I know I have a problem with envy, wishing I had what others have, or maybe it's jealousy. The consequence in me is not anger but forgetting to thank God for what the blessings I do have in my life.
I work on envy too.. Bishop Barron is fantastic here.. My Pastor, Dominican like St Thomas Aquinas, recommended the Litany of Humility to me. It really helps ground me and is sobering about every side of envy. God bless you.
You’re so right. The obsession with Sadness over the goods of others, blocks out all our Father has bless us with! God help me to meditate on Your beneficence, and give me grace to accept how you’ve blessed others! I AM heartily sorry for offending YOU! Amen.
I once heard a Catholic priest say to stop being jealous and envious. Some of the reasons he gave were: 1. People will often tell you/show you what they want you to see. It is rare they will show you the entire picture. For example, you might be jealous of your friend's wife and wish you had a woman like that in your life -----little do you know she's an alcoholic and a gambler. 2. You waste all your time being jealous of what someone else has, that you forget to enjoy your life. You don't notice the little things. 3. The most important one. You waste all your energy being jealous instead of being grateful to God for what you do have. After hearing this priest, I completely changed my attitude and my life changed for the better.
Bishop BARRON is a spiritual Treasure !!!! His Christocentric Sermons are a great blessing to me !! Thank you Bishop Barron ! God bless you !!! 😇😍🤩💖❣🤗💕💟💝
Perfect for the Holiday Season. "Allow yourself to be commanded by Christ" welcome baby Jesus in your heart and in your works! Peace be with Us All through Christ in Us.
@@davidjohnzenocollins *Indeed gracious of you☆ Big Thanks☆* One for the occasion: "Whoever envies another confesses his superiority." - Samuel Johnson
It's no surprise moon feels jealous. It's just a piece of dead rock and has no light of its own while stars have. 'Those who rely on quotes of others have no original ideas ' - JD
"What gives us Joy? *The capacity to give ourselves utterly to the present moment ...* what's love demanding of me right now. That's all that matters." - BISHOP BARRON
Change a couple of words you could be talking about this divided America. Thank's Bishop Best of Christ's light shine on you. From Hamilton Ontario Canada 🇨🇦
Envy is a very powerful magnitude of an emotion if I can say so myself. In 1 way to define envy, You can be envious of people who were born in a more positive family than yourself, The Definition Of Envy can be a very vast thing than what many people can even begin to comprehend or understand.
Bishop Barron: Awsome!!! I love your Teachings on Capital sins and especially how you practically recommend to fight the vice of envy with the virtue of admiration of others talents and gifts. This is an essential virtue especially for ordained ministers and all leaders in general. An envious leader becomes an obstacle to the very purpose of ministry. A leader who admires others talents helps others to actualize their gifts to the fullest: This is the greatest love of neighbor.
When I think of all the envy, jealousy, ambition, lust, hatred that has entered our members throughout history all I can do is lament at all the lost opportunities for evangelization not to mention the destruction of souls....let us resolve to live our faith with integrity and adherence to divine charity.
Dear Lordship I am not sure if I am ambitious but I am a miracle baby and from that story narrated to me by my mother, I have a joyful disposition and a cool confidence about me. But I often get despised and people are sometimes jealous about my achievements. Though I personally am only thankful that I am able to serve. Thinking positively mostly I also encourage others and believe that a kick is a push forward and always have hope. Listening to your talk, I still hope and pray that I don't envy anyone and am not ambitious in any way. But the fact that I have been driven to comment makes it obvious that you have stirred my conscience and I thank God for you and your great insightful talks especially this one which will hopefully strengthen my inner soul. Praise the Lord. God bless
I indeed am grateful to you Bishop Bishop for this beautiful down to earth homily. ‘Fellow sinners’, I have been greatly helped by meditating on the personality of the ‘Josephs’ - In the Old Testament, Jospeh was the victim of the envy of his brothers, he suffered the humiliation of slavery and later imprisonment…. But God transformed all into the instrument of salvation of a nation and even of those who sold him out. Such a consoling meditation. Then our great St. Joseph, fostered father of Our Lord and the chaste Spouse of Our Blessed Mother happily carried out his mission in ‘periphery’ of the life of Jesus. He humbled performed his hidden role in silence and obscurity. May he intercede for us when we seek protagonism at all costs! In this year dedicated to St. Joseph may we learn from him how to live great virtues in silence. Thank you dear Bishop Barron and and other ‘fellow sinners’.
Thank you for pointing to St Joseph. I want to read the book, Joseph the Silent. "....explores St. Joseph's work as a carpenter, his marriage, his character, the flight into Egypt, his return to Nazareth, etc... "
Well presented. Thanks so much for sharing Bishop. I think this is why we really need the Holy Spirit to control our thoughts against these ugly sins. Ethel is my first name.
envy is uncontrollable it might even be the Lord's will so that he uses us as the clay to reign vengeance whether it's with the sword in our mouth, a blade we carry, talents and gifts to cut the enemies down and rule the world and the choice is our what we will do with power. for the Lord lives in us and understands us as us. period
I’ve made several stupid financial decisions over the years and not only do I have envy of those who haven’t made those same mistakes, but I wish they had failed as I have. Lord please forgive me this sin
Lord Jesus Christ, grant us Your grace to forget the envy and ambition we so readily embrace, and fill us with Your self-forgetting love for the least and lowly among us. Amen.
Thanks for the sermon, Bishop Barron, "envy and ambition are friends" -this is the kind of illness I'm dealing with. Hopefully, I'll work on improving this attitude of mine, Thank you.
I have been a follower of Bishop Barron since he started to post videos & sometimes i can guess what he is going to say next...he is a holy man...the second Archbishop Fulton Sheen....
Thank you for your powerful sermon of breaking down envy/ambition. I could not name this feeling before until today in my life. So, I seek for a better explanation of this feeling. Now I can name this feeling within me. Thank you, again.
Thank you Bishop, God bless! Envy is always everywhere, from outside and within, but sometimes you will find a few angels, people who are not envious and are happy with their own lives and what they have. God bless them abundantly because they have taught me a lot.
*Reflection by Pope Francis* *Children are a symbol not so much of innocence, but of “littleness.” It is the “little ones” that we are called to serve, “those in need of receiving who can give nothing in return.” In welcoming the most needy and most marginalised, “we welcome Jesus because He is there.”* _Pope Francis. 19.Sep.21._
The driving force of envy is materialism. A system that is domenant within the dysfunction of the human mind. To see that we are all connected beings by God and what we do to others is what we do to ourselves we can begin to live beyond our dysfunction and knowing that there is the spirit of God within us to guide us beyond our human senses.
Anything that is desired more than God can cause disorder. Even when I place a created good, such as my desire to be with my spouse over and above God, I create disorder. God's love requires my utmost to be placed at His feet; then, we will then walk in that perfect love for other's sake.
If I would be the devil try to go after seven vices I would invent a camera and a place where i could put pictures there like a Facebook or any social media crap !! God bless you bishop Barron .....Fortitudo !!!
I think envy in other's success stems also from the psychological assumption that people more successful will look down on you. The fear of being excluded, feeling left out. Which usually is the case since the mantra is always to look up and forward. I don't see the wealthy having brunch with average Joe's. Someone driving his luxury car to his big house while an elderly woman pushes her cart with groceries. No one cares expect for their own well being. This fight for material well being in our society has fueled this feeling now with social media especially showcasing their possessions.
Wow, this got me thinking. I had always thought of ambition as a virtue, one that I should admire and even encourage. Thank you, Bishop, I couldn't agree more that ambition and envy are often two sides of the same coin!
There is a virtue for doing great things or having a 'great soul' and it is called magnanimity. In English, it gets a bit confusing because the word magnanimity has an alternate meaning.
My opinion (such as it is) is that there is a right way and a wrong way to pursue everything. To pursue a goal as led by the Holy Spirit, partnering with it to become your best self and create something of greatness- bringing more goodness, beauty or truth into the world- is absolutely worthy. This is what all the greats throughout history have done- from Shakespeare, to Albert Einstein, to the Wright brothers. Unholy ambition, on the other hand, manifests itself in an obsessive compulsion that disregards other people for a goal that does not bring beauty, virtue or truth into the world, but gives one a cheap achievement at the expense of the integrity of the soul.
@@gloryrobinson8000 Setting yourself a noble goal seems alright, but that depends on your motivation. If it's motivated by love then everything is fine, if it's motivated by ambition, not so much. I can imagine someone working on a cure for cancer, being very close to a breakthrough only to find out someone has just found one. An ambitious man may very easily do everything in his power to sabotage the enterprise of the other only to come out ahead and receive all the glory that comes with it. If you're motivated by love you'll thank God if at least one more person would've been saved by earlier discovery.
Thank you Bishop Barron... I think the women who want to be allowed into the Priesthood would do well to look at the envy and ambition in their heart. I do not know them, however, they are most likely not suffering from envy and ambition and not looking at the glorious gifts and methods to achieve their divine relationship with our Lord, and how they can share the message of Christianity in a way God meant them to do...
Bishop Barron….. BRO!!!, you are the patron saint of RUclips, when the Vatican puts it up for a vote, count me in! Lol Love you brother, keep up the good work!
Your sermon this morning on envy was wonderful. I love this scripture. Philippians 2:1-18 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Thank you Bishop! This is exactly what I needed to hear. I struggle deeply with envy/jealousy and comparison to my sister who is my best friend and I love her very much. She’s lost weight, she’s meeting her goals, very creative and talented, a great cook and a good gentle mom. I find myself comparing myself to her so much and I just feel like I don’t ever measure up. I’m not vocal or mean or anything or put her down but behind every excited, “congratulations!” I’m deeply hurting because although I’m very happy and proud for her I beat myself up like, “How come I can’t be like that, how come I’m not that talented? Etc.” I’m away from home and very lonely and not many friends although I’m blessed with a beautiful family I still feel deep loneliness at times. It’s really affected me and so I draw within myself and sometimes don’t call her for awhile because I feel like my life is boring and uneventful while she’s taking trips and out there. If anybody is reading this please pray for me because I would like to let the comparison go deeply! It’s not healthy for me and the worst part is I know that not feeling good enough is coming from the enemy but I still feed into it. Please pray for me💗🙏 Thank you! God bless!
I've been saying this to my husband, my daughter, any kind of relationship, (whether in the family, among siblings, friends, neighbours, colleagues, even between husband and wife), no matter how harmonious, strong, solid..... name it... it is, when ENVY AND/OR JEALOUSY, enter it will be ruined or destroyed! Why I say this, because I've experienced it few times, with friends, sadly! This is only plain talking, from a very normal but spiritual, God-fearing, God-loving person. Thanks Father for this spiritual food. God bless 🙏
When I was listening to this it got me thinking. I used to spend a lot of time reading Nietzsche when I was younger. When Nietzsche talks about “Will to Power”, what we call ambition today essentially is will to power wrapped up in one word. In Nietzsche’s short book Antichrist he talks about morality from a will to power lens. “What is good? Everything that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power, power itself.” - Nietzsche The title of Nietzsche’s book was not by accident. Will to power (aka ambition) is the foundation of Anti-Christian morality. When you consider the things that people strive for to feel powerful: money, status, sex, drugs, etc. All things the Bible condemns. Ambition, left unchecked, is the root of all evil from a Biblical perspective. I believe there is also Godly ambition. This is when we strive for things with the goal of glorifying God rather than glorifying ourselves. So when we feel the itch of ambition to do something, what we should ask ourselves is why do I want to do this? Will this help me bring glory to God? Or am I doing for worldly rewards like money, status, attracting the opposite sex, etc.?
With all my mother’s faults and flaws. She never once taught us envy… I understand the definition… but I don’t know it. I have felt jealousy once … for a few days and that was with a narcissist- I realize he was trying to make me jealous by saying he had given someone else what he had promised me… and in that moment it was done … at least I know what to be mindful of in the actions of others. What God has promised to me can never go to others… with the narcissist God revealed my pride … it was in proving I could give enough love to heal someone… and when I understood THAT pride … was done … I was blessed with narcissists to improve my discernment. I thank God for it…
What does love demand of me in this moment… I’m going to meditate on that today. Like a child, fully in the moment, and looking to Him, to know how to love as He wishes me to.
there is a big difference between 'selfish ambition' and ambition. one can seek to improve oneself or one's situation (have ambition) without causing others to fall behind. the most successful folks i have worked with were those who fostered success (ambition) in those with whom they work. one need not put down others or imbibe in 'schadenfreude' at the cost of others while still seeking to improve one's lot.
Thank you Bishop Barron for your weekly Sunday Gospel teaching. Your words go so deep into our hearts and souls that we always receive a wonderful teaching from you. After hearing you, it really dawn on me, the association between ambition and envy. God bless you. 🙏
Another beautiful sermon that I have enjoyed today and Bishop Barron you have explained “life” in a way that I understand. Thank you very much. May God bless all of us
Bishop Barron is a National Treasure!🙏🏼
Correction 😅 Universal
@@annairungu2678 ni
He is indeed, and I couldn't stand it when other individuals were speaking so condescending against him.
I know I have a problem with envy, wishing I had what others have, or maybe it's jealousy. The consequence in me is not anger but forgetting to thank God for what the blessings I do have in my life.
I work on envy too.. Bishop Barron is fantastic here..
My Pastor, Dominican like St Thomas Aquinas, recommended the Litany of Humility to me. It really helps ground me and is sobering about every side of envy. God bless you.
You’re so right. The obsession with Sadness over the goods of others, blocks out all our Father has bless us with!
God help me to meditate on Your beneficence, and give me grace to accept how you’ve blessed others! I AM heartily sorry for offending YOU! Amen.
I always remind myself how fortunate I am to live in a free and prosperous country,. I have food, shelter, family, car. I am grateful!
I once heard a Catholic priest say to stop being jealous and envious. Some of the reasons he gave were:
1. People will often tell you/show you what they want you to see. It is rare they will show you the entire picture. For example, you might be jealous of your friend's wife and wish you had a woman like that in your life -----little do you know she's an alcoholic and a gambler.
2. You waste all your time being jealous of what someone else has, that you forget to enjoy your life. You don't notice the little things.
3. The most important one. You waste all your energy being jealous instead of being grateful to God for what you do have.
After hearing this priest, I completely changed my attitude and my life changed for the better.
Really good basic...simple but profound
I pray the rosary meditatively everyday for a year and found I eventually lost all desires for material things.
Congratulations! I've had to sort out my own envy. The Litany of Humility is sobering and helpful.
God bless you 🙏
True, often we only see the highlight reel of other people's lives.
Beautiful indeed. Thank you for sharing
"Fellow sinners" -- made me smile, because, yep! That's what I am.
I FELT that! Me a poor poor sinner.
That's what I am too
Fellow sinners...
Looping jjj
The Holy Rosary everyday is very powerful.
Bishop BARRON is a spiritual Treasure !!!! His Christocentric Sermons are a great blessing to me !! Thank you Bishop Barron ! God bless you !!! 😇😍🤩💖❣🤗💕💟💝
Envy and jealousy are the poison of a relationship. It's where evil starts to come in
Understanding the difference between Jealousy and Envy has been the most significant thing in my life.
Envy is the most insidious emotion we can have
Another’s success is not my failure.
Lies are much more dangerous than envy. Envy is just a feeling of inferiority in those that have less; lies are the work of a wicked mind.
🛐Lord let this bitter cup resentment forgiveness jealousy pass me by not my will but God's will be done 🕊️🌿✝️
This is such a powerful message. Thank you Bishop Barron. Viva Cristo Rey!
I like Fr. Mark Goring too haha.
Perfect for the Holiday Season. "Allow yourself to be commanded by Christ" welcome baby Jesus in your heart and in your works! Peace be with Us All through Christ in Us.
I'm from México. I like to listen Bishop. And I practice my poor english. ADios
"You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars." - GARY ALLAN
Where do you get all these quotes?😃 You're an everflowing fountain of 'em. Thank you.
*Indeed gracious of you☆ Big Thanks☆*
One for the occasion:
"Whoever envies another confesses his superiority." - Samuel Johnson
It's no surprise moon feels jealous. It's just a piece of dead rock and has no light of its own while stars have.
'Those who rely on quotes of others have no original ideas ' - JD
No offence intended. Just joking. ☺
Actually even when at times someone seems serious, I don't take offense. In any case it's from behind a computer after all.
Christ Jesus favors me in faith.
God bless you, Bishop Barron.
Gracias por la Sabiduria de todos sus sermones.
"What gives us Joy?
*The capacity to give ourselves utterly to the present moment ...*
what's love demanding of me right now. That's all that matters." - BISHOP BARRON
Change a couple of words you could be talking about this divided America. Thank's Bishop Best of Christ's light shine on you. From Hamilton Ontario Canada 🇨🇦
Like a child 💜
Envy is a sin I struggle with regularly. Particularly in a social context.
Envy is a very powerful magnitude of an emotion if I can say so myself. In 1 way to define envy, You can be envious of people who were born in a more positive family than yourself, The Definition Of Envy can be a very vast thing than what many people can even begin to comprehend or understand.
Bishop Barron is one of a kind. Truly widely read and a deep thinker.
Bishop Barron: Awsome!!! I love your Teachings on Capital sins and especially how you practically recommend to fight the vice of envy with the virtue of admiration of others talents and gifts. This is an essential virtue especially for ordained ministers and all leaders in general. An envious leader becomes an obstacle to the very purpose of ministry. A leader who admires others talents helps others to actualize their gifts to the fullest: This is the greatest love of neighbor.
Bishop Barron Thanks 🙏 for the Education to Us A Sinner ❤
I loved my life. I didn't envy people. Then people hunted me out of it.
God bless you Bishop 🙏.you lift my spirit to God.
He is the Lord’s special gift to us all!
"Live in the present"
That is something all institutions can agree with.
When I think of all the envy, jealousy, ambition, lust, hatred that has entered our members throughout history all I can do is lament at all the lost opportunities for evangelization not to mention the destruction of souls....let us resolve to live our faith with integrity and adherence to divine charity.
Dear Lordship I am not sure if I am ambitious but I am a miracle baby and from that story narrated to me by my mother, I have a joyful disposition and a cool confidence about me. But I often get despised and people are sometimes jealous about my achievements. Though I personally am only thankful that I am able to serve. Thinking positively mostly I also encourage others and believe that a kick is a push forward and always have hope. Listening to your talk, I still hope and pray that I don't envy anyone and am not ambitious in any way. But the fact that I have been driven to comment makes it obvious that you have stirred my conscience and I thank God for you and your great insightful talks especially this one which will hopefully strengthen my inner soul. Praise the Lord. God bless
I indeed am grateful to you Bishop Bishop for this beautiful down to earth homily.
‘Fellow sinners’, I have been greatly helped by meditating on the personality of the ‘Josephs’ -
In the Old Testament, Jospeh was the victim of the envy of his brothers, he suffered the humiliation of slavery and later imprisonment…. But God transformed all into the instrument of salvation of a nation and even of those who sold him out. Such a consoling meditation.
Then our great St. Joseph, fostered father of Our Lord and the chaste Spouse of Our Blessed Mother happily carried out his mission in ‘periphery’ of the life of Jesus. He humbled performed his hidden role in silence and obscurity. May he intercede for us when we seek protagonism at all costs! In this year dedicated to St. Joseph may we learn from him how to live great virtues in silence. Thank you dear Bishop Barron and and other ‘fellow sinners’.
Beautifully put. Amen to that. St.Joesgh guide and protect us
Thank you for pointing to St Joseph. I want to read the book, Joseph the Silent.
"....explores St. Joseph's work as a carpenter, his marriage, his character, the flight into Egypt, his return to Nazareth, etc... "
Well presented. Thanks so much for sharing Bishop. I think this is why we really need the Holy Spirit to control our thoughts against these ugly sins. Ethel is my first name.
I love "grandmawag"!!! what a great "call sign", and thank you for your thoughts Ethel!
envy is uncontrollable it might even be the Lord's will so that he uses us as the clay to reign vengeance whether it's with the sword in our mouth, a blade we carry, talents and gifts to cut the enemies down and rule the world and the choice is our what we will do with power. for the Lord lives in us and understands us as us. period
Happy Sunday Bishop Baron God bless you
I’ve made several stupid financial decisions over the years and not only do I have envy of those who haven’t made those same mistakes, but I wish they had failed as I have. Lord please forgive me this sin
Absolutely riveting Teaching...on a very 'real' everyday occurrence...thank you, dear Bishop Barron❣
Magnifique homélie, c’est tellement profond.
Food for thought
Merci de nous inciter à la réflexion Bishop Barron
C'etait mon plaisir!
I hope one day divinity spearheads this man to be in the highest position of the Catholic hierarchy
Where does envy begin and the most fundemental hierarchy of needs begin?
" Blessed are the poor," they envy people with food and shelter.
Yes did enjoy n learn too. Be as a child be it a toy at play or a book at hand - enjoy n stay happy. So much to learn for an adult. Nice.
Thank God for Bishop Barron.
He have such a gift from above to touch our very ❤️. And turn to our loving and merciful Father.🙏😇💖
Lord Jesus Christ, grant us Your grace to forget the envy and ambition we so readily embrace, and fill us with Your self-forgetting love for the least and lowly among us. Amen.
Bless us Jesus☆
Society teaches and praises all that is opposite of humility. It becomes ingrained and is so hard to undo; but by grace. Our Lady Untier of knots 🙏
Unabort 50 million babies. Long story.
Our Lady Undoer of Knots....I hold that devotion right after The Rosary as most powerful!
Thanks for the sermon, Bishop Barron, "envy and ambition are friends" -this is the kind of illness I'm dealing with. Hopefully, I'll work on improving this attitude of mine, Thank you.
I have been a follower of Bishop Barron since he started to post videos & sometimes i can guess what he is going to say next...he is a holy man...the second Archbishop Fulton Sheen....
Thank you for your powerful sermon of breaking down envy/ambition. I could not name this feeling before until today in my life. So, I seek for a better explanation of this feeling. Now I can name this feeling within me. Thank you, again.
Thank you Bishop, God bless!
Envy is always everywhere, from outside and within, but sometimes you will find a few angels, people who are not envious and are happy with their own lives and what they have. God bless them abundantly because they have taught me a lot.
People worthy of admiration
*Reflection by Pope Francis*
*Children are a symbol not so much of innocence, but of “littleness.”
It is the “little ones” that we are called to serve, “those in need of receiving who can give nothing in return.” In welcoming the most needy and most marginalised, “we welcome Jesus because He is there.”*
_Pope Francis. 19.Sep.21._
Please give sermon and all people of cathloic know and under stand.
Cannot allow envy to infiltrate your character, otherwise, you are homeless.
The driving force of envy is materialism. A system that is domenant within the dysfunction of the human mind. To see that we are all connected beings by God and what we do to others is what we do to ourselves we can begin to live beyond our dysfunction and knowing that there is the spirit of God within us to guide us beyond our human senses.
Anything that is desired more than God can cause disorder. Even when I place a created good, such as my desire to be with my spouse over and above God, I create disorder. God's love requires my utmost to be placed at His feet; then, we will then walk in that perfect love for other's sake.
If I would be the devil try to go after seven vices I would invent a camera and a place where i could put pictures there like a Facebook or any social media crap !! God bless you bishop Barron .....Fortitudo !!!
Wow that’s timely
I am a sinner . I will repent and remember Jesus with his blessed arms around a little child . Go’s bless you too Father Barron ✨💕💐
So well said!
I think envy in other's success stems also from the psychological assumption that people more successful will look down on you. The fear of being excluded, feeling left out. Which usually is the case since the mantra is always to look up and forward. I don't see the wealthy having brunch with average Joe's.
Someone driving his luxury car to his big house while an elderly woman pushes her cart with groceries. No one cares expect for their own well being.
This fight for material well being in our society has fueled this feeling now with social media especially showcasing their possessions.
Wow, this got me thinking. I had always thought of ambition as a virtue, one that I should admire and even encourage. Thank you, Bishop, I couldn't agree more that ambition and envy are often two sides of the same coin!
So damn true. Everytime I aim for a goal .. I tend to envy others who have it or have it easier than me ... Kind of a side effect ....
There is a virtue for doing great things or having a 'great soul' and it is called magnanimity. In English, it gets a bit confusing because the word magnanimity has an alternate meaning.
Same with me! Having goals and preparing for the future isn't bad, it just turns rotten when you think those goals will define and fulfill you
My opinion (such as it is) is that there is a right way and a wrong way to pursue everything. To pursue a goal as led by the Holy Spirit, partnering with it to become your best self and create something of greatness- bringing more goodness, beauty or truth into the world- is absolutely worthy. This is what all the greats throughout history have done- from Shakespeare, to Albert Einstein, to the Wright brothers.
Unholy ambition, on the other hand, manifests itself in an obsessive compulsion that disregards other people for a goal that does not bring beauty, virtue or truth into the world, but gives one a cheap achievement at the expense of the integrity of the soul.
@@gloryrobinson8000 Setting yourself a noble goal seems alright, but that depends on your motivation. If it's motivated by love then everything is fine, if it's motivated by ambition, not so much. I can imagine someone working on a cure for cancer, being very close to a breakthrough only to find out someone has just found one. An ambitious man may very easily do everything in his power to sabotage the enterprise of the other only to come out ahead and receive all the glory that comes with it. If you're motivated by love you'll thank God if at least one more person would've been saved by earlier discovery.
God blesse you remain in heart as achild
Thank you Bishop Barron... I think the women who want to be allowed into the Priesthood would do well to look at the envy and ambition in their heart. I do not know them, however, they are most likely not suffering from envy and ambition and not looking at the glorious gifts and methods to achieve their divine relationship with our Lord, and how they can share the message of Christianity in a way God meant them to do...
주님 찬미!
Thank you
Bishop Barron…..
BRO!!!, you are the patron saint of RUclips, when the Vatican puts it up for a vote, count me in! Lol
Love you brother, keep up the good work!
Thank you!
Yet again hit the target right on point!
Really interesting and not trivial at all. I'm not a Catholic, but I would be really happy to hear this sermon at any church.
Brilliant! Simply brilliant! I could listen to you, Bishop for hours on end. Thank you.
One of his talks is worth 40 from an evangelical
and have! (listened to Bishop Barron for hours on end.)
Who’s the greatest? Takes me back to the Smothers Brothers. “Mom always did like you best!”
Your sermon this morning on envy was wonderful. I love this scripture.
Philippians 2:1-18
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Thank you Bishop! This is exactly what I needed to hear. I struggle deeply with envy/jealousy and comparison to my sister who is my best friend and I love her very much.
She’s lost weight, she’s meeting her goals, very creative and talented, a great cook and a good gentle mom. I find myself comparing myself to her so much and I just feel like I don’t ever measure up. I’m not vocal or mean or anything or put her down but behind every excited, “congratulations!” I’m deeply hurting because although I’m very happy and proud for her I beat myself up like, “How come I can’t be like that, how come I’m not that talented? Etc.” I’m away from home and very lonely and not many friends although I’m blessed with a beautiful family I still feel deep loneliness at times.
It’s really affected me and so I draw within myself and sometimes don’t call her for awhile because I feel like my life is boring and uneventful while she’s taking trips and out there. If anybody is reading this please pray for me because I would like to let the comparison go deeply! It’s not healthy for me and the worst part is I know that not feeling good enough is coming from the enemy but I still feed into it. Please pray for me💗🙏 Thank you! God bless!
I’ll be praying for you…remember God loves you for who you are not what you do
Dear Bishop, i like your " Fellow sinners", thank you for the really definition of "being ambitious " and living at the present moment.God bless you
I've been saying this to my husband, my daughter, any kind of relationship, (whether in the family, among siblings, friends, neighbours, colleagues, even between husband and wife), no matter how harmonious, strong, solid..... name it... it is, when ENVY AND/OR JEALOUSY, enter it will be ruined or destroyed! Why I say this, because I've experienced it few times, with friends, sadly! This is only plain talking, from a very normal but spiritual, God-fearing, God-loving person. Thanks Father for this spiritual food. God bless 🙏
I don't feel angry about the success of my friends but feel the pain of not having the same thing for myself. Its part of envy too right.
Thank you thank you thank you
One way to fight envy is to count my own blessings and thank God for them.
Beautifully said Bishop Barron, may God bless always.
How often worldly ambitions are used as a reason to not have children. I must confess to this.
Humble, Gert .. be a Big Brother or mentor; there is a real Boy Crisis, and maybe that’s how God is calling you.
@@tedmilone1080 thanks, I lead a small team of young scientists in South Africa and I pray that God will guide me along the way.
@@gertpietersen6287 NOW HOW COOL IS THAT! *absolutely* mentoring, big brothering ALREADY!! 🤟
Amen..God bless you thanks for teaching on envy
"An irrational anger over the success of others"
When I was listening to this it got me thinking. I used to spend a lot of time reading Nietzsche when I was younger. When Nietzsche talks about “Will to Power”, what we call ambition today essentially is will to power wrapped up in one word. In Nietzsche’s short book Antichrist he talks about morality from a will to power lens.
“What is good? Everything that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power, power itself.” - Nietzsche
The title of Nietzsche’s book was not by accident. Will to power (aka ambition) is the foundation of Anti-Christian morality. When you consider the things that people strive for to feel powerful: money, status, sex, drugs, etc. All things the Bible condemns. Ambition, left unchecked, is the root of all evil from a Biblical perspective.
I believe there is also Godly ambition. This is when we strive for things with the goal of glorifying God rather than glorifying ourselves. So when we feel the itch of ambition to do something, what we should ask ourselves is why do I want to do this? Will this help me bring glory to God? Or am I doing for worldly rewards like money, status, attracting the opposite sex, etc.?
I like the Litany of Humility, and keep in mind to "walk humbly with God". God bless you.
thank you very much
I never felt ambition was not a good virtue your words today gave me a better prospective
It is a good virtue.
He seems to be construing it with selfishness...
With all my mother’s faults and flaws. She never once taught us envy… I understand the definition… but I don’t know it. I have felt jealousy once … for a few days and that was with a narcissist- I realize he was trying to make me jealous by saying he had given someone else what he had promised me… and in that moment it was done … at least I know what to be mindful of in the actions of others. What God has promised to me can never go to others… with the narcissist God revealed my pride … it was in proving I could give enough love to heal someone… and when I understood THAT pride … was done … I was blessed with narcissists to improve my discernment. I thank God for it…
Wonderful sermon both for Catholics and non catholics.
Non Catholics need more than a Sermon
Thank you Father Barron.. As always your teaching goes straight to the heart and soul. To God be the glory
Finely Mr. you have nailed it...God bless_ amen..
Thank you Bishop Barron 🙏🏻 God bless you ✝️🤗🤗🤗
Thank you so much, bishop Barron. God bless you! I saw myself in this sermon...
What does love demand of me in this moment… I’m going to meditate on that today. Like a child, fully in the moment, and looking to Him, to know how to love as He wishes me to.
So profound! Thanks and God bless to you Bishop Baron!
Fully amazing. God touched my heart today, using your ministry. Thanks for your "yes". Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷
It's always wonderful to hear you before going to church. God bless you Bishop Barron. Greetings from Argentina
there is a big difference between 'selfish ambition' and ambition. one can seek to improve oneself or one's situation (have ambition) without causing others to fall behind. the most successful folks i have worked with were those who fostered success (ambition) in those with whom they work. one need not put down others or imbibe in 'schadenfreude' at the cost of others while still seeking to improve one's lot.
Thanks much for this video.
Those who hit "dislike" the video are envy? 🤐
Thank you Bishop Barron for your weekly Sunday Gospel teaching. Your words go so deep into our hearts and souls that we always receive a wonderful teaching from you. After hearing you, it really dawn on me, the association between ambition and envy. God bless you. 🙏
Bless you, Bishop Barron, for helping us to deepen our understanding and faith.
Another beautiful sermon that I have enjoyed today and Bishop Barron you have explained “life” in a way that I understand. Thank you very much. May God bless all of us
Be ye therefore merciful,as your Father also is merciful.-Luke 6:36 Ame😍🙏🙏🙏n
Peace be with you Reverend Father!!!
Lord, help us
Thank you Bishop Barron for this wonderful message. God bless you with more grace of knowledge.🙏
Thank you for sharing this message Bishop Barron.
Kudos to the sound, lighting, camera and edit crew. Really nice work.