This one shift in her messaging opened floodgates for sales: Client Case Study - Ellie Baker

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Name: Ellie Baker
    Business: Exit Strategy Coach for Teachers at The 2-Hour Tutor
    Link: / happyfreeteacher
    Problem: Working hard to convert clients on 2-hour webinars + 90min sales calls (0 new clients in Jan)
    Success: 5 new easy-yes clients enrolling every month from a 20-30 min call + PDF
    My client Ellie shifted her message and this one tweak opened the floodgates to her client flow into her group programme.
    Before, Ellie said she helped teachers break out of teaching and replace their income but she held back on ‘how’ until her sales calls. That meant Ellie was having to work really hard to sell prospects on her way forward on one call. And unsurprisingly, these calls took ages and a lot of them didn’t want to go in the direction Ellie suggested.
    So we shifted her messaging to speak to those in her audience who are already sold on her solution: She now helps teachers who want to set up a 2 hour a week tutor business which replaces their teaching income.
    All we did was have her talk to her ideal client a bit further along the same timeline.
    These teachers had already decided a tutor business was the right way forward for them and were ready to buy.
    Ellie shifted her messaging in Dec/Jan. She created a new lead magnet, directed her ads to this and focussed on her new message to her existing audience too. We also changed her sales process - no more 2 hour webinars or 90 minute sales calls. Just a 20-30 min call and a well-written pdf.
    The result?
    Ellie went from enrolling 0 clients in January, to 5 new clients in February, followed by 5 more in March, 8 in April and 5 so far in May.
    Ellie’s income has shot up and her business potential has exploded.
    Now, to be clear, Ellie had a lot of key pieces already in place. An awesome group programme, an email list, ads running. At this stage, it’s all about tweaks and optimisation.
    So often clients come to me saying they’re clear on their messaging and they just need a better funnel. But honestly, nine times out of ten, the messaging is off.
    They’re either speaking to clients too early on, or not speaking to a bleeding neck problem or are not tangible in the result they deliver. And it often doesn’t take much to shift it, especially not when you have a messaging whizz like me in your back pocket. It's the same with your marketing and sales systems too. Simple tweaks lead to big results.
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