The lyrics of this song described Tantai Jin’s pain and struggle throughout this beautiful video. I can’t help but want to give him a big HUG for all this pain. 😭 I also feel your pain of trying to extract the dialogues when the bgm is loud.
I think the lyrics go well with both Tantai Jin and Ye Xiwu! Tantai Jin overcame so much because Ye Xiwu taught him how to love. In the mortal realm and after they went to the immortal realm, Li Susu was trying to do her best to find a way to prevent Tantai Jin from becoming the devil god, only for him to have to so that his destructive power would finally be destroyed. The whole story was just a heartbreaking example of doing your best to avoid fate, only for it to come true anyway.
If you think about it, they were never meant to be happy in the mortal world. She always had a mission and she never forget it, she was always thinking about it. When she started to develop romantic feelings, she questioned her mission and thought that maybe he wouldn't become the Devil God if he knew the truth. But then he got jealous and USED HER to kill Xiao Lin. This was the moment she decided she couldn't gamble with the fate of the world, no matter how guilty that made her feel towards him. And the tragedy unfolded. Then, when you heard the God of Time' speech to Li Susu, you can see how cruel fate is being to them.
Well, she was using ttj's feeling to kill ttj himself since the start. It is obvious that what she did would drive ttj into madness playing with one's true feelings like what she did.
I definitely agree with you, I think one of the most important things that distinguishes this series from other series is that Susu has always been a determined lead and put her mind before her emotions.
I agree, her loving him wasnt wrong but if she had gambled the fate of the world based on her love form him then that would have been all kinds of wrong@@eylul8396
As someone who has been watching Asian TV series and movies for a long time, I can say that it was definitely the best Chinese TV series I have watched. Both the subject matter and the actors acted very well. There were less passionate scenes in the series compared to other series, but I felt the love they experienced deep down and this was true love, I watched it non-stop. And I finished this clip, one of the best clips describing them...
To the End of the Moon is truly a tragic masterpiece. Tantai Jin was mistreated all his life, he received no love from anyone, even the woman who loved him spent her time falsely accusing him, betraying him and trying to kill him. And despite everything, he became so good that he sacrificed everything for this humanity that was so cruel to him. An unforgettable character.
I'm loving this drama. Obviously it's very heart-wrenching, though your edits capture the beauty of it well - the inevitable tragedy that would befall them both, that we all knew was coming, but wanted to hope desperately wouldn't happen. You show so perfectly how wounded he felt with every moment she gave up on him "not that you knew me back then but it all comes back to me" with the cut to the Devil King as the figurative looming blade over his head. Also, her own "I tried so hard" her screaming as she manages to trade her spiritual essence with his so that he has a chance to live to try to make up for the misunderstanding that she contributed towards (by poisoning him) because even though she'd given up at one point on trying to save him, she loved him and that was all she could do for someone she percieved as moving on. Editing it as enemies vs lovers was really smart. It was always how he was percieved by her that mattered - whether it was through the eyes of fear or love. He was always struggling against a version of himself that he didn't know existed, which doomed him from ever having a chance to be judged fairly. There was such a blur between the lines of when she hated and loved him because of how she lied to be close to him. She was always caught between failing him and failing the world - with no solution to save both until too late. It was always a battle between their hopes and fears.
A MASTERPIECE AHHHHHHH 😭😭 I love how you manage to make these epic edits of them. You always tell their story so well 😍!!!! And I SAME, working with most of the voiceovers is a nightmare, specially when the BGM is so loud, the struggle is so real!!!!!
What makes me sad about this drama is that tantai jin suffered throughout the drama and even in the end he didn't get hos happy ending, he was tortured an abused growing up and then when he finally found love , it also betrayed him and after that he suffered for 500 years to meet his love and when it finally happened he again got separated from her.
I wish I could give your artistic creation more likes. Its beautiful and evokes the complex emotions for this ill-fated pair of lovers and enemies. In my opinion, this is the best Xianxia drama I have watched.
Such an epic editing -- I also have passion for video editing but only if the subject is I am passionate about, and this drama is one of them. I hope can edit as good as this in the future. I just totally so obsessed of this drama, I never had a drama that I keep watching again and again lols, before I couldn't understand people keep watching movies they have seen already, I find it waste of time, but now I am wasting my time hahaha! --- but kidding aside -- this drama pumps up my passionate veins lol
Amazing! You take your work to the level of art! It can be seen that the films you edit touch you emotionally! You have a special sensitivity that you manage to share with us! Congratulations!
Love the overlays and transition at 1:49. How did you do that? 😍 That's very cool!!! I want to learn it. Love how you put anger and screams 2:22. That's very heartbreaking edit of them!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Damnnn like I can't explain how wonderful this edit is 😭it's been so long since I've watched your edit and I can truly say I'm blessed to have watched this edit 🥺every single part is a work of art, like how am I supposed to pick my favourite part, I'm definitely gonna be your edit's huge admirer 💞🥺
Gorgeous. Loved the song choice, the parallels in their story being shown here, and the way you captured their desperation and futility and the epic-ness of everything. Plus all those edited voiceoves working so well with the song and the visuals to tell the story! Really, really nicely done 💕
Their story is so gut-wrenching. 😭And I know you feel Tantai Jin's pain. Hence this MV. The scenes flowed perfectly with the voiceovers. Li Su Su was needlessly cruel to Tantai Jin. I can understand she had a mission, and their fate was doomed in the mortal arc. But she could have said that she loved him before dying. BTW I know the struggle to keep the BGM out of voiceovers is very challenging as I am learning video-making with dialogues myself. But you did succeed in perfect delivery. Kudos to you. 👏
I know, poor TTJ T_T he deserved so much better than that, how he was treated by others over and over again and even from LSS. aww good luck with the audio! this drama was probably the worst I've ever worked with in terms of trying to isolate the voice overs. but that's great you are working on edits too! good luck!
Seppure dall'inizio conoscevamo la missione di Susu la trasformazione di entrambi rende tragico il loro destino in particolare la tragedia di Tantai Jin che perde l'unica luce che abbia conosciuto e non si rassegna e lei costretta ad uccidere la'uomo che ormai ama.anche precedentemente nel sogno il loro destino si conclude tragicamente.adesso spero solo che nel mondo immortale vi sia un finale migliore.comunque Lou Yunky ha dato anima ai suoi personaggi molto bravo il dramma è bellissimo anche grazie a lui anche gli altri sono bravi ma la sua recitazione è travolgente
So beautiful heartbreaking edit of these two!! 💔😢 Yes, the voiceover on the BGM is such a pain in the ass. I'm frustrated with it right now. I love the few voiceovers but BGM is too loud to beat it.
Omgggg them and this song edited bg you!!!!!! Asdfgh 😭👌🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 this is SO BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT, I CAN'T 😭❤❤❤❤❤ 0:05!!!!!!! The glitch effect with the devil god scenes right when he says that 😭 this was such a genius start 🔥👌👌👌👌👌 and the way you've used the voiceovers and scenes!!!!!!!! 0:10 - 0:18!!!!!!!! Asdfgh gotta love the build up sm and the parallel at 0:18 on the beats ❤😍😍😍😍😍 0:22 forward omg!!!!! Aaaah 0:49 this voiceover on these lyrics hits differently 😭and the editing is literally the most mesmerizing and captivating thing!!!!! 0:55 🥺 1:02 pain overload tbh but in the most beautiful way ❤ 1:14 forward the timing of the scenes when the rhythm changed!!!!! 1:16 showing these scenes like that there!!!!!!!! 1:23 - 1:38 best scene choice for the lyrics asdfgh the parallel and pure pain tho 😭 1:41 - 2:20 aaaaah the way you vidded this has me speechless!!!!!!! SO INCREDIBLE OMG, the pacing of this vid is THE BEST 😭👌❤❤❤❤❤ 2:21 forward 😭😭😭😭 this quote and all the pain afterwards aaaaah my poor heart but the flow is stunning 🥺 2:39 to the end!!!!!!! it's just SO INCREDIBLE?????? The way you captured their story here is so remarkable and excellent asdfgh and the ending quote was the death of me 👌😭 gonna rewatch this glorious masterpiece a few dozen times now asdfgh it's magnificent 😭❤❤❤❤❤
@@Jatsuki ikr..... 😭😭😭😭 Asdfgh the angsty parts in that show are way too angsty 😭😭😭😭😭 I heard the novel is even worse tho, they're abusing each other more and stuff so 😅 I should be glad the show is as it is I guess 🥺 and hahah abt the song and quote 😂👌👌👌👌 gotta love it when such wonderful coincidences happen ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
i love many parts of thow. now that it's over I think i'd give it a 7/10 overall though, some parts were fantastic, then some parts I lost interest and almost dropped it a couple times O.O but it was a good watch over all!
It was good but had several episodes at a time that would lose my interest. I definitely preferred Love Between Fairy and Devil 100% better but it was still a good xianxia
The pacing of this was so good! And yesTT trying to isolate what they're saying from the background music is so annoying XD Especially when its not just instruments but someone singing ...
@@vanecar4432 Ah, I see. In eps 32, he said to YXW that describe his wife "she said that she love me, hate me. She also said she wanna kill me, but she also protect me everytime." You are right, only YXW makes TTJ learn how to become a human with its feelings~
@@Jatsuki parece que muere y queda continuando pero no entiendo si va a haber un episodio especial o una temporada 2 el final quedó muy abierto incluso hay quienes dicen que es confuso yo espero que saquen temporada 2 y el pueda tener al menos un poco de felicidad su vida fue muy trágica
“I tried so hard and got so far in the end it doesn’t even matter…”
The lyrics 😭😭😭😭
I know 😭😭
He still became the one she feared him to be😢 but at least he saved the 3 realms.
Luo Yunxi's performance is amazing! His eyes are mezmerising. How can someone convey so much emotion through even a glance, a look?
I agree.
They way they deserved an eternity of happiness together.
The lyrics of this song described Tantai Jin’s pain and struggle throughout this beautiful video. I can’t help but want to give him a big HUG for all this pain. 😭
I also feel your pain of trying to extract the dialogues when the bgm is loud.
I think the lyrics go well with both Tantai Jin and Ye Xiwu! Tantai Jin overcame so much because Ye Xiwu taught him how to love. In the mortal realm and after they went to the immortal realm, Li Susu was trying to do her best to find a way to prevent Tantai Jin from becoming the devil god, only for him to have to so that his destructive power would finally be destroyed. The whole story was just a heartbreaking example of doing your best to avoid fate, only for it to come true anyway.
Can you please tell me is there is a English version of that song and where to find it. Thanks so much ❤️
If you think about it, they were never meant to be happy in the mortal world. She always had a mission and she never forget it, she was always thinking about it. When she started to develop romantic feelings, she questioned her mission and thought that maybe he wouldn't become the Devil God if he knew the truth. But then he got jealous and USED HER to kill Xiao Lin. This was the moment she decided she couldn't gamble with the fate of the world, no matter how guilty that made her feel towards him. And the tragedy unfolded. Then, when you heard the God of Time' speech to Li Susu, you can see how cruel fate is being to them.
He think she want to killed him that’s why he use her to kill xiao lin 😢
Well, she was using ttj's feeling to kill ttj himself since the start. It is obvious that what she did would drive ttj into madness playing with one's true feelings like what she did.
I definitely agree with you, I think one of the most important things that distinguishes this series from other series is that Susu has always been a determined lead and put her mind before her emotions.
I agree, her loving him wasnt wrong but if she had gambled the fate of the world based on her love form him then that would have been all kinds of wrong@@eylul8396
@@rina8141 I couldn't have said it better, the real victim who was manipulated was always Tantai Jin.
As someone who has been watching Asian TV series and movies for a long time, I can say that it was definitely the best Chinese TV series I have watched. Both the subject matter and the actors acted very well. There were less passionate scenes in the series compared to other series, but I felt the love they experienced deep down and this was true love, I watched it non-stop. And I finished this clip, one of the best clips describing them...
To the End of the Moon is truly a tragic masterpiece.
Tantai Jin was mistreated all his life, he received no love from anyone, even the woman who loved him spent her time falsely accusing him, betraying him and trying to kill him. And despite everything, he became so good that he sacrificed everything for this humanity that was so cruel to him.
An unforgettable character.
I'm loving this drama. Obviously it's very heart-wrenching, though your edits capture the beauty of it well - the inevitable tragedy that would befall them both, that we all knew was coming, but wanted to hope desperately wouldn't happen. You show so perfectly how wounded he felt with every moment she gave up on him "not that you knew me back then but it all comes back to me" with the cut to the Devil King as the figurative looming blade over his head. Also, her own "I tried so hard" her screaming as she manages to trade her spiritual essence with his so that he has a chance to live to try to make up for the misunderstanding that she contributed towards (by poisoning him) because even though she'd given up at one point on trying to save him, she loved him and that was all she could do for someone she percieved as moving on.
Editing it as enemies vs lovers was really smart. It was always how he was percieved by her that mattered - whether it was through the eyes of fear or love. He was always struggling against a version of himself that he didn't know existed, which doomed him from ever having a chance to be judged fairly. There was such a blur between the lines of when she hated and loved him because of how she lied to be close to him. She was always caught between failing him and failing the world - with no solution to save both until too late. It was always a battle between their hopes and fears.
I love how you manage to make these epic edits of them. You always tell their story so well 😍!!!!
And I SAME, working with most of the voiceovers is a nightmare, specially when the BGM is so loud, the struggle is so real!!!!!
What makes me sad about this drama is that tantai jin suffered throughout the drama and even in the end he didn't get hos happy ending, he was tortured an abused growing up and then when he finally found love , it also betrayed him and after that he suffered for 500 years to meet his love and when it finally happened he again got separated from her.
Дорама обалденная, столько слёз выплакала , почему не дали остаться им вместе❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I wish I could give your artistic creation more likes. Its beautiful and evokes the complex emotions for this ill-fated pair of lovers and enemies. In my opinion, this is the best Xianxia drama I have watched.
Aww thank you ☺️
You literally managed to break my heart all over again! This edit is epic, the angst hit so perfectly after it was paired with this bgm! 🔥🔥🔥
*hands you a bandaid for your heart* thank you so much!
Such an epic editing -- I also have passion for video editing but only if the subject is I am passionate about, and this drama is one of them. I hope can edit as good as this in the future.
I just totally so obsessed of this drama, I never had a drama that I keep watching again and again lols, before I couldn't understand people keep watching movies they have seen already, I find it waste of time, but now I am wasting my time hahaha! --- but kidding aside -- this drama pumps up my passionate veins lol
Oommggg this video is beyond epic. The scenes you picked goes so well with the song, the transition, the storytelling. Loovvveee it!
Thank you so much! 🥰❤️
Amazing! You take your work to the level of art! It can be seen that the films you edit touch you emotionally! You have a special sensitivity that you manage to share with us! Congratulations!
Thank you so much 😀 you are so sweet!!
Love the overlays and transition at 1:49. How did you do that? 😍 That's very cool!!! I want to learn it.
Love how you put anger and screams 2:22.
That's very heartbreaking edit of them!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I’ll message you how to do it on discord when I get home tonight 😊
Damnnn like I can't explain how wonderful this edit is 😭it's been so long since I've watched your edit and I can truly say I'm blessed to have watched this edit 🥺every single part is a work of art, like how am I supposed to pick my favourite part, I'm definitely gonna be your edit's huge admirer 💞🥺
Aww thank you so much love! 🥹 I’m so glad you enjoyed it 😊❤️ and I miss you!! I hope all is well 😘
Gorgeous. Loved the song choice, the parallels in their story being shown here, and the way you captured their desperation and futility and the epic-ness of everything. Plus all those edited voiceoves working so well with the song and the visuals to tell the story! Really, really nicely done 💕
thank you! I finally got a fitting drama to use this version of the song so i was super happy :D
I thought i had gotten over these 2 but i wasn't even close 😢.... i still feel sorry for Tantai Jin... and i miss them so bad😭
I cried often by watching this series 😭💔❤️
Their story is so gut-wrenching. 😭And I know you feel Tantai Jin's pain. Hence this MV. The scenes flowed perfectly with the voiceovers. Li Su Su was needlessly cruel to Tantai Jin. I can understand she had a mission, and their fate was doomed in the mortal arc. But she could have said that she loved him before dying. BTW I know the struggle to keep the BGM out of voiceovers is very challenging as I am learning video-making with dialogues myself. But you did succeed in perfect delivery. Kudos to you. 👏
I know, poor TTJ T_T he deserved so much better than that, how he was treated by others over and over again and even from LSS. aww good luck with the audio! this drama was probably the worst I've ever worked with in terms of trying to isolate the voice overs. but that's great you are working on edits too! good luck!
omg WOW this is so captivating???? the way you timed the clips and the vibe!!!!!! 💕💕💕 1:41 - 2:06 !!! 🤩 but honestly the whole video is stunning!
this is a perfect video
I like the effect at the beginning of 0:04
really great
and i love the song
wonderful scenes .Great work
thank you!!
I felt bad for Tantai jin 😭
Seppure dall'inizio conoscevamo la missione di Susu la trasformazione di entrambi rende tragico il loro destino in particolare la tragedia di Tantai Jin che perde l'unica luce che abbia conosciuto e non si rassegna e lei costretta ad uccidere la'uomo che ormai ama.anche precedentemente nel sogno il loro destino si conclude tragicamente.adesso spero solo che nel mondo immortale vi sia un finale migliore.comunque Lou Yunky ha dato anima ai suoi personaggi molto bravo il dramma è bellissimo anche grazie a lui anche gli altri sono bravi ma la sua recitazione è travolgente
You kill man... With your edits with perfectly fit and instant hit songs.. 😎
thank you ^.^
Ye xiwu's feeling for ttj is the perfect representation of love and hate.
Beautifully made 😢💕
Thank you so much!!
Great choice of music and clips! Wow! Thank you.
Thank you! I’m happy you liked it! 🥰
Till the end of the moon ❤😭💔✨
So beautiful heartbreaking edit of these two!! 💔😢 Yes, the voiceover on the BGM is such a pain in the ass. I'm frustrated with it right now. I love the few voiceovers but BGM is too loud to beat it.
Omgggg them and this song edited bg you!!!!!! Asdfgh 😭👌🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 this is SO BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT, I CAN'T 😭❤❤❤❤❤ 0:05!!!!!!! The glitch effect with the devil god scenes right when he says that 😭 this was such a genius start 🔥👌👌👌👌👌 and the way you've used the voiceovers and scenes!!!!!!!! 0:10 - 0:18!!!!!!!! Asdfgh gotta love the build up sm and the parallel at 0:18 on the beats ❤😍😍😍😍😍 0:22 forward omg!!!!! Aaaah 0:49 this voiceover on these lyrics hits differently 😭and the editing is literally the most mesmerizing and captivating thing!!!!! 0:55 🥺 1:02 pain overload tbh but in the most beautiful way ❤ 1:14 forward the timing of the scenes when the rhythm changed!!!!! 1:16 showing these scenes like that there!!!!!!!! 1:23 - 1:38 best scene choice for the lyrics asdfgh the parallel and pure pain tho 😭 1:41 - 2:20 aaaaah the way you vidded this has me speechless!!!!!!! SO INCREDIBLE OMG, the pacing of this vid is THE BEST 😭👌❤❤❤❤❤ 2:21 forward 😭😭😭😭 this quote and all the pain afterwards aaaaah my poor heart but the flow is stunning 🥺 2:39 to the end!!!!!!! it's just SO INCREDIBLE?????? The way you captured their story here is so remarkable and excellent asdfgh and the ending quote was the death of me 👌😭 gonna rewatch this glorious masterpiece a few dozen times now asdfgh it's magnificent 😭❤❤❤❤❤
thanks love!!!
@@Jatsuki ikr..... 😭😭😭😭 Asdfgh the angsty parts in that show are way too angsty 😭😭😭😭😭 I heard the novel is even worse tho, they're abusing each other more and stuff so 😅 I should be glad the show is as it is I guess 🥺 and hahah abt the song and quote 😂👌👌👌👌 gotta love it when such wonderful coincidences happen ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
i joined baby
This looks so good!
i love many parts of thow. now that it's over I think i'd give it a 7/10 overall though, some parts were fantastic, then some parts I lost interest and almost dropped it a couple times O.O but it was a good watch over all!
I was wondering whether i should watch this drama or not thanks to this edit I am surely gonna watch it
It was good but had several episodes at a time that would lose my interest. I definitely preferred Love Between Fairy and Devil 100% better but it was still a good xianxia
omg i don´t wanna see the final of them, i´m so delulu for them, they are my fav couple of drama, after ashes of love
Thanks for this again @jatsuki...❤❤❤❤
I hope you enjoyed! ☺️❤️
@@Jatsuki yup i did..😊
The pacing of this was so good! And yesTT trying to isolate what they're saying from the background music is so annoying XD Especially when its not just instruments but someone singing ...
omg this series is probably the WORST as far as trying to get the bgm out of it that i've ever worked with lol ^.^;
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Why TTJ so hard to move on from YXW? Although she tried to kill him at past. Is he know, YXW probably love him too?
Because she is the only person who makes him feel something
@@vanecar4432 Ah, I see. In eps 32, he said to YXW that describe his wife
"she said that she love me, hate me. She also said she wanna kill me, but she also protect me everytime."
You are right, only YXW makes TTJ learn how to become a human with its feelings~
Will anyone tell what happens at last? Did they meet or not?🙂
the show it still airing so the last episode has not yet come out
@@Jatsuki parece que muere y queda continuando pero no entiendo si va a haber un episodio especial o una temporada 2 el final quedó muy abierto incluso hay quienes dicen que es confuso yo espero que saquen temporada 2 y el pueda tener al menos un poco de felicidad su vida fue muy trágica
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