The Brutal Truth about EASY jobs in FFXIV Dawntrail

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 82

  • @xReaghan
    @xReaghan 3 месяца назад +13

    I don't think there is anything wrong with having harder and easier jobs since not everyone has the time or mental stabillity to learn all the harder classes. Me as someone that struggles with to much rotation since i have a learning disability i'm very happy easier jobs are out there. And i'm enjoying them.

  • @dragonriderabens9761
    @dragonriderabens9761 3 месяца назад +8

    love the VRC chat model face reveal X3
    adorable lad
    as far as the thing regarding easy jobs goes though...
    a lower skill floor and ceiling can and will make preforming that job at its peak more accessible
    I will take the #1 Summoner player over a Black Mage who doesn't know their rotation any day of the week

  • @MeowMita
    @MeowMita 3 месяца назад +4

    I'm not sure there is a coherent point here. There are easier / harder jobs to play though all jobs are viable in all content. What people consider difficult is subjective as well as being shaped by job experience / overall game experience. There's a variety of different gameplay styles that people may / may not find difficult:
    - high APM
    - complexity/rigidity of rotation
    - amount of mobility / lack therof
    - pre planning vs reactivity
    Then there's job difficulty w prog vs farm. Healers are the easy example of being more difficult in prog and easier in farm but this can apply to a lot of other jobs that need to map out their usage of mobility tools / cooldowns.
    I wonder if the issue around job difficulty is people feeling that their performance is invalidated because their job is considered easy. I do think that a clear of a hard piece of content like Omega Protocol on Summoner is easier than a clear on Black Mage. BUT a clear is a clear, both of those players successfully completed the unforgiving mechanics check required for a clear. I'd give a bit more leeway in a prog setting for a DPS that has to plant more/plan their mobility versus a DPS that can move freely with how hard content is very movement heavy. But in a farm setting I wouldn't have that leeway because I'd expect that player to have their stuff figured out.

  • @danielwells1734
    @danielwells1734 3 месяца назад +5

    Viper may or may not be the best dps, but so what. I like the way it plays, and my current glamour is a treat to look at. 👍

  • @JonnaLee_
    @JonnaLee_ 3 месяца назад +4

    Love the avatar, really cute, hope you keep using it for the videos!

  • @ColeEvyx
    @ColeEvyx  3 месяца назад +23

    I didn't post this video earlier today I felt insecure trying something new. Never thought a bitch like me would ever hit rock bottom. How can somebody so blessed wanna pass on? But damn... I don't belong anywhere. I'm lost AF. I have no direction. I have no goals. I am worried about my mom. I miss my fiance. I miss my old home and life. I miss having hope for a future. I'm lost.

    • @markhettenbach3141
      @markhettenbach3141 3 месяца назад +9

      Dont give up.

    • @bradferland7975
      @bradferland7975 3 месяца назад +5

      Hey I see that you are going through it right now. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind if you ever need to talk never hesitate to reach out. I feel like you got this - I know how overwhelming these feelings can get with my own personal experiences with anxiety and depression. I'm excited to see you trying something new- I think it shows how much you care about the viewer. Don't stop believing!

    • @Xithryl
      @Xithryl 3 месяца назад +2

      You are enough. We're all better with you! I look forward to all your videos, and mostly because I'm excited to hear your voice! Lean on us if you gotta! We can all get through the shit together!

    • @AwesomoGaming
      @AwesomoGaming 3 месяца назад +1

      Can't post my own comment for some reason... you talk about toxic elites, I hope people kick you, etc. People make mistakes , people need to learn. Disagree with a lot, you say. I'm unsubbing, sorry.

    • @luisapisacar9252
      @luisapisacar9252 3 месяца назад +2

      I've only recently subbed but I really enjoy your content and it has helped me a great deal. I just want to add my two sense...It's okay to feel lost, it's okay to miss people, it's okay to worry, don't push those feelings away. Let yourself feel them, embrace them even just for a bit, let them wash through you, but never hide them or wallow in them... Hang on to hope and I promise, it will get better

  • @spacedandy6924
    @spacedandy6924 3 месяца назад +7

    You're probably cuter than your avatar. You should just show yourself instead. :)

  • @PuyochaGaming
    @PuyochaGaming 3 месяца назад +6

    hope life is treating you better lately, and nice vtuber model

    • @PuyochaGaming
      @PuyochaGaming 3 месяца назад +1

      And yea I agree with the rest of the video too...
      Like these websites making weird tier lists...which isnt even accurate of the job.
      They are so bad, it feels like its mumbojumbo written by AI some, if not most of the time.
      While ok, they maybe written by a human too, but it doesn't feel like the guy who wrote it know the job enough to talk about it, and if it is about feel, it is all going to be personal, meaning the tiers in those are arbitrary.
      Then there are FFlogs, some people like it for being scientifically more accurate, some people call it elitist behavior. But the fact are those numbers are better than the tier lists BUT! And this is a huge but, which I believe we agree on based on what you said on the video.
      Bring the player not the job, it doesn't make the content easier if people just follow the tiers on the tier lists, if they can't play the job OR even the mechanics.
      We used to say :"deadmen has no dps" and that is a fact.
      Bringing the job one is most comfortable (aka easiest to perform with) is better than following a list, but one doesn't know how to play the job properly.
      side rant:
      I don't want to blame the healers as a whole, so don't take it as an attack to all healers.
      But I was in lv97 ID as a DRK, i used my cooldowns methodically and still feel the damage is hard hitting...That is because...the scholar in the light party was playing the scholar like a white me shields after damage...This isn't even about getting good...
      This is below average...If I was one of those tanks who doesn't mitigate, would have wiped a few times if i pull wall to wall. (and I already split the pulling at times) Yikes...

  • @kyledabearsfan
    @kyledabearsfan 3 месяца назад +5

    Im floor tank main for life. Fun kit? Yep. Flashy abilities? Yep. Ability to destroy myself in cinematic fashion? Got that too. Dragoon the best.

  • @Dndstories
    @Dndstories 3 месяца назад

    Giving some positive vibes and say your new avatar is cute! But for me what makes your videos so enjoyable is your voice! Have a great day Cole! 😊

  • @Bunstonious
    @Bunstonious 3 месяца назад

    I understand the point of the video and I agree with the final statement and takeaway "play what you are comfortable with", but with the middle section i'm very glad that I don't do any savage content as being booted because you don't have consumables or that you use your potions wrong? Yeah nah that's not for me.
    I think for me when people ask about "easy" jobs it's mainly the APM requirement or the rigid rotational requirements that they're mainly referring to. Personally I click (it is what it is) and I also struggle with memory so I have difficulty following a strict rotation so for me I need a job that either has the flashy "BING BING BING BUTTON LIGHT UP" playstyle and / or one that has less ogcds so I can focus more on what i'm doing rather than perfecting the job. It's not that I want one to be "easy" per se, it's more that I want to use what little mental load I have on the fights rather than the class.
    Anyway, hope you're doing well.

  • @BrightNeonBrilliancy
    @BrightNeonBrilliancy 3 месяца назад +3

    Mch, Rdm and Rpr are my mains

  • @yatorenegade9524
    @yatorenegade9524 3 месяца назад +66

    The avatar really isn’t it dude. Your videos are a lot more enjoyable without it.

    • @twistedheat15
      @twistedheat15 3 месяца назад +10

      Distracted from the whole video. Had to tab out and treat it like a podcast cuz that thing is a nightmare.

    • @doveboy15
      @doveboy15 3 месяца назад +3

      I've never understood the point of the avatars, especially when they take up so much real estate. It always feels like overall quality suffers when people factor these things in.

    • @danielenriquemarcano9429
      @danielenriquemarcano9429 3 месяца назад +2

      Totally Agree

    • @GrumpyCunt
      @GrumpyCunt 3 месяца назад

      hard agree

    • @danielwells1734
      @danielwells1734 3 месяца назад +4

      With respect to Cole, I have to agree with this post. Your voice along makes your videos worth listening to. 😊

  • @misterbxiv
    @misterbxiv 3 месяца назад +1

    You can absolutely make an objective difficulty list. Number of cooldowns to track per minute. Number of positionals per minute. Total number of different filler gcd’s per minute. Total number of actions per minute. Score those, and you’ll have an objective list. Probably can include something about ‘complexity of rotation’-but that’s likely covered in “how many different filler buttons per minute

  • @akitapaw
    @akitapaw 3 месяца назад

    So i knbow u love scholar, so what i was wondering ( and i know there is a tone of how to heal videos out there ) but from your point of view, i would love a healing video on both Normal mode and savage M1-M4, where you like make ur own healing guide, what spells are prio 1-99 when u use what spell and so on.

  • @AUT331
    @AUT331 2 месяца назад

    i think its important to have "easier and harder" jobs, even tho it comes to the person in this terms. In my case im completely astonished how ppl can heal in Mmo's and they have all my respect, jet im a BLM main and started to main him in P3S and have to say, i feel 10x more comfortable on him than Redmage or Picto. Do you remember the firebird maniac? jeah thats the fight i started to play BLM (from pull 1 and only guide knowledge) and all my friends called my a phsyco for that, still picked up the fight as BLM in maybe 1h and we were able to clear him the same day.
    In my eyes, the problem in FF14 is that this isnt rly taken into account in terms of dmg balance. Why do harder classes NEED to do more dmg u asking? No its not bc i have some sort of complex that i need to be the strongest bc i invest the time, even tho it would be somewhat fair and rewarding. Its bc you will lose some dmg here and there bc of the complexity and when "easy and hard" jobs are on paar, there is simply no room for error if you dont want to grief or hold back other players. And the most important part, Partyfinder. If BLM is on paar with Summoner, nobody will be happy to take a BLM bc there is just way to much room for error on BLM and its a coinflip without any benefits to it.
    This said, the most important thing is that all jobs are viable to clear content and as long as this is the case, nobody at the end of the day will give a shit, except of highend raider and speedclear'er.

  • @TestubeI3aby
    @TestubeI3aby 3 месяца назад +6

    Cooking is the hardest job hands down have to gather so many mats for food... The rest are easy as fuck. This game is easy don't mean it's not fun lol.

    • @The_Yukki
      @The_Yukki 3 месяца назад

      Time consuming=/=hard though. Separating mix of rice and lentils by hand would be time consuming but a 6yo would be able to do it.

  • @virtualsaturn89
    @virtualsaturn89 2 месяца назад

    I know I am in the minority here since complex dps rotations have been a part of this game forever, but I really don't understand the desire for ever increasing job complexity. I've always found the most enjoyable part of endgame raiding to be coordinating a party against the encounter mechanics. Would kill for an accessibility rotation for old farts like me so I can play something other than healer or tank once in a while without feeling like I need to get hopped up on stimulants to play optimally.

  • @robin6709
    @robin6709 3 месяца назад +4

    wtf are you saying

    • @romarikanu
      @romarikanu 3 месяца назад +1

      Yea honestly I was trying to find the point. And some of the things he was saying contradicted each other lol.

  • @Kore_Cir
    @Kore_Cir Месяц назад

    Categorizing Jobs as easy or difficult is just as toxic as logs are often being used. How about people just play what they enjoy?

  • @devilduckietu
    @devilduckietu 3 месяца назад +5

    That avatar is so cute!

  • @vincentbeton
    @vincentbeton 3 месяца назад

    As correct as you are, I am still looking forward, Popcorn in hand, for next week when PF will start excluding certain Jobs for Savage for a few weeks because they mathematically deal like 2% less dps at minimum gear level when optimally played.
    It at least won't feel more stupid as that whole "DT is too hard" thing we've been having for a week now

    • @rawrsama
      @rawrsama 3 месяца назад

      Right, me clutching my Mug as NIN like "lemme in the group I'll give you a dmg boost ;-;"

  • @mattp994
    @mattp994 2 месяца назад

    If you want to play the easy job, just play WAR.
    Easy rotation that's hard to mess up
    Tanks do less dmg than dps anyway so if you do mess up it's less impactful
    Tank privilege means you virtually never die unless you seriously screw up
    Tank busters are the easiest mechanics in the game, stand in glowing spot and press mitigation button
    Nobody hates having a WAR in their party

  • @rosalina2938
    @rosalina2938 3 месяца назад

    no class is hard to play on a dummy.
    The problem is to have your dps stable and don't miss your burst windows while dodging all attacks and positioning right.
    Which makes all mages except summoner super hard, all melees pretty difficult but not ass difficult as mages and ranged and summoner pretty easy.
    Mages need not only perfect positioning but need foresight. You need to know when you will need to move a lot and save your non cast spells for that, you need to know how long you can stand still right here to do your thing.
    Melees need positioning too but they don't cast so have one advantage but sometimes cant do damage because out of range.
    Monk or dragoon doesn't matter if you play the class enough your rota becomes muscle memory.
    Ranged and summoner does not have these problems.
    Heal is only hard if your group is not ready for the fight or in training.
    Tank is easy.
    Not sure why there is any discussion about this.
    And for the "play what you enjoy", you wont enjoy failing over and over. I really want to play mage but I have learned that the whole foresight isn't my thing so I go with classes that allow me to focus on the mechanic more than my rotation. I enjoy a class that allows me to succeed way more than a class I really want to play but just drag down my party. I don't wanna be a burden to others so I leave my mages for expert dungeons. But that's just for me and maybe you like the challenge so go for it. And don't stay in toxic partys... If someone constantly complains just leave.

  • @YoYakuman
    @YoYakuman 2 месяца назад

    Optimal RDM is sweating your ass off for a 99 parse only to do less damage than a 10 parse PCT drooling on his keyboard.

  • @stevemitchell4663
    @stevemitchell4663 3 месяца назад

    weird thought i was already subscribed, lets fix that.

  • @gokuby
    @gokuby 3 месяца назад

    A DoH without Manipulation since someone is to lazy to do the classquests are hard jobs. No makro, no pentamelding, I'm doing crafting (Ultimate).

  • @EdumBot
    @EdumBot 3 месяца назад

    The avatar is a neat idea, I just find it too animated. I prefer the Vtuber avatar style. But good on you for trying new stuff.

  • @kisparks
    @kisparks 3 месяца назад

    Whoa face reveal. I always pictured you as a big cat.
    Nothin wrong with easier jobs of they're fun. Choose your own adventure.

  • @Lin-ue8wr
    @Lin-ue8wr 3 месяца назад

    *pats wolf cole*

  • @alexbraundelacruz9690
    @alexbraundelacruz9690 3 месяца назад +5

    Hi Cole! Nice video, but I do prefer the videos without an avatar. Not necessarily anything wrong with yours, but the way it’s set up and all the background it makes it really distracting. I know the gameplay also is just secondary, but still, the avatar felt quite annoying to me. If you want to start using vtuber avatars, sure, be my guest. It’s just a matter of getting used to it I guess, although I believe you don’t need it. I usually don’t like vtuber content precisely for that reason, every movement, expression and design tends to be over the top. This is not a hateful comment, just constructive feedback that you or others may or may not agree with.

  • @arohk4415
    @arohk4415 3 месяца назад

    Which job is easier or harder to play is a pointless discussion, jobs SHOULD be easy to play, that is the only way you can make the game harder by bossdesigns, if the entire game is just a struggle to properly play your class, that is awful desing.
    WBut what makes job hard or easy to play?
    The amount of hotkeys it requires, resource management and speed.

  • @TP-ch8pq
    @TP-ch8pq 2 месяца назад

    Despite understanding what shit you are going thru in life...pls tone down the negativity toxic scratching stuff...I mean keep it real...but have empathy...maybe record your vid and listen to it...I don't want you to turn bitter...I like the sweet sour spicy version of this channel.

  • @KakaowyKruk
    @KakaowyKruk 3 месяца назад +12

    That furry model is really cursed

    • @formaltaliti
      @formaltaliti 3 месяца назад +1

      Cute* :l

    • @xReaghan
      @xReaghan 3 месяца назад +1

      @@formaltaliti No cursed.

  • @morphine.moon.
    @morphine.moon. 3 месяца назад +1

    Astrologian is definitely not a "chimpanzee job" lmao??

  • @karasutsuki1733
    @karasutsuki1733 3 месяца назад

    tbf MNK combo has changed so much, it tells u now what the next best button is in the combo, a bit like VPR does. And NIN never was all that hard either once u got the Ninjutsu down. Its rly just BLM atm, but people flocked over to PCT since it does way more dmg for less effort and brainpower
    I very much dislike the avatar btw, I enjoy the videos way more without it :(

    • @rosalina2938
      @rosalina2938 3 месяца назад

      the hard part is that I only have 5 fingers to push 15 buttons.

  • @KyMiyu
    @KyMiyu 3 месяца назад

    Black mage is a joke of its former self. Easier than picto.

    • @rosalina2938
      @rosalina2938 3 месяца назад

      there is no easy mage class

  • @lootmaster1337
    @lootmaster1337 3 месяца назад +1

    ninja is dogshit easy tho too, i learned how to play the class during ultimate (ok was only uwu)
    only hard class is astro's 2nd 2min rota if you do the cursed double hold strat and weave that in during the actual 2min window with usual raidaoe etc

    • @TheOneGreat
      @TheOneGreat 3 месяца назад +1

      So many red flags. lol

    • @xReaghan
      @xReaghan 3 месяца назад +1

      Don't say NIN is easy.. maybe for you, but a lot of other people are definitely struggling with it cause it isn't an easy class.

  • @ChurlzVA
    @ChurlzVA 2 месяца назад

    Hell no. That avatar needs to go.

  • @Amp5150
    @Amp5150 3 месяца назад

    You should play the best/meta jobs per patch. Starting on day 2 you should spend at least one hour per boss not playing the game but studying and researching videos and written guides. Always remember that because of 14's crazy strict GM enforcement everyone has learned to never type anything in game. They will hate you in discord/forums/irl and share screenshots of your terrible looking FFlogs page to make fun of you with.

  • @romarikanu
    @romarikanu 3 месяца назад

    This video is….questionable.

  • @novosiffxiv
    @novosiffxiv 3 месяца назад +1

    Here let me provide the ninja opinion! Ninja is dogshit easy, I couldn't even get through p5s-p7s of it before I got bored and started learning something new.
    Yeah you're right, job comps are the least likely issue in prog dps unless you are doing week one crafted on p8s pre nerf.

    • @rawrsama
      @rawrsama 3 месяца назад

      Literally busier than any other class in the game, but ok lol

    • @novosiffxiv
      @novosiffxiv 3 месяца назад

      @@rawrsama Its busy for 15 seconds every minute. then for 45 seconds its 1-2-3/1-2-4 with no weaves and barely any thought besides not overcapping (I haven't played it this expansion, but I doubt this changed). Also IMO its very hard to mess up the 15 seconds that its busy because you do the same thing everytime. you opener is the same as the 2min and your 1 min is just a less busy version of your 2 min.

  • @rathernotdisclose8064
    @rathernotdisclose8064 3 месяца назад +3

    This is SO hard to watch with that furry avatar holy shit..