I am from Azerbaijan (which is a Turkic country) and live in Eastern Germany for 3 years. There is a huge difference between the attitude of Western and Eastern Germans towards immigrants and this difference is even greater when it comes to Turks. Another problem is the majority of Germans are illiterate in geography. In their "opinion" everyone coming from Oriental countries is "Turk" and everyone coming from an ex-Soviet country like Azerbaijan is "Russian". I had to spend a great effort to explain to my German colleagues that Azerbaijanis are not Russians and most of them were even shocked to discover this.
Senin ülken bizimden uzak. Vatandaşlarımın kusuruna bakma lütfen. Hoş geldin buraya. (I know your alphabet differs from the one I used but I don't speak Azerbaycanca and neither does my keybord)
@@SeeraFinis Öğreniyorum Türkçeyi. Türkçem su gibi akmaz konuşarken ama birkaç şeyler yazabilirim. Türk dilleriyle çok ilgileniyorum. İranlı azeri arkadaşım var, zamanımız varsa onunla da konuşurum. Wie kommt es, dass Du Deutsch sprichst?
Ich habe eine türkische Freundin, sie ist die netteste und liebste Person in der ganzen Welt! Ich habe noch nie solche Frau kennen gelernt, das ist die Wahrheit. Sehr guter Eindruck.
Ich bin selber Ausländer(Südkoreaner) in Deutschland und habe kleine und große Verbindungen mit türkischen Leuten und ich habe nämlich türkische Freundin und Es hat mich beeindruckt, dass die türkischen Menschen in Deutschland irgendwie auf ihre eigene Kultur stolz sind und immer noch die gute Kultur behalten, obwohl sie schon jahrzehntelang in Deutschland leben und dass sie gleichzeitig in die Gesellschaft gut integriert sind. Außer Deutschland ist die Türkei mein Lieblingsland. Teşekkürler!
@@mesutyetgin3615 wir leben südkorea so viel yanlış cümle olmuş.. Wir lieben Südkorea sehr en düzgünü und wir lieben Südkorea.. Zannedersem bizler de güney koreyi çok seviyoruz demek istemişsiniz :)
Ganz genau. Wegen meine wenig deutsch, kann ich solche fehler machen. Tut mir leid 😉. aber ich hoffe, obwohl meine fals he satz, sie konnen mich verstehen. Viele grusse aus der turkei ❤️🙋🏻♂️😉🙂
Almanya'nın bize tarih boyunca bir kez bile kazığı olmamıştır, sadık bir millettir. İngiliz Fransız ile asla mukayese edemeyiz. Ayrıca turizm gelirimizin büyük bir çoğunluğu Germen ülkelerden. Bence sen bi' objektif olmayı öğren kaç yaşına gelmişsin. At gözlüklerini çıkar. @@nurErst0816
Ask Turkish people who live in Turkey about the Turks in Germany. Some Turks in Germany vote for erdogan and change the destiny of Turkish people in Turkey. They say Germany is bad, don't come to Germany. They say Turkey is better. These times Turkey is falling down like a meteor with it's economy. These Germany Turks say that they want to come back to Turkey but they can't. They actually have a comfortable life there. They are not honest.
Ich bin die Dritte Generation in Deutschland mein Nachbar Bernd ist ein Superheld! Habe überwiegend Deutsche Freunde, wir essen zusammen, lachen zusammen, haben spaß zusammen. Ich würde für jeden einzelnen Schweinefleischfresser (kappa) meine Hand ins Feuer legen und sie für mich. Ich hatte nie wirklich Großeltern doch die deutsche Oma in der Nachbarschaft hatte immer Süßigkeiten für mich. Ich spreche Deutsch, ich denke Deutsch, verhalte mich Deutsch und habe trotzdem noch Türkisches an mir. Ich liebe dieses Land, und sehe es als meine Heimat, die Türkei auch. Ich muss mich nicht entscheiden, Ich muss nur ich selber sein. ICH BIN DER BEWEIS DAFÜR DAS WIR DEUTSCHE UND TÜRKEN EINE FAMILIE GEWORDEN SIND !!! Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und einen Wunderschönes Leben noch 😂
afifa rasheed I mean i am sure he is supported by many leaders around the world. The question is: Who? Being supported by people like Putin or Orbán is not a really good sign. Nonetheless Turkey is still beautiful and i can’t wait to go back to visit.
Hello, Easy German. I am bored as hell in this household, but still have with me a passion to master German. This curiosity is a spirit I carry in me that translates to my constant switching these past few days between playing Duolingo, looking up words in German dictionaries, and watching your videos. I remember having seen your earlier videos in front of a supermarket, Cari and Janusz, and how much smaller you were. The camera wasn't even as good as the camera you have now, evidently. Now, look at you--years after, you have so many brethren from other countries like Easy French, Easy Italian, and Easy Turkish, not to mention your own courses at Seedlang. I started learning German a few years back at Goethe Institut, but stopped because the lessons did not bode well with my college schedule, so I started teach myself with Duolingo and your videos. Thank you for having been so helpful to me by providing all these interviews of people on the streets in Germany - they give me so much colloquial information I probably can't get elsewhere, and the work you put in to transcribe and translate the dialogues have been monumental in the development I have gone through in learning German. Ich danke Ihnen für alle die Herausforderungen, was Sie gemeistert haben. Viele Grüße aus Indonesien!
Hallo Easy German, Ich habe lange auf ein solches Video gewartet. Ich mag es sehr. Sie sind ein RUclips-Kanal, der mich dazu bringt, Deutsch zu lieben. Bleibt gesund und munter.👍🏻
I am really pleased to watch this video totally. It gives us lots of views from many perspectives. I guess these two cultures, people, behaviour are in touch deeply for a long time.
Interessantes Video. Dieses Thema wollte ich immer darüber mehr wissen. Es war auch schön Eser, Onur und Burak im letzten Video Shooting kennen zu lernen ;)
was für ein tolles Video! Ich komme aus der Turkei und finde das Video sehr toll. Die Kommentare der Deutschen machen mich super glücklich. Ich freue mich auf April, weil ich endlich nach Deutschland kommen werde.
Liebe Grüße aus Bursa. Ich folge dieser Kanal seit 2 Jahren , vom ich viel viel profitieren kann und jetzt habe ich über meinem Land ein Video angeschaut habe , dass das mich wirklicht glücklich gemacht hat. vielen dank :)
Ich habe an der Uni türkische Austauschstudenten aus Istanbul und Ankara kennengelernt. Diese Leute waren ganz anders als die Türken, die hier seid 2-3 Generationen leben. Sie sind das, was wir "modern" nennen würden. In Deutschland ist damals eben nicht die (Bildungs-)Elite eingewandert. Ein guter Freund von mir war auch lange Zeit mit einer Istanbul-Türkin zusammen, hat ihre Familie kennengelernt und musste dafür keine kulturell-religiösen Gepflogenheiten übernehmen. Das wäre bei vielen Deutsch-Türken völlig undenkbar, da man hier teilweise noch sehr antike Vorstellungen vom Leben hat.
* Grüße, liebe Freunde, ich habe einen Bruder, ich bin finanziell sehr angespannt, ich habe einen eigenen RUclips-Kanal eröffnet, vielleicht ist mein Job nicht gut, weil ich etwas Geld verdienen kann. zufällig sind Sie ALLAHA anvertraut. Könnten Sie bitte unterstützen *
I completely disagree with the lady at 8:22 claiming without Turkish people or foreigners, there wouldn’t be any life to Berlin or Germany. That’s a backhanded slap, indicating German people and the German traditions and culture is boring and beneath her.
I think she is more referring to life in the streets. Without immigration there would be indeed less small shops and small businesses in the streets. In Berlin, you can see that pretty well. :)
@@EasyGerman But that's so not true... there would still be a lot of small shops and small businesses, what do you think Berlin looked before immigration? It was always a very densely packed place with lots to see and explore.
@@thorsten8790 Yes, where I grew up in the 80ies in a smaller town there were no Döner but many nice Wurstbuden and Schnitzelplaces and Pommesbuden and Pizza-Takeaways... and many small nice shops. (But it were not the Turkish culture, that closed the German little shops but other German own problems and then the foreigners just somehow made their thing...) But however life and culture changes forever and never ever stays the same.
@Jacob B Someone block this guy from ever commenting to this channel, this is his fifth or sixth comment on how he truly hates Turkish people. You sound like someone who would enjoy hearing upon the massacre in Hanau just because immigrants have died. Truly disgusting 🤮🤮 German nation should be ashamed to have you as a part of their society.
Ich bin ein großer freund von vielen türken und hab sogar becken am schlagzeug die aus der türkei stammen..sind tolle und nette menschen und ich gehe gerne zum tütrken was essen
Ich liebe dieses Video und alles ... vielen Dank Easy German 💙 Einfach sehr schön. Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönen Weihnachten mit Ihrer Familie und Freunden - Von West Vancouver.
After Turks went to Germany, they were isolated and stuck in 60s-70s Turkey culturally for a long time. They were listening music that is no longer in fashion, they were dressing up like old people using excessive jewelry to show off German wealth. This created a clash and "Alamanci" (Germaneer) stereotype was born. It wasn't because they were German-like, because they were like Turks but from a time that no longer exists.
Ich bin ein grosser Fan von Easy German und wegen des Coronavirus bin ich ans Haus gebunden. Ich nutze die Zeit um mein Deutsch zu verbessern. Ich hoffe es geht euch sehr gut
Ich denke, dass diese Filme nicht so interessant als die Kommentare sind. Hier sind Leute aus der ganzen Welt, mit der andere Erfahrung, mit dem eigene Blick auf die Welt. Es ist sehr wertvoll, dass ich Ihre Meinung wissen kann.
My family members came from Turkey to Germany in 1969. But they didn't come as typical guest-workers. They were students. All of them have degrees from German universities (my siblings and I are also academics). We have always been extremely well integrated into German society, because my parents have never been religious. They were influenced by the ideology of Ataturk. What I want so say is that .... when it comes to Turks, successful integration often depends on their level of education and also on the fact, whether they are religious or (instead of that) were influenced by Ataturk (which means that they behave and live "western").
Atatürkçülüğü batıcılıkla karıştırıyosan sen Atatürkçülüğü çok yanlış anlamışsın ve Atatürkçülüğü zayıf dini inançla bağdaştırıyosan yine çok yanlış anlamışsın bence etrafta Atatürk hakkında çok konuşma insanlar yanlış ve kötü algıya kapılmasın
Medeni yaşamanın anlamı "batılı" yaşamak değildir.Orda büyümek,okumak ve yaşamak sana hayatında ekstra faydalar sağlayabilir evet ama atamız Atatürk bizlere batılı yaşam tarzını benimseyin bilhakis anca öyle gelişirsiniz diye tembihlemedi.Aksine Türk kültürünü modern çağa adapte ederek gelişmemizi isterdi.Dini bir zayıflık ibaresi olarak görse İslam'a karşı savaşırdı fakat her insanın dininde özgür olması gerektiğini ve ülkesinde ki müslüman nüfusun İslam'ı daha iyi anlayabilmesi için Kuran'ın Türkçe mealini yazdırttı.Faydalı gördüğü kanunları hem kendisi hem arkadaşları ile danışarak 15 yıl boyunca üstünde çalışa çalışa yasaların temelini attı.Yanlış bilindiği gibi direkt Avrupa ülkelerinden de kanun getirtmedi ki kendi zamanında Avrupa monarşiler ile dolu iken Atatürk gibi çağ ötesi birisini "Batılı" kalıbına sokmak hem kendisine hakaret hem de bu ithamı öne süren kişinin onun yaşadığı dönemin siyasi yapısını kavrayamadığına delagettir.Medeni insanı yada devleti siz Avrupadan,Asyadan ve Ortadoğunun en köhne çölünden bile çıkartabilirsiniz.Tamamen toplumda biten bir olaydır bu,medeni demek gelişmişlikten önce ahlak,çalışkanlık, toplumsal ahlak,terbiye ve zekadan geçer,bu faktörlerin çoğunu kavrayan insan gelişmiştir.Bu durumlar da maalesef ki sizin, Atatürk'ün toplumsal gelişme tabirini yanlış anladığınızı göstermektedir.
@ZEUS bende aynını söyledim zaten önce okulamı öğren sen boşver yorum yapma böyle dalga konusu olursun berbat ingilizceyle bişeyde yazma ne dediğin anlaşılmadığı gibi birde kendin de anlatamıyosun
* Grüße, liebe Freunde, ich habe einen Bruder, ich bin finanziell sehr angespannt, ich habe einen eigenen RUclips-Kanal eröffnet, vielleicht ist mein Job nicht gut, weil ich etwas Geld verdienen kann. zufällig sind Sie ALLAHA anvertraut. Könnten Sie bitte unterstützen *
Hoffnung für Alle... For All Corona patients, i will pray everday... We should the see the light through the darkness instead of with empty gaze. Thanks for your presentation. Halelujah
Die Türken sind eine der besten Leute der Welt, ihre küche ist so besonders und sehr lecker, ich bin aus Syrien aber meiste unsres Essen kommen aus der Türkei wie döner und baklava Ich würde sagen, dass die Türkei der zweite Ort ist, an dem ich immer da Leben wolltr
Knights who say NI kolay gelsin usta ben de bilgisayar ya da elektrik elektronik mühendisliğine gelmek istiyorum nasıl üniversite güzel mi? Hazırlığı tekte geçebilen çok yok diyorlar
@@eren_1oglu knk ben Endüstri mühendisliğindeyim 2 sene okudum hazırlığı gram pişman değilim dolu dolu geçiyor öyle yada böyle öğreniyorsun. Daha önceden dil öğrenme yeteneğin varsa 1.yılında geçersin. Ben çok iyi değilim benim gözlemlediğim dil öğrenme methodlarında ustalaşanlar ilk yılda geçebiliyorlar. Bölümlerin tek sıkıntısı hocaların almancaları iyi değil.
So schön dass die Deutschen und die Tuerke so gut zusammenleben und integrieren können. Man kann immer etwas von die Andre lernen, das glaube ich immer.
I wonder why Germany invited specifically Turkish people to come there as guest workers back in the 60s? Why not people from Spain or Arab countries or North African countries? Or even Chinese people as guest workers?
Because Usa insisted to Germany take Turks as worker as NATO ally. Other european citizens didnt want to go there. As i know only İtaly was fine to send workers.
Because turk-german relation based ottoman empire time, ww1 they together lost, and after 1909 they all together and turkisch is very very handworking than arabic people, and for spain etc. Country, there is no reason for immigration, extremely for money......ı advice you Any book about german-ottoman relationship... On 1980, there was a military coup, and guest worker could not return to turkey and because of political reason and then so many leftist, kurdisch, allawis people from turkey had to germany go
West Germany did not only invite turkish guest workers. There were also italian, spanish, moroccan and portuguese guest workers for example. East Germany had guest workers from Vietnam and Mozambique for example.
@@merhabaabi1044 Actually it had nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire. Turkey was at risk of about "being lost" to the Soviet Union and the Communist East since they had serious economic problems. In order to stabilise Turkish economy the USA asked Germany to take Turkish guest workers for their industry. If we are honest, we have to say that it was not Turkey to safe Germany (as stated by some Turkish-Germans) but the other way arround. Germany had already enough workers from Southern Europe and could have gotten more from anywhere else if they wanted. It were geo-political reasons that led Turkish immigration to Germany happen.
@@slaughtcount224 50 percent of the Americans voted for Trump, millions of French voted for Le Pen. If this is our scale, Germany doesn't have friends in the world anymore. You have to focus on the people who share your values.
* Grüße, liebe Freunde, ich habe einen Bruder, ich bin finanziell sehr angespannt, ich habe einen eigenen RUclips-Kanal eröffnet, vielleicht ist mein Job nicht gut, weil ich etwas Geld verdienen kann. zufällig sind Sie ALLAHA anvertraut. Könnten Sie bitte unterstützen *
Türkisch ist nach deutsch die 2. Häufigste gesprochene Muttersprache in Deutschland! Çok enteresan...Almanım .. çok türkçe insanlar tanıyorum...türk arkadaşlar var ve Türkçe dil öğreniyorum :) schöne Grüße
I was actually born in Germany but my family had to move to Turkey-Istanbul. I got so many friends in Turkey. Turkish people is so kind and generous! 🇹🇷❤🇩🇪
Ich finde am Ende des Tages sind Türken einfach oft viel großzügiger als Deutsche, einfach gastfreundlicher und lockerer. Das ist auch schon lange ein wichtiger Einfluss den Deutschland auch gebraucht hat. Und natürlich lieben alle das Essen und den Tee 😍
Wow, ganz interessant denkst du so. Aus meinen Erfahrungen kann ich gerne sagen, ich habe so nette , nach Istanbul kommenden Deutschen Freunde, obwohl ich noch nie im Ausland war. Ich bewundere deutlich Ihre Disziplin und Ihr System. Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Istanbul!
This was a great video. We need more videos like this. I live in the UK and it was sometimes difficult to tell who was German and who was Turkish, which is fantastic
* Grüße, liebe Freunde, ich habe einen Bruder, ich bin finanziell sehr angespannt, ich habe einen eigenen RUclips-Kanal eröffnet, vielleicht ist mein Job nicht gut, weil ich etwas Geld verdienen kann. zufällig sind Sie ALLAHA anvertraut. Könnten Sie bitte unterstützen *
Interesting topic, as a 2nd generation British Pakistani I could relate a great deal to this, however I have been to Berlin a few times and can see most of this is filmed in Kreuzberg, if same questions were asked in other parts of Berlin or smaller cities perhaps the answers would differ.
Ich bin auch türkin und wohne ich ungefähr 9 Monaten in deutchland.ja in deutschland gibt es viele Türken.das ist für mich eine große Nachteile. Wie zum Beispiel wenn ich ein orte gehe,weißt mindestens eine Person türkisch zu sprechen,deswegen verbessere ich nicht meine deutsche.ich möchte einfach deutsch sprechen :)
ich überlege mir, wenn es da eine Person gäbe, die sagt: "Na ja, ich finde die Türken voll unhöflich, die stehen nur unter sich und gibt's keinen Austausch zwischen uns und ihnen... deshalb wünsche ich mir, dass sie alle aus Deutschland auswandern würden". Würden sie das uns zeigen? Wahrscheinlich nicht. Ich bezweifle, es gibt nur nette Menschen auf der Straße, die eine positive Einstellung des Themas gegenüber haben.
Please everyone be honest and watch the video carefully from the beginning again. Germans who hear the word "Turkish" first hesitate and then respond with difficulty. I'm asking you from Turkey; What did these people do to you?
Ich bin aus der Türkei geboren. Seit zwie Jahren bin ich nach deutschland gekommen.Deutsche Leute sind sehr nett. Danke Easy German💙 Ich begrüße euch von Stuttgart.
wow, the content is good but made turkish people asked germans is a bit strange like even though they have something to tell, that'd be hard to tell straight to their face yk
I lived at Berlin for 4 months for my university education. I’ve met lots of ‘german-turkish’ (as we name ‘gurbetci’) and, natürlich, Deutche people. As a Turk, I can say ‘integration’ is the key and some of us are not really good at it. By the way most of German-turkish complains about hypocracy and discrimation. I haven’t seen any but you know, If many tell same it is probably true. Long live Deutsche - Turkish brotherhood!
T A T niye.. birinci dünya savaşı’na polonya’yla mı girdin? ya da almanya işçileri Zimbabwe’den mi istedi? Siyasi göstergeler halklar arasındaki iletişime örnek teşkil etmez.
@@kor4y Almanya Türkiye'den işçi istemedi. Güney Avrupa'dan istedi. Türkiye "bizde de çok işsiz var bizden de alın" dedi. Almanya reddetti, Türkiye diretti, "biz insan değil miyiz bizi neden kabul etmiyorsunuz?" dedi. Amerika ise Almanya'ya baskı yaparak Türk işçileri almaya ikna etti. Amerika'nın baskı yapmasının sebebi Almanya'nın ırkçı hislerini test etmek ve Türkiye'yi Batı'ya yaklaştırıp NATO ittifakını güçlendirmekti. Amerika baskı yapmasa almayacaklardı. Türk-Alman kardeşliği budur. Almanlar ile yakın zamanda savaşmamış, 1. Dünya savaşında müttefik oluşumuza aldanma. Almanlar için Türkler Oryantal bir millettir, çıkar ilişkileri dışında ilişki kurmazlar, Türklere tepeden bakarlar, Türkiye'yi de hiçbir zaman kendilerine denk bir ülke görmemişlerdir.
T A T bu mantıkla bakarsan Turkler de kendilerini kimseyle denk görmez. Ne de olsa biz 3 kıtaya hükmetmiş dünyaya nizam vermiş bir milletiz. Sanki Nihat Atsız konuşuyor. 100 yılı aşkın, Osmanlı’dan Atatürk’e, oradan da çok partili döneme sarkan yoğun etkileşimli bir ilişkimiz var. Kardeş olmamamız için de hiçbir sebep yok. He sen başkentini işgal etmiş İngilizleri veya pek sevgili Arap’ları istersen... sen bilirsin tabi.
@@95bekirable Senin nerede oturduğunu bilmiyorum ama Hamburg'ta beraber yaşıyoruz. Tabii problemler farklar var ama Alman Türk kardeşliği de var kesinlikle. Sana kötü davranan Almanlar için utanç hissediyorum. Lütfen bizimle beraber yaşamayı dene. Hepimiz kötü insan değil.
Bizim türklere bak ne güzel almanca konuşuyorlar,umarım ben de bir kaç seneye akıcı konuşacak seviyeye gelirim.
4 года назад+1
Um 4:09 sprach der junge Mann sehr rational. Schließlich sind wir Menschen, unsere Anpassungsfähigkeit ist sehr stark, aber wir sind immer in einer Art Verteidigung gegen das Unbekannte. Dies ist eine Voraussetzung für das Überleben des Organismus. In Städten wie Berlin und Hamburg können sich Menschen miteinander vermischen, während die Interaktion in kleineren Siedlungen naturgemäß eingeschränkter ist.
Not that I would have anything against türkisch friends who came to live in Berlin and surely managed to make the place less grey and cold, - but I can't help noticing this funny self censorship on the part of the general public on this topic the moment a person finds himself/herself in front of the camera, by recycling all the usual cliché deemed to be appropriate . Or so it feels from the perspective of someone residing in Minks where the abuse of free speech in brutal, old fashioned form is still a norm. The subtle keep of intolerance of opposing views in some many places of the 'free world' is less obvious but the end result can't be different, can it?
@@kobebryant6331 Ich wohne doch in berlin ;) ja, sie sind nicht so sichtbar als die türkische, aber sie sind doch da! es gibt so viele vietnamesische restaurants und gemeinschaften. berlin essen ist für mich genauso döner wie pho!
@@kobebryant6331 lichtenberg! gibt es dahin dong xuan zentrum (super leckeres essen). aber überall leben vietnamesen und asiaten, aber vllt auch besonders in charlottenburg
Mich würde interessieren, ob die türkischstämmigen Leute in diesem Video mal Mikroagressionen erlebt haben, wie "du sprichst aber gut deutsch." Als asiatische Amerikanerin kann ich sagen, dass das Problem von Mikroagression in Amerika doch ziemlich ärgerlich ist.
Das erlebt man als türkischstämmiger Deutscher jeden Tag. Hier will ich, aber auch meine "ur"-deutschen Brüder und Schwestern verteidigen, in 99,9% der Fälle ist das die ältere Generation. Ich wurde noch nie von jemanden unter 40 Jahren mit diesem Kommentar "gelobt".
I am from Azerbaijan (which is a Turkic country) and live in Eastern Germany for 3 years. There is a huge difference between the attitude of Western and Eastern Germans towards immigrants and this difference is even greater when it comes to Turks. Another problem is the majority of Germans are illiterate in geography. In their "opinion" everyone coming from Oriental countries is "Turk" and everyone coming from an ex-Soviet country like Azerbaijan is "Russian". I had to spend a great effort to explain to my German colleagues that Azerbaijanis are not Russians and most of them were even shocked to discover this.
Senin ülken bizimden uzak. Vatandaşlarımın kusuruna bakma lütfen. Hoş geldin buraya. (I know your alphabet differs from the one I used but I don't speak Azerbaycanca and neither does my keybord)
@@SeeraFinis Öğreniyorum Türkçeyi. Türkçem su gibi akmaz konuşarken ama birkaç şeyler yazabilirim. Türk dilleriyle çok ilgileniyorum. İranlı azeri arkadaşım var, zamanımız varsa onunla da konuşurum.
Wie kommt es, dass Du Deutsch sprichst?
@@tobiaswei2362 Təşəkkürlər.
Azerbaijan lı kardeşlerime almanya da yaşayan türklerden selam olsun...
Ich habe eine türkische Freundin, sie ist die netteste und liebste Person in der ganzen Welt! Ich habe noch nie solche Frau kennen gelernt, das ist die Wahrheit. Sehr guter Eindruck.
@@bigboss34231 whoa bro that must be weird for you
7:30 Turkish accent has been detected.
cok zekisin, bravo
@@karpuzye Danke Sehr :D
Almanlar tarafından asimile olmuş Türk. Bi "Teşekkürler" de mek zor mu geliyor. Yada "Boş yapma"
Ich bin selber Ausländer(Südkoreaner) in Deutschland und habe kleine und große Verbindungen mit türkischen Leuten und ich habe nämlich türkische Freundin und Es hat mich beeindruckt, dass die türkischen Menschen in Deutschland irgendwie auf ihre eigene Kultur stolz sind und immer noch die gute Kultur behalten, obwohl sie schon jahrzehntelang in Deutschland leben und dass sie gleichzeitig in die Gesellschaft gut integriert sind. Außer Deutschland ist die Türkei mein Lieblingsland. Teşekkürler!
Wir leben südkorea auch so viel
@@mesutyetgin3615 wir leben südkorea so viel yanlış cümle olmuş..
Wir lieben Südkorea sehr en düzgünü und wir lieben Südkorea..
Zannedersem bizler de güney koreyi çok seviyoruz demek istemişsiniz :)
Ganz genau. Wegen meine wenig deutsch, kann ich solche fehler machen. Tut mir leid 😉. aber ich hoffe, obwohl meine fals he satz, sie konnen mich verstehen. Viele grusse aus der turkei ❤️🙋🏻♂️😉🙂
@@mesutyetgin3615 Amacım sizi bozmak değildi asıl siz kusura bakmayın..
Yardımcı olmak istemiştim sadece..
Almanya dan Türkiye ye selamlar.
Kein problem. Bozulmadim zaten 😉🙂🙋🏻♂️❤️
Solche Videos machen mich so glücklich. Ich bin froh Deutsch-Türke zu sein 🇹🇷🇩🇪
evet... mich auch
Vay be... Almanlar tarafından asimile olmuş Türkler. Yazıklar olsun pü
Keiner will Türken in Europa haben mein Freund
Sizi seviyoruz, güçlü müttefik ve eski önemli arkadaşlık 🇹🇷💕🇩🇪
Ne di10
@@denizinneed6384 boş ver anlamazsın
Go back to turkey eat some kebab
Almanya'nın bize tarih boyunca bir kez bile kazığı olmamıştır, sadık bir millettir. İngiliz Fransız ile asla mukayese edemeyiz. Ayrıca turizm gelirimizin büyük bir çoğunluğu Germen ülkelerden. Bence sen bi' objektif olmayı öğren kaç yaşına gelmişsin. At gözlüklerini çıkar. @@nurErst0816
Ask Turkish people who live in Turkey about the Turks in Germany. Some Turks in Germany vote for erdogan and change the destiny of Turkish people in Turkey. They say Germany is bad, don't come to Germany. They say Turkey is better. These times Turkey is falling down like a meteor with it's economy. These Germany Turks say that they want to come back to Turkey but they can't. They actually have a comfortable life there. They are not honest.
You're right
Yeah some Turks really said they are dying in germany because of economy like wtf!? (Sorry for my english 😭)
This is ridiculous
Sie a.k şarlatanı
Ich bin die Dritte Generation in Deutschland mein Nachbar Bernd ist ein Superheld!
Habe überwiegend Deutsche Freunde, wir essen zusammen, lachen zusammen, haben spaß zusammen. Ich würde für jeden einzelnen Schweinefleischfresser (kappa) meine Hand ins Feuer legen und sie für mich. Ich hatte nie wirklich Großeltern doch die deutsche Oma in der Nachbarschaft hatte immer Süßigkeiten für mich. Ich spreche Deutsch, ich denke Deutsch, verhalte mich Deutsch und habe trotzdem noch Türkisches an mir. Ich liebe dieses Land, und sehe es als meine Heimat, die Türkei auch.
Ich muss mich nicht entscheiden, Ich muss nur ich selber sein.
Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und einen Wunderschönes Leben noch 😂
Turkey is a beautiful country, it’s a shame that they have such a bad leader/Government.
yeah man.
I'm not from Turkey but I've heard Erdogan is a good leader and is liked by many people around the world.
@@QuranandWisdom I'm from Turkey and he is not a good leader!
He is not even close to be good ...We suffer in Turkey because of his idiotic politics..
afifa rasheed I mean i am sure he is supported by many leaders around the world.
The question is: Who?
Being supported by people like Putin or Orbán is not a really good sign.
Nonetheless Turkey is still beautiful and i can’t wait to go back to visit.
Hello, Easy German.
I am bored as hell in this household, but still have with me a passion to master German. This curiosity is a spirit I carry in me that translates to my constant switching these past few days between playing Duolingo, looking up words in German dictionaries, and watching your videos. I remember having seen your earlier videos in front of a supermarket, Cari and Janusz, and how much smaller you were. The camera wasn't even as good as the camera you have now, evidently. Now, look at you--years after, you have so many brethren from other countries like Easy French, Easy Italian, and Easy Turkish, not to mention your own courses at Seedlang. I started learning German a few years back at Goethe Institut, but stopped because the lessons did not bode well with my college schedule, so I started teach myself with Duolingo and your videos.
Thank you for having been so helpful to me by providing all these interviews of people on the streets in Germany - they give me so much colloquial information I probably can't get elsewhere, and the work you put in to transcribe and translate the dialogues have been monumental in the development I have gone through in learning German.
Ich danke Ihnen für alle die Herausforderungen, was Sie gemeistert haben.
Viele Grüße aus Indonesien!
Hello Ervin. How have you been? İt's been years since you left this comment. How is your german now?
Hallo Easy German, Ich habe lange auf ein solches Video gewartet. Ich mag es sehr. Sie sind ein RUclips-Kanal, der mich dazu bringt, Deutsch zu lieben. Bleibt gesund und munter.👍🏻
I am really pleased to watch this video totally. It gives us lots of views from many perspectives. I guess these two cultures, people, behaviour are in touch deeply for a long time.
Interessantes Video. Dieses Thema wollte ich immer darüber mehr wissen.
Es war auch schön Eser, Onur und Burak im letzten Video Shooting kennen zu lernen ;)
Als ich 2000 in Spanien studierte, hatte ich eine türkisch-deutsche Freundin. Sie hieß Sedef bin Turk und war sehr aufgeschlossen 😃
Make a video about what Germans think about Russians and other eastern europeans from the former Soviet Union please.
@@marysia5365 👌🏻
Well, they can't go on the streets now...
they have already made such a video once
They have one with Russia and another one with Poland.
they should have choose a german to interview so they would give their honest opinion not a turkish person so they dont wanna hurt his feelings :)
@@vomm maybe thats true, but my comment was about this video and interview
@@vomm you either turkish or German right?
Jews past turks future
-some random german
@Jean juju This is absolutely not true.
@@josefstalin4526 I want to remind you how nazi ended up their "journey"
Thanks for the video, friends! Loves from Turkey to Germany. We are going through extremely hard times, stay strong!
was für ein tolles Video! Ich komme aus der Turkei und finde das Video sehr toll. Die Kommentare der Deutschen machen mich super glücklich. Ich freue mich auf April, weil ich endlich nach Deutschland kommen werde.
Beklediğin gibi olmadığını gördün degil mi :)
@@lazmdegil2982 kusura bakma ama Almanlar çok haklılar. Türklerin birçoğu Almanya’da havyan gibi davranıyorlar.
@@lazmdegil2982önceki yorumunu okudum şimdi durumlar nasil
Liebe Grüße aus Bursa. Ich folge dieser Kanal seit 2 Jahren , vom ich viel viel profitieren kann und jetzt habe ich über meinem Land ein Video angeschaut habe , dass das mich wirklicht glücklich gemacht hat. vielen dank :)
bgy mi
bgy mi
Ich habe an der Uni türkische Austauschstudenten aus Istanbul und Ankara kennengelernt. Diese Leute waren ganz anders als die Türken, die hier seid 2-3 Generationen leben. Sie sind das, was wir "modern" nennen würden. In Deutschland ist damals eben nicht die (Bildungs-)Elite eingewandert. Ein guter Freund von mir war auch lange Zeit mit einer Istanbul-Türkin zusammen, hat ihre Familie kennengelernt und musste dafür keine kulturell-religiösen Gepflogenheiten übernehmen. Das wäre bei vielen Deutsch-Türken völlig undenkbar, da man hier teilweise noch sehr antike Vorstellungen vom Leben hat.
@Winnings And Losses Das was ich aber sage, hat ja wohl nichts mit "eingedeutscht" zu tun.
Burada birçok eğitimli insan varken Alman hükümeti neden beyaz türklere çalışma izni verir anlamıyorum.
Thank you for this shooting. Mcih enjoyed. Wie gut. Vielen Dank...
2:36 actually this woman's face explains everything.
She is such a Karen!
Lol fr
@@lalala3440 she didn't say a word.
her son looks like a nice person though.
@@irisk.1561 he looked uncomfortable talking lol, I'm not trying to judge him tho
,Veilen Dank für ihre Arbeit.
* Grüße, liebe Freunde, ich habe einen Bruder, ich bin finanziell sehr angespannt, ich habe einen eigenen RUclips-Kanal eröffnet, vielleicht ist mein Job nicht gut, weil ich etwas Geld verdienen kann. zufällig sind Sie ALLAHA anvertraut. Könnten Sie bitte unterstützen *
I completely disagree with the lady at 8:22 claiming without Turkish people or foreigners, there wouldn’t be any life to Berlin or Germany. That’s a backhanded slap, indicating German people and the German traditions and culture is boring and beneath her.
I think she is more referring to life in the streets. Without immigration there would be indeed less small shops and small businesses in the streets. In Berlin, you can see that pretty well. :)
@@EasyGerman But that's so not true... there would still be a lot of small shops and small businesses, what do you think Berlin looked before immigration? It was always a very densely packed place with lots to see and explore.
@@thorsten8790 Yes, where I grew up in the 80ies in a smaller town there were no Döner but many nice Wurstbuden and Schnitzelplaces and Pommesbuden and Pizza-Takeaways... and many small nice shops. (But it were not the Turkish culture, that closed the German little shops but other German own problems and then the foreigners just somehow made their thing...) But however life and culture changes forever and never ever stays the same.
@Jacob B Someone block this guy from ever commenting to this channel, this is his fifth or sixth comment on how he truly hates Turkish people. You sound like someone who would enjoy hearing upon the massacre in Hanau just because immigrants have died. Truly disgusting 🤮🤮 German nation should be ashamed to have you as a part of their society.
@@selenay7842 I agree with him, though. I have no problem with real Turks, but I can't stand Almancis!
Ich bin ein großer freund von vielen türken und hab sogar becken am schlagzeug die aus der türkei stammen..sind tolle und nette menschen und ich gehe gerne zum tütrken was essen
Ich liebe dieses Video und alles ... vielen Dank Easy German 💙 Einfach sehr schön. Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönen Weihnachten mit Ihrer Familie und Freunden - Von West Vancouver.
After Turks went to Germany, they were isolated and stuck in 60s-70s Turkey culturally for a long time. They were listening music that is no longer in fashion, they were dressing up like old people using excessive jewelry to show off German wealth. This created a clash and "Alamanci" (Germaneer) stereotype was born. It wasn't because they were German-like, because they were like Turks but from a time that no longer exists.
Die Türkei und Deutschland sind meine zwei Lieblingsländer! 😃
Viele Grüße von Antonio, Cari, Janusz und alle EasyGerman! 😘
Hallo Antonio! 😃 👋
ich komme aus tunisia und ich liebe der idea auf spreachen deutch und das ist gutte ist eine liebe spchachen
we love you too our german friends
Long live turkey german
I think it really depends on where you ask. You’re asking in Berlin which is a really liberal city as opposed to some small village.
Ich bin ein grosser Fan von Easy German und wegen des Coronavirus bin ich ans Haus gebunden. Ich nutze die Zeit um mein Deutsch zu verbessern. Ich hoffe es geht euch sehr gut
Wow, dein Deutsch ist echt gut! Lern fleißig weiter.
Wie lange lernst du schon deutsch? :)
It is beautiful to listen to the open opinions of Berliners. I live in Munich and it is all the opposite. People are soooo closed here.
Ich denke, dass diese Filme nicht so interessant als die Kommentare sind. Hier sind Leute aus der ganzen Welt, mit der andere Erfahrung, mit dem eigene Blick auf die Welt. Es ist sehr wertvoll, dass ich Ihre Meinung wissen kann.
My family members came from Turkey to Germany in 1969. But they didn't come as typical guest-workers. They were students. All of them have degrees from German universities (my siblings and I are also academics).
We have always been extremely well integrated into German society, because my parents have never been religious. They were influenced by the ideology of Ataturk.
What I want so say is that .... when it comes to Turks, successful integration often depends on their level of education and also on the fact, whether they are religious or (instead of that) were influenced by Ataturk (which means that they behave and live "western").
You can be religious and follow Ataturk's ideology at the same time, it's more about not being conservative and backwards
Atatürkçülüğü batıcılıkla karıştırıyosan sen Atatürkçülüğü çok yanlış anlamışsın
ve Atatürkçülüğü zayıf dini inançla bağdaştırıyosan yine çok yanlış anlamışsın bence etrafta Atatürk hakkında çok konuşma insanlar yanlış ve kötü algıya kapılmasın
Medeni yaşamanın anlamı "batılı" yaşamak değildir.Orda büyümek,okumak ve yaşamak sana hayatında ekstra faydalar sağlayabilir evet ama atamız Atatürk bizlere batılı yaşam tarzını benimseyin bilhakis anca öyle gelişirsiniz diye tembihlemedi.Aksine Türk kültürünü modern çağa adapte ederek gelişmemizi isterdi.Dini bir zayıflık ibaresi olarak görse İslam'a karşı savaşırdı fakat her insanın dininde özgür olması gerektiğini ve ülkesinde ki müslüman nüfusun İslam'ı daha iyi anlayabilmesi için Kuran'ın Türkçe mealini yazdırttı.Faydalı gördüğü kanunları hem kendisi hem arkadaşları ile danışarak 15 yıl boyunca üstünde çalışa çalışa yasaların temelini attı.Yanlış bilindiği gibi direkt Avrupa ülkelerinden de kanun getirtmedi ki kendi zamanında Avrupa monarşiler ile dolu iken Atatürk gibi çağ ötesi birisini "Batılı" kalıbına sokmak hem kendisine hakaret hem de bu ithamı öne süren kişinin onun yaşadığı dönemin siyasi yapısını kavrayamadığına delagettir.Medeni insanı yada devleti siz Avrupadan,Asyadan ve Ortadoğunun en köhne çölünden bile çıkartabilirsiniz.Tamamen toplumda biten bir olaydır bu,medeni demek gelişmişlikten önce ahlak,çalışkanlık, toplumsal ahlak,terbiye ve zekadan geçer,bu faktörlerin çoğunu kavrayan insan gelişmiştir.Bu durumlar da maalesef ki sizin, Atatürk'ün toplumsal gelişme tabirini yanlış anladığınızı göstermektedir.
@ZEUS bende aynını söyledim zaten önce okulamı öğren sen boşver yorum yapma böyle dalga konusu olursun
berbat ingilizceyle bişeyde yazma ne dediğin anlaşılmadığı gibi birde kendin de anlatamıyosun
* Grüße, liebe Freunde, ich habe einen Bruder, ich bin finanziell sehr angespannt, ich habe einen eigenen RUclips-Kanal eröffnet, vielleicht ist mein Job nicht gut, weil ich etwas Geld verdienen kann. zufällig sind Sie ALLAHA anvertraut. Könnten Sie bitte unterstützen *
80% of the participants are turkish who live in Germany. Only w0% are native Germans and these don't have very good opinion about turkish people.
Hoffnung für Alle... For All Corona patients, i will pray everday... We should the see the light through the darkness instead of with empty gaze. Thanks for your presentation. Halelujah
Bleibt alle gesund und munter und lasst euch nicht unterkriegen. Es kommen wieder bessere Zeiten 🙏
Die Türken sind eine der besten Leute der Welt, ihre küche ist so besonders und sehr lecker, ich bin aus Syrien aber meiste unsres Essen kommen aus der Türkei wie döner und baklava Ich würde sagen, dass die Türkei der zweite Ort ist, an dem ich immer da Leben wolltr
Thanks, I am Turkish/Syrian Arab miced. Greetings from Turkey.
wohoo beklediğimiz video
Ne diyorlar türklerle ilgili?
Emin Suruçluoglu birlikte yaşamayı seviyorlar, sıcak buluyorlar vs vs
that guys name(burak) in polish means beetroot, its the best...
hi, "Cicek" is also a common surname in turkish haha and you know what cycek is in polish right 😂
pauajahaj its old turkic name dude
@@Euzuner41 burak arap ismi
@@ju44444 👳Chaktirma 🐎
Schöne Grüße aus der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität.
Knights who say NI Ben de gelmek istiyorum oraya. Hangi bölüm?
Eren Biroğlu inşaat ama bölüme geçmek için uğraşıyoruz şu anda :D
Atma şu oku zehirli işte.
Knights who say NI kolay gelsin usta ben de bilgisayar ya da elektrik elektronik mühendisliğine gelmek istiyorum nasıl üniversite güzel mi? Hazırlığı tekte geçebilen çok yok diyorlar
@@eren_1oglu knk ben Endüstri mühendisliğindeyim 2 sene okudum hazırlığı gram pişman değilim dolu dolu geçiyor öyle yada böyle öğreniyorsun. Daha önceden dil öğrenme yeteneğin varsa 1.yılında geçersin. Ben çok iyi değilim benim gözlemlediğim dil öğrenme methodlarında ustalaşanlar ilk yılda geçebiliyorlar. Bölümlerin tek sıkıntısı hocaların almancaları iyi değil.
Ein tolles Video! Liebe Grüße aus Wien! Bleibt ihr Gesund 💪🙏Teşekkürler ❤️
So schön dass die Deutschen und die Tuerke so gut zusammenleben und integrieren können. Man kann immer etwas von die Andre lernen, das glaube ich immer.
Almanlar ve Türkler iyi yaşamıyor. Almanların hepsi Türklerden şikayetçi. Bunun için haklı sebepleri var.
vielen Dank dass ihr dieses informative Video gemacht habt, würde ich sagen als ein Türke.
I love turkey and germany from mexico
Love mexico from 🇹🇷
I wonder why Germany invited specifically Turkish people to come there as guest workers back in the 60s? Why not people from Spain or Arab countries or North African countries? Or even Chinese people as guest workers?
Because Usa insisted to Germany take Turks as worker as NATO ally. Other european citizens didnt want to go there. As i know only İtaly was fine to send workers.
Because turk-german relation based ottoman empire time, ww1 they together lost, and after 1909 they all together and turkisch is very very handworking than arabic people, and for spain etc. Country, there is no reason for immigration, extremely for money......ı advice you Any book about german-ottoman relationship... On 1980, there was a military coup, and guest worker could not return to turkey and because of political reason and then so many leftist, kurdisch, allawis people from turkey had to germany go
West Germany did not only invite turkish guest workers. There were also italian, spanish, moroccan and portuguese guest workers for example. East Germany had guest workers from Vietnam and Mozambique for example.
The first guest workers came from Italy, Spain and Greece. Turks came a few years later.
@@merhabaabi1044 Actually it had nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire. Turkey was at risk of about "being lost" to the Soviet Union and the Communist East since they had serious economic problems. In order to stabilise Turkish economy the USA asked Germany to take Turkish guest workers for their industry. If we are honest, we have to say that it was not Turkey to safe Germany (as stated by some Turkish-Germans) but the other way arround. Germany had already enough workers from Southern Europe and could have gotten more from anywhere else if they wanted. It were geo-political reasons that led Turkish immigration to Germany happen.
viele Grüße aus der Türkei❤
Turkey and Germany=Best Friends For Ever.
Turkish people are our friends, but not the Turkish government.
Alan Smithee I’m sorry to say this but your “Friends” mostly vote for the guy that you don’t like.
@@slaughtcount224 50 percent of the Americans voted for Trump, millions of French voted for Le Pen. If this is our scale, Germany doesn't have friends in the world anymore. You have to focus on the people who share your values.
Alan Smithee I’m a Turk myself and They shouldn’t decide my Future
@@slaughtcount224 Plot twist: I am Greek :')
Es ist beeindruckend!
Subscribed! Thanks for making these videos, really helpful for my German language study especially the subtitle. ;)
Please ask this question in Eastern or North Eastern Germany.You will see different reactions
@@freckleheckler6311 Auf jeden Fall rassistischer. (Probably more racist.)
Because they don't know Turkish or foreign people. There are not living so many foreign people. So they are more against foreigners
east germany is still sovietisch by thinking
Danke für dieses tolle Video. Das war sehr lustig auch. ☺️
4:39 Reynmen görüp şaşıranlar burada mı? :D
Welcome to Almanistan
@@yrlikng5767 Ahahahahahsgha
Aynen bro
* Grüße, liebe Freunde, ich habe einen Bruder, ich bin finanziell sehr angespannt, ich habe einen eigenen RUclips-Kanal eröffnet, vielleicht ist mein Job nicht gut, weil ich etwas Geld verdienen kann. zufällig sind Sie ALLAHA anvertraut. Könnten Sie bitte unterstützen *
Türkisch ist nach deutsch die 2. Häufigste gesprochene Muttersprache in Deutschland! Çok enteresan...Almanım .. çok türkçe insanlar tanıyorum...türk arkadaşlar var ve Türkçe dil öğreniyorum :) schöne Grüße
I was actually born in Germany but my family had to move to Turkey-Istanbul. I got so many friends in Turkey. Turkish people is so kind and generous!
GTFO of dear Germany, Germany is for pure white people not brown Turks. Turks have to back to Mongolian or Turkey or whatever. 🇩🇪🇩🇰🇧🇻🇮🇸🇸🇯
Remove that disgusting symbol from the German flag
@@EdwardMichaelBearGrylls 😂
Heyyy süper video🇹🇷
Ich finde am Ende des Tages sind Türken einfach oft viel großzügiger als Deutsche, einfach gastfreundlicher und lockerer. Das ist auch schon lange ein wichtiger Einfluss den Deutschland auch gebraucht hat. Und natürlich lieben alle das Essen und den Tee 😍
Wow, ganz interessant denkst du so. Aus meinen Erfahrungen kann ich gerne sagen, ich habe so nette , nach Istanbul kommenden Deutschen Freunde, obwohl ich noch nie im Ausland war.
Ich bewundere deutlich Ihre Disziplin und Ihr System. Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Istanbul!
This was a great video. We need more videos like this. I live in the UK and it was sometimes difficult to tell who was German and who was Turkish, which is fantastic
If your native language was German, you could tell them apart because Turks have a very distinct accent when speaking German.
Sehr schönes Video!
Grüße von einem Alman, der türkisch lernt
3:43 Turkish Billy Bob Thornton
Bitte fragen Sie gleiche fragen in Dresden oder noch Ostern;))
Schöne Grüsse aus Çanakkale Türkei 🇹🇷🌹❤
super music at 4m25 ;)
I like turkey and germany
Ihr hättet die ganzen "ähms" und "öhms" nicht auch aufschreiben müssen 😂😂
*aufgeschrieben? Ich bin mir nicht sicher, so...
* Grüße, liebe Freunde, ich habe einen Bruder, ich bin finanziell sehr angespannt, ich habe einen eigenen RUclips-Kanal eröffnet, vielleicht ist mein Job nicht gut, weil ich etwas Geld verdienen kann. zufällig sind Sie ALLAHA anvertraut. Könnten Sie bitte unterstützen *
@@davidboltzka5103 aufgeschrieben is in the past aufschreiben is in presence
Der große Herr mit der Brille und der lockeren Frisur ist sehr sympathisch
vielen danke
Interesting topic, as a 2nd generation British Pakistani I could relate a great deal to this, however I have been to Berlin a few times and can see most of this is filmed in Kreuzberg, if same questions were asked in other parts of Berlin or smaller cities perhaps the answers would differ.
all big cities in germany have very high turkish and immigrant populations.. besides munich kinda
Sehr interessantes Video, danke 🥰 Ich finde, dass die Deutschen im Generellen sehr offen für fremde Kulturen sind💖
There is no place like Berlin.
Hallo. Folge ist gut.
Merhaba !
Merhaba dostum :)
Merhaba 👋
Merhaba ^^
Ich bin auch türkin und wohne ich ungefähr 9 Monaten in deutchland.ja in deutschland gibt es viele Türken.das ist für mich eine große Nachteile. Wie zum Beispiel wenn ich ein orte gehe,weißt mindestens eine Person türkisch zu sprechen,deswegen verbessere ich nicht meine deutsche.ich möchte einfach deutsch sprechen :)
was machen Sie da? Ich möchte meine Aufbaustudium dort machen. Zur Zeit versuche ich Deutsch zu lernen.
@@vegaripkont792 dieses jahr habe ich in den deutschkurs gegangen.dann möchte ich ausbildung machen
ich überlege mir, wenn es da eine Person gäbe, die sagt: "Na ja, ich finde die Türken voll unhöflich, die stehen nur unter sich und gibt's keinen Austausch zwischen uns und ihnen... deshalb wünsche ich mir, dass sie alle aus Deutschland auswandern würden". Würden sie das uns zeigen? Wahrscheinlich nicht. Ich bezweifle, es gibt nur nette Menschen auf der Straße, die eine positive Einstellung des Themas gegenüber haben.
Der Osten hasst jeden. Sei es Pole, Türke, Italiener oder mittlerweile auch Westdeutsche
Pass auf dich auf. Bleibt gesund Bitte.
Please everyone be honest and watch the video carefully from the beginning again. Germans who hear the word "Turkish" first hesitate and then respond with difficulty. I'm asking you from Turkey; What did these people do to you?
Ich bin aus der Türkei geboren. Seit zwie Jahren bin ich nach deutschland gekommen.Deutsche Leute sind sehr nett. Danke Easy German💙 Ich begrüße euch von Stuttgart.
Ich auch lerne Deutsch von Easy German✊
the first man was so sarcastic 😂
Great video, loved it!!
I lived not so legally in berlin as an 18 year american and I miss it so much, the turkish doener joints...i lived off them
@Yoav Danyal I wonder if they like Syrian Americans in Germany
One love Türkei 🇹🇷 From somalia 🇸🇴 ♥️🤛
wow, the content is good but made turkish people asked germans is a bit strange like even though they have something to tell, that'd be hard to tell straight to their face yk
I lived at Berlin for 4 months for my university education. I’ve met lots of ‘german-turkish’ (as we name ‘gurbetci’) and, natürlich, Deutche people.
As a Turk, I can say ‘integration’ is the key and some of us are not really good at it. By the way most of German-turkish complains about hypocracy and discrimation. I haven’t seen any but you know, If many tell same it is probably true.
Long live Deutsche - Turkish brotherhood!
Olmayan şeye neden çok yaşa diyorsun?
T A T niye.. birinci dünya savaşı’na polonya’yla mı girdin? ya da almanya işçileri Zimbabwe’den mi istedi?
Siyasi göstergeler halklar arasındaki iletişime örnek teşkil etmez.
@@kor4y Almanya Türkiye'den işçi istemedi. Güney Avrupa'dan istedi. Türkiye "bizde de çok işsiz var bizden de alın" dedi. Almanya reddetti, Türkiye diretti, "biz insan değil miyiz bizi neden kabul etmiyorsunuz?" dedi. Amerika ise Almanya'ya baskı yaparak Türk işçileri almaya ikna etti.
Amerika'nın baskı yapmasının sebebi Almanya'nın ırkçı hislerini test etmek ve Türkiye'yi Batı'ya yaklaştırıp NATO ittifakını güçlendirmekti. Amerika baskı yapmasa almayacaklardı. Türk-Alman kardeşliği budur. Almanlar ile yakın zamanda savaşmamış, 1. Dünya savaşında müttefik oluşumuza aldanma. Almanlar için Türkler Oryantal bir millettir, çıkar ilişkileri dışında ilişki kurmazlar, Türklere tepeden bakarlar, Türkiye'yi de hiçbir zaman kendilerine denk bir ülke görmemişlerdir.
T A T bu mantıkla bakarsan Turkler de kendilerini kimseyle denk görmez. Ne de olsa biz 3 kıtaya hükmetmiş dünyaya nizam vermiş bir milletiz. Sanki Nihat Atsız konuşuyor.
100 yılı aşkın, Osmanlı’dan Atatürk’e, oradan da çok partili döneme sarkan yoğun etkileşimli bir ilişkimiz var. Kardeş olmamamız için de hiçbir sebep yok.
He sen başkentini işgal etmiş İngilizleri veya pek sevgili Arap’ları istersen... sen bilirsin tabi.
@@95bekirable Senin nerede oturduğunu bilmiyorum ama Hamburg'ta beraber yaşıyoruz. Tabii problemler farklar var ama Alman Türk kardeşliği de var kesinlikle.
Sana kötü davranan Almanlar için utanç hissediyorum. Lütfen bizimle beraber yaşamayı dene. Hepimiz kötü insan değil.
08:38 amen
Bizim türklere bak ne güzel almanca konuşuyorlar,umarım ben de bir kaç seneye akıcı konuşacak seviyeye gelirim.
Um 4:09 sprach der junge Mann sehr rational. Schließlich sind wir Menschen, unsere Anpassungsfähigkeit ist sehr stark, aber wir sind immer in einer Art Verteidigung gegen das Unbekannte. Dies ist eine Voraussetzung für das Überleben des Organismus. In Städten wie Berlin und Hamburg können sich Menschen miteinander vermischen, während die Interaktion in kleineren Siedlungen naturgemäß eingeschränkter ist.
Not that I would have anything against türkisch friends who came to live in Berlin and surely managed to make the place less grey and cold, - but I can't help noticing this funny self censorship on the part of the general public on this topic the moment a person finds himself/herself in front of the camera, by recycling all the usual cliché deemed to be appropriate . Or so it feels from the perspective of someone residing in Minks where the abuse of free speech in brutal, old fashioned form is still a norm. The subtle keep of intolerance of opposing views in some many places of the 'free world' is less obvious but the end result can't be different, can it?
Ich finde es großartig, dass so viele Teile Berlins "multikulti" sind - das ist sehr speziell und wertvoll.
Oh my god the music! 💕 Is this Altin Gün?
i wonder too.. i cant recognize the song
Cool video
what about in dresden ?
Ich würde gerne ein video mit der vietnamesischen community in Berlin schauen!
Lebe in Berlin. Eine vietnamesische community ist garnicht so präsent wie die türkische
@@kobebryant6331 Ich wohne doch in berlin ;) ja, sie sind nicht so sichtbar als die türkische, aber sie sind doch da! es gibt so viele vietnamesische restaurants und gemeinschaften. berlin essen ist für mich genauso döner wie pho!
@@lotuslien774 Achso ist mir nie aufgefallen, welche gegend?
@@kobebryant6331 lichtenberg! gibt es dahin dong xuan zentrum (super leckeres essen). aber überall leben vietnamesen und asiaten, aber vllt auch besonders in charlottenburg
Nice video...be safe...stay home...
abla bist du %100 richtig gesagt
Nice name Burak!
It is the polish word.
Burak means beetroot.
Burak bedeutet Rote Bete.
Schöne Grüße !
Der Hammer!
Mich würde interessieren, ob die türkischstämmigen Leute in diesem Video mal Mikroagressionen erlebt haben, wie "du sprichst aber gut deutsch." Als asiatische Amerikanerin kann ich sagen, dass das Problem von Mikroagression in Amerika doch ziemlich ärgerlich ist.
Das erlebt man als türkischstämmiger Deutscher jeden Tag. Hier will ich, aber auch meine "ur"-deutschen Brüder und Schwestern verteidigen, in 99,9% der Fälle ist das die ältere Generation. Ich wurde noch nie von jemanden unter 40 Jahren mit diesem Kommentar "gelobt".
I have you Always Back Germany 🇩🇪! 🇹🇷💖🇩🇪