Here is a huge mistake that may new seller make. They do the Free Shipping and adjust the price to include the shipping, but they forget the free shipping when they run a sale on items and the cost of the shipping goes over the sale price of the item. Yes I have done this on more than one occasions. Also as a seller don't try to collect more money from the buyer or try to cancel the order under the "Buyer Requested to Cancel," this can get you into some more problems with eBay.
You are so helpful with your channel. I'm not ready to start reselling yet, but I love your content. I think you are both such awesome people; I wish I lived closer. I live in KS, which isn't impossible for the highway sale, but couldn't get there last year. Thanks for all you do.
I am with you on the packing/shipping, Teresa. I actually pack my husband's sales cuz I don't like how he does it. 😁😁Also, I'm all for recycling boxes but some should not be used.
I watched a seller put a shampoo bottle in a padded mailer. I was a baby reseller and even tho that didn't feel right, I did something similar anyway and ended up refunding the buyer for a squished, leaking bottle.
I had a buyer that had the wrong address ebay wouldn't let me ship after contacted them 4 times i contacted ebay 2 times and told them they needed to fix it ,I canceled the sale should I refund them or wait on ebay to refund them
Thank you 🐝🤟🏼
Learn something new everyday and don't make the same mistake twice! I still struggle with organization!
Great tips yall.
Corey... your tip on a previous podcast to move to 1 day shipping has paid off big for me since Thanksgiving. Preciate it!
That is awesome!
Thank You!
Ok can’t find the link for the watch kit. Help please!
It’s in our Amazon shop
Here is a huge mistake that may new seller make. They do the Free Shipping and adjust the price to include the shipping, but they forget the free shipping when they run a sale on items and the cost of the shipping goes over the sale price of the item. Yes I have done this on more than one occasions. Also as a seller don't try to collect more money from the buyer or try to cancel the order under the "Buyer Requested to Cancel," this can get you into some more problems with eBay.
This was fun! Thanks so much for the advice. I’ve been worried about shipping and scammers, so I needed to hear this. Love your channel!❤
"The way some people packs gives me the heebie jeebies" 😅Haha I think we know exactly who you're talking about 🤭
You are so helpful with your channel. I'm not ready to start reselling yet, but I love your content. I think you are both such awesome people; I wish I lived closer. I live in KS, which isn't impossible for the highway sale, but couldn't get there last year. Thanks for all you do.
If anything over estimate size and weight for shipping.
I am with you on the packing/shipping, Teresa. I actually pack my husband's sales cuz I don't like how he does it. 😁😁Also, I'm all for recycling boxes but some should not be used.
you two are adorable! Happy to stumble on your channel as I am brand new at selling on ebay. :)
Welcome to the channel!
I watched a seller put a shampoo bottle in a padded mailer. I was a baby reseller and even tho that didn't feel right, I did something similar anyway and ended up refunding the buyer for a squished, leaking bottle.
I had a buyer that had the wrong address ebay wouldn't let me ship after contacted them 4 times i contacted ebay 2 times and told them they needed to fix it ,I canceled the sale should I refund them or wait on ebay to refund them
Please make a video for tax prep/help please or direct me to it if you have a video already