I use my bullet journal for many things but my favourite thing about it is that it helps me organise my days/month so I don’t have to stress about missing any tasks or events. My bullet journal is also a creative outlet for me.
To use a bullet journal has changed my life from a destructive caos to a progress to both a healthy and organised mindset and I get stuff done. I have drastically changed since I found your channel and your methods, in combination with some personal coaching channels it has made my work to reach my life goals possible! Bullet jurnal = a healthy mind and focus on my goals. Best choice I ever done for my health.
I use it to time block so I ensure I set aside time because I inevitably get swamped by emails when I start my day, ending up falling down the rabbit hole of reactions to email
Funny story: from the time I got my very 1st planner in 5th grade (ya know, like those ones the school provided for free & had the school's mascot on it?) I started planning, organizing & making lists all over it. I made it my own & discovered how much I LOVED 'checking off' items from my to-do list. So, although I only discovered the official bullet journal about a year ago... I've been implementing this type of system my whole life! It kept me very organized throughout school, especially after I suffered from a brain injury (among other traumas) , that caused me to have short term memory loss. I've finally learned my lesson that I HAVE to keep up with my journal or everything is chaos. To this day I have menory problems and was extremely excited when I found the bullet journal community! It has been really fun to see the way others yse their journal and love to try different ways & collections that people do! I've never been very adtistic but this community has really opened me up to that world & so now, it bot only helps me stay organized, but it really is my own little hobby & an artistic outlet that I never knew I needed! It has been so much fun yo discover all the things BUJO 'ers have learned & shared within the community!
*What I've used my bullet journal for ....* . Some collections ... I've seen in a Bujo from many sources, and many I have experimented with and put in my own Bujos. . The common BUJO has in it : 1.Table of Contents / page # / entry info column 2.Monthly calendar, Calendex spread 3.Monthly tasks, 4.weekly spreads, 5.Contact info, 6.Private info / passwords /accounts etc 7.daily bullet spreads, 8.reminder to self lists, 9.Weekly / Monthly accomplishment page 10.Ink test page . *TRACKERS (DAILY/WEEKLY/ MONTHLY/SEASONAL) * 1) self evaluation tracker 2) temperature/weather tracker, 3) Habit tracker, 4) "My life right now" tracker 5) exercise/stretch tracker, 6) Morning ritual tracker 7) Gratitude Tracker 8) Water intake tracker, 9) Meditation tracker, 10) Websites , internet Check out, social media tracker 11) Blog , social, comments response tracker 12) video produced tracker, 13) Home cleaning / Garage cleaning tracker 14) Take out the Recycle / Garbage / composting tracker 15) Mood trackers 16) Sleep tracker 17) Monthly bills tracker / rent,car insurance,gas,credit card bills etc. 18) Saving $$ Goals tracker 19) No Spend / Buy bann tracker 20) Daily Goal tracker 21) Moon phase tracker 22) menstrual tracker 23) Hygiene tracker / shower /hair / nail care / floss teeth/ change contacts/ 24) Medication tracker 25) self care tracker 26) Pet walking/Poop scoop tracker 27) Medical / therapist/ counselor tracker 28) masterbation / sex / orgasm tracker 29) pass gas tracker / farting tracker 30) sugar intake tracker 31) Booze / alcohol tracker 32) caffeine tracker 33) Soda / pop tracker 34) swearing / cursing tracker 35) arguement / fight with partner tracker 36) Troll and friend Tracker 37) Sobriety / clean living tracker 38) Water house plants tracker 39) No smoking tracker . *INVENTORY & LISTs * 1) Planner 2) To Do Lists 3) I commit to...list 4) Budget (money in and out)/ personal banking 5) Meal plan vs take out meals, 6) listing of Goals for months and year, 7) Grocery Lists 8) Electronics / technology / computer program listing 9) List of Tools (Car , home and business) 10) T.v. & Movie listing 11) Books to Read and have read. 12) Sports scores, team player lists 13) Someday , Maybe , bucket list, wish list gifting list . *PRODUCTION & PERSONAL* 1) Medical info / doctors / 2) In case of emergency listing 3) Therapy pages 4) Affirmation a Day 5) Worry basket / worry box page 6) Gratitude page 7) What I love about me....page 8) Word of the Day learning page 9) Venting 10) Brainstorming 11) Brain dumps. 12) Sketchnote page 13) Reminder to Self page 14) Memory Page / remember when page 15) Social Media (youtube,instagram,facebook,twitter etc) 16) Personal and Work Projects to do, page 17) Volunteering list 18) Chat topics listing 19) Context pages (dollarstore/home,office,teaching,mail,etc) 20) Private page 21) Humor page / fav joke of the week 22) Minimalist tracking / 30 day challenge . *FAMILY* 1) Family expenses / groceries / gas/ dining/entertainment/ shopping etc 2) Family schedule for chores 3) Family reward list 4) Family vacations 5) Family daily outings, walk dog, family park etc 6) Family Hygiene and clean schedule 7) Shopping Ban List 8) Recipe list 9) Cooking schedule (5 day meal plan) 10) Medication /booboo kit/sick days family tracker . *HEALTH / FITNESS / WELLNESS* 1) Diet page 2) Weight loss tracker 3) Muscle build measurement tracker 4) needs improvement,,, page 5) Nutritional / supplements tracker 6) equipment listing 7) Reps and Sets Tracker for exercises 8) Gym schedules 9) Crossfit/ weightlifting/ yoga/ calisthetics/ bodyweight/ DVD Exercise program / etc 10) Motivational , Inspirational, fav Quotes and phrases 11) Music listing for meditation, motivation, distraction etc 12) Vision Board page 13) Pounds lost tracker . *WORK* 1) portfolio , resume list 2) Work day/ week/ month organizer 3) Projects / calls / email 4) Meetings / interviews / assessment / notes 5) follow ups 6) Due dates 7) Buy / sales time and money 8) Work schedule 9) Employee present and absent page 10) Employee production tracker 11) Inventory listing 12) Calls in and Calls out listing 13) Emergencies and injury tracker 14) Breaks / slacking off trackers 15) Income / budget tracker 16) Petty cash / piggy bank tracker 17) interviews to Hire 18) Complaints listing 19) Sick days tracker 20) incident reports 21) to fire / lay off / quit list . *SELF SUFFICIENCY / GARDEN / PREPPS* 1) Inventory of supplies / Long term / barter items / emergency 2) Garden equipment 3) Water storage inventory 4) Pricing listing for equipment listing 5) Bug out bag Survival kit, inventory 6) days outdoors practicing skills 7) days researching new skills / Survival camp / Preppers gatherings etc. 8)rotation of supplies / batteries / candles/ clothing/ first aid etc. 9) Listing of dry foods / canned foods / dehydrated meals 10) expiration dates tracker 11) Maps of Caches locations / Locker combinations of Storage units / etc . *EDUCATION* 1) School weekly/ monthly/ day planner 2) study times / relaxing recreational times 3) food meal planner 4) income / money in and out 5) lunch money 6) School supplies expenses 7) Book expenses and listing 8) study group schedules 9) outfits for the week listing 10) gym time 11) reading week tracker 12) councellor / mentor time tracker 13) gas / bus / car pool tracker / pay parking monthly 14) Campus Party listing 15) Pub/Bar money in and out 16) University sex partners listing 17) School slackers & Losers listing / Beware listing . *TRAVEL* 1) Inventory of various items needed 2) Things to check out and do on trip 3) Expenses Listing 4) Clothing listing 5) Shopping outlets 6) restaurants & food stations 7) water supply zones 8) Hotels / motels / cabins 9) Maps of the vacation area 10) Hot spots to check out 11) tags / security listing 12) activities schedule 13) post cards to sent 14)Technology equipment / cameras/ video 15) Vacation journal / scrap book 16) pet and house sitting services 17) Weekly budget 18) travel expenses and set up / car rentals / bus routes etc
I’m trying to do this as well and am realizing that I’m really out of practice with summarizing ideas. I’m writing way too much, I’m hoping to improve my note taking.
I use my journal to plan and then record the reality. Looking back over it at the end of a month, or a year, it’s amazing just how much I’ve actually done, when I thought I wasn’t accomplishing much at all. Thanks Matt for all the encouragement I’ve gotten from you.
My favorite use for my bullet journal is a way to track recurring tasks for the week. It helps me remember those small tasks I need to do each day, but avoid rewriting them all the time or clogging up my digital task manager.
My favorite use of a bullet journal is for a Book Of Shadows. I see that it helps to have a journal where I can track my progress. It makes it easier to go back and see the information. And since it’s only mine I can vent in there and put what I think. It also keeps me in track for sabbath
I use my bullet journal to help motivate and keep track of my reading habits. I usually read about a dozen books a year but since I started bullet journaling last year, I ended 2019 with 49 books read!
For important medical treatment time doing a weekly spreads, immediately after regular weekly, for "all the things", appointments,gas log, meds & supplements, symptoms,food changes, followed by a blank notes spread. And color code by specialist. Cancer is a crazy thing, stress forgetting and misplacing is a thing. Thanks for your specific and concise tips .
I use my journal to keep track of everything,I also us it to plan out upcoming craft projects and my kids upcoming school stuff,and to track habits,household choirs and just about everything that I need to keep track of
Besides the general tasks and scheduling I love to use my BuJo for three other important to me collections: 1. My running Log: Daily miles, Completed races & virtual challenges, Streaks, etc 2. My reading Log: It's a great insight into what kind of topics, themes I was interested in throughout the year. 3. My meal planning: I switched to a whole food - plant based diet almost a year ago and my BuJo helped me stick with it and keep all my favorite recipes and things to remember in one place.
I have a hard time with remembering info about people, so I setup a journal to help. A person per page with basic info at the top (Joe, from church, married to Susan, 2 kids, bday Nov 4). When I have a conversation I put an entry on the page and any new info (9/5 got new job). It helps me remember and, if I can check it before the next conversation, I can ask about things (how's the new job going?). Not quite bujo (I have one of those too), but uses some of the same things (alpha index at front & threading)
I've just started bullet journalling in 2020 (I know, way to ease myself into it!), but my fave way to use it is to list the books I've read this year, and in what format: Kindle, audio, or physical.
Hey Matt, I love your videos I use a lot my bullet journal, mainly the basics but once in a while I do track stuff, but I like to do combined trackers, to see patterns and relations between different aspects of my life. One of my most used ones is a sleep and energy tracker, because I often experience insomnia episodes, so When that happens I track my sleep patterns and daily energy levels, to see how lack of sleep affect my productivity. I’ve been wanting to do a daily gratitude log tile of thing but I was not very convinced, I like the idea of the daily highlights better, thanks'
I cant wait for next week.. I've already sign up for the 6 day course!!!! Week 3 for BUJU for me...still a newbie.. but simplifying my setup and making it my own has been the key so far in being consistent.. I've implemented.. the Habits tracker, Mood Traker.. Gratitude of the day which I have loved doing as it's made me reflect on my self alot.. my Quartley Goal (already down 1 month - 2 more to go). I love my Field note book as something I can carry around for my thoughts/ideas/in the moment things and thread to my main BUJU... I'm enjoying being more organise, holding my self accountable but being able to be flexible as well!!! Thanks Matt for sharing
I use my bujo for many things. I have memory loss so I write my martial arts forms out and have them in my journal. I have to do community service projects for my black belt status and I keep track of what I do there. I track the masks I sell and donate. My addresses. My log in passwords. Birthdays, anniversaries. Budget tracker. Literally everything.
the other day I just put a monthly meal chart in my journal. Marking down what I did for lunch and dinner every day so it's harder to forget how long something's been sitting in the fridge. I also recently started tracking my water. I put six drops at the top of my daily log and color one in every time I finish a 16 oz glass of water. I don't usually fill up all 6 yet, but it's helping me drink more water than I used to.
Thanks for publishing this today. I've watched lots of your videos (as well as some other minimalist journalers), but my beautiful ADHD brain keeps trying to make this SO complicated. It's a project to me and I don't have the journal created to map it out...so I start to spin in circles. I'm going to watch it again now and take some notes. I want to put EVERYTHING in mine. 😅 But I'll say publicly right now that I will constrain myself and do a task list, day spread, and goal set up. So I'm setting myself up to reach my 90 day goal. Thanks Matt!
I just started bullet journaling a couple weeks ago. Thanks for more ideas for how to use it! I'm allowing myself to try something one month, and if it doesn't work the next month, it's totally ok if I don't repeat the ideas from the last month :)
My favorite way to use my bullet journal is as an anti procrastination device. Once I write a task down, I feel obligated to complete it...I hate leaving tasks unXed. 😂
I use my bullet journal to keep track of my health and fitness. When i complete a workout I write down not only the stats but my thoughts and feelings about it (how i felt before and after, ways to improve, etc.)
I try to write every evening (thinking about maybe switching to the morning of the next day) about my day. I usually answer something like these questions: What was my plan/schedule or how did I plan my day? What did I complete today? In what way did I fail today? Was my plan too ambitious or could I have done more? After the productive side of my day I usually write about a moment of the day I loved or hated. As the last lines of my daily page (using an A6 notebook) I set a few very easy and simple goals for the next day. These are often related to screen time, practicing my instrument/studying school, planning or waking up/going to sleep times. I hope this helped you! Have a nice day!
I track work performance (mine & my employees) so I can remember things about our performance when appraisals come around. I’ve also been trying out some sketch noting (mostly about podcasts and devotionals).
I use a bullet journal to focus on key tasks after I've done my morning pages. Whatever I can't do on a particular day, gets scheduled so that it doesn't fall through the cracks. I also used it to achieve my goal of finishing a draft of my novel this year. Now I'm using it to edit that draft. It's very helpful to use the weekly to record progress on a goal and also record your feelings about the goal. Are you motivated? Frustrated? Tired? Capture those thoughts.
I mostly use my bujo to plan how I am going to approach my academics every semester or for important upcoming exams. 10/10 recommend for students 😁 Btw LOVE your videos.
I keep an A7 notepad in my back pocket ( habit trackers running to do list , notes, maps) and an A4 day to a page diary. I have lots of Bullet journal spreads in their.
Your videos are so helpful for real life! Can’t wait for the upcoming series. Do you have strategies for future planning outside of a future log? sometimes I struggle with this and would love your perspective. I currently use mine as... Future log Monthly calendar for appointments and such Habit tracker Order tracker Dailies Collections If I try to over complicate I always get frustrated.
My favorite way of using my bullet journal is to give me a false feeling of being in control....nawh, I am joking. Currently I am using it to track my son's habit to help with his therapy sessions. He is twice Gifted , high IQ, ASD and ADHD. It helps me to help him.
I have been watching your series but am unable to finish this video because of the background music you are using is causing me such a migraine I can't concentrate. I literally thought that someone's car alarm was going off in the neighborhood.
Please tell me you have given Ryder Carroll credit for the Bullet Journal. The videos I have watched by you never mention him, and you are really good at trying to sound like its all your idea. Firstly, that’s disrespectful. Secondly, there are such things as copyright laws. At least give credit where credit is due. I haven’t seen a single idea yet in your videos that’s original.
What's your favorite way to use the bullet journal? Subscribe + share your tip and I'll pick one person to win a Baronfig notebook of their choice!
I use my bullet journal for many things but my favourite thing about it is that it helps me organise my days/month so I don’t have to stress about missing any tasks or events. My bullet journal is also a creative outlet for me.
To use a bullet journal has changed my life from a destructive caos to a progress to both a healthy and organised mindset and I get stuff done. I have drastically changed since I found your channel and your methods, in combination with some personal coaching channels it has made my work to reach my life goals possible! Bullet jurnal = a healthy mind and focus on my goals. Best choice I ever done for my health.
As a Habit tracker😊😍
I use it to time block so I ensure I set aside time because I inevitably get swamped by emails when I start my day, ending up falling down the rabbit hole of reactions to email
Funny story: from the time I got my very 1st planner in 5th grade (ya know, like those ones the school provided for free & had the school's mascot on it?)
I started planning, organizing & making lists all over it. I made it my own & discovered how much I LOVED 'checking off' items from my to-do list. So, although I only discovered the official bullet journal about a year ago... I've been implementing this type of system my whole life!
It kept me very organized throughout school, especially after I suffered from a brain injury (among other traumas) , that caused me to have short term memory loss.
I've finally learned my lesson that I HAVE to keep up with my journal or everything is chaos. To this day I have menory problems and was extremely excited when I found the bullet journal community!
It has been really fun to see the way others yse their journal and love to try different ways & collections that people do! I've never been very adtistic but this community has really opened me up to that world & so now, it bot only helps me stay organized, but it really is my own little hobby & an artistic outlet that I never knew I needed! It has been so much fun yo discover all the things BUJO 'ers have learned & shared within the community!
*What I've used my bullet journal for ....*
Some collections ... I've seen in a Bujo from many sources, and many I have experimented with and put in my own Bujos.
The common BUJO has in it :
1.Table of Contents / page # / entry info column
2.Monthly calendar, Calendex spread
3.Monthly tasks,
4.weekly spreads,
5.Contact info,
6.Private info / passwords /accounts etc
7.daily bullet spreads,
8.reminder to self lists,
9.Weekly / Monthly accomplishment page
10.Ink test page
1) self evaluation tracker
2) temperature/weather tracker,
3) Habit tracker,
4) "My life right now" tracker
5) exercise/stretch tracker,
6) Morning ritual tracker
7) Gratitude Tracker
8) Water intake tracker,
9) Meditation tracker,
10) Websites , internet Check out, social media tracker
11) Blog , social, comments response tracker
12) video produced tracker,
13) Home cleaning / Garage cleaning tracker
14) Take out the Recycle / Garbage / composting tracker
15) Mood trackers
16) Sleep tracker
17) Monthly bills tracker / rent,car insurance,gas,credit card bills etc.
18) Saving $$ Goals tracker
19) No Spend / Buy bann tracker
20) Daily Goal tracker
21) Moon phase tracker
22) menstrual tracker
23) Hygiene tracker / shower /hair / nail care / floss teeth/ change contacts/
24) Medication tracker
25) self care tracker
26) Pet walking/Poop scoop tracker
27) Medical / therapist/ counselor tracker
28) masterbation / sex / orgasm tracker
29) pass gas tracker / farting tracker
30) sugar intake tracker
31) Booze / alcohol tracker
32) caffeine tracker
33) Soda / pop tracker
34) swearing / cursing tracker
35) arguement / fight with partner tracker
36) Troll and friend Tracker
37) Sobriety / clean living tracker
38) Water house plants tracker
39) No smoking tracker
1) Planner
2) To Do Lists
3) I commit to...list
4) Budget (money in and out)/ personal banking
5) Meal plan vs take out meals,
6) listing of Goals for months and year,
7) Grocery Lists
8) Electronics / technology / computer program listing
9) List of Tools (Car , home and business)
10) T.v. & Movie listing
11) Books to Read and have read.
12) Sports scores, team player lists
13) Someday , Maybe , bucket list, wish list
gifting list
1) Medical info / doctors /
2) In case of emergency listing
3) Therapy pages
4) Affirmation a Day
5) Worry basket / worry box page
6) Gratitude page
7) What I love about me....page
8) Word of the Day learning page
9) Venting
10) Brainstorming
11) Brain dumps.
12) Sketchnote page
13) Reminder to Self page
14) Memory Page / remember when page
15) Social Media (youtube,instagram,facebook,twitter etc)
16) Personal and Work Projects to do, page
17) Volunteering list
18) Chat topics listing
19) Context pages (dollarstore/home,office,teaching,mail,etc)
20) Private page
21) Humor page / fav joke of the week
22) Minimalist tracking / 30 day challenge
1) Family expenses / groceries / gas/ dining/entertainment/ shopping etc
2) Family schedule for chores
3) Family reward list
4) Family vacations
5) Family daily outings, walk dog, family park etc
6) Family Hygiene and clean schedule
7) Shopping Ban List
8) Recipe list
9) Cooking schedule (5 day meal plan)
10) Medication /booboo kit/sick days family tracker
1) Diet page
2) Weight loss tracker
3) Muscle build measurement tracker
4) needs improvement,,, page
5) Nutritional / supplements tracker
6) equipment listing
7) Reps and Sets Tracker for exercises
8) Gym schedules
9) Crossfit/ weightlifting/ yoga/ calisthetics/ bodyweight/ DVD Exercise program / etc
10) Motivational , Inspirational, fav Quotes and phrases
11) Music listing for meditation, motivation, distraction etc
12) Vision Board page
13) Pounds lost tracker
1) portfolio , resume list
2) Work day/ week/ month organizer
3) Projects / calls / email
4) Meetings / interviews / assessment / notes
5) follow ups
6) Due dates
7) Buy / sales time and money
8) Work schedule
9) Employee present and absent page
10) Employee production tracker
11) Inventory listing
12) Calls in and Calls out listing
13) Emergencies and injury tracker
14) Breaks / slacking off trackers
15) Income / budget tracker
16) Petty cash / piggy bank tracker
17) interviews to Hire
18) Complaints listing
19) Sick days tracker
20) incident reports
21) to fire / lay off / quit list
1) Inventory of supplies / Long term / barter items / emergency
2) Garden equipment
3) Water storage inventory
4) Pricing listing for equipment listing
5) Bug out bag Survival kit, inventory
6) days outdoors practicing skills
7) days researching new skills / Survival camp / Preppers gatherings etc.
8)rotation of supplies / batteries / candles/ clothing/ first aid etc.
9) Listing of dry foods / canned foods / dehydrated meals
10) expiration dates tracker
11) Maps of Caches locations / Locker combinations of Storage units / etc
1) School weekly/ monthly/ day planner
2) study times / relaxing recreational times
3) food meal planner
4) income / money in and out
5) lunch money
6) School supplies expenses
7) Book expenses and listing
8) study group schedules
9) outfits for the week listing
10) gym time
11) reading week tracker
12) councellor / mentor time tracker
13) gas / bus / car pool tracker / pay parking monthly
14) Campus Party listing
15) Pub/Bar money in and out
16) University sex partners listing
17) School slackers & Losers listing / Beware listing
1) Inventory of various items needed
2) Things to check out and do on trip
3) Expenses Listing
4) Clothing listing
5) Shopping outlets
6) restaurants & food stations
7) water supply zones
8) Hotels / motels / cabins
9) Maps of the vacation area
10) Hot spots to check out
11) tags / security listing
12) activities schedule
13) post cards to sent
14)Technology equipment / cameras/ video
15) Vacation journal / scrap book
16) pet and house sitting services
17) Weekly budget
18) travel expenses and set up / car rentals / bus routes etc
😳😦🤯WOW!!! Thank you for this!!!!!!
(Toootally saved this video just so I could come back to this list!!!)
Amazing list!
I’ve recently started using a separate bullet journal to track my reading and capture the notes I take as I read. I am finding it extremely helpful.
I’m trying to do this as well and am realizing that I’m really out of practice with summarizing ideas. I’m writing way too much, I’m hoping to improve my note taking.
This is a great idea Michelle
That's a great setup.
Is it easy to use
I use my journal to plan and then record the reality. Looking back over it at the end of a month, or a year, it’s amazing just how much I’ve actually done, when I thought I wasn’t accomplishing much at all. Thanks Matt for all the encouragement I’ve gotten from you.
My favorite use for my bullet journal is a way to track recurring tasks for the week. It helps me remember those small tasks I need to do each day, but avoid rewriting them all the time or clogging up my digital task manager.
My favorite use of a bullet journal is for a Book Of Shadows. I see that it helps to have a journal where I can track my progress. It makes it easier to go back and see the information. And since it’s only mine I can vent in there and put what I think. It also keeps me in track for sabbath
I use my bullet journal to help motivate and keep track of my reading habits. I usually read about a dozen books a year but since I started bullet journaling last year, I ended 2019 with 49 books read!
I am a bullet journal newbie...so learning alot from your channel!! Thanks!
Welcome Andi! Thanks for watching!
For important medical treatment time doing a weekly spreads, immediately after regular weekly, for "all the things", appointments,gas log, meds & supplements, symptoms,food changes, followed by a blank notes spread. And color code by specialist. Cancer is a crazy thing, stress forgetting and misplacing is a thing. Thanks for your specific and concise tips .
I use my journal to keep track of everything,I also us it to plan out upcoming craft projects and my kids upcoming school stuff,and to track habits,household choirs and just about everything that I need to keep track of
Besides the general tasks and scheduling I love to use my BuJo for three other important to me collections:
1. My running Log: Daily miles, Completed races & virtual challenges, Streaks, etc
2. My reading Log: It's a great insight into what kind of topics, themes I was interested in throughout the year.
3. My meal planning: I switched to a whole food - plant based diet almost a year ago and my BuJo helped me stick with it and keep all my favorite recipes and things to remember in one place.
I have a hard time with remembering info about people, so I setup a journal to help. A person per page with basic info at the top (Joe, from church, married to Susan, 2 kids, bday Nov 4). When I have a conversation I put an entry on the page and any new info (9/5 got new job). It helps me remember and, if I can check it before the next conversation, I can ask about things (how's the new job going?).
Not quite bujo (I have one of those too), but uses some of the same things (alpha index at front & threading)
I've just started bullet journalling in 2020 (I know, way to ease myself into it!), but my fave way to use it is to list the books I've read this year, and in what format: Kindle, audio, or physical.
Hey Matt, I love your videos
I use a lot my bullet journal, mainly the basics but once in a while I do track stuff, but I like to do combined trackers, to see patterns and relations between different aspects of my life. One of my most used ones is a sleep and energy tracker, because I often experience insomnia episodes, so When that happens I track my sleep patterns and daily energy levels, to see how lack of sleep affect my productivity. I’ve been wanting to do a daily gratitude log tile of thing but I was not very convinced, I like the idea of the daily highlights better, thanks'
I cant wait for next week.. I've already sign up for the 6 day course!!!! Week 3 for BUJU for me...still a newbie.. but simplifying my setup and making it my own has been the key so far in being consistent.. I've implemented.. the Habits tracker, Mood Traker.. Gratitude of the day which I have loved doing as it's made me reflect on my self alot.. my Quartley Goal (already down 1 month - 2 more to go). I love my Field note book as something I can carry around for my thoughts/ideas/in the moment things and thread to my main BUJU... I'm enjoying being more organise, holding my self accountable but being able to be flexible as well!!! Thanks Matt for sharing
I use my bujo for many things. I have memory loss so I write my martial arts forms out and have them in my journal. I have to do community service projects for my black belt status and I keep track of what I do there. I track the masks I sell and donate. My addresses. My log in passwords. Birthdays, anniversaries. Budget tracker. Literally everything.
the other day I just put a monthly meal chart in my journal. Marking down what I did for lunch and dinner every day so it's harder to forget how long something's been sitting in the fridge. I also recently started tracking my water. I put six drops at the top of my daily log and color one in every time I finish a 16 oz glass of water. I don't usually fill up all 6 yet, but it's helping me drink more water than I used to.
Thanks for publishing this today. I've watched lots of your videos (as well as some other minimalist journalers), but my beautiful ADHD brain keeps trying to make this SO complicated. It's a project to me and I don't have the journal created to map it out...so I start to spin in circles.
I'm going to watch it again now and take some notes. I want to put EVERYTHING in mine. 😅 But I'll say publicly right now that I will constrain myself and do a task list, day spread, and goal set up.
So I'm setting myself up to reach my 90 day goal. Thanks Matt!
I just started bullet journaling a couple weeks ago. Thanks for more ideas for how to use it! I'm allowing myself to try something one month, and if it doesn't work the next month, it's totally ok if I don't repeat the ideas from the last month :)
My favorite way to use my bullet journal is as an anti procrastination device. Once I write a task down, I feel obligated to complete it...I hate leaving tasks unXed. 😂
I use my bullet journal to keep track of my health and fitness. When i complete a workout I write down not only the stats but my thoughts and feelings about it (how i felt before and after, ways to improve, etc.)
I try to write every evening (thinking about maybe switching to the morning of the next day) about my day. I usually answer something like these questions: What was my plan/schedule or how did I plan my day? What did I complete today? In what way did I fail today? Was my plan too ambitious or could I have done more? After the productive side of my day I usually write about a moment of the day I loved or hated. As the last lines of my daily page (using an A6 notebook) I set a few very easy and simple goals for the next day. These are often related to screen time, practicing my instrument/studying school, planning or waking up/going to sleep times.
I hope this helped you! Have a nice day!
Thank you so much!
I am still getting a feel of BUJO
Using it mostly for rapid logging, memos and meeting notes.
I track work performance (mine & my employees) so I can remember things about our performance when appraisals come around. I’ve also been trying out some sketch noting (mostly about podcasts and devotionals).
I am not creative, just relieved the pressure....thank you
I am trying to make my bullet journal into a planner habit tracking Journal all in one.
My favorite use it's the máster to do list, and space for creativity
Hey Matt,
I love your videos.
I use my bullet journal for many things. I tend to keep track of my major events and accounts. I have a weekly layout
I use a bullet journal to focus on key tasks after I've done my morning pages. Whatever I can't do on a particular day, gets scheduled so that it doesn't fall through the cracks.
I also used it to achieve my goal of finishing a draft of my novel this year. Now I'm using it to edit that draft. It's very helpful to use the weekly to record progress on a goal and also record your feelings about the goal. Are you motivated? Frustrated? Tired? Capture those thoughts.
I mostly use my bujo to plan how I am going to approach my academics every semester or for important upcoming exams.
10/10 recommend for students 😁
Btw LOVE your videos.
I keep an A7 notepad in my back pocket ( habit trackers running to do list , notes, maps) and an A4 day to a page diary. I have lots of Bullet journal spreads in their.
OMG! You’re so Jim Carrey!
Your videos are so helpful for real life! Can’t wait for the upcoming series. Do you have strategies for future planning outside of a future log? sometimes I struggle with this and would love your perspective.
I currently use mine as...
Future log
Monthly calendar for appointments and such
Habit tracker
Order tracker
If I try to over complicate I always get frustrated.
I need a new journal. I’m almost done with mine!
Great video! Where can we find the info on PARA?
Hey Matt. Where’s the link to the PARA framework you promised?
May I ask when will the daily live webinar for the bullet journal course take place?
Of course! They're usually at 10-11am EST, except for Sunday, it's at 4:00pm :)
You mentioned Amy again. Was that a webinar as didn’t see the video on either channel?
My favorite way of using my bullet journal is to give me a false feeling of being in control....nawh, I am joking. Currently I am using it to track my son's habit to help with his therapy sessions. He is twice Gifted , high IQ, ASD and ADHD. It helps me to help him.
Did anyone notice that the books behind him are color-coded? It soothes my OCD.
Good eye Stephanie :D
I have been watching your series but am unable to finish this video because of the background music you are using is causing me such a migraine I can't concentrate. I literally thought that someone's car alarm was going off in the neighborhood.
😢 no subtítulos en español
The closed caption on this went so far downhill so fast, legit said double dragon dragon, what’s going on?
Please tell me you have given Ryder Carroll credit for the Bullet Journal. The videos I have watched by you never mention him, and you are really good at trying to sound like its all your idea. Firstly, that’s disrespectful. Secondly, there are such things as copyright laws. At least give credit where credit is due. I haven’t seen a single idea yet in your videos that’s original.
he literally cites Ryder's book. I think you haven't watched many of his videos if you think this.