Hypnosis for IBS. How I overcame IBS with RTT Hypnotherapy

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Is Hypnosis for IBS an effective treatment? In this video, I share how I Overcame IBS with RTT Hypnotherapy and why it may be a good option for you to get lasting relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
    It was 2014 when I was told I had IBS. I needed to go to the toilet 9 or 10 times a day. I found I had become intolerant to many types of food. I couldn’t even have a cup of coffee without being set off. It was making my life hell. I could never be far from a toilet, and I had to keep stepping out of meetings at work. I was put on a low FODMAP diet and yes it helped. But I didn't want to live with that. I wanted to deal with the problem and be free to eat what I wanted and go wherever I wanted without fear.
    I was also aware that stress made my symptoms worse and I wanted to get to the bottom of this. I understood how the mind-body connection worked and I knew that I needed to get to the root cause of the problem and not just 'put a sticking plaster' on the symptoms.
    In this video I share my journey to being free of IBS and what worked for me. I now help others overcome IBS using RTT Hypnotherapy. If you would like to understand more please visit my website using the link below
    If you would like to discuss how this might help you after visiting my website then please use this link below to book your confidential call
    If you found this video helpful please subscribe to my channel to get the latest insights on how hypnosis, hypnotherapy and RTT Therapy could help you
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    Did the RTT Hypnotherapy help me?
    2 Key things happened as a result of my RTT Hypnotherapy session.
    1. I discovered that what my body was doing was the result of the stress that I had been going through. Being in this stressful state was causing my nervous system to be on a state of alert continually. This led to my immune system overreacting to these stresses and causing food intolerances and IBS. So the root cause of my IBS was not about food. It was about needing to manage my anxiety better.
    2. So unlike the doctor and the nutritionist, the RTT Therapist advised that we focus on making my mind more resistant to the stresses and anxiety causing the IBS. So under hypnosis, we dialled down the anxiety and allowed my body to understand that it could stop overreacting to the foods I had become intolerant to.
    Within two months, all of my food intolerances disappeared. I could drink coffee again. I could eat gluten; I could eat dairy. My stomach was calm. I only needed the toile 2 or 3 times a day. I didn’t have to worry about where I went. I no longer had to rush out of meetings in the office.
    RTT hypnosis changed my life. It not only enabled the IBS to go away. I also found I was much less anxious; the pain I held in my back and shoulders disappeared. I found I had the courage to make the changes I wanted to make in my life.
    I decided that I would become an RTT Therapist. Since then, I have worked full-time as an RTT Therapist and a Clinical Hypnotherapist. I specialise in helping people with Anxiety and Physical issues such as IBS, Fibromyalgia, Eczema and Asthma. I even help people with Auto-Immune Disorders.
    If you would like to deal with the root cause of the IBS affecting your life, book your free 30-minute consultation with me. In this call, we will discuss your circumstances, explore how I can help you and decide if this Therapy is right for you.
    Book your free call now using this link
    #hypnosisforibs #hypnotherapyibs #rtttherapist #rttonline #rttforibs

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