Ma,sha,ALLAH, many thanks Dr Bilal may ALLAH(SWT)reward you for all your efforts and grant you good in this world and grant you good in the hereafter.AL FIRDOUS.AMEEN.
Thank you Sheikh for this talk .. i have always been confused regarding this topic of Madzhab…. you have helped cleared my confusion …i have certainly benefited from listening to this talk…. May Allah keep you safe and grant you health in this time of uncertainty .. Aamiin
Jazzakallha Khair Big Bro. I now have a new way of understanding and as a new Muslim revert, all this labels confuse me. So I decided that I shall not have any labels for my Deen.
JazakAllah khair katheeran brother for very educational talk to remove so much misconceptions about concepts of Maghab. May Allah swt always protect us all and always keep us on right path
What a Beautiful explanation on Madhabs dividing Muslims...MashaAllah. May Allah bless you in this life & grant you JannahAlFirdaus in the hearafter....Ameen💚
You people who follow no madhab are the biggest division makers in the ummah you have salafi ahlul hadith madkhali ikhwani etc you have more division within yourselves then what the extreme madhab followers ever did Four madhab are results of usul al fiqh usul al hadith people with no madhab have no usul in anyhrong hence they're views are a mess and Contradicts
They take from whichever has the most authentic daleel. No Muslim who is following the Salaf would blindly follow a mathab. We live in a time where we can easily search and study for the strongest most authentic views at the touch of a button, so there is no reason to blindly follow anyone. We shouldn’t blindly follow anyone besides the Prophet ﷺ. Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen said: “If what is intended by sticking to a Madhab is that a person sticks to that Madhab, and turns away from everything else; whether the correct view lies in his his Madhab or in another Madhab- than this is not permissible, and is from the blameworthy and bigoted partisanship.”
Who narated the Sunnah? The Sahabah. The prophet (s) said the best generation is my sahaba then is The Tabieen then the Tabi tabieen then after that will come the people who break their oaths. The 4 imams are from Tabieen & imam Hambali is Tabi tabieen. We can take from them. Anything afer the 3 pious predecessors we dont accept. The 3 Generations are the REAL SALAFI. So dont say youre a sahaba and dont say youre a salafi because you are insutling the ones who earned that tital. The prophet (s) said about the 73 sects, that the correct group are the ones who follow his Sunnah and his companions Sunnah. This is the meaning of Ahlul Sunnah. What is Ahlul Sunnah "Wal Jamaat" ? It means the ijmah (consensus) of the 3 pious generations (True Salafi's). So dont follow Taqleed cause this is a major sin and bringing a new Fiqh from Ahlul Bid'aa. Strictly take from the 3 generations. And everything please refer it to Quran and sunnah. If you can bring your proof to follow this newly invented matter than i would like to see where you take this new fiqh from. If you need the full hadiths i quoted about these mentioned above i will gladly do so. But these hadiths are the backbone of our religion. Pleasr research these to refute any inovations. Allah guide you and me to Quran and Sunnah the way Sahabah understood it. Amin
Muhammad Salafi the prophet said we can take from the 3 pious generations (the real salafi). The 4 imams where of the 3 generations did you not know that? Do you need the hadith? Thats like saying which of the Sahabah where right. Or which of the Tabieen where right. Because every hadith you read is narated by a sahabah. You say imam Bukhari was right and he wasnt even from the Salaf.
Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik were both part of the Salaf. These differences of opinions and methodology have always existed and were not made up generations after like Bills Phillips said. We are supposed to respect the validity of other people of knowledge’s views.
Our brother Bilal seems to have not understood to whom Abu Hanifa actually said to put aside his ruling. He said to his students not to us, who have no knowledge to speak of, to put aside his rulings and they actually did it, his students have perfected the school of thought. So did other students of schools of thought. So when you hear someone like Bilal say Abu Hanifa said this and that, first examine it carefully.
as-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah, I believe that the number of countries mentioned at the very end in the credits is a misquote. it says there are over 217 countries, but I think the actual number is just under 200
No it's not free. They have two separate departments. The diploma part which is quite good. You need to give a donation. How much you donate is up to you. The official university is not free but it's quite affordable.
The ummah had always been following the 4 main streams of Jurisprudence. In fact you are causing the ummah to divide, there were only 4 before and now You are creating a 5th one Secondly they just dont understand, do the 4 Imams dont follow Rasoolulluah saw ??? Every legal issue is based on Quran and Hadeeth, you think they made up their own sect ? The difference of opinion was even present amongst the companions, how can you claim for everyone to be 1 ?
@@MrResearcher122 Sure, since they were 28 I won't be surprised, create a 5th one in today's era which is known as Salafism, but please don't criticise and point fingers at those who follow a particular mazhab, how in the earth every layman can follow Quran and Sunnah directly ? Everyone don't have the tools to deduce injunctions directly, they'll have to follow someone end of the day, then if they have to follow someone they rather follow 1 of those 4 Imams which were closet to prophets time than to follow any of these shaykhs of today. People just can't understand the fact of following a mazhab, they say follow the prophet don't follow the imam 😑😬 So they mean Imams don't follow prophet themselves ??? Every injunction is backed up by evidence from Quran and Sunnah
@@shamsal-rahman1780 Beauty of Islam is its simplicity. It agrees with the fitra. A peasant can understand it. A professor can admire and follow it. Quran is a Book about one God. Sunna is simple: prophet muhammad, peace be upon him, isn't a Greek philosopher. Even said he just an ordinary man. No need for Priesthood,and and a million judgements. Keep it simple. Keep it real. And God knows best.
Asalamualakum. Clearly you lack basic comprehension or you did not watch the whole video. Either way you seem to seek to ENRAGE rather that uplift the UMMAH. The brother whome I am sure has more knowledge than you, has clearly stated that there is nothing wrong with following either school of thought as long as a persons aim is to follow Rasoolullah (SAW). A-Uthubillahi-mina-shaytaan-il-rajeem.
there are thousands of fatwas that have been issued on many aspects of practice and faith. many of the contradictory. so this is simple? no one knows what this religion is about. this goes all the way to the founder. BTW - why kiss a stone in the desert? how does this relate to worship of God?
A muslim is just a muslim. To call yourself anything else is bidah and sheirk. Sunni,shia,salafi,hanifi etc........ All names that were not given by allah.
Solid i am not here to say who is muslim or not. To you a shia is nor muslim but to a shia he or she is muslim. There should be no sect of islan and a muslim should only be call by the name allah gave him and which was "muslim" and do not add or take anything from it. Do not follow any hadith that goes against allah or the prophets. I have and always do research so you can curse and call me names all you want but that only shows your ignorance. The ummah should have open logical talks with evidence and logic not just screaming yealling and fighting each other. When the prophet was alive there was no such thing as sunni,shia,sufi,wahabi,hanifi,salafi, etc.. Just call yourself muslim nothing else added or taken away.
Tgis is just making me sad....they read one hadith that seems to be in opposition to a madhab and instamtly say:"the madhab is wromg there" Akhi. There are more ahadith than 1 there is a qur'an. The Imams were hafiz. There is usul al fiqh. There is the arabic language. Alot of times it seems like hamafi fiqh is off but when you delve deep and look at there delils you cannot other than respect their deep umderstandimg and knowledge of deen.❤
A haywire account of events, people and place, my friend. You need more reading and references before you talk about subjects you dont know about. Should've given the mic to someone else to save face.
Wow I see all big scholars arguing with one another . Follow what you want to and leave the discussions and arguments to scholars of islam . Indeed shaitan is your open enemy dont do takfir on one another . Only some salafis are on true aqeedah not all , some are ignorant they learn 10 hadiths and make takfir on people of other madhabs . Follow the sheikh you trust , and if you wanna follow salafi follow a sheikh who is educated not a akhi who has learnt it from internet or you tube
Why cant you follow and listen to all 4? if the scholars have the right islam then they should all agree 98% and the prophet s.a.w says what makes you doubt leave it . Theres no need for 1 madhab
@@emilyhill4488the scholars of the 4 schools of Islamic jurisprudence codified the minhaj (Islam Iman and Ihsan)of the Salaf. Why wouldn’t you want to follow one of these schools of Islamic jurisprudence
ًWhich rope are you referring to, not this one I guess : Hadith of the Two Weighty Things ( حديث الثقلين في كتب المخالفين ) Musnad Imam Ibn Hanbal أحمد بن حنبل - مسند الامام أحمد بن حنبل باقي مسند المكثرين - مسند أبي سعيد الخدري (ر) الجزء : ( 3 ) - رقم الصفحة : ( 14 ) Abu Said al Khudri said : Rasul Allah (saw) said, "I'm leaving two weighty things with you, one of them is heavier than the other, Allah's book A ROPE extended from the sky to the earth and Progeny of My Household (a), in fact, these two will not be separated until they meet Me (saw) at the pond (Kawthar) 10720 - حدثنا : أسود بن عامر ، أخبرنا : أبو إسرائيل ، يعني إسماعيل بن أبي إسحاق الملائي ، عن عطية ، عن أبي سعيد ، قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : إني تارك فيكم الثقلين ، أحدهما أكبر من الآخر ، كتاب الله حبل ممدود من السماء إلى الأرض ، وعترتي أهل بيتي ، وأنهما لن يفترقا حتى يردا علي الحوض.
MY (saw) EHLE BAIT (A) IS LIKE THE ARCH OF NOOH (A) الطبري - ذخائر العقبى في مناقب ذوي القربى (Tabary) القسم الأول : فيما جاء في ذكر القرابة على وجه العموم والاجمال ذكر أنهم كسفينة نوح (ع) من ركبها نجا الجزء : ( 1 ) - رقم الصفحة : ( 20 ) - .... عن ابن عباس (ر) ، قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : مثل أهل بيتي كمثل سفينة نوح من ركبها نجا ، ومن تعلق بها فاز ومن تخلف عنها غرق ، أخرجه الملا في سيرته. Ibn Abbas said: Rasul Allah (saw) said, "My (saw) Ehle Bait (a) is like Nooh's (a) boat, who enters it is rescued, who catches it wins and he who rejects it is drowned. - .... وعن علي (ر) ، قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : مثل أهل بيتي كمثل سفينة نوح من ركبها نجا ومن تعلق بها فاز ، ومن تخلف عنها زج في النار ، أخرجه ابن السرى. And from Ali (A) : Rasul Allah (saw) said : My (saw) Ehle Bait (A) is like Nooh's (A) boat embarks in it is rescued, who catches it wins and he who rejects it is carried to hellfire. وَأَنذِرْ عَشِيرَتَكَ الْأَقْرَبِينَ (DAWAT ZUL ASHIRA Surat 26, ayat 214) صلى الله عليه وآله» قال: هذا أخي، ووصيي، وخليفتي من بعدي. وأنهم قالوا لأبي طالب: أطع ابنك، فقد أمره عليك (راجع هذه القضية في: تاريخ الأمم والملوك ج2 ص63 ومختصر تاريخ أبي الفداء (ط دار الفكر ـ بيروت) ج2 ص14 وشواهد التنزيل ج1 ص372 و 421 و (بتحقيق المحمودي) ج1 ص542 وكنز العمال (الطبعة الثانية) ج15 ص16 و 117 و 113 و 130 عن ابن إسحاق، وابن جرير وصححه، وأحمد، وابن أبي حاتم، وابن مردويه، وأبي نعيم، والبيهقي معاً في الدلائل، وتاريخ ابن عساكر، وترجمه الإمام علي (بتحقيق المحمودي) ج1 ص87 و 88 On this occasion (first invitation to Islam) Rasul Allah (saw) invited His (saw) clan and named Ali(A) HIS BROTHER, HIS SUCCESSOR (KHALIFA) AND LEGAL ASSISTANT !!!!! The references are from many historians, muhadditheen, mufassireen such as Baihaqi, Tabary, Ibn Asakir, Muttaqui al Hindi etc. JANNAT IS EAGER TO MEET ALI (A), AMMAR (R), SALMAN(A) إشتاقت الجنة إلى علي (ع) وعمار وسلمان مستدرك الحاكم - كتاب معرفة الصحابة (ر) - ذكر إسلام أمير المؤمنين علي (ع) - حديث رقم : ( 4666 ) Mustadrak al Hakim Nissapuri 4649 - حدثنا : أبوبكر بن إسحاق ، أنبأ : محمد بن عيسى بن السكن الواسطي ، ثنا : شهاب بن عباد ، ثنا : محمد بن بشر ، ثنا : الحسن بن حي ، عن أبي ربيعة الأيادي ، عن الحسن ، عن أنس قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : إشتاقت الجنة إلى ثلاثة علي وعمار وسلمان ، هذا حديث صحيح الإسناد ولم يخرجاه. Oh Abu Bakr shirk in you is more hidden than the marching of ants يا أبا بكر ، للشرك فيكم أخفى من دبيب النمل والذي نفسي بيده ، للشرك أخفى من دبيب النمل ، ألا أدلك على شيء إذا فعلته ذهب عنك قليلة و كثيرة ؟ قل : اللهم إني أعوذ بك أن أشرك بك و أنا أعلم ، و استغفرك لما لا أعلم ، صححه الألبانى فى صحيح الأدب المفرد الراوي: معقل بن يسار المحدث: الألباني - المصدر: صحيح الأدب المفرد - الصفحة أو الرقم: 551 خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح وَمِمَّنْ حَوْلَكُم مِّنَ الْأَعْرَابِ مُنَافِقُونَ ۖ وَمِنْ أَهْلِ الْمَدِينَةِ ۖ مَرَدُوا عَلَى النِّفَاقِ لَا تَعْلَمُهُمْ ۖ نَحْنُ نَعْلَمُهُمْ ۚ سَنُعَذِّبُهُم مَّرَّتَيْنِ ثُمَّ يُرَدُّونَ إِلَىٰ عَذَابٍ عَظِيمٍ SURAH TAUBAH AYAT 101 And among those around you of the wandering Arabs there are hypocrites, and among the townspeople of Al-Madinah (there are some who) persist in hypocrisy whom thou (O Muhammad) knowest not. We, We know them, and We shall chastise them twice; then they will be relegated to a painful doom Ibn Hanbal studied from Al Shafai and the latter from Malik, as a matter of fact Malik and Abu Hanifah studied under IMAM JAAFAR AL SADIQ (A). For those who have been cheated by their scholars, know that Imam Jaafar Al Sadiq (a)is famous as IMAM UL FUQAHA AND SHEIKH UL AIMMA .
Please listen to You Tube the 5th Madhab by Mufti Abdurrahman Yusuf to understand how the Salafiyya (more appropriately the Pseudo Salafiyya) use guile and deception to wean the Ummah away from following one of the 4 Madhab which they (the Ummah) have been following for more than 800 years by ijmah of the scholars of Islam. So called Salafism is only 150 years and are the teachings of deviant scholars like Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab and recently Nasurudin Albani. The Pseudo Salafiyya are themselves divided into multitude of groups and their aqeeda (beliefs) and fiqh are different form those of the Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah
While acknowledging the great contributions of the Madhaahib / Masaalik / schools of though ..... through certain ages and contexts, we must not hesitate to confess that they all have become a heavy burden for the "Ummah" (if at all their exist anything like Ummah now) and only a source of discard and rather something more important than Islam itself, Super Islams. All these Madhahib should be discarded to evolve a new consensual TEMPORARY madhhab as the coming generations will have their own circumstances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I allah give you a name and you call yourself anything else or add on or take away from it you are sining bidah or shirk. Now if you call yourself muslim and you do not practice islam you are a sinner. If you add things or take away things from is that allah gave us you are a sinner committing bidah or sherk or both.
Alsidin Ismail naaaah man he’s not a wahhabi. wahhabism and isis are not different from each country other to me. he just follows the teachings of the quran and the sunnah as applied by the sahaaba and the ones who followed them and the ones who followed the followers. some people call it salafism. we call it the proper way to follow islam. based on the hadith where the prophet said “the best of my sunnah, is my generation, then the generation after them, then the generation after them.” he doesn’t follow wahhabism but he does teach abdulwahhabs kitab al taw7eed tho.
this is worse than Christianity in terms of break ups. Christians managed to stay as one for centuries. Allah's followers started splitting off as soon as mo was gone. Please, please, please, if you don't understand what you are talking about don't involve. Every 10.5 hours there is a new deviation created in Christianity, so please.
And what makes you think that Christianity has to be mentioned in the Bible? Christianity functioned without a consolidated Bible for centuries. Christianity goes well beyond the written word as it's not contained by it. Christianity is an encounter with true God, a belief system that was revealed to humanity by Jesus Christ and fulfillment of ancient Israelite religion. It's religions like yours that are contained on the pages of a book that is a many parts is a copy/paste version of Christian gnostic gospels which as Christians know were heretical. You are a follower of a heretical branch blended in with pagan elements of 7th century desert arabia.
@@liberator275 so according to you, I'm not a sinner, as Jesus loves everyone, right? So there is no difference between you and me in the eyes of Jesus, logic dictates why to follow you? In the afterlife everybody will be in paradise)
and where does it say you are not a sinner? the fact that Jesus loves everyone doesn't mean that we are not sinners. as a matter of fact all of humanity is scarred by the original sin and individual sins committed in our lives as well. it's only through the power of Jesus that the sins can be forgiven as only God can forgive when the sinner approaches with a contrite heart. all else is fake and phony - including self-proclaimed prophets and other charlatans.
Follow the madhab of the majority of the country neo salafis of today are causign division and confusion amognat mualim they teach a child rafa yadain who go home and argue with their parents that they camt even pray nauzubillah
And where did you get that from? Quran, hadeeth??? Where does it say a Muslim must follow a madhab? Thought we don't reject madhabs. The 4 Imam are our Imam
May Allah (swt) reward our dear brother for educating the ummah. ameen ameen ameen
Ma,sha,ALLAH, many thanks Dr Bilal may ALLAH(SWT)reward you for all your efforts and grant you good in this world and grant you good in the hereafter.AL FIRDOUS.AMEEN.
Masha Allah excellent lecture......learned a lot Alhamdulillah.... Jazak Allahu khair Shaikh
Thank you Sheikh for this talk .. i have always been confused regarding this topic of Madzhab…. you have helped cleared my confusion …i have certainly benefited from listening to this talk…. May Allah keep you safe and grant you health in this time of uncertainty .. Aamiin
Ma Sha Allah what a great lecture may Allah help you in all aspect of life Ameen
Jazzakallha Khair Big Bro. I now have a new way of understanding and as a new Muslim revert, all this labels confuse me. So I decided that I shall not have any labels for my Deen.
Jazak Allah Khair, brother for the great information. I will add to my my goal and path of being a better Muslim insha Allah.
20:35 start of madhab
Barakallahu feek❤
JazakAllah khair katheeran brother for very educational talk to remove so much misconceptions about concepts of Maghab. May Allah swt always protect us all and always keep us on right path
JazakALLAH Khair for sharing the knowledge.
May Allah continue to Bless you and your family. Your reward is most certainly with Allah.
Jazak Allahu khair! Yah sheikh!..
The one on the right is a committed note taker I wager he came first in his class exams.
4 Madhabs are Haq, they are the Madhab of Rasulullah SW.
Masha Allah This Is Amazing lecture Alahamdulillah
Ma’sha Allah tabarakallah
Masha Allah
So many things got cleared
What is that man sitting next to Dr. Bilal doing ? what is he writing about ?
Malaysia and Indonesia are following shafi madhab from the beginning. where were these Wahabis at that time . please answer with daleel. thanks
There is no wahab,there are hambalis
Saudi arabia are hambalis
Ok thanks daleelвидео.html
🎥 الشيخ ابن عثيمين : متابعة النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام هي دليل ...
Read Quran only you have Sunni in there
@@sabraham5308 only their style of worshipping ALLAH is hambali fiqh otherwise they are wahabi aqeedahwise
Excellent explanation alhamdulillah
Masha Allah izz wa jal
Jazak Allahu khairan kasira
What a Beautiful explanation on Madhabs dividing Muslims...MashaAllah.
May Allah bless you in this life & grant you JannahAlFirdaus in the hearafter....Ameen💚
You people who follow no madhab are the biggest division makers in the ummah you have salafi ahlul hadith madkhali ikhwani etc you have more division within yourselves then what the extreme madhab followers ever did
Four madhab are results of usul al fiqh usul al hadith people with no madhab have no usul in anyhrong hence they're views are a mess and Contradicts
Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamat follows the 4 madhabs.. If they dont follow the madhab they are NOT from ahlul Sunnah wal Jamat
TheBomshot which of the four is right?
and which do you blindly follow?
They take from whichever has the most authentic daleel. No Muslim who is following the Salaf would blindly follow a mathab. We live in a time where we can easily search and study for the strongest most authentic views at the touch of a button, so there is no reason to blindly follow anyone. We shouldn’t blindly follow anyone besides the Prophet ﷺ.
Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen said:
“If what is intended by sticking to a Madhab is that a person sticks to that Madhab, and turns away from everything else; whether the correct view lies in his his Madhab or in another Madhab- than this is not permissible, and is from the blameworthy and bigoted partisanship.”
Who narated the Sunnah? The Sahabah. The prophet (s) said the best generation is my sahaba then is The Tabieen then the Tabi tabieen then after that will come the people who break their oaths.
The 4 imams are from Tabieen & imam Hambali is Tabi tabieen. We can take from them. Anything afer the 3 pious predecessors we dont accept. The 3 Generations are the REAL SALAFI. So dont say youre a sahaba and dont say youre a salafi because you are insutling the ones who earned that tital.
The prophet (s) said about the 73 sects, that the correct group are the ones who follow his Sunnah and his companions Sunnah. This is the meaning of Ahlul Sunnah. What is Ahlul Sunnah "Wal Jamaat" ? It means the ijmah (consensus) of the 3 pious generations (True Salafi's).
So dont follow Taqleed cause this is a major sin and bringing a new Fiqh from Ahlul Bid'aa. Strictly take from the 3 generations.
And everything please refer it to Quran and sunnah. If you can bring your proof to follow this newly invented matter than i would like to see where you take this new fiqh from.
If you need the full hadiths i quoted about these mentioned above i will gladly do so. But these hadiths are the backbone of our religion. Pleasr research these to refute any inovations. Allah guide you and me to Quran and Sunnah the way Sahabah understood it. Amin
Muhammad Salafi the prophet said we can take from the 3 pious generations (the real salafi). The 4 imams where of the 3 generations did you not know that? Do you need the hadith?
Thats like saying which of the Sahabah where right. Or which of the Tabieen where right. Because every hadith you read is narated by a sahabah.
You say imam Bukhari was right and he wasnt even from the Salaf.
Ma Sha Allah, what a great speech dear Dr. Sahib. Thank you for creating a right path for the Muslims. May Allah swt reward you janah. Ameen
Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik were both part of the Salaf. These differences of opinions and methodology have always existed and were not made up generations after like Bills Phillips said. We are supposed to respect the validity of other people of knowledge’s views.
That's not the point. Its about taqleed and ittiba
main topic starts from 20.40
What did you understand by this
U r amazing😊😊😊
Our brother Bilal seems to have not understood to whom Abu Hanifa actually said to put aside his ruling. He said to his students not to us, who have no knowledge to speak of, to put aside his rulings and they actually did it, his students have perfected the school of thought. So did other students of schools of thought. So when you hear someone like Bilal say Abu Hanifa said this and that, first examine it carefully.
Na mein wahabi, na mein baabi,
Mein hun muslim ilmi kitabi 😁🖖❤️
Haha 😂 But yes u r right only muslim
Great scholar
as-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah, I believe that the number of countries mentioned at the very end in the credits is a misquote. it says there are over 217 countries, but I think the actual number is just under 200
So according to the Shia, the mission of the final prophet was a complete failure? ?..
Of course,and no other quran.
Follow a madhab based upon evidence on an issue. Dont blind follow a madhab
Man needs to follow a madhab
Is the online university free?
No it's not free. They have two separate departments. The diploma part which is quite good. You need to give a donation. How much you donate is up to you. The official university is not free but it's quite affordable.
The ummah had always been following the 4 main streams of Jurisprudence.
In fact you are causing the ummah to divide, there were only 4 before and now
You are creating a 5th one
Secondly they just dont understand, do the 4 Imams dont follow Rasoolulluah saw ??? Every legal issue is based on Quran and Hadeeth, you think they made up their own sect ?
The difference of opinion was even present amongst the companions, how can you claim for everyone to be 1 ?
At one time 28 mazhabs existed. Four you have now we're largely successful because Government leaders choose them.
@@MrResearcher122 Sure, since they were 28 I won't be surprised, create a 5th one in today's era which is known as Salafism, but please don't criticise and point fingers at those who follow a particular mazhab, how in the earth every layman can follow Quran and Sunnah directly ? Everyone don't have the tools to deduce injunctions directly, they'll have to follow someone end of the day, then if they have to follow someone they rather follow 1 of those 4 Imams which were closet to prophets time than to follow any of these shaykhs of today.
People just can't understand the fact of following a mazhab, they say follow the prophet don't follow the imam 😑😬
So they mean Imams don't follow prophet themselves ??? Every injunction is backed up by evidence from Quran and Sunnah
@@shamsal-rahman1780 Beauty of Islam is its simplicity. It agrees with the fitra. A peasant can understand it. A professor can admire and follow it. Quran is a Book about one God. Sunna is simple: prophet muhammad, peace be upon him, isn't a Greek philosopher. Even said he just an ordinary man. No need for Priesthood,and and a million judgements. Keep it simple. Keep it real. And God knows best.
Asalamualakum. Clearly you lack basic comprehension or you did not watch the whole video. Either way you seem to seek to ENRAGE rather that uplift the UMMAH. The brother whome I am sure has more knowledge than you, has clearly stated that there is nothing wrong with following either school of thought as long as a persons aim is to follow Rasoolullah (SAW). A-Uthubillahi-mina-shaytaan-il-rajeem.
there are thousands of fatwas that have been issued on many aspects of practice and faith. many of the contradictory. so this is simple? no one knows what this religion is about. this goes all the way to the founder. BTW - why kiss a stone in the desert? how does this relate to worship of God?
A muslim is just a muslim. To call yourself anything else is bidah and sheirk. Sunni,shia,salafi,hanifi etc........ All names that were not given by allah.
Sunni means following the Qur'an with the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW
SS R if allah didnt give you the name you added it yourself it is haram.
shah abdurrasheed shia is not muslim, do some research dumbass
Solid i am not here to say who is muslim or not. To you a shia is nor muslim but to a shia he or she is muslim. There should be no sect of islan and a muslim should only be call by the name allah gave him and which was "muslim" and do not add or take anything from it. Do not follow any hadith that goes against allah or the prophets. I have and always do research so you can curse and call me names all you want but that only shows your ignorance. The ummah should have open logical talks with evidence and logic not just screaming yealling and fighting each other. When the prophet was alive there was no such thing as sunni,shia,sufi,wahabi,hanifi,salafi, etc.. Just call yourself muslim nothing else added or taken away.
Solid what kind of muslim are you lets see who is the dumbass.
Great sheih
Allahu Akbar
Tgis is just making me sad....they read one hadith that seems to be in opposition to a madhab and instamtly say:"the madhab is wromg there" Akhi. There are more ahadith than 1 there is a qur'an. The Imams were hafiz. There is usul al fiqh. There is the arabic language. Alot of times it seems like hamafi fiqh is off but when you delve deep and look at there delils you cannot other than respect their deep umderstandimg and knowledge of deen.❤
Shafi'i 😃
The minhaj (Islam Iman and Ihsan) of the Salaf is what makes us fundamentally Muslims. The minhaj (tawheed)of Wahhabism is deviation
what is wahabbism
@@fountainofspeech1379 look up Wahhabism in the encyclopedia under W
A haywire account of events, people and place, my friend. You need more reading and references before you talk about subjects you dont know about. Should've given the mic to someone else to save face.
Too Enemy's Muslim >INDIA< Name DELETE ato .Peace 4.Phlistene - Kashmir Rohinga.arkan.Yaman.
Kashmir Quit Notice No Right muslim Live this World.
listen to authentic ulemah, not the so called Df. professor or advocates...
Do you really make sense here?
Wow I see all big scholars arguing with one another . Follow what you want to and leave the discussions and arguments to scholars of islam . Indeed shaitan is your open enemy dont do takfir on one another . Only some salafis are on true aqeedah not all , some are ignorant they learn 10 hadiths and make takfir on people of other madhabs . Follow the sheikh you trust , and if you wanna follow salafi follow a sheikh who is educated not a akhi who has learnt it from internet or you tube
The internet and RUclips are very good tools for seeking knowledge that is, if you know how to use them.
If you do not adhere to one of the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence you have no claim to the ahlusSunnah wal jamaah
Why cant you follow and listen to all 4? if the scholars have the right islam then they should all agree 98% and the prophet s.a.w says what makes you doubt leave it . Theres no need for 1 madhab
@@emilyhill4488the scholars of the 4 schools of Islamic jurisprudence codified the minhaj (Islam Iman and Ihsan)of the Salaf. Why wouldn’t you want to follow one of these schools of Islamic jurisprudence
ًWhich rope are you referring to, not this one I guess :
Hadith of the Two Weighty Things
( حديث الثقلين في كتب المخالفين )
Musnad Imam Ibn Hanbal
أحمد بن حنبل - مسند الامام أحمد بن حنبل
باقي مسند المكثرين - مسند أبي سعيد الخدري (ر)
الجزء : ( 3 ) - رقم الصفحة : ( 14 )
Abu Said al Khudri said : Rasul Allah (saw) said, "I'm leaving two weighty things with you, one of them is heavier than the other, Allah's book A ROPE extended from the sky to the earth and Progeny of My Household (a), in fact, these two will not be separated until they meet Me (saw) at the pond (Kawthar)
10720 - حدثنا : أسود بن عامر ، أخبرنا : أبو إسرائيل ، يعني إسماعيل بن أبي إسحاق الملائي ، عن عطية ، عن أبي سعيد ، قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : إني تارك فيكم الثقلين ، أحدهما أكبر من الآخر ، كتاب الله حبل ممدود من السماء إلى الأرض ، وعترتي أهل بيتي ، وأنهما لن يفترقا حتى يردا علي الحوض.
الطبري - ذخائر العقبى في مناقب ذوي القربى
القسم الأول : فيما جاء في ذكر القرابة على وجه العموم والاجمال
ذكر أنهم كسفينة نوح (ع) من ركبها نجا
الجزء : ( 1 ) - رقم الصفحة : ( 20 )
- .... عن ابن عباس (ر) ، قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : مثل أهل بيتي كمثل سفينة نوح من ركبها نجا ، ومن تعلق بها فاز ومن تخلف عنها غرق ، أخرجه الملا في سيرته.
Ibn Abbas said: Rasul Allah (saw) said, "My (saw) Ehle Bait (a) is like Nooh's (a) boat, who enters it is rescued, who catches it wins and he who rejects it is drowned.
- .... وعن علي (ر) ، قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : مثل أهل بيتي كمثل سفينة نوح من ركبها نجا ومن تعلق بها فاز ، ومن تخلف عنها زج في النار ، أخرجه ابن السرى.
And from Ali (A) : Rasul Allah (saw) said : My (saw) Ehle Bait (A) is like Nooh's (A) boat embarks in it is rescued, who catches it wins and he who rejects it is carried to hellfire.
وَأَنذِرْ عَشِيرَتَكَ الْأَقْرَبِينَ
(DAWAT ZUL ASHIRA Surat 26, ayat 214)
صلى الله عليه وآله» قال: هذا أخي، ووصيي، وخليفتي من بعدي. وأنهم قالوا لأبي طالب: أطع ابنك، فقد أمره عليك (راجع هذه القضية في: تاريخ الأمم والملوك ج2 ص63 ومختصر تاريخ أبي الفداء (ط دار الفكر ـ بيروت) ج2 ص14 وشواهد التنزيل ج1 ص372 و 421 و (بتحقيق المحمودي) ج1 ص542 وكنز العمال (الطبعة الثانية) ج15 ص16 و 117 و 113 و 130 عن ابن إسحاق، وابن جرير وصححه، وأحمد، وابن أبي حاتم، وابن مردويه، وأبي نعيم، والبيهقي معاً في الدلائل، وتاريخ ابن عساكر، وترجمه الإمام علي (بتحقيق المحمودي) ج1 ص87 و 88
On this occasion (first invitation to Islam) Rasul Allah (saw) invited His (saw) clan and named Ali(A) HIS BROTHER, HIS SUCCESSOR (KHALIFA) AND LEGAL ASSISTANT !!!!!
The references are from many historians, muhadditheen, mufassireen such as Baihaqi, Tabary, Ibn Asakir, Muttaqui al Hindi etc.
إشتاقت الجنة إلى علي (ع) وعمار وسلمان
مستدرك الحاكم - كتاب معرفة الصحابة (ر) - ذكر إسلام أمير المؤمنين علي (ع) - حديث رقم : ( 4666 )
Mustadrak al Hakim Nissapuri
4649 - حدثنا : أبوبكر بن إسحاق ، أنبأ : محمد بن عيسى بن السكن الواسطي ، ثنا : شهاب بن عباد ، ثنا : محمد بن بشر ، ثنا : الحسن بن حي ، عن أبي ربيعة الأيادي ، عن الحسن ، عن أنس قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : إشتاقت الجنة إلى ثلاثة علي وعمار وسلمان ، هذا حديث صحيح الإسناد ولم يخرجاه.
Oh Abu Bakr shirk in you is more hidden than the marching of ants
يا أبا بكر ، للشرك فيكم أخفى من دبيب النمل
والذي نفسي بيده ، للشرك أخفى من دبيب النمل ، ألا أدلك على شيء إذا فعلته ذهب عنك قليلة و كثيرة ؟
قل : اللهم إني أعوذ بك أن أشرك بك و أنا أعلم ، و استغفرك لما لا أعلم ، صححه الألبانى فى صحيح الأدب المفرد
الراوي: معقل بن يسار المحدث: الألباني - المصدر: صحيح الأدب المفرد - الصفحة أو الرقم: 551 خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح
وَمِمَّنْ حَوْلَكُم مِّنَ الْأَعْرَابِ مُنَافِقُونَ ۖ وَمِنْ أَهْلِ الْمَدِينَةِ ۖ مَرَدُوا عَلَى النِّفَاقِ لَا تَعْلَمُهُمْ ۖ نَحْنُ نَعْلَمُهُمْ ۚ سَنُعَذِّبُهُم مَّرَّتَيْنِ ثُمَّ يُرَدُّونَ إِلَىٰ عَذَابٍ عَظِيمٍ
And among those around you of the wandering Arabs there are hypocrites, and among the townspeople of Al-Madinah (there are some who) persist in hypocrisy whom thou (O Muhammad) knowest not. We, We know them, and We shall chastise them twice; then they will be relegated to a painful doom
Ibn Hanbal studied from Al Shafai and the latter from Malik, as a matter of fact Malik and Abu Hanifah studied under IMAM JAAFAR AL SADIQ (A). For those who have been cheated by their scholars, know that Imam Jaafar Al Sadiq (a)is famous as IMAM UL FUQAHA AND SHEIKH UL AIMMA .
Was jafer al sadiq infallible.
And was he from koofa.
mawiya is not said to R.A
He raged war for the throne
that is shia propaganda
madhabs are so 80s
Please listen to You Tube the 5th Madhab by Mufti Abdurrahman Yusuf to understand how the Salafiyya (more appropriately the Pseudo Salafiyya) use guile and deception to wean the Ummah away from following one of the 4 Madhab which they (the Ummah) have been following for more than 800 years by ijmah of the scholars of Islam. So called Salafism is only 150 years and are the teachings of deviant scholars like Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab and recently Nasurudin Albani. The Pseudo Salafiyya are themselves divided into multitude of groups and their aqeeda (beliefs) and fiqh are different form those of the Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah
While acknowledging the great contributions of the Madhaahib / Masaalik / schools of though ..... through certain ages and contexts, we must not hesitate to confess that they all have become a heavy burden for the "Ummah" (if at all their exist anything like Ummah now) and only a source of discard and rather something more important than Islam itself, Super Islams. All these Madhahib should be discarded to evolve a new consensual TEMPORARY madhhab as the coming generations will have their own circumstances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I allah give you a name and you call yourself anything else or add on or take away from it you are sining bidah or shirk. Now if you call yourself muslim and you do not practice islam you are a sinner. If you add things or take away things from is that allah gave us you are a sinner committing bidah or sherk or both.
You don't used name but you following a teaching of 1 person as Wahhabiyun propaganda
Alsidin Ismail naaaah man he’s not a wahhabi. wahhabism and isis are not different from each country other to me. he just follows the teachings of the quran and the sunnah as applied by the sahaaba and the ones who followed them and the ones who followed the followers. some people call it salafism. we call it the proper way to follow islam. based on the hadith where the prophet said “the best of my sunnah, is my generation, then the generation after them, then the generation after them.” he doesn’t follow wahhabism but he does teach abdulwahhabs kitab al taw7eed tho.
Imam Malik and Imam Hanifa are also taba tabaen. So what's wrong with following their madhabs?
Only a deviant would dislike this sheikh. The End.
You are new to islam I guess , you know the meaning of deviance it's a very broad term .
Don't takfir, you're sounding very similar to the khawarij
Crist is religião fimel álcolicos all go fya!!!
this is worse than Christianity in terms of break ups. Christians managed to stay as one for centuries. Allah's followers started splitting off as soon as mo was gone.
Please, please, please, if you don't understand what you are talking about don't involve. Every 10.5 hours there is a new deviation created in Christianity, so please.
What is Christianity? There is no mention of Christianity in the whole bible so you better shut up 🤐
And what makes you think that Christianity has to be mentioned in the Bible? Christianity functioned without a consolidated Bible for centuries. Christianity goes well beyond the written word as it's not contained by it. Christianity is an encounter with true God, a belief system that was revealed to humanity by Jesus Christ and fulfillment of ancient Israelite religion. It's religions like yours that are contained on the pages of a book that is a many parts is a copy/paste version of Christian gnostic gospels which as Christians know were heretical. You are a follower of a heretical branch blended in with pagan elements of 7th century desert arabia.
@@liberator275 so according to you, I'm not a sinner, as Jesus loves everyone, right? So there is no difference between you and me in the eyes of Jesus, logic dictates why to follow you? In the afterlife everybody will be in paradise)
and where does it say you are not a sinner? the fact that Jesus loves everyone doesn't mean that we are not sinners. as a matter of fact all of humanity is scarred by the original sin and individual sins committed in our lives as well. it's only through the power of Jesus that the sins can be forgiven as only God can forgive when the sinner approaches with a contrite heart. all else is fake and phony - including self-proclaimed prophets and other charlatans.
Follow the madhab of the majority of the country neo salafis of today are causign division and confusion amognat mualim they teach a child rafa yadain who go home and argue with their parents that they camt even pray nauzubillah
And where did you get that from? Quran, hadeeth??? Where does it say a Muslim must follow a madhab? Thought we don't reject madhabs. The 4 Imam are our Imam