Taking Back Pride Month | Fr. Patrick Briscoe & Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Taking Back Pride Month | Fr. Patrick Briscoe & Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk
    We need to have the courage and prudence to be clear about the Truth, charitably. But can we take back pride month? If so, how? And what do we do with our own anger and frustration pride month may bring?

Комментарии • 86

  • @michaelhaywood8262
    @michaelhaywood8262 3 месяца назад

    Unfortunately here in England our major supermarkets support 'pride month' one of them in a very big way. For this reason I try this month to get my shopping from smaller independent shops or from the German chain Lidl [which does not seem to do so]. I as a Christian, like to support Christian causes and do not want to give one bean to LGBT causes if I can help it.

  • @prioress
    @prioress 4 месяца назад +3

    Please educate the young friars to speak proper American English and not include excessive "likes" which makes them sound ignorant.

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад

      some real education read on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

  • @Antonio.R.O.C.
    @Antonio.R.O.C. 4 месяца назад +2

    🚨Ten reasons why matrimony itself proves that being a homosexual is in fact a sin⬇️
    1️⃣What did our Father say in reference to matrimony❓
    🕊️”Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
    2️⃣Did Jesus reaffirm our Father’s view on matrimony❓
    🕊️”He answered, “Have you not read that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one’?” Matthew 19:4-5
    3️⃣Did the Holy Spirit who spoke through the Apostles reaffirm our Father’ & Jesus’ view on matrimony❓
    🕊️“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31
    4️⃣Is Jesus’ example of love separate from an individual’s immorality❓
    🔥”And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is fitting among saints.” Ephesians 5:2-3
    5️⃣Do the works of the flesh pertain to immorality❓
    🔥“Now the works of the flesh are plain: immorality, impurity, licentiousness,” Galatians 5:19
    6️⃣How does immorality pertain to sex specifically❓
    🕊️“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like heathens who do not know God;” 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
    7️⃣Why should we avoid immorality❓
    🔥”Shun immorality. Every other sin which a man commits is outside the body; but the immoral man sins against his own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18
    8️⃣Under what condition is immorality permitted❓
    🕊️”But because of the temptation to immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” 1 Corinthians 7:2
    9️⃣Is immorality outside of matrimony idolatry❓
    🔥”Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” Colossians 3:5
    🔟Were we warned about certain people who would gain admission to our Father’s church and pervert the grace of our Father into licentiousness❓
    🔥“Beloved, being very eager to write to you of our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For admission has been secretly gained by some who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly persons who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. Now I desire to remind you, though you were once for all fully informed, that he who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels that did not keep their own position but left their proper dwelling have been kept by him in eternal chains in the deepest darkness until the judgment of the great day; just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise acted immorally and indulged in unnatural lust, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Yet in like manner these men in their dreamings defile the flesh, reject authority, and revile the glorious ones.” Jude 1:3-8
    In conclusion to homosexuality, not only can we conclude that our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit who spoke through the Apostles clarify matrimony between heterosexuals but further stated that immorality was only permitted through heterosexual matrimony. If immorality is only acceptable between heterosexuals then by default, immorality & matrimony between homosexuals is not only sinful but contradicts our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit who spoke through the Apostles.
    Even though we know more now about sexual orientations, who will dare claim our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit who spoke through the Apostles knew less if they know past, present and future❓

  • @CoolDaysEnd
    @CoolDaysEnd 4 месяца назад +5

    100% Amen Father!

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад

      If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

  • @compellingbutforgettable903
    @compellingbutforgettable903 4 месяца назад +10

    God forbid we should offend those who are actively destroying the country and the Church. Being passive is morally permissible only to a point. At what point in societal decay can we justify not speaking the truth even if it causes confrontation.

    • @AandM8
      @AandM8 4 месяца назад +1

      God forbid people celebrate without Catholics having a meltdown cus they aren’t celebrating a saint or God. Talk. About. Ego.

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад +2

      truth & knowleege are never offense If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

    • @compellingbutforgettable903
      @compellingbutforgettable903 4 месяца назад

      ​@@AandM8 Repent and embrace the Catholic Faith. Sodomy is an abomination to God and can never be acceptable to Him.

    • @MrProsat
      @MrProsat 4 месяца назад +1


    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад

      @@MrProsat I can tell by your response; you didn’t read the book. Nor understood what I wrote. Thank you however. You helped me realized that while I was brought up as a Catholic with 12 years of educational indoctrination, I know I made the right decision to leave any religious affiliation I had. While I am not gay, I accept those who are. I embraced reason, logic, acceptance, & love to understand the world & humanity. I no longer feel compelled to judge or condemn others especially when it is based the ignorance & hate found in religions. Thank you for showing me I made the right decision to leave. Peace & again thank you very much.

  • @eduardohoover2127
    @eduardohoover2127 4 месяца назад +15

    The problem with the Church is not intolerance but tolerance.

    • @scented-leafpelargonium3366
      @scented-leafpelargonium3366 4 месяца назад +1

      @eduardohoover2127 : Not feeling it.

    • @eduardohoover2127
      @eduardohoover2127 4 месяца назад

      @@scented-leafpelargonium3366 on the surface it is popular one would say, "The trouble with the Church is 'intolerance' because it refuses to conform itself to modern day sinful fades," but when in reality there is a dubius nature of a problem with the Church when it tollerates new sinful fades.

    • @classicworks0316
      @classicworks0316 3 месяца назад +1

      Neither wholesale rejection nor wholesale acceptance are the answer. What's actually hard is accompaniment, to walk along with people and their crosses. As of the 6th day of this month, I've seen a lot of simply hateful and un-Christian messages towards LGBT people, perhaps with the intention of "reclaiming" the month, but none of that has to do with actually celebrating the month of the Sacred Heart, and this will become clearer once we meditate upon the readings for the feast day tomorrow. The Sacred Heart, the heart of Jesus, IS his message which was proclaimed on the cross, which is his love for everyone and His desire, from the bottom of his Sacred Heart, that everyone be saved. If we don't know how to actually do this we are just simply distorting what the day and the month of this celebration is about.

    • @scented-leafpelargonium3366
      @scented-leafpelargonium3366 3 месяца назад

      @@classicworks0316 There is no month of the Sacred Heart. That is a man-made invention as any Pride Month. You are only comparing two human conventions and neither is obligatory.

    • @classicworks0316
      @classicworks0316 3 месяца назад

      @@scented-leafpelargonium3366 celebrating the love God has for us is obligatory, or should be at least for those of us who are Catholic, and that is the only point of having a day and a month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

  • @bunnybeverley
    @bunnybeverley 4 месяца назад +1

    The link to your RUclips channel that is listed on Spotify is broken just fyi

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад

      truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

  • @esthert9146
    @esthert9146 4 месяца назад +2

    Thank you for this video during this time in June.

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад

      If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

    • @esthert9146
      @esthert9146 4 месяца назад

      @@dan69052 there only two sexes, male and female. Sorry man.

  • @johnnytoronto1066
    @johnnytoronto1066 4 месяца назад

    I dunno. Seems too passive to me.

  • @nikprocaccini9270
    @nikprocaccini9270 4 месяца назад +3

    I think that he was a bit off when he said non-conformance to pride month is the minority. I think the majority of people do not care to conform, and won't actively go out of their way to join events or put up a sticker or something. They only say they support it when asked because they lack the moral understanding to refute active homosexuality. It is the LGBT community and corporations who can profit from it who actively participate in pride month

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад

      If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

    • @bradyfontenot7262
      @bradyfontenot7262 4 месяца назад

      @@dan69052copy and pasting the same morbidly erroneous comment to every comment on this video are ya? How lazy. Btw, pride, as one of the seven deadly sins, conforms a person to being a god of their own self. And is the root of selfishness and hate. If you seriously think that removing religion from the equation would equal a winning argument for you, think again. It’s natural order of things that dictates what and how something should be. You wouldn’t try to plug a female end of an extension chord into a socket. And if you did you’d get the result that it would not work. The color of the cord doesn’t matter. Nor the length or gauge. A male and female complement each other and are made for each other. Anything else is out of the natural order of things. I could go on but there are conferences about these things. And also I would never want to take God out of anything, that’s why we have mobs burning buildings down and the media calling it “mostly peaceful protests”. I truely hope you find your way. God bless.

    • @MrProsat
      @MrProsat 4 месяца назад +2

      No one said "being gay is a sin" the problem is acting on such temptations. We all have temptations to face.

  • @ref6122
    @ref6122 4 месяца назад +2

    What on earth did they do to deserve a whole month ?!! Some gay bar in NYC was raided by cops 70 years ago ?

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад

      If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

    • @MrProsat
      @MrProsat 4 месяца назад +1

      Virtue signaling...

  • @WhzESjngzie-1988
    @WhzESjngzie-1988 4 месяца назад +2

    • @ddrse
      @ddrse 4 месяца назад +2

      You can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨

    • @AandM8
      @AandM8 4 месяца назад +1


  • @scented-leafpelargonium3366
    @scented-leafpelargonium3366 4 месяца назад +1

    What about unmarried men wearing white frocks and often co-habiting together?
    Yes, sounds odd? These guys do! 🤯

  • @hc192
    @hc192 4 месяца назад +1

    What if you have a gender neutral name (Taylor, Cameron, Alex, Blake, Drew). Wouldn't pronouns be helpful in email signatures in that case? Just about everyone has preferred pronouns (except for a few who really are fine with any).

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад

      truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

    • @nicolamustard7232
      @nicolamustard7232 3 месяца назад

      ​@@dan69052 You've said your bit. A few times. Your comment (it's the same every time) is full of arrogance and gross misunderstanding of Catholic teaching.

    • @isoldam
      @isoldam 3 месяца назад +2

      No, most people don't have 'preferred pronouns'. Most people accept biological reality and don't think about pronouns much at all. The lgbq+ pronoun chanting ritual is about group identity and ideological conformity, not helpful cues to avoid embarrassment.
      People used gender-neutral names for centuries without being required to state their pronouns in writing.

    • @hc192
      @hc192 3 месяца назад

      @@isoldam 1. Are you saying that you would be fine being referred to using any pronouns at all and have no preference? That's fine if that's true, but you'd be unique among the people who understand gendered pronouns as a natural outgrowth of "biological reality" rather than a feature of a human language technology. 2. I don't see why you shouldn't simply understand pronoun signatures as tools to avoid embarrassment. It's a quick way of saying "here's how it's polite to address me." Why wouldn't you want to know that if you respect someone? 3. We live in a period of unprecedented volume of written discourse where we correspond with people we've never seen and never will all the time. That introduces all kinds of new problems, but one that's easy to fix is confusion about what someone's pronouns might be if they have an ambiguous name or ambiguous appearance/phenotype.

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 3 месяца назад

      @@nicolamustard7232 I can tell by your response; you didn’t read the book. Nor understood or comprehend what I wrote. Thank you however. You helped me realized that while I was brought up as a Catholic with 12 years of educational indoctrination, I know I made the right decision to leave any religious affiliation I had. While I am not gay, I accept those who are. I embraced reason, logic, acceptance, & love to understand the world & humanity. I no longer feel compelled to judge or condemn others especially when it is based the ignorance & hate found in religions. Thank you for showing me I made the right decision to leave. Peace & again thank you very much.

  • @dan69052
    @dan69052 4 месяца назад

    The truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
    If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

    • @Glenliv2154
      @Glenliv2154 3 месяца назад +1

      Certain things are wrong regardless of the difficulty somebody has with not doing it. By your reasoning all manner of degeneracy are excusable so long as we can “prove” that it was a result of a person’s birth. Christianity acknowledges that people are born into sin through no fault of their own, yet we still call it wrong. It’s not like there’s a double standard

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 3 месяца назад

      @@Glenliv2154 I can tell by your response; you didn’t read the book. Nor understood or comprehend what I wrote. Thank you however. You helped me realized that while I was brought up as a Catholic with 12 years of educational indoctrination, I know I made the right decision to leave any religious affiliation I had. While I am not gay, I accept those who are. I embraced reason, logic, acceptance, & love to understand the world & humanity. I no longer feel compelled to judge or condemn others especially when it is based the ignorance & hate found in religions. Thank you for showing me I made the right decision to leave. Peace & again thank you very much.

    • @Glenliv2154
      @Glenliv2154 3 месяца назад

      I can tell by your responses to everyone that you don’t read what they have to say. Things that are wrong remain that way regardless of one’s circumstances. Tell me, if scientists discovered that people are pedophiles because of the hormones they were exposed to in the womb, would that make it fine for somebody to act on those urges?

    • @nam3ofus3r
      @nam3ofus3r 2 месяца назад

      ​@@dan69052What an absolutely absurd reply. He absolutely understood what you wrote, you just don't like his response. Next time, just say that, rather than boring us all with a wall of drivel.

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 2 месяца назад

      @@nam3ofus3r I can tell by your response; you didn’t read the book. Nor understood or comprehend what I wrote. Thank you however. You helped me realized that while I was brought up as a Catholic with 12 years of educational indoctrination, I know I made the right decision to leave any religious affiliation I had. I started to think for myself & not follow the herd. Additionally, while I am not gay, I accept those who are. I embraced reason, logic, acceptance, & love to understand the world & humanity. I no longer feel compelled to judge or condemn others especially when it is based the ignorance & hate found in religions. If your choice is religion, good for you but keep it to yourself ! Thank you for showing me I made the right decision to leave. Peace & again thank you very much.

  • @MarkSeydel
    @MarkSeydel 4 месяца назад +3

    Two things can be celebrated in the same month. Celebrate what is important to you and mind your business. No one stole anything from the Church and gay pride is certainly not a trend. We, as a Church treat homosexuals terribly and wonder why they despise the Church. Why do you even have a video about this?

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад +1

      right on my friend If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

    • @MarkSeydel
      @MarkSeydel 4 месяца назад

      @@dan69052 I do not believe that homosexuality is a sin. I am a Roman Catholic. It is impossible for me to believe that the Church does not know the difference between same sex loving relationship (like those of David and Johnathan and Ruth and Naomi) and forbidden sexual acts that are mentioned in the Bible. Leviticus (same sex acts between those LEVITES who serve the temple. If you had a blemish on your skin, you would be unable to serve as well), Sodom and Gomorrah, whose destruction had nothing to do with same sex loving relationships. See Ezekial 16:49. As for Romans - preachers use the “clobber verse” without reading on. In the list of sins that include the word homosexuals includes gossip. Note: The word homosexual was not added to the Bible until 1946. Let’s move on to 1 Corinthians 6:9, but let’s not argue what the word “arsenokoitai” means, let’s move on to the next two verses. 1 Corinthians 6 “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. The Catholic Church is surely more learned than I. They know the truth and lie because most Catholics would not accept the truth because they find homosexuality “icky” and are brainwashed. I challenge anyone to look at the number of time homosexual acts are mentioned in the scriptures compared to sexual sin mentioned about heterosexuals. I want to go back to Sodom and Gomorrah. The “messengers” who were with Abraham where there because they were conveying a message to Abraham that the cities were going to be destroyed BEFORE the messengers ever went to Sodom. So the destruction had nothing to do with the men of the cities wanting to “know” the messengers. Again - Ezekial 16:49. God bless.

    • @ricbyr
      @ricbyr 4 месяца назад

      Thank you for just caring ❤️🌈❤️

    • @MarkSeydel
      @MarkSeydel 4 месяца назад

      @@dan69052 I replied, at length and it was removed. I will try again.

    • @MarkSeydel
      @MarkSeydel 4 месяца назад

      @@dan69052 I do not believe that homosexuality is a sin. I am a Roman Catholic. It is impossible for me to believe that the Church does not know the difference between same sex loving relationship (like those of David and Johnathan and Ruth and Naomi) and forbidden sexual acts that are mentioned in the Bible. Leviticus (same sex acts between those LEVITES who serve the temple. If you had a blemish on your skin, you would be unable to serve as well), Sodom and Gomorrah, whose destruction had nothing to do with same sex loving relationships. See Ezekial 16:49. As for Romans - preachers use the “clobber verse” without reading on. In the list of sins that include the word homosexuals includes gossip. Note: The word homosexual was not added to the Bible until 1946. Let’s move on to 1 Corinthians 6:9, but let’s not argue what the word “arsenokoitai” means, let’s move on to the next two verses. 1 Corinthians 6 “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. The Catholic Church is surely more learned than I. They know the truth and lie because most Catholics would not accept the truth because they find homosexuality “icky” and are brainwashed. I challenge anyone to look at the number of time homosexual acts are mentioned in the scriptures compared to sexual sin mentioned about heterosexuals. I want to go back to Sodom and Gomorrah. The “messengers” who were with Abraham where there because they were conveying a message to Abraham that the cities were going to be destroyed BEFORE the messengers ever went to Sodom. So the destruction had nothing to do with the men of the cities wanting to “know” the messengers. Again - Ezekial 16:49. God bless.

  • @ddrse
    @ddrse 4 месяца назад +6

    You can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 4 месяца назад

      right on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the total development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
      If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality, the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace

    • @ddrse
      @ddrse 4 месяца назад

      @@dan69052 yes...''God created everyone with a unique orientation. As unique as your god-given fingerprints. No two are the same. One of the letters is for you. You're included. No exceptions zero excuses.

    • @michaelhaywood8262
      @michaelhaywood8262 3 месяца назад +1

      It is not a homosexual tendency which is sinful. The sin is homosexual acts.

    • @ddrse
      @ddrse 3 месяца назад

      @@michaelhaywood8262 no

    • @ddrse
      @ddrse 3 месяца назад

      @@michaelhaywood8262 that's the old Covenant

  • @philipcollins218
    @philipcollins218 4 месяца назад

    Hilarious- I just love the content- I laughed so hard I wet myself. Please more of this rubbish.