The Doctor Falls is a Disgrace

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 47

  • @ChannelPup
    @ChannelPup Год назад +67

    I appreciate the motivation that goes into making a long form video like this and a hot take.
    I can't respect calling writers idiots, dropping R slurs, and referring to actors as "the fat bitch". The hot-headed critic schtick is very dated.
    Use that motivation that went into putting this out and put work into your craft and improving it. The potentials there. This just ain't it. Sorry you spent so much time on a misfire.

  • @MeBeMat
    @MeBeMat Год назад +15

    Baby sweetie honey lovemuffin pebblecake, "I'm in two minds" is a joke.

  • @lukacsgergelics1339
    @lukacsgergelics1339 Год назад +29

    You can review media without screaming and shouting for an hour and a half.

  • @withallduerespect3001
    @withallduerespect3001 9 месяцев назад +9

    "If the kids don't work here, then why bring them on the ship?"
    Is this a joke?

    • @themightyjagrafess8596
      @themightyjagrafess8596 8 месяцев назад

      This is not a video essay, it’s a self-righteous idiot screaming slurry at a mic for an hour and a half

  • @nickoffury
    @nickoffury Год назад +11

    This thick weirdo and his take on "two minds" is the funniest fail ever 😂

  • @Iankirkland-jn4yo
    @Iankirkland-jn4yo 7 месяцев назад +3

    The reason there are Patients on the farm at the beginning instead of fully converted cybermen is because they were sent there from the hospital decades before bill was. converted

  • @whovianmaverick6348
    @whovianmaverick6348 Год назад +13

    33:32 The Doctor didn’t make the Cybermen “ONLY” target People with two hearts, he only added people with one or two hearts as Targets to the Cybermen

  • @superevilvillain
    @superevilvillain Год назад +12

    bro go to therapy or sum u don't need to do all that 💀💀

  • @ms.antithesis
    @ms.antithesis Год назад +25

    The doctor falls is one of, if not the, best series finale in the show in my opinion.
    I won't go over every point you've made. because A) I don't think someone with this different an opinion to mine will be swayed to my beliefs. and B) I don't have the energy to go through every point on a video longer than the episode itself. but I will go over some of the points you made, and give a few reasons why I love the episode, alongside 12's era in general, as much as I do. (infact writing this kinda makes me want to do a video on why I love it so much, so thanks for the video idea)
    First, why I love the story. This story is the climax of the 3 part 12th doctor arc, starting with the 800 years the doctor spends on Trenzalore thinking they're going to die, triggering a reflection on the character's own identity when they realise they actually have a whole new regeneration cycle ahead of them. With series 8 dealing with the doctor accepting and coming to terms with their identity and place in the place in the world. Series 9 dealing with them coming to terms with the lifestyle they've chosen to lead. And series 10 featuring them learning to come to terms with change. An arc that isn't perfectly executed but is easily my favourite arc in the series and the one I view as best pulled off compared to the many botched attempts at character arcs that Rtd and later the early years of the moffat run would try to give the character. Starting with the most overtly rough doctor since 6, and ending with the most well rounded, kind and pure doctor, scared of letting go because they fear the change of regeneration will make them backslide on the clear identity. I feel viewing it in any other context beyond the climax of that arc does damage the story, although I'd still argue it's a good story on its own merits. I would also like to mention that Twice upon a time acts as an epilogue to this arc. Featuring a wistful and nostalgic 12, being led to accept the future, whatever change it may bring. I think it's the strongest regeneration story in the show, however that's not the point of this video so I'll move onto my next point.
    That next point is that, a decent ammount of the things you mention in the video are nitpiks, and although in the section below I adressed a few, I think this video would be like half the legnth it is if not for a lot of small things that most dr who plots have. (and im more than aware your channel is largely hyperbolic, and the anger is a bit, so I wont criticise you for that).
    Now I'll address some of the stuff you said in your video that I perticularly disagreed with:
    1) whilst the setting isn't amazingly interesting, I feel that can be said about a lot of new who, and having this more introspective finale take place at such a low key place personally adds to the feel of the calm before the storm in the first half imo.
    2) the ship has supposedly been around for generations traveling into the stars, it makes complete sense for kids to be there.
    3) The guns have a similar shape to shotguns but they're clearly high tech if you actually look at the designs, and their resemblance to shotguns adds to the vibes.
    4)I feel the cold open is a hint at what's to come, we all know the doctor isn't going to regenerate midway through a story, so showing the doctor constantly battling with being near death and striving on out of their own denial, whilst opening with the inevitability of that fate, really works for me personally.
    5) the simm master never had that good motivation, like the master as a character, never really had a good motivation, besides largely, to either conquer shit, or piss of the doctor, depending on how evil they're feeling that day. Imo this is by far the best Simm master story, as it presents a master who's plan has failed, who still wants to go out of their way to be as much of a shit as possible despite that, something that is very consistent with the character of the Simm master, and creates a great contrast with Missy who's in turmoil about their own place in the Doctor's life. Being shit is fully in character for the Simm master.
    6) Yes the later part of series 10 had some Duds but so did every series, if we went around going "what if we replaced all the mid episodes with good ones, wouldn't that have been cool", then half the show would be different.
    7) The doctor has fucked flying the tardis so many times that I can believe even the master, can fuck up badly on occassion, given a slight degree of suspension of disbelief. Same with the Masters general plan, they don't have to spell everything out but the general implication was that master set this in motion before being deposed, and has been in hiding waiting for a way to get out now that he can't use the cyberarmy he was trying to create for himself.
    8) 95% of the Rtd era is plot conveniences and contrivances.
    9) the doctor gets a new sonic every week, the simm master and missy getting new laser screwdrivers and laser umbrellas at some point off camera isn't that ridiculous in comparison.
    10) the of 2 minds joke didn't inherently go imply that her mind was being physically altered, the general implication was meant to be that she's having second thoughts about the arc she's going on, since seeing her past self is making her question what she's been doing.
    11) You use the term character damaging for things it doesn't really apply to.. a lot. The 2 week timeskip makes sesne when you consider the fact that the damage done to the doctor was relatively small, but internal damage had accumlated, like how hartnells regeneration as explained as accumative damage overtime.
    12) the 10th doctor was not semtimental and caring, the end of time was extremely out of character.
    13) yes that plot point about the 2 hearts is a plothole. But it can be easily solved with "the cybermen realised the error and patched it given they had plenty of time to do so".
    14) The bill stuff makes sense if you consider the fact thes are early cybermen who's emotion dampening code, which had been proven before to be breakable, is far less advanced.
    15) the majority of your video focuses on a subplot which isn't even the main plot of the episode, you spend more time talking about the master, who's story is the B plot, than the actual A plot. You go to compliment that A plot, calling it the strong point of the story, only to say it shouldn't exist because you want the episode to focus on the plot you dislike more. which seems, a bit hypocritical.
    16) Bill doesn't forgive the master imo. she's dealing with so much trauma, that she can't deal with her only freind for the last 10 years betraying her, and chooses not to focus on it as a coping mechanism.
    17) the Simm master in this story is a representation of the character's past, the doctor is trying to focus on the character's future. I agree that a scene between the simm master and 12 would have been an amazing addition, but i disagree it would be a necessary one.
    18) I think the themes work even better in retrospect, given the arc idea i talked about earlier. And, we still have zero confirmation that the Dhawan master is AFTER missy outside of expanded media that hints at it, but can be disregarded.
    19) The master wants his future self to leave with him, and missy wants to stay with the doctor, i agree this theme could have been presented better but it's clear in the episode that's the idea.
    I realised I accidentally wrote way too fucking much so i'm spreading this over 2 comments 1/2.

    • @ms.antithesis
      @ms.antithesis Год назад +5

      20) They pretty explicitly say that they're hooked up the fuel lines underneath the flaw to the weapons to create targeted explosions, so although not scientifically accurate, it's more complex than "hacking the guns to make the explosions quicker. It's almost like the show isn't built on things that sound alright but aren't scientifically accurate in the slightest.
      21) They never said they upgraded all the weapons, and yes it's convenient that they picked up an unupgraded weapon, and wierd that the gunfire doesn't do any damage, but it's a small point for what is in my opinion the leadup to an amazing character scene.
      22) Imo the speach the master gives the doctor is one of the best in the show, since it's really the doctor questioning themselves, their own morality, and their own goals, perfectly wrapped up in immaculate wording. Ending with the blow to the heart of both the pre-arc master and post-arc master walking away, with them still being stedfast in their morals to what they believe is the end. The pre-arc master is very much doing this on purpose to fuck with the master, and at this point i think the post-arc master has decided what they have to do, which is being contemplated throughout the story. The end of time does not present the doctor and the master as on equal terms, it presents them as aligning for their current goal, but we're not told how much time passes between the end of time and the doctor falls for the master to relapse, since they never really agreed with the doctor, only aligning on an anger at the timelords.
      23) Yes this entire ending is wierd plot contrivances. like the ending of end of time part 2. but from an emotional and character perspective, it makes complete sense.
      24) personally i think amy, rory, clara and bill where all more consistant and better written than Martha and Rose. but it'd take another hour of my life to explain and im already tired from typing.. fucking hell i have other thigns to do with my night.. ammounts in this comment.
      25) Imo bill making being a lesbian such a large part of her character is some of the most accurate LGBT representation i've ever seen. I've met so many LGBTQ+ people who make the fact they're LGBTQ+ 90% of their personality. and that obviously doesn't apply to everyone, but it's a type of person, that exists, and i'm glad that a unique and differant type of person gets to exist in this show when so many past companions have been "generic working class woman, who likes woman things and maybe has a career". But yeah that final line is a bit shit even I have to admit that, as a diehard bill defender who thinks she's infinitely better than Rose.
      26) The mondasian cybermen have less powerful beams, and since the other cybermen who could 1 shot or 2 shot him where assuming he was going to die, they didn't. it's style over substance yes, but the type i can give suspension of disbelief to personally.
      27) Your interpretation of Bill and heather is strange to me, but it's an aspect of the episode i also am conflicted about, but I like to imagine that Bill saw the pilot screaming because they couldn't understand them, but now that heather in her head, they can understand her.
      28) the tear isn't what revived 12, they keep it purposely unclear whether he's dead, and then reveal he's barely clinging onto life, which works as a dramatic bit of tension for me personally we know he's alive but that moment of him trying to et the motivation to go on, with the flash of the idea that the master could change being what spurs him on to keep going, but the unclarity about whether they did being what stops them from regenerating when they get back up works perfectly for me as a component of their arc.
      29) "completely unwarented and out of nowhere" that's what the entire episode was about.. the compacity to change, that's capaldi's entire arc, finding themselves and not wanting to lose it again no matter the cost, adn eventually coming to accept it. it's, in my opinion, infinitely more mature and nuanced than 10's tantrum of an "arc", which consists of him acting out bad parts of his characterisation to their annoying extremes, realising "oh that was bad of me" and then getting mad because it's unfair that they have to die, but with non of the nuance and set up of 12's arc about accepting change.
      30) Ngl I rate s10 as the single best series of the show, in terms of arc. Episode quality wise? it's mixed between half a dozen of my favourite episodes in the show's history, and half a dozen very mediocre episodes. And I think it's an idea box that really could have done with being split into 2, 8-10 episode series, as opposed to 1 12 episode series, to flesh out some of the ideas. So the fact you dislike it so much is very disheartening to me, but, I'm glad you can appreciate elements of it.
      Overall, intresting video that was pretty decently made, I have nothing against you, as I think I made clear in the first paragraph of this. Ty for giving 2 hours of my life something to do. Obviously we won't agree but I hope i've turned you on atleast a few points, given this is the era of the show im in love with, doing a lot of stuff I love more than most. Peace, justice, and fuck Nerdrotic ass bitches all the way. 2/2

    • @danofthehour4119
      @danofthehour4119 8 месяцев назад +2

      ⁠@@ms.antithesisWanted to make some joke relating to Simm Master’s statement about “the face that didn’t listen” only the opposite because I just sat and read all this until my eyes hurt from straining (small youtube comment text).
      Just wanted to let you know that I thought a good 99% of what you said here was based af, I just have a couple of differing opinions (that I might actually be wrong about).
      12 and Missy’s arcs were so raw and real, I’m glad other people appreciate them as well. Imo it’s some of the best presented tv drama, not because it has you on the edge of your seat, but because it’s about so many little things that when put together are just so captivating to watch. I’m sometimes bad at putting my thoughts and feelings into words but if I had to choose a word to describe it, it would be important. It was all just so important, and I’m glad we as fans were lucky to experience watching it, and continue doing so for years to come.

  • @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914
    @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914 5 месяцев назад

    @25:00 Missy being in two minds at once makes sense : it would explain why THE DOCTOR do not remember the times when Multi Doctors Meet (the Doctors forget the meeting afterwards to not f*** up the timelines, THAT is canon as we all know) ... It makes sense to me. Missy is the best Master with Delgado IMO.

  • @glados8653
    @glados8653 5 месяцев назад +2

    Actual congratulations m8, this is it, this is the worst doctor who take ever made.

  • @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914
    @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914 5 месяцев назад

    @48:00 Nardole explains that he triggers something in the environment with the shotgun after the hack... REWATCH it with SUBTITLES (i am a francophone, english is mey second language and I found out subtitles reveal so much versus listening to it)

  • @Hoodied
    @Hoodied Год назад +3

    I appreciate what it takes to make a video of this calibre, I've done it before and scripting, editing etc is an extremely tiring task that requires a lot of talent and commitment. On that line, please don't write off the comment sections critique as just hate or people upset with your opinion, because there is a LOT feedback you need to take in and address if your going to make stuff like this again. The overt trivial nick picking, it just doesn't make for a good watching experience at all.

  • @Hilda_ogden
    @Hilda_ogden Год назад +13

    I swear you only like the first four seasons of new who.

    • @katiebellekrd
      @katiebellekrd 8 месяцев назад +1

      He does. If it isn't from the RTD era, he hates it

    • @thetimeshadow6769
      @thetimeshadow6769 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@katiebellekrd Well it's not like the Moffat or Chibnall Eras are anything to write home abt

  • @Maria_Vysotskaya
    @Maria_Vysotskaya 8 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you!!!
    I watched this series two years ago, and every viewer I saw told me that this episode was a masterpiece...
    I will never forgive what Moffat did to Simm!Master....
    Simm!Master who fucking sacrificed himself for the Doctor turned into this...😭😭😭 ... such a shame!

  • @johnmacintyre3051
    @johnmacintyre3051 Год назад +7

    So....what you're saying is....The Doctor Falls is one of your favorite episodes?

  • @fellexperience
    @fellexperience 12 дней назад

    Brothers just fieeeeeeeeending to be different

  • @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914
    @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914 5 месяцев назад

    @1:00:00 honestly the ending of Jon Simm with "End of time" is quite solid. BUT still, Missy is the best Master ally to the Doctor, and 2nd is Anthony Hainley in Logopolis, when the Doctor and The Master band together to get back to our reality, the Master turns into the most brilliant companion the Doctor had ever.

  • @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914
    @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914 5 месяцев назад

    Dude this is barely a little noth under Wild
    blue Yonder... I just went from your WByonder review to this and am waiting to see your points... But it is not garbage.
    This is a 7/10. Wild blue yonder : 7.5/10. Heaven Sent = 10/10

  • @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914
    @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914 5 месяцев назад

    @44:00 = i still don'T believe Dawan comes after Missy. He is crazy like Simm. And has NOTHING of the character development of Missy. So to Me : Simm turns into Dawan, turns into Missy. Period. Until we have CANON demonstration of the contrary. (We haven't as of this day, soon to see Gatwa debut and hope we get a canon answer someday! NO for this audiobooks and extended m,edia don't count. TRUE canon is in the TV show only) And you must know I do enjoy Big Finish, IDW, and other comics of the extended universe. But the show is the END all for CANON to me.

  • @allamedits
    @allamedits Год назад +5

    "thanks for the help you fucking cabbage"
    -Richie, 2022

  • @cement_eater
    @cement_eater 7 месяцев назад +2

    See this face? Take a good long look. Because this is the face that didn’t listen to a word you just said.

  • @Bailey-dj6hz
    @Bailey-dj6hz 5 месяцев назад +1

    L take

  • @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914
    @througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914 5 месяцев назад

    Missy & Roger Delgado are better MASTER than Jon Simmm... what are you babbling about????

  • @pizzannn
    @pizzannn Год назад

    screaming at the Lie of the Land

  • @bananess_
    @bananess_ 9 месяцев назад +1

    i liked some of your other stuff, but this is where I think you are wrong.

  • @Westonator2005
    @Westonator2005 Год назад +3

    The most angriest person in the universe!!!

  • @johnnypickering7688
    @johnnypickering7688 Год назад +4

    God, I've been looking forward to this. One of the few people who acknowledges John Simm to be the best Master that I've ever seen

  • @subsecretinc
    @subsecretinc Год назад

    Hey richie i love your ranking videos (even if i usually dessagrie with your opinions) i would love to see you rank every doctor or every companion

  • @SamyulDavis
    @SamyulDavis Год назад +5

    This is gonna rule. Adore unique takes like this and the runtime clearly shows you owning it. I like it a lot, but there's a lot in it that's just plain bad. Half of Talalay's direction and half of the cinematography/lighting sings. The other half is often embarrassing.

    • @SamyulDavis
      @SamyulDavis Год назад +2

      The Simn Master doesn't even come into the criticisms for me

  • @adamsmithington7478
    @adamsmithington7478 4 месяца назад

    I feel like your missing the point comparing this to other episodes. It's a great story you haven't done much research. Like the master in the end of time didn't save the doctor because they're friends he did it because of how the time lords treated him while missy did it for her friend the doctor. You're entertaining most of the time but this review is dogshit. The first four series of doctor who aren't the only good ones mate

  • @samuelmyth8392
    @samuelmyth8392 Год назад +3