"Merch" marketing ploy to get the sucke.....err.. "fans" to buy their "official team throwback jerseys" (at the official inflated NFL prices, of course). Fans or suckers; they are born every minute, and the NFL never gives them an even break....
They should do it in pre-season so the teams can wear their old helmets, and uniforms. Because my team, the Titans don't wear their throwbacks because their helmets don't match.
He is such a douche. I’m relieved when I hear Fraction or Young’s voice at the beginning of TPS videos. For a while I thought maybe they finally noticed all the fan comments about him and told the goof to leave.
@@mattnorris7124 I feel like real and orange is a unique color combination we need to see more of, how many teams have red and/or blue as their main color scheme or only scheme, way too many
@@Abandonsoyciety I feel like we need more alternate uniforms in the NFL with some better designs. Personally, and I think this might just be because I'm a Heat as well as a Dolphins fan, but I'd love to see a Dolphins Vice uniform with everything changed including the helmet, just as something different. There's way too many samey colour schemes in the NFL and I'd love to see teams try to be more creative.
"Blue and Yellow have been the Rams uniforms throughout their history.." Did he completely forget about the Blue and White and the Navy and Gold era's?
Same I thought the orange dolphins uniforms looked fantastic one of my favorites and I used them a lot as an alternative uniform when playing as the dolphins in madden 08
Seriously? I Still play with oilers jersey on todays madden sure I like the titans current uniform but theoilers jersey and helmet I really like it as well
A bit? Think we are running out of content? I don't know how navy blue and yellow don't go together, Michigan means nothing to them lmao. And the mustard joke was old the first time you said it.
I love the fact that if a team doesn't change anything for awhile, it's "they need a uniform makeover". But when they do, everyone complains about the changes and wonder why they went away from their iconic look.
I disagree with so many of these. Lots of these are my favorites. At one point he said, “isn’t it the 21st century? Why are they dressed like they are in the 30’s.” They are throw back uniforms
Fun fact: when the broncos got the orange and blue uniforms, the team held a big burning in the middle of their football field and invited the team and staff and a few fans.
I grew up with my dad a huge oiler fan remember them well especially earl cambell at the end of a game with blue jersey torn to shreds like a gladiator
@Nathan Drew’s-Totally agree. The old colors & logo was light years better than the current one. I think the Buccaneers should go back to those awesome tangerine unis & gay pirate logo instead of that pewter & crimson nightmare they’re wearing now..
I also don't like the Steelers' 1930s uniforms, and ALL of the Color Rush uniforms (and all monochrome uniforms) need to go. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing the Steelers use their 1966-67 jerseys (with the gold shoulders) as their throwbacks.
Actually, they were the Tennessee Oilers for two seasons, in both 1997 & 1998, respectively. Then they were subsequently renamed the Tennessee Titans - a more proper moniker - for the 1999 season, and went to the Super Bowl during their inaugural season with said nickname, let alone that being the franchise's first year in what was formerly known as Adelphia Coliseum. The latter stadium was a perennially difficult place to win - particularly during its early years - at least for any team not named the Baltimore Ravens. Thus, the aforementioned Adelphia Coliseum became the Titans' third consecutive home - a more permanent one, at that - after relocating to the state of Tennessee, since they temporarily called both Memphis' Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium & Nashville's Vanderbilt Stadium home in 1997 & 1998, respectively. Despite the fact that I am not a Tennessee Titans fan, yet have always respected them, even I know plenty of their history. Someone making a video like this, whereby he remarks about such things, should certainly know better than a schmoe like myself. After all, widely & readily available research is not arduous to track down! Additionally, plenty of this list sucks! That Colts' throwback, Jax Jags' inaugural and best-ever (IMHO) home regalia/appearance, one of the Atlanta Falcons' better road attires of all time & the "other" Titans (New York Jets) throwback are merely a few apparels that immediately come to mind as nice looks that were unfairly shit on in this lame-ass production!
Photo homie Tampa Bay buccaneers old creamsicle uniforms I love those buckle Bruce whatever iconic the only jerseys that I say were ugly were the ones that they had right after they changed it the first time with the digital clock now that was ugly as f***
love how you all say jersey's like thats the entire frocking uniform. sure the jersey may look good but if im wearing a sleek black jersey wwith frocking Tye-Dye colored paints with giant orange letters on them then the uniform will look fucking garbage. You unseasoned chicken wings
As awful as those Bumblebee Steelers uniforms are, I found the "throwback" reference. This goes back to when they started as the Pirates, from 1933 through 1940. The look you see is what they had in 1934. I found images on that.
Exactly! I love them. They also remind me of the chargers uniforms, which is always ranked as one of the best in football, which makes absolutely no sense to me. A lightning bolt is the only thing separating the best jersey and the worst jersey? da fuck?
Beginning of the video: “Steelers uniform is great” 10 min later, saints throwback that looks exactly like current steelers: “Just doesn’t work, too flashy for us” 😑😑😑
Steelers bumblebee jerseys - “In fact we’d happily make the case for them being the absolute worst uniform in the history of the NFL” This dude lost the little credibility his opinion still had with this statement
Logan I’m biased but those are the worst ever! Denver’s throwback brown uniforms come close but Pittsburgh takes the championship for bad units. Also, logo on one side of helmet is dumb.
Nobody: TPS: "If they used a red jersey, it's going on the list" P.S. At least 7 of these jerseys are really cool in my book (Texans, Dolphins, Redskins, Patriots, Lions, Chargers, Seahawks)
9:09 “the all orange uniforms are excessive” Uniforms aren’t all orange only the jersey is orange. It’s not even that flashy. They actually look pretty good.
the current ATL red fade to black uniforms are the ugliest uniforms currently worn by a NFL team and are by far the worst Atlanta uniforms it's like they looked at how ugly the Atlanta Hawks carbon back uniforms were and said hold my beer
On the field, it could've been an intimidating factor; Ben had some of his biggest statistical numbers when they wore those uniforms. They usually won pretty handily too.
The reason the Bengals had the identical uniforms as the Browns is Paul Brown HIMSELF started both franchises!! He loves a brown and orange I guess. He did win7 titles with the Browns went To TEN title games in a row and innovated 3/4 of what we see today. Huddle, playbook, messenger guards, front line, designed plays like pass timing, play action. The whole thing!
@@LoneWolf-uv2tc thank God! Call me crazy but I thought the infamous Creamsicle uniforms looked better than those uniforms with those wack looking numbers
I love the red jerseys for Houston and LOVE the bumble bee jerseys for Pittsburgh, I’m a huge Steelers fan so meh on my opinion on that one, I was able to buy one the final year they changed it and stopped wearing them.
I think they were trying to do a red white and blue thing I like the jerseys but making the sleeves all blue would’ve been a less red coat looking design
I REALLY cant stand how they hate the ‘80s Falcons jerseys. It’s just a more complex version of the Georgia uniforms. And the Ravens throwback is t bad either. I don’t get why people hate mustard gold (it gave the uniform a “royalty” contrast).
Yeah, the Fouts era royal blue(they were actually away jerseys from '78-'84 as Don Coryell stipulated white jerseys as home jerseys) were pretty sweet, probably a little too close in shade to the Rams from same time period, but nice nonetheless IMO.
I cringe every time he says "homage" and pronounces the "h". That word at least in the United States has always had a silent "H". It should be pronounced closer to "ah•mage"
Hating throwbacks is cheap. They're throwbacks to the past man. Sure they may not fit the current look of the NFL but how could they? Some throwbacks are going as far back as the 1920s or whatever. Throwbacks are great. They represent a different era of football and I'll always support a throwback uniform no matter how ugly.
I guess beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder because I'm really feeling a lot of the throwbacks. Especially the Steelers, Eagles, Titans/Oilers, and the Packers.
Those 90s jags uniforms are slick. They ushers in a new era of utilizing multiple colors around the numbers. Real jerseys with white numbers and a black and a gold borders around them. The Jaguar logo on the sleeve is classic.
“Isn’t it the 21st century? Why are they dressing up like it’s the thirties?” They are literally called throwback uniforms wdym
And he’s out here saying why are these original AFL teams donning those throwbacks. It was the 50th anniversary of the afl
"Merch" marketing ploy to get the sucke.....err.. "fans" to buy their "official team throwback jerseys" (at the official inflated NFL prices, of course). Fans or suckers; they are born every minute, and the NFL never gives them an even break....
Cheese heads
He also just said that Michigan has bad school colors cause those honestly look like Michigan jerseys
Am I trippin or were a lot of the jerseys on this list, were my favorite
Lance Young same
I love Pittsburgh’s bumblebee jersey
The pats
Yah bruh
I love the chargers jersey
"Why are they dressing like its the 30s?"
Its- its a throwback uniform... to the 30s...
200th like
Eli Wilson Huh lmao? I agree with the original comment, cause with throwback uniforms, an olden feel is kinda what their going for
They look more like the Berkeley Golden Bears more than the Packers.
i dont understand this channel sometimes
This man would be so pissed if the nfl did a throwback season lol.
As a Ravens fan, those OG Jags uniforms he showed in this vid are in my top 3 Fav Jerseys of all time LMAO
They should do it in pre-season so the teams can wear their old helmets, and uniforms. Because my team, the Titans don't wear their throwbacks because their helmets don't match.
@@g4rrtt my Seahawks don’t because of that reason as well
Your right
I always thought that every team that plays on Thursday night, should wear Throwback Uniforms
should just call this vid "hatin on throwbacks"
Thank u
Nah should be "Hatin on throwbacks even tho they are good"
The eagles jearsy made me throw up
Keari Farmer shut up buddy
How many times are you gonna use the excuse "It's way too flashy"?
And then he calls other uniforms too bland lol wtf do you want.
He was trying to make a video out of nothing.
agreed. flashy isnt an excuse
yeah like the Texans jersey were actually fresh af
Nah, this guy doesn’t know jerseys
Sonny Milak like every episode
Yeah he don't know nothin he just be trippin
This guy is a clown.
This guy is fucking high as shit he said the ravens uniform was bad
This guy was tripping balls on some uniforms
This channel has produced some of the worst takes I’ve ever heard in almost every video
bro fr
definition of quantity over quality lol
He’s a Jets, Mets, and Islanders fan. I’m not surprised
Does this guy piss anybody else off
Luke Schumacher he is the only reason I started to like the cantaloupe haha this guy sucks
He’s lame af
Most of the time he says names completely wrong. He also tries to hard to be funny sometimes
I can't take anybody seriously that has a teeny tiny pineapple on their shirt that is pointless being there in the first place.
He is such a douche. I’m relieved when I hear Fraction or Young’s voice at the beginning of TPS videos. For a while I thought maybe they finally noticed all the fan comments about him and told the goof to leave.
Denver: "The throwbacks look terrible, their orange uniforms are way better."
Miami: "No NFL team should ever wear orange jerseys!"
I liked those Denver unis
@Cooper The X-P Yeah, my favorite part of this whole video is the non-funny joke he keeps repeating of mustard stains on the pants of the uniforms.
The orange Dolphins jerseys are some of my all time favourites, I wish we wore orange more
@@mattnorris7124 I feel like real and orange is a unique color combination we need to see more of, how many teams have red and/or blue as their main color scheme or only scheme, way too many
@@Abandonsoyciety I feel like we need more alternate uniforms in the NFL with some better designs. Personally, and I think this might just be because I'm a Heat as well as a Dolphins fan, but I'd love to see a Dolphins Vice uniform with everything changed including the helmet, just as something different.
There's way too many samey colour schemes in the NFL and I'd love to see teams try to be more creative.
“Isn’t it the 21st crntury? Why are they dressing up like it’s the 30s?”
Is that not the point of throwback uniforms?
Exactly thank you this man makes no since
I love the old Dolphins Orange uniforms, one of my favorites
same dude dosent know style
This whole list was pretty much bs
The orange dolphins ones are fine however the all orange color rush ones are… not great
They're cool!
I think the red unis for the texans look good🤷🏽♀️
Scott Fisher and this man didnt know the difference between torquoise and powder blue
They was just being really picky with most of these if you ask me
Lil Ronnie & Co facts they werent all bad some of them were nice
The host:
“I don’t like flashy uniforms”
Ok so what your saying is your favourite colour is beige
He’s probably a cowgirls fan
fr this guy doesn’t like anything that makes a team stand out like the all orange dolphins jerseys were actually really unique
WORST list ever, so many great uniforms on this list
He’s not saying they are the worst in NFL history, they’re just the worst in the team’s history compared to the others.
True but bears and steelers suck
The Texans was nice
"Blue and Yellow have been the Rams uniforms throughout their history.."
Did he completely forget about the Blue and White and the Navy and Gold era's?
This dude is a 2000's baby
@LØNE WØLF ENT. as alternate colors yes
Denver bright orange crush uniforms= amazing
Dolphins orange alternate=orange doesn’t look good
they look exactly the same lol
Pockets Gaming yea he buggin
They were trippin on a lot of these picks
Greeden right I loved the pats red throwbacks
Chris White exactly
Who else thought most of them weren't that bad?
A lot of people
Lions were cool
I thought redskins looked good
This dude has no swag, these jerseys was drip 💯
he got an urban outfitters shirt on lol that explains it
I deadass have a Brandon Marshall 09 alternate jersey😂
But what about the packers that’s just ugly
all except the eagles ones
Dude!! Those dolphin uniforms rule! You’re tripping! ✊🏾
Same I thought the orange dolphins uniforms looked fantastic one of my favorites and I used them a lot as an alternative uniform when playing as the dolphins in madden 08
This is the first time in my life I’ve heard someone say they Hate the Houston/Tennessee Oilers throwbacks lol. LIST INVALID
Darius Horton facts‼️ this list is complete TRASH
@@peejaythegreat1704 Oilers are classic and a jersey done right. There have been some pretty awful Titans jerseys though.
Rich Viola nah titans before the new change were classics especially the red jersey alternative uniforms
Seriously? I Still play with oilers jersey on todays madden sure I like the titans current uniform but theoilers jersey and helmet I really like it as well
This list is trash
'Some of these are just nit picky.'
That is an understatement, most of these are nit picky.
Guardsmen Gunner most are not bad. And the Chargers never wore turquoise it’s powder blue. TPS needs better fact checkers
BAR Chaosmaster339 yea I’m not a fan. He comes across as extremely arrogant. I prefer Justin Fraction and Mike Cantalupo
Guy dogged on two of the best color combos, blue and yellow and blue and green.
I didn't think I'd say it but I want cantalupo back too, the my knee every video is so stupid it's ruined the joke for me.
This video is a bit exaggerated imo lol I like all of the throwback's
Spike Spiegel thats exactly what im thinking
The only one I didn’t like was the Broncos one. Well, the Rams one wasn’t great either.
Ok. A few of these are awful. Philly and NYJ were awful.
A bit? Think we are running out of content? I don't know how navy blue and yellow don't go together, Michigan means nothing to them lmao. And the mustard joke was old the first time you said it.
Word i agree i liked all of them
I love the fact that if a team doesn't change anything for awhile, it's "they need a uniform makeover". But when they do, everyone complains about the changes and wonder why they went away from their iconic look.
Half of these are “all red jerseys just don’t look good”. But they do so...
John McClure he did say he was gonna have to knit pick for some cause he’s doing the worst jerseys of each team
@@themeparktre4841 If he was knit picking he would have chose the New England Patriots Drew Bledsoe 90's era Jersey instead of the Red Throwback.
John McClure yeah
You can tell by looking at him, He’s not really one to trust about what looks good though
And nearly the other half is "all yellow pants just dont look good"
This guy doesn’t know shit lmfao, some of these uni’s are absolute classics better than the ones worn today
Their uniforms get over it😂
Yeah this dude has no clue. He said the Lions throwbacks “we don’t see that often” they wear them every thanksgiving day game.
I disagree with so many of these. Lots of these are my favorites. At one point he said, “isn’t it the 21st century? Why are they dressed like they are in the 30’s.” They are throw back uniforms
That’s what I’m saying
Man's makin a video to make a video, these might be his actual opinion but none of these looked offensive and the throwbacks are fun
The Saints, 49ers, and Redskins are some of my favorite uniforms in all sports
So, in other words, the color Gold 😉
⚜️ #WhoDat
Hold up. The Old Bucs jerseys? Y’all crazy! The creamsicle jerseys are perfect and better than their current home jersey in every way.
Not true, the creamsicle kinda sucked and the new ones are perfect
NonExistant if the new ones are perfect why they changin uniforms?
@@DONTTRIP- they're not changing uniforms because they were bad, they're changing uniforms because they're trying new designs
NonExistant ya point? The creamsicle are a little bit better all im sayin
The Patriots throwbacks look better than their current
I agree 100%! I especially love their old helmets!!!
Especially there old logo
Their old logo is the best
These are the “worst uniforms” coming from a guy wearing a powder blue shirt with a pineapple on it.
Let him wear what he wants.
Cesar Victoria lol
LOL you roasted him!
rip pineapple shirt
I think the issue is forcing a uniform for every team. I’m pretty sure a few teams could be mentioned multiple times, and others just skipped.
Who else actually kinda likes all of the throwback uniforms?
Yes I wish they would still where a lot of these jerseys
Unmasked God nah not really
I love the Steelers bumblebee uniforms. Makes them look like the bad guys in a classic football movie. Fuck what this channel thinks.
Not the bears
Am I the only one that really liked a lot of the jersey’s? Especially the packers and the ravens uniforms lol
Well it’s the teams worst it doesn’t mean they’re bad it’s just not as good as their other uniforms but some of these were nice
@@tacos5718 Fair enough, but it is nowhere near the Packers worst either. Look at their jerseys in the 50's and 60's... Just ugh.
I’m sorry! The red Patriots uniforms are really cool! I would love them to wear those again!
Vidhur Shankar I agree completely! The dark red with menacing Pat Patriot is awesome!
i agree
Hell nah pats are garbo
The red Texans is their best uni
Fun fact: when the broncos got the orange and blue uniforms, the team held a big burning in the middle of their football field and invited the team and staff and a few fans.
The battle red uniforms are the best jerseys the texans have ever had
He had to pick something so I guess he just doesn't like red. Most were red on this list
I agree. Just don't pair them with the battle red pants that made them look like ketchup bottles.
The dolphins alternate orange was actually my favorite ..
I think the red skins jersey was actually pretty good tbh
They look like shit
Same color as Broncos jersey and he loved that one.
Me to
Dissing on those Oilers throwbacks is a low-blow...
I know
Better colors, logo and name quite frankly, should've stayed in Houston, miss the Earl Campbell-era unis
@@cin3madelight yep
I agree
I grew up with my dad a huge oiler fan remember them well especially earl cambell at the end of a game with blue jersey torn to shreds like a gladiator
You couldn't be anymore wrong about the 1980 Atlanta Falcons uniforms. Those are arguably their best uniforms.
The Red Patriot uniforms were one of the best of all time though...
RIGHT?!?! Those damn Electric Blue jerseys were way uglier.
The Mad Hyker Hey hey. Don’t you talk bad about the 90’s electric blue uni’s. Most lit uni of all time.
@@Joey007ist 😂🤣☠️
The current pats jerseys are horrible they should go back to these
@Nathan Drew’s-Totally agree. The old colors & logo was light years better than the current one. I think the Buccaneers should go back to those awesome tangerine unis & gay pirate logo instead of that pewter & crimson nightmare they’re wearing now..
Saying “just doesn’t go well together” doesn’t make it true.
6:17 I'm sorry, but am I the only one that actually really liked that uniform?
10k subs - 0 vids challenge no
I really like it to
I do too. They look sick.
Love it
I like it a lot
This dudes got one lone pineapple on his shirt and has the audacity to give NFL teams fashion advice
Exactly. I don’t 100% like the Steelers throwback Jersey compared to the Color Rush but they do it to honor the teams past
True but Steelers throwbacks suck
I also don't like the Steelers' 1930s uniforms, and ALL of the Color Rush uniforms (and all monochrome uniforms) need to go. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing the Steelers use their 1966-67 jerseys (with the gold shoulders) as their throwbacks.
We know. They still are dog 💩
Yeah but this is a video of the ugliest uniforms, and those uniforms are ugly 😂
The Titans were the Tennessee Oilers for one season before switching to the Titans. So the Oilers played in Tennessee, not just Houston.
LimitlezzGreenz dudes an asshat
Actually, they were the Tennessee Oilers for two seasons, in both 1997 & 1998, respectively. Then they were subsequently renamed the Tennessee Titans - a more proper moniker - for the 1999 season, and went to the Super Bowl during their inaugural season with said nickname, let alone that being the franchise's first year in what was formerly known as Adelphia Coliseum. The latter stadium was a perennially difficult place to win - particularly during its early years - at least for any team not named the Baltimore Ravens. Thus, the aforementioned Adelphia Coliseum became the Titans' third consecutive home - a more permanent one, at that - after relocating to the state of Tennessee, since they temporarily called both Memphis' Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium & Nashville's Vanderbilt Stadium home in 1997 & 1998, respectively.
Despite the fact that I am not a Tennessee Titans fan, yet have always respected them, even I know plenty of their history. Someone making a video like this, whereby he remarks about such things, should certainly know better than a schmoe like myself. After all, widely & readily available research is not arduous to track down! Additionally, plenty of this list sucks! That Colts' throwback, Jax Jags' inaugural and best-ever (IMHO) home regalia/appearance, one of the Atlanta Falcons' better road attires of all time & the "other" Titans (New York Jets) throwback are merely a few apparels that immediately come to mind as nice looks that were unfairly shit on in this lame-ass production!
Packers worst: throwback from the 30’s
Steelers worst: YA LIKE JAZZ
ya like jazz
Photo homie Tampa Bay buccaneers old creamsicle uniforms I love those buckle Bruce whatever iconic the only jerseys that I say were ugly were the ones that they had right after they changed it the first time with the digital clock now that was ugly as f***
Most of these uniforms are the best these teams have ever had wtf 😂
Right he is just hating on legendary Jersey that look great
The oilers had one of the best uniforms, better then the titans old uniforms with McNair
Don't know if it's just me but I love the pats red unis
You got that right. Falcons, and Chargers were their best.
love how you all say jersey's like thats the entire frocking uniform. sure the jersey may look good but if im wearing a sleek black jersey wwith frocking Tye-Dye colored paints with giant orange letters on them then the uniform will look fucking garbage. You unseasoned chicken wings
I like the red Texans uniforms yall bugging
It’s my favorite. I’m a Texans fan lol
Watching this guy on all these videos makes me feel like he reads off a script and knows nothing about sports.
he doesn’t he has a writer he put it in the description 😂
As awful as those Bumblebee Steelers uniforms are, I found the "throwback" reference.
This goes back to when they started as the Pirates, from 1933 through 1940. The look you see is what they had in 1934. I found images on that.
Nah Philly's Jersey looks like the Los Angels Lakers throwback Jersey when they were the Minneapolis Lakers
Exactly! I love them. They also remind me of the chargers uniforms, which is always ranked as one of the best in football, which makes absolutely no sense to me. A lightning bolt is the only thing separating the best jersey and the worst jersey? da fuck?
I have that eagles jersey it’s sexy
Angelo Trigueros Same! 2nd fav Dawkins jersey lol. Been wanting a Westbrook one for a while. Which player you got?
Those dolphins jerseys are some of my favorite jerseys, this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about
Those orange unis are cool! Specially that logo!!!
I liked those too, think I’d like em more with aqua socks (not AquaSox)
yeah those dolphins jerseys looked cool, also like the gators
I like the bumble bee jerseys and he said they were the worst of all time
no there terrible
"I love red and gold on the 49rs" two seconds later red and gold doesn't work especially on the numbers!"
You're WRONG about the 49ers uniform. The WORST uniform in Niners history is their BLACK Color Rush jerseys. 🤮
Beginning of the video: “Steelers uniform is great”
10 min later, saints throwback that looks exactly like current steelers: “Just doesn’t work, too flashy for us” 😑😑😑
I agree.
Steelers bumblebee jerseys - “In fact we’d happily make the case for them being the absolute worst uniform in the history of the NFL”
This dude lost the little credibility his opinion still had with this statement
It’s literally the best Steelers Jersey lol
Look like prison escapees.
Logan I love the bumblebee jerseys! So unique and badass!
Logan I’m biased but those are the worst ever! Denver’s throwback brown uniforms come close but Pittsburgh takes the championship for bad units. Also, logo on one side of helmet is dumb.
Dude... I’m a STEELERS FAN, and those might be the worst in the league. If we’re taking away the Broncos AFL uniform.
This guy literally showed the BEST JERSEYS LOL!
The cards were ugly and rye road falcons
The Steelers jerseys were perfect for the Steel Curtain defense. They played like a bunch of thugs.
@@lavanderwilliams794 That's how you play good defense
Welp some people like bland newer jerseys
I love those Falcons uniforms. The new uniforms are absolutely hideous.
the current uniform might be the worse we've had in our entire history but even still those aren't that bad 😂.
Them Lions uniforms are dope asf, and when I play with that Bears uniform on Madden, I'm smackin everybody 🤷🏾♂️
this video sucks, some of those jersey's are perfectly fine
Those where just his opinion settle
Jadon Long Then he shouldn't name the title The ABSOLUTE WORST NFL JERSEYS IN ALL 32 NFL TEAMS
TPS: "If they used a red jersey, it's going on the list"
P.S. At least 7 of these jerseys are really cool in my book (Texans, Dolphins, Redskins, Patriots, Lions, Chargers, Seahawks)
I like the packer ones
9:09 “the all orange uniforms are excessive” Uniforms aren’t all orange only the jersey is orange. It’s not even that flashy. They actually look pretty good.
My man literally said anything that was actually unique was bad 😂😂
Yes facts😂👏
Every NFL team's worst season of all time
baltimore ravens: 2015
Buccaneers every season
Cleveland Browns 2017
Giants 2017 3-13
@@dtrfilms___9536 even that Superbowl?
Dude, the Tampa bay creamsicle jerseys are the best ones they’ve ever had🤦♂️
no there the worst
I agree, those things are sweet
Ew. No
Facts facts im a bucs fan
You either hate them or love em. No in between
the current ATL red fade to black uniforms are the ugliest uniforms currently worn by a NFL team and are by far the worst Atlanta uniforms it's like they looked at how ugly the Atlanta Hawks carbon back uniforms were and said hold my beer
The Jaguars’ full gold uniforms that we had from 2014-2017 are definitely our worst uniforms.
Them were ugly
I agree but this dude tripping if he thinks the 1995 unis were ugly bc those were fresh
Judith S. Pratt the two toned helmets were awful
I liked them. The Jaguars should have kept those jersey styles and just changed the helmet
I actually like the orange dolphin jersey on the thumbnail
I, for one, think that the Dolphins' Color Rush uniforms
looked cool, even though I am not huge fan of them.
The Steelers bee uniforms are my favorite Steelers uniforms.
An intellectual
Finally a man with common sense
It looks really good
On the field, it could've been an intimidating factor; Ben had some of his biggest statistical numbers when they wore those uniforms. They usually won pretty handily too.
Right? I love them!
The reason the Bengals had the identical uniforms as the Browns is Paul Brown HIMSELF started both franchises!!
He loves a brown and orange I guess. He did win7 titles with the Browns went To TEN title games in a row and innovated 3/4 of what we see today. Huddle, playbook, messenger guards, front line, designed plays like pass timing, play action. The whole thing!
This dude trippin the Blood orange Miami Dolphins jerseys is lit! 🔥🔥
they cool
no that jersey is terrible
🤔 I think there's a U missing on the side of the helmet .
As a Miami fan since '85, I'd easily take them over the current; even the alt jerseys are better :)
The TB uniforms were excellent!! I can't believe I watched this whole video...
The current Buccaneers uniforms suck
@@jarod3931 they fixed them
@@LoneWolf-uv2tc thank God! Call me crazy but I thought the infamous Creamsicle uniforms looked better than those uniforms with those wack looking numbers
@@jarod3931 they are ok the creamcicles are fucking disgusting but luckily our new unis are 🔥🔥🔥🔥
yeah i wish TB go back to original colours
This video takes “Great idea, poor execution” to the next level
I love the red jerseys for Houston and LOVE the bumble bee jerseys for Pittsburgh, I’m a huge Steelers fan so meh on my opinion on that one, I was able to buy one the final year they changed it and stopped wearing them.
Am I the only one who thinks it’s ironic that the Patriots alt uniforms make them resemble redcoats
Nope, I like the unis. Buuuut I don't like them for this very reason.
Frostbit 17 I have an alt uniform cuz I really like it as a pats fam while I love our current I also love our old ones. Idk just something about it.
Exactly man it makes no sense that the PATRIOTS wear bright British redcoat red. Thank god they changed it to blue.
I think they were trying to do a red white and blue thing I like the jerseys but making the sleeves all blue would’ve been a less red coat looking design
10 cities that should get a expansion team (NFL NBA NHL AND MLB)
Thats already a vid
The cowboys and the patriots unis are classic uniforms I have a throwback cowboys uniform it’s my favorite
It’s time To react I have the Pats throwback as a Massachusetts native
I REALLY cant stand how they hate the ‘80s Falcons jerseys. It’s just a more complex version of the Georgia uniforms. And the Ravens throwback is t bad either. I don’t get why people hate mustard gold (it gave the uniform a “royalty” contrast).
The worst patriots uniforms are the current ones. The red stripes coming off the shoulders look so weird.
Their best were with pat patriot logo on the helmet and the red throwbacks
Can someone explain to him that the eagles jerseys are a throwback to before the chargers were even a team
clearly this man doesnt know his history #flyeaglesfly
Yep. I can respect his opinion on not liking them. What I am disappointed in is his research on them.
It straight up bothered me that he had lack of research on it
I honestly like the throwback jerseys and hope we get to see a game of them playing in them again soon.
Anyways I hate tps now
no way you said the 1980s chargers sucked :(
He’s an idiot! I love those uniforms!!
Yeah, the Fouts era royal blue(they were actually away jerseys from '78-'84 as Don Coryell stipulated white jerseys as home jerseys) were pretty sweet, probably a little too close in shade to the Rams from same time period, but nice nonetheless IMO.
At 8:13 charger alternate turquoise uniforms??? Aren’t they powder blue?
He may be partially color blind
Those Oilers are awesome! I’m not sure how they’re ugly. If anything, their navy jersey with Columbia blue britches should be scrapped.
Oilers were awesome...together with the Pat patriot New England ones
Take a shot every time he says “predominantly”
I happen to like my liver, TYVM.
I didnd ansn knsowj i feel weirsd
I cringe every time he says "homage" and pronounces the "h". That word at least in the United States has always had a silent "H". It should be pronounced closer to "ah•mage"
Tampa's current uniforms are way worse than the orange and white
Tom Chevailer yes
Tom Chevailer The Bucs should've sticked with the early 2000 uniforms
I was always a fan of the “creamsicle” scheme.
Tampa’s current uniforms are the best they’ve ever had, by a long shot. All their other unis are ugly as fuck.
The Packers and Texans Jerseys were some of my favorites
I love the Acme Packers. Best uniforms
B1ackout1 what time were the packers?
Hating throwbacks is cheap. They're throwbacks to the past man. Sure they may not fit the current look of the NFL but how could they? Some throwbacks are going as far back as the 1920s or whatever. Throwbacks are great. They represent a different era of football and I'll always support a throwback uniform no matter how ugly.
"I was born in the 90's," yeah, as were 90% of the current NFL players
I guess beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder because I'm really feeling a lot of the throwbacks. Especially the Steelers, Eagles, Titans/Oilers, and the Packers.
and the dolphins
The rams to
Theres a skinless body behind the domino's I work at
I actually disagree with all your picks, those throwbacks are my favorites...
I love more than half the uniforms on the list you’re trippin hard
The packers jersey was a throwback to 1937 and then he said, “isn’t this the 21st century? Why does it look like they are in the 30’s?” Lol
Lets be honest the ugliest jersey in the video was that mets jersey in the background
I could disagree, I believe the bumblebees are ugly
that mets jersey is one of the best MLB jerseys ever
DaPiggy Lover the black mets jerseys are actually pretty nice, but at the same time its the mets
Andrew Walker bumblee uniforms legendary. They look tough as hell
@@ursoxuntyd8805 can't get over 86?
Those 90s jags uniforms are slick. They ushers in a new era of utilizing multiple colors around the numbers. Real jerseys with white numbers and a black and a gold borders around them. The Jaguar logo on the sleeve is classic.
The “bumble bee” Pittsburgh uniforms are way too clean to be on this list
That's what I said it looks clean but the numbers look a little off
Remind me of rugby uniform
Those were my favorite uniforms
Fr. I mean they aren’t fire but they are pretty clean throwbacks. Not only that they were like 7-1 or something wearing those as throwbacks lmao
I loved the majority of these jersey’s
Edit: am I the only one that actually liked some the color rush uniforms they had not too long ago?
Was just wondering why Thursdays weren't color rush games anymore
Tyler Abner i love color rush jerseys mostly the raiders eagles niners and ravens
5:57 "why does it look like there dressing like the 30s" because it's a 1937 throwback omg
80 Falcon road uniforms were one of the best ever. No need to continue this video past number 2.
I personally like the Redskins' throwbacks, it reminds me of the uniforms I wore as a kid when i played football, same colors