Xavier Rudd Messages/Guku~"Xaviers Free Hug" @ Beloved Festival 2013

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • You can Skip forward to 8:25 for the Hug... But its worth wathching the whole video.
    Shot on canon T4i w on board audio

Комментарии • 803

  • @peacefulventures5600
    @peacefulventures5600  6 лет назад +84


    • @jamesbeck04
      @jamesbeck04 6 лет назад +1

      Peaceful Ventures WE ARE ALL THE TRUTH... If we chastise, We have to also believe in a far off way, we are all the same as well!!!! Rest First, Settle, And Believe in all the changes we come from!!!!
      Xavier's lyrics are amazing for this moment... WE WON'T UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS!!!!

    • @jamesbeck04
      @jamesbeck04 6 лет назад +1

      And Thank You For Your Spread LOVE❤💛💚

    • @Dtapped
      @Dtapped 6 лет назад +9

      I'm just grateful you captured this moment. Forever gone, but still able to be experienced by those who seek a glimpse of such a pure, honest expression of love.

    • @AUser0000001
      @AUser0000001 6 лет назад +49

      @James Beckland You sound like an idiot. At the end of the day Jen Hart and her Evil wife Sarah abused , starved, and exploited those black children. Child protective services had to call numerous times, and Devonte had to go to a neighbors for FOOD!!! Even back in 2011 one of the daughters came to school with bruises from Jen. She had to go to court for that. That’s why they started to “ home school “ the children. Then when a neighbor called again soon after Jennifer and Sarah packed up the children and drove them OVER A CLIFF!!! SO get a life James. People like you stay in your little bubble, you have no idea.

    • @jamesbeck04
      @jamesbeck04 6 лет назад +3

      AUser0000001 haha... thanks for all that you give to this world!!!! Much known yet not felt!!!!
      Make sure you keep your windows up so you don't feel the wind... keep your breath inside your small bubble!!!!

  • @streetking9772
    @streetking9772 6 лет назад +367

    Devonte was crying out for help and we all failed him. I'm so sad. This breaks my heart.

    • @shondajones5987
      @shondajones5987 6 лет назад +45

      Stephen there were people who loved Devonte and his siblings. I represented Devontes paternal aunt and unbelievably the Court removed Devonte and his siblings from her custody because she according to Cps and the court violated some bs techicality and allowed them to see their mother. I am furious. Please spread this and advise everyone you know to participate in local elections and vote for Judges who have a heart and care about people like Devonte. They can alter our lives in powerful ways as exemplified by this young mans very tragic story. In the clip in St. Louis and this one he is crying and wanting to be loved so very bad

    • @jaithevegan
      @jaithevegan 5 лет назад +7

      Stephen Scott YES he was.

    • @lauraswihart8018
      @lauraswihart8018 3 года назад +5

      It's sad - I think the singer knew he was hurting & tried to comfort him💖

    • @isadorashegypt972
      @isadorashegypt972 2 года назад +4

      @@shondajones5987 💔it make me criyng so bad 😭😭😭... These women were witches😡😡😡

    • @mafaldamafalda3385
      @mafaldamafalda3385 2 года назад +4

      Je suis d'accord, je partage votre avis. Le fait aussi d avoir le crâne rasé avec des coeurs et " love" écrit en gros sur sa tête est forcément une action des mères. Elles ne feraient pas ça avec leur propre tête. Elles l'utilisent comme un objet ou comme du bétail qu elles exposent. Je trouve cela ignoble et le mot est faible. Cette action déjà devait interpeller tout le monde.

  • @rebeccab8087
    @rebeccab8087 5 лет назад +134

    This is so uncomfortable to watch. All the crying and carrying on in the audience but not a single person noticed this little boy is painfully malnourished or thought him sobbing in the arms of a stranger was normal? RIP Devonte.

    • @steeveekeys1904
      @steeveekeys1904 3 года назад +5

      How is the crowd supposed to know how old he is? As far as they know he's 6 years old not a teenager. But yes very uncomfortable to watch.

    • @Summer09824
      @Summer09824 3 года назад +1

      Steevee Keys I thought he was about that age here. How old was he??

    • @rachelsweeney2722
      @rachelsweeney2722 3 года назад +3

      He was born in 2002, so he was around 11 in 2013

    • @strenyaletus9621
      @strenyaletus9621 2 года назад +1

      Perhaps no one noticed because they were all delusionally stoned new age imbeciles.

    • @steeveekeys1904
      @steeveekeys1904 2 года назад +6

      @@strenyaletus9621 That might be true, but, sadly, most people, stoned or not, don't want to "get involved ".

  • @shondajones5987
    @shondajones5987 6 лет назад +134

    Lisa: Devonte was a wonderful young man. Unfortunately I regret to tell you that he was removed from a loving aunts home in Houston, Texas and was one of the 3 children driven over a cliff in California by his adopted mom who was determined to be intoxicated 1.08. Those kids had tragic lives and you can tell he wanted to be loved so much and was in tremendous pain. Both images here and in St. Louis he was crying and hugging, reaching out for love. I pray for his fragile tender soul.

    • @deadmausish
      @deadmausish 5 лет назад +4

      Devonte's body was never found AFAIK. Is he and his sister buried somewhere?

    • @icemachine79
      @icemachine79 3 года назад +3

      To be fair, the aunt did violate the terms of her temporary custody arrangement by allowing their crack-addicted mother to not only see the children but actually babysit them from time to time. These kids could have really benefitted from their fathers entering the picture.

    • @Bama32
      @Bama32 3 года назад +23

      @@icemachine79 to be fair, there's no proof the aunt starved or abused Devonte, nor is there any proof the bio mom did as well. To be fair, being a drug addict doesn't automatically mean that you abuse your children. Parents who have never touched drugs abused their children, or in this case get shit-faced and drive them off a cliff to plunge them all to their death.
      The aunt got called into work, she accepted the extra shift to make the extra money since unlike the monsters who murdered him, the aunt was not using her nephew as a meal ticket. Was she wrong to violate CPS rules and allow the bio mom to babysit? Absolutely.
      But what this woman up here is trying to say is that Devonte had REAL blood family that loved him. But according to CPS they weren't good enough.
      My heart hurts for all of these children's families as well as all of these friends who were conned into believing the facade that these two were beautiful loving Moms. It's terrifying how easy you can pretend to be something you're not. I'm watching all of these videos and I would have thought they were a bunch of tree-hugging hippies incapable of hurting an ant. You truly never know when you might be standing next to a demon.
      These children's cries were heard too late. It's time strangers stop taking the approach of not wanting to get involved. If you feel it in your gut you've got to take action and speak up. it's not just a phrase, it's science, the gut never lies.
      I didn't mean to go off on you, my apologies if it feels that way. It's a cold overcast day and I have tripped headfirst into my emotions, I didn't mean to hijack you for the ride.

    • @Single.White.Female
      @Single.White.Female 3 года назад +2

      I'd never call that thing a "mom."

    • @Single.White.Female
      @Single.White.Female 3 года назад +2

      @@Bama32 you're 100% right!! 😓

  • @1stephthegreatest1
    @1stephthegreatest1 6 лет назад +197

    Wow! I agree that even at this juncture in his life, Devonte seemed to be crying out for help. That wasn’t HIS agenda. The peace & love haircut, the cat suit and fucking tail. Come on man...
    Everyone so lost in a fog of psychedelics & white saviorism they missed that this boy was being starved and abused. What an awful story this poor child lived.😢

    • @cherylcampbell9369
      @cherylcampbell9369 5 лет назад +10

      So incredibly well put.

    • @jackvoogle5776
      @jackvoogle5776 4 года назад +12

      Agreed. It wasn’t his life. That poor boy never had a chance to be himself.

    • @stephenbredl1782
      @stephenbredl1782 3 года назад +8

      I'm not sure if these folks should have realized something was wrong. I imagine they weren't trained to recognize a situation like this as anything other than a child being caught up in a moment of love. HOWEVER.. the police, or neighbors that the children ran to for help, or food, those folks are absolutely partially, if not completely responsible for not saving the children. They needed not interpret the word help.

    • @stephenbredl1782
      @stephenbredl1782 3 года назад +2

      @Stephanie Scott I feel the blame is slightly misplaced here. Your comment feels, to me at least, like saying.. "these people were too busy thinking this boy was being saved somehow to actually save him." Or to put it another way, you found out a person almost drowned, you see this person is now on the deck of a boat with a life raft sitting right next to them. To any observer it will appear that a human life was just saved. Are you grateful for this moment, or do you immediately feel the need to hit the person with another life raft? It's a different story though if we find out that the coast guard showed up, heard the victim pleading for help and said to the victim, yo sorry.. you fell off that boat not hours, I know the boat is sinking but ya have to go back to that one anyway.

    • @big_g7352
      @big_g7352 3 года назад +4

      I agree this poor child was crying out for help

  • @mindflorakind
    @mindflorakind 6 лет назад +180

    I don't understand why there are so many adults on the main thread who seem so desperate for a hug and touch from a small black child. I understand there's a lot of pain in this world, but children, black children especially, have neither the agency nor the social power to, on their own, resolve adult ills and personal chaos. To rest the weight of the world, your world, on small shoulders is nothing other than abuse. Carry your own load or get some professional therapy. Using children for your own gain, even just to FEEL good, is called child exploitation.

    • @LichenAndMoss
      @LichenAndMoss 6 лет назад +9

      As someone who works with exploited children, I honor your concern, but I take serious issue with your definition of exploitation. What youre talking about is psychological projection. Exploitation is pretty well defined under the law. Big difference between improper and illegal.

    • @LichenAndMoss
      @LichenAndMoss 6 лет назад +13

      I dont mean to deny that this situation was strange. I was there I remember thinking it was weird, for one his age was such a mystery. Now I know it's because he was underweight. His head size and face didnt match his little body. Xavier called him up because of the "Free Hugs" sign he was carrying. Oregon people are gonna project stuff on this hug for sure hard to avoid that.

    • @mindflorakind
      @mindflorakind 6 лет назад +37

      Ben Elliott
      Devonte is Trayvon Martin is Stephon Clark is Michael Brown... I've met him many times. He is a child of my people. My little brother and my son. I meant what I said. Our children are not for your use.

    • @Dtapped
      @Dtapped 6 лет назад +3

      Karma - I like your passion. Have you considered working in a child protective services role? (serious btw)

    • @victoriawelch1112
      @victoriawelch1112 6 лет назад +6

      karmaisa bytch omg. EVERYTHING you said is straight FACTS.
      this is the very reason that I will not EVER trust these monsters. They are simply void of morale and refuse to acknowledge evil when it's committed by them.

  • @nessnixtony
    @nessnixtony 5 лет назад +63

    Watching this moment and the one with the police officer, I am stymied as to why no one recognized the palpable pain this child was displaying. No child, of any race, no matter how sensitive clings in an embrace to a stranger (especially in front of a crowd) with tears streaming down their face, (especially such a long embrace) if their life is happy and well-adjusted. It seems as if confirmation bias was at play here, people who wanted to believe in something, the myth of the whyte saviors, or maybe the "spiritual" wise prophet child in their midsts leading them all to truth through love. But all I saw back when his picture was in the paper, hugging the cop, was pain and fear. I think a lot of people mistakenly thought that the fear and pain we were seeing was attributable to the inequities and realities African Americans face in this country with regards to police brutality and racial profiling. Heartbreaking that no one stepped up sooner to help these kids. They asked for help, many times but it took so long for people to want to get involved. I guess if something good is to come of this it's that we all need to be more mindful and if you see something, say something. Get involved.

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +6

      True. Perhaps it was the only opportunity to cry without being punished.

    • @sumkindawundrful14u65
      @sumkindawundrful14u65 3 года назад +4

      Ppl DID say something hence them moving from place to place to avoid CPS in that particular State. Their teachers eventually STOPPED REPORTING to CPS bcuz they found it was making the situation WORSE for the children. The last prsn to "see smthng - say smthng" was the neighbor's 80yr old father who made an impassioned plea to the police that these children were in grave danger...That call lead to these evil monsters driving these babies of a cliff to their deaths. That being said, "saying smthng" doesn't always work out they way we'd like, but ppl DID IT! I believe the general public did their part. If there's any blame here, it's on police & CPS! They are paid to protect and serve. Where were they?! ~Peace✌🏽

  • @CharMendoza
    @CharMendoza 6 лет назад +20

    RIP Devonte. That baby was crying for help. Those sick bitches abused him and the rest of the kids.

    • @Blurb777
      @Blurb777 3 месяца назад

      They were more than sick bitches - those women were full blown demonic. The babies are with the Lord Jesus now in His loving embrace and all tears are gone - that alone makes it easier for me to reflect on what happened.

  • @Staylor1913
    @Staylor1913 5 лет назад +20

    This was by far the best hug he has received other than the hug with the cop. When he squeezed his eyes, I lost it. I cant even imagine the hell him and his sibling were going through. My prayer is that he is hugging Angels all over the place and he is happy. Just giving out hugs everywhere. God bless this family!

  • @mindflorakind
    @mindflorakind 6 лет назад +146

    I fear this vulnerable child's entire existence was centered on the feelings of white people. To the extent that he made them feel good, he was good. For all the "love" he received, for all that he gave, no one could save him when he cried out for help. They wouldn't save him. With his death before them they defend his abusers and still in his death they cannot accept his painful cries for escape and food. They cannot accept his pain. Only his hugs and his dancing. His orchestrated performance put on by his white guardians. I am devastated.

    • @tuckertootsie9639
      @tuckertootsie9639 6 лет назад +21

      karmaisa bytch so well said. This story is destroying my heart. The poor guy was crying and latching on to anyone he could. The abuse that he and his siblings suffered must have been unimaginable. My heart hurts just thinking about it. They were puppets, toys to be thrown out and destroyed when no longer useful.

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +7

      A fitting tribute to the brave smiles of those children. It seems that any time the children outright told adults the truth they were pegged by others as being deficient & unable to corroborate their own experiences either because others were deaf or in the presence of the wakeful presence (proximity) of their abusers they would comply with the abuser's directions. Tragedy. The system needs to be... more sensitive to the obvious.

    • @AlexanderNevermind888
      @AlexanderNevermind888 4 года назад +8

      Same here. I commented on this a couple years ago, and the anger and disappointment I have in these people has never left. This whole thing sickened me to no end. And when they panned the camera around, the absolute worst part is that there wasn't a single face among the people in the audience that looked like his. No Black adult in the crowd. No one to question why in the world a young Black male, dressed in disturbing clothing, was being displayed in front of these people as if he was some sideshow attraction. These people failed him and any response about "love" and peace is just a smokescreen of faux white wokeness. Years later, and this still makes my blood boil...

    • @icemachine79
      @icemachine79 3 года назад +1

      ​@@AlexanderNevermind888 It probably had something to do with the fact that Lane County has a Black population of less than 1%. As far as the rest, "disturbing" clothing? Have you seen how rappers like Little Yachty style themselves these days?

    • @Bama32
      @Bama32 3 года назад +3

      Your words are more like poetry to me on open mic night. So painfully true but somehow beautiful at the same time. I don't know if I'm explaining it in words, it's more of a feeling.
      Thank you.

  • @TudorFencing
    @TudorFencing 6 лет назад +51

    Just heard on the news tonight that Devonte Hart was murdered. I came here to pay tribute to such a beautiful soul.

    • @videowifie
      @videowifie 4 года назад +7

      @@bakhembrutalknowledge nah dude, you repeatedly commenting about pedophilia under unrelated comments offering condolences to the kid, reeks of it. you know, your obsession with it, projection of it, determination to further sully the tragic atmosphere around this poor fucking kid and his siblings.

  • @darlenepayne1620
    @darlenepayne1620 5 лет назад +61

    With all the "white savior" talk and people seeing something wrong with hugging a child, this video haunts me. There are two things I think of first and foremost. Devonte immediately grabbed onto this man like his life depended on it, which shows he was starved for honest affection. And Xavier Rudd seemed very affected, as well. I wonder what went through his head, and what he saw when he looked into Devonte's eyes.

    • @Reginald-Montgomery-Astird-III
      @Reginald-Montgomery-Astird-III 3 года назад +1

      Xavier Rudd is a tool, fuck him.

    • @HandbagDiva
      @HandbagDiva 3 года назад +3

      That boy was looking for a male role model & a saviour. Too bad nobody understood that!

    • @darlenepayne6112
      @darlenepayne6112 3 года назад +13

      Maybe not a male role model, but he definitely needed a savior. All of those kids did.

    • @tilly8221
      @tilly8221 2 года назад +1

      @@Reginald-Montgomery-Astird-III I feel sorry for you ❤️

    • @TheChannel999999999
      @TheChannel999999999 2 года назад +4

      @@darlenepayne6112 He was definitely seeking comfort from a male figure in the same way he hugged that male police officer. It's understandable given he was living with two witches who starved him of his basic needs.

  • @ilovefredreika
    @ilovefredreika 6 лет назад +36

    Devonte's biological Aunt made 1 error and CPS raced to remove him. Jennifer and Sarah made countless mistakes and the children remained. Unfair. Wonder what happened to Jennifer Hart to make her mete out such cruel punishment? Maybe she had good intentions originally. So sad... I'm still praying for a miracle for Devonte and Hannah.

    • @oyeleche
      @oyeleche 3 года назад +3

      Lol literally all the time kids get taken away because their parents smoke weed like it’s not LEGAL SMH what is this world

    • @amandamorgan8349
      @amandamorgan8349 3 года назад +3

      She had NO good intentions at all. She adopted them to abuse them. That were her intentions all along

    • @leob4403
      @leob4403 Год назад +1

      Typical narcissist woman, she was also enabled and encouraged in her narcissism by a depraved society, thats the unfortunate truth

  • @jamesbeck04
    @jamesbeck04 6 лет назад +38

    RIP Devonte!!!! My heart is pouring out today on the loss of your SUPER SPECIAL SOUL from this costly Earth. You gave your absolute best!!!!

  • @opalpapaya
    @opalpapaya 6 лет назад +83

    The women who adopted this beautiful child murdered him and his five adopted siblings by putting them in the car intentionally unbuckled and driving them all off the edge of a cliff into the ocean. After years of neglect and abuse and CHRIST only knows what else that they suffered at their hands. Those six angels are finally resting at peace somewhere better than here. If there's any kind of justice in this world or the next, those women are both spinning in the deepest, darkest, coldest hole in hell.

    • @WellSea7
      @WellSea7 5 лет назад +6

      HOTTEST hole in hell

    • @ymirheiss3602
      @ymirheiss3602 5 лет назад +6

      Snapdragon This is what white liberalism gets you. I'm a white guy, but I'll bet we can agree on that.

    • @anonymous203020
      @anonymous203020 2 года назад +1

      If there was any kind of justice in this world, those women would’ve never done what they did

    • @mafaldamafalda3385
      @mafaldamafalda3385 2 года назад +1

      Il n' a jamais été retrouvé et certains pensent et espèrent qu il soit vivant.

    • @OrchestralOrg
      @OrchestralOrg 2 года назад

      *coldest or hottest, they both burn*

  • @mizzeshy
    @mizzeshy 6 лет назад +112

    Devonte’s mothers drove off of a cliff with his siblings in the car. Devonte and 2 other siblings are missing. They were running from CPS for abusing the children. This sounds like murder-suicide.

    • @Rascott03
      @Rascott03 6 лет назад +17

      Actually it isn't

    • @MissCassieMolie
      @MissCassieMolie 6 лет назад +45

      Stefan Poulos there was confirmation that there’d was abuse happening. Neighbors confirmed that Devonte was asking them for food for a period. CPS has to be called several times.

    • @katelynn767
      @katelynn767 6 лет назад +56

      Those two sick bitches abused those kids then killed them when CPS showed up. The situation is weird. Why is that boy dressed like that? And was always crying? Probably Crying out for help!

    • @Dtapped
      @Dtapped 6 лет назад +34

      I think he desperately needed someone to feel safe with. Both Xavier and the Police officer were strong male figures that he clung to. We all thought it was just a sweet moment. In hindsight, it looks like it was a cry for help.

    • @AUser0000001
      @AUser0000001 6 лет назад +30

      @FUCK YOU STEFAN !!!! They killed those children!!!!!! And they are going to rot in hell. Those children were being abused by crazy idiots!!! The neighbors even called Child protective services for the children but it was too late . Years before that , in 2011 one of the so-called “Mothers” named Sarah Hart had been abusing one of the daughters. She had to go to court for that. One of them snapped and just drove off the cliff because they are evil. I pray those beautiful children are at peace in heaven and I know they are angels. It’s so sad.People like you only look at the surface but you have NO idea how some monsters operate.

  • @probablecosby
    @probablecosby 2 года назад +13

    This just proves you that hippies are not spiritually connected as they like to arrogantly claim, they act like they can “feel vibes”cause if they really could, then they would see that this child was in pain, not just looking for “free hugs”. This is fucking gross. Rip little man, I hope it’s better on the other side.

  • @bluegrasslass
    @bluegrasslass 5 лет назад +15

    How many times does this have to happen before adults LISTEN to children???? I grew up in an abusive household and NO-ONE knew! No-one cared. Children do not go around lying about stuff like being beaten with a belt!

    • @pinkrebellionxyz1567
      @pinkrebellionxyz1567 4 года назад +2

      Like how many children have to die at the hands of murder or suicide for adults to start listening. Its not fair to those who are reaching out to be given false hope or their cries to fall on deaf ears

  • @drabby7925
    @drabby7925 5 лет назад +38

    I think the thing that breaks my heart the most is Xavier feeling a connection but being wrong about what the connection means.

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +2

      Unless he knew.... I think these "groups" are used for human trafficking. Seriously.

    • @mindrolling24
      @mindrolling24 3 года назад +8

      @@khm2128 What do you mean when you say “groups”?

    • @mindrolling24
      @mindrolling24 3 года назад +12

      I think he knew Devonte was very sad, and that’s why Rudd was crying.

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 3 года назад +1

      @@mindrolling24 I'm refering to the people involved in the meetups. My feeling is that the children are trafficked.

    • @mindrolling24
      @mindrolling24 3 года назад +6

      @@khm2128 You haven’t answered the question. Who are these people who go to “meet ups”? What, where, when and why? How do you know all about this? If you believe what you’re saying, have you taken your evidence to the police or child services?

  • @MakeupHuesAndViews
    @MakeupHuesAndViews 6 лет назад +40

    This breaks my heart. Devonte is clearly malnourished. His bones are so pronounced on his back and his body is way too small for his head. No rational adult would deliberately dress a school age boy like a toddler and then thrust the child onto a stage to hug a grown man in the middle of the performance. Or thrust a child at any unknown grown man or woman at any time.
    Those “parents” used the children so they could feel like martyrs for adopting them. We as a society failed Devonte and his siblings. God entrusts us to love, protect, and build children up. Children are not pawns or small characters in an adult’s self serving narrative. Seriously, this isn’t cute or sweet. This act was just another ploy The Hart women used to hide their horrible souls. Fortunately God says that vengeance is his and his alone. The only comfort is know those six beautiful children are no longer experiencing the horrors their “parents” put them through daily.
    Rest In Peace

  • @PenelopeVW21
    @PenelopeVW21 6 лет назад +23

    Am I the only one who finds this just a tad creepy? This family perished just miles north of me.... two of the kids still missing.

    • @faefae2260
      @faefae2260 Год назад +1

      Extremely. Especially with the outfit

  • @NicholeChoiceMusic
    @NicholeChoiceMusic 6 лет назад +18

    First few notes of this music sound so eerie, given the circumstances.

  • @BossFinale
    @BossFinale 9 лет назад +45

    Devonte Hart brought me here

  • @tomgutteridge872
    @tomgutteridge872 4 года назад +15

    This is so horrifying. Poor kid never had a chance. Those two were evil and don't deserve the label 'mother'.
    Xavier felt something... but what could he do? He's onstage... he gave the boy a hug... he must have been devastated if the truth ever found him after the murders.

  • @Single.White.Female
    @Single.White.Female 3 года назад +8

    Too bad you had to let little Devonte go after that hug. He was clinging to a stranger like that for a reason... Heartbreaking 💔 such a sweet boy... And a beautiful video.

    • @xavierrudd2904
      @xavierrudd2904 3 года назад

      I want to specially appreciate your well wishes and care. Thanks for your comment on my post, it means alot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via Hangouts using my personal email that will be indicated below. Also endeavor to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one texting because I don't respond unnecessary messages.
      Hangouts mail: xavierruddprivateaccess@gmail.com

  • @jackvoogle5776
    @jackvoogle5776 4 года назад +39

    In hindsight, it’s exploitation. All of them witnessed. The zebra stripes were the bars he was locked behind. There’s nothing beautiful about it. This is horrific. RIP Devonte. Wish the world had a chance to see you for who you really were.

    • @mafaldamafalda3385
      @mafaldamafalda3385 2 года назад

      Is he still alive ?

    • @isisscott2385
      @isisscott2385 2 года назад

      @@mafaldamafalda3385 no . His lesbian foster moms did a murder suicide with him and his siblings in the car.

  • @0037kevin
    @0037kevin 4 года назад +13

    That especially long hug has context now, knowing what has happened, this was obviously a child (one of 6 ) that was hurting and just needed an adult to love them and not abuse them for likes on Instagram.

    • @daBEAGLE1017
      @daBEAGLE1017 4 года назад +1

      dont forget the free welfare $ the mothers collected greedily.

    • @mcnultyssobercompanion6372
      @mcnultyssobercompanion6372 3 года назад +2

      @@daBEAGLE1017 For all their countless sins, I don't think these mothers collecting welfare to assist with the feeding and clothing of children is one of them.
      *Holding back* that food is something to crucify them for.
      But welfare isn't remotely "greed". No one gets wealthy off welfare. To even imply that is absurd.
      And in case you're inclined to go there, welfare *fraud* is something else entirely. And, fucked up as these ladies were, there's no evidence they were guilty of it.

    • @daBEAGLE1017
      @daBEAGLE1017 3 года назад

      @@mcnultyssobercompanion6372 i agree and know welfare. My family were murdered and i couldnt function and needed help. Being turned down for major mental disability because the government didnt think having members of a family killed was as equal to a mother with a fatherless child. Well, i was raising kids also but it still took 9 months for them to check into my case.
      Welfare fraud is stealing from us that worked all our lives.

  • @LisaSmith-zj3vh
    @LisaSmith-zj3vh 9 лет назад +101

    Just read about Devonte Hart and the police officer hug... cried reading it. Then I read about Devonte's life... cried like a baby reading that article. Now I'm watching this video... stick a fork in me because I'm done! Can't take anymore this morning. I love this baby's soul and heart! Thank you to his Mommy for being a caring human. This is indicative of how our nation could be if we just learn to love on each other!!
    Peace & Blessings

    • @AndreaWanting
      @AndreaWanting 9 лет назад +13

      I as well Lisa. The moment when Devonte love passed through into Xavier and he started to cry is too much for me. I don't know what to do with myself.

    • @Voileen
      @Voileen 9 лет назад +9

      Indeed! I was at the Beloved Festival and saw this beautiful moment. It was truly amazing. This boy is so precious - - and his mother's are amazing women -- defying all the odds and the stereotypes out there.

    • @PlanetJ32
      @PlanetJ32 9 лет назад +8

      This beautiful soul is going to help change the world! What an amazing child he is!

    • @Basilpatrickyarde
      @Basilpatrickyarde 9 лет назад +11

      If it takes this child to rebuild the faith we have in the human race.....let it be... #freehugs

    • @LillieBoo225
      @LillieBoo225 9 лет назад +9

      The same thing happened to me, in that order. My heart is overflowing. I love you all.

  • @AndreaWanting
    @AndreaWanting 6 лет назад +6

    Sweet Heart. May you and your Brothers and Sisters soul rest in peace. No more tears, only love and freedom.

  • @matthewderouville28
    @matthewderouville28 6 лет назад +110

    I cringed when I saw Devonte wearing a tail.

    • @guitarlawyer75
      @guitarlawyer75 6 лет назад +37

      I cringed when I saw it too. And "love" written on his hair... So bizarre . And he looks sad and malnourished

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +2

      @@bakhembrutalknowledge , totally. Furries, right?

    • @Single.White.Female
      @Single.White.Female 3 года назад +8

      They dressed him up...he was their photo op...At every event they went to.

    • @msh5597
      @msh5597 3 года назад +3

      A tail looking like they were trying to pull him in their lifestyle

  • @KristinAlayna
    @KristinAlayna 3 года назад +4

    Yall couldn't tell that poor boy was malnourished and reaching out for actual love and safety?! Jesus.

    • @xavierrudd2904
      @xavierrudd2904 3 года назад

      I want to specially appreciate your well wishes and care. Thanks for your comment on my post, it means alot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via Hangouts using my personal email that will be indicated below. Also endeavor to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one texting because I don't respond unnecessary messages.
      Hangouts mail: xavierruddprivateaccess@gmail.com

  • @Xenuwilleatyoursoul
    @Xenuwilleatyoursoul 3 года назад +5

    All the white people in the crowd; 'oh what an amazing MOMENT when an emaciated black child runs up to hug a complete stranger and balls his eyes out.' Imagine what a messed up moment that was for Devonte. I am told to hug these white strangers that don't even see me because they see what they want to see.

  • @johnnyd3387
    @johnnyd3387 3 года назад +3

    That poor kid and his 5 siblings. Used abused and murdered by their adoptive parents. They never knew parental love. That's a cry for help nobody saw.

  • @kathleenhudsonbest4927
    @kathleenhudsonbest4927 4 года назад +13

    He was 11 here. He looks like he’s 6 or7.

    • @xavierrudd2904
      @xavierrudd2904 3 года назад

      I want to specially appreciate your well wishes and support. Thanks for your nice. Comment on my post, it means alot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via Hangouts using my personal email that will be indicated below. Also endeavor to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one texting because I don't respond unnecessary messages.
      Hangouts mail: xavierruddprivateaccess@gmail.com

  • @daBEAGLE1017
    @daBEAGLE1017 4 года назад +5

    Rest in eternal peace you beautiful young man along with your 5 siblings.
    Tho your actions were scripted most of the time, you true self showed its peaceful nature more than we ever knew.
    God bless everyone who reads this.

  • @glendamaynard
    @glendamaynard 6 лет назад +50

    Show me two black gay married males who are allowed to adopt 1 white child, let alone 6. I’ll wait.

    • @LichenAndMoss
      @LichenAndMoss 6 лет назад +20

      I dont think that's the biggest problem here. The biggest problem is murder.

    • @bakhembrutalknowledge
      @bakhembrutalknowledge 6 лет назад +19

      the problem is white liberalism(closet racism).

    • @penelopepitstop1707
      @penelopepitstop1707 5 лет назад +3

      Yes!! Then hang a free hug sign around the kids neck. ☹️

    • @xavierrudd2904
      @xavierrudd2904 3 года назад

      I want to specially appreciate your well wishes and care. Thanks for your comment on my post, it means alot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via Hangouts using my personal email that will be indicated below. Also endeavor to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one texting because I don't respond unnecessary messages.
      Hangouts mail: xavierruddprivateaccess@gmail.com

  • @goose7574
    @goose7574 4 года назад +18

    9:50 These kids were always hugging people, because they weren't getting enough hugs at home.
    Anytime you see a genuine hug from them, you can tell they needed one back SOOOO incredibly badly.

    • @xavierrudd2904
      @xavierrudd2904 3 года назад

      I want to specially appreciate your well wishes and support. Thanks for your nice. Comment on my post, it means alot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via Hangouts using my personal email that will be indicated below. Also endeavor to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one texting because I don't respond unnecessary messages.
      Hangouts mail: xavierruddprivateaccess@gmail.com

    • @Palletknifepaint
      @Palletknifepaint Год назад

      He hugged his exploitative mother afterward

  • @norapatriciamejia
    @norapatriciamejia 6 лет назад +8

    My heart breaks for this innocent beautiful child

  • @janna59
    @janna59 3 года назад +4

    There was such a moment between them, I think the little boy felt safe with this man ,, because god knows he wasn’t safe at all

  • @jmtigerfan4765
    @jmtigerfan4765 9 лет назад +14

    This is the kid from the beautiful picture of him crying and hugging a police officer at the Portland Mike Brown rally. His name is Devante Hart. Great story on him in the Oregonian. Sweet kid.

    • @MsFlamingFlamer
      @MsFlamingFlamer 6 лет назад +8

      jm tigerfan his adoptive kidnappers were using him as a prop. its not normal or right to have a kid hugging all these strange men and have the kid ball his eyes out.

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад

      @@MsFlamingFlamer #truth

  • @sandybear9924
    @sandybear9924 6 лет назад +28

    Something is not right! This kid was 10 yrs old and his bones were sticking out of his back..... Now knowing what happened 2018 it should be no mystery something was off. I was adopted and placed in foster care so I take it personal that those two women were abusing those kids . Using love and peace as a cover up. CPS was called out to the home several times back neglected to protect those kids because the white couple had a nice house. Even the neighbor stating the kids came to there home bagging for food and didn't want to return to the home out of fear. As it angers me I had to calm myself with a prayer to GOD.... "For the heavens sit higher than the earth and so are God's thoughts higher than ours. His understanding is higher than ours. We reserve no right to question him. So chose not try to figure out why these kids were placed in the foster care system to begin with only to be placed in the hands of two murders! But please believe justice for these kids will be served in heaven.... GOD saw everything!🦋 And you won't get away from him.... That gives me peace. We are to protect the babies not abuse and murder them! I rebuke the devil IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!!

    • @LynnFingerhut
      @LynnFingerhut 5 лет назад +1

      Right?? His head is disproportionate with his body. No one was nourishing that baby.

  • @loveyougiovanni
    @loveyougiovanni 6 лет назад +6

    What the sadness that comes from this horrible tragedy, watching this video has brought me into tears on my couch in pain. Don't understand this world today and the cruelty... Beautiful song totally moved me.

    • @xavierrudd2904
      @xavierrudd2904 3 года назад

      I want to specially appreciate your well wishes and support. Thanks for your nice. Comment on my post, it means alot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via Hangouts using my personal email that will be indicated below. Also endeavor to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one texting because I don't respond unnecessary messages.
      Hangouts mail: xavierruddprivateaccess@gmail.com

    • @mafaldamafalda3385
      @mafaldamafalda3385 2 года назад

      Je ne pense pas qu'il puisse à nouveau chanter cette chanson désormais.

  • @Feraloidies
    @Feraloidies 9 лет назад +51

    I don't know the musician, and I don't know the child, but there was so much beautiful love in that clip that I am now crying with joy.

    • @oldben101
      @oldben101 9 лет назад +25

      Google search "Devonte Hart."
      And be prepared to cry some more. ;)

    • @mitchconner1652
      @mitchconner1652 9 лет назад +1

      Feraloidies So, this kid is still taking drugs like he was when he was a toddler? Peyote, shrooms, LSD or X?

    • @Feraloidies
      @Feraloidies 9 лет назад +1

      why are you asking me? I have no idea.
      I read one story about him that said he was born to a woman who used drugs, and he had had alcohol and smoke by age 4.

    • @rojonow194
      @rojonow194 9 лет назад +1

      Mitch Conner NO! If you read the article, you will see that his life has turned around for the better. He has wonderful parents and has come a long way. He is a wonderful, caring young man.

    • @mitchconner1652
      @mitchconner1652 9 лет назад +11

      rojonow194 I read the article, but I'm cynical, and I from experience I know that there is a lot of manipulative bullcrap in the news, as well as fakery. Sorry, but you are parroting the article rather than thinking critically about why they would write it. His story is particularly unlikely, though not impossible. Based on your response, I sense naivety, while I ask questions like, is he being GROOMED, and if so, for what?

  • @gstar8425
    @gstar8425 5 лет назад +12

    I was told today to watch this video and the fact that those women could murder that child breaks my heart. I'm crying over this right now

  • @WellSea7
    @WellSea7 5 лет назад +7

    These innocent children were failed by so much, the states agencies (yes more than one state) CPS that was supposed to look out for them, at ever single turn they were simply FAILED! God rest their souls, these two woman were evil personified.

  • @mcnultytommy
    @mcnultytommy 10 лет назад +4

    What a beautiful moment of life in 2014 so peaceful, honest, loveable and pure. Xavier Rudd is truly something special...

    • @probablecosby
      @probablecosby 2 года назад

      Hey, idiot, what’s so special about Rudd who’s a tool btw in this video cause that little kid was crying for help not cause he felt a connection with a random adult he’s never met, devonte was killed btw by his adoptive parents.

    • @X_Vallon_X
      @X_Vallon_X 2 года назад

      @@probablecosby how is rudd a tool? How was he supposed to know the child was crying out for help? Rudd cant read minds... I think this was beautiful. The child had a free hugs sign on, rudd obviously just noticed him and wanted to show him some compassion. I'm so sorry the child has since passed but nothing rudd did here was innapropraiote.

  • @WickedGypsy5000
    @WickedGypsy5000 9 лет назад +7

    Through love anything is possible.Bridges can be rebuilt by it. Humanity can overcome great riffs and tragedies from it. It can get rid of darkness forever and It can put a end to any wrong. We all need to love each other and get back our compassion and humanity. It is the only way to cure this very sick and sad world.

    • @MsFlamingFlamer
      @MsFlamingFlamer 6 лет назад +5

      Maureen oh goodness gracious. hugs are not profound. the people who kept this kid abused and mistreated him his whole life. that isnt love. and its unsafe to teach kids to hug random strangers

  • @Jensational23
    @Jensational23 10 лет назад +186

    I just wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for capturing the video of my son, Devonte, with Xavier at Beloved. I was shooting still photos, so I was hoping that a quality video would arise at some point. This moment is forever etched on our hearts, and most likely anyone who was there to witness this raw human love. Devonte was wearing his 'Free Hugs' sign that he travels the country with. He's hugged thousands, sharing his love for all. There is a long story behind the emotion and why this moment was so special for Devonte. Thank you for enabling everyone to live this moment again through your video.
    Much Love~
    Jen Hart

    • @peacefulventures5600
      @peacefulventures5600  10 лет назад +22

      WE ARE ALL BLESSED AND EMBRACED BY YOUR SON AND HIS BRILLIANCE. Thank you for nurturing such a soul as your sons.
      Hug your mom for me Devonte I am as grateful for her as I am for you!
      These moments happen all around us everyday. Sometimes we dont look, sometimes we find ourselves as servants right in the center of them taking part, and other times we are the humble grateful observers of them. I choose to cultivate Lifetimes of moments like this one! If you watched this more than once you get it ;-) For me that moment was, and still is, a clear and straight to the point example of what free human beings create when our paths cross... Thank You!!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!! I love you and your family completely.

    • @ineedmyhat
      @ineedmyhat 9 лет назад +15

      Give Devonte and all.your kids a massive hug from Scotland :) such a beautiful moment.

    • @RomanaChallans
      @RomanaChallans 9 лет назад +6

      Just read about Devonte and what he is doing to the world. And what you have given to enable this beautiful spirit to share himself. Thank you. Thank you, Devonte.

    • @LuciMac68
      @LuciMac68 9 лет назад +8

      Amazing! Much like millions of people by now, Devonte has deeply touch my soul! He was absolutely right- He is inspiring the world. He is what the exactly what the world needs- especially right now! I would be so honored to receive one (or two) of those free hugs of his one day! Devonte- you are a blessing to this world. Never stop spreading love.

    • @mallorywalters2647
      @mallorywalters2647 9 лет назад +6

      Jen Hart, I don't know you, I don't know Devonte. I do know that there is an amazing bond this young boy has for people. After reading his story, God (or any other spirit you might believe in) has blessed this earth with a soul mate. He is an amazing young man BUT as his story has shown, he learned that "behavior" from amazing parents. I thank you for sharing him with us because his message is going viral. And you wonder how many other young children are like him that just need to get or give hugs. He is an inspiring soul.

  • @Pllm30
    @Pllm30 4 года назад +9

    Those Hart's were some sick women. They have that boy up there looking like a freak. Something was really wrong with those women especially Jennifer. She was really twisted.

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +3

      You are correct but so many are blind and think this is so cute. They made a parody out of him while abusing all of the children. They would routinely drug them to take them on long rides. The children had scars shown on the autopsies. I hope the white savior cooing to all of his devotees here is aware of the extent ot the horror these children lived.

  • @DCLauraG
    @DCLauraG 3 года назад +7

    The superficial, drug enhanced, "love" at these festivals is such a sad substitute for real connections with others. They are orgies of self indulgence for the counter culture and are no place for kids. It breaks my heart to see this poor child shaved and dressed up for the amusement of adults, who claim to care so deeply for him (lumped in with all other humans, of course). The musician actually adjusted the mike during the "deep" hug they shared. Unlike all the adults there, this child had to live in reality, which was so backwards from how things should be. And the kicker is, the child had a loving Aunt, who was fighting to get him and his siblings. May G-d help the people who overlooked helping this child and the system that didn't reunite him with his Aunt.

    • @johngiuffrida
      @johngiuffrida 3 года назад

      You are a true halfwit. The children were actually taken away from the aunt as well. Get your facts straight halfwit.

  • @tiffany0731
    @tiffany0731 10 лет назад +7

    Xavier's music has impacted my life so deeply and I believe if the totality of his Being had to be expressed in a single event, you so eloquently captured it. Thank you for the beautiful share.

    • @MsFlamingFlamer
      @MsFlamingFlamer 6 лет назад +4

      tiffany0731 maybe you should be more aware of child abuse than music

    • @probablecosby
      @probablecosby 2 года назад +1

      That child was crying for help you fucking idiot, there’s nothing in beautiful about this, I hope you know that little boy and his siblings were murdered by their “progressive” lesbian parents who used him as a political prop

    • @faefae2260
      @faefae2260 Год назад +1

      @@MsFlamingFlamer this was written 8 years ago to be fair. Before the incident

    • @MsFlamingFlamer
      @MsFlamingFlamer Год назад

      @@faefae2260 the whole situation is wrong. It’s not normal or appropriate for a child to be hugging a strange man like that and crying his eyes out. These women always had Devonte hugging strangers. Kid was horribly thin too. Alarm bells should have been going off in people’s heads seeing this instead of everyone thinking this was cute and feeling “kumbayah”.

  • @arturoarrazola2120
    @arturoarrazola2120 10 лет назад +5

    this is the type of things that the world needs, real people with real feelings. love everyone....peace.

  • @honee3ymchoneybuns164
    @honee3ymchoneybuns164 2 года назад +1

    I hope every hug Devonte gave out gave him the love he needed. I can’t imagine how it must feel to be living with the devil himself or to being crying out for help but nobody listens. I can’t imagine the fear he must have felt

  • @bcprophet
    @bcprophet 9 лет назад +3

    i've had the honor of seeing this man live a few times now... this video rendered me speechless. love is a beautiful thing and the world needs to embrace it more.

  • @lakshminair2374
    @lakshminair2374 5 лет назад +13

    Disgusting sick display of spirituality for performance and consumption. Hungry ghosts trying to fill the emptiness at their core by consuming things of spirit... indigenous and eastern spirituality and Black bodies. These children lived a life worse than slavery with these women and their so called spiritual community who owned them and consumed them for their own ego purposes. And people believed they were “saved” by them. No, they weren’t saved. They were enslaved. You might think that this type of community has nothing to with it and isn’t at fault, but who was this sadistic woman slaveowner trying to impress with her made up story? Why was she so successful at it? Spiritual bypassing is the name of the game in such subcultures. No one has eyes to see the ugly truth. Not one person in that crowd could see how malnourished Devonte and ALL of his siblings were. Not one person could see how not heartwarming but humiliating this whole scene is.

    • @mcnultyssobercompanion6372
      @mcnultyssobercompanion6372 3 года назад +1

      Because they all surely thought he was significantly younger than he actually was. The full magnitude of his abuse can only be fully appreciated with knowledge of its proper context- which no one at that show could have known.
      I'm just saying, it's easy to crucify strangers for their alleged "complicity"...after the fact.
      Your anger's justified, I just personally feel it was (with acknowledgment the comment is 2 years old) misdirected.

  • @nadacox5044
    @nadacox5044 2 года назад +1

    That poor sweet baby. You deserved so much better

  • @MissyBnyc
    @MissyBnyc 9 лет назад +7

    Music is healing and when you have gone thru so much pain you can have a spiritual moment of healing in the right moment. God is EVERYWHERE in EVERYTHING! Amazing moments don't COST A THING!

  • @Nejila4u
    @Nejila4u 6 лет назад +15

    HEINOUS, DEMONIC, SATANIC WITCHES.... may they reap their disgusting karma!
    RIP Devonte & 5 siblings

  • @mariel.4566
    @mariel.4566 6 лет назад +20

    These people are sick and disgusting. Rip Devonte and siblings.😥

    • @xavierrudd2904
      @xavierrudd2904 3 года назад

      I want to specially appreciate your well wishes and support. Thanks for your nice. Comment on my post, it means alot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via Hangouts using my personal email that will be indicated below. Also endeavor to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one texting because I don't respond unnecessary messages.
      Hangouts mail: xavierruddprivateaccess@gmail.com

  • @MartaRomo4
    @MartaRomo4 10 лет назад +8

    simply.. the most emotion i ever felt... so big...

    • @MsFlamingFlamer
      @MsFlamingFlamer 6 лет назад +3

      Marta Romeu this kid was malnourished, abused and used as a prop. he was recently murdered.

  • @markcavazos1608
    @markcavazos1608 10 лет назад +6

    Jeddadiah Breedlove thank you very much for capturing this moment, I have seen this over and over again for the past 3 days ! Truly one of the most beautiful moments i have ever seen . I hope to one day get to see Xavier live !!

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +3

      This is probably a video of a child who was trafficked. Pretty sure that the "mothers" were afraid of that being discovered.

    • @markcavazos1608
      @markcavazos1608 4 года назад +1

      Kate Hare McIntosh this poor innocent child is no longer with us , he passed away bout 2 years ago , along with his other siblings at the same time . He wasn’t trafficked , he was in foster care . It was a terrible tragic thing , by all means look it up and see for your self

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +1

      @@markcavazos1608 , I did look it up. We don't know if Jennifer and Sarah Hart trafficked these children but it looks very very suspicious.

    • @mcnultyssobercompanion6372
      @mcnultyssobercompanion6372 3 года назад

      @@khm2128 It doesn't even....look....remotely "suspicous" that they were "trafficked". Dude.
      All the deeply profoundly fucked up shit these two broads *actually* did isn't enough- here's you, putting up comment-after-comment, trivializing this tragedy with vague, entirely unproven, tabloid notions of "trafficking".
      If there was even *slight* evidence even *suggesting* "trafficking", I'd give your unfounded hysteria the benefit of the doubt.
      But there isn't. So I won't.

  • @Keepemguessin-nostressin
    @Keepemguessin-nostressin 6 лет назад +24

    The boy. (Devonte hart)looks skinny like he was being starved ....SMH

  • @damianmcgeown9096
    @damianmcgeown9096 7 лет назад

    Xavier captures the spirit of love and peace on earth. A true feeling of joy we experience on every sunrise and sunset. The sacred times.
    Every chance encounter is an opportunity to do good onto others and our beautiful planet. So glad my great mate Laci put me onto this artist.
    Lifts our hearts xx

  • @LucieSnape
    @LucieSnape 9 лет назад +4

    Beautiful beautiful beautiful. What an amazing young man with such an incredible story . His family must be overflowing with love. Gives me hope for this broken world.

    • @mcnultyssobercompanion6372
      @mcnultyssobercompanion6372 3 года назад +2

      I'm not faulting you, honestly. I'm just saying.
      This is a comment that really didn't age well.

    • @xavierrudd2904
      @xavierrudd2904 3 года назад

      I want to specially appreciate your well wishes and care. Thanks for your comment on my post, it means alot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via Hangouts using my personal email that will be indicated below. Also endeavor to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one texting because I don't respond unnecessary messages.
      Hangouts mail: xavierruddprivateaccess@gmail.com

  • @3rdeyewarrior29
    @3rdeyewarrior29 5 лет назад +2

    Why so much hate in the comments? We are all ONE PEOPLE. ONE WORLD. SO ACT LIKE IT! Xavier man... You make me cry by your beauty and love. THANK YOU

    • @j.celestekee658
      @j.celestekee658 5 лет назад +7

      Yeah sorry, call me a hater but child murderers are not "my people."

    • @faefae2260
      @faefae2260 Год назад +1

      You need to stop getting stoned so much and read the news eveey now and then

  • @jacmunbong
    @jacmunbong 9 лет назад +2

    that boy is just so beautiful,this moment so powerful ,what a beautiful moment between 2 such beautiful young men.i keep watching this over and over and i cry every time

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +3

      That child was in a prison created by his adoptive "mothers". His freedom and release came in the form of being drugged & murdered with his siblings. Tragic. No child should be treated like this child was: part of his adoptive "parents" propaganda. He had no choice in this matter.

  • @5000na
    @5000na 9 лет назад +7

    There's a moment in one's life where you ignore the obvious and appreciate the rare beauty of a miracle.

    • @lolabunny7805
      @lolabunny7805 6 лет назад +15

      Wow. It just keeps getting creepier with every comment. What obvious truths were you ignoring? Please tell authorities ANYTHING that you know to help find the truth or better yet the 3 missing bodies!

    • @lolabunny7805
      @lolabunny7805 6 лет назад +10

      Ella Dubois also i am Caucasian and disgusted by everything about this video and the comments make it stranger so please do not associate white people with this. This is not normal. God bless and prayers to Devonte & his siblings.

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +2

      The miracle of this child being objectified?

  • @tvanb
    @tvanb 8 лет назад

    Beautiful. It was almost as if I felt the hug right through the chants.. thank you xavier

  • @mjonasbaker
    @mjonasbaker 10 лет назад +2

    What a beautiful thing. Thank you for posting that.

  • @pobbeesqawbee
    @pobbeesqawbee 9 лет назад +6

    What an emotional ride!!!! THIS is how we should act people!!!!! LOVE EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @sharkfinz6
      @sharkfinz6 9 лет назад +1


    • @MsFlamingFlamer
      @MsFlamingFlamer 6 лет назад +5

      Nicole love starts in the home by not abusing, starving and murdering children

  • @soni8995
    @soni8995 6 лет назад +3

    This beautiful soul. Thank you for what you taught us, Devonte. ♡

  • @sharkfinz6
    @sharkfinz6 9 лет назад +2

    this is one special little boy-i could hug him for ever!!!

  • @bettinebowsky04
    @bettinebowsky04 9 лет назад +4

    Bless this child's heart! Beautiful!

    • @xavierrudd2904
      @xavierrudd2904 3 года назад

      I want to specially appreciate your well wishes and support. Thanks for your nice. Comment on my post, it means alot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via Hangouts using my personal email that will be indicated below. Also endeavor to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one texting because I don't respond unnecessary messages.
      Hangouts mail: xavierruddprivateaccess@gmail.com

  • @loveyougiovanni
    @loveyougiovanni 6 лет назад +4

    Devonte brought me here❤

  • @thestormlscoming
    @thestormlscoming 2 года назад +5

    Has Xavier come out and spoken about this since learning of devonte’s abuse and murder? This is so heartbreaking. I remember seeing this clip years ago and thinking something was off with the boy to be crying like that with strangers, but also thinking it was a beautiful and touching moment. Now all I can see is how malnourished he is for an 11/12 year old and how he’s clearly going through a lot to be crying like that to strangers. I think a clip later showed how devonte went back and hugged his mom so I think that’s why no one questioned it further but goddamn this is so heartbreaking

    • @lambchop.2773
      @lambchop.2773 Год назад +1

      has no one ever confirmed if XAVIER spoke out on this or his thoughts after finding out the boy he hugged was murdered by his family?

  • @arronjohn4133
    @arronjohn4133 10 лет назад +7

    I've been in love with this guy since I.found him for the first time I listened to his music.at.the age of 15 wish.every one could be more like this guy. Truly amazing what this guy does for ones souluch love and peace be with you misssster RUDD

    • @baumkirchen1
      @baumkirchen1 9 лет назад +4

      i feel the same way if every one was a little bit more like xavier rudd the world would be a better place;)

    • @shakypam
      @shakypam 5 лет назад +1

      so you don't mind that he sold his ass for a KFC ad then?

  • @jefferygivens9993
    @jefferygivens9993 9 лет назад +17

    Wow. Tears streaming down my cheeks as I watch this. Love's the only thing that will save humanity.

  • @RoYbarra
    @RoYbarra 10 лет назад +5

    This is amazing, thank you for listening to your gut

    • @MsFlamingFlamer
      @MsFlamingFlamer 6 лет назад +7

      Ro Ybarra obviously no one was listening to their gut or the kids wouldnt be in such an environment

  • @Porter5habazz
    @Porter5habazz 5 лет назад +2

    Heartbreaking. RIP young man. 🙏🏿💜

  • @Vikshura
    @Vikshura 10 лет назад +2

    Beautiful moment you captured...thanks for sharing this. Glad you listened to your gut... 8)

    • @peacefulventures5600
      @peacefulventures5600  10 лет назад +3

      Thank you very much.My task was easy, Xavier is truly the giver here.

    • @Vikshura
      @Vikshura 10 лет назад +2

      Absolutely he is...

  • @peterfurfari
    @peterfurfari 9 лет назад +2

    What a wonderful moment. I tip my hat to you all, good people. Thank you Devonte, thank you Xavier!

  • @ahvalenay
    @ahvalenay 9 лет назад +3

    Thank you Peaceful.... hey would sure love to see you on Spotify! See what
    you can do about that ok? ;) Much love and many blessings on your
    offerings... shining heart!

  • @hotternfyr
    @hotternfyr 6 лет назад +3

    Forever in my prayers, Davonte Hart! In your short and troubled life, you managed to make a huge impact on the world, opening many hearts and minds. Gods & Goddesses All bless you and keep you!! I know you don’t have to come back, but I suspect you will, and I hope I am around to see your next manifestation!! Heya heya, you’re my warrior!!!

  • @Alicia-xc1nq
    @Alicia-xc1nq 6 лет назад +3

    RIP dear sweet child

    • @bakhembrutalknowledge
      @bakhembrutalknowledge 6 лет назад +4

      this comment reeks of pedophilia.

    • @Alicia-xc1nq
      @Alicia-xc1nq 6 лет назад +1

      ba Khem brutal Knowledge I understand that you have been swayed by the propaganda state communications you call media. I forgive you for your grotesque insinuations as you obviously know nothing of me, this child, this tribe or this moment. I do pray for you and hope for just one day in your entire life you know a love like ours. Go in peace. Ho'oponopono. Hoʻoponopono

    • @bakhembrutalknowledge
      @bakhembrutalknowledge 6 лет назад +2

      you don't understand shit and your comment is that of a child predator PERIOD

    • @Alicia-xc1nq
      @Alicia-xc1nq 6 лет назад

      ba Khem brutal Knowledge I guess it would take one to know one then

    • @bakhembrutalknowledge
      @bakhembrutalknowledge 6 лет назад +2

      how juvenile. you don't have to be a pedophile to recognize the signs of a child predator, when a so-called adult is giving too much of the wrong attention to a child.

  • @Borrowedangel5573
    @Borrowedangel5573 6 лет назад +1

    This child was so full of love...free unrestricted and unrestrained love , the love only a child can give

  • @liquidassets81
    @liquidassets81 9 лет назад +2

    Just.. thank you, Xavier and Devontae.

  • @starofinanna
    @starofinanna 9 лет назад +2

    Beautiful, precious children.My heart needed that.

  • @tjj2040
    @tjj2040 9 лет назад +4

    Such a beautiful moment. I'm in tears right now. The world needs more of this. Let's spread love not hate!

  • @jedwards1975
    @jedwards1975 8 лет назад +7

    This beautiful spirit..

  • @kraphtieone
    @kraphtieone 10 лет назад +2

    This makes me cry every time I see it. Xaviers music means so much to my daughter and I. His music has helped my daughter become who she is. We were introduced to it when she was pretty young and his words have so much influence on her. We love him. My daughters first live show at 13, was Xavier, this past June. The best night of our lives! It was Xavier and Ash Grunwald. Petrfection!

    • @khm2128
      @khm2128 4 года назад +1

      Would you dress your 13 y/o in a furry costume with a free hugs sign hanging off of her neck at a public venue?

  • @meaone22
    @meaone22 9 лет назад +6

    Devonte is an old soul...when he hugs and cries he releases some of the hurt and tragedy he experienced in his infancy and early childhood opening a path for greater understanding and love.....

    • @hotternfyr
      @hotternfyr 9 лет назад +1

      That's what I felt, thank you!

    • @monibae8803
      @monibae8803 6 лет назад +6

      meaone22 Why didn't he get hugs from his brothers, sisters and mom. Not NO got dam strangers.

    • @MsFlamingFlamer
      @MsFlamingFlamer 6 лет назад +1

      meaone22 his hugs and crys were out of abuse and starvation

  • @16hilde
    @16hilde 7 лет назад

    Merci Merci pour ce partage!!! Magnifique moment!! Xavier Rudd à vraiment une belle âme

  • @wtcrombie
    @wtcrombie 6 лет назад

    Grateful for this gift of inspiration. Most beautiful moment to capture. Blessings!

  • @user-el2zf2oi6r
    @user-el2zf2oi6r 3 года назад +3

    Poor baby...ugh this is heartbreaking. He craved that hug and really needed it. I wonder what the singer had to say after he found out about the murders

  • @amixedbat
    @amixedbat 9 лет назад +2

    cried with them. more than they did lol. JEEZ. Xavier sure knows how to pick at your heart strings. he must be a Pisces

  • @Blurb777
    @Blurb777 3 месяца назад +2

    Poor, poor kid. He hugged a cop, too - and Hannah ran to the neighbor's for help - and ALL those people these kids ran to for help missed the cues. These children were so evilly abused by two wicked women. The children are resting in the joy of the Lord right now. As a child who had been abused myself and whose elders around me missed the cues, these children being with the Lord Jesus in His loving embrace is the only comfort I have when thinking of them. As for the wicked women who so viciously abused them - I shudder to think of their eternal fate.

  • @tigerslilly29
    @tigerslilly29 9 лет назад +12

    Aw man, this kid just makes me cry every time I see him. What a good kid

    • @mindflorakind
      @mindflorakind 6 лет назад +16

      tigerslilly29 Love is not a performative display of pseudo intimacy. You are not seeing LOVE, you are seeing a performance. One involving a black child who seems to have been treated like a circus animal by his white mothers. Step out of the haze and into the light. Vulnerable black children are not here to fulfill your agenda and give you the feels.

    • @evesgirls4897
      @evesgirls4897 6 лет назад +5

      Exactly. This is further exposing how sick they are.

  • @dianaalmeida8214
    @dianaalmeida8214 6 лет назад +3

    RIP Devonte

  • @harmonyvegan
    @harmonyvegan 10 лет назад +2

    This is so beautiful :') Love to all!

  • @Villanelle3
    @Villanelle3 3 года назад +2

    Look how thin and sad that boy is and nobody wondered why?!