Captain Dreadnought Because Delta is an amazing father who gave his life to see his daughter one last time. You're not the only one😭 *starts tearing up*
Captain Dreadnought Because if you get this ending, you proved he was more than that. Sophia saw him as a monster, a relic of the Ryan regime who took her life's work away from her. But Grace called him right: "No monster ever turned the other cheek. A thinking man does that."
Also other NPCs (if spared) should be there: - Grace should be next to the girls, relieved and again full of hope, happy much like them & Eleanor - Gilbert should jump like a dolphin from distance, still crazy, but at least also happy - Stanley & Sofia should be tied up tightly together (but still spared) by righteously angry sisters.
how to be a good dad: step 1: meet daughter step 2: die step 3: live step 4: find your daughter while killing everything in your path except for the little girls and 3 specific sane people step 5: die again step 6: become your daughter
It's nice and heartwarming Delta lived on in his daughter, but I still wish he was capable of living a seperate life on the surface. Seriously, he deserved a life that didn't involve seeing the world behind another lens; even if he was given control sometimes, it's still not his own body - he's still more of a floating consciousness.
@@legion999 Yeah, that'd just be wrong. Especially since what he wants is to protect his daughter even more than to live. Now he can do that as long as she lives.
Unfortunately, having been melded into the suit with no way to communicate verbally, Johnny Topside's chance at a 'normal life' ended the moment that suit was forced upon him. The change is irreversible.
"And then Father, the rapture dream was over. You taught me that evil is just a word; under the skin, it's simple pain. But for you, mercy was victory... You sacrificed, you endured and when given the chance. .. You forgave... Always... Mother believed this world was irredeemable... But she was wrong Father, we're Utopia... You and I... And in forgiving, we left the door open for her." - Eleanor *Delta* Such a powerful and good monologue, Eleanor's voice actress did such a phenomenal job.
I am always proud when I see Eleanor like this all grown up with a loving caring spirit no matter what even if she's not my daughter I will always be proud of the women she has become
@@TheCorrodedMan Technically, Delta is her biological father. I've read somewhere that Lamb used his genetic material, so he is her parent in every possible sense.
Алена Шарахматова I had that same idea. She never talks about Eleanors father and refuses to say his name when forced to, I would assume it was Delta before he was put into the suit.
This is tied as my favorite ending with the semi-neutral ending. If you harvest some of the little sisters before she sticks the needle in you to save you you’re given the choices “save yourself” or “sacrifice yourself” because if you become her conscious (at that point) then you knew she’d have the essence of a murderer inside her, guiding her towards the path of evil. But, if you sacrifice yourself you push the needle away before she stabs you to save her from you. And she sits with you on the edge as your vision fades “Upon waking. I am alone.You’d chose to die for me. You gave me one thing that nobody else did, my freedom. And I am greatful for your sacrifice. But father. Wherever you are... I miss you...”
Kinda him giving her a advice: ppl like me deserv dearh for my crimes Aka my mass killing in rupture. (And you to still have a somewhat good ending if you misscliked)
Its really amazing how in most of the endings the dialogue is the same, but the tone in which it is delivered, changes to the music and just one or two other changes makes it really scary or even creepy i guess. So kudos, to the ppl who wrote the dialogue
"The Rapture dream is over, but in waking, I am reborn. This world is not ready for me, yet here I am. It would be so easy to misjudge them. You are my conscious father, and I need you to guide me. You'll always be with me now father, your memories, your drives, and when I need you, you'll be there on my shoulder, whispering. If utopia is not a place, but a people, then we must choose carefully, and in our story, Rapture was just the beginning." *AHHHH IM CRYING... HELP PLEASE*
Headcanon: And on that day... the world began to get better. Not because of inventions or sciences or governments or wealth. Because of what you taught me father. Hope. Love. People are what make things better. You were right. And someday, everyone will have utopia as you gave me. I love you... father.
I love the political message bioshock sends in number 2. It respects both altruism, the politics of lamb, and objectivism, the politics of Ryan. He doesn't sacrifice himself for the greater good, but he also isn't afraid to go in harms way to help others
I get what you mean but I don't think that's really the political message, as much as that's the human psychology of how to live life, which is a good way to live life. a political message would be more about how to handle our societal resources and systems, as well as how to use them for the benefit of people. I don't think objectivism had any hold here anymore than collectivism did, they were both showcased as being terrible and in ruins in the games and they both failed their people, but that's about as far as the game goes in that regard, the rest of the game you is more about escaping and rescuing some of the survivors.
This ending had me ugly crying. So proud of what Eleanor chose to be and proud of myself for seeing all of those smiling little girls that will inevitably go on to live full and rich lives just like the little sisters from the first Bioshock went on to do.
Also other NPCs (if spared) should be there: - Grace should be next to the girls, relieved and again full of hope, happy much like them & Eleanor - Gilbert should jump like a dolphin from distance, still crazy, but at least also happy - Stanley & Sofia should be tied up tightly together (but still spared) by righteously angry sisters.
I wish at the end even with being good all the way through, we still had the option to reject getting absorbed by Eleanor and let her live out her life completely free. We'd get the heartbreaking moment of neutral ending, and the bitter sweet funeral with possibly Eleanor along with the little sisters placing you facing the sun.
No matter how the game ends, Delta dies. What Eleanor is doing is absorbing his morals and survival instincts. In the good ending delta allows this because he knows it will help her, in the evil ending he isn't given a choice. But in neutral delta can reject it because he doesn't want her to become what he is.... yeah the only criticism I have about the ending is that they made it a little to poetic.
So... if he could see what she sees... isn't it weird? Because, he'll see things that will make him regret seeing. Like... well you know. Isn't it weird?
@@swarz08 Delta has become her equivalent to a Moral Compass, so I guess he would try to tell her from the beggining if what she's doing is wrong... Besides, I think he'll just cover his eyes, if he can't directly not be there altogether
Still gets to me after all this time, much like the end of the blind man's sequence in "Bride of Frankenstein". But I often do have a question: did Sofia Lamb ever forgive Delta for being a better parent than she ever was or Eleanor for proving to be a better child in spite of her attempts to make her something she never wanted to be?
In this ending, the best one, Delta is not only a better parent, he's a better PERSON - he was the most human character in the game; a "tin man" with a heart of gold. Towards the end you start seeing Sofia realizes that. I can't help but think that when he saw Eleanor saved her life and forgave her even after all she did, she in turn forgave Delta.
Aedd Gynvael I'd like to think that last part too...but human beings are remarkably pigheaded about holding onto grudges. Sofia realizing that Delta wasn't nearly the monster that she made him out to be (I've actually call him a Frankenstein monster of brass and rivets) still didn't stop her from sending in the troops during that last sequence. When Delta finally got to Eleanor, you can all but feel the anger and envy coming off Sofia for living up to her own ideals better than she ever did. So, much as I like to think that Eleanor saving Sofia's life might have changed her mother's mind, I've a bad feeling that Sofia felt thwarted in the end. Not only did she lose her child/social experiment to the better parent AND person, but she was denied her Valhalla exit from the stage.
I like to think reality had mentally slapped her in the face the moment Eleanor put that oxygen breather on her face, and when she looked out the door to see Eleanor and Little Sisters watching the sunrise together she broke down in tears in realizing how wrong she was.
This whole game hit me right in the father feels, and I'm not even a dad. Loved the parts where you protect the little sisters while they are cheering for you.
I will never once believe anyone that thinks canonically Subject Delta could be evil. This is one of the best good endings I’ve ever seen in a video game. You play as a man trapped in an iron tomb essentially with his life robbed of him, in search for the only person who could ever be able to fully understand him on a conscious level. And so you die a hero for the greater good proving once and for all, you never were a monster RIP Subject Delta. One of the only video game protagonists I was ever fully invested in.
According to Bioshock Infinite, Subject Delta was another version of Booker and Eleanor was another version of Elizabeth. I'm not kidding since they think Bioshock Infinite and their multiple realities was the best story ever written. Heck Rapture was another version of Columbia according to them.
@@johncase1353Basically they shat on the only two good entries of their franchise, i'm jesting infinite is good but bioshock one and two are vastly superior.
I love that if your really - REALLY - commit to the Lawful-Good play through, you get such a wonderfully sweet ending. It's what we all wish for our lives...a hero's journey with a legacy for good echoing on into the future, through our children... For me, the best game in the franchise.
I always wished i could have the arrangement of the first 50-80 seconds of this scene minus the dialog. Its so peaceful and i love the under sea theme.
i wish that big daddy wasn't have to die so fast i wish he could stick with his daughter *cries* if i was him i will always love my daughter and all was protect her rest in peace big daddy hope you rest in peace
@@peppermintboi2971 They could try but if Sofia Lamb and all the splicers in Rapture couldn't keep Delta away from Eleanor, the people on the surface definitely couldn't.
The Bioshock series were an utterly spectacular and truly unique set of games. Just amazing. Whenever I finish them I feel a genuine sadness that it’s over; a melancholy that makes me want to play them all over again right away.
I've always loved how this game emphasizes that, as a parent, you have to set a good example to your kid because, even if they're teenagers, they _will_ take your example to heart
In my opinion Jack didn't really die. Of course he passes away of old age in some unspecified future but he's still alive and well within the "present day" context. Also Delta sorta survives mentally/Spiritually.
In Both Bioshock's i always saved every little sister... I was satisfied with good endings =) I wonder though... Eleanor says "But in our story Rapture is just the beggining" Will there be a new Bioshock game that starts after events of Bishock 1&2?
bioshock 2 was made by 2k marin (Australia I think) Kevin Levin had no part in developing the 2nd game which is why in most circles bioshock 2 is not considered Canon because it was mostly a cash grab by 2k (this dose not mean it's a bad game). from what I've heard, 2k is still interested in making sequels to bioshock. wither or not they do this is up to the publisher. bioshock 2 left a lot of things unanswered especially with manerva's den which should be explained in at least one more game. honestly though I'm satisfied with the trilogy that we got. barial at sea finished off the franchise beautifully- if not without a heartfelt goodbye but it's up to 2k now seeing as irrational games is shut down.
No one gonna pointed out how creepy this ending actually is? By taking Delta's conciousness into herself, Eleanor is saving delta from dissapear entirely. Which sounds sweet, until you started to think: despite being a genetically enchanced human, eleanor is still a human, wouldn't she have to pee and poo sometime? what if she found a guy, "THE guy", and they started dating and kissing and... and... All the while Delta saw it all? it sounds like a lifetime of torment for Delta...
All the while he has no real control. Yes she may let him wander round for a while like the Little Sister segment, plus this way he'll live on in a truly kind gesture, but it's not an ideal situation (I know it's not always attainable, but Delta's circumstances mean it's worth searching for). I'd rather him be able to breathe in and see this world he earnt in his own body. I know life isn't fair, but there's no human who'd be wholly ok with this situation.
He is just a consious. Not a second Brain. He Can only help with making choises not watch her every move. He's more of a "you will regret this CHoise later" or " you should do this"
Agreed, man. I still come back here every year just to feel the feelings this game gave me when I was younger, never played anything so emotionally compelling in my life. This game is truly a master piece
I was crying during this scene. I was feeling with Delta and all the sacrifices he made and at first I thought it was in vain because he was dying. But as a daughter that lost her father...I love to think that my father too stands beside me and guide me/whispers into my ear when I need him. This whole scene had such a personal strong note for me.
I'm crying everytime i see this.... It's just so sad i cannot help but to not cry.... It's just so beautiful. I thank all my friends to have made play such a great game.
This ending hits a million times harder if you play the games in chronological order starting from Infinite, even if BioShock 2 doesn't fit Ken Levine's story.
"The Rapture Dream" was a myth. The dream of a better world, a better place, and a better time, is seen through the eyes of the children. Children are the architects of the future. That's why I love these games. It's a very subtle way to tell us that the greatest legacy a person can have is through their children.
I understand all too me, this should be held up as Exhibit A for every loudmouth who says how Bioshock 2 is a lesser creation because it wasn't made by Irrational Games.
Azatarot75 wait a minute... are there actually people who believe that bioshock 2 is a lesser creation? that is ridiculous because bioshock 2 was fucking amazing.
sickfunseeker Oh obviously haven't seen some of the comments I have or you would know them as well as I do. Not being made by Irrational Games and/or Ken Levine (who made this game possible, it has to be said) is the main reason why.
sickfunseeker It's pretty widely regarded by critics and fans to be an inferior game. It's no where near as intelligent with the subject matter as the first game, there are large sections of it that drag out, the atmosphere just isn't as good. I played each game once the whole way through when they came out. I vividly remember Bioshock 1, I could recite the major plot points and layout of each level from memory. Bioshock 2 however I barely remember. I have a vague recollection of fighting some women I didn't care about in a circular lobby of a brothel or something thats about it...forgettable would be the word. Bioshock 2 was good, but Bioshock 1s story was so rapped up, returning to a world that had been so perfectly portrayed in the first game made the second feel so unnecessary.
Thank you for providing me with the perfect example for sickfunseeker that illustrated my point better than I ever could. To the above, I have only this to say: So what? I could point out that the intelligence was there and you just missed it or that there was no "brothel" or that 2 made the best argument about the importance of bringing up children in the right way of any game I've ever seen...but I would be wasting my digital breath. You've obviously made up your mind and it's equally obvious that it's as closed as a dedicated in-company server.
I don’t want to forget the moment I played and got this ending. I know this is a videogame, but I really felt emotionally attached to this scene. It made me see that your actions control the future. I bursted into tears while watching this scene.
Delta will live on in a way his memories and thoughts are with her now she'll keep them safe and in a way keep him alive, he did everything he could to make sure her life would go on, now she does the same.
This is how you do a good and bittersweet ending! To bad Ken Levine didn't do the ending for BaS Ep 2 like this, instead he did the bittersweet ending but kept it dark with not one bit of happiness in it.
A bit of explaining... Delta was already dying from the severed bond, he was holding on through sheer willpower and drive to save Eleanor alone. Which means that in the end, it wasn't some forced bond between Big Daddy and Little Sister, it was a very real, genuine love between Delta and Eleanor that drove his every action. Up to, and including, being willing to sacrifice himself without pause. And it's strongly hinted at that this is the case with ALL the Alpha Series. When they lost their bonded Sisters, they either went violently psychotic and attacked everything around them (why, almost like a vengeful berserk rage after losing a loved one!), walked off into the ocean to quietly die of their severed bond without any attempt to re-bond (like someone giving in into a grief-based suicidal depression), or in one noted case, just collapsed next to a Gatherer's Garden machine (which features a statue of a LITTLE SISTER) and cried uncontrollably until the bond severing killed them (like someone completely breaking down emotionally from grief and becoming unable to function at all). The explosion in the docking tube severely injured Delta and breached his pressure suit, which caused it to depressurize... normally not a problem since he was adapted both by acclimation AND ADAM splicing for deep ocean pressure. He might have survived the ascent if it had taken place over a couple hours. But he didn't have that time, the ship made the ascent in probably about ten minutes or so, and him without any pressure compensation. Which gave him a catastrophic case of The Bends, rupturing all his blood vessels and doing lethal tissue damage on top of the damage he already sustained from the explosion and the fact his body was shutting down due to the severed bond. At that point, he was already a dead guy walking, and probably only held into a humanoid shape by the suit. He only had a little bit of time left. He chose to spend his last moments of physical mobility, even as his body was slowly exploding fromt he pressure drop, dragging himself to a position where he could see that it wasn't for nothing, Eleanor was okay. Even to the last, Delta was more worried about Eleanor, and not even thinking for a second of himself. Eleanor, knowing she couldn't save him from death, chose to save him the only way she could. Remember how Gil Alexander was prepared to recieve all of Raptures thoughts and memories through ADAM? Eleanor was prepared the same way, though the process was never completed. She absorbed his ADAM while he was dying, and in so doing, transferred his consciousness and memories through into herself. His body died, but Delta himself is very much alive in Eleanor. He will forever be the angel sitting on her shoulder and helping her decide what the right thing to do is, protecting her from within, and will never be parted from her again. For him, I suppose that's paradise, because that's all he ever wanted. It's curious that Sofia was so obsessed with selflessness, but chased it in a selfish way. If she had only opened her eyes, she would have seen that Delta, and all his kind, were truly selfless. No name. No past. And no desires except to protect another that he loved. He loved. He forgave. He showed mercy. He saved who he could, when he could. He took on an entire city of murderous psychopaths, and he did it all for the sake of another, not any sake of his own. And he was no programmed machine like later Big Daddies, he was doing it all by choice. He was the living avatar of the very Utopian Ideal that Sofia Lamb had been chasing her entire life. And she was too obsessed with reaching her ideal HER WAY to realize it had already been reached in the very person she was so angry had 'interfered' with HER plans to create a Utopian. Ultimately, her own selfishness undermined everything she stood for and ruined all her plans, because she absolutely couldn't accept it had not been reached BY HER. To obsessed with how HER PLANS to make Eleanor into the perfect Utopian, which would have failed, were thrown off by his presence to realize that he was actually shaping Eleanor into the very person she wanted her to be in the first place.
this is my favorite ending... *sniff* it still makes me cry. (everyone gives strange looks) what? * sniff* just because I'm a guy doesn't mean i can't get emotional.
Bioshock 1's good ending made me happy, but it wasn't overly emotional. It was still beautiful seeing the girls grow up and be with Jack in his last moments before he passed away to old age. Bioshock 2's good ending made me sob. With Eleanor taking Delta's conscience with her after teaching her how to do good, it definitely touched my heart. But when all the little sisters showed up, all the girls I saved in my playthrough, I broke down crying. It was one of the most beautiful moments I have experienced in recent memory. It sucks that I will never get to experience these games blind again.
Bioshock 1 GEnding:Jack saves the little sisters, gives them a life he shouldve had but the sisters deserved. he dies in bed with his daughters with him Bioshock 2 Gending: Delta dies but lives on in Eleanor, who in turn finally ends the cycle of pain of Rapture Infinite Ending:Depressing as all hell, choices dont matter, but there is SOME hope that Anna and Booker had a happy ending. BaS Ending: We see Elizabeth do something her father couldnt do. Face her guilt, and try and make things right. She started the fall of rapture, but in doing so saved it. She died happy knowing this, that Sally would have a life that Elizabeth(and Jack) Shouldve had. And that Eleanor would finally end the cycle of pain. Such a beautifully written story.
Took me a while to realize that Persephone falling dragged down Fontaine Futuristics with it and possibly the hidden lab too. Wiping out the source of the ADAM plague
its been so long since I lived this for the first time and its still one of my absolute favorite moments in media of all time, thank you BS2 I will never forget you
I seem to never have the will to ever take the bad ending on both Bioshock 1&2. Replayed this on Xbox one remastered collection and damn I remember again how much it likes to hit you straight in the feels. I like how Eleanor was monitoring your every action throughout the storyline and she learns from every little sister you save and every optional life you choose to spare. I love this ending.
When the good endings end like this, I can't possibly understand why you would take the bad route.
that time whene you play throught an entier level because you miss clic and kill the girl and fell really bad about it
I killed them cause I'm impatient
Maybe because Lamb dies in the bad one
@Isaac CHEUNG Then load.
how can this game make me emotional over a 7ft tall armoured ass kicking machine
I don't know... But it can...
Captain Dreadnought Because Delta is an amazing father who gave his life to see his daughter one last time. You're not the only one😭 *starts tearing up*
Captain Dreadnought he kinda reminds me of the iron giant.
He is a giant armoured death machine BUT IT'S STILL SAD
Captain Dreadnought Because if you get this ending, you proved he was more than that. Sophia saw him as a monster, a relic of the Ryan regime who took her life's work away from her. But Grace called him right: "No monster ever turned the other cheek. A thinking man does that."
This ending is perfect. I've never heard empathy explained so beautifully.
¿Que estas haciendo aqui TrueUnderDawgGaming?
what are you doing here?
@@isaiahcastillo3028 Me encanta Bioshock
@@TrueUnderDawgGaming I did a double take a realised it was you. I agree it is beautiful... the music helps too
Also other NPCs (if spared) should be there:
- Grace should be next to the girls, relieved and again full of hope, happy much like them & Eleanor
- Gilbert should jump like a dolphin from distance, still crazy, but at least also happy
- Stanley & Sofia should be tied up tightly together (but still spared) by righteously angry sisters.
how to be a good dad:
step 1: meet daughter
step 2: die
step 3: live
step 4: find your daughter while killing everything in your path except for the little girls and 3 specific sane people
step 5: die again
step 6: become your daughter
2 sane people... And Alex the Great
@@denilson3670 Apparently thinking meat mess*
@@G.Redgrave 😂
i killed alex because he asked me to, and that shit took my good ending :(
@@julianrojasortega3421 odd, it didn't affect my ending. I killed him and still got the good ending
It's nice and heartwarming Delta lived on in his daughter, but I still wish he was capable of living a seperate life on the surface. Seriously, he deserved a life that didn't involve seeing the world behind another lens; even if he was given control sometimes, it's still not his own body - he's still more of a floating consciousness.
He was dying though, he couldn’t survive the depressurization from that rapid ascent to the surface.
@@omegamanGXE Or y'know, tons of TNT exploding in his face.
It'd be REALLY WEIRD if delta was given control of eleanor's body. Just no.
@@legion999 Yeah, that'd just be wrong. Especially since what he wants is to protect his daughter even more than to live. Now he can do that as long as she lives.
Unfortunately, having been melded into the suit with no way to communicate verbally, Johnny Topside's chance at a 'normal life' ended the moment that suit was forced upon him. The change is irreversible.
"And then Father, the rapture dream was over. You taught me that evil is just a word; under the skin, it's simple pain. But for you, mercy was victory... You sacrificed, you endured and when given the chance. .. You forgave... Always... Mother believed this world was irredeemable... But she was wrong Father, we're Utopia... You and I... And in forgiving, we left the door open for her." - Eleanor *Delta*
Such a powerful and good monologue, Eleanor's voice actress did such a phenomenal job.
Eleanor Delta not lamb. I did not notice until i read your comment
Eleanor Topside*
Happy Father's Day
I see what you did there
too soo, man. too soon
Thanks lol its today
I am always proud when I see Eleanor like this all grown up with a loving caring spirit no matter what even if she's not my daughter I will always be proud of the women she has become
Reaper IV We were the closest thing she would ever get to a father, the only _real_ parent she ever had.
i do love it when my daughter becomes multiple women
@@TheCorrodedMan Technically, Delta is her biological father. I've read somewhere that Lamb used his genetic material, so he is her parent in every possible sense.
Алена Шарахматова I had that same idea. She never talks about Eleanors father and refuses to say his name when forced to, I would assume it was Delta before he was put into the suit.
You sound like a complete wanker
Too soon lol 😭
Okay, I was tearing up, but this gave me a genuine belly-laugh, thank you.
No no… it was symbolic you see…
This is tied as my favorite ending with the semi-neutral ending. If you harvest some of the little sisters before she sticks the needle in you to save you you’re given the choices “save yourself” or “sacrifice yourself” because if you become her conscious (at that point) then you knew she’d have the essence of a murderer inside her, guiding her towards the path of evil. But, if you sacrifice yourself you push the needle away before she stabs you to save her from you. And she sits with you on the edge as your vision fades “Upon waking. I am alone.You’d chose to die for me. You gave me one thing that nobody else did, my freedom. And I am greatful for your sacrifice. But father. Wherever you are... I miss you...”
Damn, I can’t believe I forgot about that ending until now. How emotional :'(
Kinda him giving her a advice: ppl like me deserv dearh for my crimes Aka my mass killing in rupture. (And you to still have a somewhat good ending if you misscliked)
I couldn't go for the bad endings, but when I looked up the Alone ending that last little "..I miss you.." tore me to pieces.
Its really amazing how in most of the endings the dialogue is the same, but the tone in which it is delivered, changes to the music and just one or two other changes makes it really scary or even creepy i guess. So kudos, to the ppl who wrote the dialogue
5 years
@@dorian4191 2 months
@@chonkbonk4092 2 days
2 hours
@@chonkbonk4092 2 minutes
If a game don't wreck me emotionally, I consider it a failure.
In which care, this game is the best a man can come across
I strongly agree
Matt C. You should try the waking dead
Matt C. You haven't played walking dead yet then.
Matt C. I agree
"The Rapture dream is over, but in waking, I am reborn. This world is not ready for me, yet here I am. It would be so easy to misjudge them. You are my conscious father, and I need you to guide me. You'll always be with me now father, your memories, your drives, and when I need you, you'll be there on my shoulder, whispering. If utopia is not a place, but a people, then we must choose carefully, and in our story, Rapture was just the beginning."
And on that day... the world began to get better. Not because of inventions or sciences or governments or wealth. Because of what you taught me father. Hope. Love. People are what make things better. You were right. And someday, everyone will have utopia as you gave me.
I love you... father.
Such a beautiful ending 😢
No help from me, I'm afraid. I'm crying too.
I love the political message bioshock sends in number 2. It respects both altruism, the politics of lamb, and objectivism, the politics of Ryan. He doesn't sacrifice himself for the greater good, but he also isn't afraid to go in harms way to help others
Lamb's politics wasn't altruism, it was collectivism, the rejection of the individual. Delta's rejection of both was altruism.
I get what you mean but I don't think that's really the political message, as much as that's the human psychology of how to live life, which is a good way to live life. a political message would be more about how to handle our societal resources and systems, as well as how to use them for the benefit of people.
I don't think objectivism had any hold here anymore than collectivism did, they were both showcased as being terrible and in ruins in the games and they both failed their people, but that's about as far as the game goes in that regard, the rest of the game you is more about escaping and rescuing some of the survivors.
Shed some tears... so beautiful and sad
Håkon Dekkerhus
This ending had me ugly crying. So proud of what Eleanor chose to be and proud of myself for seeing all of those smiling little girls that will inevitably go on to live full and rich lives just like the little sisters from the first Bioshock went on to do.
Also other NPCs (if spared) should be there:
- Grace should be next to the girls, relieved and again full of hope, happy much like them & Eleanor
- Gilbert should jump like a dolphin from distance, still crazy, but at least also happy
- Stanley & Sofia should be tied up tightly together (but still spared) by righteously angry sisters.
I needed this video again to remind myself that I shouldn't hate, no matter who it is.
GrimoireVoss Nah, I only don’t hate if there’s a reason to not hate. If there’s a misunderstanding or a reason behind what someone did.
One of the most important lessons I think I learned as a kid
Reality it very different but ok
@@flargarbason1740 Unless you met some In guys who do absolutely nothing but gain big advantages in their life anyway...
I got it the bad ending
+Gonzalo Munoz XD ikr
+Gonzalo Munoz Me too.
The bad one is just plain depressing
No way dude. Not gonna kill little girls for power. I know its just a game, but I don't think I'd ever kill someone for power 😭
Although it's been years......OOOOOOH THE FEEEEEEEELZ
Nathan Perry I know right??
I miss this game so much
I have it. The remastered! Love it!
I wish at the end even with being good all the way through, we still had the option to reject getting absorbed by Eleanor and let her live out her life completely free. We'd get the heartbreaking moment of neutral ending, and the bitter sweet funeral with possibly Eleanor along with the little sisters placing you facing the sun.
No matter how the game ends, Delta dies. What Eleanor is doing is absorbing his morals and survival instincts. In the good ending delta allows this because he knows it will help her, in the evil ending he isn't given a choice. But in neutral delta can reject it because he doesn't want her to become what he is.... yeah the only criticism I have about the ending is that they made it a little to poetic.
So... if he could see what she sees... isn't it weird? Because, he'll see things that will make him regret seeing. Like... well you know. Isn't it weird?
@@swarz08 Delta has become her equivalent to a Moral Compass, so I guess he would try to tell her from the beggining if what she's doing is wrong... Besides, I think he'll just cover his eyes, if he can't directly not be there altogether
@@baphomathedude8057 Wrong. Both share one body.
@@OmniversePosting Boyfriends are going to be awkward...
I've only ever completed this fucking amazing game once, and with this ending.
EDIT: Over a year later, completed it with this ending a 2nd time!
So did I. I killed the red tank guy cuz he wanted to die.
@@matthewtorres8860 Good choice, makes sense.
We meet again feederzombie
Still gets to me after all this time, much like the end of the blind man's sequence in "Bride of Frankenstein". But I often do have a question: did Sofia Lamb ever forgive Delta for being a better parent than she ever was or Eleanor for proving to be a better child in spite of her attempts to make her something she never wanted to be?
In this ending, the best one, Delta is not only a better parent, he's a better PERSON - he was the most human character in the game; a "tin man" with a heart of gold. Towards the end you start seeing Sofia realizes that. I can't help but think that when he saw Eleanor saved her life and forgave her even after all she did, she in turn forgave Delta.
Aedd Gynvael I'd like to think that last part too...but human beings are remarkably pigheaded about holding onto grudges. Sofia realizing that Delta wasn't nearly the monster that she made him out to be (I've actually call him a Frankenstein monster of brass and rivets) still didn't stop her from sending in the troops during that last sequence. When Delta finally got to Eleanor, you can all but feel the anger and envy coming off Sofia for living up to her own ideals better than she ever did.
So, much as I like to think that Eleanor saving Sofia's life might have changed her mother's mind, I've a bad feeling that Sofia felt thwarted in the end. Not only did she lose her child/social experiment to the better parent AND person, but she was denied her Valhalla exit from the stage.
Azatarot75 after sparing her life I sure hope so
I like to think reality had mentally slapped her in the face the moment Eleanor put that oxygen breather on her face, and when she looked out the door to see Eleanor and Little Sisters watching the sunrise together she broke down in tears in realizing how wrong she was.
This whole game hit me right in the father feels, and I'm not even a dad. Loved the parts where you protect the little sisters while they are cheering for you.
I will never once believe anyone that thinks canonically Subject Delta could be evil. This is one of the best good endings I’ve ever seen in a video game.
You play as a man trapped in an iron tomb essentially with his life robbed of him, in search for the only person who could ever be able to fully understand him on a conscious level. And so you die a hero for the greater good proving once and for all, you never were a monster
RIP Subject Delta. One of the only video game protagonists I was ever fully invested in.
According to Bioshock Infinite, Subject Delta was another version of Booker and Eleanor was another version of Elizabeth. I'm not kidding since they think Bioshock Infinite and their multiple realities was the best story ever written. Heck Rapture was another version of Columbia according to them.
@@johncase1353Basically they shat on the only two good entries of their franchise, i'm jesting infinite is good but bioshock one and two are vastly superior.
I love that if your really - REALLY - commit to the Lawful-Good play through, you get such a wonderfully sweet ending. It's what we all wish for our lives...a hero's journey with a legacy for good echoing on into the future, through our children... For me, the best game in the franchise.
I love this ending because Delta gets to live on with and in Eleanor.
The orchestral arrangement, the voice actresses emotional delivery, and looking at the Little Sisters.....hard not to cry. Masterpiece ending.
I always wished i could have the arrangement of the first 50-80 seconds of this scene minus the dialog. Its so peaceful and i love the under sea theme.
yeah no matter how happy or angry i am before hand, i always ugly cry
i wish that big daddy wasn't have to die so fast i wish he could stick with his daughter *cries* if i was him i will always love my daughter and all was protect her rest in peace big daddy hope you rest in peace
willy susanto In a way, he'll always be around Eleanor now.
Delta didn't die. His conscience is inside Eleanor.
the feels they are all over me. ;)
I know this ending made me happy and sad
One of the most beautiful games ever created. Loved the good ending, wish subject delta lived.
But that means people would see a big daddy on the street and looking at civilization they would take him from her and we don’t want that
@@peppermintboi2971 They could try but if Sofia Lamb and all the splicers in Rapture couldn't keep Delta away from Eleanor, the people on the surface definitely couldn't.
@@peppermintboi2971They would have reversed his condition with the help of Tannenbaum, Just like Porter
The Bioshock series were an utterly spectacular and truly unique set of games. Just amazing. Whenever I finish them I feel a genuine sadness that it’s over; a melancholy that makes me want to play them all over again right away.
I really disliked Infinite but the BioShock 1 and 2 were BOTH masterpieces.
@@omegamanGXE I agree infinite is bad.
@@streammarriedtothemusicbys3793 You think that because you’re looking at it through the old games’ lens
@@symboIiq shut up I can have opinions
I didn't even play the game but this touches me.
Well did you play the game during the 5 years that passed after you posted this comment?
@@kirukato_png7241 6
@@kirukato_png7241 6 years now 😁
I hope he played them.
XxAlphaWolfxX Lmao yeah i hoped he played it too
im gonna say it.....
i want to hug the little sisters like if you agree
i mean dosent everyone!? honestly
Steamed hams the ones from Bioshock 1 were cuter, especially their funny dialogue. 😂
This ending made me cry so hard :'(
I've always loved how this game emphasizes that, as a parent, you have to set a good example to your kid because, even if they're teenagers, they _will_ take your example to heart
tne good ending teaches us to just let it go *sobs* 😟😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
it's very emotional and heartwarming. one of my favourite video game endings ever. I love it! :)
Kris Patio as soon as "Eleanor's lullaby" began, I was getting ready to bawl
As a sniper once said with the voice of a singer: "Begin again. Let go."
.... *sniff sniff sob sob* Who needs the bad ending when you can have this?!!!
Yeah man bad Ending For the Bad Guys
We always die in the bioshock endings
Jack survived though and died normally by natural aging
In my opinion Jack didn't really die. Of course he passes away of old age in some unspecified future but he's still alive and well within the "present day" context. Also Delta sorta survives mentally/Spiritually.
Except Sigma
Jack didn’t die tho he made it out with sally and some little sisters
@@AxisChurchDevotee True
In Both Bioshock's i always saved every little sister...
I was satisfied with good endings =)
I wonder though...
Eleanor says "But in our story Rapture is just the beggining"
Will there be a new Bioshock game that starts after events of Bishock 1&2?
+Spiro Dra Unlikely, as the studio was shut down not long after Infinite.
but wasnt Bioshock 2 made by diffrent studio?
also i doubt 2k wouldnt want to continue bioshock since its famous
+Spiro Dra maybe
bioshock 2 was made by 2k marin (Australia I think) Kevin Levin had no part in developing the 2nd game which is why in most circles bioshock 2 is not considered Canon because it was mostly a cash grab by 2k (this dose not mean it's a bad game).
from what I've heard, 2k is still interested in making sequels to bioshock. wither or not they do this is up to the publisher. bioshock 2 left a lot of things unanswered especially with manerva's den which should be explained in at least one more game.
honestly though I'm satisfied with the trilogy that we got. barial at sea finished off the franchise beautifully- if not without a heartfelt goodbye but it's up to 2k now seeing as irrational games is shut down.
Evil Eleanor vs Evil Jack. I always chose the good endings but that is a story worth telling.
The good endings leave me breathless the most beautiful life lesson ending in my opinion.😇😇💖💖💖
Why does every bioshock game so sad
No one gonna pointed out how creepy this ending actually is?
By taking Delta's conciousness into herself, Eleanor is saving delta from dissapear entirely.
Which sounds sweet, until you started to think: despite being a genetically enchanced human, eleanor is still a human, wouldn't she have to pee and poo sometime? what if she found a guy, "THE guy", and they started dating and kissing and... and...
All the while Delta saw it all? it sounds like a lifetime of torment for Delta...
Someone needs to make a comic out of that
All the while he has no real control. Yes she may let him wander round for a while like the Little Sister segment, plus this way he'll live on in a truly kind gesture, but it's not an ideal situation (I know it's not always attainable, but Delta's circumstances mean it's worth searching for). I'd rather him be able to breathe in and see this world he earnt in his own body. I know life isn't fair, but there's no human who'd be wholly ok with this situation.
He is just a consious. Not a second Brain. He Can only help with making choises not watch her every move. He's more of a "you will regret this CHoise later" or " you should do this"
she preserve his memories.
so he's not a second person inside her mind.
It's more they fused together.
Well, it's that or death. I like to imagine Delta can just blind himself in moments like that.
Bioshock 2's endings will always make me cry. We won't ever get something like this again.
Agreed, man. I still come back here every year just to feel the feelings this game gave me when I was younger, never played anything so emotionally compelling in my life. This game is truly a master piece
One of the most underated games in the history of video games
This made me cry hardcore 😔😞😢😖😭
Shay Haines me to
+Mr Rock Nanners I got it
I never even played this game and I'm sitting here bawling
Booker let himself be stopped from committing his sins.
Elizabeth made amends for her vengeance.
Jack rescued the victims.
Delta chose mercy.
This literally made me cry :')
same my shirt looked like I just got hit by a water baloon :')
out of all of the endings this is the one that made me cry the most:,)
I was crying during this scene. I was feeling with Delta and all the sacrifices he made and at first I thought it was in vain because he was dying. But as a daughter that lost her father...I love to think that my father too stands beside me and guide me/whispers into my ear when I need him. This whole scene had such a personal strong note for me.
I'm crying everytime i see this.... It's just so sad i cannot help but to not cry.... It's just so beautiful. I thank all my friends to have made play such a great game.
Exwelly I'm not dead I just passed out and my little sis take my Adam away so I'm not dead
Delta Subject You are dead.... Taking your adams kills you....
well did you play as me BC when ur dead I can bring back alive with a vita chamber right away :)
Not when they take your adams. Delta is dead and not coming back
Filip Carlsson But his consciousness still lives one in Eleanor.
God. Dem Bioshock Feels. Box of tissues needed
This Bioshock 2 ending made me go on a Depression that lasted a whole month..
*The most heartbreaking ending for a game*
Burial at Sea is worse
For people who think Eleanor killed Delta: she actually take his a bit of genetic information to create him again in surface
Maybe I wouldn't need raputure technology to revive it? just like delta live her.
This ending hits a million times harder if you play the games in chronological order starting from Infinite, even if BioShock 2 doesn't fit Ken Levine's story.
This game will go down as the greatest game in history...
Nah, unfortunately this game goes down as the most underrated game in series and sometimes will be forgotten.
"The Rapture Dream" was a myth. The dream of a better world, a better place, and a better time, is seen through the eyes of the children. Children are the architects of the future.
That's why I love these games. It's a very subtle way to tell us that the greatest legacy a person can have is through their children.
The ending makes me want to cry because of how happy it is. Every time
I'm crying right now.
I understand all too me, this should be held up as Exhibit A for every loudmouth who says how Bioshock 2 is a lesser creation because it wasn't made by Irrational Games.
Azatarot75 wait a minute... are there actually people who believe that bioshock 2 is a lesser creation? that is ridiculous because bioshock 2 was fucking amazing.
sickfunseeker Oh obviously haven't seen some of the comments I have or you would know them as well as I do. Not being made by Irrational Games and/or Ken Levine (who made this game possible, it has to be said) is the main reason why.
sickfunseeker It's pretty widely regarded by critics and fans to be an inferior game. It's no where near as intelligent with the subject matter as the first game, there are large sections of it that drag out, the atmosphere just isn't as good.
I played each game once the whole way through when they came out. I vividly remember Bioshock 1, I could recite the major plot points and layout of each level from memory. Bioshock 2 however I barely remember. I have a vague recollection of fighting some women I didn't care about in a circular lobby of a brothel or something thats about it...forgettable would be the word.
Bioshock 2 was good, but Bioshock 1s story was so rapped up, returning to a world that had been so perfectly portrayed in the first game made the second feel so unnecessary.
Thank you for providing me with the perfect example for sickfunseeker that illustrated my point better than I ever could.
To the above, I have only this to say: So what? I could point out that the intelligence was there and you just missed it or that there was no "brothel" or that 2 made the best argument about the importance of bringing up children in the right way of any game I've ever seen...but I would be wasting my digital breath. You've obviously made up your mind and it's equally obvious that it's as closed as a dedicated in-company server.
I don’t want to forget the moment I played and got this ending. I know this is a videogame, but I really felt emotionally attached to this scene. It made me see that your actions control the future. I bursted into tears while watching this scene.
14 years later and I’m at work and still tearing up 😢
This ending made me cry when i played it
Goated ending. Saving your child and giving her hope for the future is the best ending a parent can ask for.
Delta will live on in a way his memories and thoughts are with her now she'll keep them safe and in a way keep him alive, he did everything he could to make sure her life would go on, now she does the same.
8 years later and I'm still bawling my eyes out god damn
This is how you do a good and bittersweet ending! To bad Ken Levine didn't do the ending for BaS Ep 2 like this, instead he did the bittersweet ending but kept it dark with not one bit of happiness in it.
I always have loved this ending :).
I saved every girl.
After enduring all that, I would have much more preffered to just be left to pass away. Daddy needs his rest
Im very proud of myself of earning this ending in my first and only gameplay
Here tho ;"""""3
I finish the game 2 days ago... and cry a LOT with this end.
This ending might be the one that affected me the most emotionally out of any video game. So sad and beautiful.
A bit of explaining... Delta was already dying from the severed bond, he was holding on through sheer willpower and drive to save Eleanor alone. Which means that in the end, it wasn't some forced bond between Big Daddy and Little Sister, it was a very real, genuine love between Delta and Eleanor that drove his every action. Up to, and including, being willing to sacrifice himself without pause. And it's strongly hinted at that this is the case with ALL the Alpha Series. When they lost their bonded Sisters, they either went violently psychotic and attacked everything around them (why, almost like a vengeful berserk rage after losing a loved one!), walked off into the ocean to quietly die of their severed bond without any attempt to re-bond (like someone giving in into a grief-based suicidal depression), or in one noted case, just collapsed next to a Gatherer's Garden machine (which features a statue of a LITTLE SISTER) and cried uncontrollably until the bond severing killed them (like someone completely breaking down emotionally from grief and becoming unable to function at all).
The explosion in the docking tube severely injured Delta and breached his pressure suit, which caused it to depressurize... normally not a problem since he was adapted both by acclimation AND ADAM splicing for deep ocean pressure. He might have survived the ascent if it had taken place over a couple hours. But he didn't have that time, the ship made the ascent in probably about ten minutes or so, and him without any pressure compensation. Which gave him a catastrophic case of The Bends, rupturing all his blood vessels and doing lethal tissue damage on top of the damage he already sustained from the explosion and the fact his body was shutting down due to the severed bond. At that point, he was already a dead guy walking, and probably only held into a humanoid shape by the suit. He only had a little bit of time left. He chose to spend his last moments of physical mobility, even as his body was slowly exploding fromt he pressure drop, dragging himself to a position where he could see that it wasn't for nothing, Eleanor was okay. Even to the last, Delta was more worried about Eleanor, and not even thinking for a second of himself.
Eleanor, knowing she couldn't save him from death, chose to save him the only way she could. Remember how Gil Alexander was prepared to recieve all of Raptures thoughts and memories through ADAM? Eleanor was prepared the same way, though the process was never completed. She absorbed his ADAM while he was dying, and in so doing, transferred his consciousness and memories through into herself. His body died, but Delta himself is very much alive in Eleanor. He will forever be the angel sitting on her shoulder and helping her decide what the right thing to do is, protecting her from within, and will never be parted from her again. For him, I suppose that's paradise, because that's all he ever wanted.
It's curious that Sofia was so obsessed with selflessness, but chased it in a selfish way. If she had only opened her eyes, she would have seen that Delta, and all his kind, were truly selfless. No name. No past. And no desires except to protect another that he loved. He loved. He forgave. He showed mercy. He saved who he could, when he could. He took on an entire city of murderous psychopaths, and he did it all for the sake of another, not any sake of his own. And he was no programmed machine like later Big Daddies, he was doing it all by choice. He was the living avatar of the very Utopian Ideal that Sofia Lamb had been chasing her entire life.
And she was too obsessed with reaching her ideal HER WAY to realize it had already been reached in the very person she was so angry had 'interfered' with HER plans to create a Utopian. Ultimately, her own selfishness undermined everything she stood for and ruined all her plans, because she absolutely couldn't accept it had not been reached BY HER. To obsessed with how HER PLANS to make Eleanor into the perfect Utopian, which would have failed, were thrown off by his presence to realize that he was actually shaping Eleanor into the very person she wanted her to be in the first place.
this is my favorite ending... *sniff* it still makes me cry.
(everyone gives strange looks)
what? * sniff* just because I'm a guy doesn't mean i can't get emotional.
Just finished bioshock 2 remastered
I am truly glad I got this pure ending
Worthy of the game
This game made me cry so many times this part was especially heart touching
That violin makes my tears jump out of my eyes
am trying not to cry
I'm trying to cry
The voice of Eleanor is really beautiful, along with the strings.
This and The Darkness 2 have the most beautiful endings in video gaming period so many emotions and such beauty!
Bioshock 1's good ending made me happy, but it wasn't overly emotional. It was still beautiful seeing the girls grow up and be with Jack in his last moments before he passed away to old age.
Bioshock 2's good ending made me sob. With Eleanor taking Delta's conscience with her after teaching her how to do good, it definitely touched my heart. But when all the little sisters showed up, all the girls I saved in my playthrough, I broke down crying. It was one of the most beautiful moments I have experienced in recent memory.
It sucks that I will never get to experience these games blind again.
i got this ending in my first playthrough im proud of me self
Delta: Don't touch me with your devil needle, I WANT TO LIVE!!!
Took me so long to get all of the endings but it was worth it
Bioshock 1 GEnding:Jack saves the little sisters, gives them a life he shouldve had but the sisters deserved. he dies in bed with his daughters with him
Bioshock 2 Gending: Delta dies but lives on in Eleanor, who in turn finally ends the cycle of pain of Rapture
Infinite Ending:Depressing as all hell, choices dont matter, but there is SOME hope that Anna and Booker had a happy ending.
BaS Ending: We see Elizabeth do something her father couldnt do. Face her guilt, and try and make things right. She started the fall of rapture, but in doing so saved it. She died happy knowing this, that Sally would have a life that Elizabeth(and Jack) Shouldve had. And that Eleanor would finally end the cycle of pain.
Such a beautifully written story.
This is probably the sweetest ending of any game I have played in a long time
Took me a while to realize that Persephone falling dragged down Fontaine Futuristics with it and possibly the hidden lab too. Wiping out the source of the ADAM plague
was anyone else taking a massive dump while watching it??
Sweet mother of science I don't play bio shock no more so STFU darude sandstorm
You ruined my mood!!, i was sad!
Transistor Express I was
How did I cry more at this then when I saw it after finishing the game.
I just finished the game, and got this ending. Im crying. Someone halp ;-;
You're not crying. I'm crying. Add me on Instagram @dylakaies and we can talk about the game! :)
@@NuclearWaist im not alowed to have instagram, snapchat, facebook, ect.
This ending made me cry when I was like 8 and I a still get teary eyed when seeing it
this is the part where real men cried
Delta doing what Booker can't.
just watching this almost made me tear up. Can't wait to earn the ending for myself.
Doing it on hard is very difficult But it is So worth it
That music score really sells the sentiment of this scene. Great job!
Fuck that game it made me cry so hard
its been so long since I lived this for the first time and its still one of my absolute favorite moments in media of all time, thank you BS2 I will never forget you
heartbreaking and beautiful music :(((
To think bioshock was just a game about one hell of a custody battle
I still say this game is the best of the 3, especially with the Minerva's Den DLC
I seem to never have the will to ever take the bad ending on both Bioshock 1&2. Replayed this on Xbox one remastered collection and damn I remember again how much it likes to hit you straight in the feels. I like how Eleanor was monitoring your every action throughout the storyline and she learns from every little sister you save and every optional life you choose to spare. I love this ending.