How to prove that Holy Spirit is God (responding to Jehovah's Witnesses) - Dr. Walter Martin

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Dr. Walter Martin explains with Biblical scripture proving that Holy Spirit is God in response to the Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Full sermon here: • The Kingdom of the Cul...

Комментарии • 77

  • @fermonitolagnason970
    @fermonitolagnason970 5 месяцев назад

    Read acts 5:9 it's.Jehovah spirit. Your conclusion is erroneous

  • @ajmittendorf
    @ajmittendorf Год назад

    The phrase "Holy Spirit" is not a name. He is "The Holy Spirit." Nowhere in Scripture is he ever referred to by a name, let alone "Holy Spirit." Yes, He is God, but "Holy Spirit" is not his name.

    @STROND Год назад +1

    So can you show me a scripture from the Bible that clearly says that the holy spirit IS GOD and is equal to God ? You often see Jesus and Jehovah, for example Jesus sitting at God's right hand but the holy spirit seems to be missing. John 1:1 again Jesus and his father but the holy spirit is missing, and the reason why is because God's holy spirit is just that, it is his active force which he uses to accomplish his will, it is NOT an individual person !
    So again I ask, "please show us a scripture where (like with John 1:1 and Jesus) it clearly shows that the holy spirit is God and is EQUAL to God ?

    • @mich7689
      @mich7689 Год назад

      Jesus said my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge ! You need to understand when Jesus speaks in Parables to know Biblical scripture.

    • @pettra1
      @pettra1 Год назад

      In the passages quoted in the video.

    • @STROND
      @STROND Год назад

      @@mich7689 Please show me where Jesus said that ? Chapter and verse please. Your statement makes NO SENSE !

    • @STROND
      @STROND Год назад

      @@pettra1 Please make sense !

    • @STROND
      @STROND Год назад

      @@livebyfaith94 Being referred to as Lord in the Bible does not mean that they are God

    @LUKETHELOG Год назад

    Im mormon from birth and can say we believe that there is one god heavenly father, jesus christ and the holy ghost. We always believe that, in the book of mormon it doesnt talk of many gods its just the trinity one god, simple. Joseph smith didnt write that statement in the book of mormon so i never heard that before and isnt what we believe. Maybe he was speculating about how god became god, it say alot in the bible about how we are children of god and he wants us to live with him again and be like him, right. So what does that say, im just speculating but if he wants us to be like him how do we do that, and to what degree, is it a little like him or actually like him with all his glory and perfect like him to be like god. We are children of god we through adam and eve were born on the earth through our lineage which goes all the way back to adam and eve. But our spirit come from god and we live in this mortal existence for a very short time maybe a hundred years then we die and like jesus we will be resurected eventually when god says its time and our body will be reunited with our spirit, same as jesus so we will have a body that is perfect and will be imortal and can live forever and never die, which is what as a mormon i believe, and i hope is what most christians believe too. But we can speculate cant we, about how god became god, this is just my opinion and of all that i have read in both the bible and the book of mormon, but if he wants us to grow and learn and learn fron our mistakes and repent and continue to grow bit by bit, we will eventually become like god. God loves families and this is how we develope, this is where we feel love and grow is in the family home, he refers to us as his children we are brothers and sister so family is big. But we are family, our spirit came possibly from a heavenly mother gods wife, thats my personal opinion, but if its not good for man to alone i would think its not good for god to be alone right? So what im saying is u can speculate about how god became god, this earth is just a growing and information download for the spirit so we can continue in the resurected form for billions and trillions of earth years after we die learning and continueing grow every minute of the time we spend with god. Time is relative, so time with god can be faster then earth his day can be a 1000 years on earth, Death isnt the end its just part of our experience and journey to be like god, but that my opinion.
    This guy is obviously a man of satan he instead of promoting god and his goodness of his own faith he is instead terring down other religions and telling lies in the process. He is twisting the truth, i know because i am mormon and know it inside out and in my opinion is the best church to getting as close to god as u can on earth. I know it is the only church that has more truth and is closer to gods will than any church on the earth.

  • @pettra1
    @pettra1 Год назад +1

    That, pretty much, says it all. By denying the Holy Spirit his being part of the Triune Godhead, they are lying to the Holy Spirit, to those who they come into contact with and themselves. They are truly lost.

    • @scottgrey2877
      @scottgrey2877 Год назад +1

      The holy spirit is not a person

    • @STROND
      @STROND Год назад

      The Trinity is a man made dogma invented by the Catholic church , show us in the Bible where it says that the Holy spirit is God ??

    • @NicoMonteverde312
      @NicoMonteverde312 Год назад

      @@STROND”And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
      And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16-17, KJV). One God in three persons. Jesus the Son is on earth, The Holy Spirit is descending like a dove, and the Father speaks from heaven. I’m not Catholic; I’m a Lutheran Christian, and I’m telling you this doctrine of the Holy Trinity because I love you and it is the truth.

    • @HasanUnknown
      @HasanUnknown Год назад

      Islam is the religion who makes us to Believe in Jesus,
      We Muslims 100% Believes in Jesus,
      We Muslims Believes that Jesus is the Christ,
      No Muslim is a Muslim if he doesn’t Believes in Jesus,
      Jesus did Miracles by the Permission of Allah,
      Jesus himself Never said “Im God” also Never he said anyone to “Worship Me”
      Jesus was Just a Prophet and Messenger Of Allah Only to Guide The People of Israel,
      *Jesus Denies Being God* | Read ⬇️
      "My Father is greater than me." [John 14:28]
      “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to My God and your God.” [John 20:17]
      “Jesus said: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” [Mark 12:29]
      “Jesus, Fell with his face to the ground and Prayed.” [Matthew 26:39]
      “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgement is just because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who has sent me." [John 5:30]
      “The crowd answered, This is Jesus, the Prophet.” [Matthew 21:10-11]
      *The Coming Of Prophet Muhammed In Bible*
      “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When he the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come, He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” [John 16:12-14]
      *Allah Clears About Jesus*
      [Quran:- 5:72]:-
      “Jesus has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord."
      [Quran:- 19:30]:-
      “Jesus has said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.”
      [Quran:- 4:171]:-
      “Christ Jesus the son of Mary was no more than a messenger of Allah, So believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not "Trinity" desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah:

    • @NicoMonteverde312
      @NicoMonteverde312 Год назад +1

      @@HasanUnknown God is one in BEING, and three in PERSONS. A being is WHAT you are, and a person is WHO you are. For example, I am made out of flesh, bone, and tendons, but that is not WHO I am. WHO I am has to do with my role. For example, I am a son, a brother, and a servant of Christ. Jesus can say things like, ”…for my Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28 KJV) because he is less than God in person. However, He is just as much God as the Father is. An example of being less than someone in person is this, I am less than the president of the United States because I am just a citizen, and he has more authority than me. However, the president of the United States is no less human than I am. One proof of the Holy Trinity in the Bible is the verse I listed above in my previous reply.
      Where does Jesus claim to be God?
      In this verse Jesus claims to be God:
      “Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?
      And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” (Mark 14:61, 62 KJV).
      Now Jesus said he was the Christ, the Son of God. He was the expected savior of the world. And this next verse is prophecy about Jesus, thought to be by scholars written in the 8th century B.C; this is hundreds of years before Jesus was born.
      “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
      ‭‭Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭9‬:‭6-7 KJV
      Now in this prophecy, it says that the coming savior is, “…The Mighty God…”. The people of Israel knew that this was prophecy of God, and acknowledged it to be true. Therefore, when the high priest asks Jesus if he is the Christ, he is also asking if Jesus is God. This is backed up by what the high priest says next after Jesus responds by saying, “I am”. The high priest says, “64 Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye? And they all condemned him to be guilty of death.” (Mark 14:64 KJV). Why would the high priest claim this was blasphemous if Jesus wasn’t God? Furthermore, it says, “…there shall be no end, upon the throne of David…”. This further confirms that this prophecy is talking about Jesus because Mary (his birth mother) and Joseph (his earthly father) are both descendants of David (Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38).
      Additionally, when Jesus appears to his disciples after he has resurrected, Thomas says this, “ 28 Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!””(John 20:28 ESV). If Jesus was really just a prophet of God and not the Son of God and God himself, why didn’t he tell Thomas he was not God? Because in the next verse Jesus says, “29 Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29 KJV). Jesus says this in response to Thomas doubting that Jesus really rose from the dead (John 20:24-27).
      Also, when you quoted Jesus in John 16:12-14, Jesus was actually talking about the Holy Spirit to his disciples, not Muhammad.
      Now, I say all this not for the sake of a debate, but because Jesus loves you and because I love you and this is the truth. “16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 KJV). “6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6 KJV). I’ll be praying for you, and I recommend you watch this video because it is from a former Muslim who explains the Holy Trinity and that Jesus is God in a lot greater detail than I did:видео.html

  • @drewtube777
    @drewtube777 Год назад +2

    Dr. Walter Martin. Can’t wait to meet him in glory!

  • @umarnyanzi1353
    @umarnyanzi1353 Год назад

    I have surely loved this God bless you

  • @marcusvanrensberg6060
    @marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад +2

    Jesus christ will not break a read or snuff out a smoldering wick, the holy spirit is the arm/staff, of God, the gift to man (flesh) to boldly witness to the gospel of Jesus christ, the holy spirit can not speak on his own.

    • @marcusvanrensberg6060
      @marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад

      The holy spirit can not forgive, Jesus Christ gives direction to all by the holy spirit, Question, why is the holy spirit called, holy spirit and not father or son(Jesus christ)?

    • @marcusvanrensberg6060
      @marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад

      The fullness of the Diety (the creator)lives in bodily form in the body of Jesus christ, Jesus Christ and the farther are one God has a body, and as the lamb on the throne of God, created man in his image as, body, soul, and spirit (life) as one person with a name Adam.

  • @stephenmay1982
    @stephenmay1982 Год назад

    Under our apostle Paul’s ministry,today we are only saved by BELIEVING The Gospel of Jesus Christ,1 st Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 1-4.Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins,was buried,and rose again on the third day.Jesus Christ’s Shed Blood is what saves you when you believe this plan of salvation with your heart.

    • @CWebbTheMaster1234
      @CWebbTheMaster1234 Год назад

      As long as you're using belief as an umbrella term for faith and obedience, you are correct!

    • @stephenmay1982
      @stephenmay1982 Год назад

      @@CWebbTheMaster1234 ,so you are saying “ Belief” means Faith Plus works?, Not according to scripture, Ephesians 2:8-9 is Rightly Divided for the church age,” Grace through Faith, Gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast”.Roman’s 3 : 25” Faith in His Blood”, what obedience could a human have from the words Faith in His Blood, only if you understand, Faith, Believe, trust is all the same meaning.Romans 10:9-11”Believe in thine heart”, and of course what our apostle Paul says to those of us in then church age in Roman’s 2: 16, that we will be judged if we have believed his Gospel, 1 st Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 1-4.

    • @CWebbTheMaster1234
      @CWebbTheMaster1234 Год назад

      @@stephenmay1982 I'm saying, for some reason down the line this falsehood of defining "works" in Eph 2 as "anything physical a person does" has corrupted so many. But that doctrine stands in direct opposition to Christ and God Himself. Matthew 7:21, Luke 6:46 and James 1:22.
      You need to define Faith how Jesus and the early church defined faith, not your own definition that is ultimately lead you astray.
      What Paul is talking about in Eph 2 is "Works of the law" or other acts one would do that they think "save them" but God alone is the one that does the Saving and Justifying not we ourselves. But what Paul is NOT saying is that anything physical a person does is considered a work, when Jesus and the other apostles, including Paul commanded disciples to DO things to keep with repentance: Matthew 25, Acts 26:20. And there shouldn't be anyone who says that "physical acts/works" have no bearing on our salvation when Jesus said it does.
      The Obedience is found in 1 Corinthians 6:11. And then read Proverbs 30:11. And why do you ignore Romans 6?
      What you need to prove, is that whenever Paul says works, he means to dismiss EVERYTHING physical Jesus and the other apostles told the disciples to DO and by that you must realize that your own doctrine goes against God, because it is He who tells us we are to do things. How do you reconcile all those verses without ignoring them? Because that's all I see people doing to their own destruction.

  • @alexanderv7702
    @alexanderv7702 Год назад

    "Concerning that day and hou, no one knows except the Father." Why does the Holy Ghost-the third person of the Godhead-not know "the day and hour"?

    • @CWebbTheMaster1234
      @CWebbTheMaster1234 Год назад

      To show you that they are different in nature and function, while STILL being God. We are told "that day and hour" is something The Father knows, not something only God knows. Besides Jesus doesn't have a problem not knowing while still maintaining His divinity, so why do we?
      To go along with what I first said, why can one be forgiven for blasphemy against The Son of Man but not The Holy Spirit if they are both God? (Matthew 12:31-33) and again I would say that they are different in nature and function, while being God.

    • @alexanderv7702
      @alexanderv7702 Год назад

      Respectfully-my question has not been answered!

    • @CWebbTheMaster1234
      @CWebbTheMaster1234 Год назад

      @@alexanderv7702 Again, the answer lies within the nature of God and the relationship between them. Do you think you can figure that out? Do you think any human being KNOWS the definitive answer to your question or mine? No, it is withing their nature alone and outside our expectations.

    • @NATAR160
      @NATAR160 Год назад +3

      ​@@alexanderv7702It's just like saying "why did the Son have to be the one to take up flesh and die and not the Father or the Spirit". Ur boss in office is not more human than you are, but they are things he could do that you can do also, but you are not allowed to do it, not bc you are less human but bc it's not within the confines of ur role. They are certain knowledge u have the ability to access but u might still ignore them bc it doesn't feature in ur role, and so leave it for those that it suits their role: doesn't mean you don't have the ability to have those knowledge.

  • @marcusvanrensberg6060
    @marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад +3

    The holy spirit is the gift/arm/staff of God given to Moses to hold In his right hand, and divide the water.

    • @marcusvanrensberg6060
      @marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад

      Colossians 2:9-10 In Jesus christ the fullness of the Diety (the creator) lives in bodily form, as the one and only true living God who became flesh and dwelled with man. God created man in his image, body soul, and spirit (life)as one person with a name Adam. Is Jesus Christ divide? In John 14:5-14 Philip asked, lord, show us the farther and that will be enough for us, (Jesus christ is the farther)

    • @marcusvanrensberg6060
      @marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад

      Zechariah 12-10 God the farther said, with a spirit and supplication they will look on me the one they have pierced and they will mourn. Zechariah 14:9 the lord will be king over the whole earth, on that day there will be one lord, and his name the only name. This is God telling us that he is Jesus Christ on the cross.

    • @marcusvanrensberg6060
      @marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад

      @@jtb-southphilly Is God three persons and three different God's?

    • @marcusvanrensberg6060
      @marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад

      @@jtb-southphilly The scriptures says that Jesus christ said, Don't you believe that I am in the father, and the father is in Me?the words I say to you are not just my own, Rather, it is the father living in Me, who is doing His work. Question is Jesus Christ divided? Is the scriptures wrong? You believe that Jesus christ is NOT the father and that the father is NOT Jesus christ. This is a contradiction in your believe.

    • @marcusvanrensberg6060
      @marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад

      @@jtb-southphilly read the old testament and you will see that the holy spirit was upon the Prophets, the kings, preachers, teachers that were anointed in the holy spirit. As John the Baptist.

  • @mich7689
    @mich7689 Год назад +2

    The Holy Trinity 3 in 1 🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌❤❤❤

    • @scottgrey2877
      @scottgrey2877 Год назад +1

      Jesus is not God

    • @mich7689
      @mich7689 Год назад +2

      @@scottgrey2877 you need to read your Bible Brother 🙏🙏🙏

    • @mich7689
      @mich7689 Год назад

      @@scottgrey2877 HE IS the Father,The Son , & the Holy Spirit .

    • @scottgrey2877
      @scottgrey2877 Год назад +1

      @@mich7689 no Jesus is not God

    • @STROND
      @STROND Год назад

      Jesus is NOT God......the holy spirit is NOT a person. By referring to God’s spirit as his “hands,” “fingers,” or “breath,” the Bible shows that the holy spirit is not a person. (Exodus 15:​8, 10) A craftsman’s hands cannot function independent of his mind and body; likewise, God’s holy spirit operates only as he directs it. (Luke 11:13) The Bible also compares God’s spirit to water and associates it with such things as faith and knowledge. These comparisons all point to the impersonal nature of the holy spirit.​

  • @scottgrey2877
    @scottgrey2877 Год назад +2

    It is a force not a person

    • @jundagami
      @jundagami Год назад +5

      Says the Watchtower, Armstrongites, and other erroneous teachers, but not according to the Bible, as you can see in this video. Except, of course if, if you have not watched the video or if you have watched the video but refused to understand or accept the truth.

    • @scottgrey2877
      @scottgrey2877 Год назад +1

      @@jundagami the verses are metaphorically

    • @STROND
      @STROND Год назад +2

      Yes, in a nut shell. In the Bible, the word “spirit” is translated from the Hebrew word ruʹach and the Greek word pneuʹma. Most often, those words refer to God’s active force, or holy spirit. (Genesis 1:2) These meanings all share the sense of something invisible to humans that produces visible effects. Similarly, the spirit of God, “like the wind, is invisible, immaterial and powerful.”​-An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W. E. Vine.

    • @adricgayron3445
      @adricgayron3445 Год назад

      But God is a person? 😂😂😂

    • @scottgrey2877
      @scottgrey2877 Год назад

      @@adricgayron3445 metaphorical language