I have never seen it explained like this. I am just getting into herd management and I kinda just took peoples word that it forced the game to spawn more because of "some reason". I like math, this really helps me piece what I am doing on my maps. Great video!
Bro ive never tried heard management just cause i didnt understand how it worked but your video explained it so well i just wanted to thank you for making it cotw is one of my favorite games ever made and ill deffinetly try it out now that i know how it works
I don’t really do grinds or heard management, just walks with my dog and gun lol This makes a lot of sense though and really interesting to know how it works.
Leave your 5s on the entire map. Same with your 4s. 1) Shoot your 3s all over the map until you find less than 12. 2) Go to your exterior zones, and kill your level 4s in ascending MINUMUM rating. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have more than 50% of your population lv2. Go to your shooting lakes and clear out the level 2s. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have no level 2s at the shooting lakes, and no level 4/5s at exterior lakes. Once an exterior lake only has level 2s, tear down the portable infrastructure and 'forget' it. When you've gotten all of your exterior lakes managed, the protocol changes to hunting 3-5 animals per spawn cycle, all your 5 highest minimum ratings weight. You are hoping for 1 or 2 level 2 and 3s to spawn, and your G1, alongside one or two 4 and 5s. The more extreme your herd management on your exterior lakes, the more frequently you'll get G1s on your shooting lakes. Any time you get a smaller rating on a shooting lake than an exterior lake, shoot your largest exterior male and your respawned shooting lake male until they trade spawns.
Around 3 minutes during your 1-5 animals explanation, the first example for average was 3.3 inside your 3-4 value range. However the second value “didnt work” because it didn’t equal 3.3 even though it was still inside your 3-4 value. Are you saying that your map will pick a number in a range and always stick to that number or will it fluctuate inside whatever range the game has set.
The video’s purpose was to tell people who don’t understand herd management how it works in a dumbed down way. I didn’t want to confused people so I just left this part out of the video, but since you brought it up. I’ll talk about it. I personally believe that the average can change. It doesn’t always have to be 3.3, but I don’t think it’s by a lot. What I mean is I don’t think it will go from 3.3 to 3.8, but maybe 3.3 to 3.5. The past couple weeks I’ve been experimenting and this and so far it’s true. But like I said, just for the sake of not confusing people who truly needed help understanding it. I just left it out of the video. If you have any more questions or are still confused just reply to this comment!
So, I shot and collected 3,416 whitetail on Rancho, knew I’d never see a great one, but thought I could get a couple diamonds maybe a rare or two. Absolutely zero level 3’s. Zero diamonds. Highest scoring buck was a 247. I took no does. Used the 30.06 and .308. Did manage to get an albino though so I guess that’s a plus. But even with this break down it’s hard to believe “herd management” works on a RNG game.
I have over 3,000 hours on this game a little over 300 💎 6 great ones the game is alot harder to spawn great ones why updates & streamers make it look easy why that's a good question why it's so easy for them are they being honest 🤔🤔🤔 they are on PC & not ps5 so everyone one allways says your map might be different why I don't know everyone's map should be the same...
I am currently doing a Fallow grind and took the time to go through and count all my males. I have 45 level 2s, 22 level 3s and 13 level 4s. That has given me an average of 2.6 and I see a level 5 around every 10-20 kills. Would you say this is being properly herd managed? This is my first time doing a grind in the game, and herd management has been confusing at times. I appreciate how you broke this down, as it made more sense to me. Thank you!
so with this information how do i know what each animal is rated? i haven't really noticed a massive difference in models except maybe young teen adult kid of thing (i am very new to the game and trying to learn)
Good explanation also I'm not a PC player but can't you pull the file of your map population and just check the count and average to confirm your theory?
Hey man, thanks for explaining hopefully correct math behind it. I have started Fallow Deer grind and because I wanna understand how it works, I made excel spreadsheet and I wrote down all my males on the map. So after what I thought was herd managed I did my headcount: 81males total 25...lvl4 (main zones only) 49...lvl3 (exteriors + solo) 7...lvl2 (exteriors + solo) With average 3,222 I have started my grind and I am 100kills in. All I get was 4s and like every 3rd/4th is gold one and some 3s. But no lvl5. 4 of my males in my main zones spawned as 2. What do u think its better to do: - leave those 2s and "move them" to two shooting zones and totally skip them - try to lower exterior zones (easier way than solos) - on exterior zones I have 11males on lvl3? If I somehow reduce those 11 to lvl2 my average would drop to 3,08. I herd managed it by its rating. I had 25males with rating 160+, 10males with rating 150-160 and 46males with rating below 150. Btw how do you explain spawning 5? From what I understood its basicly if you shoot at least two males, then first male spawn on lower level (as deviation from balancing that level ratio) then the next one has to spawn on higher level to balance it (assuming both were 4s before shot down). Have you done math behind it if its better to shoot in one go lets say some 3s and 4s rather than 4s only? Do you think it matters? Should I try to shoot in one go as many as possible or rather to shoot less? Honestly regarding this grind, I really dont care about spawning one, I just care about understanding it. I dont mind working with you if you need some data to test your theories.
Hey! Let's talk about this: "What do u think its better to do: - leave those 2s and "move them" to two shooting zones and totally skip them - try to lower exterior zones (easier way than solos) - on exterior zones I have 11males on lvl3? If I somehow reduce those 11 to lvl2 my average would drop to 3,08." If a level 2 spawns in your main shooting zone, shoot it, and try to "move" them to your exterior zones. Do not shoot solo zones, it will delete the zone and make the zone spawn somewhere random on the map. Even if the solo zone has a level 4, it is too risky shooting the zone as it could mess up your respawns. -------------------------------- Let's explain this: "Btw how do you explain spawning 5? From what I understood its basicly if you shoot at least two males, then first male spawn on lower level (as deviation from balancing that level ratio) then the next one has to spawn on higher level to balance it (assuming both were 4s before shot down)." The game doesn't have a set way of what a respawn will turn into. What do I mean by this? If you shoot a level 4, the game will randomly respawn it as a different level or the same. This will cause other respawns "chance" of spawning lower/higher to be weighed. Meaning if a 4 turns into a 3, the game is more likely to make a different animal's respawn higher than it's original. To add to your statement, if you get your exterior zones to start spawning level 2s and you keep those level 2s in your exterior zones, I promise you level 5s will start spawning. And remember, if a level 5 spawns in your main zones, do not shoot it. I know it's tempting, but it will help you get even more diamonds down the road. Keeping the level 5 in your main zones will force the game to spawn more 2s, which hopefully spawn in your exterior zones. BUT, if a level 5 spawns in your exterior zones, shoot it, because you want those level 5s to spawn in your main zones and not your exterior zones because it might spawn a level 2 in your main zones, which you do not want. I would say once you have anywhere between 5-9 diamonds stacked on your map you can start shooting one or two diamonds. Just to get some new fresh ones. Some people also believe that great ones spawn from diamonds. I will be making a video in the future about that. --------------------------------- Now let's explain this: "Have you done math behind it if its better to shoot in one go lets say some 3s and 4s rather than 4s only? Do you think it matters? Should I try to shoot in one go as many as possible or rather to shoot less?" Have I done the math behind it? Some of it. I haven't went through ever animal on my map and figure out my average, but I have done small sample groups of it, which proved my believe of how this works. --------------------------------------- This video is a simple and basic introduction on how herd management works for people who can't grasp the understanding of how it works, which was me when I first started grinding. I plan to make a detail herd management grind in the future. This respawn belief system of mine also works with trophy score average. --------------------------------------- If you have any more questions or are confused about something, just reply! Have a great day!
@@UziPC Hey thanks for answer. I already touched all those solo zones, when I entered map I had 15x lvl4 solo , 1x lvl5 solo (he wasnt troll - lucky me). And I already reduced all solos to lvl3s - this took me like 40-50hours (whole december) and tons of cash - last solo deer took me like one full afternoon to get him to lvl3. But what confuses me is: - when I finished herd management. I had: 25x ... lvl4 49x ... lvl3 07x ... lvl2 now I keep getting something around: 13x ... lvl4 57x ... lvl3 11x ... lvl2 -> my average is lower - what used to be 3.222 is now 3.025 I will try to keep an eye on it in the future to see if my average is increasing or not. But 100kills reduce it by 0,2. I have 100kills - which I think from statistically speaking should be kinda enough to set average level as close as possible to the real one. Any thoughts why? Based on your comment and video I have 2options, leave those 2s and shoot on less deers, or do more extreme herd management by getting my exterior zones to lvl2 only. To have 5-9 diamonds? Wau that number is way beyond my imagination! I thought like 2-3 is considered a lot :) Ok I will try to get 4s back to my main zone and then to lower those exterior zones to lvl2.
@@UziPC Hey man, thanks for video and comments. Just doing quick update on my grind. Currently I am stacking diamonds, I am 100kills in since last HM and already got 4x level 5 :) so thats one diamond every 25th kill so far, which is amazing. I concur with ur theory, but that number you simplified is just average from several counting - you can easily force game to go out of 3-4 average. After my last HM (which was lowering exterior zones to lvl2 - few are still 3s) I tried to shoot with two rules: stack diamonds and dont shoot anything below 150. What I achieved with this tactic was that all my big ones spawn at some point as small one (it took me like 50kills), and when it was down to last 5-6 big deers, they stopped spawning - at that point I had on the map 19x lvl2, 58x lvl3 and 2x diamonds + those 5-6 deers which refused to spawn. Nothing else, nothing more (so at this point my average was below 3 which is probably reason why game froze spawning). Then I was really frustrated with it and went to discord server seeking for help and some guy explained to me that my vision (ONLY big deers will spawn, no small ones) is just wrong, that its about probability and you shoot all males from ur main zones. After this talk I returned to my grind and when I killed first 2x lvl3 from my main zones it "unfrozen grind" and those deers which refused to spawn started spawning and big ones. Now it works like clockwork. Because I was pushing it to the limit - really to the last deer, this situation when some deers in certain zones stopped spawning happened to me more than once. But it was because I was focusing shooting only on that deer - you have to shoot more deers so game will have more choices which levels to spawn. You can easy force game to go beyond that 3-4 average, but game will just let you know that its not OK by refusing to spawn anything. I got into situation where not even GO spawn would balance that average above 3. Also if you plan to make another video I recommend to focus on what was my issue, because now when I read all those comments and questions regadig grind its all about frustration "why its not working", because ppl see on youtube cuts where youtubers shoot ONLY big deers so they think only big deers will spawn, which is nonsense. Yes there will be big deers, but from time to time they will spawn as small 2s. Thats just how I see it. HM can be TL:DR into: shoot deers over and over until you spawn desired level on deer you want (exterior/solo = lvl2) and in the proces you will spawn some 4s, rares, diamonds and even GO before you turn that one deer in exterior zone into lvl2. EDIT: after posting this comment first deer I saw was another diamond. :) if anyone reads it: make comment and then you will spawn diamond :D it worked for me
I’ve been doing my own experiment too. I’ve found that the average can change, I plan to make more videos in the future about this topic. Thank you for taking the time to do this stuff and comment, it not only helps the community, but me too!
It is believed that herd management will increase the chances of spawning a great one, but no one truly knows. I will be making a video on that soon though!
The beat way to find out would be to find a fresh map with a G1 (can happen) and then go figure out what the maps average trophy rating/animal level. My friend had a G1 BB spawn on his SRP. The fact it was literally the first bear track he found and followed to a drink zone, and his first animal of any species shot on that reserve, will forever make that his most memorable G1, even if they add G1 Bengal Tigers.
should i hunt my exterior first or my mains people saying rotate on ext n mains but other people saying rotate on just mains im new to herd management for whitetail what should i do?
Your exterior zones should be zones that are hard/difficult to hunt and/or don’t have a lot of males. Your main zones should be zones that are easy to hunt and large male population. When you rotate between tents, keep both main zones and exterior zones in your rotation. As you are killing whitetail, when a level 1 spawns in your exterior zone, do not shoot it. Keep it in your exterior zone. Once all the whitetail in a particular exterior zone are all level 1. You can stop hunting that zone. Continue to do that until all your exterior zones only have level 1s. If you have anymore questions or are confused still, just reply! I’m happy to help! I will be also making a detailed herd management video in the soon so stay tuned!
so for example if my map had an average whitetail of 1.5 and my friends had an average of 2.1, is there a better map then the other? or does it not matter what the average is
The average is a simple way of explaining how herd management works to people who don’t understand how herd management works. But this being said, this is still how I believe the game works. But yes, if your friend had an average of 2.1 and you had an average of 1.5, his map would be better. Everyone’s maps are different, like the amount of animals at one’s drinking zone on their map could be different than yours.
Technology you’re supposed to shoot 1s, 2s, and 3s. BUT, it depends on where they spawn. If a level 1 spawns in your EXTERIOR ZONES, KEEP IT. If a level 1 spawns in your MAIN ZONES, SHOOT IT. If a level 3 spawns in your EXTERIOR ZONES, SHOOT IT. If a level 3 spawns in your MAIN ZONES, KEEP IT. Always shoot level 2s.
Leave your 5s on the entire map. Same with your 4s. 1) Shoot your 3s all over the map until you find less than 12. 2) Go to your exterior zones, and kill your level 4s in ascending MINUMUM rating. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have more than 50% of your population lv2. Go to your shooting lakes and clear out the level 2s. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have no level 2s at the shooting lakes, and no level 4/5s at exterior lakes. Once an exterior lake only has level 2s, tear down the portable infrastructure and 'forget' it. When you've gotten all of your exterior lakes managed, the protocol changes to hunting 3-5 animals per spawn cycle, all your 5 highest minimum ratings weight. You are hoping for 1 or 2 level 2 and 3s to spawn, and your G1, alongside one or two 4 and 5s. The more extreme your herd management on your exterior lakes, the more frequently you'll get G1s on your shooting lakes. Any time you get a smaller rating on a shooting lake than an exterior lake, shoot your largest exterior male and your respawned shooting lake male until they trade spawns.
You are not wrong, but not totally correct. You want to have main zones and exterior zones. If you aren’t familiar with what those are, here’s a short summary: -------- Main zones: Easy to hunt & have a large male population Exterior zones: Can be easy or hard to hunt, but have a low male population count (Less than 3). -------- You want to have smaller level animals in your exterior zones. And you want to stack potential diamonds in your main zones. So technically, you keep both smaller and larger animals on your map.
1. Sorry but wouldn't it be more simple to just say animals respawn pretty much around the same level? One sentence. Why would we need the whole formulas? 2. How do you know it actually works exactly that way? Are you an EW dev? Does it really add up like this? Don't you think there's some kind of random aspect to it? Like: The average score has to be AROUND a particular number... Or even: There's no rule about that... 3. I haven't found any evidence for herd management so far. You still need to kill hundreds, even thousands of animals of the same species to get one GO. If you count HM and non-HM grinds statistics, it seems to be pretty much the same, that I know. Do you have mathematical proof it works better than other ways of grinding? Thanks!
This video is a simple version of herd management for those who may not understand it. Rather than an average level, your game has an average score. (This is the more complex version). But how do I know this actually works this way? I don’t. No one does. EW has never released how respawns work, but the information from the videos, is what I was thought from the past couple years from the largest COTW content creators. This is how the largest COTW content creators also believe how it works. But like I said, no one knows how respawns work because EW has never released it.
it's so nice when they explain it instead of showing us specific steps like we're toddlers unable to grasp these concepts, great video, keep it up!
Thanks for the support!
I have never seen it explained like this. I am just getting into herd management and I kinda just took peoples word that it forced the game to spawn more because of "some reason". I like math, this really helps me piece what I am doing on my maps. Great video!
I thought It was a really unique way of showing it. Thanks for the support!
this explained it better than any other video i watched, having it written out really helped as a visual learner. ty for the explanation! ❤
Of course!
Fantastic herd management vid best one yet!
This is super helpful, thanks for breaking it down in a way that's easy to understand. Definitely earned a sub from me.
I’m glad to help! Thanks for the support!
Thanks for this! I'm definitely a visual learner and this does make more sense now
Of course!
Bro ive never tried heard management just cause i didnt understand how it worked but your video explained it so well i just wanted to thank you for making it cotw is one of my favorite games ever made and ill deffinetly try it out now that i know how it works
Of course! I’m glad I could help!
He speaks for alot of us 😅
This is a perfect explaination! Thank you so much for taking the time making this :)
Thank you for the support!
Great video brother
Thank you!
I don’t really do grinds or heard management, just walks with my dog and gun lol This makes a lot of sense though and really interesting to know how it works.
For the first time I think I flat head almost understand. I think if I stick with your videos, I might actually learn something lol ❤
Appreciate it! More videos coming soon!
This is such a great explanation. No bs just straight to the point
This helped me so much. Appreciate it man.
Of course!
You did a great job!!
This helped me so much, Thank you!
I’m glad it helped! Thank you for the support!
best explanation out there
Appreciate it! 🙏
As someone who got through math with khan academy, I greatly appreciate this visual
Great vid
This is so good😮😮😮❤
Edit:I’m subbing
1:57 repeating of course
lol seriously tho great info
Great video
Leave your 5s on the entire map. Same with your 4s.
1) Shoot your 3s all over the map until you find less than 12.
2) Go to your exterior zones, and kill your level 4s in ascending MINUMUM rating.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have more than 50% of your population lv2.
Go to your shooting lakes and clear out the level 2s. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have no level 2s at the shooting lakes, and no level 4/5s at exterior lakes. Once an exterior lake only has level 2s, tear down the portable infrastructure and 'forget' it.
When you've gotten all of your exterior lakes managed, the protocol changes to hunting 3-5 animals per spawn cycle, all your 5 highest minimum ratings weight. You are hoping for 1 or 2 level 2 and 3s to spawn, and your G1, alongside one or two 4 and 5s.
The more extreme your herd management on your exterior lakes, the more frequently you'll get G1s on your shooting lakes.
Any time you get a smaller rating on a shooting lake than an exterior lake, shoot your largest exterior male and your respawned shooting lake male until they trade spawns.
not with red deer, have to shot your 5's i did in my great one spawn HM, cannot leave the 5s or bigger stags just dont spawn
I understood it!!!! So thaks a lot
Around 3 minutes during your 1-5 animals explanation, the first example for average was 3.3 inside your 3-4 value range. However the second value “didnt work” because it didn’t equal 3.3 even though it was still inside your 3-4 value. Are you saying that your map will pick a number in a range and always stick to that number or will it fluctuate inside whatever range the game has set.
The video’s purpose was to tell people who don’t understand herd management how it works in a dumbed down way.
I didn’t want to confused people so I just left this part out of the video, but since you brought it up. I’ll talk about it.
I personally believe that the average can change. It doesn’t always have to be 3.3, but I don’t think it’s by a lot.
What I mean is I don’t think it will go from 3.3 to 3.8, but maybe 3.3 to 3.5. The past couple weeks I’ve been experimenting and this and so far it’s true.
But like I said, just for the sake of not confusing people who truly needed help understanding it. I just left it out of the video.
If you have any more questions or are still confused just reply to this comment!
Wow great guide make more
I should have some detailed grind setups in the near future!
@ great keep it up brother!
So, I shot and collected 3,416 whitetail on Rancho, knew I’d never see a great one, but thought I could get a couple diamonds maybe a rare or two.
Absolutely zero level 3’s. Zero diamonds. Highest scoring buck was a 247. I took no does. Used the 30.06 and .308. Did manage to get an albino though so I guess that’s a plus. But even with this break down it’s hard to believe “herd management” works on a RNG game.
I have over 3,000 hours on this game a little over 300 💎 6 great ones the game is alot harder to spawn great ones why updates & streamers make it look easy why that's a good question why it's so easy for them are they being honest 🤔🤔🤔 they are on PC & not ps5 so everyone one allways says your map might be different why I don't know everyone's map should be the same...
Cool Video
I am currently doing a Fallow grind and took the time to go through and count all my males. I have 45 level 2s, 22 level 3s and 13 level 4s. That has given me an average of 2.6 and I see a level 5 around every 10-20 kills. Would you say this is being properly herd managed?
This is my first time doing a grind in the game, and herd management has been confusing at times. I appreciate how you broke this down, as it made more sense to me. Thank you!
If you are spawning a potential diamond every 10-20 kills, you are doing great!
@ that makes me feel much better, lol.
so with this information how do i know what each animal is rated? i haven't really noticed a massive difference in models except maybe young teen adult kid of thing (i am very new to the game and trying to learn)
I’m not sure what you mean. Are you talking about like how the level of an animal compares to how big the antlers are?
Good explanation also I'm not a PC player but can't you pull the file of your map population and just check the count and average to confirm your theory?
Yeah, but I don’t mess with my files. I consider that cheating. Also I mainly play on Xbox. Just had some footage from some PC grinding.
Hey man, thanks for explaining hopefully correct math behind it. I have started Fallow Deer grind and because I wanna understand how it works, I made excel spreadsheet and I wrote down all my males on the map.
So after what I thought was herd managed I did my headcount:
81males total
25...lvl4 (main zones only)
49...lvl3 (exteriors + solo)
7...lvl2 (exteriors + solo)
With average 3,222
I have started my grind and I am 100kills in. All I get was 4s and like every 3rd/4th is gold one and some 3s. But no lvl5. 4 of my males in my main zones spawned as 2.
What do u think its better to do:
- leave those 2s and "move them" to two shooting zones and totally skip them
- try to lower exterior zones (easier way than solos) - on exterior zones I have 11males on lvl3? If I somehow reduce those 11 to lvl2 my average would drop to 3,08.
I herd managed it by its rating. I had 25males with rating 160+, 10males with rating 150-160 and 46males with rating below 150.
Btw how do you explain spawning 5? From what I understood its basicly if you shoot at least two males, then first male spawn on lower level (as deviation from balancing that level ratio) then the next one has to spawn on higher level to balance it (assuming both were 4s before shot down).
Have you done math behind it if its better to shoot in one go lets say some 3s and 4s rather than 4s only? Do you think it matters? Should I try to shoot in one go as many as possible or rather to shoot less?
Honestly regarding this grind, I really dont care about spawning one, I just care about understanding it.
I dont mind working with you if you need some data to test your theories.
Let's talk about this:
"What do u think its better to do:
- leave those 2s and "move them" to two shooting zones and totally skip them
- try to lower exterior zones (easier way than solos) - on exterior zones I have 11males on lvl3? If I somehow reduce those 11 to lvl2 my average would drop to 3,08."
If a level 2 spawns in your main shooting zone, shoot it, and try to "move" them to your exterior zones.
Do not shoot solo zones, it will delete the zone and make the zone spawn somewhere random on the map. Even if the solo zone has a level 4, it is too risky shooting the zone as it could mess up your respawns.
Let's explain this:
"Btw how do you explain spawning 5? From what I understood its basicly if you shoot at least two males, then first male spawn on lower level (as deviation from balancing that level ratio) then the next one has to spawn on higher level to balance it (assuming both were 4s before shot down)."
The game doesn't have a set way of what a respawn will turn into. What do I mean by this? If you shoot a level 4, the game will randomly respawn it as a different level or the same. This will cause other respawns "chance" of spawning lower/higher to be weighed. Meaning if a 4 turns into a 3, the game is more likely to make a different animal's respawn higher than it's original.
To add to your statement, if you get your exterior zones to start spawning level 2s and you keep those level 2s in your exterior zones, I promise you level 5s will start spawning. And remember, if a level 5 spawns in your main zones, do not shoot it. I know it's tempting, but it will help you get even more diamonds down the road. Keeping the level 5 in your main zones will force the game to spawn more 2s, which hopefully spawn in your exterior zones. BUT, if a level 5 spawns in your exterior zones, shoot it, because you want those level 5s to spawn in your main zones and not your exterior zones because it might spawn a level 2 in your main zones, which you do not want.
I would say once you have anywhere between 5-9 diamonds stacked on your map you can start shooting one or two diamonds. Just to get some new fresh ones. Some people also believe that great ones spawn from diamonds. I will be making a video in the future about that.
Now let's explain this:
"Have you done math behind it if its better to shoot in one go lets say some 3s and 4s rather than 4s only? Do you think it matters? Should I try to shoot in one go as many as possible or rather to shoot less?"
Have I done the math behind it? Some of it. I haven't went through ever animal on my map and figure out my average, but I have done small sample groups of it, which proved my believe of how this works.
This video is a simple and basic introduction on how herd management works for people who can't grasp the understanding of how it works, which was me when I first started grinding. I plan to make a detail herd management grind in the future.
This respawn belief system of mine also works with trophy score average.
If you have any more questions or are confused about something, just reply! Have a great day!
@@UziPC Hey thanks for answer.
I already touched all those solo zones, when I entered map I had 15x lvl4 solo , 1x lvl5 solo (he wasnt troll - lucky me). And I already reduced all solos to lvl3s - this took me like 40-50hours (whole december) and tons of cash - last solo deer took me like one full afternoon to get him to lvl3.
But what confuses me is:
- when I finished herd management. I had:
25x ... lvl4
49x ... lvl3
07x ... lvl2
now I keep getting something around:
13x ... lvl4
57x ... lvl3
11x ... lvl2
-> my average is lower - what used to be 3.222 is now 3.025 I will try to keep an eye on it in the future to see if my average is increasing or not. But 100kills reduce it by 0,2.
I have 100kills - which I think from statistically speaking should be kinda enough to set average level as close as possible to the real one.
Any thoughts why?
Based on your comment and video I have 2options, leave those 2s and shoot on less deers, or do more extreme herd management by getting my exterior zones to lvl2 only.
To have 5-9 diamonds? Wau that number is way beyond my imagination! I thought like 2-3 is considered a lot :)
Ok I will try to get 4s back to my main zone and then to lower those exterior zones to lvl2.
@@UziPC Hey man, thanks for video and comments. Just doing quick update on my grind.
Currently I am stacking diamonds, I am 100kills in since last HM and already got 4x level 5 :) so thats one diamond every 25th kill so far, which is amazing.
I concur with ur theory, but that number you simplified is just average from several counting - you can easily force game to go out of 3-4 average.
After my last HM (which was lowering exterior zones to lvl2 - few are still 3s) I tried to shoot with two rules: stack diamonds and dont shoot anything below 150.
What I achieved with this tactic was that all my big ones spawn at some point as small one (it took me like 50kills), and when it was down to last 5-6 big deers, they stopped spawning - at that point I had on the map 19x lvl2, 58x lvl3 and 2x diamonds + those 5-6 deers which refused to spawn. Nothing else, nothing more (so at this point my average was below 3 which is probably reason why game froze spawning). Then I was really frustrated with it and went to discord server seeking for help and some guy explained to me that my vision (ONLY big deers will spawn, no small ones) is just wrong, that its about probability and you shoot all males from ur main zones. After this talk I returned to my grind and when I killed first 2x lvl3 from my main zones it "unfrozen grind" and those deers which refused to spawn started spawning and big ones. Now it works like clockwork.
Because I was pushing it to the limit - really to the last deer, this situation when some deers in certain zones stopped spawning happened to me more than once. But it was because I was focusing shooting only on that deer - you have to shoot more deers so game will have more choices which levels to spawn.
You can easy force game to go beyond that 3-4 average, but game will just let you know that its not OK by refusing to spawn anything. I got into situation where not even GO spawn would balance that average above 3.
Also if you plan to make another video I recommend to focus on what was my issue, because now when I read all those comments and questions regadig grind its all about frustration "why its not working", because ppl see on youtube cuts where youtubers shoot ONLY big deers so they think only big deers will spawn, which is nonsense. Yes there will be big deers, but from time to time they will spawn as small 2s.
Thats just how I see it.
HM can be TL:DR into: shoot deers over and over until you spawn desired level on deer you want (exterior/solo = lvl2) and in the proces you will spawn some 4s, rares, diamonds and even GO before you turn that one deer in exterior zone into lvl2.
EDIT: after posting this comment first deer I saw was another diamond. :)
if anyone reads it: make comment and then you will spawn diamond :D it worked for me
I’ve been doing my own experiment too. I’ve found that the average can change, I plan to make more videos in the future about this topic. Thank you for taking the time to do this stuff and comment, it not only helps the community, but me too!
Yeah, but are the lvl 10s also part of the average calculation? If no, hm would have no effect on G1s
It is believed that herd management will increase the chances of spawning a great one, but no one truly knows. I will be making a video on that soon though!
The beat way to find out would be to find a fresh map with a G1 (can happen) and then go figure out what the maps average trophy rating/animal level. My friend had a G1 BB spawn on his SRP. The fact it was literally the first bear track he found and followed to a drink zone, and his first animal of any species shot on that reserve, will forever make that his most memorable G1, even if they add G1 Bengal Tigers.
@@jamielonsdale3018 I dont think that can happen anymore
im doing a pheasant grind, should i do herd management?
I always suggest herd management, it makes your grind more eventful and enjoyable.
@@UziPC great to know, i am 1k kills into my pheasant grind and only 4 level 3s
@@ilanstifel6388 I’m pretty sure the pheasant and fox are the hardest to do herd management with
After shooting 2 pieces in a zone, how long can I return to the same zone? how long does it take for the animals to respawn?
Once you harvest an animal, it takes 15 minutes for it to respond.
should i hunt my exterior first or my mains people saying rotate on ext n mains but other people saying rotate on just mains im new to herd management for whitetail what should i do?
Your exterior zones should be zones that are hard/difficult to hunt and/or don’t have a lot of males.
Your main zones should be zones that are easy to hunt and large male population.
When you rotate between tents, keep both main zones and exterior zones in your rotation. As you are killing whitetail, when a level 1 spawns in your exterior zone, do not shoot it. Keep it in your exterior zone. Once all the whitetail in a particular exterior zone are all level 1. You can stop hunting that zone. Continue to do that until all your exterior zones only have level 1s. If you have anymore questions or are confused still, just reply! I’m happy to help!
I will be also making a detailed herd management video in the soon so stay tuned!
so for example if my map had an average whitetail of 1.5 and my friends had an average of 2.1, is there a better map then the other? or does it not matter what the average is
The average is a simple way of explaining how herd management works to people who don’t understand how herd management works.
But this being said, this is still how I believe the game works.
But yes, if your friend had an average of 2.1 and you had an average of 1.5, his map would be better.
Everyone’s maps are different, like the amount of animals at one’s drinking zone on their map could be different than yours.
For the respawn, is it 15 real minutes or is it game time ? 🤔
Real 15 minutes. Game time is 1 hour.
But I thought that when you hunt whitetail go you were supposed to shoot only 2 and 3 males?
Technology you’re supposed to shoot 1s, 2s, and 3s. BUT, it depends on where they spawn.
If a level 1 spawns in your EXTERIOR ZONES, KEEP IT.
If a level 1 spawns in your MAIN ZONES, SHOOT IT.
If a level 3 spawns in your EXTERIOR ZONES, SHOOT IT.
If a level 3 spawns in your MAIN ZONES, KEEP IT.
Always shoot level 2s.
@ thank you
Will you please make a tutorial because all these confusing tutorials say shoot down your zone and I don’t understand
I am currently making one now. It will be out soon!
So basically you dont kill the Lowest levels, you kill the middle level Animals to get them respawned in even higher levels?
Yes, do not kill the lowest leveled animals, but try to get them in your exterior zones.
So with moose, leave all the 1-2 and just shoot the 3-4?
Yes, in your non-shooting zones, leave levels 1 and 2. And in your main shooting zones, leave level 5s. Shoot all levels 3s and 4s.
@@UziPC dude i never understood how you actually do herding zone but with this video and your explanation it makes sense thx
@ Any time!
Leave your 5s on the entire map. Same with your 4s.
1) Shoot your 3s all over the map until you find less than 12.
2) Go to your exterior zones, and kill your level 4s in ascending MINUMUM rating.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have more than 50% of your population lv2.
Go to your shooting lakes and clear out the level 2s. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have no level 2s at the shooting lakes, and no level 4/5s at exterior lakes. Once an exterior lake only has level 2s, tear down the portable infrastructure and 'forget' it.
When you've gotten all of your exterior lakes managed, the protocol changes to hunting 3-5 animals per spawn cycle, all your 5 highest minimum ratings weight. You are hoping for 1 or 2 level 2 and 3s to spawn, and your G1, alongside one or two 4 and 5s.
The more extreme your herd management on your exterior lakes, the more frequently you'll get G1s on your shooting lakes.
Any time you get a smaller rating on a shooting lake than an exterior lake, shoot your largest exterior male and your respawned shooting lake male until they trade spawns.
So what I’m getting is leave all your small animals and shoot your bigger ones or am I wrong?
You are not wrong, but not totally correct.
You want to have main zones and exterior zones. If you aren’t familiar with what those are, here’s a short summary:
Main zones: Easy to hunt & have a large male population
Exterior zones: Can be easy or hard to hunt, but have a low male population count (Less than 3).
You want to have smaller level animals in your exterior zones. And you want to stack potential diamonds in your main zones. So technically, you keep both smaller and larger animals on your map.
@@UziPCappreciate that
btw idk if its my audio quality but u sound kind of silent
Or the two 5s could turn into 6s. The 7 could turn into a 6 and the 8 into a 7.
Ok i like what you've done but why don't u thank the guy that figured this all out
swear it got patched when i last played
1. Sorry but wouldn't it be more simple to just say animals respawn pretty much around the same level? One sentence. Why would we need the whole formulas?
2. How do you know it actually works exactly that way? Are you an EW dev? Does it really add up like this? Don't you think there's some kind of random aspect to it? Like: The average score has to be AROUND a particular number... Or even: There's no rule about that...
3. I haven't found any evidence for herd management so far. You still need to kill hundreds, even thousands of animals of the same species to get one GO. If you count HM and non-HM grinds statistics, it seems to be pretty much the same, that I know. Do you have mathematical proof it works better than other ways of grinding?
This video is a simple version of herd management for those who may not understand it. Rather than an average level, your game has an average score. (This is the more complex version).
But how do I know this actually works this way? I don’t. No one does. EW has never released how respawns work, but the information from the videos, is what I was thought from the past couple years from the largest COTW content creators. This is how the largest COTW content creators also believe how it works. But like I said, no one knows how respawns work because EW has never released it.