Insurance Companies

  • Опубликовано: 20 апр 2023
  • The American healthcare system is broken. It is built around money-hungry insurance and pharmaceutical companies that care more about their bottom line than they do the patients that they are responsible for. Unfortunately, that means you - if you are subjected to the boundaries of this system - are just another dollar sign to them. Nothing more, but actually - probably less.
    Too often we've seen insurance companies decide what they will or will not pay for when it comes to treating patients. Mind you - no one at an insurance company is a doctor. So, why should they be the ones deciding whether the treatment provided to you was appropriate enough for them to pay for it ?
    They don't know you. Us They don't know how you're presenting. They don't have the education required to make appropriate clinical decisions. Yet, their decisions dictate what kind of care you receive, and they certainly (and unfortunately) influence doctors' decision making processes because (1) if docs provide services that they know insurance won't pay for [even if it's what's best for you], then their boss is going to be on their ass about it and 2) if they don't get paid/lose their jobs because they aren't adhering to insurance-based guidelines, then they're probably out of a job. So what's the solution if you work in an insurance-based system? Listen to the insurance companies.
    But at the end of the day, the only people who win are the insurance companies. Healthcare workers get reimbursed less and less over the years for their services, so they need to see more and more patients.
    This means docs are burnt out, have less time, and are more willing to offer you poor treatment options that may not be appropriate for you only because they know insurance companies will reimburse them a higher dollar amount whenever they provide those services (i.e. injections for pain, useless imaging, etc).
    Find a provider who can provide the outcome you want without having an insurance company dictating their decision-making. This is the only way you will win.
    #video #insurancecompanies #health #physicaltherapy #healthcare #physiotherapy #pain #patients #provider

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