Feminism in Pakistan, unnecessary or uncomfortable? | Reacting to Instagram Aurat March

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 7

  • @Nazim.Hussain1517
    @Nazim.Hussain1517 Год назад +2


  • @CaliphForCaliphate
    @CaliphForCaliphate Год назад +4

    Is Feminism Compatible With Islam? Can One Be A Feminist Muslim?
    Short Answer: No
    But But There Are Many Kinds Of Feminism & Our Islamic Feminism Is Inline With Islam
    If you say, "It depends how you define feminism," I would invite you to be precise. It doesn't depend on how you define feminism; it depends on how it is defined. It's a subtle but critical distinction. You can make up whatever definition you want, but that doesn't actually mean anything. If I want, I can define a human being as any creature with wings. That doesn't mean it's true or faithful to the meaning. So, more precise than, "It depends how you define feminism," would be to say, "It depends how feminism is defined."
    And with that said, I invite you to present any accepted definition of feminism, and then we can see how aligned it actually is with what the Prophet, ﷺ, has brought.
    Feminism is as varied, as the number of its adherents, because it is not fixed like Islam. If you say everyone can define feminism according to their wish then Feminism loose All its meaning, as it can also hold contradictory definition. However, the popular and authoritative literature on feminism, across all waves, are diametrically opposed to Islam.
    This isn't a surprise because anything with non-Islamic origins can never come around to be Islamic, ever. As for maintaining that your version of feminism is just in line with the sunnah, then you admit that Islam is the only viable tool to address any & all types of problems humanity faces at large. That makes the use of the feminist label completely useless, unless you're arguing that there's a real need for the label and the movement on top of what Islam provides to address issues of women.
    There's no way out of it. Either admit that Islam lacks and feminism fills in the gap in it, or just chuck away the feminist label altogether because Islam is enough anyway, because feminism is a kufri creation with its most prominent manifestations rife with kufri practices and beliefs in the name of equity.
    Feminism is defined, By the civilization who coined it, who currently still write about it and use it, and of which will always be understood in relation To.
    "Islam and feminism go hand in hand because Islam recognizes women's rights!"
    Ok, should we say that Islam and communism go hand in hand because Islam recognizes the rights of the poor?
    Should we say that Islam and atheism go hand in hand because Islam recognizes that false gods do not exist?
    Should we say that Islam and fascism go hand in hand because Islam recognizes the singular authority of one man, i.e., the Prophet ﷺ?
    Should we say that Islam and Zionism go hand in hand because Islam recognizes that the holy land exists?
    Should we say that Islam and Christianity go hand in hand because Islam recognizes that Jesus is the Messiah?
    Should we say that Islam and Buddhism go hand in hand because Islam recognizes the importance of inner peace?
    Should we say that Islam and perennialism go hand in hand because Islam recognizes that the Torah and Bible were sent by God?
    Should we say that Islam and Confucianism go hand in hand because Islam recognizes the importance of respect for parents?
    Should we say that Islam and animistic nature worship go hand in hand because Islam recognizes that within nature are signs of the Creator?
    In all these examples, no serious Muslim would attach Islam to such ideologies. But in the case of feminism, you find many seemingly "traditional" figures and organizations enthusiastically co-opting feminism and claiming that it is fully "Islamic," even "traditional," etc.
    If commonality between Islam and feminism means one can adopt the feminist label, does that mean one can call oneself a Muslim-Christian too?
    "Being a Muslima is by definition being a feminist..."
    Being Muslim is by definition acknowledging the divine rights of women. But feminism, which is born out of kufr, has fabricated rights, fabricated responsibilities, fabricated virtues, fabricated vices. So no, being a Muslimah is not by definition being a feminist.
    Rather, being a Muslimah, being a Muslim, is being a slave. It is acknowledging our Slavehood and submitting to Allah's definitions of rights, responsibilities, virtues, vices - as presented to us via his messenger, ﷺ. In some instances, the society in which we live will happen to align with those divine definitions. In many instances, particularly when it is a non-Muslim society, those definitions, those views, will not align.
    In the case of feminism, just look at some of the foundational values of feminism: if you are intellectually honest, you will find they contradict what the Prophet, ﷺ, brought
    "Islamic Feminism Is About Human Rights"
    As for "deserving of human rights," the assumption underlying that expression is one of the fundamental issues here: who defines "rights?" Disbelief does not define rights the same as does Allah. In fact, there are so many things that are considered "rights" in our times that are Outrightly contrary to what Allah and his messenger, ﷺ, have made crystal clear. (That issue is not at all specific to women.) If you want to get as foundational as can be, our society would consider it a right to reject Allah and his messenger, ﷺ, and it is the furthest thing from a right. It is criminal. It is the biggest crime a human can commit.
    "Its Inhuman, Its Humanitarian"
    What is Human, Humanity & Its Right? Allah, The Creator Of Human & Everything Decides That, Allah Decides What Rights & Responsibilities Given To Whom.
    But But Muslim Men Don't Give Us Our Islamic Rights, That's Why We Need Feminism...
    Many Muslim Feminist Say They Need Feminism coz Muslim Men don't give them their Islamic Rights, But This is Deception & Delusion Of Muslim Feminist. If Muslim Men Don't Give Them Their "Rights" Under Islam Why Would They Gave you Under The Ideology Of Western White Men? Why Is It Always Women That Call For Islamic Feminism Are Those Women That Were submerged In Liberal Environment For Many Years whether in education or other Places?
    Truth is Its About Worldview, Deen. She Internalized Deen Other Than Islam. And "muslim" Feminist "scholars" Admitted It.
    One Of The Main Figure Of Muslim Feminist's Scholar AMINA WADUD Said, "for explicit verses of the Qur’ān for which feminists cannot find alternative explanations, the possibility of rejecting these verses should be considered. She states “Personally, I have come to places where how the text says what it says is just plain inadequate or unacceptable, however much interpretation is enacted upon it”, and she says further, that where particular articulations in the Qur’ān as a text are problematic, there is the “possibility of refuting the text, to talk back, to even say “no””
    Wadud talked about the frustrations that feminists feel when, as Wadud suggests, they have to pretend to advocate feminism from an Islamic perspective and not a secular liberal one. She writes, “The executive director of Sisters in Islam, Zainah Anwar, once asked, “Why can’t we say we are working for gender justice from a human rights perspective” instead of our earlier claim of working from a gender-inclusive Islamic perspective? Quite honestly, I understand the frustrations”. In other words, these feminists are not acting as interpreters, or even re-interpreters, but as secular liberal interpolators.
    Wadud and Asma Lamrabet argue that the Islamic injunction for a wife to obey her husband (in what is permitted under the sharī’ah, or halāl) contradicts the oneness of God, as they claim that obedience is for God alone. If obedience to the husband constitutes idolatry then, according to such feminists, a boy obeying his mother would also be idolatry, being a law abiding citizen would be idolatry, and a Muslim obeying the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which the Qur’ān explicitly commands, would also be idolatry.
    Muslim Feminist Have Adopted Liberalism As Their Deen, Rights, Responsibilities, Good, Bad, They Get It From Liberalism & Then They Distort Islam Under The Name Of "Interpretation" To Fit It With Their Deeen. They deny Quranic Verse, Hadith, Ijma that they Don't like, That goes Against Feminism.

    • @Ayyjay1952
      @Ayyjay1952 Год назад

      The Muslim world has some of the highest rates of female illiteracy. The Muslim world has some of the highest rates of domestic violence, the Muslim world also has some of the highest rates of sexual harassment. And things like female genital mutilation. 200 million women in the middle East and North Africa have beeb subjected to FGM.
      Is this what your religion stands for? Look at places like South Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, and ask yourself this question. Women over there are empowered but at the same time, participate in society positively. It should be up to you to pick and choose the best for yourself.
      Moral superiority is meaningless if your country still suffers from these things.

  • @Alastaircook285
    @Alastaircook285 Год назад +2

    ❤👌 good luck

  • @DpPoetry
    @DpPoetry Год назад +2
