seeing your gameplay i have few tips and try to intergrate them to your games. 1 dont be afraid to use you q to farm, 2. if you want to be unpredictable pretend to aa ing a minion and then laser the minion with an angle hitting the enemy. 3 in very aggresive match ups i like to go phase rush to disengage cause there is no way in hell you are winning early. 4. if the enemy has a doran shield like this yorick dont even bother try to kill them esrly just use them to stack manaflow band, nothing more nothing less.5 build wise you always go ludens besides when you have more then 2 tanks
try to take diffrent poking runes and level 1 use ur autos alot more into poking the laner it gives u the space to farm and not miss cs have a good day sir !
seeing your gameplay i have few tips and try to intergrate them to your games. 1 dont be afraid to use you q to farm, 2. if you want to be unpredictable pretend to aa ing a minion and then laser the minion with an angle hitting the enemy. 3 in very aggresive match ups i like to go phase rush to disengage cause there is no way in hell you are winning early. 4. if the enemy has a doran shield like this yorick dont even bother try to kill them esrly just use them to stack manaflow band, nothing more nothing less.5 build wise you always go ludens besides when you have more then 2 tanks
I think presence is a good 11-20 bc it allows u to know when its good to position
yourself to gank and when to gank
Also its okay to use your abilities to farm you don't have to only auto. defeats the purpose of having biscuits and mana flow band
try to take diffrent poking runes and level 1 use ur autos alot more into poking the laner it gives u the space to farm and not miss cs have a good day sir !
Dont play first strike on viktor its never good. Go aery into melee and comet into ranged
You also dont have to lvl W lvl 3. its really useless unless enemy jungle is ganking you. Going 2 lvls into E would be better
@murray3370 i figure out not to use first strike after game 10 for sure. And I'll try the extra e level next time!