I’ve used the wire for one other place. In the birds, when the headdresses are really heavy (beaded lots of feathers etc. )I’l run a short length of wire down from the head down thru the neck and into the body so the head doesn’t droop over time from the weight of the headdress.
Are you able to add the wire to the snake after you have crocheted and stuffed it or should you have the wire in there and crochet and stuff around it? I'm sorry if you mentioned this in the video and I missed it!
I’ve used the wire for one other place. In the birds, when the headdresses are really heavy (beaded lots of feathers etc. )I’l run a short length of wire down from the head down thru the neck and into the body so the head doesn’t droop over time from the weight of the headdress.
Are you able to add the wire to the snake after you have crocheted and stuffed it or should you have the wire in there and crochet and stuff around it? I'm sorry if you mentioned this in the video and I missed it!
@@tenshi0833 we add it in at the end 💕
Thank you for sharing. This is really valuable information. I plan on making more critters ❤