Great advice Stefan. A lot of folks have a bit of anxiety around contracts when freelancing and providing solid content and advice is very helpful. Out of curiosity, what's your advice on gov bidding for projects. Personally, I'm not a fan of it in my freelancing and consulting experience, but it's been a mixture of my disliking of the pains of bidding and ultimately the margins associated with those contracts. For smaller companies and individuals you end up having to sub to a larger firm and that says away at time and income as well. So, any thoughts?
It seems important not to come across as desperate for client business, even if you don't have FU money. Make sure you remember that you are a black magic voodoo witch doctor.
Hi, I believe that I purchased your web development course some years ago, however I don't remember how to access it. Could you tell me what the login link is to access your course?
Ok so I just did an email search and I found my login. It appears the courses are 2015 courses. Do you have an updated course and would I have access to the updated material?
This looks easy, this is a Virtual Assitance job. When you talk about it, you make it sound harder then it is... it's actually using software and tools people already created for you. How much money would you suggest us to ask for this project?
"Tools" are not everything... Writing with a pen on a piece of paper (or typing on a keyboard) doesn't make you a good copywriter. Accessing the Facebook advertising server doesn't make you a great marketer. Knowing how to code a web page doesn't mean you are good at specifically building landing pages. In fact, each of these tasks would typically be handled by a different person, because it is actually much harder than it seems. And if you are able to do even one or two of these things at a professional level, you should charge accordingly. This is also why you want to specialize at some point, because doing well three or four different jobs in the long term is not very realistic...
Thank you Stefan! One of my prospects asked me to do the same kind of job. You managed to put up the video abot 2 hours after the clients proposal.))
Glad it was helpful!
Excellent post! Thank you for covering this. Don't chase the cheap gigs!
"For him thats black magic voodo" that made me laugh
@Stefan Nah, estimated time x 3.14 (pi is the answer to everything) ;-) is the way to do it!
May 9 was my birthday ... how did I miss this video.
Great advice Stefan. A lot of folks have a bit of anxiety around contracts when freelancing and providing solid content and advice is very helpful.
Out of curiosity, what's your advice on gov bidding for projects. Personally, I'm not a fan of it in my freelancing and consulting experience, but it's been a mixture of my disliking of the pains of bidding and ultimately the margins associated with those contracts. For smaller companies and individuals you end up having to sub to a larger firm and that says away at time and income as well. So, any thoughts?
It seems important not to come across as desperate for client business, even if you don't have FU money. Make sure you remember that you are a black magic voodoo witch doctor.
Hi, I believe that I purchased your web development course some years ago, however I don't remember how to access it. Could you tell me what the login link is to access your course?
Ok so I just did an email search and I found my login. It appears the courses are 2015 courses. Do you have an updated course and would I have access to the updated material?
@@TitusLennon Do you think the course is too outdated?
This looks easy, this is a Virtual Assitance job. When you talk about it, you make it sound harder then it is... it's actually using software and tools people already created for you. How much money would you suggest us to ask for this project?
"Tools" are not everything... Writing with a pen on a piece of paper (or typing on a keyboard) doesn't make you a good copywriter. Accessing the Facebook advertising server doesn't make you a great marketer. Knowing how to code a web page doesn't mean you are good at specifically building landing pages.
In fact, each of these tasks would typically be handled by a different person, because it is actually much harder than it seems. And if you are able to do even one or two of these things at a professional level, you should charge accordingly. This is also why you want to specialize at some point, because doing well three or four different jobs in the long term is not very realistic...
Will be live stream later?
@Peter Mortensen yes :)
Once a week now.
Lols disappear from the internet. 😚😚