导引保健功(五) (力搬磐石) Daoyin Health Gong (5) (Move the rock)

  • Опубликовано: 26 май 2024
  • 五、力搬磐石
    在招式中有“提地”,“展胸”的動作。中醫的理論認為,飲食入胃,經脾臟將精華散於全身,上達肺部,使得水份能下輸膀胱,將多餘的水份排出。“提地” 的動作有調理三焦的功效,三焦、肺、脾、腎與水份的調節有密切的關係。如上焦不行,則腠理閉塞,玄府不通,責在肺;中焦運化失職,水濕停滯,責在脾;下焦不通,膀胱不利,小便壅塞,或小腹腫痛,責在腎。故能防治停水脹滿,小便不利。
    5. Move the rock forcefully
    There are actions of "lifting the ground" and "expanding the chest" in the moves. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine holds that when food enters the stomach, the essence is dispersed throughout the body through the spleen and reaches the lungs, so that the water can be transported down to the bladder and the excess water can be excreted. The action of "lifting the ground" has the effect of regulating the three burners, and the three burners, lungs, spleen, and kidneys are closely related to the regulation of water. If the upper energizer does not work, the internal organs are blocked, the Xuanfu cannot pass through, and the lungs are to blame; the middle energizer fails to transport and transform, water and dampness stagnates, and the spleen is to blame; the lower energizer is blocked, the bladder is unfavorable, the urination is blocked, or the lower abdomen is swollen and painful, and the kidney is to blame. Therefore, it can prevent water fullness and urination.
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