Cimarron sent me this one to try out and make videos with. It's taken a bit of getting used to. I used it in about half the stages at the VA State Sass match this past weekend and ended up winning my category. I've been shooting it single shot holding it strong side like in this video and as long as I don't drop the shell my time is about like shooting a '97. Thanks for watching. I've got a whole bunch of new content coming up. Cheers! Pop
Never shot mine in competition ended up getting rid of it.
Cimarron sent me this one to try out and make videos with. It's taken a bit of getting used to. I used it in about half the stages at the VA State Sass match this past weekend and ended up winning my category. I've been shooting it single shot holding it strong side like in this video and as long as I don't drop the shell my time is about like shooting a '97. Thanks for watching. I've got a whole bunch of new content coming up. Cheers! Pop