Some may see this as controversial but today's law enforcement don't play like they used too. This is literally what 2A was enshrined for, it ain't for Hunting.
You look foolish because you can find cases where they do. One recently that comes to mind is the case where that cop started randomly shooting at gangbangers from his squad car and the gangs shot back. The cop got charged and the gangbangers obviously ran away but if they were normal citizens they'd been fine for shooting back.
Wearing body armor, a loaded gun, multiple magazines, Taser, pepper spray, baton, training, and a radio for backup. Yeah...they feared for their life alright.
Hey, that’s no joke. I thought it was bullshit until it happened to me. I was turning around in a driveway and one hit my truck roof. Totally changed my perspective on that one.
"We couldn't admit it into evidence because it was in civilian hands and may have been editted" or "we took it as evidence, but the footage didn't exist when we 'reviewed' it"
I would just make the same statements that all police departments make and get way with " I investigated myself and found no wrong doing and fallowed all family policies and procedures and found deadly force was justified "
Well here's another scenario... The cop puts the foot inside the door, there's four of his buddies outside the door with him. If you close the door on their foot, they're going to try to claim assault. However, the Fourth amendment extends to the cartilage of your home. If they do not have a warrant and you tell them to leave your property, and they refused, and there are no exigent circumstances present for them to enter the house and they enter the house without exigent circumstances or a warrant, I consider them armed Intruders. I'm too old to give a damn about what happens to me after that but there's going to be a gun fight
@@Rick-i1s I had one try that one time about 6 months ago. I looked at him and I said I've got emphysema. I got five maybe six years left. Every year I'll be able to do a little bit less and less and I'm going to die choking to death from lack of oxygen. Personally I'd rather go out in a gunfight you get my drift officer. You'd be surprised how quickly they leave when they realize life in prison don't scare you cuz you've already got a death sentence. And you're willing to go right then and there on the spot, and take some company with you.
Don't think this scenario will always work out for the civilian. An unidentified popo, off duty/undercover/plain clothes presents a difficult threat to identify. No knock warrant is gonna have backup ready to return fire.
Oh and when I was in FLEO training, it was ALWAYS "remember guys, it's US vs THEM". Sick. And three of my classmates went to the ATF. They were also the most miserable people I have ever met.
1:35 I disagree. It's more common among cops because they get away with it far more easily due to their position. Where there is more opportunity, more people will use that opportunity, to commit crimes in this case.
Speaking from experience, the justice system will consume the innocent along with the guilty. It is a big hungry monster that eats any that is presented.
Most people assume that we are so far behind the power curve that when they say jump, we might as well say how high but that’s awfully hard to swallow for some.
I would never assume a police would have a no nock warrant for my home . This is why they are so dangerous. Especially what we have seen this last year with atf raids .
Except, these incidents you've exampled are always covered up by the police after the fact. A crime on top of a crime. And, how long are We the People going to stand for these repeated incidents of "wrong address" or "bad information" before we put the police on a very short leash? How long until We the People outlaw these very common "no-knock warrants"?
Police criminality is already outlawed, as is breaking and entering, tresspassing etc. The issue is that the people are not as organized, and therefore are not as prepared. See the Ruby Ridge incident
In Texas, PC 38.03 has a line in it that says self-defense is not a defense for resisting even the unlawful actions of law enforcement. While I find it constitutionally questionable, it is on the books.
But PC 9.31§(3)(b)(2) states “to resist an arrest or search that the actor knows is being made by a peace officer, or by a person acting in a peace officer’s presence and at his direction, even though the arrest or search is unlawful, unless the resistance is justified under subsection (c) (C) the use of force to resist and arrest or search is justified: (1) if, before the actor (you) offers and resistance, the peace officer (or person acting at his direction) uses or attempts to use greater force than necessary to make the arrest or search; and (2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the peace officer’s (or other person’s) use or attempted use of greater force than necessary. (D) the use of deadly force is not justified under this sub chapter except as provided in sections 9.32, 9.33, and 9.34 9.32 (a) a person is justified in using deadly force against another: (1) if the actor would be justified in using force against the other under section 9.31; and (2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary: (a) to protect the actor against the other’s use or attempted use of deadly force; or (b) to prevent the the other’s imminent commission of aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery. Now, if you are committing a crime or committing class a or b misdemeanors, this wouldn’t apply. I assume having a warrant against you would also preclude you from being justified under this but IANAL. I am just a reasonable person. The use of deadly force would still require the necessary elements to be a defense to prosecution in addition to this. For example, if a cop tried to punch you, came at you with a baton or gun drawn before attempting to verbally communicate to you that you are being placed under arrest, and restrain you peaceably, you could fight back. If things escalated from there and the cop tried to shoot you, as I read it then you could use deadly force in defense. But it would be a real hard situation to convince a jury of in most places.
8:25 isn't shaking people down the majority of what they do? The majority of police time is spent filling out their traffic ticket quota. IMO, cops would have a much better reputation is they separated traffic wardens from actual police who deal with actual criminals. Going 10mph over isn't a crime, it's a traffic infraction.
Just get the on-body camera records, and put it to different storage places like flashcard, cloud storage, send to friend. Because they can "disappear", you know :D
I'm glad I live in a rural part of my state, where I can imagine a "NO KNOCK" warrant probably would not be issued, and the local sheriff knows everyone anyhow, that being said: YES, someone breaks down my door in the middle of the night, I'm going to be defending myself.
A close friend of mine is a prosecutor, and I asked them this question a couple of years ago, and the answer was, "Yes, but you better make damn sure they are unjustified in their actions." So yes, you can use lethal force, but like this lawyer said, it will be an uphill battle.
can we please move back to that time line... people made more since.... ol that's right they had their OWN BRAIN TO THINK WITH UNLIKE NOW..... WHERE IF EVERYONE ISN'T SPORTING THE NEXT NEW STD IS THE PROBLEM OF THE LAND
This is why the jury is such a powerful thing and it should be taken very seriously. tie goes to the people or person not the government with all of its money, resources and power.
Tupac when he was alive shot two cops who were acting like criminals and also had guns from the evidence room on them. On the day his case got dismissef Tupac stood in front of those two officers and looked them square in the face and didnt bat an eye or crack or smile. People often want to argue for police but they are human too and are capable of breaking law and doing harm other like anyone else who deserves to be locked up.
We're definitely in a different way of living & and have been for happened a few years ago in Houston the homeowners were murdered, law enforcement got away with it ....
I want to know If they can legally point there gun at you while walking up on your vehicle? That breaks all the safety rules, plus you mite have hear the case where the acorn falls on the roof and they get startled and shoot the driver from the noise reaction. To me thats a threat, having a gun pointed at you with there finger on the trigger, 5 pounds of pressure and your dead. Cops believe they are above the law. please answer this one for us!
Until qualified immunity is removed and Constitutionality is reinstated checks and balances will continue to be necessary. Matters of jurisdiction and jurisprudence need to be discussed in conjunction with this matter.
6:00 There are no accidents when deliberately using deadly force, there is only negligence. In this situation, the negligence is on the cops for invading the wrong address.
My now ex , who we lived together for 13 years, was a Detective with our State Troopers. The amount of wrong home warrant raids that happen is ASTONISHING .
Well it’s not even the police’s job to protect the citizen. Only person responsible for your safety and security is you alone. I’m not bashing police they are what they are a necessary evil perhaps but check multiple Supreme Court rulings on the duty to protect
If anyone has ever been selected for jury duty. What's the first thing a juror has to do in front of lawyers? Answer their questions specific to the crime to check if your bias is in their favor.
it depends on where you live and what officer is doing, when I was in military we actually had a class on when you could disobey, remove or shoot superior officer
There was a situation in Wyoming a while back where a police officer illegally (as admitted by the court) broke into a man's home, and got shot for it. He begged for his life, convincing the self-defender to stop shooting him. Then he got up and executed the self-defender. The court said everything the officer did was illegal, but they're choosing not to pursue charges because he is a police officer. It's very openly us vs them. You not only have to survive, but you also have to have six figures to spend on a lawyer to defend yourself in court that you'll never see again. Assuming the police don't simply execute you extrajudiciarily anyway because they are upset. Which has been known to happen.
The “good cop/bad cop” question can be disposed of decisively. We need only consider the following: 1) Every cop has agreed, as part of his job, to enforce laws, all of them. 2) Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked. 3) Therefore every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer of laws that are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked. There are no good cops. ~Robert Higgs “The order follower *always* bears MORE moral culpability than the order giver, because the order follower actually *takes the action*, and in taking such action, brings the resultant harm into physical manifestation. Order following is the pathway to every form of evil and chaos in our world. It should *never* be seen as a “virtue” by anyone who considers themselves a moral human being. Order followers have ultimately been *personally responsible and morally culpable* for every form of Slavery and every single Totalitarian regime that has ever existed upon the face of the Earth.” ~Mark Passio
I love seeing people in the comments thinking this is an outrageous topic, but I think they just don't understand the nuance. I was raised to respect the police, but that was a different time where you did not see people getting their homes raided where a phone call would suffice. I think the problem is the nature of a policeman being the hammer, and finding it hard to tell what is a nail. This is the case for some, not all. For law abiding folk, it can make one wonder if they got put into a situation where police look their way, would they still be a nail? There are boundaries that each person determines where they stand, and what they are willing to die for. In the case of my home, I know I would risk death protecting it. I just hope it is not over a foolish mistake on the other parties part. Cool discussion.
IV8888, it doesn’t distract too much from the content of the video, but I’m something of a amateur audio engineer. (Seriously, an amateur, It is not my intent. to seem like a jackass if it comes off that way.) I have the privilege of working with audio often tho. There is something causing a constant hiss in some of your videos…..on my equipment, this is caused when I have the gain/trim turned up too high for a particular input, or if my average gain/trim across many inputs is too high. I have no idea what equipment you use, but i typically use a Mixer. When I see this issue, it’s usually caused by one of my coworkers who turn up the gain and/or trim to get a more sensitive microphone. Depending on the type of equipment you’re using, if this is what caused it, I recommend lowering your threshold (on my digital mixer, the default setting is like -8db, sometimes I need to lower it to like -36 to get the right sensitivity. After that, I would recommend looking at the depth, I usually set it around 10-20 With this approach, you would have a more sensitive mic thanks to the threshold and depth settings, and could turn down the gain to remove the hiss. Changing these settings also means I need to adjust the attack, and make fine adjustments to the EQ. This is specific to my equipment tho, I am very unfamiliar with other equipment for audio processing. If I weren’t wearing air pod pros, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed, thanks for the content
I worked in a bad part of town at one point in time. Stop to get gas in the company truck and had two guys jump out of a beat up Honda Accord with guns drone I ran for cover and had my gun ready and out of nowhere three police cars pulled up and threw me on the ground and put me in handcuffs. Ended up being too undercover cops it almost turned into a bloodbath.
This was an awesome episode, cheers guys!! And like Eric said, they should not just double check but triple check that they got the correct address, especially as officers of the law, they should be *REQUIRED* to lead by example... But we know some of them just don't care and are a stain and curse towards the badge...
Cheers to Andrew Branca and Eric! Enjoyed his coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and now on defending yourself against the state. Hope I never get put into that terrible scenario.
I’m tired of people acting like this is a crazy statement or question. The second amendment was created for this exact purpose, if police are enforcing unconstitutional and or tyrannical laws it is not only our right to fight back it’s our duty as Americans.
Hello buddies, I have been watching your videos for years with pleasure. If i can ask a "stupid" question, I would like to know what music serves as the opening of the Kriss Vector and Scar Drum Mag video. Thank you and thank you for continuing the quality content.
Indiana Code does address this topic, though it does give conditions to self defense against a unlawful police encounter, but it's a fine, razors edge to justify.
I'm as cynical about my chances in such a situation as anyone. I did experience something in 1994 however that does show me it is not always a foregone conclusion. Due to a number of circumstances I won't get into right now, in 1994 I found myself drawing the ire of initially a single cop who happened to be a Sgt (and shift supervisor). The situation eventually ended with 9 other officers involved in a campaign of constant harassment. By the end of 1094 I had defended myself successfully in court 29 times, receiving a Cease and Desist order signed by a County Judge that named the entire police force as complainants. I was fortunate, I realize, but It's not always hopeless.
It is bizarre to me how the local police can identify when and where I purchased and which firearms are mine without identifying who I am. He also identified that my car was sold by me stating make, model, and what company tode it. Feels like maybe they may know who I am better than me.
Honestly in a case of wrong address example I don’t think you’d have a problem with the jury. The problem is surviving the raid to get charged in the first place.
We're making onto the DHS watchlist with this one boys, yeehaw!
not after Jan20
I'm already on the list... more than once.
If you're not on a watchlist by now...are you even trying?
if you have a DD-214, you're on a list.
Some may see this as controversial but today's law enforcement don't play like they used too. This is literally what 2A was enshrined for, it ain't for Hunting.
Lets not forget the woke PD's participating in DEI hires.
No knock warrants shouldn't exist. They are often abused in many situations when they are not necessary.
Bryan Malinowski would agree, if he could.
How else are they supposed to shoot your dogs?
Occifer safety bruh ..........
Pizza delivery men get addresses right but cops seem to struggle with it.
Yeah but there are more narcissistic cops that think they are always right and don't need to double check. Delivery drivers are usually more humbled.
Pizza place hires smarter employees.
Lot of convicted criminals on here. Convicted felons. Quit being criminals.
Courts and cops would never say it is justified.
Two words: Qualified Immunity
Courts & cops would never find a shred of evidence.
You look foolish because you can find cases where they do. One recently that comes to mind is the case where that cop started randomly shooting at gangbangers from his squad car and the gangs shot back. The cop got charged and the gangbangers obviously ran away but if they were normal citizens they'd been fine for shooting back.
You can’t even breathe on a cop without them saying “I was in fear of my life”
Wearing body armor, a loaded gun, multiple magazines, Taser, pepper spray, baton, training, and a radio for backup. Yeah...they feared for their life alright.
Indeed if there is an exception to the law than this is the law.
Cowards tend to do that! Remember Uvalde.
Officer safety! Smh
Did I just hear an acorn fall?
Blam blam blam!
I remember that one
Hey, that’s no joke. I thought it was bullshit until it happened to me. I was turning around in a driveway and one hit my truck roof. Totally changed my perspective on that one.
RTJ 👉🏼🤛🏼 💎
Not so, in today's America it's a fair question. I Thank Eric for asking it.
Sure. So you want to ignore a problem that is on the verge of taking your freedoms away completely.
@ rexman971 what freedoms? Their is literally nothing we can that’s not taxed or regulated
Politicians next?
Better have your own body cam.
And turn it off when...well you know
"We couldn't admit it into evidence because it was in civilian hands and may have been editted" or "we took it as evidence, but the footage didn't exist when we 'reviewed' it"
You’re right and you better hope they don’t know that you recorded them and then make lots of copies.
They would tamper with it immediately
I would just make the same statements that all police departments make and get way with " I investigated myself and found no wrong doing and fallowed all family policies and procedures and found deadly force was justified "
Law enforcement is not always the citizens friend
With friends like government who needs enemies.
Not Ever...
Could you tell me when it actually is the “citizens” friend?
They are never a friend.
Law enforcement is NEVER the citizen’s friend.
Waiting for the LEO bootlickers to spaz out....
Well here's another scenario... The cop puts the foot inside the door, there's four of his buddies outside the door with him. If you close the door on their foot, they're going to try to claim assault. However, the Fourth amendment extends to the cartilage of your home. If they do not have a warrant and you tell them to leave your property, and they refused, and there are no exigent circumstances present for them to enter the house and they enter the house without exigent circumstances or a warrant, I consider them armed Intruders. I'm too old to give a damn about what happens to me after that but there's going to be a gun fight
Move it or lose it...
@@joem1102 that's the type of scenario a FRT was made for.
@@Rick-i1s I had one try that one time about 6 months ago. I looked at him and I said I've got emphysema. I got five maybe six years left. Every year I'll be able to do a little bit less and less and I'm going to die choking to death from lack of oxygen. Personally I'd rather go out in a gunfight you get my drift officer. You'd be surprised how quickly they leave when they realize life in prison don't scare you cuz you've already got a death sentence. And you're willing to go right then and there on the spot, and take some company with you.
Stop saying crazy and stupid shit on the internet.
@@onesilentarrow I agree, you should, so turn off your internet now.
The ghost of Randy Weaver approves of this video 👏
Don't think this scenario will always work out for the civilian. An unidentified popo, off duty/undercover/plain clothes presents a difficult threat to identify. No knock warrant is gonna have backup ready to return fire.
Oh and when I was in FLEO training, it was ALWAYS "remember guys, it's US vs THEM".
Sick. And three of my classmates went to the ATF. They were also the most miserable people I have ever met.
1:35 I disagree. It's more common among cops because they get away with it far more easily due to their position. Where there is more opportunity, more people will use that opportunity, to commit crimes in this case.
Speaking from experience, the justice system will consume the innocent along with the guilty. It is a big hungry monster that eats any that is presented.
Most people assume that we are so far behind the power curve that when they say jump, we might as well say how high but that’s awfully hard to swallow for some.
I would never assume a police would have a no nock warrant for my home . This is why they are so dangerous. Especially what we have seen this last year with atf raids .
I assume the government does whatever it pleases, regardless of the law.
When is it legal? When you own the government.
"It's a big club, and you ain't in it." -George Carlin
Except, these incidents you've exampled are always covered up by the police after the fact. A crime on top of a crime.
And, how long are We the People going to stand for these repeated incidents of "wrong address" or "bad information" before we put the police on a very short leash? How long until We the People outlaw these very common "no-knock warrants"?
Police criminality is already outlawed, as is breaking and entering, tresspassing etc.
The issue is that the people are not as organized, and therefore are not as prepared.
See the Ruby Ridge incident
In today's America it's a fair question. I Thank Eric for asking it. God bless you sir.
Police were way more corrupt in the past. We just have more media coverage on police corruption today.
In Texas, PC 38.03 has a line in it that says self-defense is not a defense for resisting even the unlawful actions of law enforcement. While I find it constitutionally questionable, it is on the books.
So . . .
In Texas, cops are seen as _"perfect"_
That's some serious BULLSHIZZIT
But PC 9.31§(3)(b)(2) states “to resist an arrest or search that the actor knows is being made by a peace officer, or by a person acting in a peace officer’s presence and at his direction, even though the arrest or search is unlawful, unless the resistance is justified under subsection (c)
(C) the use of force to resist and arrest or search is justified:
(1) if, before the actor (you) offers and resistance, the peace officer (or person acting at his direction) uses or attempts to use greater force than necessary to make the arrest or search; and
(2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the peace officer’s (or other person’s) use or attempted use of greater force than necessary.
(D) the use of deadly force is not justified under this sub chapter except as provided in sections 9.32, 9.33, and 9.34
9.32 (a) a person is justified in using deadly force against another:
(1) if the actor would be justified in using force against the other under section 9.31; and
(2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:
(a) to protect the actor against the other’s use or attempted use of deadly force; or
(b) to prevent the the other’s imminent commission of aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery.
Now, if you are committing a crime or committing class a or b misdemeanors, this wouldn’t apply. I assume having a warrant against you would also preclude you from being justified under this but IANAL. I am just a reasonable person.
The use of deadly force would still require the necessary elements to be a defense to prosecution in addition to this. For example, if a cop tried to punch you, came at you with a baton or gun drawn before attempting to verbally communicate to you that you are being placed under arrest, and restrain you peaceably, you could fight back. If things escalated from there and the cop tried to shoot you, as I read it then you could use deadly force in defense. But it would be a real hard situation to convince a jury of in most places.
@stuckgrenadepin.225 What it all comes down to is innocent or guilty often comes down to how good of an attorney you can afford.
8:25 isn't shaking people down the majority of what they do? The majority of police time is spent filling out their traffic ticket quota. IMO, cops would have a much better reputation is they separated traffic wardens from actual police who deal with actual criminals. Going 10mph over isn't a crime, it's a traffic infraction.
Amen !
Just get the on-body camera records, and put it to different storage places like flashcard, cloud storage, send to friend.
Because they can "disappear", you know :D
Assuming the footage even exists to begin with
I'm glad I live in a rural part of my state, where I can imagine a "NO KNOCK" warrant probably would not be issued, and the local sheriff knows everyone anyhow, that being said: YES, someone breaks down my door in the middle of the night, I'm going to be defending myself.
A close friend of mine is a prosecutor, and I asked them this question a couple of years ago, and the answer was, "Yes, but you better make damn sure they are unjustified in their actions." So yes, you can use lethal force, but like this lawyer said, it will be an uphill battle.
Thank you Andrew, for your 2 mins of professional expertise regarding this subject. That's $600 well spent.
That may not have been a question you had to ask in the 80s and 90s but today it is very relevant
can we please move back to that time line... people made more since.... ol that's right they had their OWN BRAIN TO THINK WITH UNLIKE NOW..... WHERE IF EVERYONE ISN'T SPORTING THE NEXT NEW STD IS THE PROBLEM OF THE LAND
We making it on a list with this one
Welcome to the club!
Already on lots of lists bro… if you own guns and vote certain ways and you know the rest 😂
I'm sure I've been on plenty of lists for years now. What's one more
This is why the jury is such a powerful thing and it should be taken very seriously. tie goes to the people or person not the government with all of its money, resources and power.
yep, im on a list now. thanks 😂
This was my first thought too 😂
If you’re breathing your on the list.
Tupac when he was alive shot two cops who were acting like criminals and also had guns from the evidence room on them. On the day his case got dismissef Tupac stood in front of those two officers and looked them square in the face and didnt bat an eye or crack or smile. People often want to argue for police but they are human too and are capable of breaking law and doing harm other like anyone else who deserves to be locked up.
It was about time, this was asked on the internet. 👏👏👏
Cops are not pro 2a
We're definitely in a different way of living & and have been for happened a few years ago in Houston the homeowners were murdered, law enforcement got away with it ....
What would the founders of the nation say??
I want to know If they can legally point there gun at you while walking up on your vehicle? That breaks all the safety rules, plus you mite have hear the case where the acorn falls on the roof and they get startled and shoot the driver from the noise reaction. To me thats a threat, having a gun pointed at you with there finger on the trigger, 5 pounds of pressure and your dead. Cops believe they are above the law. please answer this one for us!
Thanks for this. It helped a ton. People need to know
Finally answering the real questions
Until qualified immunity is removed and Constitutionality is reinstated checks and balances will continue to be necessary. Matters of jurisdiction and jurisprudence need to be discussed in conjunction with this matter.
6:00 There are no accidents when deliberately using deadly force, there is only negligence. In this situation, the negligence is on the cops for invading the wrong address.
My now ex , who we lived together for 13 years, was a Detective with our State Troopers.
The amount of wrong home warrant raids that happen is ASTONISHING .
most cops are criminal just pulling one over- for no reason
Do you have proof?
So, who is supposed to protect citizens from the police.
Well it’s not even the police’s job to protect the citizen. Only person responsible for your safety and security is you alone. I’m not bashing police they are what they are a necessary evil perhaps but check multiple Supreme Court rulings on the duty to protect
I know this is a Completely off topic question But
Can you guys do a Meltdown video on the M1garand rifle????
If anyone has ever been selected for jury duty. What's the first thing a juror has to do in front of lawyers? Answer their questions specific to the crime to check if your bias is in their favor.
Great. I'm on a list now.
If you’re breathing you are on the list.
No one is above the law
NOT GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so glad this topic came up.
it depends on where you live and what officer is doing, when I was in military we actually had a class on when you could disobey, remove or shoot superior officer
Lmao I feel like I’m going to get in trouble, just for clicking on this video 😂.
What if he's lawfully trying to kill me? Lol
My local cops would just call me long before they would try a "no knock raid" on my house.. they know I'm better armed than them 😮
There was a situation in Wyoming a while back where a police officer illegally (as admitted by the court) broke into a man's home, and got shot for it. He begged for his life, convincing the self-defender to stop shooting him. Then he got up and executed the self-defender. The court said everything the officer did was illegal, but they're choosing not to pursue charges because he is a police officer. It's very openly us vs them. You not only have to survive, but you also have to have six figures to spend on a lawyer to defend yourself in court that you'll never see again. Assuming the police don't simply execute you extrajudiciarily anyway because they are upset. Which has been known to happen.
Legal? Maybe, but good luck with that buddy.
The process IS the punishment.
Glad to see you representing the AKOU!!
The “good cop/bad cop” question can be disposed of decisively. We need only consider the following:
1) Every cop has agreed, as part of his job, to enforce laws, all of them.
2) Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.
3) Therefore every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer of laws that are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.
There are no good cops.
~Robert Higgs
“The order follower *always* bears MORE moral culpability than the order giver, because the order follower actually *takes the action*, and in taking such action, brings the resultant harm into physical manifestation. Order following is the pathway to every form of evil and chaos in our world. It should *never* be seen as a “virtue” by anyone who considers themselves a moral human being. Order followers have ultimately been *personally responsible and morally culpable* for every form of Slavery and every single Totalitarian regime that has ever existed upon the face of the Earth.” ~Mark Passio
I love seeing people in the comments thinking this is an outrageous topic, but I think they just don't understand the nuance. I was raised to respect the police, but that was a different time where you did not see people getting their homes raided where a phone call would suffice. I think the problem is the nature of a policeman being the hammer, and finding it hard to tell what is a nail. This is the case for some, not all. For law abiding folk, it can make one wonder if they got put into a situation where police look their way, would they still be a nail? There are boundaries that each person determines where they stand, and what they are willing to die for. In the case of my home, I know I would risk death protecting it. I just hope it is not over a foolish mistake on the other parties part. Cool discussion.
IV8888, it doesn’t distract too much from the content of the video, but I’m something of a amateur audio engineer.
(Seriously, an amateur, It is not my intent. to seem like a jackass if it comes off that way.)
I have the privilege of working with audio often tho.
There is something causing a constant hiss in some of your videos…..on my equipment, this is caused when I have the gain/trim turned up too high for a particular input, or if my average gain/trim across many inputs is too high.
I have no idea what equipment you use, but i typically use a Mixer.
When I see this issue, it’s usually caused by one of my coworkers who turn up the gain and/or trim to get a more sensitive microphone. Depending on the type of equipment you’re using, if this is what caused it, I recommend lowering your threshold (on my digital mixer, the default setting is like -8db, sometimes I need to lower it to like -36 to get the right sensitivity.
After that, I would recommend looking at the depth, I usually set it around 10-20
With this approach, you would have a more sensitive mic thanks to the threshold and depth settings, and could turn down the gain to remove the hiss.
Changing these settings also means I need to adjust the attack, and make fine adjustments to the EQ.
This is specific to my equipment tho, I am very unfamiliar with other equipment for audio processing.
If I weren’t wearing air pod pros, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed, thanks for the content
I worked in a bad part of town at one point in time. Stop to get gas in the company truck and had two guys jump out of a beat up Honda Accord with guns drone I ran for cover and had my gun ready and out of nowhere three police cars pulled up and threw me on the ground and put me in handcuffs. Ended up being too undercover cops it almost turned into a bloodbath.
These are the questions i need answers to
2pac legally shot a cop in the 90s and it was one of the exact scenarios mentioned here
A real patriot channel.
This is partly why I am 100% against total qualified immunity.
Love yo vidssssss!
This was an awesome episode, cheers guys!!
And like Eric said, they should not just double check but triple check that they got the correct address, especially as officers of the law, they should be *REQUIRED* to lead by example...
But we know some of them just don't care and are a stain and curse towards the badge...
Ive always pondered this incredibly rare scenario, just been too scared to ask
Completely off topic but what is the outro music???
Cheers to Andrew Branca and Eric! Enjoyed his coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and now on defending yourself against the state. Hope I never get put into that terrible scenario.
I’m tired of people acting like this is a crazy statement or question. The second amendment was created for this exact purpose, if police are enforcing unconstitutional and or tyrannical laws it is not only our right to fight back it’s our duty as Americans.
We are all now on a list for watching this
I literally said oh shit out loud when I seen this topic description
Why you have a guest on ,, and then not let him talk.
all media personalities are narcissistic
Hello buddies, I have been watching your videos for years with pleasure. If i can ask a "stupid" question, I would like to know what music serves as the opening of the Kriss Vector and Scar Drum Mag video. Thank you and thank you for continuing the quality content.
you got balls posting this topic
Just received my copy, looking forward to reading it
The court side with the cops though
Indiana Code does address this topic, though it does give conditions to self defense against a unlawful police encounter, but it's a fine, razors edge to justify.
It's never "can I". It's always "Must I". It's that simple.
This is your most insane video title yet.
Half the accountability?! No, sir, I don't think so. Those in power are to be held to a higher standard.
Do most people view police officers as safe and people who want to help?
Branca is awesome. His book "the law of self defense" is a must have.
No matter what the case, make sure your lawsuit warchest is full if this one ever goes down lol
Don't dee the link and the web page says (on yhe website though) that the page doesn't exsist
Law enforcement uses illegal, and unjustified, force more often than not.
I'm as cynical about my chances in such a situation as anyone. I did experience something in 1994 however that does show me it is not always a foregone conclusion. Due to a number of circumstances I won't get into right now, in 1994 I found myself drawing the ire of initially a single cop who happened to be a Sgt (and shift supervisor). The situation eventually ended with 9 other officers involved in a campaign of constant harassment. By the end of 1094 I had defended myself successfully in court 29 times, receiving a Cease and Desist order signed by a County Judge that named the entire police force as complainants. I was fortunate, I realize, but It's not always hopeless.
It is bizarre to me how the local police can identify when and where I purchased and which firearms are mine without identifying who I am. He also identified that my car was sold by me stating make, model, and what company tode it. Feels like maybe they may know who I am better than me.
Key words here are 'the system is designed to protect itself'.
1:44 it’s very common.
So did IV888 get lasik or contacts? Noticed no really wearing glasses much. I've wondered about doing lasik, but freaks me out too.
Honestly in a case of wrong address example I don’t think you’d have a problem with the jury. The problem is surviving the raid to get charged in the first place.
I did a double take on this topic. Now I need a drink.
Would have loved to hear the attorney speak but Eric , hopped up on loads of caffeine didn’t let him talk. Maybe next time let the other guy speak too
I’m not sure how to feel about this.