Pro Choice College Student vs Abolitionist

  • Опубликовано: 22 июл 2024
  • Thanks to this woman for taking the time to sit down and discuss abortion with me!
    Keywords: Pro Life, Pro Choice, Abortion Debate, Abortion Abolitionist.
    Filmed December 08, 2023.

Комментарии • 2 тыс.

  • @AutumnTeaParty
    @AutumnTeaParty 5 месяцев назад +421

    As a foster care child I’d rather be alive then dead thank you

    • @FaithieFroggy
      @FaithieFroggy 4 месяца назад +27

      Former foster child here to second this. The system sucks but I still deserve to live my life as much as anyone else!

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 4 месяца назад

      @@FaithieFroggy That argument is dumb. Obviously abortion occurs before anyone knows anything about you, so it could be anyone.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 4 месяца назад +1

      I think the point is irrelevant.
      Would you have kids knowing you can't look after them ?
      Why cry about reproductive waste that our bodies produce irrespective of the situation ?

    • @CzechDog2022
      @CzechDog2022 4 месяца назад

      @@bulletanarchy6447thank you for clarifying the fact YOU are "reproductive waste" that had the misfortune of being born and infecting the rest of humanity.

    • @AutumnTeaParty
      @AutumnTeaParty 4 месяца назад

      @@bulletanarchy6447 would you have sex knowing you can get pregnant knowing that you can’t afford to have kids. knowing that you would choose to murder the child well before you’ve even laid down to have sex.

  • @daltonbrasier5491
    @daltonbrasier5491 5 месяцев назад +354

    "Is this like a school project?"
    "No i just want to abolish abortion"

    • @AlexDiaz-wx3ng
      @AlexDiaz-wx3ng 5 месяцев назад +21

      They should. it's a sin. child has a soul.
      Ecclesiastes 11:5
      “As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.”

    • @capcitycuddi
      @capcitycuddi 4 месяца назад +2

      @@AlexDiaz-wx3ngthank you 🙏🏼

    • @waxmonkeys3841
      @waxmonkeys3841 4 месяца назад

      There's no proof of a soul or anything resembling one. However if going by bible nonsense, In the bible anyone below 5 years is considered property not human. This is addressed when they take census. Also the bible has no issue with abortion and goes into detail on how to make the potion to do it.@@AlexDiaz-wx3ng

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 4 месяца назад +2

      Yeah if only Steve Jacobs would admit that

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 4 месяца назад

      @@AlexDiaz-wx3ng But you can't define a child and you can't define a soul so zero points for your scientific reference.

  • @jrose3394
    @jrose3394 5 месяцев назад +614

    Poor girl doesn't even know why she's supporting abortion

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад +10

      Because the pro life argument is ridiculous

    • @Mobius118
      @Mobius118 5 месяцев назад +95

      Defending a defenseless innocent child in the womb is not ridiculous. What is ridiculous is avoiding personal accountability. Don’t want a child? Then don’t do the very one singular act that creates one.

    • @ItsOnPaper
      @ItsOnPaper 5 месяцев назад +10

      Welcome to the indoctrination camp.

    • @ItsOnPaper
      @ItsOnPaper 5 месяцев назад +19

      @@bulletanarchy6447the burden of proof is on you.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@ItsOnPaper The irony of pro life talking about indoctrination camps

  • @Smiller0
    @Smiller0 5 месяцев назад +110

    This gentleman has undoubtedly spent considerable time thinking through the issue! I don't think I have ever seen such a well delivered argument from anyone. On anything. Ever!

    • @trollnerd
      @trollnerd 3 месяца назад

      I dunno I think he's going a little over the top with "from the first cell it's murder to kill it". That's an extreme position. We don't hold a funeral if a woman has a miscarriage after 8 weeks of pregnancy. By his definition every IVF clinic in the country is guilty of mass murder since every IVF cycle will result in some percentage of the fertilized eggs being discarded due to them being unviable for implantation.

  • @euphegenia
    @euphegenia 5 месяцев назад +147

    So if you’re shot in the head while you sleep, the shooter is in the clear because you didn’t feel anything and you didn’t know it happened? Alrighty then…

    • @cheerfulmouse
      @cheerfulmouse 4 месяца назад +15

      Also, you didn't state weather you wanted to live or die ✔️✔️✔️

    • @micahdysart6325
      @micahdysart6325 3 месяца назад +2

      Guys Murder is no longer Murder, the world is devolving into chaos

    • @orange_turtle3412
      @orange_turtle3412 Месяц назад

      The argument for abortion is objectively illogical. There is no existing way to justify it using reputable objective reasoning. The pro-abortion stance is based purely and completely on personal opinion. They ignore the facts because the facts dont support what they want the facts to support.

  • @McGheeBentle
    @McGheeBentle 5 месяцев назад +331

    He’s an absolute phenomenal debater. Concise, logical, and everything I would have said. He kept to very logical arguments without needing to rely on any sophistry. Literal mic drop moment with every statement.

    • @DrPhilGoode
      @DrPhilGoode 5 месяцев назад +7

      Give me a break. He has EVERY advantage before the video even begins. Before his victim gets out of bed that morning they are set up to fail and he is setup to succeed. He’s got everything loaded with a finger on the trigger. As soon as his target sits down he is in “gotcha mode” trying to devalue, embarrass and question everything she says.
      If he was a decent dude with decent genuine motives he would let her, and help her, voice out what she is trying to voice out. He would be patient instead of being “right” for a videos sake. He would try to fully understand her views then work from there to give her the opportunity get there herself.
      Your mic drop comment exposes your motives as well. You enjoyed the wins, you enjoyed her not having an answer or not having a good answer. Bottom line is he is void of empathy toward his guest, but uses practiced talking points to show compassion for a hypothetical microscopic human baby that doesn’t exist. His quick, fast, monotoned, machine gun way of communicating leaves no doubt about his ultimate goal. Is he interested in forging, facilitating or growing new relationships over time in order to actually convince someone through his compassion for them? No. He is using his religious beliefs to manipulate strangers into likes and comments on a RUclips video.
      I could on all day on just this video but for you to call him a great debater means he is debating someone. This was not a debate. This was shooting fish in a barrel then posting it as a win over the fish. His dichotomous approach creates division all the time every time. For him to NEVER be ok with any exceptions before hearing the possible exception is all I need to know. Already knowing what his answer will be before hearing out a specific scenario is shameful. Convincing someone that he cares less about them and more about the rules that may apply to them is how to say…Pharisaical.

    • @McGheeBentle
      @McGheeBentle 5 месяцев назад +47

      @@DrPhilGoode So… your problem is that he’s so good that he’s literally not on the same plane as the people he debates? Yep, I have to agree! That’s my whole point.

    • @McGheeBentle
      @McGheeBentle 5 месяцев назад +23

      @@DrPhilGoode Not to mention that all of the people he debates come to him. He didn’t make anyone sit down for him. They approached him.

    • @DrPhilGoode
      @DrPhilGoode 5 месяцев назад +1

      ⁠@@McGheeBentle You still talking about “debates”? Obviously you don’t know the meaning or definition of a debate nor have you attended the likes of one.
      Imagine a college auditorium packed house with a professor or scientist sitting on the stage. He just sits there until someone from the crowd approaches him and asks what’s going on. Immediately the lights dim and some random person is sitting on stage next to professor ready to debate.
      The professor has prepared his talking points and has the needed facts ready to defend or attack any position he faces. Meanwhile the random person sitting on stage with the professor DOESN’T KNOW THE TOPIC OR TITLE OF THE DEBATE. He will find out right before his turn to talk.
      This hypothetical situation is NOT A DEBATE. Just as this video IS NOT A DEBATE.

    • @DrPhilGoode
      @DrPhilGoode 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@McGheeBentle ​​⁠​⁠​⁠So they come to him,
      he doesn’t make anyone sit down…let’s hope not. I’m not sure why that needs to be said…but ok.
      They approached him…which is same thing as them coming to him.
      So this dude sits on a sidewalk, or a college campus, or a chair. Saying nothing, doing nothing, and talking to no one. 2 mics 2 chairs and him.
      And from that, people approach him to see what he is selling because they are dying to talk to a random guy sitting quietly on a chair. They find out he wants to talk about abortion. One of most divisive and controversial topics all across America. And they will be filmed while during the talk. No way.
      I’ll prove it. Watch the first 10 seconds. He says to her immediately. PLEASE STATE YOUR POSITION ON ABORTION. The way she responds says everything. She didn’t know what was coming and for him to have her start this off only supports my opinion on his motive for all this.
      In the title section I think it says…”thank you to this woman for sitting down with me to discuss abortion”. I have no problem with discussing anything. But this clearly wasn’t a sit down discussion of anything. This was more like a set up.

  • @jamesosa3482
    @jamesosa3482 5 месяцев назад +208


    • @seandoherty6215
      @seandoherty6215 4 месяца назад +10

      Right! This kid is nailing it. He say’s everything I say but has the stats to back it. I can remember rough statistics but not have them exact and pro abortion people use any excuse to say everything you said is wrong since that one stat wasn’t exact

    • @d4mterro320
      @d4mterro320 4 месяца назад +1

      He's a loser lol

  • @beliefforce
    @beliefforce 5 месяцев назад +58

    “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” - Rumi

    • @jimjohn6520
      @jimjohn6520 4 месяца назад

      Do not discount the thunder's role. It causes us to understand the power of the storm. It often causes us to fear lightning strikes, which is good because it preserves our lives to stay away from lightning.

  • @Raider-qt5sq
    @Raider-qt5sq 5 месяцев назад +476

    I do appreciate both of them sitting there and calmly and respectfully talking about this. I think the girl is smart and knows it is wrong, but has been brainwashed by our society and culture. As a Christian, as she stated she was, she should know that it is murder.

      @SINQUEFIELD83 5 месяцев назад

      Yup, she is just another westernized lukewarm Christian. As a Christian, she must be willing to sacrifice worldly ridicule in order to pursue truth. Unfortunately, she wants to be accepted by the world while simultaneously living for Christ.

    • @kayceetaylor2151
      @kayceetaylor2151 5 месяцев назад +19

      She wasn't very respectful. She kept interrupting him. Thankfully, he was able to shift gears quickly and keep in mind his train of thought. God bless them both...specifically, bless her & any children that were intended for her that she is 100% barren, by whatever non-murderous means necessary!

    • @galatians-2.20
      @galatians-2.20 5 месяцев назад +13

      Agreed minus the interruptions. One thing I have learned is that many profess to be Christian without actually following and serving Christ. Without being born again, without taking up their cross. In America 174 million claim to be Christian. But out of those I believe only 89 million consider themselves "born again" or even knows what that means. Out of those 89 million not app believe that Christ is the way, truth, and the life and no one gets to the father but by Him. Some think there are other ways to "earn" salvation rather that it being a free gift from Christ Alone because He alone took our punishment (the wages of sin is death) on Himself and paid our debt in full "It is Finished"
      The Bible says that "not everyone who says lord lord will inherent the kingdom of God. They will say but Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name? Cast out demons in your name? And He will say flee from me you who do evil, I NEVER KNEW YOU."
      He's also said "these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me" narrow is the gate that leads to life but broad is the way that leads to destruction and many will be there that find it"
      You will know them by their fruit. God bless you my friend

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад +4

      He doesn't have any appreciation of possibility that he is wrong

    • @Mobius118
      @Mobius118 5 месяцев назад +16

      He is absolutely correct

  • @justsayin4632
    @justsayin4632 5 месяцев назад +195

    “Why 10-12 weeks?”
    “I learned in psychology…”
    I don’t remember covering human gestation in psychology😂

    • @sergioh336
      @sergioh336 5 месяцев назад +14

      Exactly what i was thinking. It's the indoctrination.

    • @freudulant
      @freudulant 5 месяцев назад +12

      Developmental psychology is part of the curriculum

    • @justsayin4632
      @justsayin4632 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@freudulantI don’t remember them covering the developmental psychology of a 10-12 week fetus.

    • @freudulant
      @freudulant 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@justsayin4632 well it likely differs from one University course to the next but I did developmental neuropsychology which did cover brain development

    • @MrsTayIor
      @MrsTayIor 5 месяцев назад +4

      To be fair, psychology courses are offered in “Development Across the Lifespan” and “Child Psychology.” Both do teach about the brain at different stages of human development. While she is probably correct about what they are teaching her, it doesn’t give her an advantage on a pro abortion argument. If anything, it should have had her more fascinated and in awe of human life.

  • @Sher7061
    @Sher7061 5 месяцев назад +174

    I find it so insulting to hear people say babies should be killed rather than go in to foster care. My mother was raised in foster care, she grew up to be an RN and lived a wonderful life, her brother also raised with her was in the Air Force until he retired. They should have been aborted ??

    • @gabriellemolinaro6750
      @gabriellemolinaro6750 5 месяцев назад +3

      There’s a lot that goes on in between not killing the baby and putting it into the United States crappy foster care system. The woman is now consigned to carry the baby for 9 months and then go through the whole labor/delivery process; neither of which have 100% safe outcomes.

    • @trevorhull2216
      @trevorhull2216 5 месяцев назад +30

      @@gabriellemolinaro6750two things first maybe you shouldn’t have sex if you aren’t ready for a child second did you not hear him explain how it works that you get to choose the family specifically. The fact that you can just be okay with someone murdering an innocent life when you know what can happen when you have sex, how about grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

    • @Sher7061
      @Sher7061 5 месяцев назад

      @@gabriellemolinaro6750 Yes, the woman will have some discomfort, I think we as females know that that's part of being female and being the sex that carries the offspring in the womb. There is really nothing in life without risk. Being pregnant for nine months is not a death sentence and killing a baby because you are afraid of discomfort seems quite cowardly. Men go to war and die and get maimed to protect us. We cannot withstand temporary inconvenience to bring new life ? I have not heard anyone mention the females inherent unconditional love for her own child that is the most strong bond a mother will have. Babies are a gift and the ability to create a life inside your body is and incredible thing. If a person is really so against making new life I suggest abstinence and or sterilization, not killing your own child.

    • @jonslu1307
      @jonslu1307 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@trevorhull2216abstinance was never a standard before why is it one now? Hell its not even one today the places with the most kids are 3rd world countries. He explained one process of adoption, babies fair well in adoption yes but that doesnt mean we'll force labor onto women like cattle. This guys view on abortion is the most honest one ive seen yet i will say, however its still insane. A 1 week zygote does not have the same value as a 1 year old

    • @shayalynn
      @shayalynn 5 месяцев назад +21

      ⁠​⁠@@jonslu1307 No offense but who are you to determine the value of one (a year old) over the other (a week old)?

  • @davidanderson4876
    @davidanderson4876 5 месяцев назад +197

    I'm always amazed at how flippant these women are about the sanctity of human life. And they always have they same arguments. It's a clump of cells. It can't feel anything. It's not wanted.

    • @eduardogardin879
      @eduardogardin879 5 месяцев назад +11

      The incredible fact is that at the same time they support abortion until it is no longer that “clump of cells” and until the moment of birth. I believe that abortion is being fought against so strongly by the pro life because of the support by others of late term abortion.
      Some pro choice some say they don’t support abortion abortion until birth, but yet support politicians who do support abortion at any time. Which makes them complicit

    • @taffysaur
      @taffysaur 5 месяцев назад +17

      To be fair, they’ve been brainwashed from birth. At least this girl is respectful and nice, unlike most of the people who challenge him.

      @SINQUEFIELD83 5 месяцев назад

      She is advocating for murder in a nice and respectful way. This is no different than the progressive churches advocating for all sin. Westernized progressiveness imitate light in order promote darkness. @taffysaur

    • @JohnPaul-ol5zl
      @JohnPaul-ol5zl 5 месяцев назад +10

      Although I agree with you comment, to be fair, she wasn't at his level on such things as stats and critical thinking. At the same time I'm Not saying he purposely sat down with her to obliterate her in the conversation. Overall he did well and she did well in her behavior towards him.
      In the end, she either could see she wasn't going to "win" or just became frustrated that his defense arguments were beyond her which led her to agree to disagree. The Mississippi example wasn't 100% comparable to the supposed medically necessary abortion that she brought up, yet it was close enough to see the logic behind it if you stop and think about it. She was flustered so it was not going to be possible for her to analyze it properly.
      On a 2nd point, IF we were to legally grant abortions ONLY for cases where the mother's life was Clearly at risk Or Grape, I guarantee that 99% of Pro-Abortion individuals would still Not vote for such a law. Why? Because it's just a scapegoat they try to distract from their true intentions......abortion for ANY reason......eye color, sex of the baby, deformity, biracial, interrupt MY selfish life, I can't go out parting with my friends as easy, guys are going to be put off by me having a baby, and the list of pathetic excuses goes on. Cowardly irresponsibility is one of the worst traits an individual (man or woman) can have. Accountability is almost absent in such human beings these days.

    • @marthahoward8254
      @marthahoward8254 5 месяцев назад +1

      So true and the same things could've been said about them as well except their mother still went ahead and gave them life.

  • @ramoth777
    @ramoth777 4 месяца назад +12

    I love this young man's demeanor: cool as a cucumber, doesn’t lose his temper, asks pointed questions. Wonderful!

  • @TheNallaBirch
    @TheNallaBirch 5 месяцев назад +151

    she was listening but not really, I do give her credit for sitting down but you can tell her views are shaped by surface level parroted arguments by friends, and school.

    • @derrickwolters8694
      @derrickwolters8694 5 месяцев назад +5

      Unlike him, who has memorized all his strawman talking points. I wonder why he is talking so fast...?

    • @TheNallaBirch
      @TheNallaBirch 5 месяцев назад +12

      @@derrickwolters8694 what’s a straw man and do you know anyone that is a fast talker by nature or learned behaviour and while you are at it refute his main point. Remember you ask a follow only after answering. :) I go in in peace and have a blessed day.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад +1

      The irony of pro life complaining about parroted arguments by friends, and church

    • @TheNallaBirch
      @TheNallaBirch 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@bulletanarchy6447 😆 standup comedy 🎭 give it a go. What’s your epistemology?

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@TheNallaBirch Why did they close the circuit ?
      There were too many branches on it.

  • @TyerReynoso
    @TyerReynoso 5 месяцев назад +36

    Pro choice people always use the “what if they were raped” example. I understand that being hard, but the problem is I feel most people getting abortions were not raped and people just use “rape” to justify abortion

    • @thewalruswasjason101
      @thewalruswasjason101 5 месяцев назад +6

      And it’s like 1%

    • @heatherkramer2102
      @heatherkramer2102 5 месяцев назад +2

      Crazy too is the fact that you can go to a hospital and get the uterus scraped, thus eliminating any potential pregnancy WITHOUT reporting it to the police. So yeah. Even if the woman or girl does not want to go to the police, she can get a medical procedure done that results in no pregnancy.

    • @banemaler
      @banemaler 4 месяца назад +1

      And they usually say nothing about the justice for the rapist. It's all about punishing the child for the crime of the father.

    • @timgiles9413
      @timgiles9413 4 месяца назад

      Amen ​@@banemaler

    • @timothyrauscher19
      @timothyrauscher19 4 месяца назад +1

      @@banemalerUnfortunately, in a society where hookup culture thrives, rape itself can become difficult to clearly define.

  • @notafederalagent
    @notafederalagent 5 месяцев назад +189

    They're all like this. Can't complete a single sentence, can't take a concrete stance on literally anything, gets distracted by anything and tries to make the whole conversation about what they got distracted by, laughs every other word because of insecurity.
    They're not really even prochoice they're just like...blank. Wild.

    • @jeromyperez5532
      @jeromyperez5532 5 месяцев назад

      Which sounds hopeless but it's kind of the opposite. Normies are programmable because societies only work if you have followers. You need chiefs and you need indians. These people would happilly flip to pro life if that was the dominant social position. It goes both ways. If they can be programmed for evil, they can be programmed for good. Before any blackpillers try to come in saying it's impossible for wicked to become good, the Spaniards who conquered south America would like a word my dudes.

    • @tfulookinforbro
      @tfulookinforbro 5 месяцев назад +5

      she held a very solid discussion lmfao what are you talking about

    • @thenatureofnurture6336
      @thenatureofnurture6336 5 месяцев назад +19

      Inexplicably, she side stepped one point by saying he had superior knowledge of the subject and she seemed to think that helped her position!😂
      She's an unserious person. She doesn't know the true value of her own life let alone others.😢

    • @itsjustmyopinionbut1671
      @itsjustmyopinionbut1671 5 месяцев назад +18

      @@tfulookinforbrobro she floundered on every point lmao

    • @realest_shirts
      @realest_shirts 5 месяцев назад +1

      i can't....i just can't

  • @rickandrewsschlegelvideoch2045
    @rickandrewsschlegelvideoch2045 5 месяцев назад +30

    she never did clarify her stance, she just wanted to debate hypotheticals.

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +4

      That's all people really can do when facts aren't on their side.

    • @065Tim
      @065Tim 4 месяца назад

      It's a free country. She gave the stage to him.
      It's more elegant than what I see with most people nowadays.

  • @JohnDoe003
    @JohnDoe003 5 месяцев назад +16

    She got up and left because she realized she was making your point for you. She said, "They also (didn't) have the choice to be born." This is actually a point for abolition. It wasn't the child's fault the mother got inseminated, pregnant & had to contend with accepting or denying her pregnancy. Hence the child is innocent and must be protected against a distressed mother who hates or denies her child & pregnancy.
    Her only argument is that she's for abortion for medical reasons but can't name any, the reason behind it or defend it. Hence she doesn't have an argument just a feeling.

  • @nicholewallace
    @nicholewallace 4 месяца назад +13

    As an alumni of GVSU and a Christian, I needed people like you on campus to make me question why I believed what I did. I am a former pro-choice Christian and I’m appalled at the reasoning I used to use to back up my beliefs. Keep up the good work.

    • @SCPMstudios
      @SCPMstudios 4 месяца назад +1

      Welcome, we’ve been waiting.

    • @Chevalier77
      @Chevalier77 4 месяца назад +2

      Also a former GVSU alumni and current Christian. The elective courses we were made to take for a "well rounded education" were a part in the indoctrination. Biology and Anthropology... I'm looking at you. They had absolutely nothing to do with my major.

  • @josephthomas8714
    @josephthomas8714 5 месяцев назад +40

    “The baby never had a choice to live or die, but it also never had the choice to be born at all.” Hayden makes a good point that we should assume will to live in a legal sense, but an even better rebuttal is that the law rejects consent to die, and rejects consent of minors in general. Assisted suicide and suicide itself are both considered highly criminal.

    • @thenatureofnurture6336
      @thenatureofnurture6336 5 месяцев назад +7

      I think your position would be stronger if you didn't make an appeal to authority. What the law currently is really has no bearing on what it should be in an ideal form.
      She tried to appeal to the authority of the past Chinese government and that was patiently farcical.

    • @timmytee734
      @timmytee734 5 месяцев назад +2

      Embryo ia not a baby.

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +7

      @@timmytee734 Yes, it literally is. And it's irrelevant either way. A human embryo, is both human and alive; meaning human life. We can try to justify terms all you like, but that's all you're doing; trying to dehumanize what is human to make their demise easier to accept. Hitler did the same with Jews, and this is exactly where this tactic comes from.

    • @alisterrebelo9013
      @alisterrebelo9013 5 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@timmytee734 Unique Human DNA, in a biological structure which is alive. It's human rights are present with itself from the moment of conception, not when you arbitrarily decided it becomes a human.

    • @timmytee734
      @timmytee734 5 месяцев назад

      @@alisterrebelo9013 Sperm is alive. Do they have rights not to be wasted over p o r n ? Let's make it illegal for men to je rk off!
      Embryos have zero rights. Only the thinking, living, breathing human has rights! The woman for example who's body is being used.

  • @user-ef3dk5xh1m
    @user-ef3dk5xh1m 5 месяцев назад +19

    No logic or reasoning from her arguments. Truly remarkable that our colleges produce this level of thinking. I was in her shoes at one point so I understand her thinking in a weird way. But not using any logic is dangerous when we have thousands of people just like this

  • @marlenepatrice6404
    @marlenepatrice6404 5 месяцев назад +30

    Thank you young man...may God bless and protect you🙏🙏🙏

  • @Ukulele-gal
    @Ukulele-gal 5 месяцев назад +26

    At least she could have a normal conversation. But like always…..when they are losing the argument they run off.

  • @madelinemaynard3239
    @madelinemaynard3239 5 месяцев назад +64

    I notice every time they say "let me finish" they literally stumble on their words and cannot finish themselves.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад +1

      What about the fact that life categorically does not begin at conception ?

    • @wesleyorange8133
      @wesleyorange8133 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@bulletanarchy6447 He also staunchly leaves out any statistics or discussion on the human brain. To be a human, you have to have a functioning brain. This is why we take brain death patients off life support and why humans born without brains, or simply brain stems, have no measurable consciousness, no brain waves, they are functional potatoes that can only survive due to modern medical equipment and heavy drugs. Life actually forms in the egg and sperm separately.

    • @ryanawilson8549
      @ryanawilson8549 5 месяцев назад +6

      ​@bulletanarchy6447 uh, what? It's literally growing from second one. Growing (cellular division or whatever it's called) isn't life 🤔

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@ryanawilson8549 You can't fertilize a dead ovum

    • @roberjohnsmith
      @roberjohnsmith 5 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@bulletanarchy6447lol. So when does it begin then?

  • @bethsnider5796
    @bethsnider5796 5 месяцев назад +16

    Bravo on knowing your statistics! You pulled out the info on maternal mortality rate right away! Incredible memory! You did great on this debate.

  • @vap322
    @vap322 5 месяцев назад +61

    Truth always has the upper hand.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      Which part was truth ?

    • @Mobius118
      @Mobius118 5 месяцев назад +6

      The parts you’re ignoring and dismissing, for starters :)

    • @GodSoLoved.Yeshua
      @GodSoLoved.Yeshua 5 месяцев назад +7

      Where do humans come from?
      We've all had this talk, at least I would hope so.
      Then yes, abortions is literally taking the life of another human, your own child.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@GodSoLoved.Yeshua No abortion is aborting a pregnancy, a process the will result in you having a child if you do not abort it.

    • @ItsOnPaper
      @ItsOnPaper 5 месяцев назад


  • @jadongrifhorst6221
    @jadongrifhorst6221 5 месяцев назад +15

    Hey I was there- nice meeting you!

  • @scopo911
    @scopo911 5 месяцев назад +7

    what a great conversation. This is exactly what honest discourse looks like! Well done!

  • @markb4021
    @markb4021 5 месяцев назад +6

    Appreciate that she was very civil. Nice job sticking to the point, keep up the great work!

  • @vivianeborkholder2268
    @vivianeborkholder2268 4 месяца назад +5

    You just earned a subscriber. I love how respectful you are and that you're not condescending. Thank you for being out there saving lives!

    • @Arizonaheat956
      @Arizonaheat956 4 месяца назад

      I am utterly opposed to abortion however I would like to make the following statement.
      Pregnancy imposes significant physiological changes on a person’s body. These changes can exacerbate underlying or preexisting conditions, like renal or cardiac disease, and can severely compromise health or even cause death. Determining the appropriate medical intervention depends on a patient’s specific condition. There are situations where pregnancy termination in the form of an abortion is the only medical intervention that can preserve a patient’s health or save their life.

  • @timprobst7905
    @timprobst7905 5 месяцев назад +1

    Great video! I'll be definitely checking out more of your videos!

  • @jamesmcd71
    @jamesmcd71 4 месяца назад +3

    I'm so impressed with this channel. I'm older than most people who watch this channel ( I assume). The host and, for the most part, the people he speaks to seem to legitimately have a conversation. It gives me hope for the future. As I get older I worry about my children and grandchildren. It's so heartbreaking to see the country go down this dangerous road.

  • @Raddflyer
    @Raddflyer 5 месяцев назад +16

    "No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks."

  • @markee063
    @markee063 5 месяцев назад +16

    Not gonna lie; a little excited to be in your first 2000 followers. Another Charlie Kirk up-n-coming.
    No exaggeration. And your bound for glory.

    • @daltonbrasier5491
      @daltonbrasier5491 5 месяцев назад +1

      Charlie kirk wants abortion to be legal.

    • @armchairhiker3635
      @armchairhiker3635 4 месяца назад

      Definitely not a Charlie Kirk. Kirk advocates politicians who advocate a for abortion.

  • @theamaturepro
    @theamaturepro 5 месяцев назад +5

    Having conversations with people who disagree with you is so vital to the progression of society. You do not need to change your mind nor try to change minds, but you do need to understand the opposing argument. Everyone's so fast to flip the switch to the mind off and start calling names/ spewing rhetoric they've been told to believe as soon as they meet opposition. It's very sad and not good for our future. Proof is all around us. We're worse off than 60 years ago with very, very few exceptions.

  • @cheerfulmouse
    @cheerfulmouse 4 месяца назад +1

    This young lady is so sharp!!
    Great questions & interview style on her end too!!!

  • @pokeylope6108
    @pokeylope6108 5 месяцев назад +18

    15:25 was a moment you should have stopped teaching her what to think and taught her how to think.
    Your response would have done more justice to her mind by saying,
    "Well, why do your form such deeply held opinions on stuff you haven't researched yourself?"
    I truly think she doesn't understand his "abortion is never medically nesseccary point." She doesn't get that it means there is no medical procedure called an abortion that is used to save a mother.
    She also doesn't understand what line of logic means.
    Its someones reasoning because A therefore I can B. And he's right her line of logic is, "This kid has a small chance of lowering my living chance, therefore, I can end the kid."
    It is the same line as, "These drivers have a small chance of lowering my living chance, therefore, I can end the other drivers."

    • @varsedo
      @varsedo 4 месяца назад

      Then comes the argument “but it’s growing inside my body.” It always ends up circular. They have their arguments dismantled, the argument becomes circular and then they say “we are going to agree to disagree”. Here’s what I’ve come to realize with women who defend abortion: it all stems down to self preservation and the freedom to do what preserves them in the comfort that is desirable to them. This baby will cause an inconvenience, therefore I will abort it because my life is more important and I want the freedom to do as I will. Nothing should impose my will, not even LIFE. They try every excuse to devalue/dehumanize the baby to justify the self preservation.

  • @christservant21
    @christservant21 5 месяцев назад +20

    The one child policy ended in 2016 because of the collapsing birth rates which was replaced by a two then three child policy and in 2021 there are no restrictions

    • @FuddlyDud
      @FuddlyDud 5 месяцев назад +7

      This is only part of the truth.
      The policy was repealed, but the effect and even practice didn’t change. The culture has tragically become a 1 child culture, if that. It’s too costly to afford them and the CCP has not incentivized nor encouraged family building. It’s actually tragic. :/

    • @christservant21
      @christservant21 5 месяцев назад

      @FuddlyDud yeah, and there were lots of kids that were birthed secretly that are now undocumented people in their own country

    • @S_raB
      @S_raB 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@FuddlyDud Last I researched this China was looking at credits. As in, you have a 2nd child and the gov't gives you money. Don't know if it went anywhere as this was about 6 months ago when I first looked into population decline. Maybe it was S. Korea now that I think about it. They had the lowest birth rate in the world when I was researching, lower than .7%
      20-30 years of it doesn't change drastically, the population will differ rapid decline over the following 10-20 years.
      Film "Birth Gap" was a great documentary with all the data presented very concisely. It's on RUclips for free.

    • @FuddlyDud
      @FuddlyDud 5 месяцев назад

      "Last I researched this China was looking at credits. As in, you have a 2nd child and the gov't gives you money. Don't know if it went anywhere as this was about 6 months ago when I first looked into population decline. Maybe it was S. Korea now that I think about it."
      Could be SK. I have heard similar practices from Japan since both JP and SK are in full general population decline. :(
      "Film "Birth Gap" was a great documentary with all the data presented very concisely. It's on RUclips for free."
      Huh, I better check it out! Thank you! :)
      Also, for fun, what do you think is the best solution for this decline in population sizes/birth rates?

    • @S_raB
      @S_raB 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@FuddlyDud Good question. So, looking at all the data, what's really intriguing is not much has actually changed when you look at family size. In other words, among couple who have children, the avg number of children per couple remains pretty steady in the majority of countries. Statistically, the percentage of couples with 2 kids or 3, or 4 is actually slightly higher in the US. What is driving the decline is couples who by 35-45 (studies vary the "fruitless years" wherein child bearing is no longer feasible or likely & is solely based on females age) years of age have zero children has skyrocketed. In that film is shows all of this data. So it is not that people are having fewer children, it's that more people are choosing to never have children at all - frightening when I think how abortion in America is pushed as a fundamental right. And that's just one piece of the pie that's small. There's a new "trend" now of dual income single families - i.e. "we are young, have disposable income, freedom to travel, because we've chosen to have no children" To fix the birth rate decline we need a massive & unprecedented shift in societal norms. Modern bs has sold the lie that you're happier without children & millions have bought it without a second thought. Women need to know & be taught that being a mother is the absolute greatest thing she can ever do in her life - there is literally no comparison to anything in value when you consider the responsibility for creating the continuation of the human race.

  • @calebmarquart
    @calebmarquart 4 месяца назад

    Supporting you all the way fellow brother in Christ! Keep up the amazing work and fighting for justice for the pre-born. Truly blessed to have someone like you out there!

  • @c-e-p-33
    @c-e-p-33 4 месяца назад

    This was a beautiful conversation, you could see her brain working hard to fight off the change of view. The calm tone taken by you really helps keep it respectful rather than become a petty feud for views. I think more of these interactions and people could start waking up and using their own brains!! thanks for this🙏🏼

  • @Wachpwnski
    @Wachpwnski 5 месяцев назад +7

    Good job buddy. You conduct these very well and respectfully.

  • @sendmelocation5283
    @sendmelocation5283 5 месяцев назад +3

    Dang my brother in Christ, your channel is popping off, nearly 1k subs in a weekend

  • @laurynjuedes8867
    @laurynjuedes8867 5 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you for taking time to stand up and speak for the ones who can’t! Keep up the good work

  • @MeoSter10
    @MeoSter10 5 месяцев назад +7

    Why not just say they want to have unlimited sex without accountability of the outcome? The discussions would be so much quicker.

  • @Thatguywiththeplan8
    @Thatguywiththeplan8 5 месяцев назад +11

    The pro choice argument always goes back to they just don’t want to take accountability for their own actions.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      Correct I don't want to be accountable for what you imagine I should be accountable for.

    • @Mobius118
      @Mobius118 5 месяцев назад +7

      You almost got it, hopefully you will someday.
      Can’t raise a child? Then you’re not ready for the one singular act that creates a new human life (sex). If you do so, you’ve made your choice. Stick with it and don’t destroy the innocent and defenseless child in the womb

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@Mobius118 I don't give a damn about your pro life ideas. If a woman considers destroying what is in her womb necessary then good for her.

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@bulletanarchy6447 It's not an "I think". We ought to be accountable for our actions. Only weak willed people will ever suggest otherwise. Weak men create harsh times.

    • @lukezeiolf6977
      @lukezeiolf6977 4 месяца назад

      @@bulletanarchy6447then be held accountable for taking those actions lmao you live in reality where performing child sacrifices has consequences

  • @Truthcanbeconfusing
    @Truthcanbeconfusing 4 месяца назад

    @hayden rhodea if a woman is raped do you support the taking of the morning after pill or some other fertilization blocker or procedure minutes to a couple of hours after the rape?

  • @SimonPatrickLover77
    @SimonPatrickLover77 5 месяцев назад +2

    Love your approach and appreciate your work!

  • @WilliamEllison
    @WilliamEllison 5 месяцев назад +4

    When people start every sentence with "I believe" you know they don't believe in nothing.

  • @mickeywhite7878
    @mickeywhite7878 5 месяцев назад +7

    If some woman claims they can’t take care of a baby financially, why on earth are you having unprotected sex or even having sex at all? These are the most selfish people on the planet

  • @rgregoryful
    @rgregoryful 5 месяцев назад

    Praise be Jesus! Keep doing this great ministry Hayden. GOD wants us to do HIS work. Courage, intelligence and faith! Do not be afraid, do not lose hope and faith, but Charity is the greatest, and charity is what you exhibit with such ease, it strengthens all of our hope and faith. Thank you.

  • @elvis0609
    @elvis0609 4 месяца назад

    Love the video bro. You’re great at articulating 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  • @thedumbassspeaks
    @thedumbassspeaks 5 месяцев назад +6

    I’d love to see the perceived right to fornicate without consequences brought into the debate. It would make an interesting conversation to see these young women try to defend that position. No sex, no conception, no mental issues brought on by shame or broken relationships, no guilt for aborting a child.

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад

      It's really that simple. People aren't going to die without sex.

    • @Siobhan91
      @Siobhan91 5 месяцев назад

      You’re absolutely right

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@lisaac9477 I don't have any guilt for aborting a child.
      Reproductive waste is where is should be.
      Pro Life are the disease that causes shame and mental issues.
      You pointlessly undermine people's stability when your own is nothing to brag about.

    • @varsedo
      @varsedo 4 месяца назад

      The conversation will just lead to them saying they should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 4 месяца назад

      @@varsedo Your conversation just leads to the embryo should be allowed to appropriate her body for its purposes.

  • @kodycastellanos
    @kodycastellanos 5 месяцев назад +9

    9:48 His response to her counter argument absolutely DENIED her emotional logic with rationality here and I’m for it. Dude was really thinking outside of the box!

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      That because people don't kill themselves, women should have no standard of upbringing that they consider is worth having a baby ?
      Pro Life position always ignore the fact that the woman has to do the pregnancy, it's not just waving a magic wand and the baby appears.

    • @jakeroon
      @jakeroon 4 месяца назад +1

      @@bulletanarchy6447 should a mother be legaly allowed to stop feeding her 1 week old without consequences? In either case the child is completely dependant on the mother. If ppl don't want a pregnacy, they can easily avoid them by refraining from intercourse. A pregancy dosn't occur by simply waving a magic wand either- right??

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 4 месяца назад

      @@jakeroon It's not a child and she is not a mother. It becomes a child and she becomes a mother when it is born.
      A mother can relinquish her responsibility to feed her child and someone will take that role from her.
      An embryo appropriates her body for its purposes, it is not consciously talking any actions at all.

    • @jakeroon
      @jakeroon 4 месяца назад

      @@bulletanarchy6447 you strayed from the premise of the question, and attenmpted to perform an appeal to syntax. Call the child (you know it's a child, as does everyone else you just don't like it) whatever you want- but answer the question, don't dodge it. Conciousness does not determine legalalty for crimes. You can;t commit a crime agianst someone just because they are unconscious can you? of course not. I didnt ask under what curcumstances a mother could have another care for a child, I asked if a mother negelcts to feed her 1 week old child should she be held legally accountable?

    • @jakeroon
      @jakeroon 4 месяца назад

      @@bulletanarchy6447 Also does your heart approprate your body for it's own purposes by beating : anymore than a uterus does by doing what it's designed to do? It might also be helpful to know- Embryo is Greek for "young one" ( ie: child) .

  • @KentuckyMills
    @KentuckyMills 4 месяца назад

    I appreciate you citing your stats on the screen. Great touch.

  • @lewislibre
    @lewislibre 4 месяца назад

    Great channel bro! Keep preaching that word and don’t listen to the haters

  • @danielhurren273
    @danielhurren273 5 месяцев назад +4

    You change minds through intelligent conversations, and these are the way that enlightenments and movements start.. be Christ spreading the word of salvation. or the founding fathers spreading the word of liberty ... this is how we change the word.... great job brother

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      That doesn't sound very intelligent to me. It sounds like your religious bias

    • @danielhurren273
      @danielhurren273 4 месяца назад

      How you think ideas spread??? By talking, spreading ideas... that's why the printing press was outlawed in Europe by monarchs... how you think you get Magna Carta, The Constitution??? I can't help you if you lack thinking and more advanced thinking confuses you

  • @fitnessrealty
    @fitnessrealty 5 месяцев назад +3

    love it when they just giggle, as their mind is rolling over.

  • @matthewbymaster5057
    @matthewbymaster5057 4 месяца назад +1

    What about something like an ectopic pregnancy? IDK if the egg can be moved or it's no longer viable after being removed from the fallopian tube.

    • @Dishwah3r
      @Dishwah3r 2 месяца назад +1

      I would recommend looking into the Dublin Declaration, decided by maternal healthcare professionals. Here’s a quick excerpt: “there is a fundamental difference between abortion, and necessary medical treatments that are carried out to save the life of the mother, even if such treatment results in the loss of life of her unborn child.”
      The CDC’s definition of abortion “excludes management of intrauterine fetal death, early pregnancy failure/loss, ectopic pregnancy, or retained products of conception.”
      Although methods of removal are similar, the intention of the procedure is not the same, so the vast majority of physicians note a difference between abortion and ectopic pregnancy treatment. :)

    • @matthewbymaster5057
      @matthewbymaster5057 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Dishwah3r thank you!

  • @sublimesamoyed
    @sublimesamoyed 5 месяцев назад

    Any chance you want any help with your work? I’m an RN in the Lansing area willing to travel & have LONG been trying to meet up with an abolitionist group in central Michigan to get boots on the ground with.

  • @marlenepatrice6404
    @marlenepatrice6404 5 месяцев назад +5

    There truly is freedom in Truth. The pieces of the puzzle connects.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      Really? explain

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@bulletanarchy6447 At conception, a new human life begins. Start there...

  • @SolomonMagnus819
    @SolomonMagnus819 5 месяцев назад +5

    LMFAO This guy is gold. Bulletproof

  • @michaelatherton677
    @michaelatherton677 5 месяцев назад

    He’s awesome! Very thorough and scripted and explains it so clearly and exactly how I feel. Thanks for doing this!

  • @josiahandkatemould4186
    @josiahandkatemould4186 5 месяцев назад

    Dude this is BRILLIANT! Thank you for what you’re doing ❤

  • @trevorhull2216
    @trevorhull2216 5 месяцев назад +17

    I think she realized how stupid her argument was and how ridiculous she sounded so she had to bring up your scenario about the Mississippi driving thing as a last resort 😂

    • @JohnPaul-ol5zl
      @JohnPaul-ol5zl 5 месяцев назад +1

      Although I agree with you comment, to be fair, she wasn't at his level on such things as stats and critical thinking. At the same time I'm Not saying he purposely sat down with her to obliterate her in the conversation. Overall he did well and she did well in her behavior towards him.
      In the end, she either could see she wasn't going to "win" or just became frustrated that his defense arguments were beyond her which led her to agree to disagree. The Mississippi example wasn't 100% comparable to the supposed medically necessary abortion that she brought up, yet it was close enough to see the logic behind it if you stop and think about it. She was flustered so it was not going to be possible for her to analyze it properly.
      On a 2nd point, IF we were to legally grant abortions ONLY for cases where the mother's life was Clearly at risk Or Grape, I guarantee that 99% of Pro-Abortion individuals would still Not vote for such a law. Why? Because it's just a scapegoat they try to distract from their true intentions......abortion for ANY reason......eye color, sex of the baby, deformity, biracial, interrupt MY selfish life, I can't go out parting with my friends as easy, guys are going to be put off by me having a baby, and the list of pathetic excuses goes on. Cowardly irresponsibility is one of the worst traits an individual (man or woman) can have. Accountability is almost absent in such human beings these days.

    • @trevorhull2216
      @trevorhull2216 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@JohnPaul-ol5zl I agree totally but I’m with this guy abolish abortion totally and even in a instant of grape we shouldn’t punish an innocent child for the sin of the father, like you said they make up these excuses for selfish intent like 90% of them time , it’s a disgusting world we live in people need to repent and come to the foot of the cross for forgiveness.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      The justification for abortion is quite simple really
      The unborn do not have the rights of the born
      Even the born do not have a right to live inside you.

  • @kahkahboy
    @kahkahboy 5 месяцев назад +16

    He debates with facts, she debates with feelings...

    • @timmytee734
      @timmytee734 5 месяцев назад +3

      Dude, an embryo is not a baby. Men have zero say in it!

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад

      @@timmytee734 Men have say in it and an embryo is certainly a baby, or offspring. Stop arguing with your feelings, simp.

    • @kahkahboy
      @kahkahboy 5 месяцев назад

      @@timmytee734 sperm and an egg on its own is nothing. Once fertilized it starts a new life... Tell me what's the difference when a woman wants to have a child and has a miscarriage? Whether planned or not its the same starting point, you gonna tell a woman who was expecting after she finds out she miscarried that the life in her was really nothing! And an Embryo is just another term in the development of a human being.

    • @lcarus42
      @lcarus42 5 месяцев назад +6

      @@timmytee734 yet it is a human life

    • @timmytee734
      @timmytee734 5 месяцев назад

      @@lcarus42 It is not a human being. It's the woman's decision what to do with it. You are forcing young girls and women to have them against their wills and some might turn out to be good mothers but most of them are not suitable to become parents so I don't know what faq is going on in your heads when you force it on women in the USA. Especially men. For men it's all about control over women. It's not about "life" and those "poor" aborted embryos Men don't give a sh it about that!

  • @answersfromscriptureonline
    @answersfromscriptureonline 5 месяцев назад +2

    I never heard of you before Hayden, but you expressed your views very logically.

  • @jeremygagliardi7063
    @jeremygagliardi7063 4 месяца назад

    This was fantastic!! Well done

  • @Kieran6spdm
    @Kieran6spdm 5 месяцев назад +6

    Maybe he has the upper hand the whole time because he is right ??

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад


    • @logic5312
      @logic5312 5 месяцев назад +1

      Nah just confidently ignorant

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@logic5312 Scooter, Do you just blurt out random things or do you have an actual rebuttal?

  • @
    @ 5 месяцев назад +3

    Amazing. You see ..nothing he says is ever gonna matter. She doesn’t make her stances based in logic.She couldn’t provide a single rebuttal and won’t explain why she still feels that way. She openly states she’s not as informed however at the same time isn’t willing to budge. She came to her stance based purely on how she feels and nothing more. It’s scary how many people are this way. Ignorant and stubborn.

  • @mikewilliams6025
    @mikewilliams6025 4 месяца назад

    Great on this girl to be willing to sit down and think. Obviously she hadn't thought through her positions particularly thoroughly. Hopefully her attitude of being willing to engage and grow continues.

  • @mattttyler
    @mattttyler Месяц назад

    Well done. You've earned a sub. Here's some engagement 👏👏

  • @SuitofSorrows
    @SuitofSorrows 5 месяцев назад +11

    Wow, I commend you for trying to have a conversation with this girl. Unfortunately, due to her lack of critical thinking skills, you were simply talking AT her and not with her.
    All the talking points she heard from her liberal professors, the MSM, and TikTok can’t hold any weight in the conversation so when you dismantled her entire world view she couldn’t accept that and so she left saying you did a poor job articulating your point.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад +1

      Isn't that what all pro life advocates do, just talk at you ?

    • @KCDCish
      @KCDCish 5 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@bulletanarchy6447 Only because the pro death people are offended by facts and only tend to their own feelings. If only they would tend to the feelings of babies.

    • @ZilleniumFalcon
      @ZilleniumFalcon 5 месяцев назад

      @@KCDCishthis has to be the worst take on the issue someone can have. There are no facts that point to the correct course of action! It’s purely conjecture and arbitrary

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@ZilleniumFalcon There are actually tons of facts; such as; at conception, a new human life is created. Start there...

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@lisaac9477 That's not a fact.

  • @milesrost6674
    @milesrost6674 5 месяцев назад +7

    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty."
    Andrew Wilson (The Crucible) another great debater for those wanting more of the similar.
    - Godspeed

    • @thunder6742
      @thunder6742 5 месяцев назад +1

      Weird that you wouldn't find forcing somebody to do something with their body that they don't want to, not an "injustice", but ok.

  • @michaelademarco6710
    @michaelademarco6710 5 месяцев назад +2

    You are a incredible young man. God Bless You and All of God's Children!

  • @christopherd6399
    @christopherd6399 4 месяца назад

    What a respectful, thoughtful, humble young lady. What a joy to listen to her. She asked questions to actually gain information and understand another person's perspective. She is humble enough to know she's too young to hold onto a position too virulently. Gives me some hope.

  • @manofmartin
    @manofmartin 5 месяцев назад +5

    That ended abruptly!

  • @acenine8149
    @acenine8149 5 месяцев назад +6

    This video is great. Gonna start binging all of your videos. Keep it up 👍

    • @Hayden_Rhodea
      @Hayden_Rhodea  5 месяцев назад +3

      Thank you!

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      What's great about it ?

    • @Mobius118
      @Mobius118 5 месяцев назад

      Watch it and think about it

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@Mobius118 Bog standard pro life rhetoric

    • @Mobius118
      @Mobius118 5 месяцев назад +3

      Somehow encouraging someone to “watch and think about” something is “bog standard pro life rhetoric?” Funny enough, encouraging a pursuit of facts and truth *is* standard “pro life” rhetoric to be fair, so you are actually correct there.

  • @lucymaty4545
    @lucymaty4545 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you, Hayden for being prolife. God bless you and give you the strength to continue to defend life.

  • @danishpastries3941
    @danishpastries3941 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you young man, for bringing awareness to this evil!! I 100% agree with you!!

  • @akyourecrazy
    @akyourecrazy 5 месяцев назад +22

    everyone is so inconsistent. every single person you talk to is.

    • @adrianharry5336
      @adrianharry5336 5 месяцев назад +4

      Because they’ve never fully thought about it. It’s programming

    • @akyourecrazy
      @akyourecrazy 5 месяцев назад


    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +1

      It's common with those that don't have truths.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@adrianharry5336 Sure because they know he is wrong.

    • @adrianharry5336
      @adrianharry5336 4 месяца назад

      @@bulletanarchy6447 what is he wrong about? This one might be the most emphatic victories he’s got on here. What’s he wrong about?

  • @thehumbleofsoul2256
    @thehumbleofsoul2256 5 месяцев назад +5

    Amazing work you're doing!!! Thank you ❤

  • @oscarfigueroa520
    @oscarfigueroa520 4 месяца назад

    Amazing Bro, props on knowing and being confident on your stance

  • @saminalam6647
    @saminalam6647 5 месяцев назад

    which University is this. I think you should disclose the locations where you do these debates

    • @jacooob5927
      @jacooob5927 5 месяцев назад

      Looks like Grand Valley State. In Allendale Michigan

  • @laurao8099
    @laurao8099 5 месяцев назад +9

    She was fairly polite and very persistent but I think you definitely got the gears turning in her head and she's going to be fumbling over all of the ideas she's been taught and the truth is going to be more clear overtime

  • @markvandyke2106
    @markvandyke2106 5 месяцев назад +3

    The lack of critical thinking in so many of these street conversations is glaring. She was upset by "killing everyone on the road" as if that's what he was suggesting people should do. The point of the illustration is that we SHOULDN'T do that, and neither should a woman take the life of her child to negate an exceptionally small risk.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      But why should she not abort a pregnancy ?

    • @Mobius118
      @Mobius118 5 месяцев назад +4

      Because “aborting a pregnancy” is results in the death of an innocent human life

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад

      @@bulletanarchy6447 There is never a reason to. That's why.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@lisaac9477 That's for her to decide, not you.
      Just like, it is not for the rapist to decide that there is never a reason for her not to have sex with him.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@Mobius118 It's just reproductive waste.

  • @monicasewald3348
    @monicasewald3348 3 месяца назад +1

    This guys is so awesome!!! I love how he proves every insane pro choice argument to be wrong!! I also love how these people just give up and leave.
    Their hypocrite views don’t stand a chance!!

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 Месяц назад

      He never proves anything, he just regurgitates rehearsed rhetoric from pro life websites and makes these students sound ill prepared because they are.

  • @jedimaster2253
    @jedimaster2253 4 месяца назад

    Dude you're Top G at this. keep goin

  • @oldwestcreative83
    @oldwestcreative83 5 месяцев назад +3

    11:30 When you said "Kill it" the wind really hit that girl. Careful with your powers.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      It's a little disturbing to talk to someone that thinks you support murder

    • @oldwestcreative83
      @oldwestcreative83 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@bulletanarchy6447 Step 1: Stop supporting murder.

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@oldwestcreative83 Step 1: Stop your pro life BS

    • @Mobius118
      @Mobius118 5 месяцев назад +4

      Bro really called stopping murder of the innocent as “pro life BS” 😂

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад

      @@bulletanarchy6447 Most of us aren't pro-life, but rather anti-abortion. It's best to understand who you're arguing against.

  • @SuperSaiyanScandinavian
    @SuperSaiyanScandinavian 5 месяцев назад +2

    I still can't fathom the mind of someone who proclaims to be a Christian and is pro abortion. as soon as that egg is fertilized there is a soul, and if you're Christian, that alone should be enough reason to not terminate the life. I don't think that's the only reason, as I agree with Hayden that you can definitely be an Atheist or Agnostic and still argue that human life has begun. But if you know a new soul is in that forming child, you know God put it there, and not by mistake. You are saying "no" to God, and are completely rejecting Him in that moment, because you now, are playing the role of God.

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад

      These two things can't exist within one entity. You're either pro-abortion or Christian.

  • @jamesmaybury7452
    @jamesmaybury7452 4 месяца назад

    Great that she is willing to ask questions and think.

  • @Sandy-bx4fq
    @Sandy-bx4fq 4 месяца назад

    Good job young man. You obviously put so much time and effort into the research behind everything you said because you had a clear direct answer for every excuse she made. I’m glad she was civil and willing to listen and didn’t scream “no uterus no opinion” like they usually do haha.

  • @isaac7292
    @isaac7292 5 месяцев назад +3

    Well done!

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      For what ?

    • @Mobius118
      @Mobius118 5 месяцев назад +3

      For defending the innocent and defenseless

    • @bulletanarchy6447
      @bulletanarchy6447 5 месяцев назад

      @@Mobius118 She is fairly innocent and defenseless compared to me

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@bulletanarchy6447 Finally, you said something we can agree on...

  • @robertpetrie2536
    @robertpetrie2536 5 месяцев назад +13

    "Abortion is never medically necessary". What about ectopic pregnancy? You have to be more careful with how you define abortion. Abortion is not medical care in this case. Abortion as defined by the male in this video is an elective baby killing procedure. But the left refers to the ending of any pregnancy that is not birth as an abortion. So we need to work on our definitions.

    • @m1neplayer759
      @m1neplayer759 5 месяцев назад +5

      this man is basically just saying that if you have a miscarriage thats an abortion, and that’s wrong, if your baby dies before you give birth to it, that’s wrong if you are having an ectopic pregnancy and you cannot physically give birth this baby without yourself, dying that well the baby deserves to live and you don’t that is so harmful and so messed up. It’s so wrong but saying that about an entire half of our population is incredibly disrespectful. He does not have the ability to give birth. Why is he saying that he wants to take away rights for other women to give birth, or to not give birth

    • @jrathje14
      @jrathje14 5 месяцев назад

      An abortion is a procedure with the intent to end the life of a baby, much different than treating an ectopic pregnancy

    • @jrathje14
      @jrathje14 5 месяцев назад

      Seems the left changed the definition of abortion for political gain

    • @jrathje14
      @jrathje14 5 месяцев назад

      An abortion is a procedure with the intent to end the life of a baby, much different than treating an ectopic pregnancy

    • @jrathje14
      @jrathje14 5 месяцев назад

      Seems the left changed the definition for political gain

  • @amberschade6185
    @amberschade6185 4 месяца назад +1

    They told me to terminate my third child at the beginning of my pregnancy. They thought they could scare me into killing my unborn son. My second child situation was their reason. I was 31 weeks pregnant with my daughter and was elbowed by a child, he rupture my uterus leading to a life threatening hemorrhage and a emergency c section so they used my trauma and said it's a ticking time bomb, your going to go threw it again and possiblydie this time. They thought they could scare me against my son. I refused and I carried him full term safety. I hate when they use situation like mine to excuse this. If I could be brave other woman can too.

  • @pagliaccisghost269
    @pagliaccisghost269 4 месяца назад

    I love it when people that think that they are important, try to shut him down and make him leave. He isn't just good at debating this issue. He also knows his rights and isnt scared to stand up for them. In other words, he makes them call the police, THEN he makes the cops leave...😅😂❤ One of my new favorite You Tubers.....

  • @elizabeth714
    @elizabeth714 5 месяцев назад +5

    I’m pro life and think he did a great job stating his case. I do feel the need to counter his argument that “abortion is never medically necessary”. An abortion is necessary for a tubal ectopic pregnancy. If you allow that fetus to grow, it will burst your fallopian tube (making it difficult if not impossible for you to bring new children into the world) and that type of pregnancy will never be viable. The fetus will die in that condition regardless and the other will experience serious consequences to her health and may even die. Worth mentioning.

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +2

      Ectopic surgeries aren't abortions. We know this because abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood do not perform these. They refer mothers to OBGYN's or their primaries for the proper course of action. In fact, Planned Parenthood has never saved a mothers life, EVER

    • @elizabeth714
      @elizabeth714 5 месяцев назад +2

      @emigs8712 No. I don’t think they’re the same act. I neither said that nor insinuated it. It’s just worth noting that women shouldn’t be criminally punished for terminating a fetus from a tubal ectopic pregnancy that isn’t viable and it’s seriously detrimental to the mother’s health.

    • @Cleeveable
      @Cleeveable 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@emigs8712take a breather, calm your emotions and read her comment again. That's not what she's saying.

    • @lisaac9477
      @lisaac9477 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@emigs8712 Abortion has never been done to save a mothers life; NEVER!! Start there...

    • @lukezeiolf6977
      @lukezeiolf6977 4 месяца назад

      @@lisaac9477it blows my mind that people don’t know this

  • @kavyakinjalk2739
    @kavyakinjalk2739 5 месяцев назад +4

    What even is this. A proper debate takes work and preparation and time. If you just get a random college student, they are not going to be able to debate properly. Go to real debates and then we shall see.

    • @henrylopez7721
      @henrylopez7721 5 месяцев назад

      You are silly. The overall point is to show when someone says they are an abolitionist and provide a sound argument, the pro-murder camp can't provide a substantial argument.
      These are College students who get brainwashed at school that babies are not humans and you can kill them, and then when they finally hear an opposing opinion for the first time in their life, they have no idea what they believe.
      A moderated debate wouldn't change anything.

    • @andyman58
      @andyman58 5 месяцев назад

      The problem is nobody on the pro abortion side has ever really thought about their position with much logic. If they had they wouldn't be pro abortion. And when you challenge their terrible logic they fold or walk away. Ready to spout the same tired rhetoric to another pro lifer.

    • @m1neplayer759
      @m1neplayer759 5 месяцев назад +3

      I completely agree, space this thing where he’s like oh we are just stupid because you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about is super judgmental and not OK because he has had months to do this research for his wrong opinion and gives these college students no time to research anything ask them questions they answer them truthfully, and then he’s just well you’re wrong because I say so

    • @reternity777
      @reternity777 5 месяцев назад +2

      At least you have been given the chance at write this statement.

    • @trevorhull2216
      @trevorhull2216 5 месяцев назад +3

      It’s not about a debate bro he literally said that he was doing this for one bc he’s a Christian and God says to protect the innocent from being slain and two to potentially get people to change their minds.

  • @joshhale2007
    @joshhale2007 4 месяца назад

    The lords work, keep it up brother!

  • @terryroster
    @terryroster 5 месяцев назад +5

    This woman is really smart. I know the video is making fun of her "You can kill grass" comment, but she's right. Human beings don't develop consciousness until around the 20 week mark, which means that there is no one that is being harmed up until that point. (Which is 99% of abortions.) In order for Hayden to convince her (and me) that killing a human that has never experienced consciousness (never being the key word here, don't @ me with your awful sleep or in a coma arguments) is worse than killing grass, he would need to prove that an abortion before the 20 week mark causes some form of harm to someone. But he will never be able to argue this, because you can't harm a consciousness that doesn't exist yet.
    At best, he can argue that she is preventing a consciousness from eventually existing. But the same is true if the couple doesn't have sex in the first place. Which we would all agree isn't a criminal offense, even though it creates the exact same outcome as abortion. (A new consciousness doesn't get to exist.)
    This is why most pro lifers are religious by the way, because there is no moral reason to oppose abortion outside of "God told me so."

    • @andyman58
      @andyman58 5 месяцев назад +10

      Consciousness does not define a human being. We were all humans at conception. This is not religious but science. The pro aborts feel they can define a human by gestational age or whether the baby is in our out of the womb. Neither defines a human. Human rights are demanded for all humans, not just for the ones some deem worthy.

    • @terryroster
      @terryroster 5 месяцев назад +1

      I never said it wasn't a human being. You are arguing with an imaginary person because it's easier than responding to anything I have said.@@andyman58

    • @terryroster
      @terryroster 5 месяцев назад +2

      I never said it wasn't human. You are arguing with an imaginary person because it's easier than responding to anything I said.

    • @andyman58
      @andyman58 5 месяцев назад

      @@terryroster So you admit it's okay to kill humans indiscriminately if they meet YOUR ideas on what is sentient or worth life. You would have been a popular person in Nazi Germany. Human rights are worthless unless it includes ALL human life.

    • @slemonman
      @slemonman 5 месяцев назад +7

      I stopped reading when bro said this woman is really smart lol

  • @jimsab2335
    @jimsab2335 4 месяца назад

    What a very polite exchange, no yelling ordain calling, very civil