Defending The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Defending the

Комментарии • 295

  • @worldofjacob1291
    @worldofjacob1291 2 месяца назад +5

    "Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away" - Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:35)

  • @igregmart
    @igregmart 2 месяца назад +16

    The LDS is in violation of Revelation 22.18-19 with its Book of Mormon: “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:”

    • @anichols2760
      @anichols2760 2 месяца назад +6

      This scripture written by the apostle John refers to adding to the book of revelation. "The holy Bible" was put together by the Catholic Church by St Jerome in AD 400. Before then the new testament scriptures were known as separate sacred writings. The Book of Mormon is a gift prepared by God, designed under the hand of Jesus Christ, having raised up ancient prophets to write the words found therein, to come forth in these last days as another testimony of Jesus Christ to support the scriptures found in the Bible in preparation of Christs second coming upon the earth.

    • @gbengoosewuru4139
      @gbengoosewuru4139 2 месяца назад +4

      It's saddening the number of "Christians" that don't understand Revelation 22:18-19

    • @jasonvesmam7044
      @jasonvesmam7044 2 месяца назад +2

      I'm a former member but that is not a good reason why the church is bs. That scripture means adding to or taking from the book of revalation. It says the same thing in the old testament. Therfore everything after that passage in the OT would have to be invalid according to your logic

    • @sotl97
      @sotl97 2 месяца назад +2

      You are completely misrepresenting this scripture. And you should probably be concerned about the pastor who presented this to you.

    • @VincentDavito
      @VincentDavito 2 месяца назад

      @@anichols2760 Wrong! The Bible was NOT put together by the Roman Church, The first Bible came out of Syria in 180 AD, The second Bible came out of Alexander Egypt in 200 AD. It was the Egyptian bible that Jerome copied from to get his Vulgate. Try again.

  • @AlbertJLouie
    @AlbertJLouie 2 месяца назад +9

    Because Jesus already has established His Church.
    MATTHEW 16:18
    "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it..."
    JUDE 3
    "While I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints..."
    Jesus already has established His Church and built it on a rock so the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.
    Also, the faith was ONCE and for all already delivered to the saints.
    No mention of any Mormon restoration in the past, present, or future.

    • @thatonedude.8440
      @thatonedude.8440 2 месяца назад +1

      The word prevail suggests a complete victory. When Jesus died one could say that a battle was won but the Lord prevailed through his resurrection.
      Another point, when you read the full chapter in Matthew, you realize that the context confirms the “rock” spoken of by Jesus was the principle of revelation that Peter had just experienced (view previous verses) and Jesus was comparing him as Peter (small rock) and upon this ROCK (different root word) I will build my church.
      When reading the Old Testament it is obvious that many restorations from apostasy was needed, especially obvious in the New Testament where Jesus contented with the Pharisees and Sadducee’s on false doctrines.

    • @anichols2760
      @anichols2760 2 месяца назад +1

      Christs church and priesthood authority ceased after the death of the apostles. A coming apostasy was spoken of in the Bible and very apparent to observe by history. Hundreds of years passed after Christ and the apostles death until the formation of the Catholic church who created their own man made beliefs systems influenced heavily by roman and greek belief systems that didnt remotely represent the Church Christ had instituted. Protestantism occurred 1200 years later with the man made creation of their own creeds, also not representing Christs Church and run by priestcraft (paid clergy, effectively making it a business).
      Many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints came out of Catholicism and Protestantism and respect the good done by their former religions but have come to accept the additional truths revealed in the ongoing restoration of Christs church on the earth designed for the preparation of The return of the Savior Jesus Christ who will reign on earth in the millennium.
      Come and see. Cast off doubt so that faith may allow the Holy Spirit to penetrate your hearts. Today Isaiahs words are fulfilled in the great gathering and restoration of the ten tribes by missionary work as they are hunted out of the rocks and from the four corners of the earth as spoken of in scripture. Are you one of israels seed scattered in all the earth, waiting to be gathered?

    • @AlbertJLouie
      @AlbertJLouie 2 месяца назад +1

      Do you have any Academic evidence to support what looks like a personal opinion than fact.
      Here, read
      MATTHEW 16:18 (Again)
      "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it..."

    • @anichols2760
      @anichols2760 2 месяца назад +1

      @@AlbertJLouie we are all entitled to our opinions. I respect yours. One of our articles of faith is that we believe in letting all men worship how, where, or what they may. But, knowing the great joy and spiritual manifestations that can come to you, I Invite you to read the book of mormon prayerfully with an open heart. What you find there and experience spiritually will bring you great joy and satisfaction to your soul. Im forever grateful my family left protestantism and embraced the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I respect that many still believe in the man made doctrines of the trinity and sola scriptura and creeds. Man can only take us so far in our understanding of God. God himself revealed his son and their real eternal nature when he appeared to Joseph Smith. But he also did so to prophets in the bible. Joseph knew in that instance that the man made, voted on, and forced doctrine of the trinity (by Roman leaders), that affected christianity over the next 1500 years since the inception of catholicism, wasnt accurate. God is literally our father, an exalted man, and Jesus was his literal son. The truth of this reality, absolutely makes sense and shatters old past paradigms and the Holy Spirit bears witness to my spirit that we are all literal children of God.

    • @AlbertJLouie
      @AlbertJLouie 2 месяца назад

      So you have no EVIDENCE.
      That is the reason why the Mormon church isn't recognized by mainstream Christianity, and not recognized by the academic world. You Mormons don't have EVIDENCE. Just your "backroom conspiracy theories."
      You Mormons ignore actual Biblical and Academic evidence, because you have spend a lifetime of being brainwashed that has robbed you of your ability to see the truth outside of Mormon influence and manipulation.
      You should throw away the Book of Mormon, find a good Bible base church, and read the Bible instead. If you do this, God promises this to you.
      JOHN 8:32
      "And you shall KNOW the truth, and the truth shall make you free..."

  • @toricat37
    @toricat37 2 месяца назад +8

    If the Mormons are so "right and true' why do they need defending?

    • @gbengoosewuru4139
      @gbengoosewuru4139 2 месяца назад

      If Jesus and his apostles were right and true, why did they need defending?

    • @leftistLizard92
      @leftistLizard92 2 месяца назад

      Could you imagine Muhammad Ali using this logic after winning the championship?

    • @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy
      @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy 2 месяца назад

      Every theology and philosophy needs defending. Why do PhD's defend their doctoral thesis?

    • @sotl97
      @sotl97 2 месяца назад

      @@toricat37 because people lie.

    • @maryfletcher9905
      @maryfletcher9905 Месяц назад

      It's called. Sharing the blessings of the restored priesthood on the Earth AGAIN!! A TRUE FOUNDATION upon which if men build they cannot fail or fall!!😂

  • @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy
    @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy 2 месяца назад +3

    Christ taught in his ministry that he was the only perfect one, and this includes teaching gospel doctrines & practices. No man or woman can teach or act as perfect as Christ. And Jesus taught us that even the Samaritan does good works.

  • @kerhabplays
    @kerhabplays 2 месяца назад +8

    I'm black....what should I do

    • @jimandhilaryfollett1365
      @jimandhilaryfollett1365 2 месяца назадвидео.htmlsi=wPMkiWhY2biOBOAi

    • @jimandhilaryfollett1365
      @jimandhilaryfollett1365 2 месяца назадвидео.htmlsi=k2-3JqVQdLz5dwdc

    • @jimandhilaryfollett1365
      @jimandhilaryfollett1365 2 месяца назадвидео.htmlsi=kbv-qhve4nmPkBr_

    • @VincentDavito
      @VincentDavito 2 месяца назад

      Get saved, Jesus refuses no one.

    • @kerhabplays
      @kerhabplays 2 месяца назад +2

      @@VincentDavito Yes. I already believe in my lord and savior Jesus Christ. But somehow I'm from the devil according to mormons

  • @maryfletcher9905
    @maryfletcher9905 Месяц назад +1

    Javier! 💥GOOD ON U!!

  • @MaiaXpapaya
    @MaiaXpapaya 2 месяца назад +1

    I was raised mormon, and have found the true Jesus Christ and gospel. I can tell you’re a very bright young man and love Jesus Christ. But the LDS church teaches false doctrine and it contradicts what Jesus has taught in Matthew Mark Luke and John.
    When God revealed this truth to me I felt so lost and found all at the same time. It’s hard to explain but I pray for Mormons that God reveals the truth unto them and that they let God speak to them with humility.
    Ps. I love how blunt you are about Joseph smith haha. Most Mormons will lie to themselves about how flawed he was. In reality, if he was a true prophet of God he wouldn’t contradict what Jesus has taught. And unfortunately he has many of those. God bless you

  • @user-gb9cd3ly8u
    @user-gb9cd3ly8u 2 месяца назад

    WHEN JOSEPH SMITH was 14 and visited by two spirits of light, in the woods, he knew not 🚫 how to test the SPIRITS.
    As an ELDER of the MORMON CHURCH, since 1977 and as a WATCHMAN - ONE needs to pay attention to the DETAILS.

  • @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy
    @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy 2 месяца назад +2

    Slapping it harder helps

  • @AlbertJLouie
    @AlbertJLouie 2 месяца назад +6

    When you seek answers from the Book of Mormon instead of the Bible, God can't help you because you have turned your back on Him. Therefore this leaves the door open for Satan (II Corinthians 11:14-15) to step into your life with a false christ or prophet showing you signs and wonders to lead you away from the real Jesus of the Bible who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. God Himself warns us about this in: MATTHEW 24: 23-24
    "Then if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ! or There! do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect..."
    Mormons teach and believe that their jesus is the brother of Satan, which contradicts what God says in His Bible that Jesus is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity and the Eternal Creator God.
    So Mormons, which Jesus do you believe in?
    A. Your jesus of the Book of Mormon, who is the brother of Satan.
    B. The Jesus of the Bible, who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity and the Eternal Creator God.

    • @DenouncingDeception546
      @DenouncingDeception546 2 месяца назад +2

      I know the spirit I felt in the temple

    • @thatonedude.8440
      @thatonedude.8440 2 месяца назад +2

      Why do you say the Book of Mormon has any such ability to turn a person away from God. I understand that you can only say this if you haven’t read it.

    • @AlbertJLouie
      @AlbertJLouie 2 месяца назад +4

      How about anyone of the following reasons:
      * You worship the wrong Jesus who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity and the Eternal Creator God.
      * You reject the Divine Nature of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (the Trinity).
      * You reject the Biblical definition of the Virgin Birth of Jesus.
      * You believe that one day you Mormons can be a god. But in the Bible ISAIAH 43:10 & 45:5 says you can't.
      * You believe that the angel Moroni came down from heaven and gave Joseph Smith the Book of Mormon. Let's hear what God Himself says about this claim in:
      GALATIANS 1:6-9
      "I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who CALLED you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed..."
      There you are, God Himself telling you that He did not send any angel from heaven to Joseph Smith.
      * There is no archeological evidence to support any stories that is in the Book of Mormon.
      * There is no linguistic evidence for the so-called "reformed Egyptian" language that makes up the Book of Mormon.
      * The Book of Mormon has contradictions, corrections, errors, anachronism.
      * Mormons teach that all Blacks are cursed by God (2 Nephi 5:21). God had NOTHING to do with this Mormon curse on all blacks.
      So there you are, any ONE of these is enough to reject Mormonism.
      But you, are trai Ed to ignore the above evidence because you have spend a lifetime of being brainwashed that has robbed you of your ability to discern what is right or wrong.
      My advice to you is to throw away the Book of Mormon, find a good Bible base church, and read the Bible. If you do this, God promises this to you.
      JOHN 8:32
      "And you shall KNOW the truth, and the truth shall make you free..."

    • @thatonedude.8440
      @thatonedude.8440 2 месяца назад +5

      I don’t appreciate the bashing, I’ve heard your arguments a million times parroted by so many. I know what I believe and I don’t think you truly do. You tend to ignore the “why” of our theology instead you try to fit it into your own understanding of scripture and call it heresy. Read “a marvelous work and a wonder”. To better understand our stances on doctrine and theology. I’m not going to argue.
      Funny thing about Galatians, Paul was trying to prevent an eminent apostasy that was infiltrating the church. Not only that but you should know by now the church claims Jesus Christ and the Father themselves directed the restoration through his prophet Joseph smith (Amos 3:7). Remember revelations? “And I saw an angel carrying the everlasting gospel”. So just because an angel or a prophet did something, and Galatians warned against false ones, doesn’t mean there aren’t true ones.
      There is ever growing evidence for the plausibility of the Book of Mormon, and you can look that up on your own time because that won’t convince you of truth. Genuine study, pondering, and inquiry of God is how you come to know truth.

    • @AlbertJLouie
      @AlbertJLouie 2 месяца назад

      Why do you Mormons cry "you all are bashing the Mormon church!?" I guess it is easier for you Mormons to falsely accuse people than using the truth, because you have no truth to bring forth.
      Let me point out the following.
      It was the Mormon church who attacked Christianity and all other religions first when Joseph Smith said that "all the churches are wrong and an abomination before God..." (Joseph Smith--History 1:19).
      For over 195 years the Mormon church has supported their racists doctrine that all blacks are cursed by God.
      The God of the Bible would never curse an entire race of people, especially generations of innocent people born after the "ALLEGED CURSED" took place. God had NOTHING to do with this Mormon curse on all. This is the racists attitude and doctrine of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and the Mormon church.
      Let's go back in time to September 1857 to the MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE in which "Mormons" led by John D Lee murdered 120-140 innocent men, women, and CHILDREN (tell me, what kind of church are you a member of that murders CHILDREN!?) of the Baker-Fancher wagon train. Later, before his death, John D Lee confessed that Brigham Young gave him the order to kill all those innocent people. And to add insult to the victims, the Mormon church names a university after Brigham Young (BYU). How insensitive and heartless of the Mormons.
      Most recently the Mormon church has settled multiple multi-million dollar sexual assault lawsuits and set aside another billion dollars to settle future sexual assault lawsuits pending.
      The Mormon church has paid a $5 million fine to the IRS/SEC for lying on tax returns and stealing tithe money from church members.
      So please, don't stand there thinking you have some kind of "moral high ground" to cry "bashing," because the Mormon church is a danger to humanity.
      Everything you believe in is based on the Book of Mormon being true. If the Book of Mormon is true then answer this question.
      Why isn't there any archeological evidence to support any stories that is in the Book of Mormon?
      To this day, the Mormon church hasn't provided any kind of archeological evidence to support anything in Mormonism.

  • @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy
    @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy 2 месяца назад

    I agree, God speaks to us all the time

  • @FaithFitFinance
    @FaithFitFinance 2 месяца назад +3

    John 10:30: “I and my Father are one.” The verse shows us that Jesus is equal with the father.
    Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Salvation is not of works contrary to what LDS believe. It’s by faith only. After we place our faith in Christ we are saved and then we do good works for the Lord because we want to please him and be more Christ like. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

    • @bradlewis5191
      @bradlewis5191 2 месяца назад

      The Father and the Son are not the same. They have the same character, since the Son came from the Father, but not the same personality or person.
      John 14:29 - You heard that I said to you, I am going away, and I am coming to you, If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
      1 Cor 8:6 - Yet for there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live, and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

    • @BD-vh1mt
      @BD-vh1mt 2 месяца назад

      ​@@bradlewis5191John 1:1 says, "In the beginning, the Word was with God and the Word was God." It's literally saying Jesus is God.

    • @charlesbrown1245
      @charlesbrown1245 2 месяца назад

      @@BD-vh1mt He was doing the Father's will. He was God because God the Father endowed him with power to create. He was not the same being as the Father.

    • @BD-vh1mt
      @BD-vh1mt 2 месяца назад

      @@charlesbrown1245 You said, "He was not the father." What Biblical verse are you deriving that from?
      John 1:1 says Jesus was God since the beginning. Why does John say Jesus was God but you say he wasnt?

    • @FaithFitFinance
      @FaithFitFinance 2 месяца назад

      @@bradlewis5191 So, are you implying that Jesus does not have the same divine status as the Father?

  • @fernandogutierrez7053
    @fernandogutierrez7053 2 месяца назад

    WOW! Thank you well said.

  • @bobbycaldwell7430
    @bobbycaldwell7430 2 месяца назад +3

    What's that word? Oh yea, cult.

  • @BD-vh1mt
    @BD-vh1mt 2 месяца назад

    If no one has ever seen the Father (John 6:46), how did Joseph Smith see the Father in his first vision?

  • @michaelmurphy6195
    @michaelmurphy6195 2 месяца назад

    I was given the Book Of Mormon to read by an employer of mine. I have a curious mind and am open to expanding it. I gave the book back the next day and was asked if I finished it. I told my boss I don’t need to read beyond the first chapter. He asked why, I told him the Angel Moroni sanctioned murder to get back their stolen Golden Leaves. I looked at my boss and said, you don’t have to be religious to know you shouldn’t kill.

    • @javiersblog2083
      @javiersblog2083  2 месяца назад

      Plenty of that in The Bible

    • @michaelmurphy6195
      @michaelmurphy6195 2 месяца назад

      @@javiersblog2083 And I claim no faith. Like I said, you don't need to be religious to know you shouldn't kill. Grow a neuron!

    • @mil-ns3rc
      @mil-ns3rc 2 месяца назад


    • @michaelmurphy6195
      @michaelmurphy6195 2 месяца назад

      @@mil-ns3rc We’re talking the Book of Mormon aren’t we? Moroni is the Golden Angel that stands on top of their temple.

    • @mil-ns3rc
      @mil-ns3rc 2 месяца назад

      @@michaelmurphy6195 test, I know

  • @Jim_F44
    @Jim_F44 2 месяца назад

    Javier, thank you for taking the time to make this video. May I ask you a question? When you say that we are saved only through faith in Jesus Christ, what do you mean by the word "saved?" What exactly do members of your church believe that you are saved from through your faith alone? Thanks for your time!

  • @williamburns7354
    @williamburns7354 2 месяца назад

    There is no historical or archeological correlation to people, places or events depicted in the books of Mormonism to attest its veracity. This is overall agreed on by academics in respective fields. Even the most ardent Morman academics use a wide brush to find any.
    Joseph Smith was a treasure hunter by trade. He was fascinated and immersed himself with the historical story of the pirate Captain Kidd from his childhood. That is why many of the names in the Book of Mormon closely resemble the names in the Adventures of Captain Kidd written many decades before

  • @christopherbroaddrick7198
    @christopherbroaddrick7198 2 месяца назад

    The cult of secret underwear and polygamy.

  • @BD-vh1mt
    @BD-vh1mt 2 месяца назад

    1 Corinthians 13:8, literally says "Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away." How are tongues still happening if they were prophecied to cease?

  • @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy
    @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy 2 месяца назад

    I agree, Got makes lemonade out of lemons. Joseph was definitely a sour fruit.

  • @patriciafinn5717
    @patriciafinn5717 2 месяца назад

    Is racism ok to defend??? 😢

  • @MasterKeyMagic
    @MasterKeyMagic 2 месяца назад

    Do you have any actual evidence that the Church Jesus established immediately fell into apostasy? Not your feelings or opinions. Evidence.
    Because what the evidence actually shows is every single Church established by the Apostles, and every single one of their students we have writings from, reflect profoundly that that church is the Roman Catholic Church.

    • @charlesbrown1245
      @charlesbrown1245 2 месяца назад

      It didn't immediately fall into apostacy. The evidence is self-evident. Jesus only had one united church. Look at Christendom today. While there are many firm believing Christians, the divisions clearly are not unified and have no authority except to infer it from the Bible. Authority to speak for God never came from a book. If the Catholics were wrong the the Reformers were wrong too. The only way for God to clear up all the confusion was to restore his authority and truths.

    • @MasterKeyMagic
      @MasterKeyMagic 2 месяца назад

      @@charlesbrown1245 But the Catholics weren't wrong and no mormon has ever presented evidence that they were. When did the one united church fall into apostasy, requiring mormons to correct it? And how does that not make Jesus a liar when he said he would be with his church always and send the Holy Spirit to guide it to all truth. Not some 1800 year hiatus

  • @phoenixgamer1565
    @phoenixgamer1565 2 месяца назад +5

    The Bible tells us that Jesus created ALL things. He is God, eternal and not created. Joseph Smith is not a god and you will never be a god one day either. The Lake of Fire awaits all those that add or take away from the Bible.

    • @javiersblog2083
      @javiersblog2083  2 месяца назад

      NEVER EVER EVER EVER SAID Joseph Smith was a god or ANYTHING even REMOTELY CLOSE To That. Did you even bother to watch my video entirely? You clearly did not

    • @gbengoosewuru4139
      @gbengoosewuru4139 2 месяца назад

      It's comments like these that confirm the apostasy. Early apostolic and church fathers taught deification, but modern day "mainstream Christianity" teaches that we don't become Gods.

    • @MasterKeyMagic
      @MasterKeyMagic 2 месяца назад

      Like how protestants shortened the Bible to 66 books in the middle of the 19th century, 1800 years into Christianity?

    • @VincentDavito
      @VincentDavito 2 месяца назад

      @@javiersblog2083 Why are your Old Testament Prophets NOT mentioned in the King James Bible?

    • @VincentDavito
      @VincentDavito 2 месяца назад

      @@MasterKeyMagic I love how the Catholics added 6 books that were not God-inspired to their bible and tried to make it look like the Protestants removed God-inspired books. Yep, 1800 years of Roman Tierney.

  • @BD-vh1mt
    @BD-vh1mt 2 месяца назад

    Do you agree that John 1:1 is correct? That the word is God?

    • @javiersblog2083
      @javiersblog2083  2 месяца назад

      Jesus IS The Living Word. Yes That is Correct

    • @BD-vh1mt
      @BD-vh1mt 2 месяца назад

      @@javiersblog2083is there only one Son of God? Or are there many?

  • @BD-vh1mt
    @BD-vh1mt 2 месяца назад

    Was Jesus born in Jerusalem or Bethlehem?

  • @MegaJohn144
    @MegaJohn144 2 месяца назад

    How does the Book of Mormon equate to the LDS church? It is a false notion to believe that a person has to have a perfect moral character in order to be a prophet. He, himself, said that we must not believe that he was righteous.

  • @monkeyboy1954
    @monkeyboy1954 Месяц назад

    great work keep it up!

  • @BD-vh1mt
    @BD-vh1mt 2 месяца назад

    Did God use Muhammad to continue the faith?

  • @CC_Foster
    @CC_Foster 2 месяца назад

    Did the early Church Prophets preach that people of Color would become white/whiter as they became more pure in God? I already know the answer, it is in print, they preached it for a LONG LONG time. They tried to take that out and changed the wording online. Look it up. Don't take my word for it. Did the Prophet Brigham Young NOT personally preach that if your did NOT practice Plural Marriage you would not have access to the Ladder of Eternal Progression? So... was he a Prophet or not? Look it up, his sermons are historical fact. And.. he was not the Only Prophet that preach that.
    Well.. you answered that in your Video. You don't believe two of the MOST Important "Prophets" in your religion were not actually Prophets?
    Lastly, if you do not believe Smith and Young were Prophets. Dude, you are not a Mormon. You can't Pick and Choose what part of the religion you like . Just listen to yourself. In fact, you need to have one of your Elders watch this video. That will not go well! Good luck!

  • @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy
    @Zorroinstillingorthodoxy 2 месяца назад

    At about 1150 you start sounding like an Evangelical preacher. But Your vocal emphasis doesn't make it true.

  • @cartercordingley6062
    @cartercordingley6062 2 месяца назад

    I'm was about to make comments about what he said, but I think if he is trying to bring people to the LDS church. This not how any LDS person would do it. But I think it a joke that said I know that the LDS is not a good religion

  • @BD-vh1mt
    @BD-vh1mt 2 месяца назад

    Isaiah 64:6 says, "your works are like filthy rags to God". Does the Book of Mormon confim this?

  • @Robert-cn1le
    @Robert-cn1le 2 месяца назад

    Can someone send me a book of Mormon

    • @yara_hcamila
      @yara_hcamila 2 месяца назад

      There you yo go Brother I testify that I know the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and shows that he loves and remembers all of his children and that Jesus is the Christ ❤️

  • @PingYJ7750
    @PingYJ7750 2 месяца назад

    Don't Mormons deny the trinity?

  • @ichsehsanders
    @ichsehsanders 2 месяца назад +3

    Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum

  • @BramptonAnglican
    @BramptonAnglican 2 месяца назад +1

    Always excited for your videos. Love your channel.

  • @kobidoggy7575
    @kobidoggy7575 2 месяца назад +2

    You make my day Brother go well. Love listening to you defending the church ♥️🙏

  • @BookofMormonRap
    @BookofMormonRap 2 месяца назад +1

    Preach Brother, great video, quick comment for the algo boost 👍🙌

  • @Laboom-edits
    @Laboom-edits 2 месяца назад +1

    Your wrong

  • @sotl97
    @sotl97 2 месяца назад

    Joseph Smith, just like every other prophet God has ever called, is a man. Controversy surrounding a prophet should not be a surprise, especially the Prophet God sent to end the thoudands of years of apostasy, and prepare the way for the fullness of the gospel to be preached to all the world. Get over it.

    • @MasterKeyMagic
      @MasterKeyMagic 2 месяца назад

      Show me your evidence of this apostasy taking place. Not your opinions. Not your feelings.

    • @blue-planet-cinema
      @blue-planet-cinema 2 месяца назад

      That is propaganda and LDS lies from Satan. You're working for the AntiChrist.