Healing, Health, & Holiness, Part 1 with Doug Batchelor

  • Опубликовано: 6 июл 2024
  • Healing, Health, & Holiness, Part 1 with Doug Batchelor
    Amazing Facts International Media Ministry
    (NRB- Long form video category)

Комментарии • 91

  • @PastorBatchelor
    @PastorBatchelor  3 года назад +17

    Thank you to everyone who watched and commented on this video! We welcome your participation. If you would like to learn more exciting things from the Bible, you can follow the link below to access FREE Bible study opportunities online. www.amazingbiblestudies.com/home/afgd/M1571

    • @ashleytkl3036
      @ashleytkl3036 3 года назад

      I have wondered about the original food meant for humans. It makes a different to know this. Yes, pigs contain the kind of bacteria that is hard to kill. I do like it over fire though..😅 Anyways, long ago; I learnt that diets does affect one's emotions and thoughts.
      Very encouraging. Since I haven't been able to successfully complete the Daniel's fast to this day🙁
      Ps: Glad you explained that verse..because I used to believe that as long as God bless it...And I thought we are saved by grace through faith in the finished work(salvation) of Christ; and why should we return to the laws to be accepted. I ponder about that alot. Because the Lord Yehoshua also said, He didnt come to abolish the law..

    • @kdwarner5
      @kdwarner5 3 года назад

      The masses have never thirsted after truth, whoever can supply them with illusions, is easily their master, whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victims. When facts, absolute truths are spoken, and the receiving person cannot hear( the truth );they cannot hear his voice. His voice, is the voice of Truth.
      What a person believes has nothing to do with what is fact. Facts are absolute, anything else is false, and from the enemy, and a lie.
      Fact: He was born A Hebrew Baby named Yahusha Bar Yoseph. Yahuah the Creator manifest Flesh. Scriptures clearly state, there is one name that you can be saved bye. That name is not Jesus. To deny Yahusha, and call him by a defiled name, when they know his correct name, is Rebellion. 1st Samuel 15:23 for Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry, because thou Hast rejected the word of Yahuah, why he has also rejected the. What is God's real name?
      If we do some research, and pray, then we should become very clear That there's only one name for our heavenly father and that is Yahuah. Yahusha is his physical body or the son if you will, (Ached) in Hebrew, meaning (Soul Spirit ).
      There is no salvation in the name of Jesus Christ or any other name according to acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Most people would not call themselves by someone else is name, nor would Yahuah/Yahusha!
      Yod Hey Uah Hey =Yahuah = Yod Hey Uah Shin Ayin = Yahusha Directly from Paleo Hebrew no mistake. Absolute Fact a four-letter tetragrammaton, look it up. Proverbs 1:7 The fear of Yahuah (God) is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom, and instruction. This is a major problem because nobody fears Yahuah (God) anymore, they can do whatever they want, to anyone, act any way they want, and live according to their own devices.
      Next there are so many scriptures that tell you to obey the Commandments, I cannot begin to include them in a letter. 1st John 3:4 clearly states that the definition of (sin is to violate the Law (10 Commandments). And it clearly States that if you even desire to break the Commandments (hold inequity in your heart Psalms 66:18 if I regard iniquity in my heart, Yahuah will not hear me) he doesn't hear your prayers.
      Fact: the only prayers he hears from the disobedient is REPENTANCE. You repent, then you Obey, then you get to pray. I mean can a disobedient child get rewarded for disobedience? I mean come on Matthew 13:13 Matthew 13:14 Matthew 13:15 Mark 4:12 Mark 6:2 Luke 2:46 Luke 8:10 Luke 18:36 I can go on, and on, and on, on how people will hear, but perceive not, and to see, but perceive not. Truly, deaf, dumb, and blind. But then you have the ones that can hear, and perceive, but do nothing about it. Just keep on living the same old life they have always lived. Romans 2:13 for not the hearers of the Torah are Justified before Elohim, but doers of the Torah shall be Justified. So James 1:22 but be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Would you rather die than disobey Yahuah? Not many would, they continue to break those 10 Commandments continuously, without thought, without reason, they don't care. their not his sheep, they don't hear his voice. There's nothing you can do to give them HEARING or SIGHT, that comes from the father. There's nothing you can do to make somebody understand, no matter how much you love them. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, fear YAH and keep his Commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
      Ecclesiastes 12:13. That's It, we are just witnesses to the truth, and if he has manifested himself in your life, You can hear the truth because it is already there, when you hear it, it rings true in your heart because it was written there in the beginning.
      Everything you were ever taught in this realm is a lie. Everybody in the world grows up under government, govern= rule, ment= mind. You have been programmed, The only thing that you ever knew is what your parents who were raised by government told you, the school you attended, which is the government, and the churches are all controlled 501 c 3 divisions of the government, they teach you to believe that you evolved from a monkey first thing ( there's no God)
      And even before that Public television and your parents taught you we live on a round ball, flying through space at 666 million miles an hour, while you're flying around the sun at 550,000 miles per hour, while your spinning at 1069 miles per hour, that's a lot of movements for you to not feel one thing. Their are 400 places in the King James 66 book cannon bible, that states somehow that the Earth is stationary, and does not move. The Sun and moon were made on the fourth day, what did earth revolve around until then!! Come on You don't believe Genesis!!! We do not believe our own eyes, and our own senses, we believe what somebody tells us. Nobody can prove curvature, because there isn't any!!
      A simple Lighthouse proves there is no curvature, NASA says 66 feet of curvature at 10 miles, 6666 feet of curvature at a hundred miles, how can a 70 foot Lighthouse be seen for 30 or 40 miles, Google it. The stature Liberty is 300 ft tall and it can be seen for 60 to 70 miles at 60 miles it would be under over 2,000 feet of curvature. Water is always level it doesn't bend. It can't be round guys, no matter how much you want it to be, because you've been taught that. It's a LIE, and if they can make you believe a lie that big, what else do you believe, either can see it or you can't, you have eyes to see and ears to hear, or you're deaf, dumb, and blind. Choose the Creator not Religion. WAKE UP we have been asleep for two thousand years. When a well packaged Web of lies has been so gradually poured to the masses over generations the truth will seem utterly pre postrace and its speaker a raving lunatic. Father paid for everything so none would have to suffer if, they only truly believed his word of Truth. But just as we have witnessed ourselves it was suffering that open our eyes, we all have our Breaking Point and will eventually see the truth, the longer they deny the truth only exposes them to discomforts, they hold by stepping on others toes. If a man has nothing to die for, then what does he love, a man is his word, and we either represent his image by walking what we talk, and being true and just, that he controls everything around you, He only needs witnesses to his word of Truth. Everything has already been said none of us can do any better than HE did. I know some things are hard to accept, because we want everyone to feel that love, but when it comes time to walking through the gate, and putting yourself upon that cross of death, they all fall back to sleep. So many claim to be open-minded, yet they do not see that they are like-minded; they follow what they like. Because they do not know love, the only one who deserves that love is the father, and he cleanses everything you love, if they love you, no matter how many times anyone misrepresents, if the father did not call them by name, they are not one of his. There are so many demons hiding behind the Flesh and calling themselves Godly. Sometimes I think I'm the only one dropping seeds, I only Say what I know to be the Truth. By witnessing to it myself. What I've seen and Experienced. The truth, came into this world. Now hate needs to see the truth for a short time, so they will be welcome to the truth. Mankind has been seeking shortcuts since the beginning , but only by death to self, can anyone come to the truth. As Above, So Below, the mind in the heart must become one with the truth, and only fire that can refine. This is why only those who love the truth more than anything, can stand in this fire. No matter how hot it gets, this is exactly how we show his love by sharing knowledge we have witnessed. Not the teachings of men. The Earth is not for the pleasure of men but it is a place of instruction for his soul, a man more readily feels the strings of his spirit in the face of disaster, then in the lap of luxury. The tuition of the soul is long, and arduous course of instruction, and in training. Humility is the key to unlocking the Door to the Kingdom. Obedience unto Death allows you to enter.

  • @sonicquake00ad26
    @sonicquake00ad26 3 года назад +12

    I can't wait to have supper with Jesus in Heaven =^_^=

  • @manuelnibreda333
    @manuelnibreda333 3 года назад +17

    Stay focus on Jesus, Our only redeemer. God bless

  • @elvismasai7696
    @elvismasai7696 3 года назад +3

    May God be praised for giving us this wonderful message; these wonderful laws of health.

  • @philippantazis6737
    @philippantazis6737 3 года назад +6

    Thanks for this special message pastor🙏

  • @fionamcintosh4814
    @fionamcintosh4814 3 года назад +4

    Love to see that mix of different colours of people in the audience 👌.
    Great message.!😉🙏🏿

  • @Hosey256
    @Hosey256 3 года назад +2

    Thank you Doug for the wonderful exposition .we give glory to God for the amazing experience about the word of God.

    • @PastorBatchelor
      @PastorBatchelor  3 года назад

      Thank you for your comment. May God bless and guide you as you study His word! - The Amazing Facts team

  • @xb4439
    @xb4439 4 месяца назад

    Thank God. Praise God. Wonderful, Pastor Doug. God bless!

  • @beatrixbosman5618
    @beatrixbosman5618 3 года назад +6

    Doug Batchelor is indeed an amazing teacher and NEVER boring. It's like his messages keep rolling back from my memory. Some things I wish I'd never heard...like the bacon thingy. Not pork. I never have that. Now bacon was something else. At 03.25 in Western Cape, South Africa and aged 76.... I'm SO put off of bacon now that I honestly think Doug will come up like a mirage if I have to be served bacon. Macon. That's the way to go. It's made from beef. Real story: My daughter in law never eats pork. Bacon..oh yes. Loads of it. One day my son made a comment : she only eats bacon because it comes from a sheep. Needless to say THAT set the cat smongst the pigeons. He he Kindest regards.

    • @zanewalker6177
      @zanewalker6177 3 года назад

      Awesome 👍😊 were do I get Bacon 😋 from 🐑

  • @reikomyles1495
    @reikomyles1495 3 года назад +2


  • @lynnmiller7310
    @lynnmiller7310 4 месяца назад

    Thank you very much 😊 have a great week God bless you 🙏🏽

  • @MarlonVell
    @MarlonVell 3 года назад +3

    This certainly isn't taught enough among believers

  • @shevegan4302
    @shevegan4302 3 года назад +16

    The original diet was actually vegan, not vegetarian. No animal products, no milk or butter or cheese was included.

    • @lovelinessmanalo6812
      @lovelinessmanalo6812 3 года назад +2

      But SOP said milk and eggs not classified as meat but a time will come even eggs and milk will be unsafe..

    • @shevegan4302
      @shevegan4302 3 года назад

      @@lovelinessmanalo6812 I don’t understand your comment.

    • @sammifruitbat
      @sammifruitbat 3 года назад +1

      That's true SheVegan, I went vegan about two years before I got saved, I think the fact that I was watching videos from vegans that talked about the evils of big pharma, the food industry and the way illnesses like cancer were treated and how the treatmenst often killed more ppl than they helped and how so called alternatives treatments were always touted as quackery when in fact they were healing ppl I searched deper and deeper and God lead me through an absolute slew of videos til he brought me to teh right one that lead me to Jesus snd i've never looked backi'm also totally awake to the elites satanc plots and schemes, teh vegan community is largely very awake cept most do not know Jesus there's a tone of new age crap in the vegan community.

    • @shevegan4302
      @shevegan4302 3 года назад +1

      @@sammifruitbat I agree, it is unfortunate. For me it was the reverse, I discovered veganism through the church. It’s a beautiful message to be shared with the world.

    • @toprz
      @toprz 2 месяца назад

      Yes you're right!
      They are saying vegetarian because they eat honey, and because veganism is sometimes viewed as anti-specism (putting cows and chickens as equal to humans), which is not a biblical Christian belief ("you are of more value than many sparrows", said Jesus, Mat 10:31).

  • @totalhealthandhaircare331
    @totalhealthandhaircare331 Год назад

    This is a message of last days Pastor Batchelor!🌹

  • @sonyajeffkaisabenjaminsuem885
    @sonyajeffkaisabenjaminsuem885 3 года назад +3


  • @shannondaring
    @shannondaring 3 года назад +4

    Would love to get a transcript of this to share with someone unable to access online material. It would answer a lot of his questions. Good job.

  • @totalhealthandhaircare331
    @totalhealthandhaircare331 Год назад +1

    Amen 🙏🏾

  • @korcampbell6096
    @korcampbell6096 3 года назад +1

    Thank you pastor doug.

  • @risindacurve799
    @risindacurve799 3 года назад +2

    Amazing job Doug! Very well presented keep it up!👍👊

  • @siyandablessing6168
    @siyandablessing6168 3 года назад +2

    Ohhh how I need sanctification 😔help me Lord

    @IWITNESS7 3 года назад +1

    Grate teachings

  • @yvonnej90
    @yvonnej90 3 года назад +2

    Pastor Doug is so funny!

  • @nirvagordon6210
    @nirvagordon6210 3 года назад +1

    Powerful message

  • @jeannine7002
    @jeannine7002 3 года назад +2

    PTL ! 😀

  • @FunHiking
    @FunHiking 3 года назад +7

    Request closed captions please let me know when it ready. I will spreading to SDA and non-SDA deaf people to watch your video.

    • @PastorBatchelor
      @PastorBatchelor  3 года назад +1

      Hello! To access close captions, click on the square that says "CC" towards the bottom right of the video. May God bless you and your ministry of sharing the word! - The Amazing Facts team

  • @kerenwinters
    @kerenwinters 7 месяцев назад


  • @jacquelinejohnson7541
    @jacquelinejohnson7541 3 года назад

    Sm if this I learned years ago and sm I learnt last year lovely sermon

  • @danielbrewer7299
    @danielbrewer7299 3 года назад +1

    Keep up the good work brother

  • @totalhealthandhaircare331
    @totalhealthandhaircare331 Год назад +2

    There are so many options to eat as vegetarian, our churches need to do more training and people need to be more educated!

  • @godrulesjesuschristsaves2067
    @godrulesjesuschristsaves2067 3 года назад

    Come back lord 🙏

  • @SevgiSezen
    @SevgiSezen 3 года назад +1


  • @davidneufeld8824
    @davidneufeld8824 3 года назад +6

    To day eve the vegetables with GMO
    Should not be eaten and poisoned etc.

  • @yunablu6241
    @yunablu6241 3 года назад +1

    okay I just wanna say this coz I there was this image of a 57 year old, tv health guru Gillian McKeith she is an advocate on nutrition and health promoting vegetarian diet high in organic fruit and veggies and her photo was compared to a TV Chef Nigella Lawson who is also 57 year old, she eats meat, chocolate, butter and desserts, wine but she looked way better and younger compared to Gillian...I do sometimes see that those who eat meat have healthier looking skin compared to those who are vegetarians where their skin looks so dry...I could be wrong so feel free to correct me..

  • @esmondhutchinson1544
    @esmondhutchinson1544 3 года назад

    How do you find these stories? Amen?

  • @bearvillebear1468
    @bearvillebear1468 3 года назад +1

    I have a few words of encouragement in the midst of what's going on. It might sound wierd, but it is for real and I thought that it would be important to say it.
    Its long because I've tried to and any faqs!
    Hopefully this will answer some of those nagging questions -
    Why can't evil be forgiven and let off, how is the whole "Jesus dying" thing really relevant to anything?
    To you? if you still have any questions let me know x
    Do you ever struggle? Or doubt that God Loves You After what you've done? Do you wonder if He even exists for that matter? Read this:
    Every one of us have lied, stolen (even tiny things count as stealing), spoken badly to our parents and had embarrassing and detestable thoughts in our thought life. The Bible calls this "sin", the breaking of God's laws. You might think, so what? Everyone lies and thinks bad things about others! Its human!
    You're right. That's exactly what the Bible says, we're "born into sin" and that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - Romans 3:23
    What is that "glory", morally speaking?
    Well, the opposite of human nature and desires.
    Not lying, not stealing, and having a perfect thought life is God's standard for us.
    But if its God's standard and we were made in "God's image", Why don't we meet it?
    Well, Remember Adam and Eve and when they sinned. Before sin they were perfect in thought word and DEED completely, but after the first sin occured due to Satan's tempting in the Garden, it destroyed that part of us that was morally perfect and in perfect harmony with God's morals, standard, and love. So while we kept certain things, the ability to be thinking individuals with unique personalities, the moral part (affecting how our thoughts, actions and personalities operate) was damaged. To the point where we are "opposed" to God, hence His nature and standards being the opposite of what we see as reasonable or possible. The Bible even makes it clear that "apart from God you can do nothing" - John 15:5. Without Him, it will 100% feel "opposite", unreasonable and alien to us. Only WITH Him can we gain victory in these things.
    Why doesn't God just let sin off and leave it?
    The Bible describes God as a "righteous judge", many wonder why God doesn't just let sin off and leave it, but He can't. Why? That's like a if a judge let off a
    murderer who broke the state law. Everyone would attack that judge and call Him corrupt, saying that he had not done right and should be fired for failing to punish the murderer for his evil. AND to completely love and be good as God is, means you need to, in turn, hate all forms of evil. You can't truly love good unless you hate the existence of evil.
    This means that God needed, as a righteous judge to punish sin with the ultimate penalty of death - expressing His hatred of evil - and separation from His presence forever. Hence Hell.
    "The soul that sins shall die (in Hell and suffer damnation)" - Ezekiel 18:20
    But God, who is also love, did not want to see His creation tortured and cut off from Him. He cares so much for is that He couldn't bear to see us fall into Satans hands and suffer death, even though we broke the law and deserve to bear the guilt, pain and be cut off from perfection forever through damnation.
    Because of justice, God could not leave sin and evil unpunished, BUT because of LOVE, God provided someone else to take that punishment on our behalf, satisfying both justice (by punishing the evil committed), and love (by sparing OUR lives) despite our sin.
    God sent His own SON - think about that. His *Son*, the one whom He loved infinitely (the same way He loves us).
    God allowed Him to take the pain we deserved, He took ALL of Gods wrath for every single sin you and I have committed. He was punished brutally and completely as if He was the picture of mankind's sin itself so that we do not have to be punished.
    Back in the courtroom scenario: He paid the "fine" at His own expense (His life had to be morally perfect on this Earth, then He had to be killed as a sinless sacrifice on our behalf).
    So when He returns to remove all evil from the face of the Earth, we can be spared and free because Christ has already BEEN punished on our behalf. He then rose again on the third day, conquering not only life and sin and temptation, but DEATH.
    "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (immortally and eternally in Heaven when I return)" - John 11:25,26
    ALL we have to do is accept it by faith. Faith alone in Christ alone.
    Religion = rules to be saved
    The gospel = Christ saved us already we just have to believe it by faith. If you lack faith (as I did before), pray. He will make it strong it time. Trust Him as you would trust those close to you. He knows you even better than that. He created you and knows you inside out.
    What does it actually mean for us?
    It means we can be completely free from the penalty of damnation.
    Not only that but we can be restored to Him and recreated into His moral image AGAIN as long as we accept Jesus having paid the price for us and accept Him as our Lord, the one who is in the front seat of our lives. He has a plan for your life, He's created you for a purpose. Just remember that. A purpose that includes being recreated into His image, one you can only accomplish through Him and reliance on His power and by following HIS way of life.
    What does this new way of life entail?
    It entails love, true love and service and aid to others, to "love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" and "love your neighbour as you love yourself" Matthew 22:37, 39.
    Sharing the message of Christ's death, resurrection and soon return on this Earth to give justice OR mercy depending on what the person chose.
    Sound "opposite" again?
    God knows it sounds opposite, which is why, as The Bible states, this is NOT something we can do alone. It's not in our nature.
    We need a new nature in the front seat, and the first step is to repent (turn from and reject our sin, pursuing the opposite direction and drawing close to God)
    Christ will give us an actual DESIRE to do these things. Through the Holy Spirit, sent by Him to us after the ascension. He speaks to us through thoughts of love and truth and conviction, verses, ideas, prayers and He guides us so that we gain a desire to follow God and be able to do these "opposite" things through Him.
    "With man it is impossible, but with God, NOTHING is impossible!" - Matthew 19:26
    What is the way FOR though?
    Firstly its to save you from sin - the only way to gain victory over sin and not have it as your master is through having Christ as your master and following His aid to resist the devil's temptations.
    Christ lived down here for 33 years suffering EVERY FORM of temptation that you have ever faced - "who in every respect [has] been tempted as we are, yet without sin" Hebrews 4:15.
    Therefore He is able to help us through our struggles. When the devil knows people have left his camp, he always tries harder with more temptations and evil attacks. BUT - His way is also there to guard and teach you daily in the midst of this (and despite this) sinful, selfish world.
    The path He wants you to walk is a path of committment and love - its not about rules and regulations to save us - what Christ did GAVE us salvation.
    All we need is faith.
    The rest, the "fruits of good works (the will to obey and follow Him)", are what come through true, maturing faith. It's all about faith and the relationship God wants with you just like before sin arrived.
    God preferred His own Son to be tortured And *killed* to give a chance to us (who broke His law of perfection) so that we can live as His children again. He wants us to love and trust and worship Him.
    What if I still find myself sinning after I have accepted Christ?
    That's why Christ died, For our sin. His death doesn't fix us in a snap like that, but it does protect us from the damnation that our past, present and future sins would bring without Jesus.
    It's a process - a lifelong process - of God bringing you back to Him, away from the destructive pleasures of sin (greed, selfish temptations, trampling on people to gain). This process takes a *lifetime*, as it does for all, but NEVER give up, when you fall, know Christ paid for that sin you committed already - just acknowledge your sin and ask for forgiveness - and you can get back up again because He already bore your guilt and shame.
    Regardless of the darkness you are in or the extent or frequency of the sins you have committed or will commit, regardless of how doubtful you may feel, know that Jesus UNDERSTANDS completely and He is faithful.
    "those who come to Me, I will by no means cast out" - John 6:37
    Don't know where to start?
    Note down the Gospel of "John", or "Luke" (if you want a more detailed account of it all).
    Remember that He will "NEVER - and that means never - leave you, NOR forsake you" - Deuteronomy 31:6
    Regardless of what goes on down here, God knows, Jesus has been down here and felt all the emotions you are feeling.
    You can go to Him with them and be assured that He loves you and is for you.
    Even in the storm, God is still there, walking on the water alongside you!
    Keep your heart open to Him and remember that if we pray for Christ to enter our lives, He will.
    "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son, that whomever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life". -
    John 3:16
    Thanks for reading if you did. I just felt that I should tell you regardless.
    Let me know if you have any more questions or if you need any clarification on anything.

  • @elvismasai7696
    @elvismasai7696 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for this enlightening message. May we honor the Lord in our eating and drinking. Please upload part 2.

  • @imanziigor1409
    @imanziigor1409 3 года назад

    Is turkey clean or unclean had a debate about it since yesterday it was thanksgiving!

    • @PastorBatchelor
      @PastorBatchelor  3 года назад +1

      Great question! Here is a segment from our radio program discussion clean and unclean meats in more detail. You may read a transcript of the program there as well. God bless you. - The Amazing Facts team www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/media/e/1094/f/6/t/explain-dietary-guidelines-on-clean-and-unclean-meats-

  • @vleonardi68
    @vleonardi68 3 года назад

    Pastor,I can’t eat to many greens I get bad stomach pain,so what can I eat.

    • @yunablu6241
      @yunablu6241 3 года назад +1

      You can actually eat greens if you cook it, stew style..I get bad tummy too if I eat too much uncooked veggies, so that is why I'd rather have them on my soup...

    • @vleonardi68
      @vleonardi68 3 года назад

      @@yunablu6241 I made soup 🍲 and I got so sick I thought that I was going to die so now I’m afraid my husband had cooked before some cabbage soup with potatoes carrots even then I had a problem with my stomach was so much pain but thank you you’re so sweet and God bless you and I love listening to Dr. Batchelor he’s a good teacher.

    • @yunablu6241
      @yunablu6241 3 года назад +3

      @@vleonardi68 oh I'm so sorry to hear that...you might have a very sensitive tummy...it's probably too much fiber...I had that before too and I had to go see a doctor...but anyway that is just my opinion...maybe try one veggie at the time and have him cook it properly..😬😬🤔🤔 God bless you too..and hope you will get used to it one day at a time..❤️❤️❤️

    • @vleonardi68
      @vleonardi68 3 года назад +1

      @@yunablu6241 thank you for your help,God bless you 🙏🙏

  • @cogruajtubfajxwm1419
    @cogruajtubfajxwm1419 3 года назад

    When the part 2 coming?

    • @paultitto294
      @paultitto294 3 года назад +1

      On youtube Amazing Fact. It's full

    • @cogruajtubfajxwm1419
      @cogruajtubfajxwm1419 3 года назад

      Why his not talking about The Spirit of Prophecy? About meat eating?

    • @toprz
      @toprz 2 месяца назад

      ​@@cogruajtubfajxwm1419I think it's because it's evangelism and SOP recommended not to use her writings in such evangelistic meetings

  • @jessies16
    @jessies16 3 месяца назад

    Allen Whieldon

  • @Turbo614
    @Turbo614 3 года назад

    1 Timothy 4:
    3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
    4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
    5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

    • @Hosey256
      @Hosey256 3 года назад

      Donot read the bible with wrong motives in the very verse God says meat that was created to be eaten 😊.as well there is meat not created to eat because it is unclean. Bro get out of Babylon and the spiritual confusion in the apostate christianity.

  • @vassellbarker7153
    @vassellbarker7153 3 года назад


  • @edwinsanchez8664
    @edwinsanchez8664 3 года назад +2


  • @dwightcrichton3246
    @dwightcrichton3246 Год назад

    Interesting that caffeine wasn't even mentioned.

  • @anallyjeantakeda3271
    @anallyjeantakeda3271 3 года назад +1

    Tuna and Flatfishes : are Unclean . They dont have overlapping scales. Tuna’s are scaleless.

    • @zanewalker6177
      @zanewalker6177 3 года назад

      Tuna has scales beloved

    • @anallyjeantakeda3271
      @anallyjeantakeda3271 3 года назад

      Thank you for your reply my friend! How about shark? It has scales. Can we eat shark?😮

    • @zanewalker6177
      @zanewalker6177 3 года назад

      @@anallyjeantakeda3271 they have bones in fact they are not scales beloved

    • @zanewalker6177
      @zanewalker6177 3 года назад

      @@anallyjeantakeda3271 they look like scales beloved yet are in fact bones yet the tuna have very small scales nevertheless they are scales God bless beloved

  • @stewiefy
    @stewiefy 3 года назад

    Dan 12:11-12 600 BC + 1290 = 691 AD + 1335 = 2026 AD. Hopefully we wont live to be 100 unless we are 94 in 2020.

  • @lewis2553
    @lewis2553 3 года назад +1

    Are you sure it was the meat that shortened the life span of man after the flood? I thought it was the kids. You know, they began having children earlier and earlier and began dying earlier and earlier at the same time! Hahaha!

    • @Hosey256
      @Hosey256 3 года назад

      Seriously spiritual things are being discerned by the spirit of God . Any assessment of the word of God should be done by the word. It's not written any where about kids shortening life span and besides it is scientifically proven that meat is not good for the health of people especially the unclean meat ie swine pork

    • @lewis2553
      @lewis2553 3 года назад

      @@Hosey256 Excuse me, sir, if that sounded like a joke. But seriously, you can see the evidence in Genesis, chapters 5, 10, and 11. The earlier a man had children, the earlier he died, in most cases. The evidence IS written right there in the Bible.
      On the subject of eating meat, Noah knew which animals were clean and which were unclean in Genesis 7, although there is no record of when God had previously defined them. They were defined clearly to Moses later on.
      Abraham was a rich man and had a large flock of sheep and herds of cattle in Genesis 13:5 & 6. Why did he need so many? Were they just to look at or to decorate his pasture? Or maybe, so he could dig wells to water them, and his herdsmen could fight with Abimelech's herdsmen over the wells. I don't think so.
      He sacrificed a few. Later, in Egypt, Moses delivered God's COMMAND to kill a Passover lamb for each Hebrew household and roast and eat it the night before they left Egypt. And as I said earlier, God gave Moses detailed lists in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 of clean animals that could (and still can) be eaten and a list of unclean ones that could not be eaten (and still should not). Later, he commanded the people to bring their (animal) sacrifices to Jerusalem and eat them there. These were MEAT, not plastic!
      Furthermore, if you shouldn't eat ANY meat, why did God bother to tell them the difference in the clean and unclean animals? Why did he command them to eat meat so many times? There are also many Jewish feasts every year, in addition to the Passover. Has medical science now presumed to know more than God? No, my friend, not now, long ago.
      Even Jesus ate fish and fed 5000 men plus women and children with it once and 4000 men plus women and children later. Have the scientists now "scientifically proven" that he poisoned the people? Or that God did so when he commanded them to eat the Passover? If they're so dumb as to think so, let them start a class action lawsuit against him!
      I do agree that we should not eat pork, especially undercooked, or catfish, although I grew up eating both. Here's why: Cows, hogs, chickens, and fish can and often do have parasites, including tapeworms. I'm not sure about goats, but I've also heard of a fluke that infests sheep sometimes. Some of these animals are on the clean list. Some are not. But the first four above can have tapeworms.
      The nastiest of these is the PORK tapeworm, the solitaria, or taenia solium. If you accidentally ingest their eggs, you can, and most likely will, get cysticercosis which is a very serious problem as you can develop larval cysts in the brain, muscles, or other tissues. It can cause seizures and many other serious health and vision problems. Check it out on the CDC website.
      God put certain "unclean" animals here to clean up roadkill and other dead animals. Opossums, eagles, vultures, and hawks are just a few of these. We definitely should not eat these, but some people eat opossums, and I once heard of a man who ate a skunk! He was the uncle of one of my work associates. All I can say is, "Not me, brother!"

    • @sammifruitbat
      @sammifruitbat 3 года назад

      yep that's what he's saying, vegans live longer and are healthier.

    • @lewis2553
      @lewis2553 3 года назад

      @@sammifruitbat Do vegans eat potatoes, carrots, and onions?

    • @toprz
      @toprz 2 месяца назад

      ​​@@lewis2553hum... Clean vs unclean is clearly connected to sacrifices, so yes Noah had clear instructions about it since they were already offering sacrifices..
      There is no biblical text connecting age of fatherhood with death but many biblical evidence about how bad can meat eating be.
      Other evidences that you quote can be discussed, but the main thing is that meat eating does not kill you right away, it is not a sin to eat meat or provide meat for food, it's just not the plan of God for our time.
      The kicker for me was to realize that Jesus changed the meatbased passover in a vegan ceremony, the communion. It showed clearly (to me personally) that he paved the way for vegetarianism to be possible for believers.

  • @esmondhutchinson1544
    @esmondhutchinson1544 3 года назад


  • @wordofgod839
    @wordofgod839 3 года назад


  • @romechurchusastate1377
    @romechurchusastate1377 3 года назад

    Doug batchelor are you voting for Pope Francis?

  • @sammifruitbat
    @sammifruitbat 3 года назад +2

    Folks God's not gonna bless ur health if u fill his temple with garbage food and If anyone tells u they were unhealthy on a plant based diet were either lying or they didn't do it right, I have been vegan for about 6 years and so much healthier now even the wrinkles I was geting have disapeared I will never go back ever.

  • @romechurchusastate1377
    @romechurchusastate1377 3 года назад

    Ted JESUIT Wilson all-you-can-eat apostasy. Main ingredients an amazing fact? Ephesians 5:11

  • @sincereclemency3645
    @sincereclemency3645 Год назад

    Health message must be going over well there @ your food pantries! Where all you have to offer is cake, dorito’s, old wilted fruit and dried up granola bars to the poorest people of America! Good evangelism and goes well with your videos, NOT! 😞 No body offers a prayer or anything like this videos explanation of the importance of health issues! 😞 What a sorry excuse for evangelism!