Test the Prophet
Test the Prophet
  • Видео 6
  • Просмотров 84 097
Testing Ellen White's Writings (Seventh-day Adventism) | Part 5
The Seventh-Day Adventist prophet Ellen White claimed to have seen the past, present, and future. However, certain individuals near the prophetess doubted her supernatural claims. What did she say to those who were not persuaded of her divine revelation?
00:00 - Intro
01:36 - Testimony Claims
12:27 - Testimony Source #1 (Macduff)
15:56 - Testimony Source #2 (Krummacher)
42:40 - Additional Testimony Claims
47:23 - The "Light" from Heaven.
50:31 - Outro
References in order of appearance:
1. Select scenes from the introduction are from:
Our Day in the Light of Prophecy by W. A. Spicer, (1917)
2. Testimonies for the Church Volume 5, Ellen White (1889 ed.)
Просмотров: 13 406


Testing Ellen White's Writings (Seventh-day Adventism) | Part 4
Просмотров 17 тыс.2 года назад
Have Ellen White's visions been found to be taken from other authors? In this video I continue with my studies of original sources focusing on the topic of intent by looking at the origin of her health ideas, visions, dreams, and additional requirements of salvation. CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Intro 10:16 - Health Reform example #1 17:39 - Health Reform example #2 25:53 - Misc. Health Claims 28:25 - Hea...
Testing Ellen White's Writings (Seventh-day Adventism) | Part 3
Просмотров 14 тыс.2 года назад
Did Ellen White commit plagiarism as pastor Walter Rea said? Why did the General Conference pay an attorney to argue that Ellen White did nothing wrong? References in order of appearance: 1. Ramik Report adventistdigitallibrary.org/islandora/object/adl:424469/datastream/OBJ/view or whiteestate.org/legacy/issues-ramik-html/ 2. Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0 commons.wikimedia.org/wik...
Testing Ellen White's Writings (Seventh-day Adventism) | Part 2
Просмотров 16 тыс.2 года назад
Is Ellen White a true prophet? Did Ellen White plagiarize as Walter Rea stated? What is the history of the Seventh-Day Adventist prophet and how were her books constructed? CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Intro 02:29 - Warnings on giving up Ellen White 03:47 - Ellen's literary claims 07:45 - What if Adventists ignore her writings? 10:24 - Evaluating the written word of a "prophet" 11:53 - Desire of Ages clai...
Testing Ellen White's Writings (Seventh-day Adventism) | Part 1
Просмотров 20 тыс.2 года назад
Was Ellen White a true or false prophet? Did her visions come true? Between haystacks, pathfinders, Doug Batchelor, and Adventist education do any of us really look behind the curtain? I always assumed someone had figured out that she was a true prophet. I never heard anyone question her. But as I grew up in the church, the question of her validity continued to nag at me. In 2020 I found myself...


  • @alexfrancis5685
    @alexfrancis5685 11 дней назад

    These arguments are soooooooo weak mate 😢

  • @alexfrancis5685
    @alexfrancis5685 11 дней назад

    It's funny how you rely on the resources of the beast of Revelation 13 (papal Rome) to build your case against a Seventh Day Adventist, inspired by the Spirit of God. Ramik is a Roman Catholic who clearly has an aim to distort biblical fact with human socalled error... the very fact that you could rely on Satan's army to fight against the very church you professed to be a part of is testament of the bibles authenticity and Ellen Whites inspiration... Revelation 12:17 you have chosen to stand on the opposite side of the remnant church. I pray you do see well with eyesalve the error that you cannot see past my brother

  • @Zigzig7777
    @Zigzig7777 11 дней назад

    Hahahahaha😂 people be crazy 🤣 she was inspired by God. End of story. The adventist church was a culmination of a bunch of different sects. Including catholicism at the time. People from all different backgrounds coming together on a core believe. Fundamentalism. This is the way. And to think otherwise is anti Bible honestly. The fact that she saw truths and wrote them down. Added them in. The fact that anyone would argue lol plagiarism. Wow ye they are none other than antichrist. For to spread the gospel to the whole world is the mission. The reality of a child of God. May God have mercy on this upside down world

  • @blueticks8423
    @blueticks8423 13 дней назад

    Great content! Thank you so much for the time and effort you have put into all this. I have a question. My wife has been reading some of Charlotte Mason’s work on Education and found that it’s very similar to Ellen’s book “Education.” Have you done any research in that area?

  • @villain2374
    @villain2374 17 дней назад

    Testing the Prophet God bless you brother. The truth will set us free, sometimes Adventists may feel a bit of discomfort when they realize the person whom they put so much hope in is just another author. But this discomfort is met by a true peace when we realize that the Bible and the Bible alone is the True Word of God, the ruler for our lives and by which all faith is to be tested. Also if you could discuss the vision where she held a heavy bible for several minutes without breathing (seemingly) since this may be used as evidence to show her vision was supernatural.

    • @TesttheProphet
      @TesttheProphet 17 дней назад

      Thank you. I do plan on discussing her supernatural manifestations in the future.

  • @alexfrancis5685
    @alexfrancis5685 19 дней назад

    Why do you keep saying Ellen White "IS" the Spirit of Prophecy? As if the Spirit and Ellen White are one in the same? You need to address that sir.

  • @mosessemondo7776
    @mosessemondo7776 19 дней назад

    If you blame plagiarism then all the prophets in the Bible were thus. The greatest problem you People have you do not know how inspiration works for sure. You better go back to the drawing board

  • @nickeleye7607
    @nickeleye7607 20 дней назад

    Those of you who were SDA need to know that the Sabbath is not the idol that SDA says but is a blessing to keep if you want to be more blessed. I recommend you try a messianic roots church to understand the feasts of the Lord, the relationship between the law and grace, and the roots of everything. Once you know the foundation of the bible, no one can trick you again. Some early apostles were vegetarian but its not mandated. The Jews celebrate Channukah for the cleansing of the temple listed in Daniel 8:14. Jesus himself celebrated it in John 10.

  • @alexfrancis5685
    @alexfrancis5685 21 день назад

    You mentioned that she quoted from other people's work and passed it on as her own, you do know that she only had a 3rd grade education right? And that she was sickly most of her life even when she started getting visions and those writings that you claims she copied, were not copyrighted but simply knowledge inspired to add detail to what was already told in the bible. The same way every other author in the bible added more detail to previous books of the bible in their time... so are you going to reject the authors of the books of the Bible as copyrighters too? Because Jesus claim words that Moses said, so did Paul and John and Timothy etc...

  • @Shelter93
    @Shelter93 25 дней назад

    What a great job you have done Here sir. Fourth gen that came out to the true gospel. Thank you!

  • @christianorthodoxy4769
    @christianorthodoxy4769 25 дней назад

    🔍🧐 lol

  • @Ronriko1
    @Ronriko1 28 дней назад

    I always cringe when adventists say "New light" or "Lesser light) etc.etc. Can they find truth in the words of Jesus "I am the light of the world, whoever believes in me shall never walk in darkness"?

  • @SuzanneDeCanada
    @SuzanneDeCanada Месяц назад

    At 1:35 there's a group picture...the man standing to the right of EGW is using a freemason gesture (right hand in jacket). There's also an obelisk at her burial site. 🤷‍♀️

  • @joserosado7560
    @joserosado7560 Месяц назад

    James 1:17 Says every good and perfect gift comes from God. No individual or church hold monopoly of God’s truth. God is no respecter of persons. He speaks to whoever is sincere and willing to obey. Now, think about this: We know from God’s Word that God’s law is immutable, we know He wants to write it on our hearts (Jer 31, Eze 36, Hebrews 8) James says draw near to God and he will draw near to you. It stands to reason that God would draw nearer to those who seek to keep covenant and obey his law (Psalm 103) and would send messages of encouragement and guidance to them through His messenger. Is it so unreasonable to believe that God would take information that he shared with other writers (minds) and show it to EGW in order to tell his faithful people what he wanted them to know? without her having to necessarily read them? Would it be possible that God allowed things to unfold the way they did (passages from other authors, not giving credit) to test the faith of those who would test the prophet? Would EGW meet the tests of a true prophet given by God himself in His Word if these were applied to her? Make predictions that “come to pass” (Jeremiah 28:9) Glorify God rather than themselves (John 16:13) Do not give their own private interpretations (2 Peter 1:20, 21) Point out sin (Micah 3:5-8) Warn of coming judgment (Isaiah 24:20, 21) Edify the church (1 Corinthians 14:3, 4) Give messages that harmonize with the Bible (Isaiah 8:20) Teach that Jesus came in the flesh (1 John 4:1-3) Have a Christ-like character (Matthew 7:16-20). Are obedient to the will of God (Deuteronomy 18:18). All throughout history God has chosen the foolishness of this world 1 Cor 1:27 to silence/shame the wisdom of this world. The early christians were mocked for believing in a God that was crucified, for believing in the resurrection of the dead. God has always tested the hearts by doing unconventional things. The challenge is to look beyond the apparent absurdity, renouncing our own ideas and letting the Holy Spirit explain the things of God to us.

  • @joserosado7560
    @joserosado7560 Месяц назад

    I have watched this video because a friend I appreciate asked me to watch them. I may be wrong about this but I can sense some resentment on the part of the author. I grew up as an SDA but was quite worldly minded and rebellious. When I was young EGW books were frequently used to smack church members on the head and point out their wrongs. Clearly this strategy would win her many enemies. I never read her books for myself. Then I found a book in our library by Rene Noorbergen called EGW the Prophet of destiny where he mentioned how EGW was given a vision of the destruction of San Francisco in 1905 a few days before it happened. Additionally, in that book he went over the biblical test of a true prophet, which she met. The book made an impression on me, nevertheless I did not read her books very much, I continued my pursuit of pleasure and worldly ambition. Years later when I was going through a very difficult time, the Holy Spirit spoke to me through a pastor who was preaching about how Jesus was the friend of young people, how he yearned to have a personal relationship with each of us. That was what I needed to hear during those dark days. By God’s providence I was led to study the gospels. I would read certain chapters in the gospels and then I would read the chapter of the Desire of Ages related to those Bible chapters. The Bible became alive to me. For the first time I began to see Jesus as a personal friend, full of grace and truth as John says. It was then that gradually my worldly heart was melted by the power of his love and His Spirit revealed to me the need of a savior. My sin and selfishness were revealed to me and I clearly understood that it was my sin that nailed Jesus to the cross. I gave my heart to Jesus and surrendered my life to him. The result was receiving peace and joy I had never experienced! No matter what was happening around me, my peace and joy could not be disturbed! I cannot explain the great joy and peace I had any other way but to say that Jesus was real to me and he was giving me His Holy Spirit. I had been born into the kingdom of heaven. Since then, the writings of EGW have always been a source of comfort and direction. I have always received a blessing when reading them in the light of God’s Word. I would encourage anyone who watched this videos to be fair and test to see if EGW writings agree with the Holy Scriptures. Do not allow anybody to do the judging for you. The Holy Spirit is on your side. John told us: Test the Spirits to see if they are from God. Test them does not mean, see if the give credit to their sources, it means test to see if they agree with the Word of God, if they lead to Jesus and exalt Jesus, if they edify the church if they do not excuse sin. Judge her by the fruit of her life of service to God and man. That is what the Bible says constitutes a true prophet. Test the prophet with the tests the Bible lays out, not with non-biblical tests.

  • @joserosado7560
    @joserosado7560 Месяц назад

    All I can say, is that by reading EGW I have come to love, understand and respect the Bible more, I have come to love Jesus as my friend and personal saviour more and see Him more clearly in His word. I have become a better husband, a better father and better person. I have been called to acknowledge my sins and come humbly before Jesus whom I have offended to confess and receive forgiveness and power to overcome. I have come to understand what the Bible says in regard to what God expects of me. As far I can tell, her messages magnify and agree with the Holy Scriptures, draw me closer to Jesus and keep me keenly aware of my true condition (a sinner needing daily supplies of Grace). It is undeniable that she used material from other authors, it is undeniable that she did not acknowledge them, however that for me is not sufficient evidence to reject what she wrote as uninspired. (if God is the giver of every good gift then all material that leads to Him comes from Him. James 1:17) The moment I am shown that what she wrote is against scripture then I will reject her. I do not think of her as superior human being, I do not think of her as a perfect human being. when I review the overall picture of her life, I see a person who lived and sacrificed to serve God and her fellow human beings. If anyone wishes to be fair then I would invite that person to read her books and compared them to the tenor of the Holy Scriptures and she if there is a contradiction. If you are looking for faults, you will always find them. Many people find faults with the Bible as well. But if you are sincerely looking for God’s will for your life and to do His will, the Holy Spirit will guide you and show it to you. (John 7:17,18)

  • @randolphsloan2263
    @randolphsloan2263 Месяц назад

    Answer ...why did Yah allow that Battle Creek Sanitarium to be burned down.??? Because they were doing wrong.

  • @samuelwilliams1559
    @samuelwilliams1559 Месяц назад

    it is easy. I read the Bible and then read the words of White. looked up the Bible versses and read them in contect. I used the wrotingof other Pastors like John Wesley and Martin Luther. E I rea what we actually teach. Not the lies about us.

  • @samuelwilliams1559
    @samuelwilliams1559 Месяц назад

    I read the White lie. It was not White who was lying. He set up a standard that was not what SDA teach. Nor what White said.

  • @joserosado7560
    @joserosado7560 Месяц назад

    I can see how you may have felt deceived or betrayed by what you were taught while growing up in adventism. I believe your doubts and questions may have been cleared by a correct understanding of revelation and inspiration.

  • @joserosado7560
    @joserosado7560 Месяц назад

    So Daniel March could not have been under the influence of the Holy Spirit when he wrote his book even if he did not claim it? Is not anyone who writes something that agrees with scripture beign guided by the Holy Spirit, is not there such as thing a sanctified imagination in whose mind the Holy Spirit dwells? and if the the same Holy Spirit inspired those same words and ideas in EGW mind does he not have the right to do that? there is obviously much more light (present truth) in the DA than in the book by Daniel March. God was merely repeating and magnifying the truth from his word, first through Daniel March then through EGW. It is clear from Scripture that God raised the Adventist movement to proclaim the everlasting Gospel which for this time comes in the form of the three angel messages. Every book written by EGW has the three angel messages as the underlying theme and whatever God has been pleased to reveal to other servants of his in the past that would later provide support to these messages He would inspire EGW to repeat in her books. The idea that because EGW did not give credit to other authors in her books does not in the least take away from the fact that her writings were inspired because were talking about the work of the Holy Spirit not the work of man.

  • @joserosado7560
    @joserosado7560 Месяц назад

    You mention in your video that EGW came along claiming she had “new information or new guidelines coming from heaven”. That idea is incorrect. EGW never claimed to have new information or new guidelines. Her messages have the purpose of magnifying the truth not bringing new truth. Magnifying the truth is exactly what they do. They add nothing to the Bible but rather make the truth already in the Bible more plain.

    • @Snowcrystalsfalling
      @Snowcrystalsfalling 26 дней назад

      She was a delusional liar. She claimed to see tall people living on Saturn, yet as we know, that planet can not sustain life, nor does it.

  • @joserosado7560
    @joserosado7560 Месяц назад

    We are invited to put the prophets to scrutiny. Paul himself commended the Bereans for testing if that he was teaching was true. How did the Bereans test if Paul's teachings were true? By the comparing them to scripture. How should we test if what EGW says is true? By comparing it to Scripture. Every prophet in the Bible had to be tested with what the truth that had been revealed prior to that prophet's time. To the law (pentateuch) and the testimony (the writings of previous prophets) if they do not speak according to this is because there is no light in them Isa 8:20

  • @joserosado7560
    @joserosado7560 Месяц назад

    Do you believe in thought inspiration or verbal inspiration. That makes a difference in how you understand the Bible and secondarily EGW writings. Multiple sincere, men and women throughout history have experienced thought inspiration and their writings are from God as long as they agree with the Bible. Your example in min 16 about how EGW used the words and ideas of a previous christian author are an example of that. You seemed to believe that the author of the book where she borrowed the idea from was a simple human uninspired person, I happen to disagree. God can speak through whoever submits to the Him. Paul encourages us to seek to prophesy (1 Cor 14:1,39) but we are not all prophets. Paul for example quoted from external sources, "uninspired" and those words are now in the Bible and considered the Word of God.

  • @joserosado7560
    @joserosado7560 Месяц назад

    I am surprised that in your endeavour of testing if EGW was a true prophet you have largely ignored what God himself has said in His Word are the test of a true prophet Make predictions that “come to pass” (Jeremiah 28:9) Glorify God rather than themselves (John 16:13) Do not give their own private interpretations (2 Peter 1:20, 21) Point out sin (Micah 3:5-8) Warn of coming judgment (Isaiah 24:20, 21) Edify the church (1 Corinthians 14:3, 4) Give messages that harmonize with the Bible (Isaiah 8:20) Teach that Jesus came in the flesh (1 John 4:1-3) Have a Christ-like character (Matthew 7:16-20). Are obedient to the will of God (Deuteronomy 18:18). It seems to me that you appreciate your reasoning as higher than that of God.

    • @robbiebob6267
      @robbiebob6267 Месяц назад

      Reasoning higher than God!?!?....so .... Mary Baker Eddie - Christian science . Joseph smith - Mormon. Charles taze Russell - jehovah witnesses. Ann Lee - the shakers. John humphrey - the oneida community. Emanuel swedenborg - spiritualism. John Thomas - christadelphians. Ellen White - 7th day adventist....just to name a few And guess what.... they came out of the US in the 1800's.... who claimed to be divinely inspired.... and they are all cults!

  • @maripa971
    @maripa971 Месяц назад

    Hi, Just a technical issue, the music is lowder than the richness of the speech

  • @aljomherpadriquel2596
    @aljomherpadriquel2596 Месяц назад

    how about The Book entitled "The White Lie Soap" ? Have you also read it?

  • @linusgeven6189
    @linusgeven6189 Месяц назад

    If her writing was inspired by God there must be some signs from heaven or from God to protect his massages through the church visionary.

  • @linusgeven6189
    @linusgeven6189 Месяц назад

    Many people have criticize her writng.why God does not send any angle from heaven to protect EGW writing as He (God) has done to mother of Jesus. People criticize Mother Mary but She appeared to the world to proved them wrong.. That's make sitting on the fance.

  • @XC20248
    @XC20248 Месяц назад

    This confirms it for me. She was a scammer, a con-artist. Seeking to possibly gain monetarily through her plagarized works. She crafted this so well that many are deceived and it's difficult to see the lies.

  • @marcelina3665
    @marcelina3665 Месяц назад

    Who is the presenter, please?

  • @marcelina3665
    @marcelina3665 Месяц назад

    Who is the presenter?

  • @kennethschweighardt4920
    @kennethschweighardt4920 Месяц назад

    So? Are they not things that should be shared with people?

  • @petier.6149
    @petier.6149 Месяц назад

    This are the words of our Lord: Matt 15,11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

  • @petier.6149
    @petier.6149 Месяц назад

    Her claim that one is questioning the Holy Ghost himself is called intimidation which is a kind of manipulation. All kinds of manipulation come straight from satan and is the core of witchcraft Most SDA are bound by that demonic spirit.

  • @petier.6149
    @petier.6149 Месяц назад

    Check her claims with GODs words. Thats all what is needed. Thats the reason why the SDA tell their people that GODs word is not literally GODs word. They told our Lord Jesus is the Archangel Michael for decades and later skipped it. And they all will probably take the mark of the beast in the endtimes which is not the Sunday law.

  • @petier.6149
    @petier.6149 Месяц назад

    What does the Lord say about this subject? Jer 23.30 Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words every one from his neighbour. 31 Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. 32 Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord

  • @petier.6149
    @petier.6149 Месяц назад

    Jer 23, 30 Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words every one from his neighbour. 31 Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. 32 Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord

  • @nataliejonkerman8317
    @nataliejonkerman8317 Месяц назад

    Since I started attending SDA church and found how they rely so much on EG White in 2007 already, I started doubting this notion I had to reject the teachings. But since 2019 after I finally got my membership,after many debates over the years, I found too many red flags to the way of thinking and writings of EG White. Hence I finally decided this year to draw the line, since my conscience was bothering me too much to stay and the denomination knowing it to be a "lie" from the beginning. Thank you for your videos and content, because it helped me in a lot of ways, especially with my family being devote SDA's

  • @theodoreturner5567
    @theodoreturner5567 Месяц назад

    Ellen White's literary borrowing was common in her day for Christian writers. I am not sure why this is a problem. Her insights are from God, though she uses some words from other authors. She is not copying other people's books. i suggest people actually read her books. This is slander, as far as I am concerned.

  • @RichardMuluna-em7bl
    @RichardMuluna-em7bl Месяц назад

    Sda has no proper church doctrine to feed the sheep

  • @RichardMuluna-em7bl
    @RichardMuluna-em7bl Месяц назад

    Sda church has no proper structure to worship god

  • @efaleafine
    @efaleafine Месяц назад

    I love Ellen White’s books. I highly recommend them.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 Месяц назад

      You also love trolling

  • @plwn6468
    @plwn6468 Месяц назад

    This is objective proof of devious management practices by lousy SDA administrators. A bran new Church is required, with a grass root organisation, not abused by false theologians.

  • @plwn6468
    @plwn6468 Месяц назад

    Ellen is a con artist !

  • @applerose5811
    @applerose5811 2 месяца назад

    "Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you,and shall say all manner of evil things against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad,for great is your reward in heaven. Matt.5:11

  • @elitecroat4612
    @elitecroat4612 2 месяца назад

    30:00m Mark 7:18-23 And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; 19Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? 20And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, 22Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: 23All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

  • @willrobinson247
    @willrobinson247 2 месяца назад

    I have been an Adventist for years. I rejected her writings before I read them because I came across SDAs that blasted me with her writings before showing me the love of God. I later fell in love with her writings. Regardless, of what people think of her it doesn't bother me. God gives us all the right to do what we want and we all have to live with the consequences. Is Ellen White gives good counsel. It doesn't matter where it comes from or who she may have copy from. I have done my research also and I realized that God rules. I'm not gonna leave the church because anything she says. We are to follow people as they follow God. Many will follow the teachings of Matthew Henry, Martin Luther, Swingli and other Reformers yet they don't judge them. They say something like they weren't claiming to be inspired. I never like the part in Baptist when the Pastor says to you accept the writings of Ellen G White as inspired by God. Many that I have met upon Baptism had not read her writing for themselves. But only heard what the Pastor quotes. Did this deter me absolutely not. Why? because I figured if I read the Bible and let the Holy Spirit guide me God would never lead me into error or anything bad. Again, when I teach and preach I go to the scriptures first.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 Месяц назад

      So you can careless what God says about false prophets in scripture, "in other words"🤔?

    • @willrobinson247
      @willrobinson247 Месяц назад

      @@nicetry620 My friend you would have to show mw what God says about false prophet and place it side by side against what Ellen White writings say with added to either. Ellen White writing explain themselves and the Bible is its only interpreter. Many blast Ellen White and the SDA Church based on Dr. Walter Martin's book the Kingdom of the Cults. What has to be done is never look at one man opinion no matter how authoritative he has been in the past. If you have Adventist that quote Ellen White and live by her writing and don't open up their Bibles then there is a problem. Dr. Walter Martin points this out. But if Adventist read their Bibles and read Ellen White but follow Jesus and Jesus alone there's should be no problem. I must make this point if a person read Ellen White they should end up in the arms of Jesus. Why do I say this? She points her readers to Jesus. Also anyone from any religion that does not read the Holy Scriptures or digs deep into the scripture and read what people say about other people or people groups can never really honestly can anyone a false prophet. Why? Well, they are following the words of men and not of God. They are following a wicked pattern and false knowledge of men who have no love for people. Many today are profiting off the lies of men who are writing books, magazines, videos, radio etc that tear down people and people groups. This is Satan's way. God's people do not profit off of the lies or the bearing of false witness of others. God's people are to represent truth and seek to help those who may be teaching falsely. Many today who call themselves Christian have the spirit of persecution on those that don't believe as they believe. This is not God's way. God says love God, Neighbor and Enemy.

    • @willrobinson247
      @willrobinson247 Месяц назад

      @@nicetry620 God didn't put us on this earth to kill and bury people who we think are false prophet. God didn't put us on this earth to kill and bury those who don't believe or think like us Biblically. He wants us all to come to the knowledge of the truth, but how could any when many are attacking, killing and bury those who don't think like them with their tongues? We close the door of salvation on people with this evil spirit. God gives man a choice. Man can choose life or death. God will do ever think within His law to help us to make the right choice. But he will never take away our power to choose. Why don't we give other people the opportunity to do the same?

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 Месяц назад

      @@willrobinson247 Last I checked the apostles DEBATED against those teaching a different gospel and ultimately died doing so in the name of Jesus.. And "1 John 4:1" specifically calls us to test false prophets... Ellen G White was a false prophet who took the writings of others DENIED doing it and claimed it all came directly from God.... Fundamental belief #18 allows HER to have authority EQUAL to scripture over the sda church.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 Месяц назад

      @@willrobinson247 So my guess is that you are completely clueless about FUNDAMENTAL BELIEF #18 which allows a false prophet (Ellen G White) to have authority EQUAL to scripture over the sda church. But you came on here making baseless claims about the host of the channel, yet when confronted on these claims.....you decide to bail out and show your TRUE INTENT😏