Want to learn more about some of the fish featured in this video? Check out these species profiles! Black Neon Fish: ruclips.net/video/USPeZ0Pk_L0/видео.html Gourami: ruclips.net/video/4Efyiwo-lc4/видео.html Check out our cool new merch here! www.primetimeaquatics.com/merch If you want more unique ideas check out my Instagram: @thesmallscape If you want to see some of my more traditional aquascapes check out Aquascapes by Joanna at Prime Time Aquatics: ruclips.net/channel/UCYVN7EN0ALL6CE4U7NpMUTA
My local fish store owner convinced me to put mbunas in my indoor 50 gallon pond. Turns out to have been not such a great idea since they spend all of their time under the rocks and I never see them. I’m going to move them to a tank where I can see them and replace them with the electric blue Acaras I am raising in my fry tank. They are colorful and friendly as a batch of puppies coming up to the glass every time I come by clamoring to be fed. Acaras are now my favorite cichlids for color and non-aggressiveness.
I brought home 3 Kribs earlier this year. Two paired up and spawned and got about 30 babies out of that. I grew them out in the 20 gallon and I had to separate the parents as the male became extremely aggressive towards the female. I moved him out into my 40 gallon with two Rams, an Angelfish and Tetras. Everyone is doing fine in there, there is peace in the valley. As the babies grew, they became territorial so I took most of them to my LFS. I have six male Kribs in the 125 gallon and they love it in there. Now I have a Krib in almost every one of my tanks…lol. For such a small fish, they can be very aggressive when breeding. I think they do better when you add them to your tank at the same time. Once they establish territory, they become the tank boss and don’t seem to tolerate others of the same species showing up later. They are beautiful and seem to be quite hardy.
Nice! I kept a male Krib in one of my tanks for years. Really interesting, super hardy, and got along with everything. My niece named him "Daisy". Not sure he ever forgave me for letting that happen.
Welcome to the Cichlid family. I have a 100g acrylic all male assorted cichlid tank with 25 fish and wifey has a 40g breeder tank with 8 all male cichlids. We love these fish. In our opinion the best fish to keep. Good luck with your new venture...
Kribensis are wonderful! I started with a pair in a 10 gallon. When the fry got to 1/4 inch I moved all of them to a 20 long. Eventually they grew up and I set up a 75 gallon for the whole family (20ish) and added Congo tetra. It is an amazing tank to watch. There are nightly “dance” competitions with all the females trying to show who has the prettiest purple belly. They are a joy and a great addition to a tank.
Okay Joanna, I hope that you know that when somebody wants to do everything you do, it's the highest form of flattery 😂😂 Every video I catch myself mentally and physically making notes in hopes to try all your projects from plants and scaping to the fish you keep!! And this video comes out as I'm looking at my 20 long and really wanting to try cichlids for myself! I have had Africans before, but not these little guys that can live in a planted tank!! I wanted to try Rams but I'm afraid where I'm living I wouldn't be able to keep the water at that constant high temperature without it fluctuating too much. Rainbow kribs, oh do tell 😂🙃 it does make you feel like you've arrived if you have cichlids 😂🙌💪 I love the tankmates with the dwarf powder blue gourami, black neons and the shadow cats!! You have created another beautiful aquarium that I feel like I could achieve myself ❤️ Oh yes and I've been sending all of your videos to a family member who has an Aquarium and she has asked me to redo her Aquarium to a Joanna style natural planted setup!! I'm so excited about it!! (I left it in a comment on the P.T.A video😂😁) Thank you always for your teaching and experience!! I hope you guys are having a wonderful and blessed day!!🙏❤️🌿🐟🌿💚
PS I just had an unboxing from Aquarium Co-op from an anonymous friend!! Even though I have all these Nano tanks I'm stuffing them full of plants until I can start on these bigger projects!! I'm starting to get quite the collection and I keep adding a little bit more from the list of plants I've made from you!! Someday soon I'm going to have enough plants to do a real official Aquascape!! Thank you so much again and happy New Year!!
Great video! I got a pair of Apistos from a breeder near Joliet for a 20 gallon hex tank...those were my first Cichlids in a smaller tank. Incidentally, almost as an afterthought, I took home a pair of young Kribs from him too. I have them in a 20 high and they are stunning! They have had 2 spawns and it looks like a 3rd is coming because she's hiding in a cave a lot. Awesome, underrated fish!!
I just had to say, this is My absolute favorite and beloved video of yours!!!! 🥰 I Love and Adore the Kribensis!! Certainly One of my most favorite and beloved Fish!! Kribensis Cichlid are One of the Freshwater Aquarium Fish that got me so Passionate and In Love with Freshwater Aquarium Fish!!!! (Blue Ram Cichlid, Cherry Barb, Zebra Danio, Harlequin Rasbora, Yoyo Loach, Clown Loach, Dwarf Loach, as well) 🤍🤎❤️
The first time I kept kribensis was roughly 25 years ago. I had a 20L with a pair of albino Kribs, a small school of Congo tetras, and an African Butterfly fish. The plants were of course Anubias nana along with some floating Water Sprite for the Butterfly fish. It also had a DIY CO2 that I routed into the Aquaclear propeller. The aquarium was filtered with some peat and supplemented with Iron. The decor of the aquarium included a rock cave with mopani wood. If I did that today then I would get a bigger aquarium and add some more Congo tetras and even a school of Upside-down catfish. I loved that aquarium.
Joanna, congrats on the new cichlids. I have "nano cichlids" (Scarlet Badis) a trio, 2 males and a female. I have Chicagoland water in a 5 gallon with a sponge filter. Both males show their color real good. Tank mates are 5 Exclamation Point Rasboras. Tank planted with val in the background and one side, a red melon sword on the other end, one small piece of driftwood in the middle, and lilaeopsis brasiliensis in the foreground. The 4 or 5 babies of different sizes that they produced love it.
I have a 20 gallon tall tank - I have 5 platys, 7 Glowlite Tetras, 7 Ember Tetras, 1 Bolivian Ram & 1 Bristlenose Catfish. And they all get along quite well
Wow, I’m so excited for you!!! Kribs are my first loves. They’re what got me passionate about this hobby (and passionate about cichlids) more than 25 years ago
I love SA cichlids and was going to get rams or acaras for my 40 breeder, but then I took care of someone else's honey gouramis for a while. I kind of fell on love! I decided to get myself a pearl gourami instead of cichlids.
I have a 20L and ive got 5 long fin white skirt tetra, a Boesemani Rainbow, a Red Dwarf Jewel cichlid, a baby red tail shark, and a plecko in there. Works out great!
Dwarf cichlids are awesome! I have 2 pairs of Bolivian rams in my 75 gal with cardinal tetra, lemon tetra, diamond tetra and pencilfish. In my 20 long i had a pair triple red apisto's but my male ended up dieing. But the female is still really nice. That is a 20 long with ruby tetra's and coral red pencilfish. I've kept kribs before they are nice. They do like to dig and like any dwarf cichlids will get aggressive if they breed. But super awesome fish! Enjoy them
Love the tank and the stocking selection! I just started a 20 long just over a year ago I believe and I have 5 Bolivian Rams, 1 Gold Ram, 1 Keyhole Cichlid, and one small Angelfish Cichlid temporarily until he grows up a little and gets moved into a 36gal Bowfront. I absolutely love the Bolivians, Gold Ram, and my ugly Keyhole in the 20 long. He's huge probably 4-5" but everyone's peaceful and the personality of all of them is awesome.
Oh boy oh boy!! I’m so excited for you and me!! I am just dipping into cichlids myself I have an angel fish and 4 Bolivian ram. Rams will be going into a 55, as soon as I can figure out a way to remove them from a heavily planted 29 gal tank. These guys are beautiful! please keep us updated. These fish are currently in my 29 gallon with assorted tetras and rasboras.When I get the Rams out of the 29 gal I really want to add appistogtrama for the bottom. What do you think? I love you new tank! Please please do a video on dwarf cichlids and other dwarf cichlids that can be kept together peacefully. I always learn from both you and your husband so thanks for all you do. Happy New Year
Yay, kribs are such underrated fish, they tend to be dull looking in shops but as soon as theyre home and happy theyre gorgeous and the spawning/parenting is fascinating. I cleared out all my pulcher and switched to a pair of suboscellatus, more subtle colouration but when the female colours up just wow, the black and pink stripes with the golden head is stunning. Apistos are gorgeous too though a little less hardy ive found.
I have a pair of apisto caucatoides, triple reds, in a 20 gallon, with some glowlight tetras, a pair of guppies and planning to add some celestial pearl danios. Everyone gets along well,though the apistos (male and female) don't breed. Lots of plant.
My current Cichlid tank is a 40 breeder with 4 Bolivian rams, 8 ember tetras, 8 neon tetras, 6 golden wonder killifish, 3 otocinclus, 1 nerite snail and a long-finned bristlenose pleco
I just picked up some German Blue Rams the other day and a pair of Apistogramma Cacatuoide Super Reds last night they are in with different Cory Endlers and guppies. They are in a sand sunbrate tank that is a 37 gallon with hang on back FL 40 supplemented with 65 gallon rated sponge filter. Hight planted with drift wood hard scape dragon stone.
My entry into cichlids was the standard mbuna tank. I have kept Haps and Peacocks before, but eventually decided I really like live plants, so in my planted 75 the only cichlids I have are two keyhole cichlids - very peaceful. They are in with a von rio, rosy and blood fins tetras. I also have a 75 gallon multi colony that was inspired by the 50 gallon lowboy I saw on Primetime Aquatics. I am waiting for the ACA in Louisville before I buy any other cichlids.
Wow those are some gorgeous fish! I have a pair of pelvicachromis pulcher kribs in a 36 gal bowfront with 6 harlequin raspboras and 3 mystery snails. Also, just 5 months ago, I got 3 multies (shell dwellers) and put them in a 20 gallon with 9 zebra danios.
I keep a pair of German blue rams in a 29g with ember tetras, otocinclus and corys! I also have a male apisto borellii in a 15g with white clouds and otocinclus. I love my little dwarf cichlids!! The rams are very outgoing and come up to me and pose for the camera, my apisto will greet me and then flee the scene he’s very shy and I’ve had him about 6 months longer. I’ve always wanted to keep kribs to breed but I hear it can be difficult to get rid of the fry because they are quite common and I don’t have the room for a bunch of them
Male and Female Rainbow Kribs in 20 long, with 10 zebra danios, 2 Siamese Algae Eaters, 2 Hillstream Loaches, and a Pictus that will move when he’s about 5”, lastly 1 rabbit snail. The kribs are mating and digging caves everywhere. Sand substrate and live plants. Thank you for the video!!!
First time cichlid owner . I am very new to fishkeeping . Apistogram Micmasteri gold. They are a pastel yellow, only about 6 - 9 months . 1 male 1 female . I had another female but they bullied her , so i rehomed her . Now the female is chasing the male around . Tank size is a 40 gal breeder . 1 groumi, pearl . 6 black phantom tetra , will be add 6 turquoise rainbow . I hope i can add cory cats . Not sure if thats a good mix . I cant belìve how much fun they are . I would like to havex2 cockato. Willmthat be to many . I hope you enjoy yours as much as i do.😊
Good Morning, I just received my first Geo Tapajos yesterday. I've watch your videos on this fish so many times and finally purchased 5. The breeder gave me one extra ( yes). They're small about the size of a dime/quarter. These are some amazing fish, watching them now while in a ten gallon tank going quarantine without medication ( yes I'm a big fan lol ). Happy New Year!
I have a male krib named Krib. He is super cute. He plays in the bubbles, eats leftover bottom food, and is always swimming through all of the nooks and cranny’s. He eats blood worms from my tweezers which keeps things neat and tidy. He does like to hunt for brine shrimp. He currently lives with a pair of honey gouramis and a solo young hill stream loach. He is the king of the Cory’s. He swims along the glass with the albino Cory’s, eats at the bottom with them. We had a group of 8 zebra danios in there for a few months but moved them out because our honeys weren’t getting any food. (They started breeding a week after the danios left!). I’m thinking about what dither group to add next?? It’s a pretty sweet 29 gallon community!
My first dwarf Cichlids were kribs. My favorite are Apistogramas. I now have Apistogramas borelli, Apistograma Macmasteri, and Apistograma A., I also have Acura N. which are a dwarf variety. I have them in a 20 gallon and two 40 gallons. Kribs were the first to raise fry all the way for me ❤ love the video. 😊
I used to keep a male firemouth cichlid in a 10 gallon together with 4 cories. All was perfect for over a year. It never hurt a single cory, was very healthy, beautiful and ate well. Then once I moved the firemouth into a different smaller tank for a few hours because I was doing some maintenance. It jumped out and I didn't notice in time 😭😭😭
I have large cichlids but I have been on the quest to get some dwarf apisto's. We are taking a trip into Pittsburgh later in the week to visit a shop that I love out there. Maybe if they don't have what I want I might do some research and make these guys my second choice.
I love your new inhabitants. Your tank is beautiful and looks fun to watch. I have not kept any cichlids but am considering an angel fish as a spotlight fish in my new 75 gallon. I haven’t fully committed to the stocking yet. I’m still working on my wish list.
I just got my dream fish! Electric Blue Acaras! They are little babies right now, less than an inch long. So they're only in a 20g long at the moment, but they will be moving up as they grow. And I'm moving out of state, so they'll be a bigger tank once we get there as well.
I have two 20 longs, one with multies and another with Apisto panduro. I wish I had a bit more room for the multies, but they seem to be happy! I love Apistos in that size of tank, they seem to do well. I just have them with female guppies and a young bristlenose, but I’m considering switching them out for one of the blue eye “rainbows.” I’m excited to see how the kribs do for you! 😃
My first cichlids in 1986 were wild caught Victorian cichlids .They were so aggressive that they killed each other until there was only one. Today, I have mbuna cichlids and I love them! They still fight, though. Thanks 😊
1:49 I had a pair of rams by themselves. The female decided to smack down the male. So I have one now. 20 gallon tank. With red flourite soil. And stems with Montecarlo.
I have had African cichlids for decades I still have offspring of psedotropheus zebra that I originally bought over 25 years ago. They are in a 135 gallon, 72" x 18" x 24". I've had a multitude of other species in that tank over the years. I have never had kribs though. The whole African with African thing only.
I just got my first two cichlids (a pair of apistogramma borellis) about a month ago. I keep them alone in a 20 gallon tank because I would like to see if they could raise their fry well, and don't want any tank mate accidentally prompting them to eat their fry/ eggs. However, I would definitely have kept black neons with them if I wasn't running this experiment.
I had a Kribensis in a 20 gallon!! Also had a German Blue Ram at another point in a 20 gallon!! Both are such beautiful, remarkable, amazing Fish!!!! I love everything about them. The only Fish I love as much as the Kribensis and Ram Cichlids, are the Cherry Barb, Zebra Danio, Harlequin Rasbora, Yoyo Loach, Julidochromis Cichlid, Flag Cichlid, Chocolate Gourami, and Corydoras'!!
@@thesmallscape ThankYou!! 😁 I also Love the Dwarf Loach, Clown Loach, Pearl Gourami, and Zebra Loach!! What size Aquarium would be best for Dwarf Loaches??
My sister from another mister!! My first cichlid s were Rainbow Kribs. I love them so much. I love not only their colors but the way the move and interact with eachother. They do breed like rabbits.....
I tried a pair of kribs in a 20 gal long with community type fish and the male was quite the bully. I ended up rehoming them. I think I'm going to try a ram next. Just 1. I'm going to try to find one that had been locally bred/ raised in our water local water at the next GCCA swap.
My entry into cichlids was the blue and gold rams. I have a pair left out of the 5 I had. I now also have Kribs, electric blue acara pair, and a couple of geophagus sveni. Really liking these cichlids and I was so nervous about trying them. Awesome fish! Thanks for the great video Joanna
Nice! I think the rams should be on the cichlid welcoming committee! I was just in love the first time I saw them. You have such a nice variety. Love your selections. ☺️
Have a 3 mbunas in a 36 gl bowfront, yellow lab, a bumblebee and a blue one. They are in there with some full grown green tiger barbs and they do well together. :)
Thank you ! I have a 20 long that I have been wanting to get small cichlids. I was thinking shellies but now these guys have me fascinated! Now I just have to find some. We seem to be having a small cichlid drought in our area for about a year. so sad
Hello again!!!! I've been toying with the idea of getting my first chiclid as well...these guys look like a nice option!! Thank you!! P.s. say hi to Jason for me lol..
No cichlids right now but planning to get a couple for my 15gallon in the near future(aswell as some for a 65gal), didn't decide which ones yet though. Knowing myself I will probably end up with just corydoras/fancy plecos instead..
Was planning on dwarf cichlids for my 32 gal cube but ended up adding a bunch of neocaridina shrimp after taking down another tank and can’t bare to see them all hunted down!
I've been thinking about getting rams for a 29 gallon tank but my water parameters aren't quite right for the germans so I ended up getting a paradise gourami instead. He shares with a bristlenose pleco, 6 harlequin rasbora, and 6 neon tetras. Oh, and kuhli loaches.
I do! But no nano stuff. The closest tank I have to "nano" size is a 14g cube. No cichlids in there though. It has a betta, clown pleco, 3 pygmy cories and what started off as 3 khuli loaches but I'm down to 1 because 2 of the decided the water on the other side of the glass was clearer. It wasn't. Oh! And there's also a siamese algae eater. He's not really supposed to be in there but at the time, there were 3 of them in my 75g and 2 of got picked off over night, so I pulled the lone survivor out and gave him safe harbor. Now, as far as cichlids, I have a 210g with the following; • Felix & Oscar the Oscars • Manny the Managuensis (jaguar) • Mike the Venezuelan Pike • Dempsey the Jack Dempsey • Tex the Green Texas • Sal the Salvini • Bonnie & Clyde the Convicts • Gabriel & Uriel the Angelfish Also (non-cichlids) • Moe, Larry & Curly the Silver Dollars • Mango the L47 pleco • Zig Zag the Striped Raphael cat • Leo Somadoras the Jaguar cat There is a little aggression but, so far, after two years (roughly), there has been no serious issues. I have two more Jaguar cichlids, each in their own 55g. They were supposed to be a mated pair to give me babies. Alas, twas not to be. The male just beats her like a drum and I had to separate them. I'll likely rehome them. If you're interested or know someone who's looking, tell them I have a couple... they're just not a couple. The male is gorgeous! I wish, in hindsight, I had picked him to go into the 210 display instead of Manny but... meh... what can you do. Future plans are A tank with a pair of red terrors. A severum tank representing all the different morphs with electric blue acara. A tank with at least one starry night cichlid, but preferably a pair.
I am planning on doing some kind of krib or apisto pair in my 20 long, along with some gertrudae rainbows. I’m hoping they’ll both colony breed for me if I make them happy enough.
I have a pair of GBRs in my 20 gal, with African dwarf frogs, endlers and honey gourami. They all get along well, but the male ram gets frisky and chases the female too much, and also some of the female endlers, but he doesn't bite them. The female ram was looking good but last night she was washed out again from the male chasing her too much. I don't have a good place to put her elsewhere, so don't know what I'll do about it yet. Was hoping to find more females, but no luck yet.
20L with Beckford pencils, Emperor tetras and a pair of African Butterfly Cichlids(who just spawned today-same way as Rams, on a flat rock under overhanging vegetation).
My first cichlids were kribensis as well 20 years ago in a 15 gallon, after those I bred Apistogramma cacatoides & A. nijsseni. These days I have hard time finding Apistogramma species especially females
20GL, 2 of each: Texas, Convict, Firemouths, Jewels, Kribensis, & Ruby Clown Rams - 3 Pepper Corydoras, - 2 Chinese Algae Eaters, 1 Brown Nocturnal Pleco - 20 Male Endlers and 20 female Endlers. CRAZY TOWN, all are around an inch or smaller, so it is quite entertaining...Will rehome as they begin to outgrow or bully! When the Cichlids arrived the Endlers became HATCHETFISH!
I have 4 angel fish, 2 Bristlenose, 8 guppies all of them getting along, in my37 gallon tall and looking to get a bigger aquarium and getting electric blue acara or apistogramma
My cichlids I currently have are My first and only cichlids I've ever had.. I have 1 juvenile Male Firemouth cichlid, three Texas cichlids( small medium large) And my seven blood parrots ranging from Deformed tiny with oversized gills to a large fully grown female blood parrot . I do want to get other many other types of cichlids ranging from Krips to angelfish. I would like to have adorable stay small cichlids Like the Shellies someday but in the meantime I would love to hug all of my fish especially my blood parrots! They are beyond amazing with their personalities and I am very blessed 💕
Yes! that is beautiful to hear !I wish I knew more people who had them in person, someone like you I could talk to you all day about them 😀. I am very new to fish keeping and my group with the blood parrots the pleco the Texas cichlids and the firemouth r all a rescue group (first Fish keeping project) my introduction to fish keeping was rescuing these fish so I had to learn a lot very fast. My blood carrots are so sweet and gentle I give them palm snuggles everyday and they all take turns so I can rub their bellies I hand feed them everyday and I am so blessed!
@@oinkmastersupremeforever , They are a unique breed. So much personality in those chunky bodies. I have one that has a small mouth and has issue eating some foods. He is my favorite of my three. Our biggest one is the tank boss, he moves his clay pot all over the tank and he push the plants around, and every so often he has to go around and push tank mates around. They are fun.
I bred blue acaras in a 40G decades ago and you can't really go too much smaller with that species. I kept the pair alone because they could get kind of feisty when breeding. Now that I'm back into aquariums but want to stay small I'm looking at a 20L with apistos, although for the same footprint I might go with a 29G just because of the increased water volume for stability.
No cichlids here, yet. I would really love to get either the nannacara anomala (might have been Jason who I first heard talking about them) or the regular, not electric, blue acara. Though my preference would be to have a slightly bigger tank for them, so that might have to remain on the "someday" list for now.
Rainbow Kribensis very beautiful fish and very easy to breed , however once they breed they get very aggressive or over protected about there fry and can push even African cichlids to the corner of a tank I had a pair with some Mbuna cichlids and once they breed I had to remove them because they pushed everyone to the corner
always great when i search for a fish and you or jason have a video up, love the look of the kribs awsome fish, but wondering. i have a 65g tank i guess overstocked but it works but going to go bigger soon. stocking is, rummy tetras emperor tetras black neons super red plec rusty/common plec "which is going to be rehomed bad advice lol" 2 apistos 2 diamond angels and some young congo tetras. my question would be, are any of the fish at threat, or a threat to the kribs? all tank mates are happy, would love the kribs colour in there?
I love Kribs! Mine were great breeders and excellent parents. They got too aggressive for my Bolivian Rams, though. I rehomed them to a friend who really wanted Kribs and couldn't find any locally.
i have a 40 gallon and interested in putting kribs in. i was wondering if it would be okay to do 5 females with 2 males with other fish like tetras and corys
Someone gave my friend a blue peacock cichlid in a 5 gallon tank. The tank had glow light gravel, the air pump was submerged, and it was really dirty. I felt really bad for the little guy. The best we could do for him at that point was to give him a ten gallon we had in my shed. At least he has a clean and slightly larger tank now.
Hi Joanna :) Congrats on your new rainbow kribs! Love the colors! I don’t have cichlids. But I will soon! Almost ready to finally get my shellies!! ...In my 20g endler tank I moved the males to another tank to “reduce the herd”. Now I only have color from my mystery snails. Trying to decide on a fish or small school that plays well with both and adds color and works with 8.2+ ph. Anything come to mind? Maybe honey gourami? It’s the high ph that concerns me as well as trying to keep the snails safe from being nipped.
Hi Joanna. I've got a Golden Ram in my new 20 gallon long. I've got him in with 6 Marble Hatchetfish, 10 Rummynose Tetras, several Amanos and 3 Nerite Snails. Maybe a little overstocked. The new Kribensis are super pretty! Have they started digging yet?
Want to learn more about some of the fish featured in this video? Check out these species profiles!
Black Neon Fish: ruclips.net/video/USPeZ0Pk_L0/видео.html
Gourami: ruclips.net/video/4Efyiwo-lc4/видео.html
Check out our cool new merch here! www.primetimeaquatics.com/merch
If you want more unique ideas check out my Instagram: @thesmallscape
If you want to see some of my more traditional aquascapes check out
Aquascapes by Joanna at Prime Time Aquatics: ruclips.net/channel/UCYVN7EN0ALL6CE4U7NpMUTA
My local fish store owner convinced me to put mbunas in my indoor 50 gallon pond. Turns out to have been not such a great idea since they spend all of their time under the rocks and I never see them. I’m going to move them to a tank where I can see them and replace them with the electric blue Acaras I am raising in my fry tank. They are colorful and friendly as a batch of puppies coming up to the glass every time I come by clamoring to be fed. Acaras are now my favorite cichlids for color and non-aggressiveness.
I brought home 3 Kribs earlier this year. Two paired up and spawned and got about 30 babies out of that. I grew them out in the 20 gallon and I had to separate the parents as the male became extremely aggressive towards the female. I moved him out into my 40 gallon with two Rams, an Angelfish and Tetras. Everyone is doing fine in there, there is peace in the valley. As the babies grew, they became territorial so I took most of them to my LFS. I have six male Kribs in the 125 gallon and they love it in there. Now I have a Krib in almost every one of my tanks…lol. For such a small fish, they can be very aggressive when breeding. I think they do better when you add them to your tank at the same time. Once they establish territory, they become the tank boss and don’t seem to tolerate others of the same species showing up later. They are beautiful and seem to be quite hardy.
Nice! I kept a male Krib in one of my tanks for years. Really interesting, super hardy, and got along with everything. My niece named him "Daisy". Not sure he ever forgave me for letting that happen.
Welcome to the Cichlid family. I have a 100g acrylic all male assorted cichlid tank with 25 fish and wifey has a 40g breeder tank with 8 all male cichlids. We love these fish. In our opinion the best fish to keep. Good luck with your new venture...
Kribensis are wonderful! I started with a pair in a 10 gallon. When the fry got to 1/4 inch I moved all of them to a 20 long. Eventually they grew up and I set up a 75 gallon for the whole family (20ish) and added Congo tetra. It is an amazing tank to watch. There are nightly “dance” competitions with all the females trying to show who has the prettiest purple belly. They are a joy and a great addition to a tank.
Okay Joanna, I hope that you know that when somebody wants to do everything you do, it's the highest form of flattery 😂😂
Every video I catch myself mentally and physically making notes in hopes to try all your projects from plants and scaping to the fish you keep!!
And this video comes out as I'm looking at my 20 long and really wanting to try cichlids for myself!
I have had Africans before, but not these little guys that can live in a planted tank!!
I wanted to try Rams but I'm afraid where I'm living I wouldn't be able to keep the water at that constant high temperature without it fluctuating too much.
Rainbow kribs, oh do tell 😂🙃 it does make you feel like you've arrived if you have cichlids 😂🙌💪
I love the tankmates with the dwarf powder blue gourami, black neons and the shadow cats!!
You have created another beautiful aquarium that I feel like I could achieve myself ❤️
Oh yes and I've been sending all of your videos to a family member who has an Aquarium and she has asked me to redo her Aquarium to a Joanna style natural planted setup!! I'm so excited about it!! (I left it in a comment on the P.T.A video😂😁)
Thank you always for your teaching and experience!! I hope you guys are having a wonderful and blessed day!!🙏❤️🌿🐟🌿💚
PS I just had an unboxing from Aquarium Co-op from an anonymous friend!! Even though I have all these Nano tanks I'm stuffing them full of plants until I can start on these bigger projects!! I'm starting to get quite the collection and I keep adding a little bit more from the list of plants I've made from you!! Someday soon I'm going to have enough plants to do a real official Aquascape!! Thank you so much again and happy New Year!!
I absolutely adored your 5 gallon plantings. You underestimate yourself, my friend. ☺️
I should be so lucky to inspire you. I think you’d love these little dudes...fun to watch, goofy AND gorgeous!!
Great video! I got a pair of Apistos from a breeder near Joliet for a 20 gallon hex tank...those were my first Cichlids in a smaller tank. Incidentally, almost as an afterthought, I took home a pair of young Kribs from him too. I have them in a 20 high and they are stunning! They have had 2 spawns and it looks like a 3rd is coming because she's hiding in a cave a lot. Awesome, underrated fish!!
I just had to say, this is My absolute favorite and beloved video of yours!!!! 🥰
I Love and Adore the Kribensis!! Certainly One of my most favorite and beloved Fish!! Kribensis Cichlid are One of the Freshwater Aquarium Fish that got me so Passionate and In Love with Freshwater Aquarium Fish!!!! (Blue Ram Cichlid, Cherry Barb, Zebra Danio, Harlequin Rasbora, Yoyo Loach, Clown Loach, Dwarf Loach, as well) 🤍🤎❤️
The first time I kept kribensis was roughly 25 years ago. I had a 20L with a pair of albino Kribs, a small school of Congo tetras, and an African Butterfly fish. The plants were of course Anubias nana along with some floating Water Sprite for the Butterfly fish. It also had a DIY CO2 that I routed into the Aquaclear propeller. The aquarium was filtered with some peat and supplemented with Iron. The decor of the aquarium included a rock cave with mopani wood.
If I did that today then I would get a bigger aquarium and add some more Congo tetras and even a school of Upside-down catfish. I loved that aquarium.
Of all the cichlids for a nano tank, it doesn't get much more beautiful than this! I love these "look at this cool fish i got" videos
Lol - they sure are real stunners!
Joanna, congrats on the new cichlids. I have "nano cichlids" (Scarlet Badis) a trio, 2 males and a female. I have Chicagoland water in a 5 gallon with a sponge filter. Both males show their color real good. Tank mates are 5 Exclamation Point Rasboras. Tank planted with val in the background and one side, a red melon sword on the other end, one small piece of driftwood in the middle, and lilaeopsis brasiliensis in the foreground. The 4 or 5 babies of different sizes that they produced love it.
I have a 20 gallon tall tank - I have 5 platys, 7 Glowlite Tetras, 7 Ember Tetras, 1 Bolivian Ram & 1 Bristlenose Catfish. And they all get along quite well
Wow, I’m so excited for you!!! Kribs are my first loves. They’re what got me passionate about this hobby (and passionate about cichlids) more than 25 years ago
Kribensis are low demanding awesome fish, full of color and cool behavior. Very good video @Smallscape👍🏼‼️
I love SA cichlids and was going to get rams or acaras for my 40 breeder, but then I took care of someone else's honey gouramis for a while. I kind of fell on love! I decided to get myself a pearl gourami instead of cichlids.
I have a 20L and ive got 5 long fin white skirt tetra, a Boesemani Rainbow, a Red Dwarf Jewel cichlid, a baby red tail shark, and a plecko in there. Works out great!
Dwarf cichlids are awesome! I have 2 pairs of Bolivian rams in my 75 gal with cardinal tetra, lemon tetra, diamond tetra and pencilfish. In my 20 long i had a pair triple red apisto's but my male ended up dieing. But the female is still really nice. That is a 20 long with ruby tetra's and coral red pencilfish. I've kept kribs before they are nice. They do like to dig and like any dwarf cichlids will get aggressive if they breed. But super awesome fish! Enjoy them
Love the tank and the stocking selection! I just started a 20 long just over a year ago I believe and I have 5 Bolivian Rams, 1 Gold Ram, 1 Keyhole Cichlid, and one small Angelfish Cichlid temporarily until he grows up a little and gets moved into a 36gal Bowfront. I absolutely love the Bolivians, Gold Ram, and my ugly Keyhole in the 20 long. He's huge probably 4-5" but everyone's peaceful and the personality of all of them is awesome.
I have a pair of Cockatoo dwarf cichlids in a 20g cube with a few blue eyed rainbows.
Oh boy oh boy!! I’m so excited for you and me!! I am just dipping into cichlids myself I have an angel fish and 4 Bolivian ram. Rams will be going into a 55, as soon as I can figure out a way to remove them from a heavily planted 29 gal tank. These guys are beautiful! please keep us updated. These fish are currently in my 29 gallon with assorted tetras and rasboras.When I get the Rams out of the 29 gal I really want to add appistogtrama for the bottom. What do you think? I love you new tank! Please please do a video on dwarf cichlids and other dwarf cichlids that can be kept together peacefully. I always learn from both you and your husband so thanks for all you do. Happy New Year
I have 3 Kribs with 7 female betta, multiple different tetras, & recently added 2 albino kribs in a 40 gallon.❤️
How exciting to have fish that are new to you. Good luck. The tank is great. Enjoyed watching them all swim around.
Thank you Gina! It sure is fun and they are such a blast!
Yay, kribs are such underrated fish, they tend to be dull looking in shops but as soon as theyre home and happy theyre gorgeous and the spawning/parenting is fascinating. I cleared out all my pulcher and switched to a pair of suboscellatus, more subtle colouration but when the female colours up just wow, the black and pink stripes with the golden head is stunning.
Apistos are gorgeous too though a little less hardy ive found.
I have a pair of apisto caucatoides, triple reds, in a 20 gallon, with some glowlight tetras, a pair of guppies and planning to add some celestial pearl danios. Everyone gets along well,though the apistos (male and female) don't breed. Lots of plant.
My current Cichlid tank is a 40 breeder with 4 Bolivian rams, 8 ember tetras, 8 neon tetras, 6 golden wonder killifish, 3 otocinclus, 1 nerite snail and a long-finned bristlenose pleco
I just picked up some German Blue Rams the other day and a pair of Apistogramma Cacatuoide Super Reds last night they are in with different Cory Endlers and guppies. They are in a sand sunbrate tank that is a 37 gallon with hang on back FL 40 supplemented with 65 gallon rated sponge filter. Hight planted with drift wood hard scape dragon stone.
My entry into cichlids was the standard mbuna tank. I have kept Haps and Peacocks before, but eventually decided I really like live plants, so in my planted 75 the only cichlids I have are two keyhole cichlids - very peaceful. They are in with a von rio, rosy and blood fins tetras. I also have a 75 gallon multi colony that was inspired by the 50 gallon lowboy I saw on Primetime Aquatics. I am waiting for the ACA in Louisville before I buy any other cichlids.
Wow those are some gorgeous fish! I have a pair of pelvicachromis pulcher kribs in a 36 gal bowfront with 6 harlequin raspboras and 3 mystery snails. Also, just 5 months ago, I got 3 multies (shell dwellers) and put them in a 20 gallon with 9 zebra danios.
I keep a pair of German blue rams in a 29g with ember tetras, otocinclus and corys! I also have a male apisto borellii in a 15g with white clouds and otocinclus. I love my little dwarf cichlids!! The rams are very outgoing and come up to me and pose for the camera, my apisto will greet me and then flee the scene he’s very shy and I’ve had him about 6 months longer. I’ve always wanted to keep kribs to breed but I hear it can be difficult to get rid of the fry because they are quite common and I don’t have the room for a bunch of them
Male and Female Rainbow Kribs in 20 long, with 10 zebra danios, 2 Siamese Algae Eaters, 2 Hillstream Loaches, and a Pictus that will move when he’s about 5”, lastly 1 rabbit snail. The kribs are mating and digging caves everywhere. Sand substrate and live plants. Thank you for the video!!!
First time cichlid owner . I am very new to fishkeeping . Apistogram Micmasteri gold. They are a pastel yellow, only about 6 - 9 months . 1 male 1 female . I had another female but they bullied her , so i rehomed her . Now the female is chasing the male around . Tank size is a 40 gal breeder . 1 groumi, pearl . 6 black phantom tetra , will be add 6 turquoise rainbow . I hope i can add cory cats . Not sure if thats a good mix . I cant belìve how much fun they are . I would like to havex2 cockato. Willmthat be to many . I hope you enjoy yours as much as i do.😊
Good Morning, I just received my first Geo Tapajos yesterday. I've watch your videos on this fish so many times and finally purchased 5. The breeder gave me one extra ( yes). They're small about the size of a dime/quarter. These are some amazing fish, watching them now while in a ten gallon tank going quarantine without medication ( yes I'm a big fan lol ). Happy New Year!
I have kribensis babies that are almost a month old. They are amazing parents.
I have a male krib named Krib. He is super cute. He plays in the bubbles, eats leftover bottom food, and is always swimming through all of the nooks and cranny’s. He eats blood worms from my tweezers which keeps things neat and tidy. He does like to hunt for brine shrimp.
He currently lives with a pair of honey gouramis and a solo young hill stream loach. He is the king of the Cory’s. He swims along the glass with the albino Cory’s, eats at the bottom with them. We had a group of 8 zebra danios in there for a few months but moved them out because our honeys weren’t getting any food. (They started breeding a week after the danios left!). I’m thinking about what dither group to add next??
It’s a pretty sweet 29 gallon community!
My first dwarf Cichlids were kribs. My favorite are Apistogramas. I now have Apistogramas borelli, Apistograma Macmasteri, and Apistograma A., I also have Acura N. which are a dwarf variety. I have them in a 20 gallon and two 40 gallons. Kribs were the first to raise fry all the way for me ❤ love the video. 😊
55g with juvenile kribensis x6. Parents are in a smaller tank. Tank mates zebra longfin danios plus 3 African dwarf frogs and 2 lemon blue eyed plecos
I used to keep a male firemouth cichlid in a 10 gallon together with 4 cories. All was perfect for over a year. It never hurt a single cory, was very healthy, beautiful and ate well. Then once I moved the firemouth into a different smaller tank for a few hours because I was doing some maintenance. It jumped out and I didn't notice in time 😭😭😭
I have large cichlids but I have been on the quest to get some dwarf apisto's. We are taking a trip into Pittsburgh later in the week to visit a shop that I love out there. Maybe if they don't have what I want I might do some research and make these guys my second choice.
I love your new inhabitants. Your tank is beautiful and looks fun to watch. I have not kept any cichlids but am considering an angel fish as a spotlight fish in my new 75 gallon.
I haven’t fully committed to the stocking yet. I’m still working on my wish list.
I just got my dream fish! Electric Blue Acaras! They are little babies right now, less than an inch long. So they're only in a 20g long at the moment, but they will be moving up as they grow. And I'm moving out of state, so they'll be a bigger tank once we get there as well.
Congratulations!! They will be beauties! Best of luck to you in the move and in the New Year!
I have two 20 longs, one with multies and another with Apisto panduro. I wish I had a bit more room for the multies, but they seem to be happy! I love Apistos in that size of tank, they seem to do well. I just have them with female guppies and a young bristlenose, but I’m considering switching them out for one of the blue eye “rainbows.” I’m excited to see how the kribs do for you! 😃
Just bought two for my 25 tall. They are young ,hoping they learn to get along well. If not, I have alternates. 🤞
Apistos in 20long with Preacox rainbows and Bolivian Ram in 29 with Rummynose, cories, BN pleco, etc.
My first cichlids in 1986 were wild caught Victorian cichlids .They were so aggressive that they killed each other until there was only one. Today, I have mbuna cichlids and I love them! They still fight, though. Thanks 😊
Beautiful! What a great choice for the monotone scaping. I’m a pretty green with envy.🐠🐠🐠
Thank you! They sure are a blast!
1:49 I had a pair of rams by themselves. The female decided to smack down the male. So I have one now. 20 gallon tank. With red flourite soil. And stems with Montecarlo.
Nice nano nook. Just have big angel fish. Yours looks cool.
I have had African cichlids for decades I still have offspring of psedotropheus zebra that I originally bought over 25 years ago. They are in a 135 gallon, 72" x 18" x 24". I've had a multitude of other species in that tank over the years.
I have never had kribs though.
The whole African with African thing only.
I just got my first two cichlids (a pair of apistogramma borellis) about a month ago. I keep them alone in a 20 gallon tank because I would like to see if they could raise their fry well, and don't want any tank mate accidentally prompting them to eat their fry/ eggs. However, I would definitely have kept black neons with them if I wasn't running this experiment.
I have a pair of apistogramma cacatuoides i got at the last GCCA swap in my quarantine tank. They will soon be going into my 54 gallon corner tank.
Nice! You can’t beat them, good looking fish for sure!
I had a Kribensis in a 20 gallon!! Also had a German Blue Ram at another point in a 20 gallon!! Both are such beautiful, remarkable, amazing Fish!!!! I love everything about them. The only Fish I love as much as the Kribensis and Ram Cichlids, are the Cherry Barb, Zebra Danio, Harlequin Rasbora, Yoyo Loach, Julidochromis Cichlid, Flag Cichlid, Chocolate Gourami, and Corydoras'!!
You gave a great list of awesome fish! I would love a chocolate gourami some day. ☺️
@@thesmallscape ThankYou!! 😁 I also Love the Dwarf Loach, Clown Loach, Pearl Gourami, and Zebra Loach!! What size Aquarium would be best for Dwarf Loaches??
My sister from another mister!! My first cichlid s were Rainbow Kribs. I love them so much. I love not only their colors but the way the move and interact with eachother. They do breed like rabbits.....
Lol! Haha! We meet again with great ideas! They are sooooo fun to watch aren’t they amd soooo pretty!!
I have a 20 gallon with guppies, a german blue ram, and 2 juvenile bristlenose plecos.
I tried a pair of kribs in a 20 gal long with community type fish and the male was quite the bully. I ended up rehoming them. I think I'm going to try a ram next. Just 1. I'm going to try to find one that had been locally bred/ raised in our water local water at the next GCCA swap.
I have a German blue ram in a 15 gallon fluval flex with 6 green tetras a long fin pleco and 2 Celebes rainbow fish it’s a black water tank ❤️
My entry into cichlids was the blue and gold rams. I have a pair left out of the 5 I had. I now also have Kribs, electric blue acara pair, and a couple of geophagus sveni. Really liking these cichlids and I was so nervous about trying them. Awesome fish! Thanks for the great video Joanna
Nice! I think the rams should be on the cichlid welcoming committee! I was just in love the first time I saw them. You have such a nice variety. Love your selections. ☺️
Aww they are so beautiful, good luck to keep and enjoy them. 🤗🥰😍
Thank you! They’re so fun to watch! ☺️
Have a 3 mbunas in a 36 gl bowfront, yellow lab, a bumblebee and a blue one. They are in there with some full grown green tiger barbs and they do well together. :)
Wow, lots of nice color in there!
Congrats on your cichlids!!!🤗❤
I had kribs n they breed a lot nice fish to have
Very beautiful tank
Thank you ! I have a 20 long that I have been wanting to get small cichlids. I was thinking shellies but now these guys have me fascinated! Now I just have to find some. We seem to be having a small cichlid drought in our area for about a year. so sad
Cichlid drought, that makes me both giggle and sad at the same time. Wishing you luck acquiring fishie friends soon ☺️
Beautiful! 💚💚💙💙💜
Hello again!!!! I've been toying with the idea of getting my first chiclid as well...these guys look like a nice option!! Thank you!! P.s. say hi to Jason for me lol..
No cichlids right now but planning to get a couple for my 15gallon in the near future(aswell as some for a 65gal), didn't decide which ones yet though. Knowing myself I will probably end up with just corydoras/fancy plecos instead..
Speedy little ones aren't they, J?! Very cool! 😎
Was planning on dwarf cichlids for my 32 gal cube but ended up adding a bunch of neocaridina shrimp after taking down another tank and can’t bare to see them all hunted down!
I've been thinking about getting rams for a 29 gallon tank but my water parameters aren't quite right for the germans so I ended up getting a paradise gourami instead. He shares with a bristlenose pleco, 6 harlequin rasbora, and 6 neon tetras. Oh, and kuhli loaches.
I do! But no nano stuff. The closest tank I have to "nano" size is a 14g cube. No cichlids in there though. It has a betta, clown pleco, 3 pygmy cories and what started off as 3 khuli loaches but I'm down to 1 because 2 of the decided the water on the other side of the glass was clearer. It wasn't. Oh! And there's also a siamese algae eater. He's not really supposed to be in there but at the time, there were 3 of them in my 75g and 2 of got picked off over night, so I pulled the lone survivor out and gave him safe harbor.
Now, as far as cichlids, I have a 210g with the following;
• Felix & Oscar the Oscars
• Manny the Managuensis (jaguar)
• Mike the Venezuelan Pike
• Dempsey the Jack Dempsey
• Tex the Green Texas
• Sal the Salvini
• Bonnie & Clyde the Convicts
• Gabriel & Uriel the Angelfish
Also (non-cichlids)
• Moe, Larry & Curly the Silver Dollars
• Mango the L47 pleco
• Zig Zag the Striped Raphael cat
• Leo Somadoras the Jaguar cat
There is a little aggression but, so far, after two years (roughly), there has been no serious issues.
I have two more Jaguar cichlids, each in their own 55g. They were supposed to be a mated pair to give me babies. Alas, twas not to be. The male just beats her like a drum and I had to separate them. I'll likely rehome them. If you're interested or know someone who's looking, tell them I have a couple... they're just not a couple. The male is gorgeous! I wish, in hindsight, I had picked him to go into the 210 display instead of Manny but... meh... what can you do.
Future plans are
A tank with a pair of red terrors.
A severum tank representing all the different morphs with electric blue acara.
A tank with at least one starry night cichlid, but preferably a pair.
How was that for answering questions you didn't ask? 🤣
I do appreciate a natural scape !
I am planning on doing some kind of krib or apisto pair in my 20 long, along with some gertrudae rainbows. I’m hoping they’ll both colony breed for me if I make them happy enough.
I have a pair of GBRs in my 20 gal, with African dwarf frogs, endlers and honey gourami. They all get along well, but the male ram gets frisky and chases the female too much, and also some of the female endlers, but he doesn't bite them. The female ram was looking good but last night she was washed out again from the male chasing her too much. I don't have a good place to put her elsewhere, so don't know what I'll do about it yet. Was hoping to find more females, but no luck yet.
I have 3 angelfish 3 peacock gudgeon, one sparkling gourami, and 6 sturbai corydoras in a 29 gallon
I love the kribensis! The albino kribs are my favorite ! Welcome to the cichlid clan! Congrats and happy new year!!🎆🎆🎆
Thanks! Glad to be here !! 😂 I’m not super keen on albino anything as a rule but the albino kribs - bee-utiful!!! Happy New Year!!
20L with Beckford pencils, Emperor tetras and a pair of African Butterfly Cichlids(who just spawned today-same way as Rams, on a flat rock under overhanging vegetation).
My first cichlids were kribensis as well 20 years ago in a 15 gallon, after those I bred Apistogramma cacatoides & A. nijsseni. These days I have hard time finding Apistogramma species especially females
Albino never seen one awesome 👌 u should had ludwigia dark orange add a splash of color 😉
Cool tank I haven’t tried cichlids but lots of tigers less aggressive then them
20GL, 2 of each: Texas, Convict, Firemouths, Jewels, Kribensis, & Ruby Clown Rams - 3 Pepper Corydoras, - 2 Chinese Algae Eaters, 1 Brown Nocturnal Pleco - 20 Male Endlers and 20 female Endlers. CRAZY TOWN, all are around an inch or smaller, so it is quite entertaining...Will rehome as they begin to outgrow or bully! When the Cichlids arrived the Endlers became HATCHETFISH!
I have 4 angel fish, 2 Bristlenose, 8 guppies all of them getting along, in my37 gallon tall and looking to get a bigger aquarium and getting electric blue acara or apistogramma
I have a young pair of triple red Apistogramma cacatuoides in a 20 gallon high with some guppies. I want to get some otos for the clean up crew.
Triple reds...nice!! I love otos!
My cichlids I currently have are My first and only cichlids I've ever had..
I have 1 juvenile Male Firemouth cichlid, three Texas cichlids( small medium large) And my seven blood parrots ranging from Deformed tiny with oversized gills to a large fully grown female blood parrot . I do want to get other many other types of cichlids ranging from Krips to angelfish. I would like to have adorable stay small cichlids Like the Shellies someday but in the meantime I would love to hug all of my fish especially my blood parrots! They are beyond amazing with their personalities and I am very blessed 💕
I just love my blood parrots! I have three of them that are just over a year old. They sure are amazing! 🧡🧡I wouldn't trade them for anything!
Yes! that is beautiful to hear !I wish I knew more people who had them in person, someone like you I could talk to you all day about them 😀. I am very new to fish keeping and my group with the blood parrots the pleco the Texas cichlids and the firemouth r all a rescue group (first Fish keeping project) my introduction to fish keeping was rescuing these fish so I had to learn a lot very fast. My blood carrots are so sweet and gentle I give them palm snuggles everyday and they all take turns so I can rub their bellies I hand feed them everyday and I am so blessed!
@@oinkmastersupremeforever , They are a unique breed. So much personality in those chunky bodies. I have one that has a small mouth and has issue eating some foods. He is my favorite of my three. Our biggest one is the tank boss, he moves his clay pot all over the tank and he push the plants around, and every so often he has to go around and push tank mates around. They are fun.
Cichlids are awesome! I have Angels, Electric Blue Acaras, Geo’s, Balzanii, Heckelii… ❤️❤️❤️
Ooooh nice!! ☺️
I bred blue acaras in a 40G decades ago and you can't really go too much smaller with that species. I kept the pair alone because they could get kind of feisty when breeding. Now that I'm back into aquariums but want to stay small I'm looking at a 20L with apistos, although for the same footprint I might go with a 29G just because of the increased water volume for stability.
Th only cichlids I own are 4 yellow labs and 8 demasoni. They live in a 125 litre fluval roma with a nerite snail and a bristlenose pleco
Love it!!
No cichlids here, yet. I would really love to get either the nannacara anomala (might have been Jason who I first heard talking about them) or the regular, not electric, blue acara. Though my preference would be to have a slightly bigger tank for them, so that might have to remain on the "someday" list for now.
Both of those would be super nice. I have a very extensive “someday” list as well. Happy New Year!
@@thesmallscape Thanks Joanna, Happy New Year to you and those you love too!
Rainbow Kribensis very beautiful fish and very easy to breed , however once they breed they get very aggressive or over protected about there fry and can push even African cichlids to the corner of a tank I had a pair with some Mbuna cichlids and once they breed I had to remove them because they pushed everyone to the corner
always great when i search for a fish and you or jason have a video up, love the look of the kribs awsome fish, but wondering. i have a 65g tank i guess overstocked but it works but going to go bigger soon. stocking is, rummy tetras emperor tetras black neons super red plec rusty/common plec "which is going to be rehomed bad advice lol" 2 apistos 2 diamond angels and some young congo tetras. my question would be, are any of the fish at threat, or a threat to the kribs? all tank mates are happy, would love the kribs colour in there?
Beautiful rock
Thanks! Isn’t it so interesting?!
Can I have a dwarf chiclid in a 15 gallon community tank? Just with some tetras
I love Kribs! Mine were great breeders and excellent parents. They got too aggressive for my Bolivian Rams, though. I rehomed them to a friend who really wanted Kribs and couldn't find any locally.
I love when fish are good parents. ☺️Glad it all worked out.
@@thesmallscape me, too! It's definitely easier on you if they raise their young. I'd say there was a really good survival rate with mine.
i have a 40 gallon and interested in putting kribs in. i was wondering if it would be okay to do 5 females with 2 males with other fish like tetras and corys
Someone gave my friend a blue peacock cichlid in a 5 gallon tank. The tank had glow light gravel, the air pump was submerged, and it was really dirty. I felt really bad for the little guy. The best we could do for him at that point was to give him a ten gallon we had in my shed. At least he has a clean and slightly larger tank now.
That was nice of you to do what you could. 😊
I’d like to try ram cichlids in a 20 gallon but they are hard to keep I’ve heard
We have kribs too. Also in a 20l. It only has 2 a male an female. They chased everyone else out so they could breed.
Hi Joanna :) Congrats on your new rainbow kribs! Love the colors! I don’t have cichlids. But I will soon! Almost ready to finally get my shellies!! ...In my 20g endler tank I moved the males to another tank to “reduce the herd”. Now I only have color from my mystery snails. Trying to decide on a fish or small school that plays well with both and adds color and works with 8.2+ ph. Anything come to mind? Maybe honey gourami? It’s the high ph that concerns me as well as trying to keep the snails safe from being nipped.
Nice share
Hi Joanna. I've got a Golden Ram in my new 20 gallon long. I've got him in with 6 Marble Hatchetfish, 10 Rummynose Tetras, several Amanos and 3 Nerite Snails. Maybe a little overstocked. The new Kribensis are super pretty! Have they started digging yet?
Ooooh - golden ram?! Pretty!! I love rummynose too. Yes, they have started digging 😂