What is even happening in Critical Role Downfall

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 64

  • @TheDarkstormy
    @TheDarkstormy 2 месяца назад +28

    Melora is the Wildmother. Mother Nature. Nature isn't sweet. Nature is ruthless, Nature is frightening, Nature has no Mercy for anything that is alive. The Wildmother we've seen in previous campaigns has been "nice" but nice in a Morally Grey way. Sure she saved Fjord from Ukutoa, but the oath he swears to her is to serve her as an incarnation of the Ocean. And I've heard oceans described as many things but nice has never been one of them.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +2

      @@TheDarkstormy they can be dark and stormy sorry had to
      But yes you’re right however we’ve seen her mostly in a positive light so this is a big shift imo

    • @Melina_Evarblume_Seelie
      @Melina_Evarblume_Seelie 2 месяца назад +8

      You have to also remember that this is during the biggest war that's ever existed though as well. A war that bends what is natural. She's going to be out of her element and pissed.
      The gods are going to change based on the situation in a way that a human would.
      I think Pelor is going to be betrayed or corrupted (basically gaslit) somehow during the next few episodes, likely by Asmodeus, in a way that is going to completely change how he's played into more of the pragmatic and somewhat violent character we know him to be.

  • @Banquet42
    @Banquet42 2 месяца назад +12

    I love the theory about the naming of Hawkshill.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +5

      @@Banquet42 it just makes sense to me and it honours Cerrit and the ring of brass

    • @Banquet42
      @Banquet42 2 месяца назад +4

      @@ZodiacBandit I hadn't thought about it but I can see Matt and Brennan doing that and Travis quite rightly loving it :)

  • @williamknox6115
    @williamknox6115 2 месяца назад +4

    I wonder if the Luxon beacons are actually fragments of the Tengar Palace, essentially shards of limitless possibility

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +3

      @@williamknox6115 damn I’ve seen so many good ideas about what it could be thanks to this one episode alone

  • @azreon25
    @azreon25 2 месяца назад +2

    Cerrit Agrupnin was modeled after a Peregrine falcon so I don’t think hawks hill was named for him but idk about it, he did flee to Gwessar (modern day Tal’dorei) after escaping Avalir so there is a chance but we probably won’t ever know

  • @marty2129
    @marty2129 2 месяца назад +7

    What if Luxon was the ship on which gods went? It would fit the theme of it being tied to dunamancy and possibilities, being a last vestige of a place that was of infinite possibilities, something that gods lost...

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +3

      @@marty2129 interesting thought i definitely feels like the luxon is connected but how is now the question

    • @damiennightmaresx7950
      @damiennightmaresx7950 2 месяца назад +3

      true i forgot the luxon is aa willingly shattered god hmmm

    • @Melina_Evarblume_Seelie
      @Melina_Evarblume_Seelie 2 месяца назад +2

      I kinda feel like the Luxon is the overgod of the pantheon tbh.
      The Luxon was the only death that affected the survivors (Brennan said they felt like something was lost, and infinite possibility has been reduced to one, real thing) so I feel as though they're either the Overgod or something that isn't a god but is something else.

    • @troikas3353
      @troikas3353 2 месяца назад +1

      To paraphrase captain kirk; Why would god need a vehicle to travel? Even if its some fifth dimensional concept of a ship from the realm of hebegeebies it's still a machine.. A god wouldn't need a machine, even a super esoteric one, to accomplish something. They'd just do it. That's kind of the point of being a god.
      I do wonder if the point of all this isn't going to be that the gods were "evil all along", but rather that they aren't gods at all. Just another set of powerful magical creatures that have effectively been raising mortals as cattle since they derive a measure of their power from mortal belief in them. Plenty of people that raise livestock are benevolent towards them, doesn't mean that finding out your entire existence is that of a caged chicken as a fuel source for a being higher up the cosmic food chain wouldn't be the stuff of existential nightmares. Aeor finding some way to threaten them so dearly they pause their apocalyptic war and ally with their enemy just to slay them suggests they may have figured that out.

    • @anitamravak344
      @anitamravak344 2 месяца назад

      Maybe the luxon is the dimension, plane from which the gods came and by coming into exandrian plane and while the predathos ate everyone there, the plane collapsed into itself and broke down into pieces when it somehow came with the gods into the physical plane of exandria

  • @therandomshow_
    @therandomshow_ 2 месяца назад +3

    Just subbed from this video! I needed more Critters to follow 😊❤. Omg this episode was AMAZING. Ashley kissing her kids hair sent me to tears fr. All the RP was top notch and I was on the edge of my seat from the start. I've always loved Brennen at the table. I know there's some folks who just want Matt, and I get it. But seeing other ppl leading the ship from time to time, is awsome. It's how I fell in love with D20 and Aabria! Her dm style is very much like my own. I'm so hyped to see where this goes next, it's unreal.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +1

      @@therandomshow_ this episode was really good the rp was some of the best I’ve seen making me emotional about characters we’ve only just met is incredible work

  • @MrPurpleDecay
    @MrPurpleDecay 2 месяца назад +8

    Tal also apparently said that he is playing caduceuss' version of the wildmother

  • @blushworthyspeaks
    @blushworthyspeaks 2 месяца назад +3

    I and other people think Matt is getting ready to destroy Exandria so if that's true I guess there would be no harm in letting them play gods.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +5

      @@blushworthyspeaks I doubt this a lot he’s put a ton of work into the world it has rich deep lore to throw it away especially when it’s been good and has been perfectly fine nothing problematic about it would be a massive waste
      Anything that comes after this will feel cheap especially if it’s another fantasy world and that would mean no more stories with the M9 or the bells hells after this and you know they want to tell more stories with them through one shots
      Also there’s still a ton of mystery in this world like the luxon and there’s still loads of places to explore the shattered teeth there’s so much to exandria if they throw it away it’ll be the biggest waste i think I’ll ever see

  • @CufflinksAndChuckles
    @CufflinksAndChuckles 2 месяца назад +1

    I wonder if the prologue implies that other gods travelled in other ships to other planets. It would be cool if, once the main CR cast transitions back to a home game, the new cast plays in a different setting in the same universe.

  • @chewbaccasan442
    @chewbaccasan442 2 месяца назад +2

    Ashley's family is furlbogs so are they clay family?

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад

      @@chewbaccasan442 probably not but nothing is impossible

  • @GolDRoger-hl1xi
    @GolDRoger-hl1xi 2 месяца назад +1

    Question is Asmodues still called Asmodues on critical role or is he being called something like lord of the nine hells. Because that have changed some names for copyright.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад

      @@GolDRoger-hl1xi he’s asmodeus or the king of lies has been said a few times I don’t think dnd owns his name anyway

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад

      @@GolDRoger-hl1xi they also just put a shit ton of stuff into fair use

    • @ArcherWillows
      @ArcherWillows 2 месяца назад +1

      asmodeus is a really old thing, way beyond dnd. we’re talking like dante’s inferno type of material here.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад

      @@ArcherWillows you know some people might think that’s just a video game but it is in fact a poem

    • @ArcherWillows
      @ArcherWillows 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ZodiacBandit yep, one of the oldest surviving works of fanfiction, too. It’s been largely accepted as bible canon but it is by definition fanfiction.

  • @RussianBearMafia
    @RussianBearMafia 2 месяца назад +1

    T'shar seems like Bane to me

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад

      @@RussianBearMafia very possible I wouldn’t be surprised if she were

  • @FloydPepper1975
    @FloydPepper1975 2 месяца назад +7

    Milo is almost certainly Asmodeus. Just look at what Arcadia says to Ashley about him and their interactions when they speak. He killed almost almost all of her followers.

  • @martinmcbride4530
    @martinmcbride4530 2 месяца назад +5

    There was no doubt in my mind that Father Milo was The Lord of Trolling himself, showing up as a Cleric of the DawnFather was the most Asmodeus thing Brennan could have said lol

  • @francy_pw3369
    @francy_pw3369 2 месяца назад +3

    There is actually a theory that in the prologue Noshir played Avandra the changebringer.
    The theory says that since she was a chacophony of sound and stuff she fits more with a goddess of chaos than one of order, additionally, on the ship, she created a sort of compass to find the way to Exandria and Avandra is the goddess of travel.
    Now i don't know why this change would be but i belive this theory honestly.

  • @williamross6477
    @williamross6477 2 месяца назад +3

    Ayden is not the one who most recently became a god, he is the one that most recently took a mortal form. Ehmira/Laura sarcastically calls him “dad” at one point, suggesting that he holds a more senior position in the pantheon, one that she acknowledges, but does not fully respect. He may have been busy with his higher level duties in the war and unable to come down until more recently, it perhaps he was actively orchestrating and positioning the others before joining himself.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +1

      @@williamross6477 if I said he was the most recent god that’s not what I meant I meant he was the most recent to take a mortal form the dawnfather was part of the original journey from tengar

  • @karlstoker04
    @karlstoker04 2 месяца назад +5

    My concern is that all the player characters are Prime Deities and all seem to be good people who don't want to destroy Aeor.
    Why would Ludinus show them the gods being good people forced to destroy Aeor, rather than both Prime and Betrayer willing smashing down Aeor?
    With Downfall Ludinus is showing Bells Hells why the gods can't be trusted or allowed to exist, with this mini-series having good people do good things and forced or manipulated to do evil isn't going to work.
    My main concern before e99 was that either:
    1) Ludinus would make a great point and Bells Hells would ignore it to follow the status quo of them vs expected villain, or
    2) Ludinus would make a horrendous point and give no moral debate for the party.
    Idealy the story allows the Bells Hells to question why the gods exist in Exandria.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +1

      @@karlstoker04 I genuinely don’t think Ludinus can show them anything that’ll change how they feel about him or the gods the bells hells outside of 2 characters already don’t care about the gods if they live or die they don’t care I think they are trying to see if they should go beyond just stopping predathos or not seeing if the gods are worth having around
      Ludinus thinks that the destruction of aeor was a act that was brutal and unnecessary but based on how the gods were worried about it it is necessary no mortal should have this kind of power even the mortal who became a god agrees
      I think the gods actions will show the bells of they should help save the gods or let them die stopping Ludinus will always happen

    • @karlstoker04
      @karlstoker04 2 месяца назад +2

      @@ZodiacBandit Bells Hells are rather indifferent about the gods for the most part but certain characters I could see being swayed:
      》Laudna has had negative experiences with Turn Undead, which is literally divine energy rejecting her. Not to mention Delilah desires power and working with Ludinus might benfit her.
      》Imogen gains her power from Predathos and has said she's uncertain what will happen to her if they destroy Predathos. In Aeor Ludinus seems to be offering an alternative solution that using Predathos, meaning she might be swayed into thinking this is the only way she can still stand with Bells Hells.
      》Ashton has said multiple times they dislike the gods and that he has a deeper connection with the primodials, the same primordials which sided with the betrayer gods. Removing the gods could be seen as returning to a natural world and closer to Ashton's line of thinking.
      》Fearne has accidentally made a contract the Asmodeus and might be bound for hell, an easy way out of a contract might be to get rid of them.
      》Chentney is the most neutral on this choice, having no real pull either direction.
      》Sam said he is rewriting Braius's backstory because it was leaked, but from what he did show he wanted Asmodeus's favour after he left the Platinum Dragon which might mean he feels guilty for his past and believes that he will end up in hell for his past and is trying to get a good word in before then. It that is the case, no gods = no hell.
      》Orym is the only one who wouldn't ever be turned to Ludinus's side with there past.
      Whilst I don't think the party would no matter what was shown to them during downfall join him, I would like a realistic decision to be made. Critical Role always plays the expected path of the hero, they never do anything against the staus quo.
      Q) When Chentney had Graz'tchar why didn't it tell him to kill Keyleth before she was healed, when it would have been achievable and permanent?
      A) Status quo
      D&D is about chance and randomness to a certain extent, and whilst I understand that certain larger parts like not killing of Keyleth or reviving Laundna will be a product of the fact the players want to superseed the decision but at least justify it for the sake of the story.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад

      @@karlstoker04 I agreed with everything you’re saying but also the statue quo of them playing morally good characters means they do good things if they played evil characters the statues quo would be doing evil things chetney didn’t want to kill keylith because one of he did he’d fucking die by the others hands and the people around her and two what good would that actually do for him? Now a powerful ally is dead and he has nothing tangible to show for it I’m sure if it was Brauis with that sword it would be a more possible outcome
      I hope no matter what the bells are in this vision they chose against Ludinus he’s been against them from day one I genuinely feel like a lot of what he is saying is a result of losing a lot of his advantages over that last few episodes and he’s looking to manipulate them people who have been around Ludinus has said he’s not a good person and these morally good heros should do the heroic thing
      Critical role doing a evil game would be fun and against this statue quo you’re talking about maybe they could do something like that to mix it up and the events of that game set up campaign 4

    • @karlstoker04
      @karlstoker04 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ZodiacBandit Fair point, but my reason for mentioning Chetney and Graz'tchar was the fact the sword didn't tell Chetney to kill Keyleth till she was healed.
      The sword only tried to persuade Chetney when it was impossible to accomplish for some one of Chentney's level. Also Chetney was going along with it in part but kept trying to seperate Keyleth from the rest of Bells Hells, he even told another member (Ashton I think) that Graz'tchar told them Keyleth was evil and that he was partly believing it.
      I'm sure this was mostly Travis finding funny and knowing it was impossible that he was playing along but previous sentient weapons have forced Wisdom Saves on forcing people into action, Chetney doesn't have steller Wisdom Saves so it might have happened against his will as well.
      Also I know there isn't a lot story benfit let alone a satisfying end for a former PC, but it was illustrate that the "status quo" isn't good people doing good things but rather a morally ambiguous/neutral group will always side with typical "Good" against typical "Bad".
      Do keep in mind:
      》Chetney attacked a shop keep for "overpriced" wood workers tools (despite being the PHB price),
      》Fearne is a petty theif,
      》Ashton used to commit crimes like the Hexum job,
      These people aren't good people they are rather neutral if not self serving.
      The story does have elements of rail roading to protect both NPCs and PCs, with not condeming player choice or introducing difficult situations. I understand that this is done for the players enjoyment but for the story certain plot points should be a discussion not a default.
      In Aeor Ludinus should make a good point and Bells Hells should either accept or have a good reason to reject it, the way Downfall is looking it doesn't seem like they will justify a compelling villain in Ludinus. Ludinus has made no compelling reason for the gods death and his purpose in the story is just a mastermind to link all the campaigns together, which isn't interesting on its own.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +1

      @@karlstoker04 chetney attack the shop keep early on in his story and has grown a lot Ashton has moved past that and feanre is from the fey she gets a pass
      I see your point tho and I agree they play it safe but if they did this earlier in the campaign maybe but to something so drastically out of character now would be wrong

  • @ChaseL16357
    @ChaseL16357 2 месяца назад +1

    Wait wait wait... are the beacons the ships the gods came from??????

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад

      @@ChaseL16357 it seems very similar but the story of the luxon seems to be before the titans unless the dynasty’s story has been messed up over time and these are one and the same but we don’t know yet

  • @josiahbingham241
    @josiahbingham241 2 месяца назад +13

    Brennon as father milo quotes himself from calamity episode 2 “what can you say to someone when they think that you’re always going to trick them”
    I think that’s a pretty clear node to his identity being asmodeus. Also the father of lies incarnating himself as a priest of his most hated brother

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +1

      @@josiahbingham241 I’m not saying Milo isn’t asmodeus I just thought based on how umleta was talking there’s a case for her to be him as well

    • @Jeremy-en5vv
      @Jeremy-en5vv 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@ZodiacBandit I thought Umletta was actually Lolth

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +2

      @@Jeremy-en5vv None of them have been confirmed but Milo definitely seems like asmodeus based on his leadership role
      The others are still up there but Lolth is also hateful so definitely works with what umleta was saying also people think she’s Lolth by her climbing up shit like a spider

  • @ipocrita4825
    @ipocrita4825 2 месяца назад +2

    The best part about avatar of Wildmother is that she actually a wolf, and her human form is just a Wild form. That's why she's so feral. But we can see her softer side when she's talking with her Betrayer brother

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +2

      @@ipocrita4825 yea that’s cool as fuck to me when he said I leave my wildshape to be a wolf I was shocked

  • @Jeremy-en5vv
    @Jeremy-en5vv 2 месяца назад +3

    I though that Ayden was confirmed as a cleric of Seren-rae(sp?) in the episode by Father Milo/Asmodeus/Brennan.
    Which is interesting because then what God or Goddess is Ashley actually playing??

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +4

      @@Jeremy-en5vv Nick (Ayden) is the pelor the dawn father Ashley (Trist) is Sarenrae the everlight
      Their characters might follow other gods to help hide who they are Milo (asmodeus) is a priest of the dawnfather after all

  • @shadowpsykie
    @shadowpsykie 2 месяца назад +1

    Asmodeus has already been confirmed as Milo

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад

      @@shadowpsykie it hasn’t been confirmed it’s presumed there’s nothing concrete yet it’s very likely he is as he seems to be the leader of the 4

    • @shadowpsykie
      @shadowpsykie 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ZodiacBandit could have sworn they said it in Florida. If not my bad.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +1

      @@shadowpsykieFlorida was there a convention QnA I missed? in that case I may have been confirmed I’d have to find the video but it would be strange for anyone other then Brennan to confirm it outside of game

  • @xolnos
    @xolnos 2 месяца назад +1

    I thought the emissary was sent by the wild mother
    When asked he showed 2 plants growing from his hands?

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +2

      @@xolnos he has the chains of the scales of justice as a weapon the scales is the symbol of the law bearer who Edam Noshirs light became they all played as the gods their light became
      I also thought he was the wild mothers until the chains bit 3/4 through the episode

    • @xolnos
      @xolnos 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ZodiacBandit ahh ok, what did the plants growing from his hands represent? Just know the top layer of info when it comes to the gods. Don't know much deeper details.

    • @Pickledistributor
      @Pickledistributor 2 месяца назад +5

      @@xolnosThe Lawbearer has a connection to the Wildmother. I assume the plants are a type of gift/apology for her, which is why Asha reacts the way she does.

    • @ZodiacBandit
      @ZodiacBandit  2 месяца назад +3

      @@xolnos Melora and Erathis are in a relationship I assume it’s a gift or even a sign of growth but it’s unclear as of right now

    • @xolnos
      @xolnos 2 месяца назад +1
