Prager U's wild anti-homeless propaganda!
- Опубликовано: 12 янв 2025
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The funny thing about the "give them homes" solution to homelessness is that it _is_ actually the best solution. Turns out that no problem that _leads_ to someone's becoming homeless becomes any easier to deal with once they _are_ homeless.
Well it's a good start but not the whole solution, but i think you already knew that. They need other kinds of community support.
@@ANTSEMUT1 Absolutely. All of which are harder to access if you're homeless. As you say, it's where you _start._
@@ANTSEMUT1 Well, it's the solution to most homeless problems (dying of freezing in winter, problems to have a job, etc...). It's not a miracle solution, they'll still be poor and vulnerable, but it move them away from the street (which seems the main concern of mayors) and diminish their sufferings.
Some guy made a charity in California to actually construct houses and give them to homeless people. Unfortunately the California government basically trashed them all for no reason
But if we give homeless people houses, how will all the poor landlords be able to afford their multiple mortgages? /s
_"Homeless people are drawn to states that don't criminalise or victimise people who are sleeping rough"_ is like saying _"Geese are drawn to lakes with the fewest alligators in them"_ I mean... no shit. What's the alternative option?
That's a nice analogy, I'm gonna remember that one
PragerU: We are going to ACTUALLY help the homeless -- by making everything they do illegal. We use this phrase "actually help" over and over but never give any details on how we are helping them, just making everything they do illegal.
Me: How is that helping them? You're a liar.
@sheparddog117 ....that's exactly what the analogy said...
Funny also how it never occurs to them that maybe the reason the homeless might be attracted to California has less to do with progressive policy and more to do with the fact that you can live outside there year round without dying from exposure.
"So should we help people find homes?"
PragerU: No, no, not at all! It's not even a housing issue, it's a mental health and addiction problem!
"So should we help people rehabilitate or find better access to mental health services?"
PragerU: What, are you crazy? Of course not! They did it to themselves, they deserve it!
"So what should we do to help homeless people?"
PragerU: What do you mean "Help"?
Great TLDR! This reminds me of an old South Park episode.
I'm constantly reminded of that episode whenever this topic comes up.
"People gave so much change to the homeless they started renting apartments, getting jobs, buying houses. You couldn't tell who was homeless and who wasn't anymore. Your neighbor could be homeless and you wouldn't even know! Then I learned that my own wife, was secretly homeless. I had to burn her in her sleep.
@@scienceandponies 😂😂 bruh..
Perfection. Perfect encapsulation of the natural heartlessness and irrationality of anyone on or near the Right on any social issue. On any issue actually.
"I'm just saying that they wouldn't be homeless people if they weren't legally people" - PragerU
Hottest of takes: If you're made uncomfortable by homeless people, GOOD, you should be uncomfortable to see another human being in pain, that's a sign that your sense of empathy is still working.
But you see, they’re stumbling block to my bougie activities and it was great to see the LEOs brush them off because we don’t want to see them
Only if you have more than them and it won't cut into your own basics.
Genuine question: how best can I help? There's a man who sits outside the convenience store near where I live who I've never spoken to. Would it be rude to aproch him and ask what he needs? (btw I'm an unemployed student, so I don't have exactly have much money to spare)
@@beatrix1120 I’m only a teenager, but I think that if you feel it’s safe, you should speak to him and ask if he needs anything. I don’t think it’s rude. Also, if you live in a bigger city, there might be community fridges in urban areas. In my city, I regularly stock the community fridge with bread, milk, eggs and baked beans for only fifteen dollars from the 7-11 across the street. Even just showing kindness and treating houseless people like humans can do a lot of good. I hope you can find a way to help! Good luck :)
@@beatrix1120 What Lily said, also a friend of mine used to carry a small jar of peanut butter and some bread in a baggie and a table knife around in her tote bag, and when she saw someone panhandling, she would offer them a sandwich. A couple of times I've given some fruit that I had with me, or bought a sandwich at a convenience store. Sometimes folks are just glad that another human saw them as human.
“The homeless question.” Jesus Christ, prager.
Don't worry, they do not understand irony and will soon be, verbatim, re-casting "A modest proposal" as "effective policy"
@@severdislike4222 "Jonathan Swift understood how to make the homeless contribute to society and solve hunger!"
Great, now I'm expecting them to suggest a "final solution" (only 1 min. in atm)
Apparently there final solution is mistreating them
The HQ.
Prager U's argument is like saying the solution to my "dirty laundry problem" is to dump it all in my brother's room and hope he cleans it for me. pErSoNaL rEsPoNsiBiLiTy BaBeY
I'm a big fan of personal responsibility. Because it shows the lies of left-wing hypocrites as well as the right-wing ones.
Now look at what the argument of personal responsibility does with Prager U and admire how beautifully it works.
I see myself as a lot more conservative than Thought slime, but I think we can both agree on one thing: As long as we are all honest in discussions, we can be find solutions. As soon as we are not... check arguments for personal responsibility and call people out on their BS.
@@sebastianwendl603 I'll take a whataboutism fallacy for 500
All of this while trash talking their brother for being "too permissive" towards dirty laundry if he actually try to do anything about it
@@sebastianwendl603 I fucking died at "i see myself as more conservative than thoughtslime"
a person who is an anarch-communist who's openly hostile to conservative ideologies
thats not a good thing pal, conservatism is immoral.
@@descalzitao6779 “you won’t fix the problem by letting it clog up the laundry room!”
The “hoses are racist” line is the perfect example of right wingers saying lines that are short, quippy and wrong. It took PU 2 seconds to say, but took Thimble Slimble minutes to debunk/contextualize
Damn racist hoses. Surely naught but evil courses through them.
Brandolini's law: "The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude larger than to produce it."
Yes, that's why giving a shit about the truth is usually a massive disadvantage in debate. When you don't care about the truth, you're allowed to just say anything that sounds good for your position. Caring about the truth means spending a bunch of time sifting through evidence, putting things in a wider context, accurately painting nuances, honestly exploring the most salient counterarguments, being open about the gaps in your knowledge...which all leads to an overall muddier picture than the confident dogmatic ideologue portrays.
And then they can kind of just shut off anyone saying it wouldn't make the place smell better, it would just annoy the people there, it would ruin their few possessions as "libs think everything is racist".
and then it's right-wingers who unironically claim to be "more rational" and to be driven by facts rather than feelings.
I have no goddamn clue how people think that homeless people WANT to be homeless. Like, have you ever spent a single day without eating 3 square meals, without showering, or living in a tent when it's way too hot or cold outside? It's an abject nightmare; what the fuck about that sounds voluntary to these people?
A tiny percentage of homeless people prefer to be homeless (usually after losing their home through circumstances beyond their control), so clearly they represent all homeless people, and all policies should be designed with them in mind.
their buffoons.
Honestly, it would be kind of cool for a few weeks. If it's intentionnal.
If it's intentional, then you're not homeless, you're camping lmao
@@pennyforyourthots Fair enought lol. I've never camped for several weeks, however.
"In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread." -- Anatole France (1894)
Love this quote.
“The Homeless Question” is so similar to “The Jewish Question” and “The Armenian Question” that it can’t possibly be unintentional
Thought the exact same thing
It isn't. This is the US's standard operating procedure, create "surplus populations" then do horrific and dehumanizing things to them.
@@severdislike4222 how many things, such as the gasoline baths, did Nazi scientist 'borrow' from US history
I mean, I don't think it has to be intentional, that doesn't mean there is no correlation. That's just the way fascist think, so phrasing things similarly isn't weird.
It never fails to make me mind fucked over how apathetic they are. How selfish do you have to be to hate homeless people ? Just pretend they're lazy and they deserve it ig ugh
As a Jew (who currently has a roof over his head, thank God and my parents,) the "What should be done about the homeless?" sounds very similar to how Nazis talked about "the Jewish question."
oh shit you're right, I genuinely didn't notice. thanks for pointing it out
it feels so intentional,,,
its just another dehumanization tactic. sugarcoated to shit, they dont want to say the quiet part out loud! “what should be done?” isnt *really* a question, they know what they want to do.
Trump is very much the classist equivalent to hitler. He's super rich and hates the poor. i mean, I guess it's more of an issue of race with him because him and his friends clearly hates muslims, mexicans and well, we know who they really hate.
"Culver city enforces the law"
Culver city: *ignores the law *
By law they mean what they think is the law
Preaches personal responsibility, then proposes the solution to homelessness is to make it somebody else's problem.
“Personal responsibility” is just a less obvious way of saying “let them eat cake”
That's Republican logic 101.
Master class is in underpaying your employees dodging taxes through loopholes you "Campaign"(bribe your senators) for and then claiming you did all your responsibilities, because its technically true...
The personal responsibility from the right seems to go like this:
I need to take personal responsibility for those things which most directly impact me as an individual when and only when I am acting as an individual for myself and myself alone. When I am part of a group there is no such thing as my personal responsibility. That was the fault of the group and the OTHER people controlling the group. I will still continue to be a part of the group tho, except for when it might require me to be responsible for my actions within that group and as a member of that group as it interacts with OTHERS. The more immediate it is to me now and me alone as an individual the more ..........
Well, maybe not if you really hold me to that. That's all for OTHER people.
Personal responsibility is for OTHER people, especially if they complain about injustice or unfair things. We all know everybody has equal access to the tools for success in life.
Did I forget to say love it or leave it? It's about the love. Yeah. The love.
That's the ticket! You know its all about the love.
All you need is love. Love and no complaining. Yeah, That's the ticket.!
Not exactly, he propose to make it the homeless's problem by making all Urban areas so hostile to convince them to move, again and again and again, cutting them out of even the minimum possibilities to find money, food, shelter, etc, until they will be no longer a problem; dead people are notoriously easy to manage.
@@davidpeppers551 i would love to talk to you more
This sacrasm is killing my guts in all the good ways
Thanx θωθ
, ya have social media?
You directly spoke of my circumstances, over 30 years ago.
I am that kid whose parents kicked him out. For being depressed. I was 18, out of the hospital after I tried to kill myself. I wasn't healing fast enough for my parents I guess. I went to a mental health agency, for what everyone thought was a vocational meeting. Halfway through my dad announced he isn't taking me home, and I am not welcome back. Totally gave me to this agency that wasn't equipped to house me. They scrambled and got me into a respite situation for people who are symptomatic. Then again to another hospital. Even though I never spent the night on the streets, I was homeless. It was the effort of many to make sure I didn't sleep on the streets. I'm eternally grateful for their kindness my own parents neglected to show. Nonetheless I had so much fear of what would happen to me.
I was mentally ill, homeless, and it was not a choice. When I was setup in an apartment, it was a roof. A rat, roach infested roof.
This mental health placement full of good people I speak of was not founded because they wanted to help the mentally ill. It was founded as a place to occupy the mentally ill during business hours. They set it all up to hide us, because we're a blight on the city. However, good people developed a place that actually helped people, rather than just warehouse us for the day.
From the bottom of my heart...... I truly hope your dad became a MAGA chump and got covid. It's the least he deserves for heartleasly abandoning you like that
“Hmmm, they don’t go to the places that treat them like roaches, so everywhere should treat them like roaches! Problem solved, for me” I hate these people
alternatively: "The homeless move from the great places to the bad places! Bad places defined as places with homeless people"
Al least I offer a quick death to my occasional lost roaches 😂
They never settled in my apartment, but must be cautious since my street is known for that (and homeless people too...damn, seems like police won't let them rest in the "good parts of the city"...)
But the biggest roaches I saw were...near bourgeois restaurants waste bins, they know where to eat haha (probably bleached or other disgusting method on food, to avoid homeless people eating)
Mutant roaches ok but no homeless people eating waste food...
Have you let any homeless people into your home? If not why not?
@@sybo59 Is this some kind of false equivalence bullshit? Like you know there is a difference for advocating that we help homeless people get homes and get them off the streets when we have the resources to do it, and just being assholes to people who already have a lot of shit going on by criminalizing them? You don't need to bring a homeless person in at all when a solution is staring at you with all those empty lots probably in your own town. Like there are solutions to this problem but greed won't let people stop being assholes to each other.
@@darrienjones8917 1) You want homeless people to have homes and think the solution is simple; 2) You can’t immediately force all citizens to subsidize your personal plan against their will; 3) You DO have the power RIGHT NOW to divide whatever living space you do have into halves, or thirds, or fourths, to immediately have a real impact on the problem you claim to care about, and are prepared to force on others; 4) You don’t, because you actually see it as a massive burden on your life, and would rather have the homeless wait for other people to take them instead of you doing what you can in the meantime.
P.S. You don’t know what “false equivalency” means - this is the problem with trying to get an education on complex topics from shitty RUclips videos.
“tri-morbid,” meaning they have co-occuring mental health, substance abuse, and medical issues
^I had to google what that meant so leaving it here for others. I sometimes hate living in the city cuz seeing the homeless tears me up inside.
“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.” -Paul Batalden
One widely accepted "fact" i hate is that druggies became homeless when in about half the cases the homeless become druggies and drunks
@@edwarddeguzman3258 exactly. Drugs and alcohol to cope with the trauma of homelessness. They often didn't start addicted
@@edwarddeguzman3258 when creating excuses to not care about the traumatized, the directionality of time is strictly optional
That's a good quote
I think the first red flag comes when they start talking about solving the homeless problem instead of the homelessness problem, they see the people themselves as the problem and not the fact that they lack a home.
that's conservative politics in a nutshell. they dont see the bad stuff as fixable so they go for what they see as the next best option, which is of course to punish the people participating in the bad stuff.
- Enters Conversation
- Says "Let's make homelessnes illegal"
- Doesn't elaborate further
- Leaves
Chad me Harder with these facts and Logic, Daddy!
Make being poor illegal while you're at it
When the solution is the exact opposite. It should be illegal to make someone homeless.
Went Shelter is a right, renting your empty property at any price is a requirement. If people can only pay 1€ for your property, thats the correct price and you’re obligated to rent out
I think I saw a Mexican movie about this when I was like 8
@@ahouyearno The amount you are renting something for does need to be at least enough to cover the property taxes and utilities, but I get the overall sentiment.
I think the best solution would be for cities to always provide adaquite public housing: small rooms in shared group homes, essentially like college dorms, but still enough to provide people with a basic standard of living. Then privately owned rental places would have to justify themselves both in terms of cost and quality.
"Certain mental illnesses make it pretty difficult to make rational decisions"
As a person who is schizophrenic, I agree. I'm very lucky that I don't suffer from tactile hallucinations and that I'm surrounded by people who understand, and help me cope.
i have depression, anxiety, ocd and paranoid/v10l3nt episodes and have issues making rational choices sometimes so i can see why.
hey! i hope you guys get some sleep and have a good day. theres a light at the end of the tunnel
Fellow schizophrenic! This club sucks, but we'll make it through this life and make it a good one.
I have OCD, and not super bad, but there are many things that I do or have to do because of it that I know are absolutely irrational, but I just can't NOT do it. It may be minor stuff, but I acknowledge my mental disorders make me do stupid irrational stuff at times, it's very fair to make that assessment.
Also depression, especially as it gets more severe, compromises your decision making. It's hard to explain, but as someone who suffered about 5 years with severe, and I mean severe, depression, I can say that my decision making abilities were not where they needed to be because of it. It influenced every part of my brain and thoughts and decisions.
Anxiety can make you agoraphobic, which is objectively considered irrational, as all phobias are.
There's a lot of mental health stuff, really basic mental health stuff, that can affect rationality, even if only in certain areas.
Having a house is a key factor in getting sober or managing mental illness.
Absolutely. Housing first is the ONLY way to get vulnerable people onto a path of long-term stability.
Yep, and assisted housing at that, with medical and psychological care, and some room for relapses and other things that are to be expected from people with multiple, hard problems in their life.
@@apinakapina When you have someone drinking on premises who is physically and mentally disturbing the others who are working hard to maintain their own sobriety? And you have a huge waiting list of people wanting to get in? Not an easy choice here.
@@SandfordSmythe no, thats not what is meant. Deally they want that housing mixed with the rest of the cities inhabitants as much as possible, because people tend to emulate those around them. For some this might sound horrible at first (like "I dont want to live next to a drug addict"), but it surprisingly works without most of the expected hiccups when done correctly. And the chance of you living next to a functioning alcoholic right now are high, anyways.
@@kennichdendenn I agree with you in general housing in the community. I am a little cautions of half-way house kinds of housing based on peer pressures.
"They're people with guts and ears and skeletons and everything" -Thought slime, "human" anatomy professor at eyeball university.
still has a better grasp of human anatomy than Dracula
@@immortalx50 where is the secret pile in this man
Eyeball University. Not actually a college, but still a more informative and better accredited institution than Prager "University"
We all know this is part of Thought Slime's Academy of Lumpy Lads.
Lots of drug addicts ARE abuse victims though, these people have no idea what kinds of stressors cause people to take street drugs. They think their own addictions to legal tobacco, alcohol, and prescription opiates are totally fine though!
One of the most poignant things I've ever seen regarding addiction (specifically heroin) is that some are running from something scarier than a needle.
I have a sneaky suspicion the people who enjoy demonizing the homeless are very much the same people who enjoy being the abuser.
They like to abuse while expecting to be thanked for a job or a place to rent.
Also mental illness and neurodivergence causes lots of people to self medicate with drugs due to the awful state of mental health care. But hey, it’s all personal choice /s
Also homeless people aren't the only ones that do drugs. Do they think rich people that do drugs should be homeless? Or is there a certain income someone can make that makes them more human than everyone else? The right clearly thinks there's an income level to people's humanity. Because when rich people make the same "bad life decisions", they aren't trying to make them homeless, so if it's the decisions alone, why does income play a bigger role in consequences?
Rufo's made an interesting slip regarding "the law" here. "The law" often stands as a code word for the enforcement of existing power structures. It's a pretty safe dog whistle to use, since the law usually DOES enforce existing power structures. You can catch these folks in the lie, though, in situations like this, where the laws actually conflict with those interests. They'll just ignore the law as written and refer to any action that bolsters those structures as "the law."
@Cassandra Tafoya or what happened to “a JUST law” instead of just “the law” at least we can question it.
"the law (as I see it)"
But when the laws go against them suddenly it becomes "unjust laws" or "tyranny"
It's less "the law" as in "the actual written statutory or case law" and more "the law" as a metonym for "(the will of) the enforcers of order"
Like when the police say shit like "open up; this is the law". They're referring to themselves as "the law" (because that's how they see themselves and that's largely how society treats them)
Indeed, by far the biggest example of this was during Covid when the republican snowflakes couldn't stop whining that they had to take a level of social responsibility. They are used to society serving them, so they think it's a disgrace to say they have to serve society by wearing masks.
He didn't suggest they fight to the death in a Mad Max style Thunderdome for our amusement, so I'm counting this as a progressive video from Prager U.
"This would create new jobs, hiring plenty of set designers, tv crew, merchandise"
"You mean bum fights. Could we at least pay them?"
"No no, we'll go full "student athlete" on them."
😂 both of these...
OMG, I can see the headlines now: "GOP partners with UFC to provide training opportunities for homeless"
I say we make PragerU do that.
This is a plot from an episode of American Dad.
"What should we do about homeless people" So they're really asking a question...about what to "do with" a group of people. The Question about homeless people...The Homeless Question one might even say.
Gosh, and I wonder why people call Prager U fascists
And Marx literally wrote “On the Jewish Question.”
This may shock you to hear, but it's widely understood by almost all leftists (even old school Marxists) that . . . wait for it . . . Marx wasn't right about EVERYTHING.
*Shocked gasps, someone faints, questions asked at parliament*
PragerUr-fascism, you could say.
@@sybo59 Holy whataboutism hell. You troll bots are getting very pervasive and desperate these days. It's so telling of how your masters are starting to feel the mounting pressure...
Also yeah, Marx, a Jewish person, a non-perfect human being (like all of us), wrote at a young age (one of his earliest writings) about what the future of Jewishness holds, or rather should hold, which was basically his heavy handed take at calling for Jewish liberation. What's your point? Oh wait, we've already established above that you have none. Bootlicker.
It blows my mind that someone can say "These people moved to this location because they decided that they wanted to be homeless."
I can confidently say, a majority of homeless persons are not homeless because they themselves decided that they *wanted* to be homeless.
No, not a majority.
I know… one. One guy. Not exactly a real choice either, because he decided it was easier to drift between houses of friends and the streets than to recover his stolen identity.
Edit: for clarification I know about 30 people who are homeless or in very shaky circumstances for housing, myself included.
"If you're homeless, just buy house."
-Dennis Praeger, probably
Cut out that avocado toast and Starbucks, and inherit money 💰, come on guys its so easy
"Buy their house from who? FUCKING AQUAMAN?"
@@kylea.9830 It's always the avocado toast... Why can't they just not do the avocado toast?
@@kylea.9830 Long ago, everyone lived in houses in peace. Then, everything changed when the Avocado nation attacked the Toast nation.
To steal from an old Doonesbury: "Why don't they go to their summer homes?"
“Things are too good which is why people choose to live out on the streets” something like that. Too many choices!
You know what would get rid of a lot of those choices? Getting rid of capitalism, and also realizing that multiple products at multiple price points are often the exact same product
@@TheNinthGeneration1 Yeah and a capitalist will tell you in the same sentence you get what you pay for and you should buy the cheapest option. Makes perfect sense...
If that were true, it would be... good. We should... let them.
This should be obvious.
Oh yeah, that’s why people *choose* to be homeless, because they have it too easy in life.
When I was younger, and the economy crashed in 2008, my dad lost his job and we had to spend the next two years in between low-income housing and just straight up sleeping in our vehicle while he went city to city to find jobs. Once I got older, I worked at a shelter for the homeless (which I absolutely hated because the staff, who had no experience being homeless, treated the residents like they were subhuman). I have an intense passion to homeless rights, and hearing that privileged yuppie say that it’s fault of the homeless makes me sick. Not an ounce of humanity or empathy in that sack of meat in a suit.
Those graphics running when the Prager ghoul explains how "home"less is not a "home" problem but a "human" problem is extremely effective in getting the viewer to self populate the term "human-less" in their brain
"Their problem isn't that they don't have a home. No! Their problem is that they aren't a human and are instead subhuman!"
I don't believe they're that subtle but it's a good point.
...You DO know they encouraged drug and alcohol rehabilitation and mental wellness?
How on Earth is THAT inhumane?
As someone who has been homeless multiple times, it is a housing problem. It's not addiction or mental illnesses. The first time, I was 7. My mom had lost her job and the bank didn't give her a loan, and she didn't have enough to pay rent. She has never been an addict, and didn't have any mental illness. We just didn't have a house.
...You were homeless MULTIPLE times though?
Always a promising start when discussion of a social issue is framed as "what shall _we_ do about _them"._
As opposed to the much better way of framing things, which is “how can I help”
I mean what a horrible framing device. I once saw a person on fire once and caught myself saying to myself what I could do about him. I was going to get a water hose and put him out but then realized my horrible mistake. I took the time to give myself a better inner dialogue and say to myself “how can I help the man” instead. It was kind of hard to do with him screaming and all…. I mean he died and stuff but I’d like to think that up in heaven he appreciates me and my moral improvement.
I would like the comment above, but it has 69 likes.
@@moosenllama4292 Literally what is your point?
@@moosenllama4292 a person currently on fire isn’t a social issue, your weirdly arguing that if a statement doesn’t apply to all problems it can’t apply to any problem.
Psst it's obvious sarcasm. 😉 urwelcome
Mildred replacing "no more than one email" with "exactly one email" compels me to send an email despite the fact that I am not a small leftist creator
I did too... weird
Word magic..
Just don't forget to mention your pronouns and other pertinent details.
As a former homeless person, and as a current advocate here in Seattle, this right wing narrative is so outrageous and enraging. It makes me want to tear my hair out. It's so dumb and cruel and just *screams
Dumb and cruel and intentional. They want that dumb cruelty aimed far away from them. It's been willfully cultivated by people for eons, and those in powet want it aimed somewhere other than them.
I understand pointing dangerous people away from you, but I can't fathom why they wouldn't work on defusing the dangerous people back into regular people. It seems like it would be better for everyone's well being.
As a “insert personal experience” I want to cry over other people conflicting opinions. Sometimes I wonder if there’s a better response that might be more productive but then I just cry again.
@@moosenllama4292 conflicting options aka right wing talking points based on fear and resentment, often not in line with facts or research, and when it is goes against it.
There, I fixed your bullshit comment.
Quick question because TS didn't go into it: what does Prager mean by "legalisation of property crime" as one of the "main reasons" homeless people come to Seattle?
@@rolfs2165 They pretend that in Seattle you can now steal money amounts of under $950 without being punished. But that's rubbish - the only thing that happened is that theft of these amounts has been downgraded from a felony to a misdemeanor.
TS said it but it was a bit unclear that these two things were connected.
The dilemma of the homeless Veteran: Talk about helping them over asylum seekers but also consider any help they get as "socialism."
That's really disrespectful. Don't generalise people who fought in wars like that.
@@udrubudrub OP is talking about how people like Prager U treat veterans, not the veterans themselves. They talk about helping them but considers any actual help "socialism"
Vets, like babies, are useful in the abstract. actual vets with needs and wants of their own are too inconvenient.
@@udrubudrub why does fighting in a war warrant respect
@LadyGaGa is hot I'm anti-war, but I respect veterans as men and women and enby folks who were, unfortunately, forced into the position by circumstance or fooled by propaganda. all people deserve respect, even if they're wrong.
Finland practically solved homelessness by giving homeless people homes. Literally that's it. (Of course services for mental health etc.) It's very obvious solution, but I love how it was publicised in international media as a novel little trick.
@faith Reader yeah ofc. Though it's nowhere near socialism here. We still have problems of capitalism, but at least most of our goverment has the sense to awknowledge and mitigate those problems.
Wait… so giving homes to the homeless makes them not homeless anymore? Thus removing a huge barrier from their reintegration into society, as well as significantly reducing their everyday stress and discomfort, the high levels of which were previously causing their mental health to deteriorate further and further? This is huge! Who would have thought huh?
@@MSd-er5zj very surprising isn't it!!! The most unintuitive solution, but it works
Yep! Love how many times stuff like Universal Income, giving housing to the homeless, setting up clean needle programs, legally requiring people to vote (with the ability to opt-out each time), forcing banks to ensure customers are able to access basic account options etc are all tested + come back with glowingly positive results, achieving the minimum expected to make the trial a success and often surpassing it easily, and yet people STILL point-blank refuse to entertain the idea of treating people like....... people?
But what is Finland's definition of what a 'home' is?
When my Dad had cancer, I punched him in the face and said, "You're not allowed to have cancer!"
Cured it right away.
Just gotta make it against the law to be homeless, dummies. Tough love.
You missed a dogwhistle at 8:48. "Enforces the law." As you explain, LA actually is enforcing the law and acting within its confines. To these ilk "the law" is never actually, you know, the law - a set of rules that sets limitations on what individuals and groups of people may and may not do - it's The Law - the things that I wish I could enforce with state violence.
Or you know. The fact that a person made a law. It wasn't handed down as this cosmic universal truth. Some guy said a thing and we said "okay, sure, that's a rule now". We can CHANGE LAWS.
Republicans love America as a symbol, but generally detest the idea of helping other Americans.
That's why they love it. It gives them the freedom to be hateful bigots and there's enough of them to keep a political blight on the country.
They like the idea of the strong self made individual, when they had stable homes and were supported along their entire lives to success. Its a lack of self reflection and inability to understand ones own priviledges which is practically an epidemic in this country.
Who are “republicans”?
@@iamjustkiwi Exactly. It's survivorship bias. They coasted on life and assume that whatever they did will work for everyone, while also growing up under significant propaganda, and never questioned it.
@@moosenllama4292 Your username shouldn't be Moosen Llama, it should be sealion.
"You gotta press record before every video. That's the key."
Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!
Look around you!
ThoughtSlime just giving away all the secrets!
Wildly huge difference between “cleaning sidewalks is racist” and “yeah I’m not gonna point a *power washer* at a person or let it rip apart their tent bc that would make me an asshole”
Oh another fun fact: those laws here in Houston against blocking streets are often used to stop protests.
Why am I completely unsurprised?
Huh. I wonder where those conservative First Amendment "Free speech advocates" are for that one...
@@tteotdead they're waiting for someone to slip into the road so they get run over.
@@tteotdead you'll have to ask them why the arrested over 400 people at the first George Floyd protest last year.
@@grantturley8600 "Right for me but not for thee" that's what they complained when their idols get banned for saying racist shits but when people protest over racism they are called rioters and deserved all the beanbags rounds
Yay! PragerU dunking! I will never get tired of PragerU dunking.
I get a little tired of it, but only because I get tired of PragerU being extent in this reality
@@de_la_Nae Fair. If I could wish PragerU into nonexistence, I would. Alas, I cannot, so dunking will suffice.
@@aztektheultimatewoman *toasts bottle towards you before taking another swig*
@@de_la_Nae Yup, same here. Not to mention that responding to them is just more publicity for them. That said, multiple lefty figures have gone viral from PragerU dunking, so… mixed feelings.
Such low hanging fruit yet it never gets old
"This mayor did things like giving houses, punishing, punishing, and more punishing; therefore punishing works, just ignore that I've mentioned giving houses"
PragerU: "What should we do with homeless people?"
I don't know, exercise empathy and treat them like human beings in a bad situation, give them homes, food, water, and any other help they need? Crazy I know, but so crazy it just might work.
@@Krill_all_health_insuranceCEOs Brainwashing by the leftist, liberal, communist cult I guess. I'm a filthy commie 😱
"But how can we monetize that?" - Conservative millionaire
Jesus would never do that!
Oh look, someone who has never dealt with massive issues before thinks that just throwing money at the issue will solve it. Its almost ironic how stupid you guys are despite being the ones from "Intellectual backgrounds" If it were so simple then why haven't places like LA, Oregon or Seattle fixed the issue already? Ya know the States and cities where Democrats are in charge and have been for awhile. Ya know the same places with homeless populations so high that dancing crack heads in a nice neighborhood is a common sight.
PragerU: The Purge? Eh? Eh?
Everyone Sane: Those are fucking HORROR MOVIES, Dennis.
It wasn't for the politicians....
When did Dennis Prager start using the Tim Pool school of argumentation?
I wouldn't even call them horror, there's so much ham n cheese XD
Please open your history book, the Bible, to Hallowe'en 3:16, and let us read Michael Myers's treatise on suburbia and gentrification.
plus the people k1ll1ng the homeless are the bad guys.
Imagine the soul-crushing job of creating, editing and animating the Prager U videos.
I was homeless and living in a car when I was around 11-12 because our house burnt down and our landlord didn't have renter's insurance :D
The true american dream...
My dad was homeless for a while after he took a long and (as it turned out) unprofitable tour and assumed he could crash on his former girlfriend's couch afterword.
As someone who lives full-time in a van on the road, shit like this makes me so unbelievably indescribably angry. I don’t use the word homeless to describe myself, but I am without a home and one of the large reasons why I’m without a home is financial reasons and the pressure that trying to own or rent a home puts on the little money that I have to survive.
I was homeless for just ten months however it seemed to be actually more uncomfortable than when l had an apartment but was bound to a wheelchair for about the same amount time. The situation was so exhaustingly problematic that it was breathtaking. Stay as chill as you can comrade.
Sounds like the van is your home and you're actually houseless or apartmentless, don't know if you would describe it like that.
@@Kalumbatsch I mistook your comment as getting at something, so I deleted your response.
Anyhow, I dunno, "home" usually implies some degree of comfort. If I was living under a bridge, I wouldn't call it my home?
You are entitled to nothing. I’m serious.
@@peppermintgal4302 You can't just delete comments if it's not your video, that's not how it works.
Rufo: "The homeless move to the most permissive environment they can find." Uh sure and I guess they go to those "permissive environments" on their personal private jets or some shit.
Meanwhile, every time a progressive suggests to tax the rich: “Don’t do it! They will move to a more permissive environment and take their money with them!”
I remember being so young and naive as to believe that "solve the homeless problem" meant "help the homeless."
People tend to reveal their inhumanity very quickly when discussions of homelessness begin. Here in Austin, it's absolutely horrible seeing how a growing number of people have to live in a state, and now city, that is actively hostile to their existence, especially as Austin continues to build empty office space and luxury condos looming over them.
oh my, this is getting more attention than my comments tend to get so if you are in the Austin area we have a mutual aid (they have a physical location on North Loop near the bar Workhorse) that provides sanitary items and food to local homeless camps that you can look into volunteering with or make a donation to the local food bank.
Fellow Austinite here. It fucking disgusts me that Prop B passed. I'm hoping there's actual moves to shelter the homeless here alongside funding for mental and physical health options/addiction services but I'm not holding my breath. This city has become so gentrified I don't know why It surprised me that it passed. Guess I just thought the heart and soul I moved to this city for 14 years ago still existed. Now we're just a corporate shell and while I'm happy that there's more employment opportunities I'm frustrated as fuck that these dickhole property owners and managers are jacking up rent prices while offering fuck all in renovations or improvements, further gating the populace that made this city what it was in lieu of shoehorning in the more affluent. Just....disappointing.
@@ultimomos5918 I'm not from Texas so what was Prop B?
@@doperagu8471 Austins homeless camping ban. It just passed about a month or so ago
It's weird. Whenever a human is no longer classed as a human people tend to display the hate they hide from others. This hate is always directed towards the "inhuman" people.
"Whatever you did to the least of these, you did it to me."
- Jesus Christ
“The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.”
Not even Adam Smith stoop that low Prager U.
@@minhducnguyen9276 Adam Smith was actually pretty egalitarian. He even floats the idea of something we would call UBI if needed to keep the economy going. The Wealth of Nations is a long book, and he talks about more than the Invisible Hand. He foresaw many of the problems we face, he was just hoping the free market would address them before they got really bad. Unfortunately, market forces are like plate tectonics, blind and heedless of human civilization.
@@bob7975 Despite being the father of capitalism, Adam Smith didn't like the idea that life essential resource being traded and hoarded. But many people can't even take their antibiotics properly for their own sake, expecting them to behave responsible not to fuck the economy would be unthinkable. Henry George had tried to fix the hoarding problem of capitalists with the land value tax. But for the people who keep yelling taxation is theft, you wouldn't expect them to finish any book on economic or politic anyway.
@@bob7975 If conservatives live true to Adams Smith's idea, they won't be able to own stock unless they work in the same company where the stock came from. Owning an asset without actively working to product wealth from it is hoarding and therefore is hurting the economy.
This is so strange to me, the right is quite religious and mostly obsessed with Jesus yet they ignore his teachings completely. Save to say they would be amongst the ones who nailed him to the cross. These people would rather live by the old testament.
Prager: "Christians" who obviously didn't read the gospel of Matthew getting dunked on by a Matthew.
As someone who menstruates, I prefer "people who menstruate" over "menstruators"
Feels less dehumanising and like I'm being reduced to this thing my body does occasionally whether I like it or not
They're called women. These asinine titles are unnecessary
Here's the grandfather of soften up terminologies: calling innocent death as " collateral damage".
I’m post menopausal. Therefore I no longer menstruate. Am I no longer a woman?
@@nightfall3605 you're being silly. You were born a woman and will always be one. Nobody ever said or suggested that women stop being women when they reach menopause. If this is the kind of nonsensical bad faith argument you feel the need to make to get your point across, you don't have much of a point at all.
Given that the charity is specifically aimed at helping with menstruation-related concerns, I don't think its unreasonable to specify "people who menstruate". It would be like if I said "people with breast cancer". The disease afflicts women most often, but there are men who have it and women who never will. Therefore, refering to the hygiene concern directly instead of a specific gender is correct.
today i saw a sign in a grocery store parking lot saying "save your change, donate to a charity instead. panhandling is illegal." n i'm like why is it illegal?? why can't i give two bucks directly to someone who needs food instead of giving it to a charity that may or may not help the person who i can see with my own eyes is struggling??
don't tell that same grocery store that like a year ago a homeless person outside asked me to buy him food so i took him in the building n bought him whatever he wanted.
Mildred saving me from a boring ass shift.
If this ain’t the top comment I stg
Mildred represent.
Before she said her name was Mildred i forgot she had a name and wasn't just thoughtslime
@San Te internet/goblin
@@a8727 first name thought last name slime
was homeless for 3 years ending like a couple months ago and thank you mildred for talking about us and decrying what is tbh the mainstream take on homelessness
I was homeless about the same stint of time, I'm glad you are also no longer in that position!
52% of Americans aged 18-29 live with their parents. In some mindsets, if you live with your parents and are old enough to support yourself and have a job, that counts as being homeless, since you don't have a home. This does not count, of course, the number of individuals aged 18-29 who, for whatever reason, do not have a nice loving family with lots of extra space and money to help them out. Roughly %10 of the homeless population is less than 24 years old (Forbes says 89.7% are age 24 or more), but another statistic I found said that 20% of the homeless population are children (HUD Exchange). Street Kids found that 42% of those homeless kids are LGBT+. These statistics show a growing trend, where the older generations are mostly set up for success, while the younged people get preyed on. Take into account the average college debt of approximately a year's hard labor, and the issues start coming info focus. What happens if parents get fed up? What happens to orphans and the disowned? The system is set up to reward those who have enough, while taking from the naiive, the defenseless, and the destitute.
My dad once said "why don't the homeless just leave" GO WHERE?!??
...or buy a house? Duh.
@@lejlateletovic5225 with what money
@@lejlateletovic5225 how much do you think a house costs
Idk. Like.. 5 box? It was an attempt of echoing conservative arguments. Unemployed - just get a job! Homeless - just buy a home!
@@lejlateletovic5225 oh so sorry i cannot recognize sarcasm
Popping into the comments for the algorithm and also to remind everyone that people who are living on the couches or floors in their friends' house are also without a home and are not counted in the data.
"What truly defines a country is how it treats its most vulnerable"
So true. Most of us would lose respect for a date or a friend if we went to eat out together and they treated the waitstaff badly. So why are so many ok with government representatives that has even less regard than that for the entire fucking working class?
But liberals aren't 'treating' them at all but letting then run rampant.
At least conservatives are trying to get them to shelters and get them clean.
@@marlonmoncrieffe0728 how to say you didnt watch the video without saying you didnt watch the video
@@literallyglados Yes, I did. What makes you think otherwise?
@@marlonmoncrieffe0728 your complete lack of understanding (or intentional misrepresentation) of the position of conservatives and your parroting of right-wing talking points which are addressed by the video
ah yes, prageru asking the tough questions: The Homeless Question
it's pretty easy, just give them houses...
Also known as "How do I justify my inability to feel empathy towards the homeless?"
Someone needs to criminalise the misuse of the term "decriminalise"...
I was like, "Sir?! You can't decriminalize property CRIME??" 😂
@@kahlilbt you would keep property crimes on the book but just not enforce them. Like the ways that some jurisdictions say that in order to drive down the street you have to have a friend walk ahead and wave a red flag in front of you, but probably haven't issued a citation in over 100 years
I’m anti-homeless too. We should help get them homes
It is basically a thinly veiled "don't feed the animals."
I remember when Last Man Standing used that sentiment as a joke against homeless people.
Have you taken in any homeless people? If not why not?
So I work with this dude who’s dad is a cop. Cool dude, he’s trying to be a cop as well (ugh). He starts telling me and my coworker a story from a town his dad used to be a cop at. I guess the homeless people had made a tent colony in the town. And they weren’t having one bit of it. So they went and destroyed their tents and vacated the homeless by force. He was saying how it’s a shame they can’t do that anymore because they have body cams. I honestly hope this story isn’t true. But I don’t see why he would say this. I kinda want to fish for more information so I can find the town.
It's typical for Pigs. They thrive on evil and deliberate cruelty. They are psychopaths by and large IMO. I hope most cops have to answer to a higher authority one day (aka god or what have you) for what they have done while in this life.
98% of Pigs thrive on hurting the weak and causing harm. Why do you think they took the job??? It's the biggest criminal gang in the country. Like I said- they are evil, and I wish most of them an early and painful death.
Yeah... or you don't wait for god and make police legally responsible for their actions. Like basically every other country. Because that forces the police force to actually serve the people and sets a much higher standard. Which means the stupid argument of "all police bad" will be pretty much gone and you can rely on them to actually help you.
@@sebastianwendl603 yes that would be a good start. I'd settle for that if nothing else.
And I hope everyone understands that obviously there are always exceptions- I've dealt with civil and not totally over-the-top street cops before- and then I've dealt WITH the abusive asshole variety. And ofc for now, under the current system people have no choice but to use them if they feel they have a real emergency so at least for now, some of them serve a "necessary" purpose (but ONLY when they're actually performing First Response). The rest is all harassment and an unacceptable violation of my civil rights, imo.
But yes. At a minimum they should actually have to be bound by THE SAME LAWS that apply to everyone else, what a strange and radical concept! Thanks so much to our Congress and past SC cases, as well as various actions at the state level, that have steadily and assiduously assured this will most definitely NOT be the case! So the rest of us are sitting ducks basically, never knowing if it's OUR number that's going to be called the day that one of these assholes decides to have a bad day and you know, make us pay for it. And even if the attempted murder or felony violence doesn't get you, the highly-intentional aggressive verbal abuse and/or attempted verbal intimidation usually along with disrespect sure can.
Or other type of harassment or buggery. (Why do we empower these trash people again??)
You gotta love a person who's so desperate to be a künt to someone they'll do it literally for any reason. I mean Eric Garner died for loose cigarettes so.... And the crime of being Black... I almost forgot.
Yeah I love our political class. In not so many words the message for the last 30-35 years has been "you're totally above the law, hell you're even above us. Go do whatever you want, and if you by chance do fuck up, you got you're own DA and legal fund to make sure you get off. You have nothing to fear. Welp, have a nice day!"
Sounds like a squatting problem. The admittedly obscure law about living on a piece of land or in a property that you have not rented or do not own. Town has the right to kick you off a location if you don't own it or whatever. Probably why canals and big bridges are such popular spots for them. Now, if it were outside the town, it would likely be a different story., how different I can't say.
"it's a shame they can't do that anymore because they have body cams"
The implications of that phrase just makes me think: What the heck is wrong with him!? He definitely isn't fit to wield any authority over other human beings (let alone law enforcement).
8:49 True story: Old-timey movie star Van Johnson was nearly killed in a car accident right on the line between LA and Culver City. The first ambulance that showed up told him he was on the wrong side of the street to be helped by them and they needed to wait for an ambulance from the Culver City hospital. Johnson remarked "well, tell me which side is the right one and I'll crawl over there!"
Beginning of video prediction: "cut all homeless people in half."
I was thinking they'd advocate for organ harvesting. You know, because the well-to-do could find better use for that liver.
But that doubles the amount of homelesses. They're like worms right? That's the impression I got from Prager U.
@@grmpEqweer PragerU's solution to the deficit.
@@grmpEqweer Like vagrant foie gras. Ethically sourced, of course.
My guess is put them in a concentration camp away from society and "give" them jobs.
wouldn't saying that homelessness is because of mental illness and addiction, be an argument for socialized medicine? Like if people with those issues could get treatment, without it costing exorbitant amounts of money, they wouldn't be homeless anymore. Just saying
Well yes, but only if you're rational and have a conscience for others.
Ah, but you forget, the underclass must always be kept subservient to the ruling class
This is basically the case for all conservative policies, in order to achieve their policies, you have to implement some sort of leftist ideology forward to working reality.
This is why I call people who are pro-life "pro-birth", because they don't actually care about what happens to child after it's born, they just want more children born. They don't want to support the welfare or foster care system that would be required to handle all of these unwanted children.
Any society that is capable of providing a basic need for everyone but refuses to even figure out how to distribute that resource is committing an act of violence against its own people.
Its videos like these that remind me of the time that Dennis said that only with a gawd is murder wrong and that without him we would be cruel to others. And that atheists are heartless
Hey, he never said anything about LISTENING to God
They also claimed the british empire were the beacon of democracy and the fromer colonies should be thankful for it. I dare them to say that shit in the street of Dublin or Delhi
17:47 I love how hope is on the left and self destruction is on the right.... Fitting.
It’s so simple, if only people would just see it for what it is… horribly, utterly, absurdly simple. We could all just understand and get along
Let's start off with the fact that of the top 5 causes for homelessness, they claim the top two reasons are actually the 4th and 5th.
The top 3 are:
1) Lack of affordable housing
2) Unemployment
3) Poverty
Gee, I wonder why Mr. Bootstraps over here ignores those causes. /s
i fucking knew it
Mental health too; We need to get (free) therapy for them too.
In EVERY encounter, the colonizer / reactionary / bigot shames his invented devil.
As a Houstonian, I can confirm that they are not "punishing" the homeless any more or any less than before. They just shoved the homeless camps further underneath the 59/69 junction near our Baseball Stadium and the GRB, a major convention center. This was only done to make our sporting events look better because people can no longer see the homeless. The homeless population probably hasn't been reduced at all, the same panhandlers and homeless people that I saw three years ago are still there just on different corners. Also yes HPD is very violent and aggressive with these people if they "don't remember their place" because HPD is a horrific police department full of evil bastards.
I live in Houston and there is a corner on my drive to school that usually has one or two unhoused residents. I had some bottled water in my car so I offered it to one of them. Some random dude from across the street shouted at me “ Don’t do that! If he wants water he has to work for it!” So while organizations like Star of Hope and the Houston food bank do a lot of good, there’s is still a lot of work left to do to ensure everyone in Houston has a place to stay and correct the attitude that unhoused people are just lazy.
I'm guessing A Modest Proposal would be lost on a PragerU audience
Don Quixote was proven to be beyond them as well.
Haha republicans are so dumb
@@moosenllama4292 I don't consider the victims of misinformation dumb. I do consider argumentative people who can't make coherent arguments to be wastes of the public resources spent on their development.
“Those dumb leftists think we’re baby eaters!” and the satire is lost
i love that mask-off moment of just calling it "PROPERTY CRIMES" like... they're homeless, tf do you want them to do? because ultimately property is what matters the most to these ghouls, but not the property of the non-landowning or non-renting (not that they care too much about renters that much either...)
Exactly. And we don't call it property crime when the government comes in to "clean up" tent cities (aka literally steal and demolish the ONLY property houseless people have)
A real back and forth I had with my father as we were driving through LA:
“Dad, the homeless are people too, and there’s homeless everywhere. I mean, what do you expect the government to do, euthanize them all?”
“Excuse me what the fuck”
Holy shit. That really should’ve been the ultimate “Wait, am I the bad guy?” moment.
you need to understand. you have lived through the most peaceful time in history...your dad's morals are the norm. you are the odd ones out. your values can't be preserved outside of a time of luxury like we live in here
@@007kingifrit So if a person finds themselves without a home we just *put them down*??!!!
I don't care how fucking bad the world gets, I mean, it's already alternating between being on fire and underwater thanks to fucking climate change, I will always stand up for the rights of all people to be safe, warm, fed and cared for. That's nothing to do with me having an "idealised world view", that's me being a decent human being.
Consider that ideas of equality under law and justice for the poor have been in the mainstream of political discourse at least as long as the idea of culling the excess population, even in times of hardship. The issue is much more complicated than the abundance or scarcity of resources and technology. There were thinkers a century ago with whom most modern people would have many disagreements who would agree that putting down the homeless to make cities prettier was wrong. These people shared time and space with the early promoters of mainstream eugenics. It wasn’t simply a matter of how many luxuries a civilization has access to.
@@007kingifrit even assuming that people used to almost all think this way, would that make it moral or good? If every person in all of human history supported facism that wouldn't make facism good either right?
Honestly, at this point, I was expecting his answer to involve labour camps or open air prisons or something of the sort.
I think you're right though; criminalizing "homelessness" in general would see most homeless people incarcerated and via the 13th amendment they'd become slave laborers. It's all part of that plan, he just didn't outright say it because that's phase 2
The use of the word "actually" when he's talking about the unhoused making rational decisions about where to live indicates that he figures his audience views these people as irrational animals, like a flock of geese or something
I dont think thats the case. Im confident a lot of PragerU's audience values geese more than homeless people. I imagine they view them more like rats or roachs.
As we know intent is the easiest thing to figure out in the human experience
This highkey reminds me of how I expected to be homeless at like, 10. Because I got diagnosed with schizophrenia and was constantly told that it was people like me who were tossed aside and left to die.
I work in disability services and I cannot tell you how much push back I received when I spoke about homelessness as a disability issue. People are deeply mislead about homelessness. I came to this job from a position in supportive housing for folks with substance use disorders and separately a DV program where I worked more directly with folks experiencing chronic homelessness. One of the reasons I’m qualified for my current job is because of the high rate of disability within the community we served. I learned a lot about disability services in that position because in serving homeless populations, you serve disabled people.
10:36 I was once getting in a dumb online debate in comments (probably tiktok) about wealth inequality. He posted a source that totally disproves his argument.
He was claiming wealth inequality has decreased. After I pointed out that his article (which was an opinion piece) had evidence of the opposite, he was like "Well wealth inequality isn't even a bad thing." Thats when I gave up trying to prove people wrong.
Even with people I know, I have to do research on THEIR whacky claims, and half the time they reflect after I show them. Like your willing to shape your world view from a facebook rumor, but not willing to do literally 30 seconds of research.
well global poverty rates are at their lowest level in history. so depending on what we mean by inequality he could be right
I dunno, seems to me like people who are forced to sleep outside "choose" California because you won't freeze to death over night.
That and it's super easy to get full coverage healthcare there. And food stamps/other assistances.
san fran giving out free vodka and syringes
I live in Houston, there's lots of people living in tents and panhandlers. I don't see poop on the sidewalks.
These is some poop on sidewalks in Portland or San Francisco, because they need to pay to go to "public" bathroom, so what do they expect?? Poor people to just Hold it?????
I feel like it's rare. Most homeless folks aren't just gonna drop their breeches and shit right in front of your office door. They find places that are more modest, private and out of the way, just like we would. I've seen it in alleyways and park corners more than just in the middle of foot traffic
@@kahlilbt oh Yea, when i said road i much more meant like, alleyways or courners of parking lots,
@@a8727 oh yeah, I gotchu. We just conversating 😏
Spent over 10 years homeless in UK and Ireland. There are less n less facilities available and fewer safe spaces to sleep. Mostly get moved along. Often have stuff vandalised or confiscated. Grateful i was in a temperate country. Winters aint too bad.
I have genuinely never considered how absolutely horrible it would be to be homeless and deal with menstruation, let alone the extreme costs involved. And if I'm being completely honest, I'm disappointed in myself for never considering this issue. I am a man of limited means, at least temporarily due to the virus and my recent bout with cancer, but I have enough to at least help a little. Thank you for bringing an often overlooked hardship into the light and I will be donating.
PS- just a general thank you for all you do. My son and I enjoy your content and he is learning a lot of things I didn't learn until my late 20s.
There are 17 million empty houses in the US and 600,000 homeless. Not only is the “give them homes” approach the best solution, it is entirely feasible. We could give every homeless person 20 free homes and still have a few left over
So Prager U is right, it's not a home problem, it's a human problem.
The problem being the home owners and the policy makers allowing persons to die in the street, with empty houses XD
...Who pays for them?
And what if they become drug dens?
Who's paying for them now? Who's noticing when something breaks or starts to smell moldy? Who's keeping the heat and water going in the winter so the pipes don't freeze?
Who's benefiting from the empty house? It could be a home but instead it's just fuel for real estate speculation, potentially valuable but practically useless, failing to serve the purpose for which it was supposedly built.
As for drugs you have two options. One: people deal and use on the street. More dangerous for them, more dangerous for others if something goes violently wrong. Two: people deal and use in private. Everyone is sheltered, no deaths from exposure, everyone together means someone is more likely to notice an overdose or bad reaction. If there is a fight, it's not in the street surrounded by passersby.
Sure, in the long term less addiction is the ideal outcome (and incidentally homelessness worsens and encourages drug use because it's miserable and boring and drugs make you feel better), but here and now the people dying on the street can't necessarily wait for the ideal outcome.
🤷♂️ ...Property managers are upkeeping them, @@MsFeyCreature ?
At ANY time, you may PURCHASE the houses from these real estate owners if you want a use for them.
...Okay, if you want to create actual drug dens but why use other people's private homes?
@@marlonmoncrieffe0728 I am actually a proponent of safe injection sites as well. Ideally I would like to see addiction treated as the illness it is rather than a moral failing. I would like to see the root causes addressed with mental and physical healthcare and community support. (Edited for typo)
But we aren't dealing with ideals. We're dealing with actual people actually dying. I care more about that than I do about someone not being paid for a "private home" that they do not live in or need to survive.
Also: your solution to an empty home not being cared for is that the owner not only receive no rent or purchase money, but pay someone else to maintain it on top of property taxes and repairs. What a great use of the owner's money and time.
This reminds me of the south park episode where the residence treated the homeless like an actual zombie apocalypse. They were shown to not understand the concept of the homeless being people like them. The episode ended with the townsfolk luring the homeless to California where they wouldn't bother them anymore. It's crazy how that mentality isn't that far from how a lot of people actually think.
'homelessness isn't a housing problem, it's a people problem' I agree, in some places the number of vacant homes outnumbers the number of homeless people in that area so if the people in charge changed the rules about owning property we could very easily eradicate homelessness in those areas! If only the people in government thought about homelessness as a problem with their rules, rather than a problem with the people that happen to be homeless, we could actually solve the issue!
I can’t imagine feeling more motivated to undertake the difficult challenge of pulling myself out of poverty without any stable place of living as oppose to one where I don’t have to worry about that.
Exactly. You can't really build a stable life without, like, stability. Like a place to live. Not that conservatives actually care. If they thought they could get away with it I'm sure they'd probably "send them to a farm upstate"
I've been getting this video on ads. I was like NOPE NOPE NOPE.
This is gonna be awful, innit?
Same. Watching it here, is just validating my suspicions. But it is, in fact, worse that even my own suspicious mind created. Disgusting. Hate speech, pure and simple.
I had this Prager U video promoted to me as an ad while I was in the shower and I almost fell on my head trying to skip it
Im an engineer and Ive been homeless two times despite having a well paying job. there just arent any homes ....
Bizarre that on this very day I should be forced to purchase an overpriced croissant from Starbucks during fieldwork in downtown Atlanta in order to exercise my human right to piss, only to have the memory forced back to the forefront of my mind mere hours later. Thanks Mildred, what an odd coincidence
Thank you for this. You are right. The solution to my homelessness was state funded housing (my own apartment). I was bottom of the barrel, shopping cart, holding a sign, heroin addict type homeless, young but hopeless. I'm now sober 10 months, insanely happy, healthy, stable, and reliable. I'm even planning on going back to college. No one made me get sober either, I really wanted to stop. So after a couple months in my apartment I went to detox and I've been sober ever since. For years I was shoved in state funded rehabs, treated like shit, and then put into a sober living house where you mess up once and you're immediately homeless. But after a couple months of having my apartment I decided it was time to go to detox (I had wanted to stop for awhile but it's hard when you're so broken). Going to detox was the tough part, but knowing I had my own place to go after made all the difference. And I'd say now I'm pretty boring and normal! I keep my apartment clean, do my dishes, clean my toilet, feed my dog. I'm so grateful for the social services that the government offered me and I think long term I'll be a benefit to society because of it. My story might be rare, but I promise you that the solution to homeless is housing. Give the homeless addict an apartment. If they destroy it then that's on them. But if they want to change and can find support then they will change. I'm living proof.
I lived maybe a block from that underpass for more than ten years, until May of this year. I used to walk through it to get to 7-11 from my apartment. There are DEFINITELY homeless people on both sides of it. It hasn't been uneven since maybe the start of the pandemic.
The way the ferry system is set up around Seattle is that it's free to enter Seattle, but you have to pay to leave. It's not surprising to see so many people traveling and then "just deciding to stay". They can't get back to where they came from 🤷🏻