What is mgtow movement?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 143

  • @bmveBOY
    @bmveBOY 5 лет назад +359

    It's not a movement , it's moving away , MGTOW for life...

  • @urbanphil0s0phy
    @urbanphil0s0phy 5 лет назад +374

    Mgtow is not a movement, it's a philosophy.
    Basically hinges on male freedom and self actualization. The way to attain this freedom is to avoid traps like marriage and the 9-5 rat race.
    As a result you will see many mgtows who are invested in crypto, unmarried and focus on travelling the world and experiencing nature.

  • @sonnyandreotte5721
    @sonnyandreotte5721 5 лет назад +244


    @PRIMAL_HUNTER1988 5 лет назад +168


  • @lostinthesauce8345
    @lostinthesauce8345 5 лет назад +173

    MGTOW is now a heavily, yet discreet lifestyle in teens too. I’m 19 about to turn 20 and I’ve already seen what women have to offer. I refuse to waste my youth chasing a non existent woman. The internet has allowed men to speak freely about women and spread the truth. I’ve leaned from older men and I will use the information to protect myself, my assets, and sanity.

  • @ab-ud8np
    @ab-ud8np 5 лет назад +180

    One very relevant reason to be MGTOW is... MONEY! MGTOW is making me Rich!!

    • @ab-ud8np
      @ab-ud8np 5 лет назад +45

      @Isobelle Pizarro My legacy sure as fuck won't be left in any THOT's hands XD

    • @MrBillybathgate5
      @MrBillybathgate5 5 лет назад +34

      EXACTLY . not only MONEY but not having WASTEFUL SPENDING in your LIFE .

  • @slimmorden5771
    @slimmorden5771 5 лет назад +64

    Many years ago it was a biker chick who said women have never been so unequal. When the complaining started men quietly learned to do everything the ladies did. The ladies did NOT learn to do everything men did.

  • @dtogo4286
    @dtogo4286 5 лет назад +174

    The community is huge & growing. For many, it started as watching our fathers get DESTROYED financially in divorces by women (not always their mothers). For others, many young men have went through so much rejection by women they saw as suitable mates only to have those women attracted to other men (they see 90% of women attracted to the same top 5% of men). This leads to the women being interested in the once rejected man only after he's financially secure with a good job and the woman approaching 30 and only now willing to settle. The man is now like **** that lol. Why would I want you after you chased and laid down with other men (you found attractive) only for me to get the used up version of you and me be your last resort.

  • @shanebingham8692
    @shanebingham8692 5 лет назад +54

    My friends and I are all in our mid 40’s, early 50’s, we have all been divorced in the past and lost everything and had to rebuild our lives as a result.
    Feminism has pushed to give women increasing rights and laws to protect them and unfortunately some women have used those rights and laws to unjustly destroy men.
    This means that men in large numbers are starting to see women as too risky to be involved with, my friends and I are not interested in relationships, marriage or kids with women anymore and yet we don’t consider ourselves to be Mgtow.
    We don’t believe that you need to join a group because you don’t want something, Mgtow is a relatively small movement but the demographic of men who are not Mgtow but are now avoiding women because of the risks is a thousand times bigger.
    All the time we find men who are no longer interested in women because of the risks who have never heard of Mgtow and like us would never consider themselves to be one.
    Mgtow is a small group but they are representative of how the majority of men are now feeling.

  • @xxxxxx-fl1rj
    @xxxxxx-fl1rj 5 лет назад +86

    I'll give you credit where credit is due, you approached the topic of MGTOW well from a neutral and unbiased standpoint. As for your question of how many of us MGTOW there are, my answer is that it's far bigger than you think.
    My only gripe is that you mentioned that MGTOW is a movement when in reality it's a philosophy. MGTOW has no leaders, no political backing, and that it itself has no political leaning, regardless of the political beliefs of its practitioners.

  • @mikef.2582
    @mikef.2582 5 лет назад +388

    By movement if you mean we’re moving away from women then yes we’re a movement, but other than that it’s a philosophy/lifestyle and of course you wouldn’t know that cause you haven’t done your research LOL.

    • @harrymuff2773
      @harrymuff2773 5 лет назад +71

      This woman has no idea what she's talking about. Prepare for the MGTOW future, ladies. Start buying cat food and boxed wine because men aren't coming back to the plantation now that the genie is out of the bottle.

    • @Ben5ino
      @Ben5ino 5 лет назад +29

      Great statement

    • @realkyunu
      @realkyunu 5 лет назад +13

      @Emily the Slayer of mgtow men ^this although I don't know if the second statement is true for all women.

    • @Ben5ino
      @Ben5ino 5 лет назад +73

      Emily the Slayer of mgtow men If this is the case, why are women making videos and upset about men making better decisions for themselves? If there are plenty of men left, why get upset about the philosophy of MGTOW?

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад +6

      It's a philosophy/lifestyle who's members work to spread its ideology, that's a movement you daft twat...

  • @DeepVerma728
    @DeepVerma728 5 лет назад +110

    Why do you care?

  • @sebastianhuang
    @sebastianhuang 5 лет назад +81

    hi Im mgtow!!! im so happy i dont need to ask a girl out and rejected by girl or hear girls will say oh i have a boyfriend and i dont need to text girls and hoping and wish she would text me back . and even she text back its gonna 5 days later anyway.. so mgtow is really2 beneficial for me and itss sooo goodd!! i love being mgtow.. i mean its not perfect but itss really good for me! although Im not sure if you understand what im saying because girls usually thinks differently than man.

    • @30everafter
      @30everafter  5 лет назад +5

      Always interested in another perspective. Glad you've found your happy.

    • @sebastianhuang
      @sebastianhuang 5 лет назад +41

      @@30everafter Well dating is so hard and i think its really no problem just to be single and happy so may as well be mgtow. I dont hate women im just really so happy i dont need to beg girls for a date. Or begging girl to be her bf and chasing them.. Its sooo tiring.. Girls dont have to chase guys so they wont know how mgtow feels.. Thanks!!

  • @Vention1MGTOW
    @Vention1MGTOW 5 лет назад +152

    Ok, a reasonably even handed overview of MGTOW, well done.
    As you said MGTOW tend to go MGTOW either after seeing their friends totally brutalized by their wives who use the police, the divorce court, and their children as a weapon to harm the man. In my case I saw too many of my fellow mechanics utterly obliterated in divorce court. I also saw a friend sent to jail when his no sex for two years wife went insane with rage when he cheated on her. She called the cops and filed an accusation so dire that they kept him jailed for 3 months (even though she recanted the accusation 4 hours later when she cooled down). I tried to figure out how I could possibly live with someone who could have me jailed in that way with just one phone call but I never could figure out a way to neutralize that awful power and make marriage a reasonably safe lifestyle choice for a man. I never could figure out a way, so I reluctantly opted out of marriage. I made that decision in 1997.
    And now with women's ability to revoke consent for sex even months later, and decide she had been raped. Out of nowhere I could be jailed. That's just one additional risk that when added to all the other risks and costs that come with dating. It's pushed the risk and cost vs positives in dating far enough negative that I don't do it anymore. I made that decision in 2009.
    It's not all bad though. Without the drag factor of supporting or subsidizing the lifestyle of a woman, her kids and her divorce lawyer, I did rather well. Nice house on a half acre (paid off) vehicles (paid off) income 4600, spending 1400, surplus usually around 3000 a month. And now I'm in the process of pulling the plug on my job and retiring (at age 54). I plan to take my accumulated wealth and move to mexico.
    I would have been a good family man but women and government have made women too costly and too dangerous to try to partner with. Women pay the price for allowing this to happen, and they pay it every day. I am part of that price. The gifts I had in such abundance were never given, so somewhere out there is a woman who's paying the price. Sure she can have sex with STD infected players but she can't find a good man to partner with. Millions of women are paying that price. That's part of why such a huge percentage of women are so dependent on antidepressants these days.
    That said, I'd like to discourage you from adding MGTOW to the title or key words on your videos. All you will do is attract a lot of angry MGTOW who will not be very kind to you. Feel free to talk about us to your subs, that's not our problem but if you add MGTOW to your title it will come up in our searches for new MGTOW who are reaching out to us. Any opinions you have to share about MGTOW should be kept to yourself and your own subs. MGTOW don't welcome women in our communities. MGTOW is one of the last male spaces on earth. Every other space, every club, every organization have all been invaded by women (even the boy scouts). But the MGTOW space on the Internet (including You Tube) is defended. If you continue this, you won't enjoy the experience.

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад +8

      Sack up and quit your bitching, just because you're a loser doesn't mean that chicks are evil.

    • @mikestevens3620
      @mikestevens3620 5 лет назад +37

      @@blargkliggle1121 do your womanly duties and go scrub a toilet

    • @tinatinkler1650
      @tinatinkler1650 5 лет назад +31

      @@blargkliggle1121 Hey Blarg, why does mgtow make you so angry?

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад +2

      @@tinatinkler1650 it's hard to express inflection, it's not anger but instead a mixture of bemusement and disgust.

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад

      @tkMGTOW nobody recently though my shoulder took a beating at the range this morning, I never expected so much kick from a musket...

  • @lur3950
    @lur3950 5 лет назад +91

    Well, I'll do the best I can to summarize the reasons why mgtow is growing exponentially. And why we don't see the benefit of engaging in relationships with your gender. There is a few things to mention here. We live in a gynocentric western hemisphere society where your gender has the right of way on everything. Your gender has a very enhanced & accelerated hypergamy. Meaning, men are looked upon as an economic utility. Your gender treats & feels its their right to treat marriage as a for PROFIT organization for them. This has become a huge problem. Therefor, your gender has "overpriced" themselfs out of the market.
    They think they have to meet a man that can afford them financially. There is much to comment on this, but I'll leave it at the fact that your presence is paid for at a high dollar bracket. A pseudo prostitution scheme. Your gender wants commitment & pressures to get it. They get the hypergamy taken care of, now the commitment, then they want kids & then they themselfs iniciate divorces in the high 70%+ after a few years of marriage. Something tells me, this is fundamentally corrupt because men are left in a complete financial ruin. They take kids, house, everything they can. Because the family law legal structure favors your gender. So, related in some cases male suicide is at 80+%. And nobody cares or says anything about it. If your gender was in this high suicidal rates. It would be called a national & emergency crisis. The way this alimony payments are set up take men to financial ruin. In a lot of cases men end up homeless & finally killing themselfs. False sexual harrasment accusations that have become the norm at the work place. I have seen a lot of them happen through the years. This problem has It's footprint on the blue collar jobs, all the way to Wall Street & Hollywood. False rape accusations, also stagering statistics sorrounding this problem. And I happen to know a friend that got a 10 year sentence for something he did not do. Initially, it was a case of extortion he did not comply with. So, they accused him of rape. Patternity fraud, the first study ever on the subject has results as high as 30%. This brings me to the Promiscuity that is parallel to Roman times. Your gender participates in all kinds of sexual acts in this day an age. Everything from the Chads & Jeromes sex rotations (famously known as the cock carousel) to gang bangs, hen/stripper parties for birthdays, promotions, divorce parties, bachelorettes, girls night out where strippers are hired to get one of you or a group of you. Bestiality is back & on the rise. Just like during Roman Times. With dogs, horses, boars, pigs.
    They get all the bad boys they feel like & then they want to get serious after a long history of promiscuity and stds. The cdc just came out with scary statistics of std increments of 60%. And new stds known as Super gonorrhea, Super Syphilis, chlamydia, Super everything etc...nearly impossible to cure. So, just at 30-35 right before their biological clocks threatens to malfunction altogether & the undefeated wall is near and approaching at a high speed. Now in panic, loaded on
    Prozac & alcohol to balance a lifestyle that just brings failures & mental issues. Now they are looking for a serious relationship. The norm of today is an epidemic wave of personality disorders they come with as consequence of the accumulation of bad habits, bad choices, partying hard, bad everything trying to get this Chads & Jeromes to commit. They are a train wreck. So, at this age & with all this ramifications they show up with as a used up mind & body, singing this dumb song called "empowered woman". I'm an empowered woman that all men are intimidated & afraid of. This liberated woman package that is their presentation card everywhere they go.
    So, they have become something we don't want or like. And are not interested in. Your gender has very low morals that are not in alignment with the disciplines of life. You have become something very undesirable.
    Do you get it now?
    Watch out, it's growing. And it's growing world wide.

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад +2

      It's no time cube but you've got skills when it comes to crazy rambling...

    • @Vention1MGTOW
      @Vention1MGTOW 5 лет назад +27

      That sums things up very nicely. Well done.
      I've been a MGTOW since 1997 and a MGTOW Ghost since 2009. The women who were available to me during my dating years were just a series of disappointments. Dating has never really been worth the trouble. I kept at it because I couldn't make a decision without giving them a chance to show me what they have to offer but time after time I had to admit that it wasn't worth it. I've been much happier since I stopped dating.

  • @KayPe1122
    @KayPe1122 5 лет назад +60

    are you womansplaining a philosophy that you are clueless about? stay in your lane homegirl. unless you can handle the heat.
    one love.

  • @tyhall7330
    @tyhall7330 5 лет назад +56

    MGTOW is not a movement... it would be wise of you to not make a follow up video just saying...

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад +1

      Or what?

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад

      @@chriserickson3838 given the subject matter odds are good that you're the one that should be answering that question... As for people hurting me, the last time was a couple weeks ago but he was way drunker than I was so I managed to hurt him far worse.

  • @tanchuck
    @tanchuck 5 лет назад +17

    i have read a few books and studied this stuff a bit and your take on it is pretty well informed. As a guy, I can say what I see is that Feminism has given women more options - to live like a man or like a woman, but what I'm seeing from women and what i'm hearing from other guys is that most women these days experience this thing called "Option Paralysis" where they have options that both look good and they can't choose, so they try to have the best of both worlds - they try to live it up in their twenties and then expect to settle down and start a family in their early thirties and men have realized that they are getting taken for granted and treated more like a resource than a person. The most important thing to a man in marriage is spending time and enjoying life with his wife, and after women have partied and been promiscuous, monogamy is just boring and a lot of women these days are just not spending time with their husbands. Add to that the bias in the marriage and family courts, and you have a lot of men going MGTOW.

  • @taunoctua245
    @taunoctua245 5 лет назад +26

    How about Gender Bias in Incarceration and sentencing?
    I give you credit that you kept your comment section open. Most women can't hang with free speech.

  • @benstone9755
    @benstone9755 5 лет назад +25

    It is a self preserving response to the legal system. If you engage a woman these days, you should be prepared to wave all your rights in the future. It is not worth it.

  • @britishmgtow7251
    @britishmgtow7251 5 лет назад +42


  • @Spright91
    @Spright91 5 лет назад +39

    Theres men like me who lives with their girl and is in a relationship .But sets hard boundaries on her ability to control what I do or say. She doesn't get to restrict my time or tell me what to do and I don't sugar coat what I say to make her happy, I also don't spend a cent of my own money on her besides a few reasonable concessions we made together. And since i am completely emotionally detached she has no power to guilt me into doing what she wants. In other words I'll show her the door if she wants too leave. Surprisingly she's very happy with me. But I expect one day she will run off with a sucker who wants to pay her way through life so im always prepared to let her go. It's about not letting another human sap your life force

    • @Ben5ino
      @Ben5ino 5 лет назад +21

      Daniel Edmonds Why are you wasting your valuable time with someone that you believe will eventually leave?

    • @Vention1MGTOW
      @Vention1MGTOW 5 лет назад +17

      That's great until she gets angry with you and calls the police.

    • @Spright91
      @Spright91 5 лет назад +6

      @@Ben5ino because I enjoy what we have now. The time I give to her is the time I want to give out of enjoyment.

    • @Vention1MGTOW
      @Vention1MGTOW 5 лет назад +12

      @Isobelle Pizarro
      Because people change. If you marry you're counting on her to treat you well even on her worst day during the entire marriage. She could go nuts and have you buried in a jail cell for months. That's too much power to trust anyone with.

  • @jaaayg2791
    @jaaayg2791 5 лет назад +29

    MGTOW is love
    MGTOW is life.
    its a philosophy btw.

  • @yallknowwhoiam7036
    @yallknowwhoiam7036 5 лет назад +39


    • @yallknowwhoiam7036
      @yallknowwhoiam7036 5 лет назад +12

      @Isobelle Pizarro lol just because we chose not to date and focus on our goals and self improvment we are broken? There is more to life than marriage ,sex and dating .

  • @bestmusic33
    @bestmusic33 5 лет назад +43

    Oh lord. The flames are coming.

  • @kevinfowler3717
    @kevinfowler3717 5 лет назад +15

    This movement is huge... Its growing daily like the movie fight club. #ifyoubuildittheywillcome...joining by the thousands.

  • @Ben5ino
    @Ben5ino 5 лет назад +27

    It’s not a movement

  • @Protect_all_ljf3forms
    @Protect_all_ljf3forms 5 лет назад +44

    Not a movement. But mostly right. I'd advise staying out. (Saying this for your own sake.)
    But to answer a few questions you. Mgtow is huge and growing most "members" don't know the acronym but live the philosophy. An offshoot in Japan makes up 70% the male pop. As far as origins 2 guys started talking and started asking questions. Then truth burned like a wildfire.
    That said I wouldn't dig deeper if I were you unless you want the elite guard to show you the door.
    I highly recommend this be your last mgtow video

    • @30everafter
      @30everafter  5 лет назад +3

      Wow. Thanks for the heads up.

    • @Vention1MGTOW
      @Vention1MGTOW 5 лет назад +23

      @Emily the Slayer of mgtow men
      *>They will hate you no matter what you say since you are a women. Ironically the only way you could please them is to give them sex*
      LOL! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. You're obviously very angry and tremendously insulted by MGTOW walking away so you troll MGTOW comments and fling all the insults you can. That's pointless of course since we've heard all the same insults for so many years that they've become boring. While your anger is good for a laugh now and then I suggest you just let us live our lives and you go ahead an live yours.
      In my case I'm taking all the wealth I've accumulated with my mechanic job and I'm retiring at age 54. I'm reducing my belongings to a suitcase and a carry-on. My first stop will be the north shore of lake Chapala in Mexico.

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад +1

      The "elite guard"? Is your name Filbert, because you're a nut...

    • @Protect_all_ljf3forms
      @Protect_all_ljf3forms 5 лет назад +18

      @@DavidAthy didnt say it was. oh so the old mgtow are incels argument.

    • @chipchipperson1628
      @chipchipperson1628 5 лет назад +19

      @Emily the Slayer of mgtow men who hurt you?

  • @jeremychua76
    @jeremychua76 5 лет назад +15

    MGTOW is not a movement because a movement has a leader or headquarters but MGTOW has none. MGTOW is a philosophy and a lifestyle choice of voluntarily bachelorhood hence its meaning men going their own way. Every man who has decided on MGTOW freely goes his own individual way to do whatever makes him happy and fulfilled, and in doing so, possibly healthy and wealthy. MGTOW is also sometimes called men guarding their own wallets (from the financial ruin that relationships or marriages can cause).

  • @MerryOlSoulGigglesmith
    @MerryOlSoulGigglesmith 5 лет назад +8

    it's got nothing to do with dating and everything to do with inequality.

  • @jsmith-pf2bt
    @jsmith-pf2bt 5 лет назад +20

    Mgtow is not a movement

  • @djhightopfade4940
    @djhightopfade4940 5 лет назад +16

    MGTOW is doing women a huge favor by not wasting their time. What woman wants a man who is emotionally unavailable?

  • @Zoza15
    @Zoza15 5 лет назад +31

    Well well well, you seem to have some basic facts right about MGTOW.
    No MGTOW bashing, no male shaming.
    Very good, but stil MGTOW is a philosophical lifestyle, not a movement..
    Nonetheless, i gave your video a like..
    We are many, we are very big its not measurable at this time, but not to mention the amount of men that are not exposed to the MGTOW teachings as of now..
    But yeah, we are everywhere, some of your male family members might be MGTOW, or some of your male friends may carry the MGTOW label without telling you at all..
    MGTOW men walk around the street and you wouldn't even notice, since we dress just like everyone else and doing our business and go home.
    We don't harm anyone or anything, we just doing our own thing on our terms without female involvement..
    So yeah, for the woman on your channel wondering about MGTOW and disliking it, do some proper research before you go apeshit on us, it will backfire back to you, and thats on YOU!..
    I'm not interested in female drama politics, if you got something to say of value then ask the question and i'll answer..

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад

      Nobody needs to know that you're mgtow to know to avoid you, it's simple enough for them to treat all undesirables the same...

    • @Zoza15
      @Zoza15 5 лет назад +19

      @@blargkliggle1121 And nobody asked you anything..

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад

      @@Zoza15 truth hurts loser

    • @Zoza15
      @Zoza15 5 лет назад +17

      @@blargkliggle1121 No dude, its the fact that you actually cared to respond in the first place.
      For me?, not so much of a big deal..

    • @blargkliggle1121
      @blargkliggle1121 5 лет назад

      @@Zoza15 I find you self-righteous idiots to be hilarious, it's just a bit of entertainment I enjoy during my downtime.

  • @bobbynyce
    @bobbynyce 5 лет назад +18

    No offence but, just wait until you divorce your husband...Then you will understand MGTOW.

  • @farqitol
    @farqitol 5 лет назад +7

    MGTOW is a verb not a noun.
    You don't have to be half of a pair to be a whole of one.

  • @willielopez4042
    @willielopez4042 5 лет назад +8

    Hey honey right on you've taken an interest in migtow. Most women will immediately dismiss it and they fear it but I promise you if You can listen to teachings of Tom Leykis and understand, You will be a wizard with men and understand Us. I worn you however that tom Leykis will push your button's so hard. Try not to have an emotional reaction. The truth stings sometimes..

  • @jangled-1431
    @jangled-1431 5 лет назад +10

    mgtow and mgtow monks are different.

  • @eduardotorres7645
    @eduardotorres7645 5 лет назад +21

    its ok to hate women

  • @eugeneeastman2740
    @eugeneeastman2740 5 лет назад +5

    Pretty fair take on mgtow

  • @blackpillwitcher7485
    @blackpillwitcher7485 5 лет назад +4

    THIS IS ....MGTOW!!!!

  • @raybon7939
    @raybon7939 5 лет назад +1

    I'm not mgtow or agree with it all. I'm much more on the other side I put up with what I have to put up with. But privately I wouldn't mind if contentious women that have a Problem. Just got on boat and went away to another country. referring to women who have no other personality or attributes other than challenging or just contenscous to everyone. we would just go forward with more agreeable amicable people. women who seek more common ground and are not critical.

  • @Cleffa168
    @Cleffa168 5 лет назад +2

    Karen Straughan did a pretty good video on MGTOW it should be a must watch for anyone interested in this topic:
    Don't understand why people would base MGTOW on red pill rage induced channels instead of established channels like sandman and TFM, and videos with lots of views and lots of thumbs up like this one by Karen Straughen.

  • @mgtowstanleyzoltanov9808
    @mgtowstanleyzoltanov9808 5 лет назад +3

    What is targeted audience? Because it should not be men.

  • @kevinsmith1124
    @kevinsmith1124 5 лет назад +7

    You've just now discovered this?
    The rest of the world is way better