Why housing swung the election | with Emmet Kirwan | State of Us - Election 2020 #7

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

Комментарии • 52

  • @LiamTaaffe
    @LiamTaaffe 4 года назад +29

    Emmett Kirwan is one of Ireland's most articulated working class hero's, he's the voice of message to Ireland's youth. He's the same age as Leo Varadkar, yet has a much better understanding of life and the essential fundamentals required for a simple and healthy life. Leo had lived a blinkered life and has no understanding of hardships nor has he ever socialised with Ireland's working class which is so evident in his views on racial integration, black and tan commemoration, his belief the average salary on 45k and there was NO homeless crises. Sinn Fein need to deliver their promise to the Irish and must implement an immigration points system to reduce the number non skilled migrants entering Ireland. They need to encourage Ireland's Ireland's disponda (Celtic Tiger Generation) to return home and assist with the build of 100k houses. Ireland needs to prevent the EU from intervention of our heritage and culture..... this is a time for Ireland to regain it's waters and natural resources. We need to fine Apple, Google and all other tax evading corporations using Ireland as a EMEA tax elimination zone to reimburse taxes owed which is billions and billions, this could pay the balance owed to Ireland's dept and be invested into public housing, hospitals and social amenities. Lastly, Bertie Aherne, Enda Kenny, Noonan and all the other crooked TDs should be trailed for corruption and treason.

    • @mcdermov
      @mcdermov 4 года назад

      Liam I was with you until you talked about fining Apple etc for evading taxes. Do you really believe that apart from the €13 billion in escrow these corporations have broken any law that would permit IRELAND to start taking their profits off them, when they can chose to set up any country in the world? Many tinpot populist dictators have to public acclaim “taken on” large corporations in their countries starting like this and usually damaged their economies.There’s enough taxable wealth in the country without getting into blaming foreign corporations for our self-inflicted ills. Although the German banks who lent money to the Irish banks to add fuel to the fire of the Irish property market have a case to answer and should never have got their money back.

    • @dibble2005
      @dibble2005 4 года назад +3

      I think he is desperately needed. He hits the nail on the head with all the critical issues affecting the people who have been decimated by Fianna Gael and Fianna Fail.

  • @TheEamoB
    @TheEamoB 4 года назад +6

    Wonderful stuff from Emmett. So refreshing to get an intelligent and articulate view of what is going on in Ireland.

  • @wkdwiz
    @wkdwiz 4 года назад +6

    On the money Emmett. Well said 👏👏👏

  • @staceynolan8577
    @staceynolan8577 4 года назад +8

    i feel like my life is delayed too. 40 in two years still trying to save for a deposit. prob wont get a mortgage at this stage

  • @jgdooley2003
    @jgdooley2003 4 года назад +2

    Lovely quote: Private companies do not care about you. Private companies only care about shareholder or owner profits. This is something that local authorites, farmers and health care providers forgot in the rush to privatise evrything that moves in the 80's and 90's. Farmers lost the power to keep prices high enough to be viable when they sold shares in co-ops to private companies and now find that every farm enterprise except dairy is loss making. Local authorities SOLD most of their housing stock, built up over a centuriy to solve Irelands then shambolic tenement problem, the worst in Europe in 1913. Now it seems that they will have to start from scratch again buying or building social housing to moderate and control spiralling rents.

  • @rivolinho
    @rivolinho 4 года назад +2

    My Emmet Kirwan story:
    Emmet appears on RTE panel to talk about election....
    "Oh jaysus, isnt that the guy who voices the ad for unlimited data on Vodafone? Actor and playwright! Christ, this'll be awful!"
    RTE panel show ends....
    "Shit, that guy is impressive. I'd vote for him!"

  • @paulkearns1504
    @paulkearns1504 4 года назад

    Emmit kirwan....brilliant and well said👏🏻👏🏻

  • @jgdooley2003
    @jgdooley2003 4 года назад +2

    The right to free housing is essential to avoid the present system which is akin to economic terrorism, using homelessness and lack of privacy and security as a gun put to peoples heads in order to extort high rents and high house prices from those who can (barely) afford to pay. The govt will not house the homeless because they can be used as an object lesson to the 80% of people barely able to afford to house themselves. Govt is afraid of creating an avalanche of demand if they make social housing "too easy". Like roads, streets and libraries, public housing is a common good. It brings down the price of housing and rents for ALL by moderating the terror effect of not having to pay overly high prices for housing. On the grand scale, social housing lowers high house prices for everyone.

  • @BigBoom92
    @BigBoom92 4 года назад +7

    The socialist will never talk about how they shafted the irish working class for asylum seekers who get pushed up the list over irish citizens and have an average wait of 168 days for social housing vs 9 years for a citizen. There will never ever be a solution to the housing shortage because we are simply bringing in to many people. Last year's 65 thousand people came to ireland and we built 25k homes. Last year we built 2500 social homes and add nearly double that to the list from outside sources. I know maths has never been a socialist strong point but this is primary school level and they simply will not talk about. Never mind that we are overheating the economy at pre recession levels. Let keep the flood coming because we should be nice to people.

    • @gypsyspears
      @gypsyspears 4 года назад +1

      Wrong blame attribution. Those who are worse off than you are never, never the cause of your problems. Fight for fairness on all fronts, otherwise you are buying into what those in power want you to buy - that poorer people are why you dont have the resources you need. It is more logical to work on the premise that those who have very much more resources than you, are the reason you are not getting what you need.
      For the record, I am certain that rent increases strictly pegged to inflation and security of tenure for all renters will do much more to solve the housing crisis than social housing.
      For your own information, 65k sounds like a gross figure, net figures are what counts. Between 2010 and 2014 more people left Ireland than moved there, so what has been the net increase in people coming from outside Ireland in the last 10 years and how does it stack up against population growth during that time?

    • @BigBoom92
      @BigBoom92 4 года назад +2

      @@gypsyspears simply not true. The 400k people who left ireland did not have a home as they where mostly 20 year olds with no property and living at home with mammy. The increase in popultion has out grown the supply.
      90 percent of asylum seekers are rejecting but 84 percent are never get deported. Of which the vast bluck go onto a separate list for government housing leap froging the citizens who are on the list. The council have 3 lists for housing one for citizens, another for migrants and a separate one for disabled people and thanks to the victim hierarchy they jump above everybody else. Do you not see since ireland signed up to the un asylum protocol and opened its boarders to europe we have had a constant housing shortage. Over priced rents and over priced housing in general. A constant shortage of school places and dublin bursting with grid locked traffic. Housing prices in ireland should be stable with the below replacement level birthrate at 1.9, but of course it's just the God darn crooks in banking and government. It has nothing to do with the artificial growth of 20 percent in population, nothing at all.

    • @gypsyspears
      @gypsyspears 4 года назад +1

      There is a housing crisis in Irish cities. Might an alternative suggestion be that more jobs moved to a very few cities?
      The numbers simply don't support what you think about asylum seekers being the main causative factor of people not being able to afford housing in cities.
      We have 5x the growth of most EU countries and there are about 7k asylum seekers in a population of over 5M

    • @BigBoom92
      @BigBoom92 4 года назад +2

      @@gypsyspears once again 7k is the number of people who first arrive but you fail to take into consideration family reunification which on average is 7-8 family members follow after the application is appected. So 7k is only the number who go through direct provision not the overall total. Please do some research before having over inflated confidence while spreading misinformation.
      I never said asylum seekers are to blame for high rents/ housing. I said government housing not private. That would be migration as a whole. We should be building 36,500 units per year to keep up with the influx of people coming in. Even the central bank only yesterday released a paper stating this. Instead we are building 22k private and 2.5k social homes which is way under the target and thanks to this. The economy is overheating at pre 2007 levels as admitted only last week by the ersi and World Bank.

    • @gypsyspears
      @gypsyspears 4 года назад +1

      @@BigBoom92 please add some sources to support your claims on total number of people in the country through asylum and that 400k ppl who left were majority 20 years old and living with their parents. Because I didn't find any.
      Your use of gross over net migration figures was a red flag for me. If you are better informed then please share your sources.

  • @niadonnis
    @niadonnis 4 года назад

    What happened to the football spin??

  • @jgdooley2003
    @jgdooley2003 4 года назад

    Building houses is too much effort for the modern economy which placed major emphasis on abstract information based sectors and neglected manual trades. The new house buyers are now paying for this neglect. Ireland has too many spreadsheet jockeys and clipboard holders and not enough blockers, plasterers and tilers to build the housing needed by a growing Ireland in coming times. Europe is laughing at us, where they have co-ops, social housing, high rise housing and various other forms of housing which we dont have.

  • @boredincork
    @boredincork 4 года назад

    The game is on now, you do not punch the establishment in the face unless you are prepared to finish what you started, the electorate does not seem to understand that by running 43 candidates Sinn Fein were never to prepared to finish this, next comes the establishment strikes back.

    • @dibble2005
      @dibble2005 4 года назад

      Yea and we are well able to punch above our weight. We just kicked out the biggest criminals in this state Fianna Gael/Fail.

    • @boredincork
      @boredincork 4 года назад +1

      @@dibble2005 And you dont think there wont be consequences?, there are only two options for Sinn Fein now, go into government as the junior to Fianna Fail and be gently smothered out of existence over the next 5 years, or, the parties refuse to co-operate with each other leading to the state remaining without a government while the EU and UK negotiate brexit without us, and at the end of the year when massive financial damage is done, we get sent to the polls again where Sinn Fein is set up to win but enter government with the state bankrupted and no means of implementing any of its manifesto, like I said, never start something you cant finish.

  • @lobstermac6737
    @lobstermac6737 4 года назад +6

    This actor mixes up "million" and "billion" and also erroneously claims that people are spending 85% of income on rent.

    • @ivorc8957
      @ivorc8957 4 года назад +6

      Regardless of his mistakes, he makes the simple and obvious point. In capitalist dominated country the market determines the outcome of social issues. And in that, the bottom line is the most important. Thus, sacrificing the wellbeing of a society/environment carries no weight.

    • @dibble2005
      @dibble2005 4 года назад

      fianna Gaelist nit picking.

    • @lobstermac6737
      @lobstermac6737 4 года назад +1

      @@dibble2005 I have never voted FG or FF. Is this pointless nit picking or calling out fake statistics?

  • @podjun80
    @podjun80 4 года назад

    So, 100,000 houses in 5 years then...

    • @billycaspersghost7528
      @billycaspersghost7528 4 года назад +1

      On the other hand Sinn Fein opposed every formative treaty of the EU.
      According to Martina Anderson ,when questioned on this , on Radio Ulster Talkback program during the European Parliament elections, they were still of the same opinion .
      They have milked the EU and they have used Brexit to their own ends ,but still they do not believe in the Federal EU , they say it is in Democratic deficit and should be reformed and oppose PESCO and the Euro Army agenda.
      Sinn Fein and Martina`s mistake is the belief that they could oppose it and shape the EU how they want it. Just not enough influence.
      They are fooling themselves. The Euro money is a drug ,it is hard to break the habit. If the UK had been net receiver's of EU cash I`m not sure Brexit could have happened.
      Looking back ,I wish that the UK had joined Ireland in its referenda on Maastricht ,Lisbon etc.
      I think we could have made a significant change .As it was the opposition came in driblets ,no significant mass .

    • @niadonnis
      @niadonnis 4 года назад

      At least there gonna try rather than sitting on your hands while property developers cherry pick the most profitable landzones. Look at the children's hospital. Even the dogs on the streets knew they should of built it on a Greenfield site instead of an already heavily built up trouble some area of the city centre! But nope the open markets experts had the ears of FG & now we're left with an embarrassment of a scenario. Most expensive building in Ireland, & we still don't know how much it's gonna cost. So listen if we can piss away billions to wasteful developers surely we can find the money to start rolling out affordable house's.At least they can try something instead of empty excuses & lies

    • @billycaspersghost7528
      @billycaspersghost7528 4 года назад +1

      Sure... if you think about it ,why wouldn`t anyone vote Sinn Fein.
      They are voting as much against something as for something with the feeling they haven`t a huge lot to lose or just see no point in voting for more of the same.
      I`m English, pro Union, but I might have voted for the Shinners if I was living in Ireland
      I was listening to the Nolan show post election results and they were discussing the cost of housing.!!!!
      It is the same in England.
      Over here first time buyers are now into their 30`s and not starting families till some time after that.
      When I bought my house ,it wasn`t much. I didn`t realise it was an "investment" and my kids would have to save for years before any hope of doing the same.. .many failing without help from mom n dad.
      My kids only chance is really for me to die. They get the house value and a 10x salary works insurance pay out if I croak in service.
      How did we get to this? (like I don`t know!).
      The war is over , I don`t care if some fools sing Come out ye Black n Tans ,if Steve Coogan can do it why not the Irish. Now if they would just oppose the Federal EU again.

  • @morriford
    @morriford 4 года назад

    Oh Jaysus Emmett's on again, time for all the mad Gemma O Doherty loons to start commenting about gender identity and minorites and how George Soro's funds Sinn Fein

    • @jpohare644
      @jpohare644 4 года назад

      I am surprise at this left wing young man who is happy to follow SF or pbp lefties who are pro EU globalist Communist agenda with mass influx Foreign migrants replacing Irish people and mass foreign Immigration except Irish people will leave Irish people an minority in Ireland.

  • @jessiejames968
    @jessiejames968 4 года назад +2

    Christy almighty does he like the sound of how own voice, pseudo intellectual who thinks he knows the answer to all our countries problems, all roads lead to socialism🤣

    • @podjun80
      @podjun80 4 года назад +5

      Socialism is all the rage in the universities these days. Along with diversity and lgbt.
      Not diversity of thought though...

    • @podjun80
      @podjun80 4 года назад +2

      @pete 2 which is also all the rage on campus.
      Misgender a guy in a dress and its off to the gulag with you...

    • @dibble2005
      @dibble2005 4 года назад

      Are you speaking about Varadkar. We want to hear him.

    • @joeavreg2254
      @joeavreg2254 4 года назад

      All smart roads lead to socialism, yes. Morons worship the market and talk about it like it's the hand of God.

    • @jessiejames968
      @jessiejames968 4 года назад

      @@joeavreg2254 Christ almighty what a ludicrous comment. ALL smart roads lead to socialism, somebody have a word with the citizens of Venezuela. Your comment points out the big issues we have in social discourse at the moment. Everything is completely black and white and nuance seems to be dead. People need to talk and come together regardless of political views for the betterment of all.