Small Update on Tempera Grassa: there is a setting you can disable in your actions menu that removes the little delay between Tempera Coat being used and Tempera Coat becoming active!
I actually disable both the functions and have the Grassa on a separate button without delay. This way i never make a mistake when spamming Coat but can always pop Grassa asap.
Smol question that i kinda couldn't find anyone asking: Can you weave 1 Ogcd between CYK spells under 2min buff? Ther should be enough time window between cast and recast to weave 1 ogcd.
This was really helpful, thank you! Good to know that I managed to grasp the basics of the job, now it's just to learn the fights and timings to use skills at the best times and be able to move and not paint stuff I won't be able to use.
@@happiness7808 Normally, abilities like Tempera Coat turning into Tempera Grassa have a delay by default to avoid accidental activation of about 1 second. There's an option in the abilities menu that toggles this 1s delay to no delay, so you can double weave it quickly within the same GCD- useful for folks that want to use Tempera Grassa ASAP rather than having to wait until the next GCD because of the delay.
Great guide, I was wondering about openers and such. I usually play healers and SMN because I'm a smooth brain so I'm not going to remember these openers.
A very educational and great video! I've learnt a lot from it! Thank you so much for putting this up! There's only 2 question I had in my game play for 2.48s GCD: 1. Can you use Star prism as your 1st GCD in burst phase for waving? 2. Can you single wave OGCDs after each Subtractive Palette Combo in burst phase? I barely noticed any differences, but I dont think people really do that and I wonder why.
I feel like CYM and Comet in Black should have just shared buttons with RGB/White Also, small thing to note is you're locked out of painting Weapon Motif if you have charges of Hammer Time left
Thank you, I normally pick up a new class' mechanics just looking at their abilities... but I was stumped on Pictomancer until I found your video. You have been very helpful.
Just a note as someone who actually paints, it is pronounced "temprah" not "temperah" despite spelling. ;) Though if SE class devs were real ones they would have called the ability acrylic coat because that dries harder.
U did a good job explaining it but i guess i truely won't get it til i lvl it lol i been on old jobs so far rdm and smn 100 first then drg and mnk to 100 lol now i need to pick next one ❤
What do u cast between the Opener and the Burst phase? Everything on Cooldown? Do you wait for Starry to come up again befor u enter the Burst phase? Maybe i missed it in the Video? Thank for the amazing Video btw!
I learned a lot from your BLM guide last expansion, so I'll be sure to watch this as well when the time comes. It's a shame we got so many tools with BLM that genuinely seem like great buffs on paper, only for the job to feel boring and watered down as a result. RiP Sharpcast, Ice Paradox and old Thunder Procs. If they bring those back, I think we'd all enjoy BLM a lot more once again. But until then... Goodnight, Sweet Prince.
I honestly thought i was gonna hate this class, but since leveling it, I really enjoy it. Its so lighthearted and fun, and easy to get into. It's very busy, but in a fun way and its damage is crazy. It's probably my fav dps class now, dethroning BLM, which is a shame, cause its been my dps since 2.0.
I dont play blm, but I still feel like y'all should be the damage kings. Picto has both a defensive and offensive party buff, is easier to play, AND deals more damage. Preposterous. As a fighting game fan, it reminds me of when DLC characters are overtuned to get everyone to pay to win.
Easier to play is debatable. BLM rotation is by far the easiest and made even easier. Picto isn't busted in high end content and it needs its damage to compensate for how much downtime it has having to paint - which is quite often. Far more strategy i'm having to think about with PCT than BLM. That said they'll prob just buff BLM.
Too bad i build a bad habit of swift casting the first wing motif because most healers press their buffs immediately in normal content, so the only time i get to actually hard cast it and do my opener right is when im paired with a dancer.
I try to do my opener right even if everyone around me is pressing buffs on their first GCDs, because I want to build good muscle memory for when savage hits You can do the triple weave opening to bring starry in sooner
You can either tweak your spell speed assuming full gcd uptime, or you can dump a Holy or two before putting on Subtractive Palette for your first Comet in your burst. I find this amount of planning impractical, personally, and I prefer to eat the potential 40-80 potency loss (trust me, it's small; messing up your rotation or using too many Holy are bigger dps losses)
5:19 Does that mean, as a tank, that I should give Pictos roughly 5 seconds before pulling (speaking of Normal/Roulette content)? Sorry I only skipped through parts of the video, don’t plan on playing DPS in DT.
I would say it's nice to get a short countdown, even like 6 or 7 seconds or so, before pulling a normal raid or trial. For something like dungeons, honestly doesn't matter that much but yeah it definitely will feel nicer to play when you get some warning before the pull
@@EksuPlosion Good to know, thank you. Yeah I usually only do it for current raids but was wondering if it was worth it to give Pictos some prep time for Trials and such too. But tbh when you don’t pull within a second in normal content a dps will pull for you so it’s whatever I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yes pleaseeeeeeee, it feels so bad and makes fights take longer having to stand there 3-9 seconds hard casting motifs(esp on dungeon trash, that adds up to entire minutes after everything)
RGB is still important because it generates Holy charges. On a target dummy there's no reason to use it but in a real raid scenario there's plenty of situations where you need to use Holy instead of RGB for movement.
With the current BiS gear, most people will start the 2min single muse burst window with KCYK, what are your thoughts on using 2 holy after fire in red before the 2 min window to force KYMK? I found that I can only reliably get KYMK if i use a pom muse and cast a wing muse with perfect casting uptime.
To align things perfectly you do need to use some Holies in white. On the balance discord people have spreadsheets to calculate how many as it changes depending on the fight
So confusing.. :v I guess I'll stick to easy classes like dancer and viper. 😂 But Pictomancer dmg is so delicious now. :x I noticed it is topping M1S-M3S and FRU. And FRU by a huge margin. Like the lower part of the deviation bar is equal to the top part of the deviation bar of the 2nd class with the best dps after Picto. I guess I'll try to get a few runs in ex3 to get used to it.
In the basic 7 second starry muse opener, would it make more sense to pop pom muse right after rainbow drop? It takes a second before striking muse is usable. so you can weave in pom > striking muse > holy in white > creature motif > starry muse > hammer > etc. Am I missing something?
How do you get the simplified pallet? Also , can you clarify what the acronyms are? I am more of a casual player and not familiar with the terms used in the more advanced fights.
Hi I find the burst window insanely tight and it's pretty frustrating not weaving or clipping l, half a sec to squeeze in rainbow drip is there anyway to improve this ?
@@NotMichael5421 honestly just preference, I think the 4.5 opener is slightly better but in cases where you have a dancer it may be better to do 7s to align better with their technical finish
Waiting for all of the "WHY DID YOU ABANDON BLM?" It's because it sucks and is not fun it's as simple as that. I hope and pray that our beloved BLM gets a SERIOUS rework but putting 1.5 million damage into raid buffs in 20s is disgustingly OP.
@@GarnetDust24 The issue is, you will find out...that if you have to deviate at all from your rotation, you lose Flare Star, full stop. That's losing 1k potency basically for literally something that wasn't your fault, nor something you can fix or address. I mean, if you never do savage then I guess it's w/e but like...imagine just not getting Midare on SAM for no problem on your own part, it's just that you couldn't get the sticker and you just never get it, not even just delayed a bit, it just doesn't exist. That's what DT BLM is. You get punished for literally no reason. Not "misplay" or w/e or "unoptimized"...just straight up punished that NO other class has. PCT isn't punished like that. Imagine if you lost Madeen because you couldn't get 100 gauge or 75 gauge, and you HAD to get that before you could do it or you just didn't get it and you only had like 20s to get 75 gauge while doing everything else. That's what BLM is now. I guess again, if you are a giga casual and never cared about doing good dps (which is odd since you are on a DPS job and your raid is depending on you to offer up the only thing that you can: A LOT OF DPS ON AN ADPS JOB like BLM vs. RDPS job like PCT)...I guess it's w/e. You are griefing though but, PF griefs anyways so it doesn't matter I suppose.
Sharpcast, Ice Paradox and the old Thunder proc mechanics would be enough for me. Give us back the fun and engagement. Taking the thought process out of Black Mage was such a bad idea... if I didn't want to think about my rotation, I'd play Summoner.
Pictomancer does it all! DPS: Do yourself a favor and just check how many spells PCT has that deals 1000 potency or more. Check any parse site and see who's on top. I need not explain how overtuned the potencies on this job are. Movement: Every spell they know has a cast time 1s shorter than it's recast time, allowing ease of movement in slidecasting, it can store upto 5 instant-cast Holy in Whites which can be solely used for movement, has a 20s dash which covers 15 yalms and allows you to sprint for 5s, you have 45 yalms and 15s of sprint per minute. Combine this with Sprint and you have 25s sprint and 3 dashes (45 yalms) per minute! If you want something to compare this to, old SCH (pre-nerfed in EW) had a 20s (30s with Sprint) Sprint every two minutes for all allies! This job is only 5s behind that, not accounting for the movement gain from the dashes themselves in half the time. Utility/Mitigation: (in two parts, because they have two!) - Starry Muse grants a 5% buff for 20s to all allies making it on-par with both RDM's Embolden and SMN's Searing Light. HOWEVER Stary Muse ALSO grants 4 additional effects which, again, no other caster does. This ability gives 4 distinctly different buffs. First is a free use of Subtractive Pallet, which allows the use of Subtractive Spells - Cyan (800 Potency), Yellow (880 potency) and Magenta (880 potency + White Mana). Secondly it grants Inspiration which allows the use of Star Prism, dealing 1,400 potency in damage and healing 400 (Grants a large potency heal similar to SMN's new Lux Solaris which is a 500 potency heal). Thirdly it grants Hyperfantasia; which is a 5 stack buff which requires you to cast 5 spells within 30 seconds, which is easy because; finally, it grants a 25% reduced cooldown to cast time and recast times (Similar to a limited, but better in terms of pure percentiles Leylines). This spell speed increase only lasts as long as Hyperfantasia does not expire or is completed so there is no rush at all to do this. It quite literally steals all effects from and even has bonus effects which makes it better than RDM, SMN and BLM. - Tempera Coat & Grassa are personal AND raidwide mitigations. I'll start with Coat, the personal mitigation. It is a 20% Max HP shield every 120s, but if fully used (the shield is depleted) it refunds 60s on the cooldown, so this is actually the exact same CD as SMN's Radiant Aegis (without having two charges), it's also better than BLM's Manaward which grants a 30% every 2 minutes (because PCT can use it twice per two minute window meaning their shielding on 2 mins is 40%). RDM doesn't have a personal shield buuuut... Now onto Tempera Grassa! PCT is now the second caster ever to recieve a raid-wide mitigation, it used to be entierly unique to RDM's Magicked Barrier; so lets compare the two. Tempera Grassa is actually a 10% Max HP shield to all allies. Now, this isn't very well known in FFXIV but Max HP shields are actually ADDITIVE mitigation. Typically when you use two percentiles they multiple each other which diminishes stacking multiple together. This is not the case with PCT, it is always going to be better than Magicked Barrier which grants the same number 10% mitigation, yes, it even ALSO grants a 5% increase to healing potencies, however you do not need to heal what you didn't take in damage from a shield. On top of this anyhow, when the shield is depleted (specifically on the PCT who cast it) it reduces the CD from 120 to 90s, making it 30s faster than RDM's mitigation, each time it is used effectively it COMPOUNDS the diffrence in total mitigation over a RDM. A PCT will get to use a mitigation 30s faster than a RDM after the first then again, a whole other minute before the RDM a second time. PCT synergisies with other AOE % mitigative effects, other shields and even Max HP bonus effects better than RDM because of this "additive mitigation" effect shields have. TL;DR: Only thing a PCT can't do is Raise. This isn't an S tier job, it's beyond that in all categories. It dethrones everything before it. If the Endwalker caster hierarchy in terms of DPS, Utility and Mobility was: BLM was S tier for DPS, RDM was S tier for Utility and SMN was S tier for mobility. PCT is S Tier in all 3, a SSS Tier Caster.
I would say Tempera is not always better than Magick Barrier since Magick Barrier has a duration, whereas Tempera goes away after taking a single hit. And typically the only hard heal checks are ones that hit multiple times. I'd much rather have Magick Barrier for things like Curtain Call or Terminal Relativity and even Harrowing Hell, despite it being physical, since it also increases healing. I also don't think having a 90s 10% HP Barrier makes Picto have S tier utility. Red Mage has chain Raise which can easily save runs, and like I said, a very powerful additional mitigation. It also has a raid buff if you count that as utility. You mention all the things that Starry Muse does that are only for Picto, which is true, but that doesn't mean it's "better" than other raid buffs. Arcane Circle also has a unique mechanic tied to it, but it doesn't make it better than say, Divination. The additional effects only affect the Picto, it's just how the job is designed. And if Summoner is S tier for mobility than Picto most certainly is not S. It has good mobility yes, but none of the casters come even remotely close to SMNs level of movement. Holy in White is also a damage loss, similar to how Reprise works on Red Mage, so you don't want to use them much, if you can help it. You also won't be using Smudge even close to every 20s. It sends you an extremely far distance, which is not always good, and can clip your GCD if you have some spell speed. Picto has a lot of 1000 potency abilities but they often come from doing 0 damage for several seconds at a time. I think Black Mage needs huge buffs more than I think Picto needs nerfs. Though I do think a minor nerf wouldn't hurt.
@@bnhearyza4767 Of the 19 spells Pictomancer uses in their opener 10 of them have 1,100 potency or more, they have Hammer Stamp Combos which allows for 3 GCDs of movement which they can prolong for anytime they want due to its 30s duration and it not interrupting Hue combos, you will never slip your GCD slidecasting because of how forgiving the recast timer is and the fact you will NEVER meld spell speed for any caster OTHER than BLM which nobody should realistically play in its current state, Swiftcasting a Motif allows you to have free movement for 4 seconds every 40s which is the exact same CD as the Creature Motif to minimise DPS loss, Holy in White as a "DPS loss" doesn't mean jack shit the moment you DHCrit anyone of the HALF OF THEIR SPELL LIST. I also don't know about a single job in this game that gets a DPS gain on boss downtime mechanics because the long cast time on the Motifs essentially become redundant. You say the 90s CD "isn't that great" on PCT but neglect to realise it compounds the effect each time it is used meaning that it, over the span of an 8 minute fight will get an entire extra use out of an equivalent mitigation compared to RDM. 120/90 (30s faster), 120/60 (60s faster), 120/30 (90s faster), 120, 0 (120s faster than RDMs CD)I will not rebuke your point that a percentile is better on repeating raidwides but, come on. There's no way a mitigation like this can be healthy for the game. On Starry Muse, name a single Caster 120s buff which grants them an equivalent free usage of a 800, and two 880 potency spells, a 1,400 potency nuke to reward you for going into your buff window and a 1,000 potency finisher? I'm also not saying its THE best raid buff in the game but specifically in the CASTER role, which you only ever have one of in standard comps. There should be no reason whatsoever that PCT gives so many bonus effects on its raid wide buff. Name a single job in this game that gets 4 different status effects on their buff window in a single button, you just can't. You do not need to defend shit game design choices, everyone universally agrees SMN and BLM just fucking suck right now. You choose RDM for prog and anything past that point you go PCT because it's just objectively better. They made all their BLM changes to try and """modernise""" it and look what they did to Black Mage WHILE they designed Pictomancer. This job cannibalised BLM's ability to have a non-standard rotation, to be flexible, all because this job just deals so much damage no matter what it does it doesn't NEED a set rotation.
If you squint your eyes, all healers are kind of free flowing too, in the sense you get to make up your own rotation for each fight and then continue to change it to optimize as much as possible, and also change it on the fly for your piers mistakes yayyyy
I see a cute lala glam, i click video... I'm a simple person. "note that you and your party members do not have to be in the circle to get the 5% buff"... Continues to stand in circle when not playing picto.
How much of a potency loss is casting holy in white? I'm guessing take the potency of 2 RGB combos + 1 CMY combo + casting comet in K, the divide by the total duration, compare to the potency/sec of holy in W, then scale to 2.5 seconds?
in single target, using *every possible holy* is 0.6% less dps than using *zero holy* don't bother feeling bad about using it for movement now and then, as long as you're not spamming away every single stack you get then it's a non issue
@@yeoldpubman I see thank you, that's a very useful figure. It means that if you get like 30 whites in a fight, every 5 whites is a 0.1% dps decrease, which is like very minor, even near the top of opti (I assume, wouldn't know)
already answered in depth on the balance, "🇶: Is Holy a DPS loss? 🇦: Yes, but a very small one. A theoretical rotation using every possible Holy is a .6% dps loss over one that did absolutely 0. To get max damage, you will want to mostly turret to maximize palette swaps between bursts. Reality rarely works out that well though, so use them if you need to move. You have an extra Hammer between 2 minute bursts, which has priority for movement over Holy due to higher potency per second. One hammer will virtually always go into raid buffs. 🇶: How about for AoE? 🇦: Holy is a gain on two or more targets for AoE -- use away!"
All I know: WAY easier to play that my BLM, easier to die because you have to aim Smudge, harder to die because you can aim smudge, click away at anything glowing, use negative pallete everytime it's up to hit like a BLM (Your BLM mode), and get those drawings up!!! Everytime you see a guage about to refill you have that drawing ready!!! That's about all I needed to outperform my own BLM... 😢😂
@royox But SMN have sh1t dps. Even lower than phy ranged dps. Picto has insane dps. Even when played badly at subpar lvl compared to a 100 percentile SMN. That is how sh1t SMN is now and how broken picto is. That's why I am watching this. I am considering transitioning to Picto but it is so big brain. 😂 My small smooth brain can only handle dancer and viper. Dancer is easy with 1 min and 2 min buff. Nothing to think about. Sometimes you move tillana around to make sure you don't overcap esprit but that's it. Viper is the same. 2 mins serpent's ire. That's it. Save a use of reawaken for 2 mins reopener. The intricacies come in when you learn that in like I think, 5-7 mins into the fight, you get like 3 reawaken instead of 2. So during that, you can use up your reawaken to avoid overcapping on the reawaken gauge. But picto is wow. Movement restricted, buff timer need to be moved around. Madeen, mog. Maw claw? Hammer drip prism. =_=
So this job has - - 1 million damaging abilities (all very high potency + some instant cast and CDH on already insane potencies?) - easy rotation + short casts + instant casts + out of combat prep + ranged - Insane raid buff (doesnt require you to stay in, and provides 50 different buffs with no downside) - Absolute best dash in the game on 20s cd only - Huge shield on 60s cd only, or decent partywide shield on 90s So how exactly did this sound reasonable to the dev team💀 Thanks for the guide Eksu!
Holy in white is a DPS again on pack mobs and only a slight one on single target - it's used for mobility, there's nothing wrong with it where it's at.
i really wish they would add a second weapon and a second landscape, even if for example second weapon is like an umbrella, which works as a shield for tanking in no-tank parties, or it could be that the second landscape is a hotspring near-identical to White Mage's Asylum for healing in no-healer parties. I'm sure the slot is there for a reason eventually but having to wait until next expansion (and a lot of levelling) for it to mean anything is underwhelming.
The healers are already screeching at the ammount of heal abilities the DPS are getting. And these moves would need to be broken in terms of power to support doing "No Healer/ Tank" parties. This game isn't made in a such a way this would he a viable option. Unless 8.0 goes a way different route and back to the ff11 days
They need to remove sps and sks from gear if they're gonna keep making it so useless for so many jobs, brand new fucking job and it wants nothing to do with sps, DRG gets reworked and also hates sks more than ever, they really are clueless.
@@kellevichy hitting positionals is so hardddd !! Keeping uptime (especially when the boss hitbox is nearly touching the edge of the arena) is really hard!! unironically though dawntrail melee doesn't look as free as endwalker melee. Good for melee players. Finally eating good. I don't think they have actually played caster in any content that actually demanded anything of them. I remember TOP p1 and p6 giving me a really tough time on blm. Hell, even now learning fights on pictomancer is not as easy as I initially thought it was going to be.
Because I can use my fists or get kives, swords, hammers and axes in real life but I cannot summon a big AF dragon, or throw fireballs, or do the Zorro's Z with a rapier follow it with a 30 meters backflip and follow it with a magic explosion. Slow and boring he said
Small Update on Tempera Grassa: there is a setting you can disable in your actions menu that removes the little delay between Tempera Coat being used and Tempera Coat becoming active!
Thank you!
I actually disable both the functions and have the Grassa on a separate button without delay. This way i never make a mistake when spamming Coat but can always pop Grassa asap.
Smol question that i kinda couldn't find anyone asking:
Can you weave 1 Ogcd between CYK spells under 2min buff? Ther should be enough time window between cast and recast to weave 1 ogcd.
@@Kairax you can, but some people with high ping might have a tiny clip
"Pictomancer does not have a rigid rotation, unlike some other jobs"
The shade is so real
Well fellow Black Mages . . . it's been an honor playing with you.
It was fun
It was good while it lasted
Yes it made me switch
This is the best video about PCT on YT so far. Thank you!
Glad it was helpful!
I love how the intro says ""caster main" instead of "blm main" now 💀
HAHAHA lol just trying to branch out!
Bros a sellout
I mean, unless you like black mage that much, is there a reason?
@@iantaakalla8180 even if you do like blm, picto is just too bonkers rn lol
@@kdubbbzBLM is the one that got sold out this time lol
Might change on Tuesday if they buff blm tremendously to catch up with picto
This was really helpful, thank you! Good to know that I managed to grasp the basics of the job, now it's just to learn the fights and timings to use skills at the best times and be able to move and not paint stuff I won't be able to use.
overcapping holy in white was crazy useful info omg. will keep that in mind
Love the guide, going to use it when learning PCT. Also I was the VPR in the M2 portions and didn't notice it was you!
Just a note about Tempera Coat: in the actions window you can remove the recast time in order to very quickly get Tempera Grassa out
What do you mean, remove the recast time?
@@happiness7808 Normally, abilities like Tempera Coat turning into Tempera Grassa have a delay by default to avoid accidental activation of about 1 second.
There's an option in the abilities menu that toggles this 1s delay to no delay, so you can double weave it quickly within the same GCD- useful for folks that want to use Tempera Grassa ASAP rather than having to wait until the next GCD because of the delay.
just hit 100, killed sphene a few times... as an rdm for 3 years, PCT is a good change of pace. Love this guide!! thank you for your work!!
Great guide, I was wondering about openers and such. I usually play healers and SMN because I'm a smooth brain so I'm not going to remember these openers.
Love how informative and easy to follow this guide is! Amazing content and had to subscribe 😊 Thanks!
finally a solid guide on picto , thanks
Thank you so much for the guide
Great work as always Eksu!
can't wait to go buy the game and dawntrail and grind levels until i can get this job, you make it look so fun to play!
Awesome video! Thanks for the help and advice. Now time to practice!
I really like the imagery (ha) of Eksu belting out a painting in mid air. 10/10
But fr picto has been a breathe of fresh air since playing blm from when i started 4 years ago.
A very educational and great video! I've learnt a lot from it! Thank you so much for putting this up! There's only 2 question I had in my game play for 2.48s GCD:
1. Can you use Star prism as your 1st GCD in burst phase for waving?
2. Can you single wave OGCDs after each Subtractive Palette Combo in burst phase?
I barely noticed any differences, but I dont think people really do that and I wonder why.
very fun job! ty for the tips!
been waiting for this!!! :D
Very helpful
Thank you ❤
I feel like CYM and Comet in Black should have just shared buttons with RGB/White
Also, small thing to note is you're locked out of painting Weapon Motif if you have charges of Hammer Time left
Yeah, I thought the lockout for painting weapon motif while having hammer charges was kind of odd since they are two separate buttons.
You can macro them so they share a spot. I did and I've loved it. ( Macroed a few things too.. haven't had problems with macros breaking either )
@@kellevichy Macros aren't great in this game because they can't be queued/buffered. Fine for oGCD spells but if you do it with GCDs you'll drift.
I'm back to this video again after FRU PF locking caster slot to PCT in further phases , all hail Yoshi P .
This video is so impressive
As a casual BLM player, this makes me sad however as a Picto enjoyer I am thrilled to have you on our team. For now. Fix BLM SE!
BLM has been very strong for a VERY long time. They can be weaker for a minute.
FIX blm? i know cause GOD FOR FUCKING BID BLM and SAM aren't buttbuddies at 1&2 EVERY SINGLE PATCH OF EVERY EXPAC, right?
Gonna wanna practice PCT cuz it's looking like the class I may wanna play alongside my SMN, ty for this Eksu!
Thank you, I normally pick up a new class' mechanics just looking at their abilities... but I was stumped on Pictomancer until I found your video. You have been very helpful.
Just a note as someone who actually paints, it is pronounced "temprah" not "temperah" despite spelling. ;)
Though if SE class devs were real ones they would have called the ability acrylic coat because that dries harder.
It's an Italian word and is pronounced temperah, tempra is another unrelated italian word
not actually so
@@peachy_lili how is it not actually so? I'm literally Italian, the language where the word comes from
U did a good job explaining it but i guess i truely won't get it til i lvl it lol i been on old jobs so far rdm and smn 100 first then drg and mnk to 100 lol now i need to pick next one ❤
Thankyou for this
Thanks for this! \o/
Thank you!
What do u cast between the Opener and the Burst phase?
Everything on Cooldown?
Do you wait for Starry to come up again befor u enter the Burst phase?
Maybe i missed it in the Video?
Thank for the amazing Video btw!
dang this job looks fun, kinda regret lvling blm first lol
I learned a lot from your BLM guide last expansion, so I'll be sure to watch this as well when the time comes.
It's a shame we got so many tools with BLM that genuinely seem like great buffs on paper, only for the job to feel boring and watered down as a result. RiP Sharpcast, Ice Paradox and old Thunder Procs. If they bring those back, I think we'd all enjoy BLM a lot more once again.
But until then...
Goodnight, Sweet Prince.
Also hubby been making lvling slow with playing his phone games on the side lol thxs for the info though on picto hopefully I'll get to it eventually
I honestly thought i was gonna hate this class, but since leveling it, I really enjoy it. Its so lighthearted and fun, and easy to get into. It's very busy, but in a fun way and its damage is crazy. It's probably my fav dps class now, dethroning BLM, which is a shame, cause its been my dps since 2.0.
Thank you.
Huge guide 10/10 would recommend
I dont play blm, but I still feel like y'all should be the damage kings. Picto has both a defensive and offensive party buff, is easier to play, AND deals more damage. Preposterous. As a fighting game fan, it reminds me of when DLC characters are overtuned to get everyone to pay to win.
Eh, it's ok. In a y game there is always at least 1 thing that is busted.
like reaper it'll be relevant for the 1st tier then passed by once the older jobs gets buffed
Easier to play is debatable. BLM rotation is by far the easiest and made even easier. Picto isn't busted in high end content and it needs its damage to compensate for how much downtime it has having to paint - which is quite often. Far more strategy i'm having to think about with PCT than BLM. That said they'll prob just buff BLM.
i know cause GOD FOR FUCKING BID BLM and SAM aren't buttbuddies at 1&2 EVERY SINGLE PATCH OF EVERY EXPAC, right?
nah melees should be way higher than any caster
WHATS UP BLACK MAGES!!!!! we are 🎉rainbow mages🌈 now
my goat
Too bad i build a bad habit of swift casting the first wing motif because most healers press their buffs immediately in normal content, so the only time i get to actually hard cast it and do my opener right is when im paired with a dancer.
I try to do my opener right even if everyone around me is pressing buffs on their first GCDs, because I want to build good muscle memory for when savage hits
You can do the triple weave opening to bring starry in sooner
Great video, the only thing i struggle with is entering burst phase after a fire in red, i can't get that alignement right, any tips?
You can either tweak your spell speed assuming full gcd uptime, or you can dump a Holy or two before putting on Subtractive Palette for your first Comet in your burst. I find this amount of planning impractical, personally, and I prefer to eat the potential 40-80 potency loss (trust me, it's small; messing up your rotation or using too many Holy are bigger dps losses)
5:19 Does that mean, as a tank, that I should give Pictos roughly 5 seconds before pulling (speaking of Normal/Roulette content)? Sorry I only skipped through parts of the video, don’t plan on playing DPS in DT.
I would say it's nice to get a short countdown, even like 6 or 7 seconds or so, before pulling a normal raid or trial. For something like dungeons, honestly doesn't matter that much but yeah it definitely will feel nicer to play when you get some warning before the pull
@@EksuPlosion Good to know, thank you. Yeah I usually only do it for current raids but was wondering if it was worth it to give Pictos some prep time for Trials and such too. But tbh when you don’t pull within a second in normal content a dps will pull for you so it’s whatever I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yes pleaseeeeeeee, it feels so bad and makes fights take longer having to stand there 3-9 seconds hard casting motifs(esp on dungeon trash, that adds up to entire minutes after everything)
he is my goat
RGB is still important because it generates Holy charges. On a target dummy there's no reason to use it but in a real raid scenario there's plenty of situations where you need to use Holy instead of RGB for movement.
Heck yeah
Can't wait for 8.0 were Weapon Motif lets me pull out a blicky.
Finally a class for the mentally unadjusted, so now even they can get that axolototlootll mount.
O: thank you yoshi peen
With the current BiS gear, most people will start the 2min single muse burst window with KCYK, what are your thoughts on using 2 holy after fire in red before the 2 min window to force KYMK? I found that I can only reliably get KYMK if i use a pom muse and cast a wing muse with perfect casting uptime.
To align things perfectly you do need to use some Holies in white. On the balance discord people have spreadsheets to calculate how many as it changes depending on the fight
So confusing.. :v I guess I'll stick to easy classes like dancer and viper. 😂
But Pictomancer dmg is so delicious now. :x I noticed it is topping M1S-M3S and FRU.
And FRU by a huge margin. Like the lower part of the deviation bar is equal to the top part of the deviation bar of the 2nd class with the best dps after Picto.
I guess I'll try to get a few runs in ex3 to get used to it.
In the basic 7 second starry muse opener, would it make more sense to pop pom muse right after rainbow drop? It takes a second before striking muse is usable. so you can weave in pom > striking muse > holy in white > creature motif > starry muse > hammer > etc. Am I missing something?
@@jakegallant2021 pom muse is strong so you want to get it in your intelligence potion!
Hehe. Hammer go bonk!
How do you get the simplified pallet?
Also , can you clarify what the acronyms are? I am more of a casual player and not familiar with the terms used in the more advanced fights.
I’m just wondering about that head piece. It’s so cute.
Hi I find the burst window insanely tight and it's pretty frustrating not weaving or clipping l, half a sec to squeeze in rainbow drip is there anyway to improve this ?
should I use this common opener or the opener which is shown in the balance picto guide?
wait what- this job ALSO has sure cdh? And all it had to trade was not being able to raise?
3 of them! with 4 uses in the first 2 minutes!
but if you can raise you get put at the bottom of the dps numbers.
God has blessed us with this gift :).
Mfw I realize my damage is just shit solely from the amount of dumb cast interrupts I am causing myself
A former phys range main
As a former phs ranged main, I feel this in my soul holy shit
As a former phys ranged main I concur
Ooutside of hardcore content, is it one opener better than the other or is it just preference?
@@NotMichael5421 honestly just preference, I think the 4.5 opener is slightly better but in cases where you have a dancer it may be better to do 7s to align better with their technical finish
@@EksuPlosion Ah, thank you :)
10:34 just kill me now
nerf picto.
“Perfectly balanced”
How to get your cool hat?
How are you getting the decimals in pull countdown counter?
Its a plugin
do you mind of i ask what glamour do you have ???
Waiting for all of the "WHY DID YOU ABANDON BLM?" It's because it sucks and is not fun it's as simple as that. I hope and pray that our beloved BLM gets a SERIOUS rework but putting 1.5 million damage into raid buffs in 20s is disgustingly OP.
No, blm abandoned us.
Evidently, the black mages that watch this channel know the job enough and don't need to ask that question.
@@AnonymousCoward3000 i mean it's been out for 1 hour lol
Some of us never played nonstandard black mage so I’m still having fun with DT black mage. It just needs some potency buffs and it’ll be fine.
@@GarnetDust24 The issue is, you will find out...that if you have to deviate at all from your rotation, you lose Flare Star, full stop. That's losing 1k potency basically for literally something that wasn't your fault, nor something you can fix or address. I mean, if you never do savage then I guess it's w/e but like...imagine just not getting Midare on SAM for no problem on your own part, it's just that you couldn't get the sticker and you just never get it, not even just delayed a bit, it just doesn't exist. That's what DT BLM is. You get punished for literally no reason. Not "misplay" or w/e or "unoptimized"...just straight up punished that NO other class has. PCT isn't punished like that. Imagine if you lost Madeen because you couldn't get 100 gauge or 75 gauge, and you HAD to get that before you could do it or you just didn't get it and you only had like 20s to get 75 gauge while doing everything else. That's what BLM is now. I guess again, if you are a giga casual and never cared about doing good dps (which is odd since you are on a DPS job and your raid is depending on you to offer up the only thing that you can: A LOT OF DPS ON AN ADPS JOB like BLM vs. RDPS job like PCT)...I guess it's w/e. You are griefing though but, PF griefs anyways so it doesn't matter I suppose.
How u dont clip the 4.5 opener
You still clip a little, but it's fairly minimal
considering switching from summoner main to picto...
Prayge for the return of MP Tick or potency gain or anything good for BLM on the savage day :prayge:
Sharpcast, Ice Paradox and the old Thunder proc mechanics would be enough for me. Give us back the fun and engagement. Taking the thought process out of Black Mage was such a bad idea... if I didn't want to think about my rotation, I'd play Summoner.
Pictomancer does it all!
DPS: Do yourself a favor and just check how many spells PCT has that deals 1000 potency or more. Check any parse site and see who's on top. I need not explain how overtuned the potencies on this job are.
Movement: Every spell they know has a cast time 1s shorter than it's recast time, allowing ease of movement in slidecasting, it can store upto 5 instant-cast Holy in Whites which can be solely used for movement, has a 20s dash which covers 15 yalms and allows you to sprint for 5s, you have 45 yalms and 15s of sprint per minute. Combine this with Sprint and you have 25s sprint and 3 dashes (45 yalms) per minute! If you want something to compare this to, old SCH (pre-nerfed in EW) had a 20s (30s with Sprint) Sprint every two minutes for all allies! This job is only 5s behind that, not accounting for the movement gain from the dashes themselves in half the time.
Utility/Mitigation: (in two parts, because they have two!)
- Starry Muse grants a 5% buff for 20s to all allies making it on-par with both RDM's Embolden and SMN's Searing Light. HOWEVER Stary Muse ALSO grants 4 additional effects which, again, no other caster does. This ability gives 4 distinctly different buffs. First is a free use of Subtractive Pallet, which allows the use of Subtractive Spells - Cyan (800 Potency), Yellow (880 potency) and Magenta (880 potency + White Mana). Secondly it grants Inspiration which allows the use of Star Prism, dealing 1,400 potency in damage and healing 400 (Grants a large potency heal similar to SMN's new Lux Solaris which is a 500 potency heal). Thirdly it grants Hyperfantasia; which is a 5 stack buff which requires you to cast 5 spells within 30 seconds, which is easy because; finally, it grants a 25% reduced cooldown to cast time and recast times (Similar to a limited, but better in terms of pure percentiles Leylines). This spell speed increase only lasts as long as Hyperfantasia does not expire or is completed so there is no rush at all to do this. It quite literally steals all effects from and even has bonus effects which makes it better than RDM, SMN and BLM.
- Tempera Coat & Grassa are personal AND raidwide mitigations. I'll start with Coat, the personal mitigation. It is a 20% Max HP shield every 120s, but if fully used (the shield is depleted) it refunds 60s on the cooldown, so this is actually the exact same CD as SMN's Radiant Aegis (without having two charges), it's also better than BLM's Manaward which grants a 30% every 2 minutes (because PCT can use it twice per two minute window meaning their shielding on 2 mins is 40%). RDM doesn't have a personal shield buuuut...
Now onto Tempera Grassa! PCT is now the second caster ever to recieve a raid-wide mitigation, it used to be entierly unique to RDM's Magicked Barrier; so lets compare the two. Tempera Grassa is actually a 10% Max HP shield to all allies. Now, this isn't very well known in FFXIV but Max HP shields are actually ADDITIVE mitigation. Typically when you use two percentiles they multiple each other which diminishes stacking multiple together. This is not the case with PCT, it is always going to be better than Magicked Barrier which grants the same number 10% mitigation, yes, it even ALSO grants a 5% increase to healing potencies, however you do not need to heal what you didn't take in damage from a shield. On top of this anyhow, when the shield is depleted (specifically on the PCT who cast it) it reduces the CD from 120 to 90s, making it 30s faster than RDM's mitigation, each time it is used effectively it COMPOUNDS the diffrence in total mitigation over a RDM. A PCT will get to use a mitigation 30s faster than a RDM after the first then again, a whole other minute before the RDM a second time. PCT synergisies with other AOE % mitigative effects, other shields and even Max HP bonus effects better than RDM because of this "additive mitigation" effect shields have.
TL;DR: Only thing a PCT can't do is Raise. This isn't an S tier job, it's beyond that in all categories. It dethrones everything before it.
If the Endwalker caster hierarchy in terms of DPS, Utility and Mobility was: BLM was S tier for DPS, RDM was S tier for Utility and SMN was S tier for mobility. PCT is S Tier in all 3, a SSS Tier Caster.
Local painter draws a cuck shed for all of its inferior caster brethren.
I would say Tempera is not always better than Magick Barrier since Magick Barrier has a duration, whereas Tempera goes away after taking a single hit. And typically the only hard heal checks are ones that hit multiple times. I'd much rather have Magick Barrier for things like Curtain Call or Terminal Relativity and even Harrowing Hell, despite it being physical, since it also increases healing.
I also don't think having a 90s 10% HP Barrier makes Picto have S tier utility.
Red Mage has chain Raise which can easily save runs, and like I said, a very powerful additional mitigation. It also has a raid buff if you count that as utility. You mention all the things that Starry Muse does that are only for Picto, which is true, but that doesn't mean it's "better" than other raid buffs. Arcane Circle also has a unique mechanic tied to it, but it doesn't make it better than say, Divination. The additional effects only affect the Picto, it's just how the job is designed.
And if Summoner is S tier for mobility than Picto most certainly is not S. It has good mobility yes, but none of the casters come even remotely close to SMNs level of movement. Holy in White is also a damage loss, similar to how Reprise works on Red Mage, so you don't want to use them much, if you can help it. You also won't be using Smudge even close to every 20s. It sends you an extremely far distance, which is not always good, and can clip your GCD if you have some spell speed.
Picto has a lot of 1000 potency abilities but they often come from doing 0 damage for several seconds at a time.
I think Black Mage needs huge buffs more than I think Picto needs nerfs. Though I do think a minor nerf wouldn't hurt.
@@bnhearyza4767 Of the 19 spells Pictomancer uses in their opener 10 of them have 1,100 potency or more, they have Hammer Stamp Combos which allows for 3 GCDs of movement which they can prolong for anytime they want due to its 30s duration and it not interrupting Hue combos, you will never slip your GCD slidecasting because of how forgiving the recast timer is and the fact you will NEVER meld spell speed for any caster OTHER than BLM which nobody should realistically play in its current state, Swiftcasting a Motif allows you to have free movement for 4 seconds every 40s which is the exact same CD as the Creature Motif to minimise DPS loss, Holy in White as a "DPS loss" doesn't mean jack shit the moment you DHCrit anyone of the HALF OF THEIR SPELL LIST. I also don't know about a single job in this game that gets a DPS gain on boss downtime mechanics because the long cast time on the Motifs essentially become redundant.
You say the 90s CD "isn't that great" on PCT but neglect to realise it compounds the effect each time it is used meaning that it, over the span of an 8 minute fight will get an entire extra use out of an equivalent mitigation compared to RDM. 120/90 (30s faster), 120/60 (60s faster), 120/30 (90s faster), 120, 0 (120s faster than RDMs CD)I will not rebuke your point that a percentile is better on repeating raidwides but, come on. There's no way a mitigation like this can be healthy for the game.
On Starry Muse, name a single Caster 120s buff which grants them an equivalent free usage of a 800, and two 880 potency spells, a 1,400 potency nuke to reward you for going into your buff window and a 1,000 potency finisher? I'm also not saying its THE best raid buff in the game but specifically in the CASTER role, which you only ever have one of in standard comps. There should be no reason whatsoever that PCT gives so many bonus effects on its raid wide buff. Name a single job in this game that gets 4 different status effects on their buff window in a single button, you just can't.
You do not need to defend shit game design choices, everyone universally agrees SMN and BLM just fucking suck right now. You choose RDM for prog and anything past that point you go PCT because it's just objectively better.
They made all their BLM changes to try and """modernise""" it and look what they did to Black Mage WHILE they designed Pictomancer. This job cannibalised BLM's ability to have a non-standard rotation, to be flexible, all because this job just deals so much damage no matter what it does it doesn't NEED a set rotation.
Holy shit you are crazy. I should have expected as much from your initial post.
@@bnhearyza4767 Sure man, if rebuking a counter argument makes me a fucking psycho, call me the Mad Hatter.
Eksu… i am doing a really low dmg on pct…
It is 705 non melded around 20k dps…
I cast 24/7 and burst every 2 min
Everything on cd…
Yeah I really wish black comet just replaced white holy. It's not like you can use holy while comet is available anyway.
You can macro them together with White taking priority.
Cant wait too see how cut down picto gets
that aged like milk in the sun lmaoooo it didn't get touched at all
Why is your circle for starry muse so big?
Because he is a Lala and makes it look bigger than it is xD
Its sad how this is 1 of the only 2 free flowing job left, and even that might be a sketch
What are the 2?
Lol sketch
@@tcoren1 monk ig, but it feels like with balls its much less flexible
If you squint your eyes, all healers are kind of free flowing too, in the sense you get to make up your own rotation for each fight and then continue to change it to optimize as much as possible, and also change it on the fly for your piers mistakes yayyyy
I see a cute lala glam, i click video... I'm a simple person.
"note that you and your party members do not have to be in the circle to get the 5% buff"... Continues to stand in circle when not playing picto.
the damage buff itself, yes. You still need to be in it to consume stacks and get the free rainbow drip
@@ignavis No, i'm standing in it when not playing Picto.
@@screes620 ok
So where's your Rod
It's insane to me that BLM's freeform gameplay died, but at least Pictomancer keeps that spirit alive somewhat.
we lost him :')
How much of a potency loss is casting holy in white?
I'm guessing take the potency of 2 RGB combos + 1 CMY combo + casting comet in K, the divide by the total duration, compare to the potency/sec of holy in W, then scale to 2.5 seconds?
in single target, using *every possible holy* is 0.6% less dps than using *zero holy*
don't bother feeling bad about using it for movement now and then, as long as you're not spamming away every single stack you get then it's a non issue
@@yeoldpubman I see thank you, that's a very useful figure.
It means that if you get like 30 whites in a fight, every 5 whites is a 0.1% dps decrease, which is like very minor, even near the top of opti (I assume, wouldn't know)
@@yeoldpubman BTW, is it a gain to cast white if it allows you to get kkym in buffs?
already answered in depth on the balance,
"🇶: Is Holy a DPS loss?
🇦: Yes, but a very small one. A theoretical rotation using every possible Holy is a .6% dps loss over one that did absolutely 0. To get max damage, you will want to mostly turret to maximize palette swaps between bursts. Reality rarely works out that well though, so use them if you need to move. You have an extra Hammer between 2 minute bursts, which has priority for movement over Holy due to higher potency per second. One hammer will virtually always go into raid buffs.
🇶: How about for AoE?
🇦: Holy is a gain on two or more targets for AoE -- use away!"
All I know:
WAY easier to play that my BLM, easier to die because you have to aim Smudge, harder to die because you can aim smudge, click away at anything glowing, use negative pallete everytime it's up to hit like a BLM (Your BLM mode), and get those drawings up!!! Everytime you see a guage about to refill you have that drawing ready!!!
That's about all I needed to outperform my own BLM... 😢😂
God....I feel like I need a PhD in Astrophysics just to play a game meant for enjoyment! Why do rotations have to be so complicated!?
If you want easier rotations you can play SMN or Red Mage (as I do when I practice fights)
@royox But SMN have sh1t dps. Even lower than phy ranged dps.
Picto has insane dps. Even when played badly at subpar lvl compared to a 100 percentile SMN. That is how sh1t SMN is now and how broken picto is.
That's why I am watching this. I am considering transitioning to Picto but it is so big brain. 😂
My small smooth brain can only handle dancer and viper.
Dancer is easy with 1 min and 2 min buff. Nothing to think about. Sometimes you move tillana around to make sure you don't overcap esprit but that's it.
Viper is the same. 2 mins serpent's ire. That's it. Save a use of reawaken for 2 mins reopener.
The intricacies come in when you learn that in like I think, 5-7 mins into the fight, you get like 3 reawaken instead of 2. So during that, you can use up your reawaken to avoid overcapping on the reawaken gauge.
But picto is wow. Movement restricted, buff timer need to be moved around.
Madeen, mog. Maw claw? Hammer drip prism. =_=
So this job has -
- 1 million damaging abilities (all very high potency + some instant cast and CDH on already insane potencies?)
- easy rotation + short casts + instant casts + out of combat prep + ranged
- Insane raid buff (doesnt require you to stay in, and provides 50 different buffs with no downside)
- Absolute best dash in the game on 20s cd only
- Huge shield on 60s cd only, or decent partywide shield on 90s
So how exactly did this sound reasonable to the dev team💀
Thanks for the guide Eksu!
I wish holy in white was a little stronger, 5 stackso of holy, 5 stacks of inspiration, I mean come on
Holy in white is a DPS again on pack mobs and only a slight one on single target - it's used for mobility, there's nothing wrong with it where it's at.
OMG,, whats this with the new word.. WEIRD???
Moen Trace
i really wish they would add a second weapon and a second landscape, even if for example second weapon is like an umbrella, which works as a shield for tanking in no-tank parties, or it could be that the second landscape is a hotspring near-identical to White Mage's Asylum for healing in no-healer parties. I'm sure the slot is there for a reason eventually but having to wait until next expansion (and a lot of levelling) for it to mean anything is underwhelming.
The healers are already screeching at the ammount of heal abilities the DPS are getting. And these moves would need to be broken in terms of power to support doing "No Healer/ Tank" parties. This game isn't made in a such a way this would he a viable option. Unless 8.0 goes a way different route and back to the ff11 days
@@tony8076 I can't see them doing any new landscapes without them being a straight upgrade or downgrade of starry otherwise either unfortunately
I have the exact same shoes IRL, and you can't walk or run that easy, be careful !
They need to remove sps and sks from gear if they're gonna keep making it so useless for so many jobs, brand new fucking job and it wants nothing to do with sps, DRG gets reworked and also hates sks more than ever, they really are clueless.
Since the animations are ridiculous. I will make sure to have a ridiculous glamour.
Does you on picto mean you'll finally stop making your entire party necessarily solve mechanics around you so you don't have to move?
Basically yeah, you’re much more mobile
Im amazed you dare showcase plugins, with how toxic the community sees them.
But this guide is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thanks!
What plugins has he got onscreen? I cant see any lol
In ex 2 and p9s for few sec
@@obamaorb7426 ACT and countdown beeing anything else than whole numbers are plugins.
@@obamaorb7426 Countdowns don't have decimals without plugins.
Cute lalafell.
*I don't get how people can play Caster.*
*It is one of the easiest roles in the game.*
*And it's so slow and boring.*
Melee DPS and ranged DPS are far easier lmfao
@@kellevichy Sure bro, keep telling yourself that. 🤣
@@in2it85 ....anyway
@@kellevichy hitting positionals is so hardddd !! Keeping uptime (especially when the boss hitbox is nearly touching the edge of the arena) is really hard!!
unironically though dawntrail melee doesn't look as free as endwalker melee. Good for melee players. Finally eating good. I don't think they have actually played caster in any content that actually demanded anything of them. I remember TOP p1 and p6 giving me a really tough time on blm. Hell, even now learning fights on pictomancer is not as easy as I initially thought it was going to be.
Because I can use my fists or get kives, swords, hammers and axes in real life but I cannot summon a big AF dragon, or throw fireballs, or do the Zorro's Z with a rapier follow it with a 30 meters backflip and follow it with a magic explosion.
Slow and boring he said