Pimax Crystal advanced Fiber Optic Cable /\ 120hz VS 90 hz VS 72hz Mode

  • Опубликовано: 14 янв 2025

Комментарии • 128

  • @caesareido
    @caesareido Год назад +1

    I resolved the restart issue at 120hz in addition to other problems by connecting the dp cable directly to the headset and bypassing the little extender attached to the top

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Good to know, I have no problems with the new FOC, doesn't matter if I use the hub or the extender

  • @RobFisherUK
    @RobFisherUK 9 месяцев назад +1

    Useful video to see how the cable looks, thanks. My copper cable is actually ok, but I am not happy with the inside-out tracking (it seems to lag a few mm on lateral movements). So I ordered lighthouses and the lighthouse faceplate.
    Now everyone on Reddit says the copper cable gets disconnects with the lighthouse faceplate so I have ordered the optical cable, too. Hopefully it's fine because some people also complained about eye tracking problems with the optical cable 😅
    I assume it actually has copper wires for power too, not just optical wires.

  • @ThePit1979
    @ThePit1979 Месяц назад +1

    Hallo Reinhard ,folge dir gerne mach weiter so , frage was ist an diesem Kabel anders als zum Original Kabel der PCL ,Gruß

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Месяц назад

      Servus! Vielen Dank für dein Feedback, das tut wirklich gut. Das Fiber Optic Cable (FOC) hat eine Gesamtlänge von 6m und nur 1 USB Anschluss. Leider lässt sich dieses Kabel nicht mit der Crystal light verbinden - es gibt jedoch die Möglichkeit, das Kabel der PCL zu verlängern, darüber habe ich ein eigenes Video gemacht.

  • @DS-ze7yc
    @DS-ze7yc Год назад +2

    I really appreciate the video. Every single Pimaxian should get one free.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Hi, thank you very much. Well, it is a hard decision for a company. I think the >100€ price is huge, but Meta charges you also 100€ for a "LINK" cable which is a normal USB-C cable. I think, the overall experience with the crystal would be a better one, if the crystal would ship with FOC.

  • @masterblaster9010
    @masterblaster9010 Год назад +2

    Thank you Reinhard for the very informative video. I just can't understand PIMAX's action. In aviation, a change due to “Form Fit and Function (FFF)” must always be provided with a new serial number. So no customer can figure out which cable they have. Unfortunately, I also have a triple reconnection, which I find very annoying at €1900.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +3

      Well, everything is true what you are saying, but it is very typical for German people :). If you look at the history of Pimax, it was a start up with kickstarter and from that point, they did very well. Of course there is much improvement, but I'm not to picky with them, in the and, they deliver and in some points they are leading ahead of the competition. Right now, Crystal is the only high end device you will get, even with it's quirks.

  • @ytdlder
    @ytdlder Год назад +1

    Hätte da eine Frage, evtl. kannst du mir das erklären:
    o) ich versteh einfach technisch nicht, wieso ich niedrigere Hz wählen soll: wenn man Blurbusters' Seite durchliest, dann wird eine höhere Refresh Rate immer empfohlen (ab irgendwo 144 Hz bringts dann nicht mehr viel), egal ob man die FPS erreicht oder nicht. Das ergibt eine bessere Latency und hilft gegen Blurring. Und selbst Screen-Tearing ist bei hohem Refresh nicht mehr so sichtbar (wobei ich dieses Phänomen in VR sowieso noch nie hatte).
    Wieso soll das in VR anders sein?
    Ich weiß, jeder VR Enthusiast verspricht sich extrem viel von 72Hz, da dieses 72 FPS target (oder sogar dann die Hälfte) eher stabil gehalten werden kann, als 90 (geschweige denn 120, aber das hab ich bei meiner Crystal noch nicht ausprobiert, weil eben von Problemen berichtet wurde).
    Btw., evtl. könntest du noch ausprobieren, ob 90Hz bei forced 45FPS besser oder gleichwertig zu 72 Hz/FPS ist?
    Cheers und danke für deine Pimax-Vids!
    PS: bzgl. deiner momentanen Performance: verwendest du OpenXR oder funktioniert das nicht mit (allen) SteamVR Games? In DCS (kein SteamVR) bringt das nämlich ziemlich viel!

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +1

      Danke für deinen Kommentar, ich versuche das mal zu beschreiben und zu beantworten.
      Primär geht es darum, eine stabile framerate zu bekommen. In vielen Spielen ist es eben mit einer Crystal nicht möglich, volle Details und maximale Auflösung mit 120fps zu erreichen.
      Wenn du die Crystal auf 120hz einstellst, aber immer zwischen 80-110 schwankst, fühlt es sich wesentlich komischer an (für mich) als wenn du fixe 72hz hast und fixe 72fps erreichst.
      Ich bin voll bei dir, dass sich 120hz und 120fps besser anfühlen, wie fixe 72hz und 72fps.
      Du schreibst dass du das noch nicht probiert hast, warum nicht? Ich sehe da keine Probleme beim 72hz Modus.
      Mein Kumpel Tally Mouse, hat da viel guten input mit DCS und eye tracking kombiniert mit DFR, der ist begeistert von 72hz und motion smoothing. Ich persönlich finde es nicht gut und es fällt mir z.b. Sehr stark auf der psvr2 auf. Dieses nachziehen von Bildern ist komisch. Liegt natürlich an der sehr schwachen Leistung der ps5.
      Ich spiele immer wieder mit open xr und Pimax xr rum, ist aber blöd für gameplay Aufnahmen, man hat keinen guten fps counter.
      Grundsätzlich finde ich den 72hz Modus super.
      Bei VR Mods ist das ein Segen!

    • @ytdlder
      @ytdlder Год назад

      Hey, danke für den raschen reply!
      72Hz kann ich noch nicht ausprobieren (bin ottonormalverbraucher^^) und 120 Hz... mir fällt jetzt so nichts bei 90hz auf, dass ich darauf umsteigen müsste; aber sobald ich 72hz habe, werd ich wohl wie in diesem Video einfach mal alle 3 nacheinander testen.
      Nochmals zu den 120 FPS: es ist schon klar, dass man dies selbst mit einer 4090 nie erreichen wird, aber es geht ja gerade darum, dass es "theoretisch" besser ist 120 Hz RefreshRate zu verwenden, selbst wenn man nur 90 oder 70 FPS hat, damit die LCDs so oft wie möglich refreshed werden, sprich das ganze smooth ist (also input latency und blurring).
      Aber es wird wohl stimmen, dass manche Leute mit sehr starken FPS Schwankungen mehr Probleme haben und dann ist ein niedrigeres FPS ceiling das immer erreicht werden kann, sicher besser.
      Bzgl. DCS: ja, also DFR ist DER Hammer! Macht das Spiel erst wirklich spielbar imho. Und jetzt mit 2.9 kommt noch DLSS dazu... einfach geil was sich da in den letzten Monaten getan hat 🙂
      Zu OpenXR: wie? Sicher, der FPS counter ist nicht so detailliert wie das Zusatztool fpsVR, aber wenn man die "soll" Framerate angibt, wird einem neben den FPS zb. angezeigt, wo der Flaschenhals liegt (CPU / GPU). Außerdem gibt es da noch 2 erweiterte modi mit noch mehr Daten (verwende ich persönlich aber nicht).
      Schönes WE!

  • @skiman3911
    @skiman3911 11 месяцев назад +1

    Salut! Le cable original à 2usb et 1 dp et le nouveau 1usb et 1 dp.? Donc le usb va dans le hub et dp au pc. Est-ce normal , il manque 1 usb??
    Merci pour ton vidéo mais tu n’en parle pas!

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  11 месяцев назад

      Hi! Yes, the normal cable has 2x USB and 1x DP, and the FOC only has 1x USB and 1x DP. The USB is connected to the hub, so the crystal is charged for longer game sessions. I never used the normal cable, only the FOC.

  • @borntofly2655
    @borntofly2655 Год назад +1

    Hi, me again :)
    How do you record videos like this?
    Two medium windows appear to me.
    I used reverb and with obs and a change of resolution through the nvidia panel I was able to enlarge the screen and make some videos, how do you do it with this pimax?

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Hi. I don't know what you mean, this is just a screen mirror recording. Why would you need two windows? I'm guessing, you mean the recording of project cars 2.

  • @YoshimiPinkRobot
    @YoshimiPinkRobot Год назад +1

    What resolution do you have steam vr set to? I have a 4090 and i913900k and have to set my resolution to 60 percent to get 90fps in project cars 2. I have the standard cable.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Hi there. It is set to 100% and also in Pimax Play, it is set to 1.0. I have the same setup with 4090 and i9 13900K. Did you watch the video and the settings I explain?

  • @zdenekfaltus3014
    @zdenekfaltus3014 Год назад +1

    Hi, so do you think that nowadays Pimax is offering the “new “ FO cable in their store that is virtually the same as your older one? Or are there any differences

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      That is a very good question, I guess so but to be sure, ask pimax support to be 100% sure.

    • @zdenekfaltus3014
      @zdenekfaltus3014 Год назад +1


  • @jorgemarinmendez4252
    @jorgemarinmendez4252 Год назад +1

    Good morning. What difference is there between the serial cable and this fiber optic cable apart from having more meters??? Do you notice more stability in the image or more fps in games??? I was thinking of buying it. I don't have any problems with the serial cable. Thank you.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +2

      Hi there. The FOC is much thiner and flexible, also it has only one usb. Pimax told me, that they will get even more hz in the future. I think then you will need the FOC. Also some user's told me, that they have artefacts when using the normal cable. If everything works out for you, then I wouldn't change.

  • @lexusman83
    @lexusman83 Год назад +1

    Hello I’m suppose to get my crystal Tuesdays coming from a 8kx , I have a 4090 aswel , do you bother using msi afterburner at all with your 4090 ? And did you have the 8kx before the crystal?

    • @Simmymind360
      @Simmymind360 Год назад +2

      Do not run msi afterburner in VR..it will tank your GPU and make a lot of frame drops..I would set your clock and then close Msiafterburner...

    • @Simmymind360
      @Simmymind360 Год назад +1

      FPS VR is the app you need from steam ,if you want to see your frame time ect

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Hi there! Yes, I use Afterburner and I have undervolted the 4090. Yes, I also got the 8KX, but only using the crystal.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Please be more specific, do you mean MSI Afterburner or the Riva Tuner? Because I have never heard of any problems with Afterburner, and this would be a very hot topic if there were any bugs.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      100% true, FPSVR is a great App, not just for monitoring the system health, also for fixing playspace and supersampling etc.

  • @heathen458
    @heathen458 Год назад +1

    Hi,I pre-ordered the crystal ,and they sent me the copper cable with hub,and I´ve heard ,it should be better then the FOC.I have always problems by switching on the crystal,I have to plug in and plug out,and again and again,and at the end It works.What´s the truth?I should ask and pay for another cable in the future?THank you

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Hi, do you use discord? please write me a message there, I will forward you to Pimax, because I think it is only fair, you get also the FOC if you also pre-orderd the device.

  • @TonyDrecaps
    @TonyDrecaps Год назад +1

    We need that 160hz! With local dimming .
    Hopefully it's coming soon

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +1

      Yes, that would be a killer feature!

    • @joeysipos
      @joeysipos 11 месяцев назад +1

      there are no game / experiences that run at 160hz lol

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  11 месяцев назад

      @joeysipos that's not true, I can play Arizona Sunshine 2 with 120hz and more super sampling, but yeah, most games are not good optimized

  • @Geiso
    @Geiso Год назад +1

    Hey ich habe nur das Standard Kabel. Ich habe die Crystal auch vorbestellt mit D-Mas Kopfhörer. Kann ich das FOC kostenlos bekommen und könnten die Verbindungsprobleme mit dem HUB und dem FOC gelöst werden ? Danke schon mal

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Servus! Ich bin der Meinung JA, du solltest es bekommen. Magst du mich auf discord kontaktieren? Da kann ich dich besser zum Pimax Support weiterschleifen :)

    • @Geiso
      @Geiso Год назад +1

      @@liebesmaennchen ja gerne wie finde ich dich auf Discord ?

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Liebesmaennchen, soweit ich informiert bin, sind die username nun einzigartig

  • @marcelgremmer974
    @marcelgremmer974 Год назад +1

    muss ich mal bei iracing probieren. da spiele ich mit 120 hz. müssten 72 hz nicht ruckeln? es sind doch 72 bilder oder?

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +1

      Servus. Wenn du konstante 120fps schaffst, ist es natürlich viel besser als 72fps bei 72hz. Wichtig istx dass du keine Schwankungen hast. Ich selber spiele kein iracing und weiß nicht wie anspruchsvoll das ist. Sagen wir mal dein System schafft keine konstanten 90fps und schwankt immer zwischen 80-90 fps, dann würde ich auf 72hz gehen weil die sind dann stabil. Die Crystal soll ja irgendwann auch 160hz können, aber das bringt nur dann etwas, wenn du dieser auch konstant erreichst

    • @masterblaster9010
      @masterblaster9010 Год назад +2

      @@liebesmaennchen Das würde dann doch bedeuten, das selbst mit einer RTX4090 bei 80% aller VR Games nur der konstand zu erreichende 90FPS Modus wirklich sinnvoll ist, oder habe ich das falsch verstanden ?

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +2

      Das kann man jetzt nicht pauschal mit ja oder nein beantworten. Du hast ja mehrere Möglichkeiten wie du auf eine fixe Framerate (FPS) kommst. Z.B. kannst du die Details verringern und dadurch konstante 120fps erreichen. Du kannst aber auch auf maximale Details gehen und dafür nur 72fps erreichen, dafür hast du ein sauberes Bild was keine Verzerrung hat. Bei schnellen Shootern werden dir 120fps sicher mehr bringen und dafür etwas weniger Grafikqualität. Mein Test zeigt nur, dass es nun nicht zwingen notwendig ist, die Crystal mit einer 4090 zu betreiben, weil durch die 72hz auch ein guter Kompromis möglich ist.

  • @lexusman83
    @lexusman83 Год назад +1

    just got my crystal how did you get the firmware for 72hz latest firmware on mine only has 120 and 90

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Hi, so how do you like the crystal so far? I'm a beta tester, but hopefully the October Update will be big.

    • @lexusman83
      @lexusman83 Год назад +1

      @@liebesmaennchen its good but coming from the 8kx i feel like its not that big of a leap for the price, im trying to get the most out of it maybe order vr rock lenses but the field of view is obviously smaller

    • @lexusman83
      @lexusman83 Год назад +1

      @@liebesmaennchen but how did you get the 72hz to work in pitool

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      yes, the FoV is smaller, that is not a secret, but for me the visual clarity is so much better than everything out there.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      @lexusman83 Like I said, I'm a beta tester and it is not released for the public. Let's hope for the October update. I tried the 72hz mode in many games and it is working as it should

  • @johnhansson8646
    @johnhansson8646 Год назад +1

    I have had these problems (connecting-disconnecting). In my case it was due to the Crystal drawing more current than the usb/hub could supply. With the standard cable I couldn’t even enable the eye tracking. With the optic cable I don’t have the problem until I enable 120 Hz, where my headset has the same problem as yours. Pimax support is utterly horrible so I don’t expect any solution.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +1

      Hi! Really? How come you think the support is terrible? I think they do a great job, please bear in mind that this week is a Chinese holiday, so you will not get the usual support. You can write to me on discord and I can check if your support ticket is still open.

    • @johnhansson8646
      @johnhansson8646 Год назад +2

      @@liebesmaennchen I am aware of the holiday. This has been going on for much longer than that.
      Maybe you get better support, being an influencer., I don’t know.
      I had loads of problems with the Crystal. It’s great when it works, but in the two months that I have had it, it’s only been functional for a few hours.
      Broken firmware updates, firmware updates that broke functionality that worked before the update. Sub par power hub quality , causing random disconnects. But most importantly, my headset was shipped with a faulty cable. Not completely faulty but with incorrect resistance, causing much too high current draw that couldn’t be supplied by computer/hub (or any active hub for that matter). To this date my problem still hasn’t been solved by Pimax. The support is just horrible. They keep asking questions and between every question/reply it takes between 4-10 days. They speak very litte, if any, English. I still haven’t seen any replacement cable and doubt that I ever will. Before the holidsy they finally came to the conclusion that the cable must be faulty, but only after my retailer sent me a cable to test with. Luckily I chose to buy it from a local store rather than from Pimax and the store supplied a replacement cable until Pimax get their hand out of their ass. Oh….the controllers are so bad I don’t even want to speak about them. And the audio….there is a latency that is unbearable.
      But again - when it works it is amazing. I think it’s more Pimax that is the problem than Crystal. They release a half finished product to the market and then make it even worse by providing mediocre support.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +1

      I just saw your comment, did you write me on discord already? sorry for asking, I helped so many users with crystal related things, that I lost track.

    • @johnhansson8646
      @johnhansson8646 Год назад +1

      @@liebesmaennchen No, I’m not on Discord. My problem is a faulty cable. I had to do all the fault tracing myself. The support didn’t help at all. Eventually I even had to buy an optic cable myself to test and it works with that. Still buggy in many ways but the main problem is solved and the headset is at least usable. To this date (6 weeks after the initial contact with the support), nothing has come out of it. A few weeks ago they agreed that a cable replacement is necessary but after that, nothing has happened. No replies from support. But then again, it alwsys takes about a week for them to reply to any message in the ticket, even if it is a reply to a question they ask.
      But I have had enough of Pimax now and have decided to send the headset back as faulty and request a refund. Pimax has forever lost me as their customer. A pity, because the headset shines when it works. But it is also a headset with a lot of issues and I am not prepared to go through this again. When I had a problem with my Reverb G2 cable, HP sent out a replacement cable instantly. I had it at home only 4 days after talking to technical support. With Pimax it’s been 6 weeks and I still don’t even have a tracking number.
      But thank’s for your kind offer.

    • @johnhansson8646
      @johnhansson8646 Год назад

      After two long months they eventually came to the conclusion that they would send me a new fiber optic cable. As soon as they registered the shipment with the courier, it became clear to me that theh were shipping the wrong thing, a DMA>s module for a Pimax 5k insted af the cable for the Crystal. I immediately notified them about their mistake (two days before the parcel was shipped out). No reply. A few days later thevpackage arrived - with a DMAS module for a 5k. Another week later they got back to me and said something must have gone wrong. Now they require me to PAY for the return freight back to them. They then offer to reimburse me with a coupon. I was ready to explode when I read it! After two long months filled of their "mistakes" they send me the wrong item and then REQUIRE ME to pay for the return freight. They can stick their coupons somewhere where the sun doesn’t shine!
      I have had it with Pimax. Most of all I have had it with the illiterate bunch of apes they call support. I will have this headset sent back to the supplier now.if that won’t work I will throw it in the trash bin.
      But most of all I will dedicate myself to warning other people about Pimax.

  • @nerolowell2320
    @nerolowell2320 Год назад +1

    so it wasnt worth to change the cable if you decided to keep using 90 Hz

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Just for the 90hz mode not, but you get 1 extra meter and a very thin and flexible cable, also only 1 USB. Hopefully we will see more hz modes in the future

  • @Simmymind360
    @Simmymind360 Год назад +3

    Brother, we need to tell Pimax to implement 80 hz also..that is a good sweet spot and you can up the graphics a bit also...Meta has the options 72,80,90 and 120 hz so Pimax could do this..

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Hi! I'm not sure which Oculus device has all these options? Could you please be more specific?

    • @HeadsetHistorian
      @HeadsetHistorian Год назад +1

      Rift S has 80hz, not sure if Quest 2 can be set to 80hz.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Yes, that is true. I don't think there is a device out there, which has the "out of the box" solution to change the hz-mode in that variety, maybe with third party tools or workaround.

    • @antjones2281
      @antjones2281 Год назад +2

      You will be very happy. I am a beta tester and I have the 72hz firmware and it's lovely.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Beta-testing is the best :) nearly as good as playing VR Games :D

  • @andychicago8295
    @andychicago8295 Год назад +1

    Ich habe zwar eine 4090, aber iRacing werde ich auf jeden Fall auch in 72Hz probieren. Teilweise geht die Framerate deutlich unter die 90.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Genau dafür ist der 72hz Modus gemacht, bitte lass mich deine Erfahrung wissen, hoffentlich springen mehr Entwickler auf DFR und quad view auf. Das ist richtig irre was man da raus holt. Schau dir mal das Video von Tally mouse an, der hat es perfekt eingefangen.

  • @dr.ronaldoguimaraes6174
    @dr.ronaldoguimaraes6174 11 месяцев назад +1

    I am having the same problem with de 120hz here

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  11 месяцев назад

      Are you using the standard cable? I got an "old" 8xk FOC and the new FOC. With the new FOC everything works fine

    • @dr.ronaldoguimaraes6174
      @dr.ronaldoguimaraes6174 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@liebesmaennchenusing the standard cable, is the only one i have 😂😂😂

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  11 месяцев назад

      ah I see, well I can recommend the FOC, but it is not cheap. In my opinion it is worth the money.

  • @der60er
    @der60er Год назад +1

    and 31 cars with 90Hz ?

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +1

      I will try this today, but like a said, if you have a 4070 for example, you will not get 90fps with MAX details. So 72hz would be the better choice, or lowering details or resolution and stick to 90fps.

  • @borntofly2655
    @borntofly2655 Год назад +1

    difference between the fiber cable and the supplied USB cable in terms of performance, what does it change?
    having pre-ordered the headset with the earphones, I thought I would receive the fiber cable and not the USB one which is giving me so many connection problems, I have to unplug and re-plug the cable several times to start playing....
    among other things I'm still waiting for the 42ppd lenses that were in the pre-order, has anyone received them?

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      Hi there! You already answered your question. The FOC is better in terms of connection issues and with higher fps, but I have to say, that not everyone has problems with the “normal” Crystal cable.
      First, the wide FoV Lenses will be shipped, hopefully soon, I don’t know if the 42ppd lenses are even still in production.

    • @johnhansson8646
      @johnhansson8646 Год назад +1

      I had huge problems with my cable, the same as you described. The FOC cable solved most of the problems. The resistance of the standard cable is either not matched to the Crystals power draw, or is just of bad quality. I’m leaning towards the latter. My cable got super warn at the usb3-connector, even when the headset was not connected in the other end, implying some kind of a short circuit in the cable. With the headset connected I say 15W power draw before the headset turned off - more than any computer/powered hub can supply.
      With the FOC cable the headset at least works. But every new FW update seems to break some functionality that used to be working.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      @@johnhansson8646 on which FW Version are you right now? I got the Beta with the 72hz and so far so good.

    • @johnhansson8646
      @johnhansson8646 Год назад

      @@liebesmaennchen I don’t know actually. I put the Crystal back in its box three weeks ago and said to myself that I won’t touch it until I get a working cable from Pimax. There are other, stress related, reasons as well. But I upgraded the last time in the beginning of September, I think.

  • @der60er
    @der60er Год назад +1

    or maybe turn down some settings and reach constant 120Hz. difficult sweetspot.
    hope of 5090 TI soon ^^

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +1

      Yes, that was I talked about in the Video, so for me and most of the user's the key-factor is to reach a constant FPS which is the same as the panel HZ setting. So I think the 72hz Mode is super, when you have a 3090 for example. You can use the crystal with decent details setting and a fixed frame rate. You know, to achieve 18fps more, you need a lot of power.

  • @der60er
    @der60er Год назад

    aber schärfe ist doch gleich ob 120Hz oder 90Hz ?!

    • @der60er
      @der60er Год назад +1

      nur dass es halt ruckelfreier läuft

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +1

      Das Bild ist bei gleichen Einstellungen immer gleich, das Problem ist aber jenes, wenn die Framerate einbricht, dass es unschöne Doppelbilder gibt. Als 4090 Besitzer ist man bei den meisten Spielen gut dabei, aber z.B. ein VR Chat User mit 4090 meinte, dass es oft schwer ist, 60fps zu erreichen. Da könnte man mit DFR und dem 72hz Modus ein viel angenehmeres Erlebnis schaffen, als mit 120hz wo die Framerate ständig springt.

    • @der60er
      @der60er Год назад +1

      sehr interessante sache. ich war damals vom 60Hz modus der G2 so dermaßen enttöuscht, dass ich bis dato immer dachte 90Hz. muss es mindestens sein.
      man lernt nie aus.
      leider geht 72Hz es bei der G2 nicht. weil sonst könnte man z.b. FSR rausnehmen und hätte ein super knackiges Bild und konstante 72Hz in ACC.
      mal sehen ob die Quest 3 wieder diese verschiedenen modis hat. auf den ersten Blick 90 und 120 Hz. aber vlt kann man wie bei der Pro auch downsamplen.

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад +1

      Es ist super interessant, aber auch wieder individuell. Also ich habe lieber stabile 72hz/fps anstelle einer Schwankung zwischen 80-90fps bei 90hz. Wie bei allem sollte man selbst probieren und kommt natürlich auch auf das Spiel drauf an. Für mich macht hier Pimax alles richtig, indem sie zumindest die Option anbietet und das „out of the box“

    • @der60er
      @der60er Год назад +1

      ja. so kann man wenigstens selber das optimum rauholen. @@liebesmaennchen

  • @Simmymind360
    @Simmymind360 Год назад +1

    I got the copper cable with hub..for what i paid, i should have got one.. i feel, that was unfair

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      When did you ordered? FOC was also a pre-order Bonus like DMAS and second pair of lenses. In my case, I would feel that it was unfair if everybody gets everything, why should anyone preorder?

    • @Simmymind360
      @Simmymind360 Год назад +1

      @@liebesmaennchen i pre order

    • @liebesmaennchen
      @liebesmaennchen  Год назад

      @@Simmymind360 ok, so please write Pimax Support, if you are on Discord, contact me there ok?

    • @Simmymind360
      @Simmymind360 Год назад

      @@liebesmaennchen what Discord, I'm on Reddit...I also feel my both lenses a slightly off..it gets blurry in center , may have defect lenses..I put my reading glasses on and there was some input..I never ever had to do that with other VR headsets as I am far sighted and most people who are far sighted are lucky don't need prescription lenses..I'm concerned that Pimax have done something weird with these lenses