Is invoking the dead Bidah or Shirk ? Dr. Bilal Philips & Karim AbuZaid
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- Refutations of Yasser Qadhi`s claims
13:22 Should Scholars speak out against the misguided ones? Q1
16:33 Does using terms like Wahabi, Najdi display Tolerance? Q2
20:33 Does adhering to Tawheed make you dangerous? Q3
25:12 Is invoking the Dead Saints Shirk or Bidah? Q5
30:55 How should a revert react to a Muslim who promotes Grave worshipping? Q6
37:53 How should a scholar(PHD) answer a question about grave worshipping? Q7
45:18 Is calling upon the dead saints shirk or just a regular sin? Q8
1:00:12 why should we spaek against a living misguided scholar? Q9
1:09:21 should a Muslim learn Islam from a Non Muslim? Q10
1:20:14 An advice to Islamic institutions employing misguided people. Q11
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Masha Allah Dr Phillips did a great job of explaining the adab of correcting people who make mistakes, the necessity of avoiding sectarianism and causing fitna when walking a tightrope on sensitive topics without rising to the questioners bait. He also did well in explaining how as one gains more knowledge, viewpoints may change as in the case of Imam Shafaai and giving advice to learn from different sources, take the good while leaving what is not beneficial and to always keep an open mind. May Allah heal, guide and reward Dr Phillips with Jennah. Amin.
Jazaakallahu khayran for this comment
Jazakallah khair.. may Allah raise your status. We can't thank you on words for guiding us to the true path.
⚠️ Warning For All Those Who Do Bid’ah
( 1 ) Allah warns us in the Quran “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, & completed my favour upon you , and have chosen for you Islam as your religion”
( Quran 5 : 3 )
( 2 ) Please note the perfected & complete religion was without any bid’ah ( bid’ah is all newly invented deeds which the Prophet P.B.U.H did not mention )
( 3 ) The Prophet P.B.U.H said “Every innovation is going astray, and every astray
will be in the Fire. ” Narrated by M-uslim (867) and an-N-asaa’i (1578)
( 4 ) Many muslims continue to do bid’ah by claiming this is bid’ah Hasanah
( bid’ah Hasanah is good newly invented deeds ) these people should ask themselves if there is such a thing as good alcohol ❓ The answer is NO, as Every Alcohol is forbidden. The Prophet P.B.U.H said every bid'ah is forbidden, there is no such thing as good bid’ah & bad bid’ah
( 5 ) You are wasting time & money
For brother Karim AbuZaid, please fix your microphone, or maybe put it more away from your mouth. May Allah bless you with Jannatul firdews and dr Bilal, amin. Salams from Bosnia!
May Allah bless and preserve our sheikh ameen
May Allah bless you uncles!!!
بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم الله خيرا أسأل الله العظيم رب العرش الكريم أن يحفظكم جميعا امين يارب
We love you too for the sake ALLAH
Salaam wa rahmatullah Sheikh Karim. Could you shed some light on the Islamic veiw on trading/buying/selling in crypto-currency?
Jazakallahu khairan
Was there a discussion before these questions and answers?
59:00 I didn't quite get this part, Sheikh. Isn't hujjah only needed for punishment not for labeling a graveworshipper as mushrik? I mean judging by what we see, a graveworshipper is a mushrik not muwahhid even if he claims to be a muslim. Isn't that what the mushrikoon of makkah used to do? They would call themselves followers of Ibraheem, but yet commit act of shirk.
Or else it opens door for the general Muslims to make takfeer on anyone
4 Barriers to Takfir
1. Jahl - Quran 2 :21, 17 :15, 4 :165 (Includes incorrect Tawil)
2. Error of forgetfullness - Quran 2 :286
3. Force - Quran 16 :106
4. Unsound Mind in Ackel or Emotion - Hadith via Ali pen is lifted from 3, or Hadith S. Muslim the man who lost his camel and accidently said I am your Lord.
Ma sha Allah
No God but God!!!
There is no god worthy of worship except Allah!
Quran 11 : 101. We wronged them not, but they wronged themselves. So their alihah (gods), other than Allah, whom they invoked, profited them naught when there came the Command of your Lord, nor did they add aught to them but destruction.
Here we see Allah separated the concept of Lord & god!
So one could say the categories of Tawhid goes back to Quran.
In addition it was mentioned by the Salaf.
Abu Hanifa (80H. - 150 H.)
Imaam Abu Haneefah said, “It is not befitting for anyone to call upon Him, except by Him, and with the supplication that He has permitted and commanded, that which is instructed in His statement:
“And Allaah has Beautiful Names, so call upon Him by them, and leave the company of those who deviate concerning His Names. They will be recompensed for what they used to do.” [Sooratul-A’raaf 7:180]” [ad-Durrul-Mukhtaar ma’a Haashiyah Raddul-Muhtaar
(This refutes the fake hadith of Adam making Wasilah with name of Prophet peace and blessings on him's name which is a fake hadith acc. to Imam Abu Hanifa)
Abu Haneefah said, ‘It is detested for the supplicator to say, ‘I ask You by the right of so & so,’ or, ‘By the right of Your Prophets and Messengers, and by the right of the Sacred House and the Sacred Sanctuary.” [Sharhul-’Aqeedatut-Tahaawiyyah (p. 234) and Ithaafus-Saadaatul-Mustaqeem (2/285) and Sharhul-Fiqhil-Akbar (p. 198) of al-Qaaree]
And Abu Haneefah said, ‘It is not befitting for anyone to call upon Allaah, except by Him, and it is even more detestable for him to say: By the junctures of Honour from your Throne, or ‘By the Right of Your Creation.” [al-Fiqhul-Absat (p. 56)]
And Allah is to be called upon Upwards, not downwards, because lowness is not from the description of Ruboobiyyah and Uloohiyyah. - Fiqhul Asbat p. 51.
Ahmad ibn Abdullah Abu Nu'aym al-Isfahani/Asbahani ( 337 - 430 H.)
Ibn Battah al-Ukbaree said in his work (الإبانة عن شريعة الفرقة الناجية), "al-Ibaanah", (2/172-173):
And this is because the foundation of al-eemaan (faith) in Allah whose belief is obligatory upon the creation in affirmation of of belief in Him is [comprised of] three things:
The first of them: That the slave believe in his Rabbaaniyyah (his Lordship over all creation) so that by this he separates from the doctrine of the negators who do not affirm a maker (creator).
And the second: That he believes in his Wahdaaniyyah (his sole right to be worshipped) so that by this he separates from the people of shirk (associationism) who affirm the Maker (Creator) but they associated others with Him in worship.
And the third: That he believes Him be to be described with [such] attributes which are not permitted except for Him to be described with, such as knowledge (ilm), power (qudrah), wisdom (hikmah) and all of what He has descrbed Himself with in His Book.
Since we know that many of those who affirm Him (in His Rabbaaniyyah) and single Him out [in His Wahdaaniyyah] with a generalized saying, but who deviate in [the subject of] His Attributes, and thus his deviation in the Attributes is damaging to His Tawhid. And also because we find that Allaah, the Most High, has addressed His slaves by inviting them to have belief in all of these three types and to have faith in them.
Assalamualaikum it’s me the student from your online lessen
It’s Arjuman or arfan
no God but God!!!
There is no god except ALLAH!
Assalamo alaikom. Kindly consider not to use the bk nasheed. Jazak Allahu khairan.