Hello friend, I was born and lived in Valencia all my life, I was baptized in the church of San Nicolas that appears in the video, I am 63 years old. The video is very short and fleeting. Valencia is much more. Normally tourists who visit Spain end up in Madrid and Barcelona and Valencia remains unnoticed, but word gets around and it is visited more and more by tourists. The trick is that once they visit it they don't want to leave and stay to live here. The Ruzafa neighborhood is full of North American expats today. You are welcome to visit my city whenever you want but be careful not to fall in love with the city and not want to leave. Greetings from Valencia (Spain).
7:08 I dont know now, but when I was young in the Lonja colectors of all kind exchange her stuff there on sundays. Stamps, trading cards, magic, coins, books... In 2022 Forbes ranked the world 20 best cities to live and Valencia won the first place.
15:00 Ugh, in Spain, the Mediterranean coast in the summer months, the beaches are full of people, in the north there are not so many, although they also fill up. In autumn and winter the beaches are empty.
@@janres9540 Hola , a Valencia no se puede ir en el verano, julio y agosto, hace mucho calor, solo los locales van, el resto del año es un clima maravilloso, ciudad, playa y montaña y muchísimos pueblos de la Comunidad Valenciana, antiguo Reino de Valencia.😊
España es el segundo país del mundo que más turistas recibe. Este año unos 90 millones de turistas. Las playas suelen estar abarrotadas en julio y agosto. En Valencia desde marzo a octubre el clima es cálido
Todas las ciudades en España tienen aparcamientos de bicicletas eléctricas que puedes alquilar por un precio muy económico y con sus carriles para circular con seguridad. Un saludo J.S.
Hola. Un saludo de un valenciano. Si vienes a España no te puedes perder una visita a Valencia, al menos 3-4 días. Sus fiestas más importantes son las Fallas, investiga eso porque creo que te va a sorprender su originalidad. Valencia tiene de todo, centro histórico (fue fundada por los Romanos), museos modernos, playa, rica gastronomía, etcétera Es una ciudad plana fácil de andar o en bici. En julio y agosto hace mucho calor, eso sí. Un saludo desde Valencia.
Bu the way, apparently in a recent RTVE documentary, Cristopher Columbus was born in Valencia city or whereabouts in a family of textile manufacturers.
The Holy Grail of the Cathedral of Valencia, housed in the Chapel of its namesake at the Cathedral of Santa María de Valencia (Spain), is the vessel that the Aragonese and Valencian traditions identify with the Grail, and it consists of two pieces: A cup carved from a chalcedony stone, measuring 7 cm in height and 9.5 cm in diameter. In 1960, archaeologist Antonio Beltrán dated the carving of the upper cup to around the 1st century. In 2019, art history doctor Ana Mafé García, using scientific methods, classified the piece as a "Kos Kidush" (Hebrew blessing cup) from the Second Temple period, contemporary to Herod the Great. A foot with handles that would have been added later. This consists of a central hexagonal column with a round nut in the middle, finished with two small dishes-one that supports the upper cup and another at the bottom that holds the foot. The handles are shaped like snakes, also with a hexagonal cross-section. The base, elliptical in shape, is made of chalcedony and contains 28 small pearls, two rubies, and two emeralds, all adorned in gold. During their visits to Valencia, both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI used this chalice when celebrating their large masses. The Church has officially stated its position on the authenticity of this relic, as in 2014 Pope Francis approved a perpetual jubilee, called the "Eucharistic Jubilee Year for the Holy Chalice," to be celebrated every five years, with the first occurring in 2015. The Last Supper by Juan de Juanes (1560), featuring the Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia (Museo del Prado). This chalice is represented by the Valencian painter Juan de Juanes in his painting The Last Supper (Museo del Prado), painted in 1560. In this painting, the cup with the foot and handles is depicted, demonstrating that by that time it already had these parts. Muy buen video. Un saludo desde Asturias
En Valencia está uno de los posibles Santos Griales. La copa que usó Jesus en la Última Cena. De todos los que hay, es el más probable, porque es un cuenco hecho de una piedra valiosa del siglo I, al que se han añadido adornos. Es lo que habría usado Jesús en esas fechas en una comida invitado en casa de un judío rico, que le cedería el mejor recipiente por ser el invitado de honor. No se está totalmente seguro si es o no el auténtico, porque se le pierde la pista hasta el siglo IV, pero es de la misma época, hecho con el material adecuado. Eso sí, el Grial realmente es un cuenco pequeño. La base y todo lo demás es añadido en la Edad Media. El Papa Juan Pablo II dió misa con él en una visita a España, por lo que es posible que la Iglesia piense que es el auténtico. Aunque no se está del todo seguro.
Soy valenciano y es un buen vídeo este pero siendo tú el espectador es una lástima que no incluya una imagen frontal de las Torres de Serrano, vistas desde frente se ven como dos castillos pequeños con una puerta en medio, pero no son las únicas torres de la ciudad, en el otro extremo del casco antiguo están las Torres de Quart, se ven mas imponentes pero menos bonitas y tienen desperfectos causados por las tropas napoleónicas, muchos boquetes de artillería que no han sido reparados y espero que nunca se restauren si no es necesario . Por otra parte, la mejor vista no es desde las Torres de Serrano es desde el Micalet, una torre renacentista en la plaza de la catedral que tiene doscientos y pico escalones si no recuerdo mal. En cuanto a la población si coges el tamaño de España y lo comparas con estados de tamaño similar en EEUU no creo que España parezca tan despoblada y especialmente cerca de la costa no, la zona despoblada esta en el interior del país , como curiosidad Mislata es una pequeña ciudad que esta tocando con Valencia, es en Mislata donde se encuentra la mayor densidad de población de la Unión Europea.
A ver para un Estadounidense incluso viviendo aquí España les parecerá tan desconocido como Marte y se guiara por desgracia en torno a estereotipos de cualquier lado y según su educación con parámetros más o menos xenófobos esos es así incluso en la época de Internet ( de la que pone cosas de verdad ) saludos.
@@Benito-lr8mz Suponer que una persona va a comportarse de un modo u otro en función de si es estadounidense es en sí mismo un estereotipo jaja Yo cuando viajo (fuera y dentro de España también) también me guio en parte por estereotipos porque es el primer contacto superficial que tengo con otros lugares y culturas, es natural , lo malo es quedarse en la superficie . Tan desconocido como marte es pasarse un poco, no olvides que el 40% o 60% de EE.UU perteneció a España en algún momento y que mucha población era de cultura hispana, que aunque dejada a un lado sobrevive allí en muy buen estado de salud. No se donde escuché o leí la anécdota de un estadounidense llegando a Sevilla que al ver el estilo de las casas tradicionales de allí le recordaba mucho a California, quizá el ignoraba el lazo cultural e histórico, quizá pensó que California había influido a Sevilla y no a la inversa pero sin duda le resultó familiar y conocido.
Small piece of trivia...did you know that Valencia's coat of arms has a bat on it? That's because they have a lot of bats flying around in the evening.
U may like to see the Sevilla's Cathedral the World's biggest gothic and its interior. U may also like checking out " El Escorial Monastery", consideraded the 8th World's Wonder, its interior is very nice. Greetings from Spain
Si por supuesto que tenemos bicicletas eléctricas de alquiler y también España posee la segunda red de trenes de alta velocidad más grande del mundo después de China. Es el primer país en turismo, solo que Francia cuenta los que hacen escala para venir a España y este año, aun así, superamos a nuestros vecinos galos. Un saludo desde Asturias
As a friendly advice (and even though I recently recommended you several channels about Spain which I believe are the very best, among hundreds), I don´t think you should follow every recommendation sent to you, but do a little bit of research and see what´s good and what´s not. For example, I know Valencia reasonably well (since I lived in the area for like 7 years), and I believe this to be a pretty poor video, which fails to even mention some of the most important things. Same deal with your beloved cathedrals/castles theme: some of them are great, some of them seem to have been made by an IA under low wattage. Please look at the numbers and youtube ratings, to see what´s potentially good, no matter what you´re "recommended". Best!
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American But I sent them to you like 36h ago... The point being, I don´t have an excel file with the zillion vids about my country on RUclips. I do know whose channels I believe you can consistently rely on, so I sent you some of the essentials. You´re the one who chose not to follow them... ;) All jest aside, there´s plenty of people on the Internet curious about a foreigner´s opinion about their own area, no matter the vid. But as a youtuber who reacts to certain videos AND forms an opinion about them, I believe it´s YOUR responsibility to find the very best ones, not the very first thing some John Doe recommends you. Anyway, just trying to help. Best!
I rely on my subscribers to recommend videos because they are generally videos about their home country. They know better than anyone which ones are accurate. Most videos I have reacted to were picked by me. Thanks for checking out my channel!
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American As I told you before, Spain is my home country, so I believe I have a pretty good idea about which videos are good, and which are not. But somehow, you keep being unable to understand that the fact something is "recommended" to you means absolutely nothing, if it´s not endorsed by multiple upvotes (like I have in my original comment, where I was trying to give you advice, for example), and/or it has many reproductions with a great rating. Today, for example, you just uploaded, again, an entire video about a cathedral most Spaniards wouldn´t even consider in the Top 10, but anyway, it must fine, someone recommended it to me... :/ You do as you please, it´s your channel. As a simple spectator, whenever I see a foreigner reacting to irrelevant or poor videos, I stop watching, dislike, and move on to the next person who actually took the time to select something worth reacting to. Anyway, and like I said, it´s both your channel... and my time. Best!
i live there, i'm valencian.....last year forbes made an article about our gem city called the best city in the world to live in, you can check it if you want. Other important newspapers like new york times had some articles about our mediterranian joy. The only thing i dont like is that....due to internet, our city is no more the hidden gem of the mediterranian sea and everybody wants to come here, and our quiet is over.
It helps avoid copyright issues with computers. It is legal to react to and comment on videos but sometimes videos get flagged for copyright and it because a big mess. If the reactor tries to fight the copyright, they can lose their channel via strikes.
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Eres muy amable contestándome. 😊 me gusta enseñar a los youtubers que tienen mucho interés cosas de España. Yo soy de Barcelona. 😊
@@anacasanova7350 - My parents are actually headed to Spain and Portugal next week. Please post any links of good videos I should review as you come across them. Thanks for being part of my channel!
If you want to see ancient cities in spain. You can look for italica (roman city andalusia), ullastret (iberian city-catalonia) and castro of santa tegra or castro of viladonga (celtic cities, galicia).
El video que has comentado es muy general, y trasmite muy poco, ni la impresionante belleza de la iglesia de San Nicolás, ni las estructuras faraonicas y de otro planeta que es la ciudad de las ciencias y las artes. Busca otros videos, como te comento solo la ciudad de la imagen se merece un vídeo. Y mas sabiendo lo mucho que te gusta la arquitectura. Enhorabuena por tu 1K.
Another incredible reaction, Valecia is a beautiful city in Spain, it undoubtedly has a lot of history, I recommend you react to this video about Segovia, a spectacular Spanish city with thousands of years ( ruclips.net/video/EMS3OftAh80/видео.html ) greetings brother
3:32 most christian holy relics are of, uhm… questionable origin. There are 2 relics that claim to be the Holy Grail, the one in Valencia, and one in Genova, Italy. 8:57 the word you’re looking for is “baroque”. And yeah, baroque is very much over the top. You should check out some videos about architectural and stylistic evolution of catholic churches! 13:30 imho busses are the worst of all means of public transportation. Trams, metro and trains are way better experiences overall. 24:00 dude, of course we have electric bikes, but pedaling is healthy, and Valencia is a pretty flat city! You don’t even have to go fast, you’d be on vacation!
Hello, new to your channel. As an American, I lived in Valencia, Spain from 1972-1979 (before and after Franco dictatorship). I can tell you that Valencia is very provincial compared to Madrid and Barcelona. I recommended you visit Valencia during Las Fallas de San Jose in March and read about El Cid to learn more about Valencian history. You also need to realize that the distances in Europe are much closer than in the United States. Also, most Spaniards cannot afford a car so they use Metro and public transportation. Valencia beaches are very wide, like Santa Monica beach; most people go in the summer not in the winter {note, the Mediterranean sea has high levels of pollution}.
The city has changed a lot since 1979. It has received tons of migrants from the mid 1980s onwards, when Spain joined the European Unión, formerly known as EEC. This year it was granted the Green Capital of Europe.
Hello friend, I was born and lived in Valencia all my life, I was baptized in the church of San Nicolas that appears in the video, I am 63 years old. The video is very short and fleeting. Valencia is much more. Normally tourists who visit Spain end up in Madrid and Barcelona and Valencia remains unnoticed, but word gets around and it is visited more and more by tourists. The trick is that once they visit it they don't want to leave and stay to live here. The Ruzafa neighborhood is full of North American expats today. You are welcome to visit my city whenever you want but be careful not to fall in love with the city and not want to leave. Greetings from Valencia (Spain).
Very Cool - Thanks for Sharing!
España,una nación con mucho arte, arquitectura increíble y mucha cultura.
7:08 I dont know now, but when I was young in the Lonja colectors of all kind exchange her stuff there on sundays. Stamps, trading cards, magic, coins, books... In 2022 Forbes ranked the world 20 best cities to live and Valencia won the first place.
15:00 Ugh, in Spain, the Mediterranean coast in the summer months, the beaches are full of people, in the north there are not so many, although they also fill up. In autumn and winter the beaches are empty.
@@janres9540 Hola , a Valencia no se puede ir en el verano, julio y agosto, hace mucho calor, solo los locales van, el resto del año es un clima maravilloso, ciudad, playa y montaña y muchísimos pueblos de la Comunidad Valenciana, antiguo Reino de Valencia.😊
Hiya! Came to say Congratulations on reaching 1,000 subscribers 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉.
I'm genuinely so happy for you 💃💃
España es el segundo país del mundo que más turistas recibe. Este año unos 90 millones de turistas. Las playas suelen estar abarrotadas en julio y agosto. En Valencia desde marzo a octubre el clima es cálido
Te equivocas,este año son 92 millones. Dejaremos a Francia, como segunda nación en turismo.
@@sirenablanca2302 Es el primero, solo que Francia cuenta los que hacen escala par venir a España. Un saludo desde Asturias
O k.
Congratulations for 1000!
Ya superaste los 1000 suscriptores, FELICIDADES. Un saludo desde Asturias
react to fallas de valencia the most important party in valencia
Oh yeah, he really should! And the mascleta too!
Todas las ciudades en España tienen aparcamientos de bicicletas eléctricas que puedes alquilar por un precio muy económico y con sus carriles para circular con seguridad. Un saludo J.S.
Si te interesa Valencia, mira los videos de Antoanetta Now. Antes vivia en los Angeles ...!!! Un saludo J.S.
Un saludo de un valenciano.
Si vienes a España no te puedes perder una visita a Valencia, al menos 3-4 días.
Sus fiestas más importantes son las Fallas, investiga eso porque creo que te va a sorprender su originalidad.
Valencia tiene de todo, centro histórico (fue fundada por los Romanos), museos modernos, playa, rica gastronomía, etcétera
Es una ciudad plana fácil de andar o en bici.
En julio y agosto hace mucho calor, eso sí.
Un saludo desde Valencia.
Howdy from America!
Thanks for the information!
Bu the way, apparently in a recent RTVE documentary, Cristopher Columbus was born in Valencia city or whereabouts in a family of textile manufacturers.
The Holy Grail of the Cathedral of Valencia, housed in the Chapel of its namesake at the Cathedral of Santa María de Valencia (Spain), is the vessel that the Aragonese and Valencian traditions identify with the Grail, and it consists of two pieces:
A cup carved from a chalcedony stone, measuring 7 cm in height and 9.5 cm in diameter. In 1960, archaeologist Antonio Beltrán dated the carving of the upper cup to around the 1st century. In 2019, art history doctor Ana Mafé García, using scientific methods, classified the piece as a "Kos Kidush" (Hebrew blessing cup) from the Second Temple period, contemporary to Herod the Great.
A foot with handles that would have been added later. This consists of a central hexagonal column with a round nut in the middle, finished with two small dishes-one that supports the upper cup and another at the bottom that holds the foot. The handles are shaped like snakes, also with a hexagonal cross-section. The base, elliptical in shape, is made of chalcedony and contains 28 small pearls, two rubies, and two emeralds, all adorned in gold.
During their visits to Valencia, both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI used this chalice when celebrating their large masses. The Church has officially stated its position on the authenticity of this relic, as in 2014 Pope Francis approved a perpetual jubilee, called the "Eucharistic Jubilee Year for the Holy Chalice," to be celebrated every five years, with the first occurring in 2015.
The Last Supper by Juan de Juanes (1560), featuring the Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia (Museo del Prado).
This chalice is represented by the Valencian painter Juan de Juanes in his painting The Last Supper (Museo del Prado), painted in 1560. In this painting, the cup with the foot and handles is depicted, demonstrating that by that time it already had these parts. Muy buen video. Un saludo desde Asturias
Valencia is a lovely city, also small coastal villages around and close cities such: Alicante, Castellón, Benidorm etc..
Pls react to sone videos about the León province of Spain.
En Valencia está uno de los posibles Santos Griales. La copa que usó Jesus en la Última Cena.
De todos los que hay, es el más probable, porque es un cuenco hecho de una piedra valiosa del siglo I, al que se han añadido adornos.
Es lo que habría usado Jesús en esas fechas en una comida invitado en casa de un judío rico, que le cedería el mejor recipiente por ser el invitado de honor.
No se está totalmente seguro si es o no el auténtico, porque se le pierde la pista hasta el siglo IV, pero es de la misma época, hecho con el material adecuado.
Eso sí, el Grial realmente es un cuenco pequeño. La base y todo lo demás es añadido en la Edad Media.
El Papa Juan Pablo II dió misa con él en una visita a España, por lo que es posible que la Iglesia piense que es el auténtico. Aunque no se está del todo seguro.
Soy valenciano y es un buen vídeo este pero siendo tú el espectador es una lástima que no incluya una imagen frontal de las Torres de Serrano, vistas desde frente se ven como dos castillos pequeños con una puerta en medio, pero no son las únicas torres de la ciudad, en el otro extremo del casco antiguo están las Torres de Quart, se ven mas imponentes pero menos bonitas y tienen desperfectos causados por las tropas napoleónicas, muchos boquetes de artillería que no han sido reparados y espero que nunca se restauren si no es necesario . Por otra parte, la mejor vista no es desde las Torres de Serrano es desde el Micalet, una torre renacentista en la plaza de la catedral que tiene doscientos y pico escalones si no recuerdo mal.
En cuanto a la población si coges el tamaño de España y lo comparas con estados de tamaño similar en EEUU no creo que España parezca tan despoblada y especialmente cerca de la costa no, la zona despoblada esta en el interior del país , como curiosidad Mislata es una pequeña ciudad que esta tocando con Valencia, es en Mislata donde se encuentra la mayor densidad de población de la Unión Europea.
A ver para un Estadounidense incluso viviendo aquí España les parecerá tan desconocido como Marte y se guiara por desgracia en torno a estereotipos de cualquier lado y según su educación con parámetros más o menos xenófobos esos es así incluso en la época de Internet ( de la que pone cosas de verdad ) saludos.
@@Benito-lr8mz Suponer que una persona va a comportarse de un modo u otro en función de si es estadounidense es en sí mismo un estereotipo jaja
Yo cuando viajo (fuera y dentro de España también) también me guio en parte por estereotipos porque es el primer contacto superficial que tengo con otros lugares y culturas, es natural , lo malo es quedarse en la superficie .
Tan desconocido como marte es pasarse un poco, no olvides que el 40% o 60% de EE.UU perteneció a España en algún momento y que mucha población era de cultura hispana, que aunque dejada a un lado sobrevive allí en muy buen estado de salud.
No se donde escuché o leí la anécdota de un estadounidense llegando a Sevilla que al ver el estilo de las casas tradicionales de allí le recordaba mucho a California, quizá el ignoraba el lazo cultural e histórico, quizá pensó que California había influido a Sevilla y no a la inversa pero sin duda le resultó familiar y conocido.
Small piece of trivia...did you know that Valencia's coat of arms has a bat on it? That's because they have a lot of bats flying around in the evening.
Pues evidentemente, NO. Deberías al menos conocer la leyenda del murciélago y el rey Jaime el Conquistador.
U may like to see the Sevilla's Cathedral the World's biggest gothic and its interior. U may also like checking out " El Escorial Monastery", consideraded the 8th World's Wonder, its interior is very nice. Greetings from Spain
@@yomismo688 - Thanks!
Howdy from America!
Si por supuesto que tenemos bicicletas eléctricas de alquiler y también España posee la segunda red de trenes de alta velocidad más grande del mundo después de China. Es el primer país en turismo, solo que Francia cuenta los que hacen escala para venir a España y este año, aun así, superamos a nuestros vecinos galos. Un saludo desde Asturias
Howdy from America!
As a friendly advice (and even though I recently recommended you several channels about Spain which I believe are the very best, among hundreds), I don´t think you should follow every recommendation sent to you, but do a little bit of research and see what´s good and what´s not.
For example, I know Valencia reasonably well (since I lived in the area for like 7 years), and I believe this to be a pretty poor video, which fails to even mention some of the most important things.
Same deal with your beloved cathedrals/castles theme: some of them are great, some of them seem to have been made by an IA under low wattage.
Please look at the numbers and youtube ratings, to see what´s potentially good, no matter what you´re "recommended".
I look forward to your recommendations.
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American But I sent them to you like 36h ago...
The point being, I don´t have an excel file with the zillion vids about my country on RUclips. I do know whose channels I believe you can consistently rely on, so I sent you some of the essentials. You´re the one who chose not to follow them... ;)
All jest aside, there´s plenty of people on the Internet curious about a foreigner´s opinion about their own area, no matter the vid. But as a youtuber who reacts to certain videos AND forms an opinion about them, I believe it´s YOUR responsibility to find the very best ones, not the very first thing some John Doe recommends you.
Anyway, just trying to help.
I rely on my subscribers to recommend videos because they are generally videos about their home country. They know better than anyone which ones are accurate. Most videos I have reacted to were picked by me. Thanks for checking out my channel!
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American As I told you before, Spain is my home country, so I believe I have a pretty good idea about which videos are good, and which are not. But somehow, you keep being unable to understand that the fact something is "recommended" to you means absolutely nothing, if it´s not endorsed by multiple upvotes (like I have in my original comment, where I was trying to give you advice, for example), and/or it has many reproductions with a great rating.
Today, for example, you just uploaded, again, an entire video about a cathedral most Spaniards wouldn´t even consider in the Top 10, but anyway, it must fine, someone recommended it to me... :/
You do as you please, it´s your channel. As a simple spectator, whenever I see a foreigner reacting to irrelevant or poor videos, I stop watching, dislike, and move on to the next person who actually took the time to select something worth reacting to.
Anyway, and like I said, it´s both your channel... and my time.
@@1650million - I will look for your recommendations. Thanks.
i live there, i'm valencian.....last year forbes made an article about our gem city called the best city in the world to live in, you can check it if you want. Other important newspapers like new york times had some articles about our mediterranian joy. The only thing i dont like is that....due to internet, our city is no more the hidden gem of the mediterranian sea and everybody wants to come here, and our quiet is over.
Claro que hay bicicletas eléctricas, pero se trata de que hagas ejercicio...jajajajaja
Why is that video inverted in left right?
It helps avoid copyright issues with computers. It is legal to react to and comment on videos but sometimes videos get flagged for copyright and it because a big mess. If the reactor tries to fight the copyright, they can lose their channel via strikes.
Hola, porque no se ven los nombres impresos ? estan del revés!!! 😮😊
Backwards - copyright prevention
Vaya! 😮
@@anacasanova7350 - lol
@@Average_Middle_Aged_American Eres muy amable contestándome. 😊 me gusta enseñar a los youtubers que tienen mucho interés cosas de España. Yo soy de Barcelona. 😊
@@anacasanova7350 - My parents are actually headed to Spain and Portugal next week. Please post any links of good videos I should review as you come across them. Thanks for being part of my channel!
Yes there are electric bikes and cars to rent
If you want to see ancient cities in spain. You can look for italica (roman city andalusia), ullastret (iberian city-catalonia) and castro of santa tegra or castro of viladonga (celtic cities, galicia).
El video que has comentado es muy general, y trasmite muy poco, ni la impresionante belleza de la iglesia de San Nicolás, ni las estructuras faraonicas y de otro planeta que es la ciudad de las ciencias y las artes. Busca otros videos, como te comento solo la ciudad de la imagen se merece un vídeo. Y mas sabiendo lo mucho que te gusta la arquitectura. Enhorabuena por tu 1K.
Population of Valencia ... +/- 1 million inhabitants; 3rd crowd of Spain.
Sad news today at Valencia...
@@miguelmartin1239 - terrible!
Another incredible reaction, Valecia is a beautiful city in Spain, it undoubtedly has a lot of history, I recommend you react to this video about Segovia, a spectacular Spanish city with thousands of years ( ruclips.net/video/EMS3OftAh80/видео.html ) greetings brother
3:32 most christian holy relics are of, uhm… questionable origin. There are 2 relics that claim to be the Holy Grail, the one in Valencia, and one in Genova, Italy.
8:57 the word you’re looking for is “baroque”. And yeah, baroque is very much over the top.
You should check out some videos about architectural and stylistic evolution of catholic churches!
13:30 imho busses are the worst of all means of public transportation. Trams, metro and trains are way better experiences overall.
24:00 dude, of course we have electric bikes, but pedaling is healthy, and Valencia is a pretty flat city! You don’t even have to go fast, you’d be on vacation!
Hello, new to your channel. As an American, I lived in Valencia, Spain from 1972-1979 (before and after Franco dictatorship). I can tell you that Valencia is very provincial compared to Madrid and Barcelona. I recommended you visit Valencia during Las Fallas de San Jose in March and read about El Cid to learn more about Valencian history. You also need to realize that the distances in Europe are much closer than in the United States. Also, most Spaniards cannot afford a car so they use Metro and public transportation. Valencia beaches are very wide, like Santa Monica beach; most people go in the summer not in the winter {note, the Mediterranean sea has high levels of pollution}.
La mayoría de los españoles no pueden permitirse un coche? Creo que te quedaste en una idea de España bastante desactualizada.
The city has changed a lot since 1979. It has received tons of migrants from the mid 1980s onwards, when Spain joined the European Unión, formerly known as EEC.
This year it was granted the Green Capital of Europe.
Estás muy caducado, no mientas tanto, y ponte al día. Se te ve el plumero.