It's still really nice to use when you aren't being serious about competitive... at least, after gen 3. Gen 6 and on it can have Super Luck and you can give it 100% crit chance, which is pretty fun to play around with.
I do like how Mega Absol was given Magic Bounce. Think about it: If you are immune to Status moves, then you can use Sucker Punch more safely without having to worry about *predicting* It’s genius.
mushroomdude123 the best way I have found to use mega absol is as a baton pass sweeper. Throat chop is actually amazing for this because perish song is annoying.
Imo Absol's best use is for catching pokemon in the games. Moves: Thunder Wave, False Swipe, Feint Attack, Swords Dance/Mean Look, Ability: Pressure Holding Absolite/Leftovers. Its a hard hitting False Swipe user that learns Thunder Wave. Feint Attack covers mons that spam evasion/accuracy affecting moves or ghost types, Mean look covers mons that wanna escape like the stupid dogs or Abra. Otherwise take SD for a beefier False Swipe. Absolite gives you magic bounce which is nice against mons that try to hax you, otherwise leftovers is nice for sustaining up while tossing balls. I've always used Absol like this.
yeah no I don't drink. kids that do are posers or just want that attention "hey look they're drunk whoopie so are those homeless folk thats where that hobby will lead you jajaja"
I still fondly remember going through Route 120 for the first time and searching for some new Pokémon, and then, out of the blue, coming across this unique beast. I legit thought it was some legendary because of how small its encounter rate was and how much it reminded me of Legendary Beasts. Now that fluffy disaster boy is my absolute favourite and you have no idea how happy I felt when I found out during the X/Y era that it got the prettiest Mega in the game.
@sO gUyS wE dId It ive been saying that for years... but apparently impidimp is more of a dark/fairy than a misunderstood 'disaster bringer' that dedicates its life to warn people from disaster... Well done gamefreak D:
Absol is one of my favorite Pokemon. She was in my Emerald team and I love her cry so much. It is sad to see it struggle to find place, even with Mega.
Absol was always a favorite of mine. Especially after mystery dungeons. Something not being amazing in comp doesn’t make them bad. It’s an absolute monster in normal play.
Vikavolt has the same problem as Absol. 145 special attack with STAB Thunder and Bug Buzz is amazing but all of Vikavolt's other stats are less than 100 and of those most of them are less than 80 speed less than 50
Absol reminds me of Luxray specifically in the sense that it looks like it should be much faster than it is... Hard to imagine what Game Freak's idea behind this Pokemon was supposed to be with that typing and stat spread
Try doing Max HP/Def/SpDef and Max Attack EV's with Choice Band, Muscle Band or Life Orb and give it an Adamant nature. Sucker Punch strikes offensive Pokemon first and 75 base Speed should be enough to outspeed most walls using status moves without investment. Prankster powered moves fail against Absol because of the Dark typing so a wallbreaker that can survive hits should not be a bad idea. 🖤
@@moonjelly5 Here's hoping Gamefreak, or anyone else in charge, realizes that was a stupid idea. I mean, the makers of Pokemon Masters seem to notice it is.
@@beta511ee4 Absol has a fairly good chance of being in Sword/Shield due to it being a reoccurring omen-foreshadower. Every area it appears in ends up having something to do with whatever disaster plot is going on (it's always in close proximity to a plot-relevant area) as something of a running gag.
@Jessica Koenigsbach I'm taking Pokemon Masters as a hint that Pokemon Company knows that they screwed up with the whole 'no mega evolutions' thing and that this might get fixed quickly. Also, I still think Pokemon Home should have been a home console release.
I'd bump up his speed, a character like that having middling speed makes no sense. Also a dark variant of Future Sight as a signature skill for him would be fun.
Better to have a future sight like move that protects you pokemon after one or two turns. Like wish but it protects instead of recovers. Normal priority next turn and then it plus six priority next turn, giving you better switching capabilities. Works lore wise too
Instead of pressure which is useless since it has no bulk. Maybe forewarn could replace, heck, tack on runaway as another ability. Then make runaway do smth in battles. Maybe it can make you immune to trapping moves and make it so the mon can switch more easily/better somehow. Absol as a frail pivot support mon that is somehow has tanky as ferro or teleport regen mons is badass
@@gesundheitoh520 Pursuit was supposedly removed because of its weird interactions with Dynamax but if Dmax is gone they could bring it back, Runaway would be interesting to block trapping moves and make the Pokemon immune to Pursuit.
Not so fun fact: When I played Pokemon Ruby for the first time as a kid, I wasted my master ball on absol due to thinking it was a legendary Pokemon. (It was in a Pokemon movie)
@Siper There is no such thing as a "Semi-Pseudo Legendary" pokemon. Absol, Lucario and Zoroark are fan favorites, indeed. And they are very cool pokemon, no one will deny that, but creating a new category to get the illusion(pun intended) that your favorite pokemon is more than just a normal pokemon by giving it a special title or group is just headcanon. It's OK if your favorite pokemon is just a normal one, trust me, I would know. My favorite pokemon is Haxorus, and he is basically the face of the whole "Semi-Pseudo" argument, and it makes some sense, because 90% of people probably thought Haxorus was a Pseudo legendary for the longest time, it just looks like one, but we must accept the reality, Flygon, Haxorus, and many others are just regular pokemon. Really cool regular pokemon, but just regular pokemon.
I remember putting an Absol on my online team in x/y specifically for its megas ability (magic bounce) to deal with gimmick teams & soon after it became one of my favorite pokemon. Set up a couple of screens for it, sleep a pokemon for a safe switch, setup your sword dances & BAM instant sweep!
@Finn Ewingnot really, when you're playing against any competent person especially 🇯🇵 players sweeping right off the bat isn't something you'll get away with. In fact some players will use that against you. Is it possible to sweep in fewer turns? Ofc, but when that happens someone came severely unprepared lol
@Finn Ewing int not actually 2 turns for screens of one with aurora vile prefered to use light clay which setting up screens helps already for the rest of the team sent amoongus which is good in genral and spore something switch out dance and kill
@@thedon6079 Those are the exeption though, not the rule. If you dont belive me, go around and ask how many people use megas like Mega Absol or Mega Houndoom
Eh, I think it has potential to be really good against stall b/c magic bounce, but a) clefable, b) it’s still too specific of a niche to justify using, c) it’s poor defense and hp makes it really easy to wear down.
My constant asking have finally been answered, I’ve been waiting for the Absol video for years! I am now content. Even if it is bad, I’ll always love Absol!
I remember one time when online in PBR that I went up against an Absol with my Metagross. I landed a Meteor Mash and it had a Focus Sash. It proceeded to use Counter. Now I want you to look up Absol's movepool and make your own conclusions for how unbelievably salty I was!
@@TheoneandonlyBobb Huh, I seriously thought that was illegal. I thought I looked at everything, but I can't believe I missed that tutor page. Well now I'm just embarrassed...
@@CritsuKirby I'm pretty sure the PBR servers checked for illegal Pokémon on Wifi and didn't let you participate with them. I remember that it became a huge deal when Darkrai and Arceus finally got released onto the random Wifi mode, so they did filter individual Pokémon. And I'm pretty sure the movesets were checked too.
I could see you still being salty since that means they had to get a good natured Absol in a GBA game, then transfer it forward four generations. Probably just genned it, but I would still be annoyed.
I just started to play Pokemon Ultra Sun after 7 YEARS without even looking at any Pokemon games at all. I didn't expect Absol dropped the edgy act and had a heart warming smile.
Absol-utely one of my favorite pokemon. Also can I be honest? I love the lore behind Absol. It's tries to help but it brings doom trying to save lives.
Absol doesn't bring doom, its just a misunderstood pokémon. Since its able to sense natural disasters warns the human polutation. But as a result, it used to be mistaken as the origin of the disasters.
Imagine being a Pokémon with 130 Attack and 75 Special Attack. Yet... You get all these moves: - Ice Beam - Blizzard - Thunderbolt - Thunder - Shadowball - Flamethrower - Flame Blast - Charge Beam - Incinerate - Water Pulse* ... I'd go emo too.
Absol is awesome one of my all time favorite dark type Pokemon so happy it's coming to sword and shield! Only thing I'll miss is it's mega evolution form.
I know it’s never been meta, but Absol can run a really fun all crit set, with Super Luck, a Scope Lens, and moves with high critical hit ratios like Night Slash, Stone Edge, Psycho Cut, etc
Needs a Dark type version of "Doom Desire" that can even send _fairies_ for an Hoopaloop (negates stat increases and makes that you can't escape, If they survive their Sp.Def plummets) 😈 Dark Fate
I keep being fascinated by the Battle Revolution footage. It amazes me how much a 6-Gen Console game's Pokemon animations look better than the current gen Switch Sword and Shield. I would love to see the camera, movement and death animations from Battle Revolution combined with Sword/Shield's particle effects and newer Pokemon models.
YAS! My favorite Pokémon ever! I was so hyped when Absol was one of those first 7 Pokémon revealed to get a Mega, I made sure to leave a spot open in my team cuz I was hoping I’d get access to Mega-Absol a lot sooner than we did in X/Y. It’s a shame it was never really top tier, but I’m sort of glad for that in a way since it means it didn’t lose some of its charm by being on every single team.
For me Absol is amazing, one of The Best dark type pokémon in lower tiers whit good attack swords dance, can handle a choice band of scarf and final can be used as a special sweeper thanks to good covarage in special movepool and calm mind.
Who else agrees that he needs to redo some of the older Pokemon like Gengar, Starmie and Dragonite since the information in those videos are really outdated?
I go back to this channel sometimes and forgot that some pokemon have already been covered, which is a good thing for me, since I can watch them again. And there's hundreds more pokemon to go!
This thing with the first 3 generations where they made mons belong to a type that doesn't correspond to their better attacking stat was always weird. Think of how Mightyena, Absol and Sharpedo are all physical attackers, but dark type, which is special. It's almost like GF wanted to include the Phys/Spe split in third gen, but couldn't.
His Pandora absolutely destroyed the Elite 4 like damn. I loved that Swagger Persim Berry strat against Shiftry too. Absol's a fun single player Pokémon
I just realized something Gen 3 physical filler moves for a shallow movepool: Hidden power and shadow ball Gen 4 special filler moves for a shallow movepool: Hidden Power and shadow ball
I loved Absol ever since it was shown and used smartly in PMD- although even then, it was more of a Deus-Ex Machine rather than something that kept coming up all the time. I wish they used it in a main Pokemon story the way it was used back then, sigh. EDIT: Fixed a typo, ouch.
While it may not be a "main" Pokemon story, an Absol did make frequent appearances throughout the Ruby and Sapphire arc of the Pokemon Adventures manga and played a major role. The same Absol even reappears in the ORAS arc.
Hey Kellen (and the rest of the FSG team), I've been watching your videos for a while, and nowadays you talk about every tier the pokemon has been in, and describe its role there, even if it's in a lower tier, while back in the day you pretty much only talked about OU and VGC, so what do you guys think about redoing some of those older videos (like the gen 1 starters video) while talking about how they did in the lower tiers? Much love
Before the vid starts -- "It isn't, sadly." After the vid ends -- "Mega gave it up a small leg up when that came up, but UU gen4 for normal and RU all the way after to 7 when it hit PU; fluffy stayed UU, barely... so, it wasn't really that good." What I would do to absol to maybe help it? More speed, little more bulk... might encourage people to use one of the few pokemon who can get 100% crit rate and have some use for it (that base attack is right there tied with Garchomp's, after all)
The USUM pokedex reveals that the ones who started spreading bad rumors of Absol were cranky old people. We must band together to save our good boi's reputation. Love and hug him. Constantly.
If you're slow, you better be bulky. If you're frail, you better be speedy. That's the problem with non-Mega Absol as well as Pokémon like Seviper and Cacturne.
Absol seems to come across me as a "chance dance" sort of thing. Had pokemon not been a turn-based game, the chance dancing might've been a thing, but since it isn't and there aren't a lot of games that allow free movement and relying on rng, whatever GameFreak was trying to do with Absol, it just wasn't cutting it.
I use Absol as my ace almost all the time, the thing I found to work was to abuse Super Luck, just give absol a Scope Lens and have multiple high crit chance moves, it's fun to see how much damage it can do.
Bruno Linares I feel your pain. Aggron is my favorite Pokémon, and competitively it’s really really bad. I don’t care. I adore my tri-horned metal dinosaur.
Dont believe the hype Bruno, I own a jolly natured Absol (iv/ev trained) and let me tell you once it sets up a couple of swords dances its unstoppable. It can take down a lot of pokemon in singles aside from bulky fairies. I use to use it with a gimmicky team with sleep status moves and reflect/lightscreen to help it setup aswell as help with its weak defenses.
@@Jamick98Geass Although I've never owned an Aggron it can be a serious threat. I remember playing online singles against it in xy & it's so freaking bulky. Even with physical super effective moves it refused to fall lol. As long as you can find pokemon to cover its weak points it can shine man.
@@captaindre536 Oh I know that, I used Absol in competitive battles in previous gens when it tends to do well with it's huge Attack. I am aware that it's outclassed by better offensive Dark types and Mega evolutions.
@@Jamick98Geass While Aggron is kinda bad it carries huge power with it's recoiless Head Smash. Although Mega Aggron has raised up considerably this generation on defensive teams.
Drew has an absol in the advanced generation anime and it feels like the writers were trying to give the spotlight to a few underused pokes like masquerain and roselia so all his pokemon look really cool.
I think if Absol started off with its' mega's speed and then ended up mega evolving, it could've been a threat. That would've given it the opportunity to get +20 in each of its defenses, and split the rest between attack and special attack.
I find it kind of morbidly funny that Absol's life consists of getting better every generation, but never getting better enough to keep pace. Every generation gives him something that's really good for him, but someone's always getting something better, so it's always playing catchup.
I like Absol but I never used one and kinda not a fan of his Mega Evolution bc its design should had been for Rapidash(which deserved a Mega that resembled a Pegasus) so it left a wierd feeling.
Pokemon Go players feel *_literal pain_* from hearing this name alone. Absol is a Level 4 raid like Tyranitar, and since you can't predict what the level 4 raid will be until the egg hatches, you have to wait and hope for the best. The moment when you see the Absol comes out is sheer pain.
Mega Absol should’ve been Dark/Fairy, maybe then it would’ve had a better time in the upper tiers
It’s not so bad, just needs to be handled like an ancient tomb artifact because if it’s hit, light’s out.
no it needs to get better stats thats it.
If Absol was Fairy it would have cruised in XY
It even looks like fairy, rly sad that they didnt make him that
itd be cool if it was classified as a dark type but is actually a psychic fairy type in battle but that might be weird
Doomed to be an outcast both in lore and in the meta. How fitting.
Still one of my personal favorite Mons, tiers be damned.
Underrated in gen 8. It received Bounce and Close Combat via TR and Super Luck/Scope Lens sets can twoshot the likes of defensive Rhyperior.
At least he's good in Unite...
Could he foresee his own demise. I could not. Not as long as he lives
It's still really nice to use when you aren't being serious about competitive... at least, after gen 3. Gen 6 and on it can have Super Luck and you can give it 100% crit chance, which is pretty fun to play around with.
I do like how Mega Absol was given Magic Bounce.
Think about it: If you are immune to Status moves, then you can use Sucker Punch more safely without having to worry about *predicting*
It’s genius.
mushroomdude123 opponent uses substitute
@@anabear9485 You kinda expect that if they're Grass at least. Maybe run your own Sub alongside them?
mushroomdude123 the best way I have found to use mega absol is as a baton pass sweeper. Throat chop is actually amazing for this because perish song is annoying.
Too bad that Sucker Punch was nerfed
Imo Absol's best use is for catching pokemon in the games.
Thunder Wave,
False Swipe,
Feint Attack,
Swords Dance/Mean Look,
Ability: Pressure
Holding Absolite/Leftovers.
Its a hard hitting False Swipe user that learns Thunder Wave. Feint Attack covers mons that spam evasion/accuracy affecting moves or ghost types, Mean look covers mons that wanna escape like the stupid dogs or Abra. Otherwise take SD for a beefier False Swipe. Absolite gives you magic bounce which is nice against mons that try to hax you, otherwise leftovers is nice for sustaining up while tossing balls. I've always used Absol like this.
FSG drinking game: take a shot every time "With this gen's UU resembling the previous generation's OU" is mentioned in the script
omgcandy16Kimicari0 take another drink if it happens referring to Gen 5. Oh wait, then you'll go to the hospital.
i should do this to avoid the draft
yeah no I don't drink.
kids that do are posers or just want that attention "hey look they're drunk whoopie so are those homeless folk thats where that hobby will lead you jajaja"
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ bro act like a normal human being please im begging you
@@feliznavidad1114 i'm not a filthy normie.
For real Absol is that meme as a Pokémon. I can't remember how many emo-girls in my school said that absol is their favorite Pokémon.
My friend tells me absol is his spirit animal he does his hair like one.he looks like a gay emo
@@pugpugsly2829 Does he also have a scythe protruding from his head XD
Absol's mother: So, you'll be borderline as a mega and low-tier otherwise forever? You are such a disappointing child.
@@jaschabull2365 No wonder Absol is like that. His mutha is an absolute savage.
2:27 *I used the Taunt to destroy the Taunt*
Misdreavus: Where did my debuff go?
Absol: *Gone. Reduced to atoms.*
Misdreavus used Taunt!
Absol used no u!
Reminds me of countering a counter
And imprisoning an imprison move
@@rushylvanianorthern that is impossible, i think
I still fondly remember going through Route 120 for the first time and searching for some new Pokémon, and then, out of the blue, coming across this unique beast. I legit thought it was some legendary because of how small its encounter rate was and how much it reminded me of Legendary Beasts.
Now that fluffy disaster boy is my absolute favourite and you have no idea how happy I felt when I found out during the X/Y era that it got the prettiest Mega in the game.
You mean your ABSOLute favorite?
Wait, what do you mean Mega Absol isn't a fairy type?
Dbz macky do trunks vs goten
Hmm.... I dunno A Pokemon Who Searches Disasters Is Non Fit to Be Fairy types
Can I mount and ride a absol?
@@ThiefMagicianMasterSpark Absol is actually trying to warn people of the disasters that are coming so idk it could be a dark/fairy
@@ThiefMagicianMasterSpark Neither does Mimikyu with the whole "die if you see me without costume".
Absol is ABSOLUTELY one of the *coolest* gen 3 pokemon. And just a misunderstood good boi.
@sO gUyS wE dId It ive been saying that for years... but apparently impidimp is more of a dark/fairy than a misunderstood 'disaster bringer' that dedicates its life to warn people from disaster... Well done gamefreak D:
Especially against Tate and Liza 😍
Ight Absol is cool and all
But how does he compare to a literal super computer with legs and x on it's face.
@Jessica Koenigsbach i feel you my mans should've got a mega evolution with Sharpedo ;-;
Everytime I see a Clefable in DPP taking a super-effective fighting move makes me miss the old days.
Absol is one of my favorite Pokemon. She was in my Emerald team and I love her cry so much. It is sad to see it struggle to find place, even with Mega.
Sooo my friend, you assume Absols gender?
If I can make Blastoise you can do it with Absol! Take your favorites to the top.
@@Based_Lord My Absol in my Emerald team was a girl~ I'm specifically referring to her.
Absol was always a favorite of mine. Especially after mystery dungeons. Something not being amazing in comp doesn’t make them bad. It’s an absolute monster in normal play.
Luckily you don't need to worry about that anymore, they've most likely removed her from the game in Sword and Shield :)
Absol has been so underwhelming that seeing that he has a 130 Atk stat caught me completely off guard.
130 attack is pretty useless if you arnt fast and cant survive to get it off.
Robert Harris I agree. It’s just so forgettable I thought it’s Atk stat was significantly lower, like 90 or something
Vikavolt has the same problem as Absol. 145 special attack with STAB Thunder and Bug Buzz is amazing
but all of Vikavolt's other stats are less than 100 and of those most of them are less than 80 speed less than 50
I mean baton pass with ninja the speed and vikavolt rekts everything
Absol reminds me of Luxray specifically in the sense that it looks like it should be much faster than it is...
Hard to imagine what Game Freak's idea behind this Pokemon was supposed to be with that typing and stat spread
Try doing Max HP/Def/SpDef and Max Attack EV's with Choice Band, Muscle Band or Life Orb and give it an Adamant nature. Sucker Punch strikes offensive Pokemon first and 75 base Speed should be enough to outspeed most walls using status moves without investment. Prankster powered moves fail against Absol because of the Dark typing so a wallbreaker that can survive hits should not be a bad idea. 🖤
Also both had the issue of being physical attackers that debuted with mostly special attacks in their moveset.
And now they're taking away mega evolutions.
Absol is literally one of those pokemon that needs such a thing.
Beedrill, Pidgeot and Mawile are having a good cry over that.
@@moonjelly5 Here's hoping Gamefreak, or anyone else in charge, realizes that was a stupid idea.
I mean, the makers of Pokemon Masters seem to notice it is.
Who knows? Absol may not even be in Sword/Shield.
Absol has a fairly good chance of being in Sword/Shield due to it being a reoccurring omen-foreshadower. Every area it appears in ends up having something to do with whatever disaster plot is going on (it's always in close proximity to a plot-relevant area) as something of a running gag.
@Jessica Koenigsbach I'm taking Pokemon Masters as a hint that Pokemon Company knows that they screwed up with the whole 'no mega evolutions' thing and that this might get fixed quickly.
Also, I still think Pokemon Home should have been a home console release.
I wonder how much the story would have changed if Absol had a 95 base speed and it's mega had 135 base.
I'd bump up his speed, a character like that having middling speed makes no sense.
Also a dark variant of Future Sight as a signature skill for him would be fun.
I’d take a bit from Attack to put more into Special Attack and Speed to make a mixed attacker, it has a nice pool of special moves that it cannot use.
Better to have a future sight like move that protects you pokemon after one or two turns. Like wish but it protects instead of recovers. Normal priority next turn and then it plus six priority next turn, giving you better switching capabilities. Works lore wise too
Instead of pressure which is useless since it has no bulk. Maybe forewarn could replace, heck, tack on runaway as another ability. Then make runaway do smth in battles. Maybe it can make you immune to trapping moves and make it so the mon can switch more easily/better somehow. Absol as a frail pivot support mon that is somehow has tanky as ferro or teleport regen mons is badass
@@gesundheitoh520 Pursuit was supposedly removed because of its weird interactions with Dynamax but if Dmax is gone they could bring it back, Runaway would be interesting to block trapping moves and make the Pokemon immune to Pursuit.
BRO I was just playing Pokémon and my absol tried to learn future sight and I thought, maybe absol should have got a Dark type version of this!!!
This Pokemon is a great example of the 4 move limitation
Danny Wave Do you think it’s a necessary evil?
@@beta511ee4 sadly Yes
@@spadesandshades-pc9tx What kind of buff would you suggest?
@@beta511ee4 health buff for sure
@@beta511ee4 maybe remaking some pokemon stats or balance out I mean my favorite generation was 3 and i can say some of them got trashed hard
Normal Absol: Edgelord
Mega Absol: Pretty Alicorn Pony Princess
EdmacZ FABULOUS Alicorn pony
Mega absol: angel of death
@Dick Faggotson Sure thing. That one came from someone else. Right.
It came from me, actually, lmao
Pretty Alicorn edgy pony princess
Finally I’ve been waiting forever! Absol is absolutely one of my favourite Pokémon!
Not so fun fact: When I played Pokemon Ruby for the first time as a kid, I wasted my master ball on absol due to thinking it was a legendary Pokemon. (It was in a Pokemon movie)
same actually
Just what the fk?
I always save mine for either roamings or shinies
@Siper There is no such thing as a "Semi-Pseudo Legendary" pokemon.
Absol, Lucario and Zoroark are fan favorites, indeed. And they are very cool pokemon, no one will deny that, but creating a new category to get the illusion(pun intended) that your favorite pokemon is more than just a normal pokemon by giving it a special title or group is just headcanon.
It's OK if your favorite pokemon is just a normal one, trust me, I would know. My favorite pokemon is Haxorus, and he is basically the face of the whole "Semi-Pseudo" argument, and it makes some sense, because 90% of people probably thought Haxorus was a Pseudo legendary for the longest time, it just looks like one, but we must accept the reality, Flygon, Haxorus, and many others are just regular pokemon. Really cool regular pokemon, but just regular pokemon.
@@babywizard9027 Imagine commenting on a 2y old reply to bring somebody down. Why bother man?
I remember putting an Absol on my online team in x/y specifically for its megas ability (magic bounce) to deal with gimmick teams & soon after it became one of my favorite pokemon. Set up a couple of screens for it, sleep a pokemon for a safe switch, setup your sword dances & BAM instant sweep!
@Finn Ewingnot really, when you're playing against any competent person especially 🇯🇵 players sweeping right off the bat isn't something you'll get away with. In fact some players will use that against you. Is it possible to sweep in fewer turns? Ofc, but when that happens someone came severely unprepared lol
@Finn Ewing int not actually 2 turns for screens of one with aurora vile prefered to use light clay which setting up screens helps already for the rest of the team sent amoongus which is good in genral and spore something switch out dance and kill
Remind me again why Mega Absol isn't a Dark and Fairy type?
Rapidash kinda deserves the design of Mega Absol bc u know, Rapidash should had a mega evolution with wings to be a pegasus
@@darianclark3980 yes sir
Because Gamefreak. Any other stupid questions?
Too bad gamefreak doesnt see this so they just be stoopid and look at their amazing mega audinos instead...
Why would m-absol be fairy? Ain't lookin like a fairy mon.
10:16 it ABSOLutely destroyed the tier.
*lobs coffee mug in your general direction*
No this is horrible
Absol has one of the most underrated Mega’s just because of its simplicity. Although I think it should’ve become a Fairy Type.
@Craft Zeppelin still waiting on a trickster themed dark typed gym.
@Craft Zeppelin Im not sure about how underrated dark types are. They are plenty of amazing ones like greninja and tyranitar.
Those are the exeption though, not the rule.
If you dont belive me, go around and ask how many people use megas like Mega Absol or Mega Houndoom
Eh, I think it has potential to be really good against stall b/c magic bounce, but a) clefable, b) it’s still too specific of a niche to justify using, c) it’s poor defense and hp makes it really easy to wear down.
@@funninoriginal6054 Yea but like if you compare dark types to something like an ice type, they aren't as bad.
My constant asking have finally been answered, I’ve been waiting for the Absol video for years! I am now content. Even if it is bad, I’ll always love Absol!
Imagine if absol was faster and had a move set
Do you mean Mega Gyarados or even Mega Absol? Who am I kidding, S&S will delete them anyway
Absol's movepool is fine. it just suffers from 4 moveslot syndrome.
Wow u right one of the tragic victims of 4 moveslot syndrome
i dont think sw&sh going to remove them but not adding new ones
@@LunarSage69 can I ask wtf is 4 moveset syndrome is?
I remember one time when online in PBR that I went up against an Absol with my Metagross. I landed a Meteor Mash and it had a Focus Sash. It proceeded to use Counter.
Now I want you to look up Absol's movepool and make your own conclusions for how unbelievably salty I was!
It's a gen 3 move tutor move, so what's the problem?
Huh, I seriously thought that was illegal. I thought I looked at everything, but I can't believe I missed that tutor page. Well now I'm just embarrassed...
I'm pretty sure the PBR servers checked for illegal Pokémon on Wifi and didn't let you participate with them. I remember that it became a huge deal when Darkrai and Arceus finally got released onto the random Wifi mode, so they did filter individual Pokémon. And I'm pretty sure the movesets were checked too.
Really? Good to know. I didn't get to play PBR online as much as I wanted to, so I just assumed the regulations were lax. My bad.
I could see you still being salty since that means they had to get a good natured Absol in a GBA game, then transfer it forward four generations. Probably just genned it, but I would still be annoyed.
“I’m greedy and wanted another dark type, that is all”
“(Used in 1/10 of games)”
Gen 6 VGC Absol really wasn’t that good
Its a decent speed tier and hits hard as hell. Idk about its move pool though.
Last time I was this early, the BL tiers were numbered
You really have been slacking then
I still tend to use the numbers out of habit, it gets the idea across
Are they not.....
Not anymore
@@KokiriKidLink Well, it doesn't really matter cause they're all BL KNIGHTS
I just started to play Pokemon Ultra Sun after 7 YEARS without even looking at any Pokemon games at all.
I didn't expect Absol dropped the edgy act and had a heart warming smile.
Ikr... They even open their mouth on occasion! It's so cute 8)
That's why it's my favorite Dark-Type!
Yay! Finally! I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I know it wasn’t the greatest, but Absol is amazing in my heart.
Last time I was this early, slowbro dominated the meta
Thank you for covering both mega and normal forms. I wish we had that on your older videos.
Absol-utely one of my favorite pokemon.
Also can I be honest?
I love the lore behind Absol.
It's tries to help but it brings doom trying to save lives.
It more like "i'm just the messenger, not the war"
Absol doesn't bring doom, its just a misunderstood pokémon. Since its able to sense natural disasters warns the human polutation. But as a result, it used to be mistaken as the origin of the disasters.
For someone who loves the lore, you don't actually know it
I actually wanted to say people confuse it for the doom bringer.
I got distracted.
@@openinginawe5518 dont worry fam, I understood you!
Imagine being a Pokémon with 130 Attack and 75 Special Attack.
Yet... You get all these moves:
- Ice Beam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder
- Shadowball
- Flamethrower
- Flame Blast
- Charge Beam
- Incinerate
- Water Pulse*
I'd go emo too.
“Impending doo-isaster” had me weak
Still stronger than how "good" was regigigas actually
Absol is awesome one of my all time favorite dark type Pokemon so happy it's coming to sword and shield! Only thing I'll miss is it's mega evolution form.
I looked up yesterday to see if you’ve done absol yet and I was wondering when’s it’s happen. Neat
Absol: You have taken everything from me!
Bisharp: -laughs in edge-
I've been waiting a long time for this! I love this Pokemon so much, so sad that it's stats don't reflect how cool it is.
I know it’s never been meta, but Absol can run a really fun all crit set, with Super Luck, a Scope Lens, and moves with high critical hit ratios like Night Slash, Stone Edge, Psycho Cut, etc
I loved the “how bad” in regigigas need more
Finally FSG you did a fan favorite.
Needs a Dark type version of "Doom Desire" that can even send _fairies_ for an Hoopaloop
(negates stat increases and makes that you can't escape, If they survive their Sp.Def plummets) 😈 Dark Fate
Only if Hydreigon gets it too
I keep being fascinated by the Battle Revolution footage. It amazes me how much a 6-Gen Console game's Pokemon animations look better than the current gen Switch Sword and Shield. I would love to see the camera, movement and death animations from Battle Revolution combined with Sword/Shield's particle effects and newer Pokemon models.
Absol gen 3 - 5 ""The edgiest pokemon of all the land."
Absol gen 6 and beyond. (Rule 34) "We got this."
I just wanna say your vids helped me get through a tuff time giving me some kinda schedule thing to look forward too so thank you
I've always loved absol since it was introduced. It works fine in the battle tree in sun and moon on double battles (I used mega absol and blissey)
YAS! My favorite Pokémon ever! I was so hyped when Absol was one of those first 7 Pokémon revealed to get a Mega, I made sure to leave a spot open in my team cuz I was hoping I’d get access to Mega-Absol a lot sooner than we did in X/Y. It’s a shame it was never really top tier, but I’m sort of glad for that in a way since it means it didn’t lose some of its charm by being on every single team.
How good was MetalGreymon Actually??
Overshadowed by his evolutions wargreymon and Bwargreymon.
Also loses to machinedramon compared.
But its the bestest of the 3rd stage starters
@@davidchildrape6549 too strong, i prefer stingmon for a challenge
For me Absol is amazing, one of The Best dark type pokémon in lower tiers whit good attack swords dance, can handle a choice band of scarf and final can be used as a special sweeper thanks to good covarage in special movepool and calm mind.
Absol is my favorite Dark type Pokémon.
Who else agrees that he needs to redo some of the older Pokemon like Gengar, Starmie and Dragonite since the information in those videos are really outdated?
They should just do one video listing all the changes that happend in gen 7, no point in making whole videos for one gen.
Wait till Gen 8
Oh absolutely
@@meowistforlife gen 8 will be easy wince there will be so few that are in it.
@@robertharris6092 smogon gonna include them all
Probably my favorite Pokemon, the poor badass needs some love.
I go back to this channel sometimes and forgot that some pokemon have already been covered, which is a good thing for me, since I can watch them again. And there's hundreds more pokemon to go!
I always felt absol should have had a higher base speed. It just looks like it’d be faster than purugly
This thing with the first 3 generations where they made mons belong to a type that doesn't correspond to their better attacking stat was always weird. Think of how Mightyena, Absol and Sharpedo are all physical attackers, but dark type, which is special. It's almost like GF wanted to include the Phys/Spe split in third gen, but couldn't.
How good was Ninjask actually
And Omastar?
Anyone remembers Chuggaaconroy’s Absol Pandora
Yeah, I remember that Emerald playthrough
His Pandora absolutely destroyed the Elite 4 like damn. I loved that Swagger Persim Berry strat against Shiftry too. Absol's a fun single player Pokémon
Goken yeah I remember that good times Chuggaaconroy is awesome
@@OnlyGoken Remind me why he named his Absol "Pandora" again? It's a cool name, don't get me wrong, I use it too. but like uh, explain ples
@@ThePokemonKage i believe it was because of Pandora's Box
Absol is one of those Pokémon I always forget about, but I’m always reminded of how interesting and cool it is when I see it
I just realized something
Gen 3 physical filler moves for a shallow movepool: Hidden power and shadow ball
Gen 4 special filler moves for a shallow movepool: Hidden Power and shadow ball
I loved Absol ever since it was shown and used smartly in PMD- although even then, it was more of a Deus-Ex Machine rather than something that kept coming up all the time. I wish they used it in a main Pokemon story the way it was used back then, sigh.
EDIT: Fixed a typo, ouch.
While it may not be a "main" Pokemon story, an Absol did make frequent appearances throughout the Ruby and Sapphire arc of the Pokemon Adventures manga and played a major role. The same Absol even reappears in the ORAS arc.
Absol is one of my all time favorites!!! Thanks for the video
I still used Mega Absol in OU back when I played gen 7, did tons of work
I always cut my finger when absol uses swords dance. Thats the amount of edge it have
Hey Kellen (and the rest of the FSG team), I've been watching your videos for a while, and nowadays you talk about every tier the pokemon has been in, and describe its role there, even if it's in a lower tier, while back in the day you pretty much only talked about OU and VGC, so what do you guys think about redoing some of those older videos (like the gen 1 starters video) while talking about how they did in the lower tiers? Much love
I like how this guy is like a Pokemon Historian. Very informative stuff.
Before the vid starts -- "It isn't, sadly."
After the vid ends -- "Mega gave it up a small leg up when that came up, but UU gen4 for normal and RU all the way after to 7 when it hit PU; fluffy stayed UU, barely... so, it wasn't really that good."
What I would do to absol to maybe help it? More speed, little more bulk... might encourage people to use one of the few pokemon who can get 100% crit rate and have some use for it (that base attack is right there tied with Garchomp's, after all)
I caught an Absol last night in Shining Pearl, and I named him Absol Badguy.
Ky kingdra
FSG: How good was Absol actually?
Top comment, featured in the video, and right after my birthday. Could not ask for more. Thank you.
No one:
Absolutely no one in the world:
Absol's cry: *UwU*
Absols my favourite Pokémon, it’s a shame he isn’t very good as I would love to bring him into more battles
"I'm greedy and wanted another dark type. That is all."
The USUM pokedex reveals that the ones who started spreading bad rumors of Absol were cranky old people.
We must band together to save our good boi's reputation.
Love and hug him. Constantly.
So apparently this was posted 2 minutes ago and now I'm here
Your videos are the best part about Sundays.
How good was Raticate actually?
I will never give up!
Answer: Bad
If you're slow, you better be bulky.
If you're frail, you better be speedy.
That's the problem with non-Mega Absol as well as Pokémon like Seviper and Cacturne.
There are exceptions, like Crawdaunt.
Crawdaunt has access to Adaptability boosted Aqua Jet to mitigate it somewhat.
And Rampardos
And Luxray
@person person Breloom has a surprisingly decent set of resistances, which helps a ton
"If the other guy's bigger, you gotta be quicker." -Spider-Man
Feels like a relevant quote.
I was ABSOLutely looking forward to this!
I love Absol's song "Terrorist Threats" featuring Danny Brown and Jhene Aiko
Absol snaps
Finally you do my favorite Pokémon I’ve been waiting and asking and it’s finally here
Does anybody remember Absol from Pokemon Mystery dungeon Ginji's Adventure?
Finally!! The wait has been long but it's been worth it
Only 75 base speed? Damn. Should’ve been at least 95.
Absol! One of my favorite Hoenn Pokemon!
Absol seems to come across me as a "chance dance" sort of thing.
Had pokemon not been a turn-based game, the chance dancing might've been a thing, but since it isn't and there aren't a lot of games that allow free movement and relying on rng, whatever GameFreak was trying to do with Absol, it just wasn't cutting it.
I use Absol as my ace almost all the time, the thing I found to work was to abuse Super Luck, just give absol a Scope Lens and have multiple high crit chance moves, it's fun to see how much damage it can do.
aaaaand it's trash...
Bruno Linares I feel your pain. Aggron is my favorite Pokémon, and competitively it’s really really bad. I don’t care. I adore my tri-horned metal dinosaur.
Dont believe the hype Bruno, I own a jolly natured Absol (iv/ev trained) and let me tell you once it sets up a couple of swords dances its unstoppable. It can take down a lot of pokemon in singles aside from bulky fairies. I use to use it with a gimmicky team with sleep status moves and reflect/lightscreen to help it setup aswell as help with its weak defenses.
@@Jamick98Geass Although I've never owned an Aggron it can be a serious threat. I remember playing online singles against it in xy & it's so freaking bulky. Even with physical super effective moves it refused to fall lol. As long as you can find pokemon to cover its weak points it can shine man.
@@captaindre536 Oh I know that, I used Absol in competitive battles in previous gens when it tends to do well with it's huge Attack. I am aware that it's outclassed by better offensive Dark types and Mega evolutions.
@@Jamick98Geass While Aggron is kinda bad it carries huge power with it's recoiless Head Smash. Although Mega Aggron has raised up considerably this generation on defensive teams.
Drew has an absol in the advanced generation anime and it feels like the writers were trying to give the spotlight to a few underused pokes like masquerain and roselia so all his pokemon look really cool.
How Mega-Absol wasn't Dark/Fairy I will never know
Why should it be a fairy-type? It doesn't even look like one....
Is Absol my favourite dark Pokémon?
Am I gonna use it in competitive?
I'm that stubborn person who still uses Super Luck Scope Lens Absol in OU
I think if Absol started off with its' mega's speed and then ended up mega evolving, it could've been a threat. That would've given it the opportunity to get +20 in each of its defenses, and split the rest between attack and special attack.
My absol fix: 20 more base speed.
I find it kind of morbidly funny that Absol's life consists of getting better every generation, but never getting better enough to keep pace. Every generation gives him something that's really good for him, but someone's always getting something better, so it's always playing catchup.
Still, I love absol, one of my favorite Dark type pokemon
Pokedex: Swift as the wind...
Absol: base 75 speed
It truly hurts
And unite made it a speedster..
I like Absol but I never used one and kinda not a fan of his Mega Evolution bc its design should had been for Rapidash(which deserved a Mega that resembled a Pegasus) so it left a wierd feeling.
Pokemon Go players feel *_literal pain_* from hearing this name alone.
Absol is a Level 4 raid like Tyranitar, and since you can't predict what the level 4 raid will be until the egg hatches, you have to wait and hope for the best.
The moment when you see the Absol comes out is sheer pain.