江湖風味 第3集 傳說中的川菜之首 Jianghu Flavor Episode 3: The Legendary Sichuan Cuisine

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • 重慶特色美食品鑑大賞,從名小點心到特色江湖菜,榮昌鹵鵝、葉兒瑤、河包酸辣粉、敖家巷羊肉湯等,令人大快朵頤。這些味道跨越地域,為人們所喜愛,凝結成各色江湖風味。美味的背後更有個匠人匠心的故事,將世代相傳的手藝發揚光大,鄉味來解饞,暖胃更暖心。
    Chongqing Specialty Food Appreciation Awards, from famous snacks to special Jianghu dishes, Rongchang Braised Goose, Yeerba, Hebao Hot and Sour Rice Noodles, Aojiaxiang Mutton Soup, etc. are all a feast for the eyes. These flavors transcend regions and are loved by people, condensed into various Jianghu flavors. Behind the delicacies are stories of craftsmen’s craftsmanship, which carry forward the craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation. The local flavor will satisfy your cravings and warm your stomach and heart.

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