It's not $33 like you said it's actually 34.25. They actually do take care of their men and women, from 1st year apprentices to journeyman. Are you speaking as a member or someone on the outside looking in? If you are speaking as a member you should voice your concerns at our union meeting next month on the first Tuesday. If you are a spectator just speaking openly, then what do you mean? I started my career as an apprentice in the local 55 ironworkers in 2005, as of this year I am a 19 year vet. My wages are good not as high as other trades but they are good my benefits are even better. We have Pension and annuity... top shelf insurance and dental, what ever the insurance don't pick up I have a benny debit card that pays for anything medical. Again I have a Pension with a great amount going in plus an annuity, if I told you what my annuity was standing at it would blow your mind.. I say that because it blows my mind every time I look at it lol. Our house burned down 3 years ago and just by word of mouth I got a call from our president asking if he could meet with me and handed over a very handsome check plus cash from the apprentices.......your comment is lifeless and holds no truth.
Great opportunities!
$33 a hour on the check is a joke, why sacrifice your body and risk your life for that low of a wage compared to the skilled work.
$33 is not a great journeyman wage.. do better to take care of your guys
It's not $33 like you said it's actually 34.25. They actually do take care of their men and women, from 1st year apprentices to journeyman. Are you speaking as a member or someone on the outside looking in? If you are speaking as a member you should voice your concerns at our union meeting next month on the first Tuesday. If you are a spectator just speaking openly, then what do you mean? I started my career as an apprentice in the local 55 ironworkers in 2005, as of this year I am a 19 year vet. My wages are good not as high as other trades but they are good my benefits are even better. We have Pension and annuity... top shelf insurance and dental, what ever the insurance don't pick up I have a benny debit card that pays for anything medical. Again I have a Pension with a great amount going in plus an annuity, if I told you what my annuity was standing at it would blow your mind.. I say that because it blows my mind every time I look at it lol. Our house burned down 3 years ago and just by word of mouth I got a call from our president asking if he could meet with me and handed over a very handsome check plus cash from the apprentices.......your comment is lifeless and holds no truth.