2 года назад +1

      @@adamholloway7963 Thanks for your well thought out reply. I am amazed by the lengths people will go to in trying to fit the gospel into their paradigm of the world rather than expanding their paradigm to fit the gospel. Stay true.

  • @markglenn5882
    @markglenn5882 Год назад +1

    I know someone who has a cousin who spoke to an old man who has a grandson that saw the room.

  • @pagevpetty
    @pagevpetty 3 года назад +4

    Interesting, where do you think the narrow neck of land is? The Mauri in New Zealand have a genealogy chant about it being Panamaho.

    • @Tera4m
      @Tera4m 7 месяцев назад

      50% Samoan, 50% Māori,, 💯% Hebrew 4 Life
      House of Joseph via both Tribe of Ephraim & Manasseh Tribe
      #BirthRight #DoublePortion #DoubleBlessings
      Pukana, Blahhh,,😝😜😛
      Shalom & JAH Bless…

    • @Tera4m
      @Tera4m 7 месяцев назад

      Don’t believe everything you see on Nat Geo or the Smithsonian brotha,
      Our ancestors knew who they were & where they came from, we didn’t get here on a hope & a whim

    • @Tera4m
      @Tera4m 7 месяцев назад

      Migration of the Pacific
      (Descendants of Manasseh)
      Legend of Hagoth
      Lehi, Nephi, Sam, Joseph,
      Hakota, Hawaiiloa, Kanaloa
      The Mentinah Archives
      Book of Hagoth 1:1
      1 Behold, I am Hagoth, & I am waxed old. I write this book so that my generations may be kept & so that the acts of my people may be recorded. I am that same Hagoth, the son of Hagmeni who was the boon companion of Moroni & followed him in war & peace. & it was my father who was a builder of walls & battlements who assisted Moroni in subduing the enemies of the Nephites & in securing our lands & our religion & our freedom. The same was my father, & he descended from that Zoram who took the eldest of the daughters of Ishmael to wife; & also from Jacob the brother of Nephi, whose father took his journey into the wilderness from Jerusalem when Zedekiah was king; & also from that Simeon who was a Priest of the Temple, who took his journey with Mulek when the Benjamites retreated from ruined Jerusalem, & also from that Mulek himself, who was son of Zedekiah the King. Wherefore behold, I am descended from Joseph, the same who was sold into Egypt, & from Aaron the brother of Moses, & also from Judah.
      Haida Gwaii - [Kalonakikeke]Alaska
      Havaii - Tahitian
      Havaiki - Niue, Marquesas,,
      Hawaiki - Māori
      Avaiki - Raro-Tongan
      Savaii - Samoan
      Savaiki - Tongareva
      Sawaiki - Fijian
      Tahitian Mā ohi
      Hawaiian Māoli
      Cook Island Māori
      Māori - Hawaiiki Nui, Hawaiiki Roa, Hawaiiki Pamamao
      Hawaiian - Kahiki Nui, Kahiki Loa, Kahiki Pamamao
      Tahitian - Tawhiti Nui, Tawhiti Roa, Tawhiti Pamamao
      Or in the words of our forefathers, an extension from one island, to the next & so forth. Knowing with absolute certainty, that all roads,, lead home. This is real history & heritage taught by those who live it & keep it very much "Alive & Well" even today, with Hawaiki Atea being,, the Home of God
      Father/Homeland of Kanaloa
      Atea - Marquesas Islands
      Akea -
      Makea - Aotearoa
      Vatea - Society Islands
      Vakea -
      Wakea - Hawaii
      Hagoth in Nuhaka
      Hagoth & the Polynesians
      Hawaiian Rain Dancersвидео.html
      Native American Prophecy of
      the BoM [Cherokee]видео.html
      2nd Māori King’s Prophecy of the BoM [King Tawhiao]
      King Tawhiao
      “Our church is coming from the east-not a church paid with money. Its ministers go two by two; when they pray they raise their hands. They will not come to go among the Pakeha (Europeans) but will dine, live, talk, & sleep with you. The sign will be the writing of the names of males, females & children. … Those churches that have already come are nothing, but when these come that I speak about, do not disturb them-that will be your church!”
      Ancestral Roots [Te Jewry]
      Hebrews in Meso-Americaвидео.htmlвидео.html
      House of Lehiвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html

    • @Tera4m
      @Tera4m 7 месяцев назад

      Land of Thy Inheritance
      This is what we’re suppose to believe the #worldsgreatestnavigatorseverperiod!!! backtracked🤦🏽‍♂️
      Hawaiians migrated from their ancient homeland of the Haida Gwaii from the northwest of America [Gwaii & Hawaii meaning Homeland] who, bare striking resemblance in cultural ritual to our own
      Research the Tlingit, their customs, beliefs & way of life. You’ll see how our lifestyle was adapted from their protocols. Knowledge that goes right down to the migration of fish, than birds,, that followed thereafter
      Eskimo kiss🤥видео.html
      Whilst the Tahitians & the Rapa Nui brought the Kumara & the Peruperu from their homeland of Peru in South America
      The Tahitians brought their knowledge of the Stars, Horticulture & Priestly titles,, such as the Kahuna, Tohunga, Tuhuna, Tufuga & Tufua’a (Prophets/Levitical Priesthood). You see, we’ve been mapping stars since we knew how to manipulate the populace into thinking, we could control them (celestial bodies),, think "Apocalypto" That’s how our people knew the constellations before it even became common knowledge to,, average man...
      Makalii, the Principle Navigator
      “Hawaii-loa was a distinguished man & noted for his fishing excursions, which would occupy sometimes months, sometimes the whole year, during which he would roam about the ocean in his big (wa'a)… with his people, his crew & his officers & navigators (Poe Hookele & Kilo-Hoku)… One time when they had thus been long out on the ocean, Makalii,, the principal navigator, said to Hawaii-loa, ‘Let us steer the vessel in the direction of Iao, the Eastern Star, the discoverer of land (Hoku Hikina Ku O Na Aina). There is land to the eastward, & here is a red star, Hoku Ula [Aldebaran] to guide us, & the land is there in the direction of those big stars which resemble a bird (e kapa mai nei me he manu la);’ & the red star, situated in the lap of the goats (i ka poli o na kao) was called Makalii after the navigator's name… So they steered straight onward & arrived at the easternmost island (ka moku hikina loa). They went ashore & found the country fertile & pleasant, filled with awa, coconut trees, etc., & Hawaii-loa, the chief, called that island after his own name… & the second was named after his oldest son (Maui). These two islands were then uninhabited…. Hawaii-loa & his followers were the first inhabitants…. They had left their wives & children at home; therefore, they returned to fetch them.”

    • @Tera4m
      @Tera4m 7 месяцев назад

      Navigators of Egypt
      (Descendants of Ephraim)
      Legend of Māui & Rātā
      - Te Ika a Māui
      As legends would have it, many centuries before the great migration to Aotearoa,, two brothers [Descendants of Ephraim] decided to voyage from their homeland of Egypt. As far as stories go, the brothers [after circumnavigating more than half the globe] would find themselves upon the uninhabited Islands of Hawaii. One of the brothers [supposedly ashamed to return home] opted to stay & settle within the islands naming one in particular,, after himself. The brother, not being satisfied by the fish abound,, decided to find fish further abroad. By using nothing other than the blood from his nose as bait, cast his hook deep within the murky depth. Upon the realisation he was not landing a fish but instead fishing a land, reeled the great fish in naming it also after himself,, Te Ika ā Māui...
      - The Enchanted Tree
      The brother who did decide to return to his homeland, suffered a few complications of his own. Determined to return to his homeland, he decided to fashion himself a sea worthy vessel capable of offering,, safe passage. Upon selecting a tree of such capability, he began his works. At days end, he had fell & hewn a great tree,, where he than retired from all labour. The next day, to much amazement,, the tree had returned to it’s original position & once again standing upright. So, he immediately,, repeated the process & laboured with the passing of another day. When the third day dawned & again, the tree was upright & back to it’s original form. & again the brother repeated the process, but this time he decided to see,, who had undone all his work. To much surprise, the brother noticed all the Forrest birds, insects & wild life, labour to restore the tree to it’s former prestige. Upon hearing their incantations, the brother sprang from hiding & spoke to the children of Tane Mahuta, so it is you,, who restore my tree. In which, the children of Tane Mahuta replied,, who hath given you authority to fell the Forrest God to the ground. When the brother had heard this, he was quite & overcome with shame. The offspring of Tane all called out aloud to him saying, return to the village,, for we shall make a canoe for you. & thus, it was so...
      Rātā - Aotearoa
      Rata - Tahiti
      Ata - Tuamotu
      Aka - Marquesas
      Laka - Hawaii
      Lata - Samoa
      Lasa - Tonga
      Stone Wall structure of Waipoua Forest depicting the Name of the Most High Living God of my Forefathers in Hebrew text, not English or Hindi
      Pukana, Blahhh,,😝😜😛
      Stone Wall Structure (Waipoua Forest)видео.html
      Demonstration of Māui
      The Megalithic Gate of Ha-amonga a Maui | Ancient Origins
      Gosford Glyphsвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
      Throwing Sticks of Tutвидео.htmlвидео.html
      Voyagers of the Sunrise

  • @geoffnoyes520
    @geoffnoyes520 3 года назад +2

    So, many thousands of warriors died in a great battle to the death at the hill Cumorah did they?.
    Here is a golden opportunity for the LDS church prove Joseph Smith's Book of Mormon is not fiction.
    Thousands of artifacts, weapons, armour, human remains etc must still be waiting to be found.
    The LDS church actually owns that hill, no Jewish artifacts have been found or have probably been looked for by that church , it is that church's great and obvious opportunity, you may draw your own conclusions.

  • @Christ_in_You-theHope_of_Glory
    @Christ_in_You-theHope_of_Glory 4 года назад +11

    Thank you Michael, great video, although I have already watched the original version, I really enjoyed hearing the corrected version.
    I'm sure your subscribers appreciate the importance of updating these videos when additional information, brings to your attention, an error requiring correction.
    Therefore I must alert to you the fact that the Nephites were not Jews, but rather, they were of the tribe of Manasseh, one of the birthright tribes of Israel, sharing the honours with Ephraim, being the sons of Joseph and making Manasseh the 13th tribe of Israel, which explains why 13 colonies or states joined together to form the USA and why there were 13 olives/leaves, 13 arrows, 13 stripes etc.

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  4 года назад +10

      Hi Michael! I'm glad you enjoyed the video! We know that Lehi was from the tribe of Menasseh, and therefore Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Nephi, Jacob, Joseph, and their descendants would have Menasseh in them as well. But we also have to remember that there were other people in Lehi's group who may have been from another tribe - Sarah (Lehi's wife), Ishmael and his wife, the wives of Ishamel's sons who were already married before leaving Jerusalem, and Zoram (I don't recall the Book of Mormon mentioning any of their tribes, but I'd have to doublecheck that). And then we also have to think about Mulek's group who came over to ancient America a few years later. I think Zedekiah (Mulek's father) was from the tribe of Judah (but I'd have to doublecheck that also), but we also have no idea who else came in Mulek's group and what tribe(s) they may have been from. And since all of these people mixed together during the 1,000 years of the Book of Mormon, and then another 1,400 years go by before Joseph Smith translated the book, I think "Jew" would be an accurate term. But more than that, in Doctrine and Covenants 57, Jesus Christ calls the Native American tribes who had been forced onto reservations just west of Missouri "Jew" and He calls the Americans "Gentile". I do often catch myself making the mistake of saying "Jews", "Hebrews", "Israelites", etc. as if they are synonyms, even though there are some differences between the words, but in this case, I think the word "Jew" is acceptable and that the blood of Judah is a part of the Book of Mormon people.

    • @zacharystucki
      @zacharystucki 3 года назад +1

      @@MichaelP_IsMe You may want to read some of Don Bradley's work. It may provide some insights on the tribes. I can say in addition to what you said that although Ephraim and Manasseh are not Israel's direct sons, when he was giving them their patriarchal blessings in the end of Genesis, he adopts them into his family. The ancient Israelites didn't have a tribe of Joseph. His birthright was split into two one for Ephraim and one for Manasseh.

    • @Gasp7000
      @Gasp7000 Год назад

      @@zacharystucki True, and is why the House of Israel is often called a House of Adoption. I take this to ultimately mean “sealings”.

  • @teti_99
    @teti_99 3 года назад +7

    I just looked up the pictures of the room inside the hill. I got goosebumps bruh. 💯💯💯

    • @Nothin638
      @Nothin638 3 года назад

      Anyone who really wants to know something has too invest time and energy into that thing. Just a note, you will find what you are looking for. If you want to prove something to be wrong or untrue, you will find that. If you want to prove something is true and comes from God, you will find that. Just decide what you want to find and then put time and energy into it.

    • @lindamartinez7006
      @lindamartinez7006 3 года назад +1

      How do you look up the pictures?

    • @rachelczumaya2806
      @rachelczumaya2806 3 года назад

      Where are the pix at?

    • @jonlebon5086
      @jonlebon5086 2 года назад

      @@lindamartinez7006 the link is provided in the description

  • @Nonvido
    @Nonvido 3 года назад +2

    Another mistake. Moroni visited Joseph Smith for the first time and seen the plates at age 14 almost 15. Not 17. It was years later when he was allowed to take the plates from the hill.

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  3 года назад +1

      Joseph saw God and Jesus in the Spring of 1820 at age 14, and then it wasn't until 3 1/2 years later that he saw Moroni in Sept. of 1823 at age 17.

    • @adamholloway7963
      @adamholloway7963 3 года назад

      @@MichaelP_IsMe I have my doubts that the First Vision in 1820 actually occurred:

    • @ronniehenwood8580
      @ronniehenwood8580 2 года назад

      All lies you guys believe and follow. So silly

  • @davidclarke8708
    @davidclarke8708 4 года назад +1

    Really, you mentioned fascinating and incredible, um, not when joseph smith said that in mormon doctrine that the isthmus of Carden is theost likely landing spot and that zarahemla was in GUATEMALA, wow, there's facts in here, but, although decent studies and findings from this man, like most, fall short of full truth

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  4 года назад +5

      Hi David, Joseph Smith never said anything about where Lehi landed. There are other people in church history who made their speculations, and people assumed it was Joseph, but Joseph never said that. Also, Joseph Smith never said Zarahemla was in Guatemala. Yes, an unsigned article in the Times and Seasons made that claim and then later in that very same same article, the unknown author flips on himself and says it's just his opinion that Zarahemla was in Guatemala. But Joseph did not write the article, because Joseph always included his name at the end of whatever articles he wrote for the Times and Seasons.

    • @davidclarke8708
      @davidclarke8708 4 года назад

      @@MichaelP_IsMe the school of the prophets, which joseph smith usually led, they believed that the landing was in this region. Are you referring to the articles?

  • @heberfrank8664
    @heberfrank8664 4 года назад +5

    Well, it is amazing that people look at the Book of Mormon geography issue had have such different convictions. If the Heartland model is correct, please resolve these issues with it's claims:
    1. It claims that the Sidon river ran south. But every other model including text only models show it running north.
    2. It claims that the narrow neck of land had seas to the north and south of it but the BoM text says the narrow neck of land had Seas to the East and West of it. But the BoM text has the Nephites protect the land Northward by just guarding the narrow neck of land.
    4. It claims that the Sea West was 300 miles away over land from the narrow neck of land. But Hagoth launched ships from the narrow neck of land into the Sea West.
    5. It claims that the hill Cumorah was SOUTH of the narrow neck of land. But every other model claims to study the BoM and show the Hill Cumorah NORTH of the narrow neck of land.
    6.It claims that the narrow strip of wilderness was a stretch along a river, with no seashores of the Sea east and Sea west at then ends it. But the BoM clearly says there were seashores at each end of the narrow strip of wilderness.
    7. It does not give any evidence that there was a great ABUNDANCE of ores in the model that was mined and refined anciently as the BoM claims. This must include gold, silver, copper, and iron.
    8. It does not given any evidence that the prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite came to pass in that model: that mountains arose at the death of Christ whose HEIGHT is great.
    9. It does not give any evidence that somehow one of Hagoth's ships left there and sailed to Polynesia-- or that this claim is false.
    10. It does not give any evidence (using lidar or some means) to show that MANY ancient roads existed in that model going from all the major places and many other places.
    Again, if you want to see the scriptures that support these issues, you can find them in this study guide:

    • @michaelhord
      @michaelhord 4 года назад

      Please give the references to support what you have said.

    • @justinhayward42
      @justinhayward42 3 года назад +1

      Not to mention that there isn’t one single mention of snow in the BoM. In Central America you have evidence of a complex writing system. No sign of this in North America.

    • @lanceg.8458
      @lanceg.8458 3 года назад

      Moroni told Joseph personally that the plates contained a record of the former inhabitants " OF THIS CONTINENT " - just read about all of the promises the Lord spoke of the Promised Land and the requirements for any people to remain upon it... These promises and the Lord speaking of the Gentiles who would inhabit this same land.... ARE NOT GUATEMALA.

    • @fearlessbryan
      @fearlessbryan 2 года назад

      @@justinhayward42 1 Nephi 11:8: “the whiteness thereof did exceed the whiteness of the driven snow”. Also, research the Bat Creek stone. Is Hebrew complex enough for you? :)

    • @justinhayward42
      @justinhayward42 2 года назад +1

      @@fearlessbryan Sorry, that reference doesn’t work, they were still in the Old World. There isn’t one mention of snow or ice or cold weather in general in the entire Book of Mormon account in the New World.

  • @highsociety7677
    @highsociety7677 4 года назад +2

    Where is the volcano that exploded in 3 Nephi? This geography seems problematic.

    • @davidclarke8708
      @davidclarke8708 4 года назад

      Where do you feel this geography was?

    • @highsociety7677
      @highsociety7677 4 года назад

      @@davidclarke8708 I don't have an opinion on where, but I do feel it has to be in the vicinity of a volcano. Are there volcanoes in the northeastern US region?

    • @davidclarke8708
      @davidclarke8708 4 года назад

      @@highsociety7677 not that I'm aware of

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  4 года назад +6

      Hello swaldawg, there is no mention of "volcano", "lava", "magma", "eruption", "explosion", or anything like those words in 3 Nephi or anywhere in the entire Book of Mormon. Years ago, I just assumed there had to be volcanic activity during the destruction in 3 Nephi as well, but after I became aware of the New Madrid Earthquake of 1811-12 (discussed in a History Channel documentary called "Earthquake in the Heartland" and a book from a bookstore in the town of New Madrid called "The Earthquake America Forgot", just to name a couple of good sources) I learned that that earthquake shook the entire eastern half of the United States and caused cataclysmic destruction that matched every single thing that happened in the destruction of 3 Nephi, including gasses being released from massive cracks that opened up in the earth and caused (in some places) 3 days of darkness and made the atmosphere so thick that lamps could not be lit, and some people couldn't breathe. Make your own checklist and compare it sometime if you want to. It's extremely interesting. And these New Madrid fault line quakes are estimated to happen about every 300-500 years. As I announced in video Part 1 of the series that I've been making here on RUclips for the last 5 years, this topic will be in video Part 10, but the various responsibilities of life get in the way and take priority, so I just do what I can over time. I'm currently in the process of making video Part 9, so hopefully it won't be too much longer before I make Part 10. But as always, I just make my videos to scratch the surface and encourage people to research on their own, because there's way more information out there than what I can fit into short little RUclips videos. Anyway, research the New Madrid Earthquakes and you will be blown away! Good luck :)

    • @highsociety7677
      @highsociety7677 4 года назад +5

      @@MichaelP_IsMe thanks, Michael, good info. I will take a look. Do the earthquakes you refer to last 3 hours and cause lightning as well? Those 2 items really caught my attention, as they match volcanic behavior.

  • @shanedraney7667
    @shanedraney7667 Год назад

    There's all sorts of proof regarding biblical events but none to support the story Joseph Smith told. The Bible is the only book you need to find God's will and plan for us.

  • @kingspeakbackcountry1925
    @kingspeakbackcountry1925 3 года назад +1

    One correction. Lehi and his family were not of the tribe of Judah. They were Josephites from the tribe of Manasseh.

    • @scottb4509
      @scottb4509 3 года назад

      And Ishmael was of the Tribe of Ephraim, and thus the Book of Mormon is the "whole" stick of Joseph, and not just of Mannaseh or Ephraim.

    • @lilchi721
      @lilchi721 3 года назад

      You are right they are not from the tribe of Judah but they lived in the Jerusalem area which was part of Judah.

    • @kingspeakbackcountry1925
      @kingspeakbackcountry1925 3 года назад

      @Henry Longsworth That's not my terminology. That was coined by many an LDS scholar like the Madsen's....

  • @paulbriggs3072
    @paulbriggs3072 6 месяцев назад

    I used to work at Hill Cumorah for two years in the late 1980s having grown up 3 miles up the road. While working there, I witnessed all kinds of excavations for everything from electric lines to water lines, some of which were for the campgrounds they installed just north of the base of the hill, but not used for camping any more. These many trenches never produced any Lamanite or Nephite finds whatsoever. No swords or steel spears or arrows or skulls, what have you. Nothing from some supposed vast battle wiping out an army. The church never gave any thought about such things when they put in buildings, parking lots, paved pathways, all of it. They never once did a single archeological survey ahead of ANYTHING. They just drew up plans and in came the dozers and excavators. I wonder if they believed any of it themselves. Because if they did, they didn't act like it.

    • @deweydewey6714
      @deweydewey6714 6 месяцев назад +1

      They have more than that. Didn't you pay attention to the video about the room? What do you suppose the room was used for? After more than 1,600 years, I would imagine that any weapons of war that survived would be much deeper than where the wires you mentioned would have been placed! Thank goodness for Wayne May working hard to find proofs of the Book of Mormon, even if it is little by little!!!

  • @johnclark1612
    @johnclark1612 9 месяцев назад

    Most people don't know Joseph Smith was conjurer with his river rocks and hat, he could witch-up a dandy fine story of perfection for a fried squarrel leg, or bite of white lighting, however, southrons didn't care to hear his fanciful claim to be of such morality , which being a sinner it's impossible to become one. He was dispatched double time to the happy hunting grounds in that charismatic way he departed . I'm kinda religious,I read a verse every few years, but these Bible totin' necktie propheteers galavantin' around in the house of God claiming to save souls, generally never had such a thing themselves.

    • @BaBumz
      @BaBumz 9 месяцев назад

      Do you need an ambulance??!

  • @RobertNelson-z7n
    @RobertNelson-z7n 6 месяцев назад

    It is my understanding that Oliver named the hill Cumorah. Oliver stated that there was a room in the hill also. Oliver also accused Joseph of adultery, at least he spread rumors that Joseph Smith committed adultery. How can Oliver be trusted? If plates were there, or if there is a room that the Church knows about, the Church would make it known.

    • @deweydewey6714
      @deweydewey6714 6 месяцев назад

      Hello! Did you watch all of the video! The room is known!!!

  • @danmcritchie1755
    @danmcritchie1755 2 года назад +1

    I don't find that you are considering many aspects outlined in the text of the BOM, in this analogy. Namely tropical climate required for silk during the prosperous times; as well as fevers in certain seasons; temperatures that would cause heat exhaustion 1st day of the 1st month of the year mentioned in many battles ( including Teancum's slaying of the king). The hill in the final battles, was said to have occurred near the narrow neck of land, from which many water departures left from ( as well as near the land of first inheritance), both by land as well as almost half dozen ships. Not to mention the fact that other than snow being used as a description, winter is never mentioned in the text. With around a thousand years of living, not once, but shaven heads and loin cloth girded about them in winter battles is many times. Now lets look at the seeds that were brought with them; they came from a place that was likely dry, yet they flourished! Nephites landed and tilled and planted, yet Jaradites traveled after landing through wilderness to get to the promised land. Then there is the vision of Nephi, who saw the landing of Christopher Columbus land on the "Promised Land"; where did he land? Yucatan! There are many events and circumstances in 3 Nephi that would contradict your claims, cities sinking, valleys and great mountains, none of which are around the area of Hopewell sites. So to say no Prophet has ever claimed; well all of the Prophets who wrote took painstaking efforts to describe. What about them? And the best is last I'm going to mention. Ammon fought at the "Well of Sebus" ; If these events occurred where you claim, why would the well exist? This well described as a watering hole for flocks, water is plentiful in the areas described as Hopewell and NY. ? Why would they dig a well with streams , rivers, lakes ponds etc.? Sure there is a man made hole in the hill, but the description given by the witnesses, was more than a hole. It is up to each of us to think and ponder as we read; no it is not as important to the where as to that it happened. But presenting ironies facts does not help.

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  2 года назад +1

      Hello Dan, a lot of parakeet bones are often found in Hopewell mounds, as well as artifacts depicting tropical birds. This suggests a much warmer climate for North America during the time of the Hopewell (500s BC - 400s AD). And the 1st day of the 1st month would be around April to us today, because the 12-month Gregorian calendar wasn't invented yet, and the Nephites would have gone by the 13-month lunar cycle (just as their Hebrew ancestors did) in order to observe the festivals required by the Law of Moses. Their calendar begins in the Spring. So the month of April in a climate that sustains parakeets would be pretty warm. And there is no "well of Sebus" in The Book of Mormon - only the "waters of Sebus". Also, here are quotes from early Church history about where The Book of Mormon happened:видео.html. The quotes are divided into 3 categories: 1) Revelation from a prophet; 2) Words from a prophet that were never declared as revelation, so they may or may not be; and 3) Words of other people, which may or may not have come from a prophet. I stick with what has been declared as revelation by a prophet of God and let all my other opinions remain as opinions.

    • @danmcritchie1755
      @danmcritchie1755 2 года назад

      @@MichaelP_IsMe well given the BOM events ended only some 1200 years earlier; I dont think it was them. as well as seas, large bodies of water, rivers and streams, including fountains. Along with the narrow neck of land. They knew the difference between fresh water and salt water. The descriptions are too detailed to dispel.

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  2 года назад +1

      @@danmcritchie1755 The Book of Mormon doesn't end 1200 years earlier than the Hopewell mound-builders. It starts at 600 BC and ends at 421 AD. Its time period runs almost exactly along the time period of the Hopewell (except for the very brief account of the Jaredites in the book of Ether, which is from approximately 2200 BC to 600 BC, and lines up very nicely with the existence of the Adena mound-builders).

    • @lorenzogonzalez5302
      @lorenzogonzalez5302 Год назад

      Great video.
      Have you ever looked up the people they found in the bogs of Florida?

  • @SchwarzenVolk
    @SchwarzenVolk 3 года назад +1

    Nephites and Lamanites were not Jews.

  • @davidaston5051
    @davidaston5051 3 года назад +1

    God wants us to have a spiritual witness of the restoration not an archaeological witness of the restoration

    • @MichaelP_IsMe
      @MichaelP_IsMe  3 года назад

      Exactly, but there's nothing wrong with learning about supportive evidence of The Book of Mormon. Learning such things doesn't mean you're doubting or disrespecting your spiritual witness given from God. Joseph Smith taught the people in Zion's Camp that the mounds they were crossing over and the bones in them were evidence of The Book of Mormon.

  • @doranpratte4068
    @doranpratte4068 3 года назад

    I'm not an expert, or a botanist, but the foliage in the picture with the steel plate looks nothing like the foliage at the Hill Cumorah. I've been there multiple times----walked all over the hill and have taken pictures. The foliage in the picture looks more like Utah. Where's the evidence these pictures are legit?

  • @budphillips5968
    @budphillips5968 3 года назад +4

    If there was a battle there, there would be archeological evidence and remains found

    • @yasaf934
      @yasaf934 3 года назад

      If you would, please refer to the comment I left in the general comment thread.

    • @survivortechharold6575
      @survivortechharold6575 3 года назад

      it hasn't been excavated. Indians against Mormons, there is no armor or canons or military type stuff.

    • @StandardMan0
      @StandardMan0 3 года назад

      What evidence would you expect to find after 1400 years? Gosh, it’s hard to find much evidence on the ground from the American Revolutionary War and that was 250 years ago.

    • @adamholloway7963
      @adamholloway7963 3 года назад

      @@yasaf934 If you would, please refer to the comment I left in your general comment thread.

    • @adamholloway7963
      @adamholloway7963 3 года назад

      @@StandardMan0 You said, "What evidence would you expect to find after 1400 years? Gosh, it’s hard to find much evidence on the ground from the American Revolutionary War and that was 250 years ago."
      There is A LOT of evidence of civilizations and their cultures that are much older than 1400 years. In fact there is an entire scientific specialty dedicated to that. It is called Archaeology.

  • @44hawk28
    @44hawk28 Год назад

    Just to make you aware, that hole in the ground is not the only cave or cave like structure within Hill Cumorah. There it has been witnessed people walking into an opening in the side of the Hill only certain times and with certain people has that never been witnessed or heard about. It is not to be a portal, much like some of the anomalies they're finding it Skinwalker Ranch for lack of a better explanation. If the mound is built like most of their mouths, they are layered with organic and inorganic substances to increase the Natural Energy of the location. That is a specific building method that includes the structure of the pyramids.

  • @jeffreysmith7542
    @jeffreysmith7542 3 года назад

    If this was the hill Cumorah spoken of in the Book of Mormon than why have we not found the battle sight? What are your thoughts?

    • @skyflight99
      @skyflight99 2 года назад +5

      Not sure if the author will have time to respond, but here is what I know: we have. There has been significant evidence that this is the battle site - including 'white' soil from hundreds of thousands of human remains - quite sobering to think about. Also, so many iron weapons found in the area in 1800s that blacksmiths used them exculsively for ore stock. Also, many, many arrow points on and around the hill.

    • @richardgaines9450
      @richardgaines9450 Год назад

      ​@@skyflight99white soil you say?? Where are the pictures of this white soil?? If 230,000 NEPHITES died there, surely pictures would exist of this white soil.......

  • @michaelhord
    @michaelhord 4 года назад +1

    In the Book of Ether it says that they brought fish with them . This was curious to me. I started looking for the fish from the middle east that might match anything in the south american rivers. I didn't find any. 4 years later I discovered that the sea east and west was the great lakes area. So there are two fish that match. They are in the mississippi and Lake Erie. There is a problem though. The fish come from rivers in europe that connect to the Black sea. The Ether boats would have to have come from that area. They would have had to go through the mediteranian sea. Additionally, Lehi and his family may have crossed asia and not the desert. I took them many years to travel the wilderness. To grasp this, you have to consider that Jerusalem was not where it was today and that the desert is not the wilderness. Crossing russia would be like crossing a wilderness. Lehi's fast boat would have gotten accross the pacific easily. There are clues in the Bible about the weather being cold in Jerusalem. It is never too cold to plow in Jerusalem. It also doesn't snow enough to mention in Jerusalem. Proverbs holds these clues (31 for sure). Now if you look at the kremlin, it is a model of Jerusalem. Moscow doesn't seem likely at first but if you research hard enough, you will see that modern Israel doesn't fit as well as we have been taught.
    You will have to unravel history and escape scaliger's version that we have been taught. Sir Issiac Newton was on to our history being a lie and so was Napoleon. Reading Fomenko, History Fiction or Science is a good start. Jonatan Machtemes youtube channel reads the book to you. Note that Jonathan hates Mormons but he covers how Israel is not where they say it is very well. I think the weather is a stumbling block for many. The idea of the Bible times being in hot places helped people to think of meso america as a more ideal place for the Book of Mormon to have happened. It is hard to imagine cold winters and jews going together but not if they were from russia and there have been jews there for a very long time. It is really hard to say what the actual sea routes were. Muleks best route would have been through northern seas. Maybe it was more passable then.
    Gold is an issue too. Where ever Lehi landed there had to have been gold. Canada has alot in that region. Remember, north america was ignored while south america was pillaged for its gold. The explorers that did come to north america didn't find much.
    The explorers werent too interested in going far past the mississippi . They noted the buffallo though. Gaddiantons robbers had it made. Proverbs mentions not to join gangs. Smith put a name on them though. I could go on but our history as we have been taught as well as the geography are subjects that anyone really wanting to find the truth will need to question.

    • @ronniehenwood8580
      @ronniehenwood8580 2 года назад

      Sorry bud, Israel has always been in the same ave. History and archeology, anthropology etc etc back it up. The Book of Mormon is a hoax.