Comment nous avons testé les meilleurs étaux d'établi Les étaux d'établi sont des aides d'atelier essentielles, et dresser une liste des meilleurs modèles à tester n'était pas une mince tâche. Tout d'abord, nous nous sommes appuyés sur notre expérience personnelle dans le travail du bois, la réparation automobile, le soudage et la plomberie pour déterminer les caractéristiques les plus importantes d'un étau d'établi. Ensuite, nous avons sélectionné des modèles à tester parmi les marques auxquelles nous faisons le plus confiance dans la catégorie. Nous avons donné une certaine préférence aux fabricants réputés, tels que Wen et Wilton, mais nous avons également examiné les marques moins connues si elles avaient des notes élevées auprès des clients. Pour les tests réels, nous avons monté chaque étau sur un établi à l'aide de nos propres boulons et écrous, qui ne sont généralement pas inclus avec l'achat car les épaisseurs d'établi varient. Nous avons utilisé des tire-fonds et des boulons de carrosserie, allant de 5/16 à ⅜ de pouce de diamètre, mais d'autres boulons conviendraient également, selon l'endroit et la manière dont l'étau est monté. Une fois montés, nous avons utilisé les étaux pour saisir plusieurs éléments courants, y compris des planches, des tuyaux et d'autres pièces pour voir dans quelle mesure ils stabilisaient les éléments pendant que nous travaillions dessus. Nous avons desserré les raccords collés à l'aide de clés, de lames de scie à chaîne affûtées, de bois raboté et acheminé, et avons utilisé une perceuse électrique pour percer des trous dans les articles. Lors des tests, chaque étau s'est vu attribuer des points en fonction d'une rubrique. Plus le produit est performant, plus les points qu'il reçoit sont élevés. Après les tests, nous avons ajouté et moyenné les points de chaque étau et les avons utilisés pour déterminer l'utilisation et la catégorie les plus appropriées.
I'm a drummer and I hate drum solos over 30 seconds long. Most drummers just throw every lick they know into a potluck solo (Buddy Rich) changing every bar with no pattern or smooth progression. Its nice to see Jordan play a solo and keep the same beat for 4 to 8 bars and tastefully change the pattern and progression gradually with smooth transitions. Very Nice!
I appreciate solos that have a groove involved with them...your comment is well received...I really dig the solos that build upon a theme and deviate through tempo or orchestrations of the main groove and come back to it...I was watching a solo tutorial the other day and it was a had no cohesion at all and I hated it...I would never play like this guy despite the fact he had great technique, his idea of a solo was what I imagine a car wreck sounding like
This dude is a monster. Despite how fast and accurate he plays, you never for a second forget it's a human being playing because of the inflection and all the nuances of his technique. Talented isn't even the word, this guy is phenomenal to say the least.
Brother mucho deseo metes al hablar, das a notar que has estudiado música, no sabes que un Empírico ,con el Don puede hacer Muchísimo también. ??? Muy pero muy biuen solo Jordan. !!!!
@JordanCannata I thought danny carey was the best out there. I watched you play it, and it made me realize there are drummers like yourself as good or better. Wow, I'm self taught and have a long way to go. I did get to play on reverend rightimes kit😂😂
Esse é sem dúvida um dos melhores e mais lindo Solo de Bateria ! Vez em quando dou uma olhada, muito preciso em tudo, técnico e Talentoso, meus parabéns Cannata, sucesso ! Edu RS.
This is the best rock drum solo I’ve watched since a very long time! The amount of technique/passion/feel/showmanship and mostly “suprise” is very well composed! Congrats! I will follow your works 🔥
Wow What a well thought out Drum Solo. I mean off the chart stick control and crazy awesome rhythms. Other Professional Drummers should listen in, Jordan's footwork with amazing stick control is really awesome. He is certainly the best drummer I have heard in a longtime. You can tell it's in his blood to drum. Not everyone gets there. Keep the unbelievable drumming work up. Very inspirational for young future drummers. You should be endorsed.
Blimey, wow etc. I am a 65 year old UK drummer and I am just in awe at the standard of musicianship (drums, guitar, bass, keyboards etc) these days. I started nearly 50 years ago and this is the standard now so, I wonder what it will be like in 50 years time as the level of playing has improved so much. There were no videos then, nor uTube learning tools. If you were lucky, you could see a drummer at a music shop (I saw Jon Hiseman once and he was great then about the early 1970's) and that was all one had to learn by at the time apart from listening to records. Fab rock type solo with all the chops, stick twirling etc. Really fab stuff so, well done Jordan.
maintained an audiable rythem and beat even at his peak of speed which made the solo flow so well, which ive yet to hear else where. Tends to become a mash of sound! well impressed as I wondered for along time if this was even possible!
Excellent! One of the most "musical" drum solo's I've heard. Toss in the show with standing on the drums and tossing the sticks, and all around definitely one of the most engaging and interesting drums solos I've seen. And even though yeah been a drummer for years, drum solos in general don't appeal to me. But this one certainly did ! Well done!
Great drum solo. One of the best ever rock drum solos ever. Well thought out, nice grooves, flow, and showed off his amazing talent in a very musical way.
Jordan, I had honestly not heard any of your drumming before (I'm an old guy, 58, but life long drummer) and when I came across this video, I was really impressed. For any of those writing negative comments, I'd say, just post your videos, if you are so damn good. It's easy to criticize, but harder to really back it up. I'll be checking out more of your videos.Thanks.
He’s in two bands. I’ve been listening to him since he was a uncle is married to his grandmother, sadly she passed away a few years ago but she would be so proud of the notoriety he’s gotten since. His brother is a bad ass on bass.
I especially appreciate it when something not only sounds good, melodic, sizzling, fast-paced, but also spectacular and passionate! Thanks for the experience! 🤘🙂
Luv how he stands on the drums and plays the hi hats with his foot nice stick work ! Hypnotic drumming the hole thing's just awesome! I'm going to incorporate! Got a lot of work ahead of me! Thanks 😊
This is the best drum solo I have ever seen !!! When many people play solo it has no pattern but here it is completely completed. Jordan Cannata is awesome !!!
@@ldcsam1 I have not heard of him, I'll look him up. My oldest grandson is a drummer and a high school history teacher in SoCal. He is a great drummer but, plays in a band that I can't describe what the music is. I think it's a combination of Rock, Hard Rock, Acid Rock and a few more sounds thrown in. When I go to California, I am his Roadie. I told him he should have taken up the Piccolo, you can put that in your pocket, verses 42 drum pieces. I can't imagine anybody better than Jordan. if he's not the best in the world, he's in the top 2. I have a friend whose son has a drum shop in Nashville, he's supposed to be great also, I haven't seen him yet, his last name is Nelson, I believe
I really like the one and only drum solo performance that no one can imitate it. I was fascinated when i saw this for the first time. Best ever, Mrs. Jordan Cannata. Drummer's mirror, here is🤘👍✨ *from Japan*
I have never seen a drum solo with such incredible perfection, and the greatest of passion... You know you can say "WOW" backwards.... I play the drums, and I share this video with anyone who wants to see it...
Absolutely stellar drumming man. I love the groove type solo and it’s definitely what I always strive for in a solo. Outstanding chops, speed, stick control. This solo has it all. Impressive.
Jesus this guy is the spitting image of "The Animal" from the Muppets!… Love your style and enthusiasm as well as your speed and accuracy. Absolute pleasure to watch! Rock on!!
You my sir are a very talented drummer! Wish I could play half as well as you! Grinning from ear to ear by the end! Put the phones on and turn it up! Well done Jordan, well done.
Absolutely STUNNING my brother!! I saw you do this drum solo on the last Adrenaline Mob tour and you blew me away with your precise and ferocious playing! Much love and respect to you !
Sheeeeeet!!.. Jordan has some “Float Like A Butterfly and Sting Like A Bee” beats!!👌✌️ A-Freakin-Mazing!!!.. Pleasure Watching This!! Gratitude Abounds Jordan🤘✌️😁
Dude you're not fucking kidding !! I never heard of Jordan before but he's got that fucking magic that a lot of left handed drummers seem to possess. Great Drummer !!
Nice and tight drum patterns work. Return to beat from rolls and skip/off beats , No slop. Great job Jordan. Awesome Got your drumming in my head now. love it.
The best rhythm drum solo, at least that I've ever watched. So many drummers can seem to get a little lost in the middle of their solo. He keeps perfect rhythm between each segment. I would think he's practiced this for a long time to be that smooth all the way thru... Thankyou Jordan for such great work, and our absolute enjoyment...
Dude, I worked with Amanda on the Miss Home Sweet Home broadcast back in April. Luv the Hey Jordan videos. Glad I took the time to look you up. You fucking Rock...
uauuu...!!!! aquiles priestler y tu sois de otro planeta. he tocado la bateria hace años, pero mi mi nivel al lado del toyu o el de aquiles es insignificante. con que edad comenzaste y cuantas horas le dedicas al dia jordan? nunca habia visto a un baterista haciendo esos malabares con las baquetas,tras el hombro, doble giro en el aire, cruces de manos ultra rapidos con combinaciones imposibles, pegada al charles con reebote de baqueta y cogida al aire, intercambio dual en ambas manos de las baquetas mientras complementas doblr bombo.... hay algo mas que no sepas hacer??? INCREIBLE. FELICIDADES
I just came across this video..... I've seen/heard so many technical drummers... But this guy is a complete legend, so technical yet really tasty🤤🤤🤤🤤!!!!!!! LOVE IT, BEST solo I've ever heard
I've played metal for 35 years, absolutely, hands down the most talented solo and killer chops I ever had the pleasure of watching!! You are awesome!!
I feel ya!! As a hobbyist, DAMN this is tasty.....gave me pause while working - not to mention reaching a 'few' times. haha
Comment nous avons testé les meilleurs étaux d'établi
Les étaux d'établi sont des aides d'atelier essentielles, et dresser une liste des meilleurs modèles à tester n'était pas une mince tâche. Tout d'abord, nous nous sommes appuyés sur notre expérience personnelle dans le travail du bois, la réparation automobile, le soudage et la plomberie pour déterminer les caractéristiques les plus importantes d'un étau d'établi. Ensuite, nous avons sélectionné des modèles à tester parmi les marques auxquelles nous faisons le plus confiance dans la catégorie. Nous avons donné une certaine préférence aux fabricants réputés, tels que Wen et Wilton, mais nous avons également examiné les marques moins connues si elles avaient des notes élevées auprès des clients.
Pour les tests réels, nous avons monté chaque étau sur un établi à l'aide de nos propres boulons et écrous, qui ne sont généralement pas inclus avec l'achat car les épaisseurs d'établi varient. Nous avons utilisé des tire-fonds et des boulons de carrosserie, allant de 5/16 à ⅜ de pouce de diamètre, mais d'autres boulons conviendraient également, selon l'endroit et la manière dont l'étau est monté.
Une fois montés, nous avons utilisé les étaux pour saisir plusieurs éléments courants, y compris des planches, des tuyaux et d'autres pièces pour voir dans quelle mesure ils stabilisaient les éléments pendant que nous travaillions dessus. Nous avons desserré les raccords collés à l'aide de clés, de lames de scie à chaîne affûtées, de bois raboté et acheminé, et avons utilisé une perceuse électrique pour percer des trous dans les articles.
Lors des tests, chaque étau s'est vu attribuer des points en fonction d'une rubrique. Plus le produit est performant, plus les points qu'il reçoit sont élevés. Après les tests, nous avons ajouté et moyenné les points de chaque étau et les avons utilisés pour déterminer l'utilisation et la catégorie les plus appropriées.
It’s like I am hearing guitar
I agree with you bro this man and a few others are the reason I drum
You don’t watch many solos do you
I'm a drummer and I hate drum solos over 30 seconds long. Most drummers just throw every lick they know into a potluck solo (Buddy Rich) changing every bar with no pattern or smooth progression. Its nice to see Jordan play a solo and keep the same beat for 4 to 8 bars and tastefully change the pattern and progression gradually with smooth transitions. Very Nice!
Well said. It's extremely rare to see a drum solo that's actually rhythmic, and not just a hodgepodge of random samplings of drum techniques.
Amen....Amen....Amen.... So well said...!!! The literal translation for Amen... SO BE IT...!!!
I think IT was Like a theme he danced with His Sticks Like a Kind of fugue
See, now I thought it could have gone on a little longer !
I appreciate solos that have a groove involved with them...your comment is well received...I really dig the solos that build upon a theme and deviate through tempo or orchestrations of the main groove and come back to it...I was watching a solo tutorial the other day and it was a had no cohesion at all and I hated it...I would never play like this guy despite the fact he had great technique, his idea of a solo was what I imagine a car wreck sounding like
Complete solo. Groove, technical, stick trick, rudiment, showmanship, nailed it!!
JORDAN CANNATA absolutely crushing this drum solo!!!! Nice blend of everything people love! So creative dynamic and musical!!!!!!! Rock on Jordan!!!!
I love watching this solo, blows me away every time! Incredible talent!
I appreciate that he actually kept a groove all throughout instead of just bursting randomly
Wow!!!! Absolutely wonderful drummer! Can't stop watching. Thank You Jordan.
This dude is a monster. Despite how fast and accurate he plays, you never for a second forget it's a human being playing because of the inflection and all the nuances of his technique. Talented isn't even the word, this guy is phenomenal to say the least.
Good, YES... but no Simon Phillips
Brother mucho deseo metes al hablar, das a notar que has estudiado música, no sabes que un Empírico ,con el Don puede hacer Muchísimo también. ???
Muy pero muy biuen solo Jordan. !!!!
@@mars2531 Why the need to point that out..?
@JordanCannata I thought danny carey was the best out there. I watched you play it, and it made me realize there are drummers like yourself as good or better. Wow, I'm self taught and have a long way to go. I did get to play on reverend rightimes kit😂😂
Esse é sem dúvida um dos melhores e mais lindo Solo de Bateria ! Vez em quando dou uma olhada, muito preciso em tudo, técnico e Talentoso, meus parabéns Cannata, sucesso ! Edu RS.
Been watching this video for many years now and it STILL completely blows my mind. Much love to dude and everyone else who made this possible. Peace.
I appreciate hearing this solo. I know it took countless hours of practice to play at this level.
Very inspirational.
I really like this kind of solos with a beat incorporated and not just with strokes
Mi fa impazzire tanto che e' bravo
kk kZzn!*{(@))*))*(**+(*(%{‰}}}oO😃😃
Tommy Aldridge much? 😂
dude is all feel too, most important part is that the drummer does what he feels like doing and enjoying it
This is the best rock drum solo I’ve watched since a very long time! The amount of technique/passion/feel/showmanship and mostly “suprise” is very well composed! Congrats! I will follow your works 🔥
Wow What a well thought out Drum Solo. I mean off the chart stick control and crazy awesome rhythms. Other Professional Drummers should listen in, Jordan's footwork with amazing stick control is really awesome. He is certainly the best drummer I have heard in a longtime. You can tell it's in his blood to drum. Not everyone gets there. Keep the unbelievable drumming work up. Very inspirational for young future drummers. You should be endorsed.
Thank you so much! Means the world!
senri kawaguchi ;) then again, probably not fair to compare him with someone who isn’t human
Blimey, wow etc. I am a 65 year old UK drummer and I am just in awe at the standard of musicianship (drums, guitar, bass, keyboards etc) these days. I started nearly 50 years ago and this is the standard now so, I wonder what it will be like in 50 years time as the level of playing has improved so much. There were no videos then, nor uTube learning tools. If you were lucky, you could see a drummer at a music shop (I saw Jon Hiseman once and he was great then about the early 1970's) and that was all one had to learn by at the time apart from listening to records.
Fab rock type solo with all the chops, stick twirling etc. Really fab stuff so, well done Jordan.
У меня нет слов... Как это он вообще делает? Просто потрясающе...
Amazing drumming. I really loved the way the kit was tuned and how it sounds!
not a fan of DW drums but they do sound good
maintained an audiable rythem and beat even at his peak of speed which made the solo flow so well, which ive yet to hear else where. Tends to become a mash of sound! well impressed as I wondered for along time if this was even possible!
Thank you so much!!! Truly appreciated!
faz tempo que não me impressiono com um baterista, esse cara é sinistro. Pior que é video de 2017, só agora conheci. Muito bom kkkkkk
The God of drums, Awesome!!, greetings from Uruguay!.
Нет слов. Заряд не реальный. После такой партии неделю не смогу уснуть.
beautiful, amazing, musical, masterful, tasteful. Technique, skill, speed is unbelievable. Thank you for sharing your hard work and talent
One of the best solos out there. period.
And what amazing drum sound!
Over the Mountain. Diggin' it man. Solid player. Great chops. Thanks for sharing Jordan.
Nasty solo...every good riff from the 80s....sounds huge, great showmanship!!!
Завораживает и поражает своим мастерством ,браво !!!
one of the nicest drum solo I watched...even if it is a drum solo you can imagine a song in it...unlike any other drum solos out there
Éssa é a melhor performance de batera que ja vi......! Congratulações !
Excellent! One of the most "musical" drum solo's I've heard. Toss in the show with standing on the drums and tossing the sticks, and all around definitely one of the most engaging and interesting drums solos I've seen. And even though yeah been a drummer for years, drum solos in general don't appeal to me. But this one certainly did ! Well done!
Great drum solo. One of the best ever rock drum solos ever. Well thought out, nice grooves, flow, and showed off his amazing talent in a very musical way.
Jordan, I had honestly not heard any of your drumming before (I'm an old guy, 58, but life long drummer) and when I came across this video, I was really impressed. For any of those writing negative comments, I'd say, just post your videos, if you are so damn good. It's easy to criticize, but harder to really back it up. I'll be checking out more of your videos.Thanks.
He’s in two bands. I’ve been listening to him since he was a uncle is married to his grandmother, sadly she passed away a few years ago but she would be so proud of the notoriety he’s gotten since. His brother is a bad ass on bass.
He accually believe it or not taught me how to play the drums for a couple months
I especially appreciate it when something not only sounds good, melodic, sizzling, fast-paced, but also spectacular and passionate! Thanks for the experience! 🤘🙂
!best recommendation on RUclips=видео.html
I love all of this!
Finally a rock drum solo that’s not boring. Super tasty! The dude is a monster. 👊🏼
Muchas gracias , impresionante. Saludos desde Colonia del Sacramento ( Uruguay.)
Luv how he stands on the drums and plays the hi hats with his foot nice stick work ! Hypnotic drumming the hole thing's just awesome! I'm going to incorporate! Got a lot of work ahead of me! Thanks 😊
This is the best drum solo I have ever seen !!!
When many people play solo it has no pattern but here it is completely completed.
Jordan Cannata is awesome !!!
Просто поражает чувство ритма и координация. Браво, маэстро!
O melhor solo..incrível... com harmonia e tudo mais...muito bom...
Ma dove??? Guarda Thomas Lang o vinnie colaiuta no sto cretino
Very nice indeed, big thanks to RUclips for introducing me to a new favourite drummer to check out
Amazing. Without a doubt, the Best Drummer I've ever seen in 71 years, the Best in the World, I'm sure
Brian have you ever seen Thomas Lang?
@@ldcsam1 I have not heard of him, I'll look him up. My oldest grandson is a drummer and a high school history teacher in SoCal. He is a great drummer but, plays in a band that I can't describe what the music is. I think it's a combination of Rock, Hard Rock, Acid Rock and a few more sounds thrown in. When I go to California, I am his Roadie. I told him he should have taken up the Piccolo, you can put that in your pocket, verses 42 drum pieces. I can't imagine anybody better than Jordan. if he's not the best in the world, he's in the top 2. I have a friend whose son has a drum shop in Nashville, he's supposed to be great also, I haven't seen him yet, his last name is Nelson, I believe
Well done Jordan, I've got a new favourite drum solo. You smashed it!
Never heard of you, I can positively say, You're a beast on them drums. Nice work my friend.
Когда бы мне при жизни это услышать круто
Why people are disliking It? People just don't understand the work and time that needs to create and do this single solo.
I really like the one and only drum solo performance that no one can imitate it. I was fascinated when i saw this for the first time. Best ever, Mrs. Jordan Cannata.
Drummer's mirror, here is🤘👍✨ *from Japan*
This was probably the best drum solo I have ever scene. This dude went so extra that it blew my mind.
This is one of the most creative and musical drum solos I’ve ever heard. And chops to spare ! Really really impressive.
Go watch Thomas Lang: Improvised Drum Solo.
and the only one ?
Simplesmente incrivel, um dos melhores solos que ja vi
My 3 years old son wants drums for christmas , after he watch this video, I play on bass guitar. Thanks a lot Jordan :)
I have never seen a drum solo with such incredible perfection, and the greatest of passion... You know you can say "WOW" backwards.... I play the drums, and I share this video with anyone who wants to see it...
Now THIS is one of the best rock drum solos I've ever heard. And I've heard plenty of 'em in 52 years. This is how you do it, rock drummers! Nice!
I agree with you. If you haven't seen it yet, check out the video "The Hazards of Dating a Drummer" Jordan was the drummer in it.
That is ... awesome. Hats off. Absolutely brilliant.
Insanely talented drummer ! "Grooves" send gifts and fight among themselves, just to get Jordan to play them ! Thx for sharing !
Já ouvi várias vezes, e todas as vezes que eu ouço é como se fosse a primeira vez, é simplesmente top demais 👍
Absolutely stellar drumming man. I love the groove type solo and it’s definitely what I always strive for in a solo.
Outstanding chops, speed, stick control. This solo has it all. Impressive.
One of the most impressive drum solos ive seen this is one of a kind Jordan 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Jesus this guy is the spitting image of "The Animal" from the Muppets!… Love your style and enthusiasm as well as your speed and accuracy. Absolute pleasure to watch! Rock on!!
Hahaha....Animal only WISHES he was that talented!
@@TraderRobin Animal was playing so hard one time he set his drums on fire lol
You my sir are a very talented drummer! Wish I could play half as well as you! Grinning from ear to ear by the end! Put the phones on and turn it up! Well done Jordan, well done.
No puedo creer lo que acabo de escuchar 😮.... Increíble mano increíble
Brilliant drumming and a brilliant sounding kit
Absolutely STUNNING my brother!! I saw you do this drum solo on the last Adrenaline Mob tour and you blew me away with your precise and ferocious playing! Much love and respect to you !
Невероятно! Я восхищаюсь мастерством !!!
Thank you everyone! Truly appreciate it!
Jordan Cannata hey man at the end what are you doing? 2 toms-2 kick combo with a 2 and 4 snare mix up
Its a whole bunch of combinations between hands and feet. 2 and 2, 4 and 2, 4 and 3, 3 and 3, 5 and 3. Stuff like that. Mixing and matching.
ah! ok cool i see it now, thanks man.
Jordan Cannata Meh. Lol kidding! I'm really in awe of your dexterity. Thankful new generations are keeping the dream alive. Long live metal!
Jordan Cannata your doubles between hands and feet are better than the 5 leading drummers today
Jordan SOS un genio🙏💪💪👌👌👌👌como tocas la bata.....desde argentina buenos aires..gaston
There are lots of greats and lots of styles, but I am really fond of this cat and his style/technique. Hats off.
Simplesmente hoje não dá pra definir quem é melhor, hoje em dias são muitos monstros
Как думаешь он лучше чем Майк Теранно из Axcel Rudi Pell?
@@СергейГанс-х1я bolo de batata? Gosto também
Sheeeeeet!!.. Jordan has some “Float Like A Butterfly and Sting Like A Bee” beats!!👌✌️ A-Freakin-Mazing!!!.. Pleasure Watching This!! Gratitude Abounds Jordan🤘✌️😁
MummaDibDob That's All
Dude you're not fucking kidding !!
I never heard of Jordan before but he's got that fucking magic that a lot of left handed drummers seem to possess. Great Drummer !!
Jordan спаибо ,восхищён, нет слов -это соло как мелодия уникальна , приятна
Ещё раз спасибо - железногорск -сибирь
So much; So much time and practice. Wow!! Beautiful!!!
Nice and tight drum patterns work. Return to beat from rolls and skip/off beats , No slop. Great job Jordan. Awesome Got your drumming in my head now. love it.
The best rhythm drum solo, at least that I've ever watched. So many drummers can seem to get a little lost in the middle of their solo. He keeps perfect rhythm between each segment. I would think he's practiced this for a long time to be that smooth all the way thru... Thankyou Jordan for such great work, and our absolute enjoyment...
👏👏👏Sabe muito fera...👏👏
Who wishes they could play like that. Amazing skills. What a talent
Dude, I worked with Amanda on the Miss Home Sweet Home broadcast back in April. Luv the Hey Jordan videos. Glad I took the time to look you up. You fucking Rock...
uauuu...!!!! aquiles priestler y tu sois de otro planeta. he tocado la bateria hace años, pero mi mi nivel al lado del toyu o el de aquiles es insignificante. con que edad comenzaste y cuantas horas le dedicas al dia jordan? nunca habia visto a un baterista haciendo esos malabares con las baquetas,tras el hombro, doble giro en el aire, cruces de manos ultra rapidos con combinaciones imposibles, pegada al charles con reebote de baqueta y cogida al aire, intercambio dual en ambas manos de las baquetas mientras complementas doblr bombo.... hay algo mas que no sepas hacer??? INCREIBLE. FELICIDADES
It has to be an animal not to appreciate a drummer of that quality. Congratulations on the job!
I'm a big fan I love your solo that's my favorite solo forever
check out Carl Palmer. his technique and use of single strokes is amazing
Jordan is the best left-handed drummer I have ever seen and heard.
Un MOSTRO di bravura e di precisione e fantasia !!!!! GRANDISSIMOOOOOOO
WOW! Amazing. First I have heard of you. Would love to see you live. Detroit my friend!
insane technique and power man!!! great solo lml
This guy can rock a drum set...!!...not to mention some nice showman tricks and balance !!..A+++
Technical skills and showmanship. Somebody please sign this artist! Got some chops pal. Somebody doesn’t pick up, shame on ‘em!
Професіонал в ділі. Звичайно повага за роботу та like за відеоматеріал. Дякую.
You are not just insane dude!!!! Your drumming is mad!!!!! Where were you when Tommy Lee was showing his so called expertise....Good Job
Tommy sucks
@@marklavilla9075 I've always said that!! Tommy Lee seems to worry more about being a show off drummer,than being precise!!
he's far beyond Tommy Lee!!
Really good drummin Jordan! I hope to see you soon in Europe!!! Grettings from Lyon - France ;)
Incrível, isso é arte! Parabéns!!
@Benjamin Galbavy Amazing, this is art! Kudos!!
I've had hours upon hours of fun listening to this never gets boring
I had to find you after watching you in slaughter tonight what an amazing show and you are an amazing drummer thank you for performance.
First time I have heard of you Jordan. I was honored to have watched your video. You are one BAD A** Drummer!!! Insane Brother Totally Insane!!!
This is the best drum solo i have ever heard. incredible stick skills. amazing composition
100% Metal drummer
Don't know what band you are from but nearly everything you played is what and how metal drummers do it!
Agree ,not jazz style.
Dark Sky Choir, givem a listen
Adrenaline mob
This is really fantastic of you, I really like this demonstration
I just came across this video..... I've seen/heard so many technical drummers... But this guy is a complete legend, so technical yet really tasty🤤🤤🤤🤤!!!!!!! LOVE IT, BEST solo I've ever heard
Just amazing! I’ll just practice for the next 800 years
Quite agreeable. No weak notes, no faulters.Precise timing. Nice permutations.
I'll just have to figure out most of this. Sounds amazing.
Thank you!
Thank you Jordan. Now I gotta see every video . 😮sign me UPP
I love the way this solo is built, where creativity and technique blend so well, the music flows.
Thank you so much. Means the world!